The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, October 21, 1918, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3
KOIDAY. OCTOBES 3i, 1518. F"ATT3MOUTH 6EMI-WFFELT JOUKB COUGHING SPELLS BREAKYOUR REST Put a stop to them with old reliable Dr. King's New Discovery TfcXt raw," hoarse throat "must "be toothed. That phlegm-loaded chest must be loosened. That cough must Le checked so you can sleep. Br. King's New Discovery has been relieving colds, ind coughs for half a century without the least disagreeable after-effects. Your drugg'rt has It becaese It 13 veil-known and in Lig demand. Try this fcr Constipation Keep the bowels oa schedule time Trith Dr. King's New.Life Pills, the Eystem freed from poisonous wastes, the complextion clear, the -stomach eweet, the torque uncoated, the breath uatainted. Miid yet positive in action. NOTICE OF DE LINQUENT TAXES OE CASS COUNTY Notice Is hereby given that I. Mike Tritsch. Trearurer of Cass County, in the State of Nebraska, will on the first Monilay, being the 4 1 li Jay of Novem ber. 191 S. as required by law, commence .selling at the office of the County treasurer of said county. In the city of 1'lattsmouth, at public auction, so much of the following tracts of lands and town lots as shall be necessary to j.av the taxes, together with interest and costs that may have accrued there on that day, InMng the delinquent taxes for th.e year 1917 and prior years, as appears from the tax lists for said years. Said sale will be held between the hours of l ine o'clock a. m. and' our o'clock i. tn of sail date, and will continue from day to day between I said hours until all of sai.l property upon which delinquent taes i emain unpaid, .shall be sold or vi'ered fur sale. Ml K K TIUTSCH. Treasurer of Cass County. Ne.b I'lattsmouth. Nebraska, O.-t. 1. 1918. HM)i. TII'TOV lMtK.t'IVCT Twuhin II), It mice !, Description Sec. K SW4 :: (iitKi:ttil) I'ltKt I.X'T Tonniulp 11. Itanue ! 