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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 4, 1918)
PAGE TWO. PLATTSMOUTH SEMI-WEEKLY, JOURNAL. MONDAY, NOVEMBER 4TH, 1913. ( v Plattsmouth, Neb., Oct. 28. Banker's Automombile Ins. Co., Lincoln, Neb. Gentlemen: On Sept. 28th, I had the misfortune to damage a Dodge car owned by L. L. McCarty, of this place. Your adjuster, after investigating the acci dent gave me a check covering the damage to Mr. Mc Carty's automobile. I hold your policy No. A. N. 229, on my automobile covering fire, public liabilty and pro perty damage. Yours truly, JOHN W. CRABILL, Ask our agent, Mrs. L. W. Egenberger, in regard to our complete coverage policy and special farm car rates, covering your car anywhere in the United States. BANKER'S AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE CO., Lincoln, Nebraska. SOLDIERS' LETTERS .'4 3 3 .V' LETTER FROM WM. ANDREWS SniiHMvlier. in France, Octohor 1. 10 IS. Pear Hoiut- Folks and All: I will write ou a few lines to lot y:Li know I am well ;;ml fedin.g line and enjoying lite pr-Mty well. Tli army is m i:!-.1 lift? if you don't vrakt-n. V.V ar up pretty fk-i-e to the front. We aro close enough to hear the irur. s.';in?; o!T and I frs:"5 we will n:ove r pai'i p; -tty M.r;-. fr in the looks of fhin and what I csn hejr. I hnvo put saw r.::y or the hoys trc-ri hon.'. over here y t .-o fir. I ure would like to see onie of th-:n and l:av. a ; talk with them. Hon- is Sis p.eMins alona. I hope she jiffs alon.s; as wdl as I did and 'iets aid.- to t;et hark home all ). II. I :i I'-tttr Tro::: Juik (:-- tcri'.ay and I Ip.vp t.t writ? her a letter t.miehi. Has Sandy moved to 0':::ih:i yet ho at !;r:e yet. Ts .M::h'e wl Uihy still tliere with you? Te!I them :A hello for me. and ev?yio.-ly in ir-od r,!d T'latt smo'ith. I o a ; ::rd frr.rn f.ntlier Ticket t the other day and v.;s sure tilad to loar from him. !t un is lots of ((.inpany to hear from i.on.e. Till Tuh -v. 'hello for tuv I v.i-h you cciid se'-'i v.r- s. iv.e ci TJ re' t e -. for we i at: l.ot Wx-n.i at nil c.v.-r h.Te. Xotiii'iir hut Frcii'h i.- ;r;-; t ? - r.n 1 they are - f trr.nir y:,-u csn nt.t stnoki th.eni. Mother if you can 5. -Mid !!! some riiiarottvs e! a ciuiph- of ear tons and send them to me. Well I frue I will have to elose f jr tosiiht. They ere n.r.kiiu" so ninth lioi-e. I can't write, mi I v.-ill say pood nilif. and will cl:t;e f;.r tonight. So "'. r-.- hye for rii.w. .!".t-r .-':':'.. Yet! can put this in the paper and tell them v.'. I 1. ":!o. An-wer son:;. i'VT. V'M AN'Ilhl'.WS. AJ-ite-'.-: !:''. '.". Fit!-! Tio-fji'ai. Co. ',". rth Si.uitary Train. A:urr. Expod. l-:rt-e--, Kr:iMif. via .V. Y. LETTER FROM ELIIEE F. SPIES, j 1 Somewhere in France. ! fJct. :h, !:!:. Dear Mo! her ;.:id All: : I : the yuuntr lady's homo ai.d an: v.r::i::',r this letter th'-re. ' Eveiythini-. in tlii- s; t he like the d ; i! erei.t parts of the h-tttr cities at homo, except the .liiTtnnt streets. 3 l ve!i:'l which try , dih'.T. :;f. Tk.e little Url'.-; father i.: '' at the front. !:'edi.-al suru-'-.f.ji. i'.'.i i ' they have a mate to Tlenrv in th-ir 1 The iwan vith iworey beai N- THE 3EST BOOK YOUH BOY CAN HAVE IS A BAHK BOOK THERE'S LOTS OF KNOWLEDGE TO 3E. GAINED BY THE POS SESSION OF MONEY. YOU SHOULD TEACH YOUR BCY THE BEST LESSON HE WILL EVEft LFARN "THAT HIS tiONEY IS HIS BEST FRIEND" AND TEACH HIM TO PUT IT SAFE IN THE BANK. SOME PAY THE BANKER CAM ADVISE HIM HOW TO IN VeST IT AND HE VILL BE A RICH MAN. WE ADD 31-2 PER CENT INTERESTS ON SAVINGS AC- , COUNTS AND PER CENT ON TIME CERTIFICATES. J COME TO OUR BANK. Faroier : JTHL NEW BANK. OPEN SATURDAY NIGHTS FPOM 7i00 TO 9:00 ara.ui a Ford," "tin lizzy." Marie should answer this little Rirl's letter. She is a nice girl and her people are real nice. Ilernue can also write as she enjoys writing and can learn somethins about her country and teach her something of our own. Sre something new every day that I am ii; this country. I have not heard a word from any of you as yet. Expect to nny day now. My love to all. yourself. Your loving sm, ELMER V. SPIES. The little Girl's letter. Chateau (lit I.oir, Oct. Sth. My th-ar Marie Louise, You will ho very surprised in re ceiving this. letter. " I an: a French ph-h ! live at Chateau du Loir, a litil" town of about five thousand iahi hitants. in the west part of Fiance. I met ycur brother Elmer, at Chateau du Loir in a house where I wa- I tpoho v.