3I05EAY. SOVZHBER 4TH. 191S. PLATTSMOUTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL. PAGE 3. RF fsYfl TP DL LUifiL u IN A TIME OF CRISIS BE ABSO LUTELY LOYAL TO THE COUN TRY WHICH PROTECTS YOU. Just at this time we are in the no-t critical period of the history of the World's War. All of the Americans, irrespective of party should be Loyal to their country, and require that in the settlement of the peace terms, that the element which has caused the discord, shall he made to "Fnconditional Sur render", that a peace shall be made, only when it guarantees the safety which have been put forth, for the censumation of the end of justice, for all the peoples of the world. I also desire to extend my thanks to all who have been in their friend ship, in any way instrumental in the furthering of my candidacy, to the position of county judge, for what they have done, for what they are doing, and what they shall do. In this connection I wish to say, I do net desire this or any" other posi tion within the gift of the people for a continued period of years. Two consecutive terms in anv office is of the rights and liberties cf the ' enough," and the seeking and work v.orld. Should the war close just I ing for a position for a longer period now which we hope will than re- of years, savors not of Democratic or mrJzi an enormous amount of work i Republican views but of life tenure to be dene, and i; will require the j and hereditary office hiding. We : aerifies of all to adjust the affairs j are fighting a war for democracy. of all countries aripht. It will take j in the old world, why not practice i:i-n and money. Let us with a true Americanism meet these re quirements. I v ih to make known riy appreciation for all the efforts it at home, their loval Again thanking all for support. I am. ' M. S. BRIGGS. Candidate For County Judge. SHORT STATE NOTES News of Nebraska Toid In Condensed Form 1,'OTICE OF ADMINIS TRATOR'S SALE In the District Court of Cass Coun ty, Nebraska. In the Matter of the Estate of William A. Kdniisten. Deceased. Notice is hereby given that, in pursuance of an order of the Hon orable James T. Begley, judge of the District Court of Cass County. Nebraska, made on the 7th day of September, If IS, for the sale of the real estate hereinafter describ ed, there will be sold at public ven due to the highest bidder for cash at the front door of the Rank of Un i'.n, in the Village of Union, in said County, on the 7th day of December, 1!1S, at 11:015 o'clock A. M.. the following described real estate, to wit: t lie of the N'K 1 of Sec. "l Tun 1ft Tf" 1 J ninl 1ft -if-r.-.j ab.ng the west side of the NW'i of j th- NW', of Sec. 2. Twp. 10. Rge. j I I. all in Cass county, Nebraska; j also Lots 2 and in RIock 3. in he vilhme of I'nion, Cass county. Ne- hraska. Said sale will remain open i cue hour. . Dated this 4th day cf November, 1 ! 1 S. DAN LYNN. Administrator of the Estate of Wil liam A. Edniisten, deceased. CI! AS. L. GRAVES, A. L. TIDD. Attorneys. 4-owks. fstrator of the estate of William Stotkr, deceased, are defendants, I will on the 9th day of December 191S, at one o'clock in the afternoon of said day at the South front door of the Court House in Plattsmouth, Cass County, Nebraska, offer for sale at public vendue to the highest bid der the following described real estate situated in Cass County, State of Nebraska, to wit: The East thirty-five (33) acres of the Northeast Quarter of the South east Quarter of Section nineteen (19) Township ten (10) Range fourteen (14) East 6th P. M. Cass County, Nebraska. The terms of said sale being Five Hundred ($f00) Dollars on the day of sale, and the balance of the pur chase price on the day said sale is confirmed by the District Court of Cass County, Nebraska. Said sale will remain open for one hours. CHARLES E. MARTIN, C. A. RAWLS. Referee. Attorney. 4-30t By a vote of 52 to 2 citizens of the Ilolmoville school district rejected a $.". 0 school bond proposition. Arrangements are complete to raise Nebraska's quota of $-UMMiO In the united war work campaign Nov. 11-18. While excavating lor a cesspool rear Rlverton, workmen discovered oil in what promises to be paying Quan tities. Figures compiled at state headquar ters at Omaha show that Nebraska's oversubscription to the Fourth Liberty loan will be more than $1,000,000. Potato erop failures at nil but two of the state institutions will compel the State- Hoard of Coutrol to buy uboiit U.O00 bushels of spuds to supply the different institutions. The r.npual convention of the State Teachers association, which was scheduled to be held at Omaha. Nov. (: to S, has been postponed on account of the ii-tluonza epidemic. It is not an uncommon sight to see A company has been formed, a frilling outfit is already on the ground ;;nd plans are being made to drill for oil at Rlverton. An organization of potato growers lias been formed In Scottsbluff count. The crop in the county is exceprion- iilly good this year. One man was killed and four Injur ed when a switch engine kicked into a box car from which section