THURSDAY, OCTOUER 21. 1018. FAQZ TWO. PLATTSMOUTII SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL. TO THE VOTERS OF NEBRASKA '. judge Charles B. Letton, formerly District Judge at Fairbury. one of the Judges of the Supreme Court, is a candidate for re election. 5 The Judee has made a record as an able, Independent, honest and industrious member of the Court. His ability is wcogmzed by the District Judges of the state, by lawyers generally, and by men of all stations in life who know him personally. This is too important an office to be considered lighUy by the voter &ery voter should think twice before casting his ballot. Hold last to that which is good." : f ikSJEITtl Board of Agriculture. Secretary 6tat. Dairymen'. Association. F. JOUVENAT, (Banker and Farmer. J , E. P. BROWN, t - J. ' ' Farmer, Regent of the University of Nebraska. J j I Hudge & Guenzel Company.! A. V. PEASE, Ex-Member State Board of rbsrmacy.J J. C. HAHPHAM, Hari'ham Brothers, Harness and Saddlery. J T V MTT .T .V.Tt Miller & I'aine Company. Mayor of Lincoln.! GEORGE JACKSOX, , 'T "V, Speaker of the IIoue of Kepresentatlves.J JOHN L. KENNEDY. , VVrtl1 Lawyer. Irving as U. S- Tu! Administrator for Nebraska.! . .. T IjSS'mmero. iate Chairman Liberty Loan Committee. O. G. SMITH, President Nebraska State Farmers Congress. Farmer Congress. J LGG AL NEWS Fri-in Tiies'by's Daily. Jahn J. Meisinger was looking after some business at Plattsmouth f. r a short time last evening having" t!rivt-n in with his car. L-hn M. .Mei-:iiiiT of southwest ot Myi.ard w .u- called to Flat tsmout h i.t. t M-;i day afternoon to look after ..nir business for a few hours. Koh.Tt Jordan and wife from near v ,;...r Creek were in the city this ! :.rni::.-r. look ins; after Hiaie busi : --s .;..' vi.-itin-r with rilutives. .:. V.". Nickel f near Alvo was T. :-:. t-r.t: Virir.. s in the city this i.-.i-: nir:. ar. 1 also having some matter- !o '.: f'. r at l,n court house. J. C. i-ej.niir of Flm.vood was a v:-:;..! li: ih.s lity ft.r the day. driv-iv-: i it t" ' .1: after rrine business f. r::;r-.iin.v at Hie court hme. '.:: il from tieai My.ianl a- a ,!:: r ::i On: sua today, galvg ' 'he early Kurlington train where " is ..k::.g after s-me huriness for he day. Mi-; .v. v. K- H. Union '.vas in the city this morning for a short :;! . '.n her v ay to li'eiiwuod, luwa, '.v:i n- she is visit iiik for a few days with an at: tit. !! nry 2 u: tiers who ha been w-;-i r. the farm r.t-ar Cedar 'r. k !i r th-' pasr few days came in 1 his ':".r;.!r.'--. while it va? so wet t'.iil he c v.:ld n' t work. T. K. IJabb. who farmeu on the :;'.r iv t; :i durin:; the i-'Mamer. hut .v in i ha- !; i; away f.,r t!ie nast two :r. -i:th.- visiting in Missouri r'ti:rn- ; !:' vvc.iiiiU' ;) .:cl: hi cum. Ator:iey ('. A. Rawls. was a visit or This afternoon to Weeping Water v.hi r- lie is cortduci ir. a referee sale i f so:;;' lands, in thai netuhhorhood which is owned 1 y the M -yer estate. Mi-s Leo; a Ifachcnherg, who came in to attend school, returned to lier hi ia" at L..ui. ville last evening on pccf.unt of the ft ppinp of th s liooh-, htre -vht-re she v. as attend ing. Mrs. ii' uru- Mcivinuer and h.ouiiter were in ho city for a fsw iionrs y -si erdr .y afterr.orn !r.okinjs : f.'-r : t, ; i ?. trori tlicir home :.f.:r V'h--.r 'r"ek. and returntei home la.- -VvIii!:U. Mi-- !,ro?l:y M--;:Kit!g-r and broth er La v. Tfiiti' am! Tdiss Hazel Nichols, of i.ear I - : : I -- v i i 1 - - w?re in the city v .. 1 1 r:.'a y afterr.oo:;. viiting with tri- i:u.--. atstt r"i".rne I home later in J. i . i ;re'.':tv.-?)id was a vi i'er it: th: city yesterday and r ;orne,i v his home last evening. Mr. Lemon lived in Plattsmouth tor;y-f.''ir years ao. and has since :.;-d : his h';ri;e on th fari'i in the . t ji rtion o" t!:e count y. l)l'k Chri-t welder of near X;; ! iwV.u. was a vi.-itor in Omaha, where he was securing some repairs fr some of his farm machinery and ( n his way home stopped here to 1-y.k after .