-ith him a long time. He saiil to me that he had brothers and listers and that one of his .-isters was sixteen years old. I f-k d him your name and your ad-dre-s to write to you. Hut I don't write American well because I have le. ri:ed it only two years at school. I shall learnt American language during three years. Now I shall speak a little more of myself, he o;!ii:.e I think you are curious to know hov is your French corre spondent. I am fifteen years old. I l ave p. fair hair r.nd grey eyes. I ki.uhl iil e Jo have your photo; so, if you have it taken. I shall he very happy to receive it. If you want, I shall send you mine in my next htttr. In France, we love very much American Foldiers because Jhey risk their lives to fight against the naughty "bodies" as we call the Germans in France. At Chautc-au du Loir (Castle of Loir, in American), there are nearly even hundred American soldiers. They made wood building?. Equally school begins on the first of fii-toker. hut this year there is on epidemic in the remit ry called Span ish i:ii'iu -r.a ami the school id shut. l jour no:.t loiter, pica.-? send ?; the o"!rrfc'ion of my mistakes that are probably numerous. Ilopii.g to hcv.r irein you soon. I mu-t ch. e my letter now, with much h.vo from. MAUCELLE. ."! r -.- is: 7.I..demoisellc Mar Cai :: c.n. 4 t. avenue ue la Garc, C'.iateau-'iu-Loir, Sartre). France C'.Fi R0:.I IRAN'S SMITH. ! nomas alhng has rcceiveu a e: rd trnni Frank Smith, wlio was r 1 State Ban formerly a member of the Journal force which reads as follows: Somewhere in England. Safe trip and feeling fine. Fine country here and very pretty indeed. Best regards to yourself and Hob. Tell him to write if he is still in the United States. CORPORAL F. II. SMITH. Co. C, 12G M. Ci. I)n. Am. E. F. All of Frank's friends will he glad to know that lie is safely across on the other side and that he is en joying himself and his work. A LETTER FROM FRANCE. Somewhere in France, October 8, 1!1S. Dear Web: I thought I would drop you a line or so to let you know I am on the top shelf, which I hope you are the same. Well Web, how's old Plattsmouth? Are they still drafting the young fellows? Has any of t lie Newmans' been drafted yet? Well how's the old hang out place, Arries pool room. Is it still running? I suire wouicT like to be there to beat you a game of potd. Say Web. have you ever hoard of Emil Finder? I sure would like to see him. but I've only run across one of the follows I knew and that was in Presidio. Johnny Wick nian, if you know him. Well give the boys my regards. I am in a town that was bombarded once and is shot to piecos. We're not very far from the front line trenches. I can see the big guns firing at the aeroplanes, what they call air craft. It gets up so far and busts. Its fr.r. to see airplanes fighting in the air. All I could see was smoke. Its getting kind a cool here iu the evening but isn't as bad as I expected it to be. Well, Web. will close, hoping to hear from you soon. Your friend. , DOIl KESHIXSKY. Address: Park Battery C. A. A. P. 1 S. S. Army, Am. E. F.. France, via New York. A. P. O. 72S. A LETTER FROM ED. REBAL. Wednesday. Oct. ISIS V. S. S. M. G.. Scan Ion New York Harbor Dear Folks at home: I suppose you wonder where I am etc. Am (). K. outside of a broken toe. I left the Roads on the four teenth, Vame to N. Y, left here on the sixteenth for France. After three days and nights on the deep. we run into a bad storm. The boat was disabled. I am pretty lucky to he here at all. Came back to Xew York, safe now in dock for re pair.