The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, October 31, 1918, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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KfcflE SIX
Coughed So He Couldn't Sleep. .
Dronchial coughs, tickling In
throat and asthmatic spasms break
one's rest and weaken one so that
the fyetein is run-down and serious
sickness i.iay result. Enos Ilalbort,
Peoll. Ind., writes: "I hid a revere
fold and coughed continually at
night; could hardly sleep.- Foley's
Honey and Tar cured my coush."
Sld everywhere.
Rambeau Model!
YOUNG men's Grena
dier back, one button,
soft roll, straight front, mil
itary shoulders, no slit.
Pockets slanting welts with
edging of silk braid; also
braid around cuffs.
V ffr
3& 3 3$
if & v
Philip chiazc
ISorn to Mr. and Mrs. lloy Scott.
October 2' a son.
Maurice Cashner came in from
fniversity Place Sunday.
Fred Prouty shipped hogs Tues
day to South Omaha markets.
Wm. Foreman of Raymond came
in Monday to visit relatives a few
days. Mr. Fowler of Ashland is helping
at the R. F. Johnson home during
the sickness of the family.
Mrs. Ceo. Cook who has been visit
ing her children here returned to
her home at Ulair Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Lindser went
to Council Plufls Tuesday to at
tend the funeral of a nephew.
Frank Kyo of Greenwood spent
Tiu-sday with his brother-in-law,
Walter Rathbun and family.
Joe o' Moccasin. Mont.,
was visiting a few days recently with
his brother-in-law Lincoln Dimmitt
and family.
i:.;tpp cbnrirs fi. Foreman of
Lincoln j visiting his grandparents
Mr. and Mrs. Ceo. J Foreman until
school opens up again.
Last week J. A. Shaffer received!
a senerous sample cf potatoes aver
nation of Mrs. bale Boyles, as chair
man of the Cass County Women's
Committee was accepted and Mrs.
Charles Bailey of Elniwood was ap
pointed County Chairman to fill the
Mrs. Ralph Uhley returned from
Elmwood Tuesday morning where
she has been caring for her husband
who has been real sick with the flu
which developed into bronchial
pneumonia. Mr. Uhley was able to
walk from one room to another
Tuesday. The quarantine was rais
ed and Mrs. Uhley came to be with
her children at the home of her par
ents Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Rouse.
21-2 lbs. each.
from a friend
iii McPherson county. Xebr.
Clifford Dier of Hastings came
in Sunday to spend a few days with
his aunt Mrs. J. A. Shaffer while
school i- closed on account of the
J. II. Foreman Jr... and family of
Scoffs Bluffs came iu Tuesday of last
we-k to vij-it with his parents Mr.
and Mrs. J. II. Foreman Sr.. and
Clay Foreman came in Sunday
from Ft. Riley to visit his parents
Mr. and Mrs. J. It. Foreman sr.. and
family. He returned Monday even
ing to Ft. Riley, where he is !n the
iiedical Corps.
Miss Iona Thomas came in Sat
urday from Pickrell where she has
Keen with her father and sister Ida
and will remain with her grand
parents. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Thcmas
for some time.
Xoel Foreman and Charley Fore
man left Tuesday for Seward to
bring back the cattle for winter
feeding. Mrs. Noel Foreman will
vi?it her mother Mrs. O. X. Magee
in University Place during her hus
band's absence.
At the last meeting of the Cass
County Council of Defense the resig-
Idd Hornbeck is sick with the flu
in a Lincoln hospital.
Miss Kathryn Coehry of Omaha is
visiting her parents here.
Mrs. Hugh Hornbeck of New Or
leans is visiting with relatives here.
Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Land holm were
Sunday guests of Ed Thimgan and
John Gakemeier and sister Miss
Eleanor went to Arlington, Nebr.,
John Amgwert was in Lincoln last
Friday where he was having dental
work done.
Mrs. Jerry E. McIIugh and child
ren who have been sick with the
Flu are recovering nicely.
Mrs. Henry Guthman and child
ren went to Plattsmouth Saturday
for a visit with relatives.
Little Miss Evelyn Kuehn and
Miss Florence Thimgan have been
on the sick list the past few days.
Idd and Lewis Hornbeck returned
last week from Missouri where they
went to attend the funeral of their
brother Dr. Hugh Hornbeck who
died with the Flu at New Orleans.
M. Shatto received word last week
of the death of his daughter Mrs.
Will Simpson in Arizona, where she
went some time ago for her health.
She is remembered here as Miss El- '
sie Shatto. she leaves her husband
and a litle daughter, "the body was
to have been brought to Omaha for
burial but we didn't learn the date
of the funeral.