-o:i:e business. and to vi-it with his mother for a short time. Uli 1 1 ,v C1 1 other Rectal Diseases in a short time, without a severe sar- U K n2TV Sica 1 operation. N Chloroform, Ether or other general anastnetlc ued. A cure guaranteed in every case accepted for treatment, end no moaey to be paid until cured. Write for book on Rectal Diseases, with names and Us'inoDia! of more taaa 1000 prominent people who bve been permanently cured. DR. E. R. TARRY 240 Bee Building OMAHA, NEBRASKA Brsu iVlach & Mach. The Dentists 1 '(sJMsSk TKifia FLOOR, TresiJ i t National Mrs. Thomas South received a letter from her sou Hay South who is a gunner on the Noshina. and that on the way hack, they were at tached by a submarine, and had a battle will-, it. shooting seventeen sluts at the periscope, which finally submerged. Ausnist Knkelmeier of west of Murray was in this city this morn ing on his way to Omaha, where he will enter a hospital for consultation and treatment, and what other mat ters -eetu necessary. lie was ac companied hy his mother Mrs. Fred Knkelmeier and Dr. Flynn. K. K. Sawyer and wife with their daughter Mnrie departed hif even ing for Cedar Itapids. called there by the death of Mr. Sawyer's father Snaiu-er A. Sawyer, who died yes terday ared 7" years. No cause of death was given in the message tell ing of his having passed away. V.'m. J. Stohlman. the democratic candidate for county commissioner from the second district. was a visitor in this city this morning corning from his home near Manley, and had some business at the court house, and in the city. Mr. Stohl man is making a pretty thorough canvas of the voters for the posi tion for which he has been nominat ed. From Monday's Pally. ArthMr Itaker of Murray was lookinir after some business at the Journal office this morning. Kl:a?r H?rtr cf (Jreenwood was a visiter in thi:- city this morning, coming to lock after some business far the day. .S. Ih Wixson of iiear Heck lMulTs was a visitor in this city this morn ing having some business to look af ter for the day. (leorse Morten.en of Louisville was looking aftr some business for the day in i'htttsmouth and had some business at the court house. Isaac Wile-- and son Leslie were in the this Morning from Weeping V.'pie-. Le-Lo cominjr for physical examination before the local board. HTjph Kennedy who has been visiting for over Sunday with his folks at Murray returned to the ramp at the State Farm last eveii i a g. c. .M. daiior from near Louisville was a visitor in this city this morn ing coming to look after some mat ters at the office of the county judge. John K. Stradley of Greenwood, was a visitor in this city this morn ing coming down to take the phy sical examination before the local hoard. Louis Olen arrived in this city this morning from Morrell. and is visiting with his father, and look ing after the selling of a car of po tatoes. Miss Alice Lister was a visitor at the home of her parents southwest of the city for over Sunday, and re turned to her work at Omaha this morning. Ym. Clarence and Herman Comer from near Union were looking after Vic . Fistula-Pay WheifCured A mild trstem of treatment that cares Piles. Fistula and Thi largest and best equipped dental offices in Omaha. Experts in charge of all vtrL Lady attendant Mod crate Pricci. Porcelain fellings just hlcft tooth. Instru ments carefully sterilized after usinfc. PAXTOM BLOCK, OMAHA some business in Plattsmouth for the day, and each took a load of hard coal home with them for the winters fuel. AVni. Atchison and son William Atchison jr., of Elmwood were in the city this morning, the young man coming down to take the phy sical examination before the local board. Ileury and lioy Hicker and John Meyers all from Greenwood, were in the city this morning looking after some business for the day and will take the physical examination he fore the local board. Michael Smith and son llryau Smith of Klnnvood. were in the city this morning, and were accompanied by