-, have been here funoo Monday Expect to leave Thursday 'at so many bells for Bordeaux, France or !5rest, I am not sure which. My toe was broken in the stort It sounds nice to he rocked in the cradle of the deep, but I have anoth er n a me for it. The excitement I have had in the past ten days would last me for ever if needs bo. Every body can go ashore hut I. I could go if only my ihoe would go on. Nothing to do but sit on the deck or hobble around. Can see the Statue of Liberty, all those sky scraper?. Wcolvvorth. Singer, Times. World Metropolitan and Flat Iron buildings. The Flat Iron is on ball I Cc' Vi and turns around every so of ten. I jiuv it turn lat night. Hope to come here from France I suppose everything will still be here. 1 can't say much now or I won't have anything to say when I get back. Cannot write to each one of you because have no stamps. I will ship thi. out by seme workman then it can't be censored. - Write and let me know how things are. coming. Love to all. EI). REBAL. Address: U. S. S. M. (1. Scanlon, care Postmaster, New York City. FROM AUBREY H. DUXBURY. Cambridge. Mass., Oct. 27. 191S. Dear Mother. Sister and Brother: Well I arrived safely Fridi v night about midnight and would of writ feu yoslerday but we were busy from early morning till late last night, checking in and getting set tled into our new home. Vi'ell dear mother, I have a million things to tell yen and really don't know where to begin. So many things to tell you about aHrvarrt and my trip. I wrote you from Troy, N. Y., and told you that I t;aw Marion and how well he was locking. Well mother, when we arrived in Cambridge, the lug Navy trucks met our special train and hauled cur baggage for us to the barracks. We marched up to barracks and were mustered in. We have the finest barracks I have ever seen. All varnished floors and wood work and every man sleeps on a nice cot instead oc an old hammock. It certainly is a great place compared with Great Lakes. We sure, hive ine chow too. We get chicken twics a week and pie and cake aud every morning we get breakfast food with j real milk. Just like being at home, ! everything is served cafeteria style and lack jack gets a trasr and goes along and picks out what he wants. I know I am going to like the place as the atmosphere of the place suits me fine and we hardly know we're in the navy. Just the same as going to school again. We' took an exami ntion yesterday and passed the en trance test so we start to school to morrow. I certainly enjoyed the trip, we passed through the states of Illinois, Indiana, Ohio. Pennsylvania, New York. Vermont and Massachu setts', so you can imagine what a wonderful trip we had. There was so many things to see that we never got a bit tired although we were on the road 41 hours. Some of the prettiest mountains I ever saw, and aleo many falls. We traveled thru a tunnel five miles long, the first I had ever passed through. I hope you have received the letter I wrote while in Troy .because I told you how good the Red Cross treated us as we passed through the different cities. And Cambridge where we are now settled is the cleanest and most beautiful city 1 have ever seen. And many of the. sites of the battles of the revolution are located here. I am going to see the spot where the battle of Bunker Hill was "fought durirg the revolution today and a few other places I "want to visit. will write and tell you about them later. Now mother, I am informed that we. are kept very busy with our school- work during the week And our only chanc? to do much writing is at the week end. We have from Saturday noon till Mon day morning to ourselves in which to write home. So if I don't get to write quite so often you must write anyway and let me know how things are coming at home, and I will write a big long letter at least every week end. and oftener if I can possibly