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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 31, 1918)
i i THTJP.SDAY. 0CT03EB 21. 131S. PLATToXOUTH SEMI-VVXEKLY JOURNAL PAGE 3. ' ... . t jiiL - . . - ? "--til 7b fie Vbfers; Having received the nomination for Lieutenant Governor, I am asking for your support at the coming election. Having served you twice in the State Senate, I refer you to my work while in that body. I have endeavored at all time? to represent my constituents, in what I deemed they desired, and for the best interest of all and my State. I am a Cass county man, and I am at all time interested for good government and justice to all, regardless of any party lines. I assure you that if I am honored with this position, I shall exert my best efforts to honorably dis charge the duties that may devolve upon me. Very truly, W. B. BANNING. o i m i:. notk'k t n n-i: i:sii i:nt ik- K K.N' WANT. HIS HKIKS. I.K'IATKK."'. I'KVISKKS. I !;:. N. KKi'KKSK.NT ATIYKS. ANI AM. l'i:i:S( p.S ixtki: KTK1 IN ills KSTATK. of: HIS .-TC- 'KSS KS. T V. HciniVrffr. ti'-st r-:il nam ur.kri'iu ri. if living, if iler ;i.vt-.l, tl. ittikiiown li.:rs. 1- v is.-t-v. !-ra t rt t snal r.-j-r-st mat i v-s. uinl nil oilir-r j-i'sons int r st-il in Lis estate. Vi;u anil !i of vou are 1it-!v miri-i! tiiat on li t- IMh .lav of n-tol.f'r ll'ls. tlit-t-f whs a I't-titi.Mi fill in tl I'istrict oiirt of I'ass County. .Vr-tiras-k;i. in wi.i. n .U...i(, Warua was plnin tiff. ami K. V. ilrimliis;tr, first leal ikame unknown, if livintr. 1:" iir- as-.i, i ! unknown l.t iis. ilevisffs, lra:atri-s. Personal represn t a t i vt-s anil all otlr-r jwrsons Inlerfsteil in his rsta'f. to-ir-tl:r with others, ivnv oVt-!ilants. The object and juaver of wSK n j.-u-tion is to quiet the tit!e in the ilain t iff Joseph Warpa, to Lots live i .". six ( c seven " and eiirlit est in It lock ti:t seven ;:? in Voi'ne A.- HaVs Ad dition to tin- Citv of l'luttsnioutl:. t'asn County. Nebraska. lit-caiie said plaintiff has bad the :n tnal. open. n t i i u--. i-vi-hisivc and adverse possession thereof, and every pa reel ami portion Hereof for in ore than ten years last past prior to the eornmeneenient of said action and lor equitable relief. Vou and ach of you are further notified that vou are required to ans wer said petition on or before Mun dav the ltllii dav of leeember l!lN. JOSKl-H WAIKSA. C. A. I:.AVI.S. I'fuintiff. Attorney. ;S-4wks. NOW. READY TO G OVERSEAS ALL PRELIMINARIES ARRANGED FOR THE DEPARTURE OF C. C. WESCOTT FOR FRANCE WILL LEAVE HERE IN 10 DAYS Will Remain In New York For About One Week For Special Instructions. From Wednesuny's Taily. C. C. Wescott received a message jesterday announcing the comple tion of arrangements for his de parture for France, where he be comes a secretary of the Y. M. C. A., and where he will work with the soldier boys during the remainder of the war. The message which he has received, reads as follows: New York, N. Y., Oct. 2S. C. C. Wescott. Plattsmouth, Neb., Pleased to state all Governmental and Association matters now ready York KNOCKS OUT PAIN BE FIRST ROUND Comforting relief from pain makes Sloan's the World's Liniment This famous reliever of rheumatic aches, soreness, stiffness, painful sprains, neuralgic pains, and most ether external twinges that humanity suffers from, enjoys its ' great sale; because it practically never fails ta bring speed y, comforti-g relief. A!v.