The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, October 31, 1918, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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. .-
Candidate for Representative,
the Republican Eallot.
For State Senator. 2nd District.
Tor State Representative. 7th Dist.
For State Representative. 8th Dist.
For County Clerk.
For Countv Register of Deeds.
For County Treasurer.
For Countv Sheriff.
For Countv Attorney.
For Countv Commissioner. 2nd Dist.
For Countv Commissioner. Srd Dist.
For State Representative.
l:.'a.ip:Ml the nomination on
the 11 pu'n'.kan tickit for representa
tive. He i- 4 your of age. Was
1. .rn on a farm in Hurler county.
X-'-raska. When IS years of age,
n:ovti t: University Place, Nebraska,
::; attended college four years.
Ki.''! the hanking business in
lkf ". H? ha:- been actively engag
ed i:: farming and Mock raising all
his '.
r- -;
. :Ii- business experience and
:r-r has wH tiffed him for this
:s:Me position.
For r.ester cf Deeds.
Republican Nominee.
? 'r.-.'.:.-:i v. a born ana rais
ed i:: Ci s r-ounty. I-.- a graduate of
tl.e Wcpinir Water Hi?,h School.
vv.'l !:n; had i-rh.t y-ars of bur ii:s--
p rienc and is v.r!! qualified to
h position fif It reorder of Deeds.
Telephone Service Gpnnetion
Charges and FHove Shargss!
By ouf r of the Postmaster General of the United
wtatfs the following schedule for service connection and
move charges is made effective September 1, 1918:
Service Connection Charges:
Viirre the rate is $2.C0 a month or less. ... $ 5.0(K
v h re the rate is more than $2.00, but not exceed-
ir.r 4 00 a month 10.00
Where the rate is more than $4.00 a month 15.00
Moving Charges:
A loving subscriber's equipment from one building
or residence to another premises;
Service connection charges shall apply
Moving telephone set from one location toarother
on the saine premises 3.C0
Moving other equipment than telephone set from
one location to another on the same premises,
- Actual cost of labor and material
App'iVr.m subscrib'ng for service already establish
ed, where no lapse of service occurs : . 3.00
Service connection charges shall apply to each class
of service and class of equipment for which there is a reg
ular .separate established rate, with the exception of exten
i.i'm beli.-, push buttons, buzzars, directory listing and mis
cellaneous equipment of like character.
Sii v xs connection charges and move charges shall
!e col!eced from all applicants for new or additional ser
vice at'the time of application and before such new or ad
ditional service is established.
Subscribers desiring telephone moved or a change in
c'ats of service or equipment, should call at office or call
local manager, at least five days in advance of the date
on which it is desired that change hs made.
Lincoln Telephone andTdegraph Company
for United States Telegreph & Telephone Administration
Mrs. Shannon possesses in a high
degree the executive ability neces
sary in a public position, and the
voters of Cass county will make no
mistake in supporting her for Keg
lister of Deeds.
For County Treasurer.
Joseph J. Johnson, who has re
ceived the nomination on the He
publican ticket for county treasurer
of t'ass county, was born in Ken
tucky, and has been a resident of
Cass couutv for more than twenty
vpnr At the present time he is
engaged in farming and stock rais
ing in riattsmouth precinct. His
previous business training thorough
ly qualifies him for the responsible
office of County Treasurer.
Owing fo the great task of faring
for the war loins and Red Cross, it
will be impossible for him to make
as thorough a canvass as he would
like. lie considers that his first
dntv is to his Government. If this
meets with your approval vote for
him for county treasurer.
For County Commissioner 3rd Dist.
Mr. Miller was born in Illinois.
has been for twenty-live years, one
of the leading farmers of the west
end of Cass county, also fanned in
Kight Mile Grove l'recinct for about
10 year?, lit' has been selected by
the Republicans of the county for
Commissioner because of his busi
ness ability, integrity, and qualifica
tions for the office. lie has been
successful in his own business and
will be just as faithful in looking
after, the county's business.
For Float Representative.
R. H. Windham, candidate on the
Republican ticket for float repre
sentative for Cass and Otoe counties,
served in the 14th, l'.th and Kth
sessions of the legislature, and he
was presidential elector in 1900.
casting hi-s vote in the Klectorial
college for McKinley and Roosevelt.
He succeeded to the unexpired term
of Judge Spurlock in the 2Sth ses
sion, and was reelected to the 2!)th
session of the legislature. He knows
how to make laws in the interests
! of the people. Gov. Micky appoint
ed Mr. Windham as trustee for the
school for the blind at Nebraska
City, and for the Deaf at Omaha.