do it as I know you want to hear from me as bad as I want to hear from you. Now mother don't worry about me just because I am 1000 miles from home, because we are having a nicer place to live in than we had at (Jreat Lakes. I will have to close for this time, hoping these few lines finds you and the sun beams real well and that the many controversies will soon be settled and peace again be restored. I am goin to look up our church here, if there is one in Boston or Cambridge. May God bless you and protect you is my prayer, I am, Your loving Sailor Boy, AUBREY, II. DUXBERY. Address: U. S. ?a,yy Radio School Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts. General Delivery. I ST. PAULS CHURCH. My dear people: The health authorities of our city cannot withdraw the order cf not holding any meetings as our city and vicinitv is still not relieved of the epidemic. The epidemic is war-born, and back of it, let us admit, is the hand of the Father. Do 'not get discour aged about the churchless situation Through a church-paper published in Switzerland, and handed to me by our sister Mrs. J. Lillie, I see that during the month of August and previous, the Swiss authorities had to closse all churches on ac count of the very same epidemic And said authorities publicly warn ed the people of a relapse of the world-wide sickness as it proved very fatal to a great extent. The time of distress and fear, when oth3r helpers cftimes fail, is the time to rest with calm mind in the multitude of His mercies. Let not ycur hearts he troubled and bil- low-sw?pt. Believe in God, and in Hi:-, dear son. For our sick friend3 and for their sadly overworked help ers, let us entreat the Great Physi cian to be present in all their homes of sickness. The master of Life holds unmeasured resources, and proves to he the help of the help less. Let us renew our faith and confidence in Him. Far more than usual let us make our churchless Sundays days of Prayer. As our cnurch rclebrc.tes the Reformation festival on coming Sunday, l?t us as true children of the reformation be grateful for the spiritual and so cial blessings cf that great liberat ing force as the Protestant reforma tion prove to be. May this period of churchless Sundays and meetings be for our city a revival cf old-time Home re ligion which we need and which are fundamental both for the church and society. J. n. STEGER. Pastor. P. S. 1 am willing to lend out some sermon-hooks in the respective language desired. The social meet ing of the Ladies Auxiliary Society must be pnsponed on account of the epidemic. I ask the members of the confirmation-class to review the memorized paragraphs of the third article running between the page3 SC aud T2 in our catechism, and to proceed in the study of the differ ent paragraphs of. the Bible-story lessons. And how about the Bible School lessons. d&w V 'i fa a 1 I ci SS3 lira From 142 to 6 hands high, four to eight years old. Must be fat and have good hair. Bring in your fat Will Plaitsmoiith, Neb., Friday, Nov. Sth oth i: ok isi:fi:hi:i: salt: "Aiiller A. Stulilmiinu. Itnlb on, n llnr. Notice is hereby jriven tliat by vir tu of an onlt-r entered In the fore iftiinK t-ntitli-'l cause on the 4th day of October, 1!18, by tbe District Court f Cass Coiinty, Nebraska. I, the un dersigned, Charles Tl Martin. f sole re t'croe appointed by said court, will, on 12 tli ilay of XevemluT, 191S, .'it -ten 'clook in the forenoon, at the south Idor of the Court House in I'latts tnouth. Cass County, Nebraska, offer for sale to the highest biilder for cash, the following described real estate, to vit: Lot Kl.-ven fit) Block Three (3) in lie village of Mauley, in Cass County, Nebraska, according to the published plat thereof. Said sale will remain open for bids for cne hour. CIIAKI.KS K. MAIITIN, IOIIN M. I.IOVIM, Heferee. Attorney. 