The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, November 04, 1918, Image 4
FEATTSMOUTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL. MONDAY, NOVEMBER 4TH, 1918. Cbe plattsmouth journal PUBLISHED SEMI-WEEKLY AT PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA Kntercd at Postoffice, Plattsmouth, Neb., as second-class mall matter R. A. BATES, Publisher SUBSCRIPTION PRICE $2.00 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE Democratic Ticket Tor State Senator, 2nd District. JAS. P. BAKER. For State Representative, 7th Dist. JOHN MURTEY. For State Representative, 8th Dist. L. G. TODD. For County Clerk. FRANK J. LIBERS HAL. For County Register of Deeds. A. J. SNYDER. For County Treasurer. MIKE TRITSCH. For County Sheriff. W. M. BARCLAY. For County Commissioner, 2nd Dist. WM. J. STOHLMAN. For County Commissioner, 3rd Dist. J. H. FOREMAN. WILSON AND THE JUNKERS. Major General Sir Fredcr'ck Maurice discovers a "ring of sin cerity about the last message signed by Dr. Solf which has been lacking in all the earlier proposals from Germany." American public opinion would do well to accept the truth of this statement and to ponder its consequences. Doubtless an infusion of maneuver tdill pervades the Solf note, but when a government begins to maneuver with the kind of pawns which the German government is now using, its enemies would do well not to treat the operations lighfy. The note is a clear and humiliating confession of defeat and tupabilify to which no govern ment would for a moment consent unless it considers its own life and that of the nation at Make. The Ger man nation has stripped itself of all its pride and in effect prostrated it-i-elf on the ground before its con querors. It has done so because, af ter the arrogant and predatory na ture of its political policy before and during the war. it could not recover its morale unless it confessed in pub lic that it was beaten and that it de served to be beaten. The German army can still fight, but it cannot tight unless its leaders tan succeed in substituting a de fensive morale for its former lust of power and conquest. Its rulers are submitting to these voluntary hum iliations in the expectation either of obtaining a tolerable peace or, fail ing that, of securing an intense and universal popular determination among the German peope to fight un til the end in order to save their nation from being exterminated. If they can succeed in securing this feeling, their peace offensive will have been successful. They will have perpetuated their own power by proving to the German people that only military leadership per tisted in at all costs can protect Ger man national safety and enable it to survive. It is this new lease of power which President Wilson, hampered though lie is by the way in which the American press and many Amer ican citizens misunderstand him, is laboring to prevent the junkers from getting. The New Republic. :o: DEVASTATION AS A PEACE. MEASURE Tho flame3 of Cambrai, sacked and burned by the retreating Ger mans, are about the only illumina tion the American peope require for Stat of Ohio. City of Toledo. Lucas County, ss. Frank J. Cheney makea oath that h Is senior partner of the firm of F. J. Cheney & Co.. doing business In the City of Toledo. County and State aforesaid, and that said firm will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each nnd every case of Catarrh that cannot be J-uYed by the use of HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE. FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before rr.e and subscribed In nrp-nce. this 6th day of December, AyD im. A. W. GLEASON. Seal) Notary Public iiaJls Catarrh Medicine Is taken In ternally and acts through the Blood on the Mucous Surfaces of the System. Send tor teitimonialsgee q rFiirJrconsUpaUon. an intelligent reading of the Ger man proposals of peace, and Frince Max's speech in the Reichstag as to the remaking of the German soul. The attitude of the Kaiser and his hordes of brigands Is morally the same as that of the wretches who shout, "Kamerad!" and then shoot in the back the French and British soldiers to whom they have surrend ered. With one arm raised in sup plication for peace, Germany con tinues with the other hand the scr ies of inhuman outrages which have already rendered her infamous for so long as history shall be read. Apparently the game is one of terrorism. We have the expanation attributed to a high officer in the German army, in this morning's newspapers, that the wanton de struction of towns and cities is necessary because it is the only way to stay the Allies' advance. This is a larger development of the das tardly crime of placing French and Belgian women and non-combatants in front of German troops as a pro tection against the fire of their own countrymen. Rut it is onlv one more proof of the German inability to comprehend the higher type of mind. Of course the Allies will not be stayed by this terrible sacrifice imposed on them. Rather will they see the entire occupied region laid waste than that Germany