1 -scr i pt io ii Lot 1".. N'2 NK4 - - . I'art of SY4 north :ist ofDel Creek . Si:'-, S' NW'4 !: sr:' AVOCA PHECIXCT Townnhip IO, Kudkp IS. inscription Sec. Amt. XE4 17 95.70 That pt of N' NWU west of :a. j i:. r: 19 MT PLEASWT PHE'1CT 1onlil 11. Itaoice 12. Description Sec, SV SKU IS XKli 19 ni-:4 pev; 19 N'i, SV 20 1.ILIIT MILK. (iKOYK. PKKCINCT TuwnKbin l.t. IUukp 12. Description Sec. Lot 6 25 Lot 7 28 Ki SE'i 34 TovnMhip IO, Itnnge 13. Description Sec. Si: '4 NK' 9 SV i-i SV i 10 .24 .24 30.91 Amt. 39.26 95.49 21.62 51.4", Amt. 28.86 73.00 26.42 SV4 N V N NV4 -'" SW '4 .V4 29 SW'4 29 wit sk 29 Lot 13 -4 SWV4 3 i Tunn.iliip 10, ItauKr 14. Description K.-. NK4 W'i XKU NL-,4 SK', Lot 10 SV 4 NK4 Lot 1 2 S W '4 lots 3 and 6 NKVi Sec. Lot 4-r. XKU SKL N SK 4 Lot 1 NK4 NV',1 SV4 Si:4 Ki SK4 NV4 . Lot i sw,i si:u Lot 2 SW4 si:4 Lot 3 NVi NW'4 U KST HOCK lll.l KKS l'HKCIXCT . . C . . 6 SKU .19 19 20 28 28 29 32 32 33 Amt. 21.36 16.22 30.01 69.45 47.32 21.56 7S.32 63.84 21.15 Amt. 24. 28 23.25 12.24 3.49 18.27 21.14 11.96 42.27 118.68 359.51 15.04 1.52 19.47 2.97 ToYiihi Jl, Hango i:t. Description Sec. Amt. S'i NW'4 and SW'4 4 139.18 SV,4 8 94.38 Lot 2 SKV, SKV and SV4 SK1 15 "L07 Lot 2 si: u Si: '4 and SU'4 SK4 Mtg 15 10.70 NK'4 17 98.66 Lot 9 NKVi NW',4 - 20.35 SU NWV, 36 52.28 AST HOI K lll.l KKS PUKClXtT TomumIiIp 11, Itange 14. Description Lot 11 Lot 12 SKL Sec. . 4 . 4 .scr-. .... 6 and Amt. $ 26.60 Amt. 4.70 si:, Mi' 21 SALT HK.KK I'ltKllX'T Township 12, Ivan tee ii. Description Sc. 2.46 S- 49.67 1 v76 ss :o Amt. Lot 9 NK4 SW4 16 3.60 Lot 1 SV4 SK'4 20 14.91 S pts of Lots 2-3-4 SW'4 SKS4 20 11.S0 Lot lo SW"1, SK'4 20 5.52 Mill lot.-: 1 aid 2 of lot 17 SW'; si:, 31 33.0C Tt lot 7 sk' NW.4.-..32 112.11 lot 13 SK'. NW'U 3 2 29.13 skl 112.9s MOVK CIII'.KK I'UKt INC'T '1 n alii;t IO. Itatu&e lo. Ijs. 1 ij.tion Sec. S'- S V 1 4 1 EMIWtMtll I'HUIXt'T Toi lo liip II. ltnuue Hi. 1 lescript !: Sec. NW ', SWU 5 !:-. m:'4 6 nv. sr.i. t Lot 7 NV4 SWi, . so i i ii iii:m) T Doliip 1-. Ies. r it-t ion Lot 9 Lot 1 arid sub lot 1 to 14 i:u K. SW4 Amt. 47.41 Amt. 24.93 3. 90 48.76 4.57 imii:cict ItniiKe Sec. Amt. 10 7.2C of 6 11 7.36 16 13.14 'WKKPI.MJ wati-:k IMti:CICT Tow ni hip KluSP 11. T-scr'r t ion Sec. r:'4 sv Lot 3 N'W, SK 4 SV4 SL' ' SL'4 .17 . 