10-T-30ds oiti)i:ii or in:niN; o.v im:tition i nii AiM'oivrMKvr ok ai- Ml . ISTK ATOIl. The State of Nebraska, County oi" c'ass, ss. In County Court. In the Matter of the Kstate of cJrace hen Windham, deceased: On reading and filing the petition of Hubert U. indham, jr., praying that administration or said estate may be granted to Ii. U. iYinc'.ham, as adminis trator. Ordered, that November 2nd, A. !".. 1D1S. at 10 o'clock a. ni., is assigned for h(-u.ring said petition, when all per -ons interested in said matter may ap iear at a County Court to be held in ir:d for said count v. and show cause why the prayer of petitioner should not be granted; anil that notice of the pendency of said petition and the hear ing thereof be given to all persons in terested in said matter by publishing a copy of this order in the Plattsmouth Journal, a semi-weekly newspaper printed in said county, for three sue cessive weeks, prior to said day of hearing. Dated October Sth, J91S. ALLKX J. 1? EE SOX, 10-14-Cw. County Judge. I.KUAI, MlfKil. In -the County Court of tlie t'ntinty of Cass, Nebraska. In the matter of the estate of Hurton C. Kerr, deceased. Now on this 24th day of October 1918, this cause came on for hearing upon the petition of Sarah Elizabeth Kerr, praying that administration of the estate of Burton C. Kerr, be dis pensed with, and that the names of his heirs be determined and establish ed by an order of this court, and that an oider be entered barring all claims; on consideration whereof: IT IS OliDEKED that a -hearing on said petition be had upon the 2"th day of November 1915 at ten o'clock A. M. at the Court House. County Judge's Office. Plattsmouth. Nebr., and that notice thereof be given to all persons interested by publishing this order iu the Plattsmouth Journal, a semi weekly newspaper in general circula tion in Cass County, Nebraska. for three successive weeks prior to the date of hearing. Rv the Court. ALLEN .T. BKESOX. County Jmjge, I.lMiAI, OTIC'E. NOTICE TO NOV IIESIOEN'T rE KEN'I ANTS. A I. SO TO NON IJKSI- PKNT DEPENDANTS THEIK I N KXOWN HEIPS. DEVISEES. LEGA TEES. PEKSONAI. KEPKESK.N NA TIVES AND ALL, OTHEU PERSONS I NT EM EST ED IN THEIK ESTATES. To (leorge Davis, if living, if deceas ed, the unknown heirs, devisees, lega tees, personal representatives and all nersons tnteersted in his estate; Charles Vogt, if living, if deceased, the unknown hen s, devisees, legatees, net - sonal representatives and all other persons interested in his estate; Abra ham Deyo. if living, if deceased, the unknown heirs, devisees, legatees, per sonal representatives and all ni' persons mtei ested in hi? estate; AUX'u.e?i.iP f lns.;'r r ran?, ia - vina tVolfe: Emma Cross; Joseph San? and Susie Sans. Vou and each of vou are hrihv noti fied that on the 24th dav of October 1918, a petition was filed in the Dis- 1000 n Z7 i&3 X rV" -. marcs and mules and get Be at Sage's Barn Rain or I COME TO BUY NOT TO J trlct Court of Cass County, Nebraska, in which Flora F. Sans was plaintiff, and you, together with others were de fendants. The object and prayer of which pe tition is to quiet the title in the plain tiff and her grantee to the following described real estate to wit: The Kast half .of the Northwest Quarter; also the West half of the Northeast Quarter: also the Northeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter: al so the Northeast Quarter of the South i east Quarter; also the Kast half of the Northeast Quarter of the South i west Quarter: all in Section seventeen ' (17 Township eleven 1 1 North Kange fourteen (H) Kast 6th -I. M. Cass County, Nebraska. You are required to answer said petition on or before the lKth dav of December 191K. FJ-OUA F. SANS, C. A. KAWhS, Plaintiff. Attorney. 