shall pur chase immunity for her past crimes at the price of refraining from new ones. Rut, assuredly, the time has come when some steps should be taken to stop this latest access of savagery. To President Wilson's fourteen condi tions of peace should be added one providing for penalty and compensa tion for wanton non-military de vastation. The assessment of the material loss upon German cities and towns is a wholly sane and conserv ative proposition. There will be no wanton destruction of property, but the burden of restoration shall be transferred from the unhappy vic tims to the brothers and sisters of the perpetrators of the outrages. moral participants in the crime. Let them be stripped at once of all that may be useful to make good the damage now being spread broadcast and let their future and not the fu ture of Frenchmen and Belgians be mortgaged to provide that part of the restitution which can only take the form of money payment. :o: WHY I LIKE KEITH NEVILLE. I like Keith Neville because he is human, because, though rich, he does not flaunt his riches. I like him because his neighbors like him. They say he is a true friend, a loyal citizen. I like him because he has put aside his own opinions on different questions and tried to do the will of the people. He was not in favor of prohibi tion, but pledged himself to the en forcement of prohibition in case he was elected and the people voted for it. He has kept that promise. I like him because he is neither foppish nor prudish, but a clean cut business man. I like him because he has shown himself an American in all ways. I like him best because he had the sense to select as his wife a lady whoso beauty is not her greatest charm. Like her husband she has sense. I admire them both because to gether they are rearing a family of bright, intelligent children and are plainly proud of them. Two years ago I did not vote for Keith Neville for governor. I also liked Judge Sutton. He was a re publican and was In favor of state wide prohibition. So was I. My support of Judge Sutton did not keep me from hanging on the walls of my office a picture of the gover nor and his interesting family, ad miration of which I shared with my guests. Since then I have watched his course critically and have come to admire him more. Stanton Reg ister, Rep. :o: TIES THAT BIND. ( In the S. O. S. as well as at the front, the American soldier is light ing for his country's cause in one way which Is apt to be overlooked. He is making friends with men who come from China, Africa, India, Russia and Austria, and the friend ships of this chaotic war-time are going to count in the relations be tween nations when the war has been won. The doughboy is destroying for ever the myth of a blustering. monev-crabbing. hypocritical na tion that the people of many lands had been told lay to the west of the Atlantic. In France the Americans are meeting thousands of I hinese, wholly different in features, color and costumes, young men of good physique, some of them highly edu cated in their own country. Their presence here is a sign of an awak ened Asia that is not going back to sleep. Behind the mask of uncom- prehended language, the Chinese soldier is a shrewM observer, sensi tive to impressions. In some places the Americans are meeting soldiers of India, tall. straightlimbed men of natural dig nity who have with them the tradi tions of a lasting civilization that from all signs is approaching under the empire a new period of great ness. There are other strangers here, too, who will not be so hard to understand Australians and New Zealandcrs, and the Italians. al ready close to American hearts and ideals through tics of blood. Wo are making friends of them all. We want to understand them just as we want to be friends of France and England. Stars and St r pes, France. :o: ASSAULTS ON THE PRESIDENT. The government of the United States, as that of every free govern ment, is one of parties. There is in the legislative body always a ma jority and a minority, or as it i frequently called, the government and the opposition. In the United States the president is the recogniz ed head of his party. In all the years of the history of this govern ment, no one has ever before de nied the right of the president to speak for his party or questioned the propriety of his doing so until now. Kvcry president has done it, either in formal communications or in letters intended for the public. All at once the republican leaders have furiously attacked that right, and it is reported, although the evidence is not very convincing, that some voters, who have hereto fore indorsed the conduct of the war by the" president, so disapprove of that act that they are going to vote for men who have opposed the president and the war from the be ginning. The president has written various letters denouncing members of his own party for their opposition. The republicans never objected to that, but now that, he has said, although fully acknowledging the support some members of the republican party have given the war, that he