-iys ready for use, it takes little tc penetrate without rubbing and produce results. Clean, refreshing. At all drug stores. A large bottle means economy. ill h v v WBMHIWWiJ Cnt This Cut It is Worth Money. DON'T MISS THIS. Cut out this slip, enclose with Zc to Foley & Co., 2SC5 Shefutld Ave.. Chicago, 111., writing your name and address clearly. You will receive in return a trial package containing Foley's Honey and Tar Compound, for cough?, colds and croup. Foley Kid ney Tills and Foley Cathartic Tab lets. Sold everywhere. For Sale Barred Rock Cockerels, $1.50 each. Mrs. C. F. DeJung. knowing what it means, he deserves a lot of credit and public apprecia tion. Aman In that work is paid just his actual expenses, and his depend ents are paid their normal expenses at home. There is no salary and no chance for gain. Moreover, men now in that work must stay for the j duration of the war if they are of draft age, and most of them are. for you to report to New ork T. .nrv , iho ..V" h.,tc ,.,, earliest Monday or Tuesday, prepar-, . . . . . tB f . . rc and often takes as much danger and , rusk of life and limb as do the fight ing soldiers, all without anj- chance ' of gaining a commission, a decora tion or other military recognition or . advancement. i However, the soldiers served are learning to appreciate the work of , these men and in the days after the j war is won it is likely that a Y. M. i C. A. worker, or worker in any of j the other organization huts who do ' a similar service, will have as much j honor and recognition from the sol diers as any other man who helped win the war. ed to sail after week's training. Con- ! ference on arrival. Leave heavy baggage at depot, take hand bag. Hotel Bristol, twenty-two and forty ninth street. For Hotel assignments before reporting, War Personal board wire date you will come. Y. M. C. A. War Personal Board The Omaha Trade Exhibit has the following to say regarding Mr. Wes cott: C. C. Wescott of Plattsmouth, of the C. E. Wescott Sons company and secretary of the Nebraska Retail Clothiers Association, has gone to France to serve the soldiers of Uncle Sam and our allies in Y. M. C. A. war work. This sort of service is greater than most people appreciate, and when a young business man like Mr. Wes cott (and there are lots of them, and more to go) will give up his business and take up this work, IN THE DISTRICT COURT. What the U. S. Government Says From Wednesday's Daily. Today in the district court, was heins: arjrued to the judge, a motion for the setting aside of the verdic in the case of Palmer vs. Parmele in which a verdict was handed down crvmn -w.-ffl.- npr frivinir Mrs I'nlmpr a judtrrnent tor some seven tnousanu dollars. J. Li. Roote and C. A. Rawls are representing T. E. Parmele, Attorney Broganof Omaha is caring for the interest of Mrs. Emma Palmer, while W. A. Robertson is looking after the interests of the heirs of Will Yolk deceased. About ELMWOOD NEWS NOTES. The Government says. that Christmas business must be spread over three months to avo;d the usual December congestion of traffic which is "so hurtful to the interests of the Nation that it cannot be permitted.' There remains but one good month in which to prepare your Christmas needs so do your Christmas shopping now. Make our store youi headquarters for those pretty useful gifts you wish to buy. We have a wonderful selection of all things new, up-to-date and in keeping with the trend of these war times. Your Immediate Cold W eather Needs Warm Winter Underwear! The nation-wide coal conserva tion will necessitate more warm clothing than you have worn in for mer winters. As usual we have an ticipated your needs and are carry ing a very large and complete un derwear stock and at all prices for the entire family. Blankets and Comforters! When these cold winds blow is the time one likes to snuggle under good warm covers. Here is where you can do your best in conserving fuel. Less fire will be needed with plenty of good warm bed covers. Blankets, all full size, special showing at $4.50, $8.50, $9.00 Comforters,special showing,at $4.50 j