Every tax payer and voter in Cass
County knows Frank J. Libershal,
the present county clerk. He is a
Cass County product, born, raised
and educated in the county. He
was Deputy County Clerk under Clell
Morgan, the present Postmaster at
Plattsmouth. Mr. Libershal is the
present county clerk asking for re
election at the coming election.
lie should be retained in the of
fice of County Clerk for two reasons;
First, his qualifications, knowledge
and experience fit him for this par
ticular office; Seconu, being beyond
the 1917 draft age, the War De
partment, in May 1917 appointed
him as Secretary of the Local Draft
Board, which position he has held
since the date of appointment. His
knowledge of the work of ihe Draft
Board is of such value to our Gov
ernment that the War Department,
through Mr. Crowder, have asked
the Governor of the State to ask
that HE be granted deferred classi
fication in this present draft, in
order that he may be retained on
the Draft Board work.
Isn't the above sufficient proof
why Frank J. Libershal should he
retained in the County Clerk's Office?
1 red sow and three pigs and one
that weighs about 75 pounds. Stray
ed from my home. U. L- Barnard,
ff of Be
mocratic Success
"If you have approved of my leadership and wish me to continue to be
your un-embarassed spokesman in affairs at home and abroad I earnestly beg
that you will express yourself unmistakably to that effect by returning a dem
ocratic majority to both the Senate and House of Representatives,
If the control of the House and the Senate should be taken away from the
party now in power an opposing majority could assume control of Legislation
and oblige all action to be taken amidst contest and obstruction.
The return of a Republican majority to either House of the Congress would
moreover be interpreted on the other side of the water as a repudiation of my
emocratio Success Cleans:
The re-election cf Nebraska's War
Governor, KEITH NEVILLE. He has
faithfully redeemed his pledges and his
experience in coordinating state with
Federal war work is an asset in the pro
secution of the war.
The election of W. B. BANNING
for Lieutenant Governor. He is a suc
cessful business man and farmer and is a
member of the State Board of Agriculture
and the State Horticultural Society.
The election cf HUGH L. COOP
ER for Secretary of Statel He has been
duputy for nearly four years and is fami
liar with the duties of the office.
The election of J. S. CAN AD AY
for State Treasurer. He has been treas
urer of Kearney county for two terms and
is president of the Farmers Grain and
Live Stock Association of Nebraska.
The election of EUGENE P.
MUMFORD for State Aud i tor. He was
private secretary for Ex-Governor More
head and has since been engaged in the
abstract and insurance business. His
ability and experience qualify him for the
mi'nj" ..
The election of GEORGE W.
BERGE for Attorney General. He is a
well known lawyer and his election wiU
place the legal department in able hands.
.The re-election of G. L. SHUM
WAY for Land Commissioner. His
record is above criticism.
The election of EDW. C. SIM
MONS for Railway Commissioner. He
is an expert Civil Engineer and is emin
ently qualified to render valuable service
to this office
The election of EX-GOVERNOR
MOREHEAD to the U. S. Senate. No
man is more familiar with the State of
Nebraska and its needs than Mr. More
head. His administration as Governor is
conceded to be one of the most success
ful and strictly business-like the state has
ever enjoyed. He will whole-heartedly
support the president in the prosecution of
the war and reconstruction measures.
The election of FRANK A
PETERSON to Congress from the First
District. The president needs his assis
tance in Congress and his election will
mean that the people of this district are
represented in congress.
To the Voters of Cass County:
I deem it but fair to the tax pay
ers for whose votes I am asking to
give an outline at least of what I
propose to do if I am elected county
commissioner for the Second Com
missioners' District.
First, I will favor a radical change
in the system of roa'd work as now
fn force in Cass County. My plan
will be for the county to purchase
a tractor and employ a competent
man to run it. Start the road grader
in the spring and keep it going all
summer. I would have the commis
sioners go over the entire county and
note the condition of the roads, make
a map and then start the grader.
First I would have all the roads lead
ing into the towns put in good shaps
before tackling other roads. I would
pay good wages for such work and
see that it was properly done. This
should be paid out of the Commis
sioners' fund of which there will be
in the neighborhood of $20,000 th?
coming year.
If you or your family are sick you
never stop to ask the politics of the
physician you call, just so you know
that he is competent. Cass county
bridges are sick. So are her roads.
They need a doctor. I believe I can
cure them.
For Register of Deeds.
election, on democratic ballot for
the office of Register of Deeds. Your
support solicited, and any favors ex
tended me will be thankfully re
ceived. A. J. SNYDER.
For Float Representative.