Mrs. Ellen Smith who is the mother of Mr. Michael Smith, and were looking after some business for the day. Henry Johnson of Mynard who has been at Heat rice for the 'past few days returned this afternoon, af ter having vi-uted with his son Frank Johnson. who suffered a stroke of paralysis, a short time since. The young man is reported as improving nicely. Joseph Cook, was a visitor in Omaha for today, having come "tip from Murray with his daughter who was attending school here via Mis souri Pacific, he tool: the Hurlington for Omaha. The daughter on arriv ing here found the schools closed and returned to her home. John F. Gorder who has been at P.ovina, Colorado, for some weeks past where he has been seeding a farm to small grain which lie pur chased some time since, returned home this morning and reports things looking fine and with plenty of rain, and the wheat covering the ground in most places. From Wednesday's OaKy. Milton Irwin from near Union was a visitor in the city this afternoon looking after some business for a few hours. Frank Schagel was in the city this morning from south of llock Muffs and was looking after some bu.-dne-s for a short time. During the period while the schools are closed little Gerrge E'utr sole is improving the time by pick ing corn at the home of C. II. Warn er. W. II. Ileil from near Cedar Creel; was a visitor in this city this morn ing coming down on the train to look after some matters during the day. Henry Likewise was a visitor in the city this morning, coming down from his home near Cedar Creek to look after some business for the morning. W. .1. Stohiman and wife of near Manley were in the city yesterday, and returned home last evening, af ter having visited with many friends in the city. Clyde Freeherger was a visitor itr Plattsmouth this morning from his home near Louisville, coming to take the physical examination before the local board. Charles Gerlish of Manley was a vi-iter in PlattMnouth this attcrnoi.n coming to look after some business for the day, in the city and al. o i;t the court house. Mrs. John I'arkening was a visit er in the city yesterday at the home of her parents M. Hild and wife, and returned last evening to her home near Cedar Creek. Judge J. W. Urobst of Louisville was a visitor in this city this morn ing, coming to look after some mat ters at th o court house, and also having some matters in the city to attend to. Claude Durham. Howard Maple and Jack Heits. all from near Avoca. were in the city this morning, hav ing driven over for the purpose of taking physical examination before the local board. Miss Planche Giadu'on. who has been the assistant chief operator at the telephone olhce here, departed this morning for Wahoo. where die goes to take the position of Chief operator for the company there. A letter from W. T. Smith who is at a hospital at Omaha, tells of his making good progress towards re covery, and that he is able to sit up and Avrite the letter himself, but is still under quarantine on account of the Spanish Influenza. Henry Litorell, of Mountain Grove, Mo., who has been visiting at the home of his sister Mrs. Karl Reed and was working on the farm of Jacob Hild, departed this morn ing far Langdon, Mo., where he will work for some time, he having a brother there. Mrs. J. W. McLaughlin and fam ily who have been visiting here for some days past, the guests at the home of John Richardson, who is Tin uncle of Mr. McLaughlin, de parted this afternoon for their home in the Iowa city. Mr. McLaughlin who has been here, also will remain until over Sunday and will put in some time hunting, with his uncle John Richardson while here. THIRD Til THE CHARM JOHN E0DGEES. WHO HAS BEEN BEFORE THE COURT 2 TUE3, NOW FACES PRISON. CAUCHT WITH 'FLU' MEDICINE! Ford Breaks Down and Caused His Undoing. Nabbed in Happy ' Hollow Today. Ft on. 