P. J. Fitch while putting down well on his dace, was surprised to have found indications of oil. While some indications were present they were not sufficient to cause much excitement, nor has it increased the value of the adjacent land. Mrs. Lola Bowman of Walton died Friday with Spanish Influenza, and two hours laters, her six months old child also died with Influenza Mrs. Bowman is the daughter of Mrs. Mable Oliver of Elmwcod spending: much of her life here and growing to womanhood in this place She was about 2 6 years of age. leaves a husband, three small child ren, a mother and two sisters. Mrs. D. A. Youtsey is spending several weeks in the west, visiting with friends at Hastings. The farmers are well along with their corn picking, and have found the qualitfy very fair though the auantitv in short. the shucking showing an average of about twenty bushels. To George Tl. Bird: You will take notice tliat on the 26th day of June. ISIS. Hermia K. Windham filed her petition in the Tif-trict Court of Cass County. Ne braska, against you, the object and prnyer of which is that she mav he adjudgred owner in fee simple of lot 30 in Mock !". in 1 'lattsmont h. Ne braska, freed from nil claim of hsuiIp or interest therein of the said Georae It. Kird; and that the said 'loortre. K. Hird and all persons claiming'" by, Ihrongii or untler him be perpetually enjoined from claimim; any rin'ht or title or riht of possession ai verse to the title and rights of this piaintiff, her heirs or assigns, ami fi'-m inter fering with th- peac ible en j men t of said lot by the plaintiff. Vou are re quired to answer aid petition on or before Monday the ISth dav of November, li'lb. or your default wii! be entered therein and ti e all-v?at;oiis of said petition taken n true. I i I . K .Vi I a i ;. V IXUII A M B. WINDHAM. Attorney. By B. i.i:;i, noticj:. To nil IVriii lnrrite! in llie lltt lule of ( I 11 : .1. fuble. IiiKitiie. now I Je-eeil : Vou lire h reby notified th:it Tavid .1. I 'it man. Miardiati of Atlanta .1. ('ab le durinir her lifetime, has filed hi? final oit. and pitition. askini? for th- approval (!' his said report and his d is( !;a ri-'c as jr-iardinn. You are noti:i d that a hearincr will be bad on said T'lition and final re- Il't:) n the it ten o'clock A. County .1 ud J'lattsniontli. v of November, M.. at t he -office in the court port 1M1S. of tt house, J'lattsniontli. Cass County, N- All objections therto must be on file before said date. hv the Court. ALT.KX J. BfCKSO.V. lO-iM-lw County Judrf. MlTK i; TO f IthDITlliiS State of Nebraska, County of Cass, ss. In ll:r Con lit. v In the Mult-r Of the j- K. Kox, I '.-ceased : To the Creditors of Sa id ou'are herety riotiiiet! sit -:t tie C'lcntv Court City of l'!at I sr.u.uth. in Court. ate of "U" ;ain C-tate: -that I will room in the said count?.". on the ii'tii dav of November, l!'lv. at lit o'clock A. M.. and on the "."th Oay of February 3!1'J, at 1" o'clock A. -M., to receive and examine all claims airainst said estate with a vjtw to their isti.i'-nt and allowance. The time limited for the presentation if ciana. airainst said estate is three months 1'r. ni the It'th day of November, -V 1 .. 1!U!. and the time limited for payment of debts is one yea r from suid liuh lay of November, 1!IS. Witness my hand and seal of r;d Count v Court, this 1Mb dav of Octo ber, li'li-. ALI.KN .7. BKKS'hW Seal. County .luduo. ily Florence White, CU rk. I'J-uiliv.' Warn? Dress Goods! We take exceptional pride in our large and complete line of Dress Goods, purchased at a time when prices were low and offered lo you at less than cost prices today. It is practically impossible to purchase an all wool cloth on to day's market. We show nothing but all wool cloths in prices ranging from $1.50 up