I am a candidate for the office of
Float Representative from Cass and
Otoe county, on the democratic bal
lot. Having served one term in the
legislature I believe I am in a good
position to care for the voters inter
ests in the coming session. Your
support is solicited and will be ap
preciated. L. G. TODD.
Distinctive smartness is
a feature of these
Poisons are present in the human
system constantly. They are elimi
nated especially through the in
trstinnl canal. Manv serious dis-
! eases cannot be escaped from if
j elimination is not perfect. Triner's
i American Elixir of Bitter Wine is
the verv remedv which helps elimi-
nation. It means unconditional sur
' render for the poisonous substances.
. It cleans the intestines perfectly,
j Being prepared only from medicinal
bitter herbs and natural red wine,
it is both efficient and palatable. At
all drug stores. $1.10. The old ene
mies, rheumtism and neuralgia, are
! again at our gates. Be prepared
' and get at once Triner's Liniment.
Price 35 and 65 cents at drug stores,
j by mail 4 5 and 75 cents- If your
j druggist has not Triner's remedies
I on hand, he can get them. don't
i accept any other preparations!
.Joseph Triner Company, 1333-1343
j S. Ashland Ave., Chicago, 111.
I Triner's American Elixir of Bit-
ter Wine, Triner's Angelica Bitter
I Tonic and other Triner's remedies
from this day can be obtained ex
clusively at the drug stores or at
dealers who handle medicines. Trin
er's Laboratory being to the utmost
imit busy in executing orders from
the drug stores and Government
orders for medical supplies, has dis
continued filling of orders from oth
er business men. and asks that all
turn to the drug stores or dealers
who handle medicines when pur
chasing Triner's remedies.
Tn the Count v Court or the county
of Cass, Nebraska. In the matter of
the estate of Burton C. Kerr, deceased.
Now on this 24th day of October
1918. this cause came on lor hearing
upon the petition of Sarah Elizabeth
Kerr, prayins that administration of
the estate of Burton C. Kerr, be dis
pensed with, and that the names of
hts heirs be determined and establish
ed bv an order of this court, and that
an order be entered barring all claims:
on consideration whereof:
IT IS OliDKUKI) that a bearlnjr on
Fa id petition be had upon the 2oth day
of November 1918 at ten o'clock A. M.
at the Court House. County Judges
Office, Plattsmouth. Nebr., and that
notice thereof be Riven to all persons
interested bv publishing this order in
the Plattsmouth Journal. a seml
weeklv newspaper in general circula
tion in Cass County. Nebraska. for
three successive weeks prior to tlie
date of hearing, .the Cour
County Judge.
Now i the time to join the War
Stamp Limit Club. See Cba. C
Parmele fcr particulars.
For Representative.
I take this method of informing
the voters of Cass county, Nebr.,
that I am a candidate for the office
of Representative on the Re
publican ballot. In soliciting your
support I wish- to assuro you that
any favors extended ne will be
greatly appreciated.
For County Commissioner.
Having received the nomination
on the Republican ballot for the of
fice of County Commissioner, Sec
ond Commissioner District, I hereby
solicit the support of the voters at
thi coming November election. Your
support and any favor3 extended me
will be greatly appreciated.
The nominal icn for county clerk,
having been given me, and being so
busy with the work of the office and
the additional work caused by the
Local Board, 1 will not have time
to leave the office during the cam
paign, and hereby announce my
candidacy, for the position of coun
ty clerk. Thanking those, w who so
kindly supported me for the nomi
nation, and for what they may do
at the election and assuring all that
I appreciate their support. I am
Democratic Candidate for Co. Clerk.
From this showing you can
choose a suit appropriate' for all
Winter wear, for they are made
of such fabrics as broadcloth,
velour and silvertone. The
styles, while adhering to the
slender silhouette, show many
unusual, detail.
to $47.50
Snugness and service will be
found in these new
inter Coais
t .?,-v';7r!L:
5-- t ' j I t t J
Most of them are developed with
fur, though some of the models have
avoided it altogether so that one may
wear them with one's own furs.
Coats of duvetyn and bolivia cloth
come in Burgundy, taupe, navy, black
and green at
$17.50 to $85.00
The Ladies' Toggery
Having received the nomination
for the office of County Sheriff on the
Democratic ballot. I hereby announce
my candidacy, and solicit the support
of all voters of said county. If en
trusted to my care the duties of the
office will be performed to the besl
of my ability.
The undersigned being a candi
date for the office of State Senator
on the Democratic ticket, I take this
method of announcing my candidacy
to those voters whom I will be un
able to meet personally before the
election. In soliciting your support
I assure you that your best inter
ests will always be looked after in
the case that I am your choice at
the November election.