These responsible positions he held
also under Gov. Sheldon and a part
of the term of Gov. Shallenbarger.
He has been one of Plattsmouth's
leading and enterprising citizens for
many years and has filled many
positions of honor and trust, always
with credit to himself and in the in
terests of the people. He is a vet
eran of the civil war, and has two
sons in the present war. Ben Wind
ham of the I. S. Xavy and Lieut.
Samuel C. Windham of the Regular
arm v.
For County Clerk.
Geo. R. Sayle. nominated on the
Republican ticket for County Clerk,
was born on a farm near Cedar
Creek, in Eight-Mile Grove precinct,
and has been a resident of Cass coun
ty for forty j'ears. lie received his
education in the country schools,
and State University. He taught
school for eight years, and has since
been engaged in buying grain un
til filing for the nomination for
County Clerk. He was a candidate
for City Clerk of Plattsmouth, at
the last election, and was elected by
a majority of 72 votes. George is
a man of integrity and good judg
ment, and if elected will perform
the duties of this office with efficiency
and with courtesy to the patrons of
the office.
For County Attorney:
A. G. Cole, candidate for County
Attoi"y on the Republican ticket,
as well as on the Democratic and
Prohibition tickets, has filled the
position acceptably to the tax pay
ers of the county. He has made a
reputation of securing more convic
tions, with less expense to the coun
ty than any prosecutor in Nebraska.
Mr. Cole is a good lawyer, and the
fact there is no opposition to his
election speaks volumns in his favor.
For State Senator.
Andrew Sturm who has been nomi
nated by the Republicans to the of
fice of State Senator, was born in
Cass county and is a man highly
esteemed in his own community. He
has engaged in the lumber and grain
business, at Nehav. ka, for the ..ast
thirty years. Always a public spirit
ed man, taking a keen interest in
the affairs of the state, as well as, in
local matters. He is a man of edu
cation, possessing a strong person
ality, and is thoroughly well equip
ped to represent the People of Cars
county in the senate.
For Sheriff.
C. D. Quinton, who is the choice
of the Republicans of Cass county.
for the important office of Sheriff,
has demonstrated what he can do.
There is not an office in the count v
in which experience is so much need
ed, as in the office of Sheriff, par
ticularly is this true during the
present war. You will make no mis
take in supporting Sheriff Quinton.
Mr. Quinton has been so busy with
war work that he will not have the
time to call on the voters, as he
would like to do.
For Commissioner in the 2nd Dist
('. F. Harris, is the Republican
nominee for County Commissioner
In the 2nd District, was born on ;
farm fifty-three years atn, in Vir
Kinia, came to Cass countv when
nineteen years or as:e. f or som
tim lie worked in the clothing store
of C. E. Wescott, later purchased a
farm in Liberty precinct, where he
has been engaged n farm ins for
long time. He has held numerous
positions of honor and trut in bis
precinct. Has been assessor of the
precinct a number of years, also
member of school hoard, and now
a member of the war board of the
county. Ho will look after the in
terests of the tax payers when it
come? to the affairs of the County
Commissioner's office, and he sure is
the right man for the place.
An Open letter.
I'lattsmouth. N'ebr., Oct. 24. 1 U 1 S
Editor The Republican,
Weeping Water. Nebraska.
Dear sir:
mere is one county oflire to he
filled by the voters of the countv
at the coming election,, for which
there is a woman candidate, and in
as much as there is a great shortage
of man power, or producers, at. this
time, it seems to me that it would
be the patriotic thing to elect Mrs
Edna D. Shannon, of your city, to the
office of Register of Deeds. I agree.
with General Crowder that every
able bodied man should either work
cr fight in the great contest now on
for human liberty, and in as much
as the larger portion of the work in
this office for the past twenty vears
has heen done by a woman or a girl,
it seems t; me that it would be good
policy to place .Mrs. Shannon in that
oftice. I am informed thst she come?
from a good old Cass County family
and is the daughter of an Old Tnion
soldier, and is entitled to the con
sideration of the voters of the coun
ty Tor that reason if no otber.
If we adopt the policy of putting
women in such positions it will have
a tendency to reduce the cost or liv
ing and I think it should be dono in
this case.
Yours respectfully,
Heavy, impure blood makes a
muddy, pimply complexion. head
aches, naurca. indigestion. Thin
Viced niaks you weak, pale and
rickly.' For pure blood, sound di
rest ion. use Burdock Blood Bitters.