to $5.00; and for those children's dresses for school you can select the prettiest patterns ever from a large variety of plaids in a wool and cotton mix. ture at $1.00 per yard. H M SOENNICHSEN, ANNOUNCEMENT. I wish to announce to the public that on Nov. the ninth, I will sell at I the barn in Pacific Junction, Iowa, 100 head of Big Type Poland, in cluding 11 fall j-earlings that far rowed litters this fall, 17 head far rowed last of February, 17 head farrow in May, and the balance of the 100 head will be from this fall litter. In dispersing my herd of big type Polands, I am giving the swine raisers an opportunity to secure breeding seed that would be hard to equal in this part of Iowa. I am offering bows that have been tried, and proven worthy of a place in the best herd. They are the large kind that pro duce the big type, and if you don't want to raise the big kind, don't buy these hogs. You will be able to buy hogs at this sale that would not be offered for sale if I wasu't dispersing my sale. Write for mailing list. Yours for better swine, J. R. HODGES, Bartlett, Iowa. M'.TKi: NOT1C!-: TO N-X 1 :i:Hl I'-KXT l'C- h i:b.NTS. ALSO T Ni . iMISI DKN'T OFF K N 1 ' . S TS THK.I!: IN KXoW'X HKIKS. I ! i VI S Kl-iS. i.i:. TKFS. l'KKS i.VAh KKI'li FS K.N'TA -Tl V KS ANO AI.I. UTlllii: I'hkM'NS iNTFKFSTFO IN THFIK FSTATFS. To Sconce I 'avis, if living, if deceas ed, the unknown heirs, devise.-s, lega tees, personal representative.-? and a ! I persons inteersted in his .-state; Charles Vo.ut. if livinpr. if deceased, . no unknown heirs, devisees. Irtai-vs. per sonal representatives and a! other persons interested in his estate; Abra ham leyo. if living, if tb-cea - ed. t!:e unknown heirs, devisees, leffatet s. per sonal representatives and all other persons interested in his estate; Augustus Frans. Kemper Frr.ns, L.a vina Wolfe: Fmma Cross; Joseph Sans and Susie Sans. You and each of you are Tierehy noti fied that on the ::ith day of iotber u petition was filed in the trict Court of Cass County. Nebraska, in which Flora F. Sans was pjnintih'. and you. together with others w I e de fendants. The object and praver of which pe tition is to uiet tiie title in tit plain tiff and her frrantee to the i-jIIov. described real estate to wit: The Fast half of the Northwest Quarter: also the West half f the Northeast Quarter: also t he Northeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter: al so the Northeast Quarter of the South east Quarter; also the Fast I.:;lf of the Northeast Quarter of tie S'titl west Quarter: all in Section seventeen 17 Township eleven ill North Kantre fourteen Uli Fast t.lh 1". Cass County, Nebraska. You are required t ansvr said petition on or Lefore the d,'- of Oecember 1!1S. FFOKA F. SANS.- C. A. KAWLS. Tla.'titifT. Attorney. I's-uvks. l.Kii.M. xitici: .TO T'dCH A ! : I CONWAY OhPlTAM ANO WIF1-: Fi.MA oI.l'iiAM: I.A KFN CONNICI.LY: JOHN .1. OLIHAM ANO WIFK KOSF OFOll AM: .' FSS I ! O. SNYOFi: ANO Hl'Sl:Mi 1 i '.S i ; Y SNYOFIO NO MAKY I.. C':A!5. I'!". r FNOANTS. You will take notice that on the 2(th day of October liO-. Cay iMh:im. fhntiff herein, liled her petition in the District Court of Cass i':n !ily, Ne braska, against you and Ci:;va .1. ihih- er, 1'auline oitiam. l.nisoti ild!.; i.i and wife Maud Oldham: .bu'i-s AY. Oldham and wife l-;Tie f)ldi am: Y i a II. Oldham. T'ollv Ynnnu and bits-baud Homer Voun?, the obie-t and prayer of which are to partition l.i tv.