desires a party majority in congress upon which he could rely, he is de nounced with the utmost bitterness. Was there ever a republican presi dent that did not stand by his party and express his desire for a party majority in congress? When it is soberly considered, this outcry will appear to every reasonable man as simply ridiculous. World-Herald. :o: W. A. ROBERTSON, Lawyer. East of Riley Hotel. Coates Block, Second Flcor. FROM FRANCE. From Thursday's Daily. In a letter recently from Sergeant Carl Dalton, he says, "Tell the folks in Plattsmouth who really want to help the fellows in the Front Lines to help the Salvation Army. Bas ing the work they do, on the money they solicit, and what they get in their money drives, and comparing their work and the conditions under which they work with that of other organizations, the Salvation Army surpasses any I've seen yet. I'll leave it to any man in the A. E. F who has been in the Front Line to back me in this statement, that while the Y. M. C. A. and the Red Cross are good, give the boys chance at the Salvation Army hut and they'll get better service for less money and without the feeling that they are asking a great big favor. Nolly is with us and keeps track of our deepest dugouts so when we want to find anyone we hunt him. All the Plattsmouth fellows who came over with us are still here and a bunch I'lattsmouth can well bo proud of." He tells of going over the top; of taking prisoners, of the souvenirs he has collected, such as belts, pipes, helmets, etc.; and of having the big shells land within feet of him and mentions the l.r,000 prisoners Fritz left behind him in his orderly (?) retreat. Sgt. D.ilton has been in France for over 4 months and has spent the reater part of this time in the trenches. It is thought that he is in the Toul sector. DEPARTED LAST EVENING. From Thursday's Daily. Fred Dawson lft last evening for Maryland and after a furlough of fifteen days.- He will go by the way of Washington, 1). C. Fred is engaged in the work of testing flie powder. Soon after he entered tin? service the government recog nised his ability as a chemist and s it always tries to do, put him in the place where ho oculd do the nost good. While here he made a b.ort address to the IHg'r School, be fore it. closed, on the explosives which he lias been testing. Where be i- stationed they are engaged in the manufacture of pyroccdodene which is a very high powdered ex- )!csive. He says that it is one of the strongest in the world but re tires for that very reason the most reful watching. RETURNS FROM THE EAST. Ym TYIday's Daily. Ijast. ' evening Attorney I. O. )wyer returned from the east where i has been for the last week at Detroit, Michigan, caljed by the lejith of his mother, which occurred .lbont a week since. Mr. Dwyer s irthcr was well advanced in years, id had been in ill health for some mo. Mr. Dwyer has been to visit iih the aged mother some two or hree weeks before she was called way, and had a very nice visit ith the mother, other than she was in such poor health. The mat er of having had an opportunity to sit with the mother is a bright pot with Mr. Dwyer, and he was leased that lie could have had the xd visit with her. The remains f the dear one was laid to rest there last Monday, and Mr. Dwyer Maying to look after some business f the family there. About Croup. If your children art subject to roup, or if you have reason to fear heir being attacked by that dis use, you should procure a mime oi 'hamberlain's Cough Remedy and tudy the directions for use, so that in case of an attack you will know xactly what course to pursue. This s a favorite and very successful emedy for croup, and it is import- :nt that you observe the directions arefully. If you want to help win tho war buy a Liberty Bond and do it troav HUFFED UP WIH "A BAD COLD? Get busy v7ith n. bottto oi Dr. Kind's New Discovery at once Coughs, cnc3 and brrnch7.1 attacks they arc all lil J to : nvii t i n rintcr Cu3 aftermaths unless checked in tirr?. And bow effectively and quicl.l Dr. lira's New Discovery helps to d.- t! (5 n'-'nibranrs arc toot'-e':, the rr.'-'crjs . All drursist-have it. Soli since W Constipation TTo more Hzv 'rowel j, yellovr c-im-,. pbr.tiou, s'e'e T.cadacr.e, indigestion, cmbrnsMn? breath, v. hen you use as a rorrectiv'a Pr. Kirk's New Life Pii'.s. They svst?matize the system tad Uep he world loukiag cheerful. m m i fc fi 1 j will iPANISH INFLUENZA STRIKES SUDDENLY PNEUMONIA OFTEN RESULTS VICTIMS SEIZED WITHOUT WARNING MAKING .PRE CAUTION DOUBLY NECESSARY. Mu h of i no difficulty experienced yliealth authorities in checking the spread of the Spanish Influenza lies in the fact that it strikes its victim without warning. Although State and Federal au thorities are taking every possible precaution in their effort to stop the spread of the epidemic, the disease in many sections of the country has gotten entirely beyond control and is claiming its victims by the thou a nds. It is universally agreed by all well informed persons hat the sur est preventative is to get the sys tem