26 Lot Lot 5 SW N K 1 1 .... N'- NW4 i i:mi. ihi:cict Tousldp II, Itauce II. T evcri pt ion Sec. X':, 24 l.t s n.l.K PKEflMT 'l'onnliip 12, ItaDirr II. Description Sec. Lot l 1 Lot 20 SW4 NK'4 1- Lr-t 1 NW'4 1- Lot 4 15 Lot 10 and 16 15 Lots 1-2 NK' NW'H Lot and S i: 1 1 NW 1 Amt. 34.60 2.63 2.62 20.90 70.31 45.11 Amt. 98.00 Amt. 27.45 6.62 20.65 11.66 1.96 23.13 11.66 SWEET CIDER 60c Per Gallon! CABBAGE for KRAUT 3jC Per Pound! Government Cut Bacon 40c Per Pound! Fine Large Red Onions $2.25 Per Bushel! Butternut Coffee 35c Per Pound! Parsnips 5c Per Pound! Pure Maple Syrup $1.00 Per Quart! No. 3 Can Hominy 10c UfiTT Q rt! I ni:4 7 si: sK'4 " SW4 SW4 8 Lot 4-6 K'x, SW4 9 W NW U 17 NK'4 NK'4 IS Lot 5 SK4 NK'4 IS SK',4 Si:'4 32 1L ATTSMOl Til l'HKCIXCT Totviililp 12. Haute 13. lescription Sec. Lot 4 SK'4 ."KU K '-NK'4 9 Wi, SW 10 s'.. sw, si:1 ii Lot 5 NW',4 NK',4 11 Lot 6 NW'4 NK'4 1 Lot 13 NW4 NK'4 14 Sub 12 and 22 of lot 9 NW'4 NW'4 14 Town hip i:t. It n une 13 Lot 12 west of track SW!, SW' 35 TuwuNliip 1-. Itanue 14. Amt. 29.4 3 10.52 15.S2 13.79 1S.S4 34.47 37.35 11.59 .56 16.25 Amt. 7.10 2S.71 4X.54 22.59 5.17 39.77 23.43 13. SO 11.2: I escription Lot 66 EU . ITS 1T9 Lot Lot Lot Lot 6 Lot 7 Lot 23 Lot 2 5 t Lot 22 Lot 31 Lot 4 2 Lot s NK'4 ... Lot 55 NW . . . Lot 2 NK'4 NK'4 Lots 5-6 Lot 7 Lot 9 SU Lot 19 S'.- Lot 19 Lots 22-23 VII.I.ACiK OK Lots Lot 9 Lot 10 Lot 10 Lots 1-2 YII.LAGi: OF Lots Lot 8 v. lot 6 '-. b"t 6 KOKTOV Sec. , . 7 .18 .18 .20 . 20 .20 . 20 .i) . 20 .20 .20 . 29 .29 .30 .33 .33 .33 33 33 (KI)Alt (KEEK Amt. 7.26 1.95 3.51 it " 3.22 10.24 1 10.63 .77 19!54 9.4S .3S 6.06 5.31 2.46 .95 .39 .29 Block Lot Lots Lot 3 . Lots 4- Lots Lot Lots Lot Lots 1-2 7-8 6-V 4 S WABASH Pdock 9 9 1-2-3 D HIT ION VA HASH Block . '. '. 6 6 6 Amt. S.47 IS. 47 6.1 S 1.84 Amt. 22.53 20 "s 35. S7 To Amt. 4.30 .21 .62 9-10 VlLLAfiK OK 1 Lots Lots 11-12 8-9-10 VII.LK.E OK 6 to S 9 -. 10-11 ATT AS 10 11 11 MAXI.EV Block Lots Tots Lot Lots I. 1.97 .21 2.26 Amt. .85 7.03 Ml Kit A V 4 4 4 KlltsT ADDITION .Ml It It A V Lots Block Lots 3-4 12 Lot 16 15 ,TTA'S SKCOVD ADDITION M I K KAY Block all lots 12 13 to 10 IS II.I.AtiK OK .XKIIAWKA Block i,8 2 1 ft 11 Lots West 4 to 14 Lots 8 V Lots 7 and Lot 4 of Lots 1-2 . Lot 3 Lot 1"i:i:.s Lot 17 Lots 11-12 . VILLACJI Ixts Lot 1 Lot 2 Lots 3 Lot 11 Lot 12 Lots 1 1 1 1 1 10 11-12 . 1 to 3 . 