$1.25 at all stores.
From Monday s Imiiv.
Col. Huston of LaPlatte was a
visitor this afternoon for a short
Geo. R. Sayles who has been visit
ing at Cedar Creek for over Sunday
returned home this morning.
Mrs. J. P. Keil who has been visit- ;
ing at the home of her daughter Mrs.
Jciry Schrooder near Cedar Creek,
returned home this morning. J
W. A. Oliver who huu been stay- t
ing at the home of his son Will
Oiver jr. near Louisville for some
time past, arrived home this morn
ing. Geo. W. Wall of LaPlatte was
looking after some business for a
few hours in Plattsmouth today and
returned to his home on the early
afternoon train.
W. K. Rosencrans returned this
afternoon from Hellevue. where he
has been to visiting with his ton
Wythe, who is sick at Hellevue col
lege and reports his son getting
alonsr nicelv. Mrs. Rosencrans is
still with her son.
P. L. Sprecher returned fiom Ft
Rilev. where he has been in train
ing for the past six weeks. He has
just recovered from an attack of the
Flu and was given a furlough to re
cuperate. Mrs. Sprecher, who is em
ployed in Glenwood at the institute
came over vesterdav to remain
while Mr. Sprecher is at home.
Fretn Tuesday's Pal I v.
I,, j. May field and wife from
Louisville were in the city this morn
ing looking after some business for
the day.
Henrv Theirolf of near Cedar
Creek was a visitor in this city this
morning, coming to look after some
business for the day.
Mrs. August l'autsch of Louisville
was a visitor in riattsmouth for to
dav, coming down to look after some
business for the morning. .
Herman (lartleman was a passeng
er this morning for Cedar Creek,
where he is looking after some busi
ness and doing some carpenter work.
Mrs. S. C. Stevens of Bellevue ar
rived in riattsmouth this afternoon
and is visiting at the home of her
parents John Monroe for a short
Henry Heebner came up this
morning from his home in Murray
and was a visitor in this city for a
short time on his way to Cedar
Creek. '
Mrs. John Murray who is having
some work done on her teeth by a
speciaist. was a passenger to Omaha
this afternoon, where she is having
the teeth treated.
Mrs. Wm. Shipley of Lal'latte was
a visitor in this city this morning
spending a few hours with her fath
er, Mr. Druery Craves, and return
in gto her home this afternoon.
Wood Rainey departed this morn
ing for Dixon, where he goes to
pick corn. The matter of gathering
the corn in this section is not so
much of a job as it has been hereto
fore. Wm. Wagener or near "ulsville
was a visitor in this city today com
ing down on the early train this
morning to look after some business
for the day.
Mrs. M. E. Ford of Cedar Creek
was in the city this afternoon, hav
ing been to Omaha for a visit dur
ing the morning, and came here for
a short stay before going to her
home this afternoon.
Burl Biggs .arrived this morning
from the Great Lakes training sta
tion, where he is a carpenter in the
Great Lakes Station, and a member
of the United States Navy. He will
spend a week here having an eight
day furlough.
Morris Stander who has heen mak
ing his home at Marlon. Iowa, for
ome time where he has been en
gaged on a farm, returned home
this afternoon, coming for the pur
pose of taking the physical exami
nation before the local board in a
few days.
Last Friday while Geo. R. Sayles
was out in the county he was taken
sick while at Greenwood and com
ing as far as Cedar Creek stopped
at the home of his mother, and ar
rived home yesterday. He is still
not feeling well and last evening
Judge J. E. Douglas had to act for
him as city clerk.
I'nini Wednesday's laily.
J. J. Meisinger of Cedar Creek
and family drove in and spent a few
hours in the city today.
Karl Amiek from near Murray was
called to Omaha this afternoon to
look after some business matters
there for a few hours. 1
Miss Louise Parriott of west of
Oreapolis come in this morning and
is visiting at the home of her uncle
W. II. Rainey and wife.
Adolphe Komenda was a visitor
this morning at Brainard. where he
looking after some business mat
ters and visiting with friends for
the day.
y W mm
ft ( J
: Just read this over
Men's Union Suits,
: Men's Work Sox.
2 for 25c i
i Men's Work Shirts,
! Men's Bib Overalls,
$2.00 j
J Men's Cf. Gloves, j
2 for 25c I
S Men's Husking Mitts,
j per doz $1.75:
William Oliver jr., who has been
vi&iting in this city and looking af
ter some business for a short time
returned to his home at Louisville
last evening.