'fili;-Mljv'. Pai:.. An offender of many things. w;u again taken into the hands of the law this morning for violation cf the statutes, which provides, that one having in charge intoxicants, or transporting it shall for the first o ST "use pay a Sine, for each count in charge, of one hundred dollars, for second, a sentence to the county jail, and for the third offense, one year in the state penitentiary. John Kodgers has had the tirst ?ud second degrn?. and the third is coming to him. lie had secured the car of his employer, John Kah'enbcrger. and got himself away, and securing the contraband, was returning via the ether side of th river, cros-ed the river here, and was comintr to town via the hill route, thus thinking to avoid the city with its dangers of detection, when his car wen: to the bad in Happy Hollow, a few blocks eat and south of Ihe east fourth ward school house. He telephoi.ed for Kd Mason to come and pull the car in, lie did so. a:ul th otsioers were also notified ami Sheriff ton and Ofllcer Harvey Manners went along and 1. rough. t Mr. John Kodgcrs, and the "Flu" medicine to the city, they have the contraband at the court house, and Mr. Rodders at the country jail. The trial w!M follow in a short time. JOSEPH ZlfflERER DIES OF PNEUIO HE HAD BEEN" SICK FOR AE0UT A WEEK. HAD BEEN SICK WITH INFLUENZA PRIOR. Last evening at his home in Avoca, Joseph C. Zimmerer, who has been sick for about a week with pneumonia fever, died at about eight o'clock. Mr. Zimmerer has been sick with the Spanish Influenza "be fore and the fever had run into pneumonia. Mr. Zinitnerer had been engaged in the mercantile business for some years in Avoca. but pome time since had closed out the line, and was at the time he was taken rick, cashier at the bank at Avoca. The funeral will b" at Avoca tomor row, Thursday afternoon, at two o'clock, and the burial be made tliere. Mr. Zimmercr leaves a wife and one son eleven years of age. He was himself forty-one years of age. Mrs. A. I). Hilton who has been in Omaha for some time past return ed to this rity last evening and is at the home of J. H. McMakcn and wife, on being apprised of the tele gram telling of t l.e death of her son II nvard K. Hilton, who died in ac tion with his face to the enemy. Cat This Oat It is Worth Money. DON'T MISS THIS. Cut out this :lip, enclose with r.c to Foley &. Co.. Sheffield Ave., Chicago, 111., writing your name and address clearly. You will receive in return a trial package containing Foley's Honey and Tar Compound, for coughs, colds and croup. Foley Kid ney Pill-, and Foley Cathartic Tab lets. Sold everywhere. CHICHESTER S FILLS . , Tin: i:" iiraai. a. J I.Kdi ! AU T.Mir f. .1.1 fill-.., :,jt I ....! m,n,r' J?C".'fi) cj(.-d tij nine Kil!on. t . I' ll TL- v rr f i A' irn.r-.t. A, w t .r i 11 !. ' Ifl .S-TFTt S 4- .J iIa. i; p::a M I'li.i.s f. Ci V i'J y ": levtl JS !--. S-'Ct. At K ': il !o .v cr; ov r.r- riirpvvj-jrcc -ATTENTION Automobile Owners! Do you want to save as, get more power and mileage, and a.t the same time keep your spark plugs clean? "GAS PEP" will do it! Sold on a money hack xo.drante br ' lit W. 11. G H R T S. MURD0CK, NEB. " RUNAWAY CAUSES EXCITEMENT From W-lnfycIa y's l:illy. Just about one thirty Ibid afii-r-Jieon there va;i a rlpph of i -mrnt caused when a team beloiKliK to the Waterman Lumbir & i'on Co , took a spin down the alley and out in the street, and lu od-r to -.toj : uddenly ran into a laii- lelt-phoiie pole at the approach oT the IJuiJiiiK' ton viaduct on Main kI ! fl .'.'oil, ing hurt except the waj'.on aid horses scratched a little. WILL GO TO CAMP FREMONT. 'roii! WciliMsd.