10 to 12 5-6 . 1 to 10 9.12 14.92 4.61 TO Amt. 1O.70 0.87 Amt. 9.6: 4.9: to 15 Amt. 2.72 8.26 14.31 15.22 41.66 to 10 to 12 to 1 to 12 and 3 to 8 6 to 1-2 3-4 10 Lots Lots Lots Lots It Lots Lots Lots Lots Lots Lot 5 Lots 1 to 10 and 1-2 . Lots 3-4 ... lAt Lots Lots Its Lot Lots Lot Lot Lot Lots Lots Lots Lots Lots Lots Lots Lots Lots Lot Iots Ixts Lots Lots Lots Lots ... 9 . . .11 13 16 ADDITION TO XEHAWKA .60 1.20 OK BOOK HLt'FKS Block Amt. .15 1.40 .90 .20 .20 7.76 2.45 .70 .79 2.57 1.49 .20 .30 .30 7.11 1.75 3.27 to i: 0?j Mi 2W 2 W 2W 2W 2W 3V 7W 8W IN .2-3-4N 4S 4S 5S 5S .13S 3N-4K 1X-1W 1N-2W 1.V-2W 1N-2W 1N-2W 1N-3W 1N-3W . , 1N-3W 1 " 3 1 1 3 1N-2W 1N-3W 1N-8W .2N 1-2W 2N-3W 2N-3AV 10N-3W 11N-3W LS-7W 1S-8W "S-5W 5S-1W 5S-1W 3S-1R 3S-1K 3K-1K .3S-1?: . .3S-2K .4S-1K .4S-2K Lots 4-5 4S-2K Lot 6 4S-2K Lots 7 to 9 4S-2K Lots 10 to 12 4S-2K Lots 1 to 12 5S 1-2K Lots 1 to 10 6S 1-2E Lots 1 to 10 7S 1-2K i Lots 1 to 10 SS-1R Lots 1 to 5 8S-2K Lots 6 to 10 8S-2K Lots 1 to 10 9S-1E 8 10 6-7 8 .. 9 . . 10 .. 1 to 1 to 3 to 8 1 to 8 . 1 to 8 . 1 to 12 to 12 1-2-3 4 to 11 1 to 3 .. 4-5 6 to 9.. 10 to 12 1 to 12 and 1 to 12 Lots 1 to 3.72 .30 .20 .39 .20 .20 .16 .30 .15 .16 .15 .59 .59 .30 .46 .57 .67 .50 .49 2.53 .25 .54 .20 .30 .3 4 .30 1.80 .94 .30 .15 .30 .20 1.70 .43 .25 .34 1.30 OIT LOTS TO THE CITV PI.ATTSMOITH Descrlntion S T Ft Lot 16 7-12-14 Lot 68 7-12-14 Lots 15-17 Y SW',4 7-12-14 Last pt of lot 53 ..12-12-13 N 2-3 lot 62 XV4 SK', OP except rv Lot 30 NK'4 NK Lot 6 SVfe SWi Lot 24 Lots Lot Lot Lot Lot Lot Lot Lot Lot Lot Lot Lots 7S 79 SO S3 S4 93 94 97 85 S SW4 -28 SVi S',4 SA SWV4 . . S. SW', 4 . . S'j SW4 . . S'. SW'4 . . SVje SW',4 - S'2 SW'4.. S'X. SW',4 . . S'i SW'4 . . SW',4. SVi SW'4. and 86 SK Wash Ave. Si 5 sub west N 16 12 6. . lot ft SW '4 Lot 19 SK', CITV Lots Lot 10 Lot 7-8-9 Lot 1-2 Lot 3-4 Lot 5 SW of Ave. . Lot 6 Lot 7-S-9 At 10-11-12 Lot 9 and WVi 10 Lot 9-10 N's lot 11-12 Lots 4 to 6- Lots 2-3 Lots 7-8 Lot 10 N of Lot 6 Lots 1 to 3 . Lot 4 Lot 6 Lot 8 Lot 9 Lot 10 Lots 11-12 .. N 10 ft of West 23 ft 13-14 and sub lot 6 12 K'i 3 K 20 V. ft KV- 11 all Lot 10 Lot 6 Lot 12 Lot 7 W 8 S 6tt ft Of W 24 ft of S 100 ft of lot 4 1't lot 1 Lots 4-5 lt