workers were unloading ties, In the U. P. yards t Fremont. C. F. Chapman, superintendent of the Lincoln board of health, predicts that the "flu" epidemic in Nebraska will not be over until the middle of November. Three telephone companies in Ne braska, the Palisade, Thedford and Union Valley, have petitioned the State Railway commission for permis sion to increase their rates. Sheridan county oversubscribed her quota of the Fourth Liberty loan more than Sl'OO.OOO. The county's quota was $."23,000. Subscriptions totalled ?72.". LK.O. This is about $75 for evury man. woman and child In the county. Scootts Bluff county won first prize for the best county exhibit, best col lection of cereals, and best collection of fruit and vegetables shown by a county at the International Soil Prod ucts Exhibition at Kansas City. The Dodge County War Service an aeroplane soaring over Omaha nowadavs. since flying machines have I league, organized for the purpose of been added to the Fort Omaha bal- I raising and distributing all war funds loon school for observation work. I with the exception of Liberty loans ' Nearly 1,(HX) persons attended the I will start a drive on November 12 to ledicatorv services of the 'new Meth-I rtiie $130,000, which is expected to adist church at Cortland. The church I last a year, was erected at a cost of $23,000 and It Definite announcement has been ivus dedicated free of indebtedness. made from official sources that Onmlm Tnhil nvnenses for running the state will be a hfsrhlv Important division of Nebraska for the third quarter of I point on the Woodrow Wilson airway NOTICE OF REFEREE'S SALE. Notice i. hereby given that pur Fiiant to an order of sale issued to tn? by the District Court of Cass County. Nebraska, on the 4th day of November 191 S, In an action pending in said court in which Carey L. Stotler, was plaintiff and Loren R. Stotler, Sarah Irey, Eden Ircy. George Stotler. Nettie Stotler, Walter Stotler, Ella Wayant, Clar ence Wayant. Mabel Speakmah. H.trry Speakman, Mary Pope. Joseph Pope, David Stotler. if living, if de ceased, his unknown heirs, devisees, legatees. personal repre; entatives ::nd all other persons interested in bis estate; J. F. Clugey, as admin- Smith Hide Co.. Market Square, St. Joseph. Mo., are paying 19c lb. for No. 1. salt cured hides. Horse hides $3.00 to $7.00 each. Write for free shipping tags and fur price. 4-tf Mrs. R. H. Newell arrived in the city this morning for a short visit at the home of her parents V. M. Mul li.s and other friends. Mrs. II. J. Streight left this after noon for Omaha, where she wil spend a few days' visiting with her daughter. Mrs. N. J. Spreacher, Mrs. L. C. Sprecher and Miss Jessie Spreacher were among those who spent the day in Omaha going up on the after noon train. Father Leete. accompanied by his mother left for Omaha where he will visit over the week end. Mrs. John Brady departed this morning for Watson. Mo., where she will visit for some time with his daughter Mrs. p. II. Bayliss and family. this year amounted to $2.1"9.lo."S. Nearly $l.H'rfJ.OOO more than was ex pended during the second quarter. Coming Just before the general elec tion the state-wide quarantine against the "flu" puts a ban on all campaign tours and speeches and gives Ne braska the novelty of a campaign minus the oratory. Nebraska soldiers who become In line In service will be cared for at the three state asylums, the state board of control has decided. Sixteen 'soldiers have been received at these nstltutlons In the last six weeks. The state convention of the Nebras ka Federation of Women's Clubs will he held at Lincoln. Nov. 19-22. The convention was to have been held at Fairburv. but was called off on ac- L-ouirt of the Influenza situation. The Fort Omaha balloon school is to he enlarged to about three times Its present size. The number of men to bo trained at the school Is expected to l. more than doubled. There are nbout fi.000 men at the fort now. Potato prices In Nebraska, fixed by Federal Food Administrator Wattles r.re: Best No. 1 reds. 2 cents. Best No. 1 whites, cents. Pest No. 2. 2 cents. The previous maximum r.rice was 34 cents a pound. The new nrices were made following an Investigation 'into the supply. During October NebrasKan ued 2.r.IS.4."0 pounds of sugar for house bold purposes. With Nebraska's population estimated at 1,300,000. the Male just got under the two-pound al lot ment. it being the first time since Fugm certificates were issued that the people lived within the required quota for a single month. The State Council of Defense has net aside November 14 as registration rtav for all boys who have attained which will be maintained for air mail services and other government pur poses after the war. The State Railway coinmissb j has granted the Lincoln Telephone am! Telegraph company authority to in crease telephone toll rates 2." p-r cent and telephone rentals approxi mately 10 per cent. The increases af fect 00 cities and towns in the state. Mills may sell a year's supply or" Hour to the consumer now rather th:n n sixty-day