in the best possible physical condition in order to he able to throw off the infection. As has been previously stated it is possible to perfect the powers of resistance of tho human system so that it can throw off any infection, not except ing Spanish Influenza, which is one of the most contagious diseases known. Medical authorities agree that people who are weak and run-down are the earliest victims of the In fluenza epidemic. If you find your self weak or losing flesh, or if you are in a generally run-down condi tion, you are really in great danger if you should come in contact with the Influenza germ. As a powerful reconstruct ive tonic and system builder, Tanlac is with out, equal. This is a statement of facts and is fully supported by recognized authorities. According to all accepted reference works, in cluding the United States Dispensa tory, Encyclopedia Britannica and lending text books used in the school of nifdicine, the principle ingred ients oC Tanlac possesses the most valuable tonic properties known to science. This statement is further pfoven by the fact that millions of persons who have actually taken Taeniae have testified to Its extra ordinary merit as a medicine. Tanlac restores health and strength to the. weak and run-down system by enabling every organ of the body to perform its proper func tion in nature's own way. It creates a healthy appetite for good nourish ing food, and is an ideal strengthen ing tonic for persons who are in a run-down condition and who are suffering from the after-effects of Irjfluenza, Grippe or Bronchial troubles. ! !"Tanlac is sold in Plattsmouth by F.' G. Fricke & Co., in Alvo by Alvo Drug Co., in Avoca by O. E. Copes, immmmmiiiK i it ii i nil v i W 3 3 3 3 Lib POLARINE PUTS "PEP" IN THE GETAWAY.. BJVEN in zero weather, keep your car in of condition. Full power and speed await the throttle, if Polarine is lim bering up your motor. Polarine maintains full lubrication in winter it doesn't congeal in the crank case nor clog up cylinders. A clean-burning, non-carbonizing lubricant, produced at zero temperature for perfect cold weather lubrication. Yet it with stands intense engine heat without running thin or breaking up. The sign tells where. Red Crown Gasoline insures greatest winter mileage and power. Try it. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (NEBRASKA) if a MOTOfc OILS fTAJfBABB Oft COM9AKY n g cf JH-Jg'a p in South Bend by E. Sturzenesger, in Greenwood by E. F. Smith, in Weeping Water by Meier Drug Co., in Elm wood by Li. A. Tyson, in Mur dock by 11. V. McDonald and in Eagle, by F. W. IJloouienkamp." l.KUAI, NOTICE. " !- to Non-lleMiile-tit llrfeadnntti, llielr llelr.x. l,-BlreH, I)v lr- Konnl ICeprcMrnlati veM anil all I'er- komm liilrncl in their Katate, or ..their SiKM-ewMorMi To tlie unknown Tieirs, devisees, lepr ;ittes, personal representatives and all other persons interested in the estate of tjeorpre H. Harding, deceased; Wil liam II. Price. Wm. M. Price. Albert Kelley, executors of tlic last will and testan.ent of George K. Harding, de ceased, if living, if deceased, the un known heirs, devisees, legatees, per sonal representatives and all other per sons interested in the estate of each of them respectively or their succes sors. You and each of you are hereby no tified that William F. Schliefert, as plaintiff, on the 1'lst day of Septem l.r, 1!1S. filed his petition in the Dis trict Court of Cass County, Nebraska, wherein you and each of you are de fendants, the object and prayer of which petition are that you and each of yon. and all persons claiming by, through or under you adversely to plaintiff, be adjudged to have no inter est, right, estate or lien in or to: Th3 Northwest Quarter of Section Seventeen (17), Township Eleven (11) i:ange Eleven (11), Cass County, Ne braska. Or anv part or portion thereof, and that the plaintiff, William F. Schlie fert, together with his grantors be ad judged to have been in the adverse possession of said land for more than ten years last past, and that the legal title thereto has become fully vested in William V. Sehliefert, notwithstand ing the claims of you and each of you, or anyone claiming by, through or un der you, and that the title to said land b forever quieted in the said William F. Schliefert, as against you and each of you. nnd that each and all of said defendants named, and those, whose names are unknown and net stated, be forever barred from claiming or asserting any right, title, interest or estate in and to said real estate, or any part thereof, and for such other anl further relief as to the court may seem just and equitable You and each of you are further notified you are required to answer said ietition on or before Monday, the :'nd day of December, 1918. WIT-I,IAM F. SCI1LIKFEKT, C. A. ItAWLS. Plaintiff. Attorney. 