-iyf liiiilv. Notwithstanding the fact that tlio calli for the 7.000 from this Mate to the camps Howie in Texas and Kearney in California, and the send ing back to their homes of the boys who were to go. A. H. Koubek found a way, there were thirteen to sup ply a deficiency which had been ciured at Camp Fremont, in Cali fornia, and volunteers were asked for. thirteen were required, and w'iii"i offering his service. wa ac cepted. He came down last even ing, and spent the niejit a.t home, eturning to Omaha on the early af ternoon train to depart for the train ing camp in the west at -l-.L'O this morning. C. 11. CAVENDER BACK TC WORK From W li!i !ays l.ii!v. C. M. Cavcnder and wife who have been so sick with the Spanish Influenza, have recovered, and last evening Mr. Cavender resumed his work as the recond trick operator, at the Hurlinfton station. .lack Honish who hps been work ing in his place during hi- sickness returned to Omaha, Mr. Honish i. extra a vent, and will be sent sn'.i'L1 here else where some one desries relief. PLATTSMOUTH SCHOOLS CLOSE. From Monday's Pail' Like other places, the city schools of this city have been clo ed that the country may he given a fair f., in stopping the epidemic of Se.anisli Influenza. Alliance is deal ing with the matter in the rie,ht way. they have closrd the schools. the churches, and all public gather ings. The grocers are only al'owed tf"dclier goods to the doors of their customers, no going to the stores to trade, orders only received over tele phone, or at p distance. The mat ter of the children, which would otherwise have been in fcliool, is disposed of by order keeping them at home and within their own lots or yard. The Home (.Juards of that city patrol the town, and all homes which contain six or over in the family are placed under quarantine whether any symptoms appear or not. The idea of saying that the children question cannot be con trolled, is a very weak one, when the country is in danger, the people .-diould he patriotic enough to meet the emergency. niuit.ii or m:uii; on im:titio i-ok irroiM iii:t m-' i. MIMMIt A TOU. Th-- State of .WLraska, County of '"ass. ss. 111 tl" Mutter of the INtiite of (5r;iee Pen W iroil nri. ile. e.isei : On re;ilinir ami tilinu: tl.e petition of j;oiei t I.. imiiKiTii, jr.. praying ii-ai ailliiinistial ion ot s;,iu eviaie may o Kianted to It. 15. Vim'ham, as atlir.inis r,l. ieil. that Vi'Vi I'm!, A. 1 .. 101? at 10 o'eloek a. ni.. is as-Orm-I for f. eating sain petition, wi.en an per sons interested in said matter mav ap- ear at a 'o'ii:ty Court to ho held in and f'"- sail e.ii'.utv. and show eanse why the prayer of petitioner should net ! limited; alio ll,ai Il'uee oi i:n- i.end ne- of said petition and the lioar- i . . . i.. riT-j.Ti tn :ill oersinis in- i-'i'sted in said matter liy pu 1.1 ishi n (-..III lit T -K fll lll'l 111 III I lit ll. III''ll III i '..I . si.nii.u't'iklv ro'wsnaner . i.. o.ii.l I'liitnt v- fite three sne- i HI li ii i:i .- - es.-le weeks, prior to said day oil l.earitifr. )atel Oetoher Vth. 101s. A I. LION .1. r.KKSn.V. 10-lt-Cw. County Judge. miim i: or in:i-r.iti:i:'t' nailer A. Molilmnitn. ICntph Conn, li Minor. v- .i:,... i "iveti that 1V vif tue of an order "entered in the fore- "oitiir entitled eause on T f i itn ia r ......!..,. ii Hi li- ilo liistriet Court ilf t'ass County,' Nebraska. 1. the tin- lersisiiel. Charles j, .uimii. ; " " -:.o upuointed hy said court, will, on 1-Jth dav of .Vevernhr, l:ls. -it ten "eloek in the toreno'Mi. at the south i r t:,.. I' 1'iiiise in i'latts- inouth Cass Countv, Nehraska. olTer . , . .o:li the following d -Perihed real estate, to- UV i.m.., oil rtlnrk- 'I'liree Cj ) in the' villaae of Manley, in Cass County, Neliraska, aecoroin?? tJ uie plat thereof. . Sxid sale will remain open io; lor one nour. CtlAIM.KS K. MAKTIN. JOHN M. LI:YI).. Kereree. Attorne.w 10--o0dg TonV Cint Dreadful Sorcne&S. When the kidneys are weakened and fail to throw impurities out of the blood, the poison remains in 'he system and backache, soreness ana rheumatic pains develop. .Mrs. I):iv( id Henry, 5 S. Lincoln Ave, Wash lagtcn. X. write:-: "Foley Kid ney Pill? took the dreadful soreness out of my limbs and I walk good.' Sold everywhere. Flags at the Journal Office. Children tiy 'Shz Kirc'. You Hen fivn.-?s Bought, and which has been It: vv.i Ui over thirty years, has borne the signature c f " an has beeii made under his pcr- ' fSM S &J.7tlfz onal supervision since its infancy. tr.: .'