lot it except ry ... Lots 11-12 S'2 lots 7-S-9 N'- lot 7-S-9 X 78 ft lot 7-S-9 Lot 12 X ' 7 Lot 8 Lots 4 to 6 I't lots 1 all 2-3 Lots 4-5-6 Lots 4-5-6 Lot 9 Lot 10 Lot 7-S Lot in Lot 1-2-? and pt 4 Lot 9 Lot 10 Lots 1-2 Lots 3-4 Lot 10 Ix.ts 11-12 Lot 11 Lot 1 Lots 1 to 4 Lot 5 Lot 7 Lot 2 Lots 7- Lots 11-12 X 1 ft of Lot 7 ... Ind .j8 . White'N Lot Lots 7-8 . . '1'im iixeutl Lot Lot 1 Lot 2 Lot 4 Lots 5-6 Lots 11-12 Lot 8 Smith Addition S'i of 44 all 4T.-4t.-47 Mickeltvait AildlCou Lot 2 Lots 2- Vuuai; A. Kaes ,12-12-13 i 24-12-13 . .18-12-14 . .18-12-14 . .18-12-14 . .18-12-14 . .18-12-14 . .18-12-14 . .18-12-14 . .18-12-14 . .18-12-14 . .18-12-14 . .18-12-14 . .18-12-14 . .18-12-14 14 1S-12-14 4 SW',4 . .18-12-14 OK I'l.ATTSMOl'TH 6 ft of Block .. 7 . . 8 . . 8 . . 8 . . 8 . . 8 . . 8 . . 9 . .11 . .11 . .13 . .21 .21 .21 !23 .23 . J i .28 of of lot Arn.t 2.98 97.56 12.66 5.72 29.49 13.38 19.63 71.46 26.56 20.67 7S.99 23.96 23.83 17. S5 9.10 23..9 32.18 25.84 6.50 5.8 3 42.48 Amt. 29.89 100.41 51.52 50.34 64.81 76. Lots S to 11 Porter Place Atlriitiou Lot Lot 2 Sub lot 1 pt 2 and Er ft of 3 O'Neill Addition to Lot Lot 2 Lots 5-6 Dove Adtliliou to Lot Lot 2 Burris Sub Div. of Lot 30 NK'4 NK1 io- 24-1J-13 Lot 1 Lots 2 to 8 Liien herder V Troop Addition Plat tNtMouth. Lot - Lot 7 Lots 11-14 ui:i.pi; w ati Lot . . . 3 3.12 to PlnttmoutU Block Amt. 1.26 320 12.74 IMnttumuuth Block Arnt. 9 1.62 . . .10 08 PluttsiiMtiilb Block Amt. 1. s. to 1. 1. 4 13 11 .07 Lot Lot Lot Lot Lot Lot Lot Lot Lot N 1 2 Lot 4 lot 1 . :it ciTr Bloe'.C . . 36 1-2 t o s 2 7 5.54 229. S9 145.73 41.21 55.S6 105.02 82.56 .S3 33.0 I 7 30. Lot li W 22 ft lot 8 S 1-3 of ' lot 10 X 1-3 of KVj lot 11 C 1-3 2 Lots 1-2 W. lots 1L-12 t; 'ots 5-6 S :: to 6 ft io! 9: 2.46 2.4 6 2.2S 2.2 5 .36 . 3 S .40 ,.45 , .46 .46 .48 , .48 .4S . .54 . , . .62 . .62 . . 75 . . S 5 . . "5 ..88 , . 95 . .95 . .97 . 98 . 1 10 .111 111 ,122 lots Addition tit Atldiliou to . .122 . .122 . .13S . . 1 .". 2 . .164 .164 . .K..; . .221 . .221 .221 .22 4 . 224 , .224 Plattnmoul Ii Block Amt. .. 4 4 5.2 Piatt 'inoii th Block . . 1 . . 1 . . 4 199.55 106.22 160.79 41.13 223.14 9 5.10 250.47 26.56 4.S2 13.27 26 9.21 290.22 54.2S Ki5.r,4 67.67 5 3. 