10-14-4W. :o: l,k;m. j otic:. NOTICE TO NON-BESIDENT DE FENDANT. HIS IIE1US. LEO AT EES, DEVISEES, PERSONAL Ii EPItESENT ATIVES, AND ALL PERSONS INTER ESTED IN HIS ESTATE, OR HIS SUC CESSORS. To 10. V. Ileimberger. first real name unknown, if living, if deceased, the unknown heirs, devisees, legatees, per sonal representatives, and all other persons interested In his estate. You and eacli of you are hereby notified that on the ISth day of October 1918. there was a petition filed in the District Court of Cass County, Nebnas ka. in which Joseph Warga was plain tiff, and E. V. Ileimberger. first real name unknown, if living, if deceased, the unknown heirs, devisees, legatees, personal representatives and all other persons Interested in his estate, to gether with others, were defendants. Tho object and prayer of which peti tion is to quiet the title in the plain tiff Joseph Warga, to Lots five (5) six (6) seven (7) and eight (8) In Block tliir-ty-seven (37) in Young & Hay's Ad dition to the City of Plattsmouth. Cass County, Nebraska, becatise said plaintiff has had the actual, open, notorious, exclusive, and adverse possession thereof, and every parcel and portion thereof for more than ten years last past prior to the commencement of said action and for equitable relief. You and each of you are further notified that you are required to ans wer said petition on or before Mon day the 16th day of December 1918. . JOSEPH WARGA. C. A. RAWLS, Plaintiff. Attorney. 28-4wks. For Sale Barred Rock Cockerels, $1.50 each. Mrs. C. F. DeJung. o M Polarine the pink OMAHA i.i:;i, mitick. To all I'rrMoiiM Inlrrmteil In the I-tntr- of Atlanta J. t'ahlr, Innane, now l"-'-aied : You are hereby notified that David J. Pitman, guardian of Atlanta .1. Cab le during her lifetime, lias filed his final report, and petition, asking for the approval of his said report and his discharge as guardian. You are notified that a hearing will be had on said petition and final re port on the 12th dav of November, 1918. at ten o'clock A, M., at the office of the County Judge, in the court house, I'lattsmouth, Cass County, Ne braska. All objections therto must be on file before said date. By the Court, ALLEN J. BEESON. 10-21-Sw County Judge. AOTICK TO ITifCDITORS State of Nebraska, County of Cass, ss. In the County Court. In the Matter of the Estate of William K. Fox, Deceased: To the Creditors of Said Estate: You are hereby notified that I will sit at the County Court room in the City of Plattsmouth, in said county, on th lSth day of November, 1918, at JO o'clock A. M.. and on the 20th day of February 1919. at 10 o'clock A. M.. to receive and examine all claims against said estate with a view to their adjustment and allowance. The time limited for the presentation of claims against said estate is three months from the 19th day of November, A. D.. 1918. and the time limited for payment of debts Is one year from said 19tli day of November, 1918. Witness my hand and seal of said County Court, this 18th day of Octo ber. iai8. ALLEN J. BEESON. Seal. County Judge. By Florence White, Clerk. 10-34w LKUAIi MOTICK. TO RICHARD CONWAY OLDHAM AND WIFE ELM A OLDHAM: LAEFN A CONNELLY: JOHN J. OLDHAM AND WIFE ROSE OLDHAM: JESSIE D. SNYDER AND HUSBAND HENRY SNYDER: AND MARY L. CRAIG. DE FENDANTS. You will take notice that on the 2llli day of October 1918, Fav Oldham, plaintiff herein, filed her petition in the District Court of Cass County. r braska. against you and Cuzza J. Bak er, Pauline Oldham. Ellison L Oldham and wife Maud Oldham: James W. Oldham and wife Effie Oldham; Vera H. Oldham, Polly Young and husband Homer Young, the object and prayer of which are to partition between plaintiff yourselves and the above nam ed defendants, tho following described real estate, to wit: The West half of the Northwest Quarter of Section thirty 30: th West half of the Southwest Quarter of Section thirty (30: and Lot two (2) In the Southwest Quarter of the Souihwest Quarter of Section nineteen 19) all in Township eleven (11) Range fourteen (14) Cass County, Nebraska. You are required to answer said pe tition on or before the 16th day of December 1918. FAY OLDHAM. C. A. RAWLS. Plaintiff. Attorney. 28-4wks. m:(;l notice. The State of Nebraska, Cass County, ss. In the County Court. In tfie Matter of the Estate of John Micin, Deceased. On reading and filing the petition of Mary Micin praying that Administra tion of said Estate may be granted to John M. Meisinger as Administrator. Ordered. That November 19th, A. D. 1918, at Ten o'clock A. M. is assigned for hearing said petition, when all persons Interested in said matter tnav appear at a County Court to ba held in and for said County, and show j cause why the prayer of petitioner j should not be granted: and that no- j tlce of the pendency of said petition and the hearing thereof be given toj all persons interested In said matter I by publishing a copy of this order in I the Plattsmouth Journal, a semi4week ly newspaper printed in said tJountv, . for three successive weeks, prior to I said day of hearing. Dated this 21st day of October, A. D. 1918. ALLEN J. .'HKEfJON, (Seal) County Judge. I Tou know you will HnO a. com plete line of flags at the Journal of fice. We have Juet received a nej minimum vfl III 111 Ml III 1 III t ri iiiiiii ii iiiiiii in Ff 1 supply. ; ' ! i