J. P. B KER,
Dunbar, Neb.
itm:it ui' ii!:ti: o nrrrnox
. AI'I'IMM'flK.VT v All-
For County Commissioner.
Realizing that I will be unable to
meet all the voters of Cass county
before election, I take this method
of announcing my candidacy fcr the
office of County Commissioner, on
the democratic ballot. In soliciting
your support I want to assure j-ou
that I will look after the duties of
the office to the best of my ability,
and that I will be commissioner for
the whole of Cass County.
For County Commissioner.
I wish to announce myself as
candidate on the Democratic ticket
for the position of county commis
sioner for the third commissioner
district of Cass county, and to as
sure all if elected. I shall at all
times, look after the best interests
of all portions of the county. Thank
ing all who may in any way con
tribute to my election, and assuring
all that I appreciate what is done. I
Mike Tritsch for County Treasurer.
Mike Tritsch should be ra-elected
county treasurer because he has
made one of the most competent
officials the county has erer had. All
anyone has to do is to look over his
books and see the manner in which
he keeps his accounts with the tax
payers. Competency is what the
taxpayers want. Mike Tritsch gives
the right kind of service.
East of Riley Hotel.
Coates Elock,
Second FIcor.
of Nc'.irask.".,
cf Ca-s. ss.
In 'mmv Court.
In t: e Matt. :- of the K.-tate of Grace
I it ii YVimlhr.rn. leceasel:
:i re:ilin-r anl lilin-r the petition of
Kol-t-rt l. Windham, jr.. praying: that
administration of paid estate may be
srranteu to K. 1.5. tVint'hatn, as adminis
trator. M-derod. that November 2nd, A. D.,
191? t 10 o'clock a. m.. Is assigned
fi'r li.'arfnn said petition, when all per
sons intt rested in said matter may ap
ptiir at :i (n;i!i!y Court to be held in
and for said nnty, and show cause
why the praye- of petitioner should
iit oe sranroii; aiu: inai noine m x j
tendency or sain pennon ana me neui
injr thereof le er i ven to all persons. in-t-rtsted
in said matter ly publishing
a copy of this order in the Plattsmouth
.lo-.irnal. a semi-weekly newspaper
printed in snid count;.-, for three suc
cessive weeks, prior to sai-.l day of
lated October Stli. 191S.
. LI..KX -T. r.KICSON".
10-1-i-Gw. County Judge.
notici: or- itF.FKiir.i:
Waller A
Itiilph Coon,
Notice is hereby Kiven that by vir
tue of an order entered in the fore
froms1 entitled cause on the 4th day
of October. 1918, by the District Court
of Cass County, Nebraska. I, the un
dersigned. Charles TZ Martin, sole re
feree appointed by said court, will, on
1 2 1 li dav of Nevember, 191S. at ten
o'clock in the forenoon, at the south
door of the Court House in Ilatts
nioutli. Cass County, Nebraska, offer
for sale to the hiirhest bidder for cash,
the following described real estate, to
w i t :
Lot Kleven (11) Block Three (3) In
thf viihitre of Manlev. in Cass Countv.
! Nebraska, accordinic to the published
piat thereof.
Said sale will remain open for bids
for cne hour.
JOHN M. LKYI A. Referee.
Attorney. 10-7-C0ds
For any itching skin trouble,
eczema, salt rheum, hives, itch, scald
head, herpes, scabies, Doan's Oint-
Rand-McNally -war maps Tor sale I ment is highly recommended. CCc
it the Journal ofice. I a box at a11 stores.
Ford Repairs!
It is important when your Ford car requires tun
ing up or repairing that you place it with an authorized
Ford dealer. Then you are sure of having repairs
and replacements made with genuine Ford-made ma-
icrmis uy men wnu Know an arjoui rora cars ana wno
ask only the fixed, standard, Ford factory prices for
labor and parts. There will be no more new Fords
till after the war, so Ford owners should see to it that
their Ford is kept in smooth running condition.
We have bot a car load of new Ford bodies and
can make over your old Ford into a 1918 cars and it
will be just as good as new.
We keep a full line of Aulo supplies, lubricating
oils and sell Red Crown gasoline at 26 cents per gallon.
Our garage is steam heated and fire proof. Stor
age rates reasonable. Open day and night.
W e solicit repairs and storage of all cars without
regard to make. A few good overhauled and guar
anteed Ford Touring cars for sale. Also one 1918
Ford Roadster, one 1918 Ford Coupe and one 1918
Ford Sedan.
J SeCn Authorized Ford Dealer, Plattsmouth Tel. No. 1. j
i i i ii i i