-i-n plaintiff yourselves and the above nam ed defendants, the following described en I estate, to wit: The West half of the Northwest Quarter of Section thirty :; i : t lo west half of the Quarter of Section thirty "(M : and hut two CJ ) in the Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section nineteen ISO all in Township eleven m Kanire fourteen (14) Cass Count v, Nebraska. You are required to answer said :ej- tition. on or before the Jiitii day of Oecember 101S. FAY" Ohl'iHAM. C. A. ll.UVLS, 3 'hunt iff. Attorney. iVhvks. rfr,n psR'P'Pirja PfPwfKP OCTnTSBD The State of Nebraska. Cass County. ss. In the County Court. In the Matter of the Fstate of John Micin, Oecensed. s On read ins atwl lilincr the petition of Mary Micin prayins that A.d ninisfra- t ton of sr.iil Fstale mav he jaant'il to John M. Meisinirer as Administrator. Ordered. That November l'.Uh. A. I . 3 91S, at Ten o'clock A. M. is assigned for heai-ins said petition, when all persons interested in said matter may appear at a Countv Court to be h hi in and for said County, and show a use why the prayer of petitioner should not be frranted: and that no tice of the pendencv of said petition and the bearing thereof be civon to all persons interested in sail mith-r by publishing: -a. cov of this order in ! the l'lattsmouth Journal, a f-emi-week- ! ly newspaper printed in said County, for three successive weeks, prior to f said day of hearinjr. ! Dated this 1'lst dav of October. A. O. ISIS. ALLKX .7. IlFK.-'oN. I (Seal) . County .lu.ipe. 1 : I L : ": J f - ; :; " : cr ': -' 'o--tk ;':,-. '. -.--:;:,V-; ?? V .- .' -' ' ....: -.':-.: y, x-.. : V 'N'. V ;- , i:V : ".:-:: : . . -; f I .v . ., I' . . . ' :-. r l.t I . .- f : : . v. 4 - J- Jft J . fc - - - - - - v . . - . 2 4 --v -!:-! v- ,' i ;-,'e;.;wli - I. r-tvtv "-l'-r- ' -i"- - v ; r. it:?'' tpS'-.r;.! T-Vly ;,.'.'. ' v it's. V.-lS-r :.i ".i a' ju:.'.i. .-ww. t OF FALLS CITY FARMER, STOCK RAISER AMD BOSiESS RflAW ndorssd by the People That Governor Moreheaa" enjoys the confidence of thd people of Nebrcska is shown by the. vele he has received ach time they have hed an opportunity to express themselves. 1S12 Primary rcrm'natccJ for Governor .Isjcrity 4,212 PS ' till 1312 Election r.lajcrity 9,702 1014 Primary Re-nozninntccf by 23,631 Majority Over LMoarest Opponent 1614 Election Re-elected by 18,977 Majority Over Ills Opponent 1S1S PRIMARY dominated for United States Senator Receivinc 17,945 Votes filore Than His Tiearest Oppon ent, With Five Candidates In the Field. In the recent primcry he carried every county in the state but four. BUS. MRS H & m&m, THE QEfJTlSTS The lnrzrest and best eauioped dental offices m Omaha. Experts H in charge of all work. Lady attendant. MODERATE PRICES. Porcelain fillings just like tooth. Instruments carefully sterilized K after using. :323 THIRD FLOOR, PAXTOM BLOCK, OMAHA ft i Stopped Ker S' Coutrli. FOE SALE. Buy that W. S. S. to-day. Call Phones S3 and 54. Full blood White Leghorn, single comb roosters, at 1.25 each. Frank Dill, Murray Neb. I rt- r n No remedy i3 LctLvr irnftwn than ""oley's Ilonej' and Tar for giving tquicK relief from coughs, colds and croup. Mrs. W. M. Stevens, Vivian, W. Va., writes: "My baby had a terrible cough, and nothing did him any good. I read about Foley's Honey and Tar, the firrt dose help- ; ed Mm and in tv.o days the cough stopped. Sold everywhere. 1 J - Journal Want-Ads Pay! Plattsmouth, Neb., Oct. 28. Banker's Autcmombile Ins. Co., Lincoln, Neb. Gentlemen: On Sept. 28th, I had the misfortune to damage a Dodge car owned by L. L. McCarty, of this place. Your adjuster, after investigating the acci dent gave me a check covering the damage to Mr. Mc Cart3''s automobile. I hold your policy No. A. N. 239, on my automobile covering hre, public liabilty and pro perty damage. Yours truly, JOHN W. CRAB1LL, Ask our agent, Mrs. L. W. Egenberger, in regard to our complete coverage policy and special farm car rates, covering your car auvwhere in the United States. BANKER'S AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE CO., Lincoln, Nebraska. i-.sss.