. Allow no one to deceive you in this. AW C , :n: vWnz, Imitations and " Just-as-good " are but ;",-i-i:r!i'i.-t'.: that trifle with and endanger the health cf l i:.: '. xtl Children Experience arjairst Experiment. il;.'nst Is C ASTORIA is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, j".';j - ".:! Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains ; ; i i';l.:vr.. Morphine nor other narcotic substance. Its c,r-.? h e.uarantee. For more than thirty years it has "... .-.a jr. coniv-nt use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, .iad Cclic ana Diarrhoea; allaying Feverishness arising '..?rcfrcir., and by regulating the Stomach and Bowels, aids ah-.sirnl-.atfon of Food; giving healthy and natural eleep. 'ihc Cliiircr.'s PaaaceaTbe Mothci's Friend. asanas CASTOR! A always Bears the 4 k Use For Over 30 Years The Kind You Have Always Bought CARD OF THANKS. We de.ire to extend our heart felt thanks to those who so kind ly tendered their services during t"u idekness at the time of t'e.e death and burial of our husband, son and brother, John Hall, and to those who so kindly sang and for the floral oh'erins. MILS. JOHN" HALL. Uli. AND MRS. JTLIUS M. 1 1 ALL AND FAMILY. C. W. FOSTER LOSES BICYCLE. I'rm Mendav's Daily. That is not all, he knows who stole it, and is giving the party only a short time to return it. Ho will allow on'y a short time for the folks sake, and if the one who took the wheel, has not returned it, they will be arrested. He had left the bicycle on his porch and it had stay ed there until one o'clock, when his son came home. At three o'clock, the thief had taken it and started nway with it. when a neighbor came alonjr, and the thief placed it hy a tree, and when the neighbor had parsed went back and grot it. Harsh physics react, weaken the bowels, will lead to chronic consti pation. Dean's Kegulets operate easily. 30c a box at all stores. "A Healthy O armers staie Plattsmouth, Fust Anniversary September 28, 1918. Opened for Business, September 20, 1917. An Independent Bank with its ownership vested in Forty five citizens of Plattsmouth and vicinity. RESOURCES. Loan:; ?217,G5o.0J Ileal Imitate, Furniture and Fixtures ll,s;:LC C'atdi, and available funds , S7,:;11.10 Liberty Hondo, and United States Certiiicatea of Indebtedness 32,100.00 Total . LIABILITIES. Capital Stock Undivided l'rofites, net Depositors Guaranty Fund '. Deposits Total f37S,S3S.-12 The above statement is correct, T. M. PATTERSON, President. We thank the people of I'lattsniouth ami surrouTidineg; coun try for what, you have done for us in the past year, and we shall do our best to repay you as the years roll on, by con stant fidelity to your intercuts. Farmers State Bank. Plattsmouth, Nebraska. START AN ACCOUNT AND GROW WITH US. 1 vvvvvAAAvAAAvvAvvv foe FEotchort? Signature of STATE BANK OVER THE TOP. Frrini Mer.drv's Daily. In the matter of the Fourth Lib erty Loan, the Farmers State Lank ha a made a hard fi.uht for the s-.'dl-ing; of the Liberty l'.onds, of the Fourth i.-He. and have hiKcoedcd in selliiu; more than their ijuota, hav ing: gone over the top, for their al lotment. Their allotment was .lo, r.oo, ;md they came clear, and had eight per cent to go . on over a"'i above the amount, having sold ? L5. 7"'i, which was L'0. On over the top. Thi.s is doing; pritty good, a--there were hut few banks, which went over the top in the mailer, though the whole county was :ofely over. . . . HAVE GREAT DAY HUNTING. From Monday's Dally. Yesterday morning; at an early hour. Charles and Frank Kearnes, and Key Fox came to this city, and with Allen Kenner went down a Ion:; the river below King Hill, where they put t ho day in hunting, and had an excellent time, returning het evening the Omaha boys departed for their home on the late Mi;.iuri Pacific train. Wall Paper, Paints, Glass, t'ictort raajiuit. Frnk Gobelraaii. Yearling 19 1 aiiK Nebraska f 78,898.-12 $ L0, 000. 00 2,7 1 2.12 2,000.00 22 1,155. 50 Z V f