supply, according to a rui ing made by the state food adminis tration. Mills also are allowed to ex change with farmers a twelve-month supply of flour for home grown wh. at. More than 7.".OitO acres of govern ment bind in Nebraska, under t!i" Lane bill now before congress will be turned over fo maimed soldiers, ac cording to estimates made by Oi:i::ii:i railroad colonization experts. The bl!i irovide for a house, barn and fence 'or each soldlej Distribution of the 101S honn food ards for Nebraska has been posipo'v d by State Food Director Wattles un Ml December 1. owing to the Inflin r.vn pideink. In Nebraska "2."i.OOO cards vlll be distributed by school children I'nion Pacific crop exjxTts vay Nj- raska winter wheat acreage will b !0 per cent greater than last year ind the quality of the product will be letter. Arnold Martin of Du Bois, who has iwmif national)' famous through his access in farming a 20-acre tract li; i 'aw nee county, added another laurel o bis crown when be won the sweep takes prize for states at the Interna lonal Soil Products exposition In vansas City. To win Ibe trophy he lad to compete with the states of vansas, Missouri, Texas. Minnesota, outh Dakota and Florida and two POWER BEHIND THE THROTTLE WHEN you open the throttle you'll feel that quick, power ful throb that indicates cl.ean, full strength gas if Red Grown Gas oline is feeding your motor. Red Crown is straight-distilledgas, that vaporizes readily at low tem peratures, and always burns clean ly. It's all gas. That means more miles, fewer carburetor adjust ments. Look for the Red Crown Sign. Polarine 1S a co,d"Prof lubri- & cant that keeps cyl inders clean and compression tight. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (NEBRASKA) OMAHA ps u a t: u y w RED CROW I RED 6ASGZJNB jj.a n n ra p. g i t ASOLINE the age of 15 years 7 months and up I Canadian provinces. S DISPERSION SALE OF PUSES' to IS years. The registration consti tutes membership In the U. S. Boys Working Reserve. The two general classes into which this reserve will be divided is Industrial and agricultural. The annual report Just issued by Governor Neville has colled upon Director General McAdoo and Food dministrator Hoover to raise the irain embargo at the Omaha terminal. hat has placed Nebraska farmers V.t he mercy of grain speculators." Tbe mm type 6 big stretchey bears that are heavy boned, good footed and smooth. 8 rangy, roomy, Spring gilts, the kind that will make real brood sows. 8 May giits that will grow big for they are bred big. 12 big-boned, deep-bodied Fall gilts; 10 that farrowed litter this fall; 6 tried sows that are the prolific kind; they farrowed 63 pigs last Spring. Fall pigs of both sex. PACSFiC junction; Saturday, November 9th J Pt:ite Superintendent Clemmons shows I "ederal food administration Is also that during the prist two years fofty- two rural consolidated schools have been established in Nebraska, where children can get a high school educa tion without leaving tbe farm. The report shows that more than $1,000,000 b:is been expended for rural school buildings In this state since 1916. Fi'ch building which has special rooms for agriculture, sewing, domestic f-ciem-e and other important studies. represents from two to ten districts, eost from $45,000 up to .$119,000. and has from ten to twenty acres of land for farming experiments. There are from 1"0 to 2"0 pupils In each school. From one to ten automobile trucks are owned in each district, to take the isked to stabilize the' ratio of price. f rorn to hogs, now on a nine to on" 'asl!. The administration promised a hirteen to one basis on November .1. I'.17. The action was urged by th Nebraska farmer's war council. There Is some talk by state educa tors of eliminating the Christmas and spring vacations, and continuing school on Saturdays, for the time lost during the quarantine period. Some such ac tion. It Is said. Is necessary in order to complete the required amount of school work as early ns possible to re lease students for work on the farm. A Burlington passenger train struck a cmv in the vicinity or Mwiini tn other day, resulting In tbe engine children to and from school In some I baggage, mail and express ears going ra'rs as far away as ten miles. . I j,,to the ditch. No one was hurt. i As a means of combating the Span ish inlhienza epidemic, the state board of health Issued an order prohibiting ell public gatherings, indoors or out doors, throughout the entire state, un- On account of the stress of work, til November 2. The order closes all especially with this paper with Fch'ools. churches, lodges and theatres, which I am connected, I have not NON-PARTISAN- TICKET. FLEET AT POLfl SURREW- Croation Holding Naval Base at Fiume Proclaim Their Union With Italy; Battle Continuing and Expand ing While Negotiations For Armistice Pro ceed Between Military Commanders London. Nov. 1. General Diaz, the Italian commander-in-chief, handed the armistice terms to the Austrian commander today, accord ing to the Evening Star. The terms of the armistice, the newspaper adds, will