2S-4vks. ix tiii: DisriticT cihiit ok tiik COl.NTV OK CASS, X Kill! ASK A. John W. Crnblll nml (ieorgc A Jlel Kiuicer, plaint Ifl.H, v. V. I). .Ilerrlnm, f!rt renl uniue un known, ct al defendant i. XI'liCK OK SI IT TO UVIKT TITLK To the defendants, AV. T. Merriam, first real name unknown; Mrs. W. D. Merriam. first real name unknown; the unknown heirs, devisees, legatees, personal representatives and all other persons interested, in the estate of YV. D. Merriam. first real name unknown, deceased; the unknown heirs, devisees, legatees, personal representatives and all other persons interested in the es tate of Mrs W. D. Merriam, first real name unknown, deceased; Selden N. Merriam also known as S. N. Merriam; Lydia Merriam, the unknown heirs, de visees, legatees, personal representa tives and all other persons interested in the estate of Selden N. Merriam. also known as S. N. Merriam, deceased; the unknown heirs, devisees, legatees, per sonal representatives and all other persons interested in the estate of Ly dia Merriam, deceased; A. E. Alexan der, first real name unknown; John Doe Alexander, first real name un known, husband of A. E. Alexander; the unknown heirs, devisees, legatees, personal representatives and all other persons interested in the estate of A. E. Alexander, first real name unknown, deceased; the unknown heirs, devisees, legatees, personal representatives and all other persons interested in the es tate of John Doe Alexander, first real name unknown, deceased, husband or widower of A. E. Alexander; the un NORTHEASTERN a wonderful wheat country, and a big r-ni AD Ann success with Beans, Sugar Beets and LULUKAUU Potatoes. Corn, Alfalfa and native- grasses enrich the dairy or live-stock man. SOUTHWESTERN ranches NEBRASKA ping" the markets. WYOMING HAS ucdied deeded irrigated lands, also irrigated homesteads under Govern ment ditch 20 years to pay water right, no interest. Ten thousand free 64C-acre homesteads Take some of this excellent land and keep your profits instead 8 8 Small tees BvyAKES! Weighing from 900 to 1200 pounds; four to eight years old. Must be fat and broke to work. " ' ii ; mk y XT. VS the money for them. Shine LOOK! i known heirs, devisees, legatees, per sonal representatives and all other per sons interested in the estate of Alcindu, J. Crabill, deceased; the unknown heirs, devisees, legatees, personal rep resentatives and all ut'ior persons in terested in the estate of John Magce, deceased; the County of Cass, Nebras ka: the unknown owners and unknown claimants of lots one 1 and two C in block ten (10) in the Citv of Platts mouth, Cass County, Nebraska. You are hereby notified that on the 4th day of October, A. 1 ., l!)is, plain tiffs filed their suit in the District Court of the County of Cass, Nebraska, i"ei mi m s ime to the above described lots, to-wit: Lots one (1 and two (2 in block ten C10) in the City of Plattsmouth, Cass County, Ne braska, because of their adverse po ssession by themselves and their grantors for more than ten vears prior to the commencement of said suit and to enjoin each and all of vou from having or claiming anv right title lien or interest, either legal or equit able, in or to said lots or any part thereof; to require you to" set forth your right, title, claim, lien or inter est therein, if any. either legal o equitable, and to have the same ad judged inferior to the title of plaiu tifls and for general equitable relief. This notice is made pursuant to the order ot the court. You are required to answer said po VJhnn ,.n Pr ,,efo1 Monday. November IS. 191S, or your default will bo duly entered therein. JOHN W. CliAP.ILL and YV A. KOPEKTSON. 'n a I,, life Attorney for Plaintiffs io-7-4w SH0PSHIRE RAMS FOR SALE. We have several fine Sliophire rams for sale at our farm five miles south of Plattsmouth For partic ulars, call phone 3205, and inquire of James Warga. 2S-2td3tw HOGS STRAYED. 1 red sow and three plp;s and one that weighs about 75 pounds. Stray ed from my home. u. L,. Gurnard, d&w. Stationery at the Jaurnal office. mean more than a grazing place ror cattle. Corn, Oats, Rye, Barley and Alfalfa are grown to fintsh for "loo 1 ... wrw iu a laiiuiuiu. I me help you locate. S. B. HOWARD, Immigration Agent, C. B. & Q. It.R. 1004 Farnam Street Omaha, Nebraska v 1 V A.