IVter Gakemtyer of near Louis
ville was a business visitor in I'latts
mouth this morning coming down to
look after some matters in the city
and at the county seat.
If. K. Frantz of Eagle, the re
publican candidate for the repre
sentative was a visitor in this city
this morning, looking after some
business at the court house.
Sheriff Quinton who has heen at
ho:n' for several days past confined
to his bed by sickness, was out this
morning for the first time, and was
able to visit at the court house.
M. llogan who has been lining a
silo which S. K. Wixson has built on
his farm south of town, returned
to Lincoln today as he has complet
ed his nart of the work. The silo
is twenty feet under ground ai
twelve feet in diameter. The part
that is .already built will be filled
before the portion above ground is
Misses Grace and Lueha .sawyer
of South IJend were visitors in this
city for the day coming in on the
ealrv morning train, spending the
dav here and returning this after
Elmer Hughes of Alvo was look
ing after some business tor a snort
time in the. city today, having driv
en over in his car to appear before
the local board for physical exami
S. L. Parish. II. Metzaff ana Her
man Nickel, all from Elmwood were
in the city this morning coming to
innV after some business for the
day, and to appear before the local
board for physical examination.
Col. W. It. Young returned this
morning from the western portion
of the state where he was looking
after a large gals at Grant. Col
Vounsr has a reputation over the
state as a stock salesman, which
called him to many places out in
Hip state, where large sales are to
be made.
Irvin Mvers was over this morn
ing from his home near Murdock
nnd was accompanied by Messrs.
Wlil and Earnest Schleuter, all com
ing over to take the physical exam
ination before the local board.
H- v. Drew. C. A. Helm. Noble
Newsham and Fred Lemmon, all from
the neighborhood of Greenwood were
in the city this morning coining
down to take the physical examina
tion before the local board at the
court house.
Don't You Need One Now?
indigestion. biliousness, bad
breath, gas, constipation or any
condition arising from a mass of un
digested food in the stomach needs
immediate attention. Foley Ca
thartic Tablets are mild and gentle,
but sure in a?tion. Cause no grip
ing, pain or nausea. Cleanse bow
els, sweeten stomach, and tone up
liver. Sold everywhere.
The. Siires
oave $Z
$1 Wisely!
in i ii mm aonuiBiamamMMi
Take for instance in matter of cloth
ing. The new prices are so far-in
advance of what we offer you now
that you can make money by spend
ing it here at present prices. The
best way to test this is to look around
and then come here and compare.
We've studied to meet this situation.
We want you to benefit by our ef
forts. The big stocks of clothing we
have assembled are the last wool
clothing for a while. You better buy
wool while you can.
C. E. W
From Monday's Ioiiy."
Last evening a horse belonging
to Lester Dalton, who is in France,
was in the yard, and thinking to
get in shelter of the house from the
driving rain, backed up under the
back porch and chanced to step on
an outside cellar door, which gave
way, and lie was precipitated in the
cellar below. A few minutes later
Willis R. Holmes was going to the
Dalton home for something or other
and when he was nearing the cellar
entrance, he heard a noise, and
he knowing there was considerable
fruit in the cellar, thought it was
someone stealing the fruit, so he
picked up a club and down he v ent,
only to find the horse standing there,
as quiet and as gentle as could be.
He secured the neighbors and tempt
ed to get the animal out, but he re
fused, and made that his abiding
place until this morning, when the
sunshine and thoughts of green grass
brought him forth o. k. No damage
excepting the breaking of the cel
lar door.
i". a.' 9 i'? v : v
i ...... : : : ' 't-' A4
Candidate for State Representative on the Dem
ocratic Usllot for
Your Support Will Be Appreciated at the November Election
Way to
escott's Sons
I!. M. Siradley, who is in the em
ployment of the Lincoln
Company departed last evening ior
l.'tira, vhro h0 goes to asit in the
work of straightening out. the mat
ter of destruction caused during the
past few days by the sh-ct. The
storm is reported to have caused
great damage in that section of the
country. :
Ft oii Tuesday's raily.
The family of Wm. Troop, are all
sick, but are showing some im
provement, having hat' the Intlu
enra for the past nearly a week,
and all being down at the same
time. They live near Xohawka,
and are just now showing some im
provement. They have just succeed
ed in securing a nunc, one having
ocme from Omaha this afternoon,
and was taken to the Troop home
by Charles Troop, Will Troops
: ' ;-
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