be published tomorrow'. Paris, Nov. 1. The Austro-IIun-garian commander on the Italian front, in asking General Diaz for an immediate armistice, argued that under such an arrangement Vcnetia would be evacuated without damage to the cultivated areas, according to a Budapest dispatch to L'lr.forma- tion. Austrian Fleet Surrenders. London, Nov. 1. The Austrian fleet at Pola, the naval base on the Adriatic sea, has surrendered to the southern Slav council, according .to lished crossings over the stream and are marching towards the River Tagliamento. Feltre, a town in the Italian mountain region about 10 niile3 north of the old battle line, was entered last night by the Bologna brigade. WHOLE FAMILY SICK. From Saturday's Dally. The entire family of ,W. F. Gravett is reported as being confin ed to their homes with the Spanish Influenza, and with only Mr. Gravett to care for them. He has wired his daughter who is now at Manhattan, Kansas, to hurry home to assist In the care of the family. As a general thing the epidemic Is mostly under control. HOME AGAIN. CHESTER WELSHEIMER RETURNS TO CAMP. From Saturday's Daily. On . the train which went south at midnight on the Missouri Pa cific last night, Sergeant Chester E. Welsheimer, departed for Kansas City, after having visited here for some two days with his family and friends. He is to report at his post of duty on Sunday morning, and de parted last evening in order to make From Saturday's Dally. Today we were glad to greet once more M. E. Manspeaker, who has been in Omaha undergoing an op eration. Mrs. Manspeaker went up to accompany him home. Mr. Man speaker looked just as glad to be back as his many friends will be to have him with them once more. St. Luke's Guild Is uow ready to take order? for tieing comforters. 53SE 3222: a short visit with friends at Kansas a dispatch received by the Central ( City He ,g ,ikip? th(f sprvice fine and thinks, that he will be moved News agency. A German wireless dispatch pick ed up by British admiralty tonight says that according to an imperial proclamation the Austro-Hungarian navy has been handed over to the south Slav natonal council sitting in A gram. ' 1 Copenhagen, Nov. 1. According to Hungarian reports sailors at Pola, the great Austrian bafe on the Adriatic, have mutinied and seized the warships there. Croatians, who completely occupy the naval base of Fiume, on the Ad- out towards future. the east in the near DELCO-LIGHT The csolete Electric Light and Power Plant Will give your family all of the benefits of a cheerful and modern home. Safe V.VV Ji ISY ROSENTHAL. Tel. D. 5093 Omaha, Neb. S&2U riatic, have proclaimed 'their union urges that children be kept at home! been able to see a large number of j with. Italy, according to a dispatch as much as possible, and states that I citizens of this county during this! from Rerlin to the Berlincrske naenae. A dispatch from The offering, except Fall pigs, have re ceived the simuStaneous treatment and should be immune. Write for catalog. J. R. HODGES, Bartlett, Iowa the cause of the large number of campaign, deeming a greater ser do:iths from the disease was on ac- vice tt do wnat there is required in count of persons afflicted refusing to tne position which I occupy, than g to bed son enough and attempting cnase awavand leave the work un to get out of bed too soon. done j tQ extend my appre The state convention of Congrega- ciation for the kindly feeling and tlonalists scheduled at York last lion. ioyai efforts of my friends over the day has been postponed to November county in my behalf, and to assure J that were at Mattaro had laft that Rome to the Paris Temps, under date cf October 27, said that the Austrian fleet had been hastily concentrated at Fiume. A few vessels remained at Pola, the I dispatch added, but all the ships 18. owing to the Influenza epidemic. The government has sent six army physicians into Nebraska to help com bat the Influenza epidemic. Several doctors have been sent into Knox county, where a large percentage of the ipulace is 111 with the malady. Battle ExDandinsr. them if elected as the county judge port. for the coming term that I shall en deavor to fill the position creditably, Rome, Nov. 1. The statement and in accordance with theK laws, issued by the Italian war office says And if not so selected I shall bend all the battle is continuing and is ex my efforts to the work of assisting panding. The Austro-Hungarians The r.ostofn dermrtmnf w nh. ! keeping this the Best Country on are maintaining resistance from lngton has granted the request of the. j Earth. Again thanking all, I am Stelvio pass to the Astico. citizens of Berlin. Otoe county, and I M s- BRIGGS. j Italian cavalry divisions have de- lii n tA Mi n n mm nf tholr tnwn A I - I Otoe Subscribe for the Journal. 'stroyed the enemy resistance on the Livenza river. They have re-estab- nblic 7T 1 1 n At Piurdock, Neb November 8th Friday, A CAR LOAD OF W8 Will be sold at public auction, terms to suit purchaser. Sa!e starts at 1:00 o'clock sharp. VV. R. YOUNG, Auctioneer Plattsmouth, Neb.