03 2 6.92 5.4 6 3 1.52 2.2 9 21.4:: 1.67 2.4 9 119.113 ::.-' 4.9.". 7 ii.r, 11 17.67 1 10.54 117.91 20.99 145. 40 3.12 16.17 13S.44 44. s 55. St; 75.59 527. ST 76.o: s.!s .9 1 12.4.-. 4.26 ' Lot S ' . ; Lot i Lot--. ! Lots 4t; ! X 7: W'-j "lot 3 K 16 Lot 5 Lot 1 Lot 2 Lots 11-12 .. Lot 2 Lot 8 ! Lot 3 Lot 4 : Lot 1-2 I't lot 3 Lot 1-2 j Curler " Lot X'-. lot 1 . X and W Lot 3 ... K'.. lot 6 1 ,ot 8 ... Lots 3 to I'leinliiK t: 1-2 " :.! ft of 4 and all 4 . . Addition to of Creek 7 . 2 6 . 3 6 .36 . 3 6 .46 . 4 6 .4S . 4s .49 . 6 2 . 6 4 -i:4 . 1; 5 67 .67 . 69 .71 .72 :d all ....S3 .... 3 . . . . S . . . . s s ... .99 . . .160 . . .100 ... 101 . . .Til . . .102 . . .102 . . .106 eepiiisj BlOek 1 s . . 1 4 4 7 .... 1 5 Lot 4 Lots T-S Lots 13-14 .... Lot 12 Lot 15 Lots 1 to 6 vill vt;i: Lot Lots 1-2 Lot S Lot 9 SVj let 6 Lois 12-14 .... Lots 1-2 Lot .21 23 OK 24 1'I.MWOOD Block 8 18 18 21 21 23 VII.l.AGi-: OK . Amt. 29.27 6.55 1.97 2 3.45 26.17 6.1 I 12.T9 12 0.4 2 125.29 0 9 23.12 .J.7 .47 I 7.6 6 391. 75 j 66.95 110.V. 1 4 1.02 2.09 ' 2.74 ! Lot Lots 5-0 . !: 2-3 lot c 1-3 w 1-3 W 1-3 t' 1-3 K l-:: V.' 2-3 IV OCA Block . . 7 . .12 . .13 . .13 . .18 . . 19 . .19 . .19 nioi Block lot 7 lot 7 i . . lot 3 and K 2-3 4 lot 2 lot 4 lot 1 tint I.ol to I Lot I Sub Lot of lot 4 NKV, NW',4 ' Sec. 26 Two 10 l: 13 'Lot 20 XK'. NW'4 Sec 26 i Twp 10 11 13 i vii.i.Atiii or 1 ion I Lot Block 'Lot:? 12-13 1 , V pt lot 12 . 4 . i: i,t lot 12 ;;11 13 4 l,nii Addition to I uiuu L..t 5 and pt 27 It SK cor 6. 5 Lot 6-7 6 Lot 1 10 l.ets 2 to 8 10 l'ii.1 3-4 lot 4 11 Cud lot 4 II So tit ti 1 II ion ii 16.73 15.2 2 1.71 29 51 7.30 1 1.54 Let L-.t 5 Lots '.lock 1 L. t. 17-ls i tli ni 11 V' !i . II I. fil tldilion lo Ol lot; 27 1 l l: l: 2 2 ! o: ; 41 ! t.l ! .61 I .S5 i .19 .; 1 .so Lot Lot 9 Out I .of lo ot 7 nkv, NK'4 :-( - 10 i: 9 11.1, k.i: or 19-20 I Hioil 1 M I 'It DOCK Block 30 A 1 10 Tup 15.89 8.34 58.25 13.34 49.80 7.32 Amt. 19.03 14.59 3.72 11.69 8.1G 5.99 21.42 Amt. 4 2.15 2.93 1.23 5.01 20.61 3.50 .66 5.77 Amt. .91 34.37 Amt. 8.76 6.5 2 14.48 29.36 13.05 1.52 1 0. 1 9 9.4 8 2.67 Amt. 4 28 1.S.7S 24.10 Amt. 3.41 Wilier A nit. 22.15 3.9S Lot , Lot:: ; Lot 5 . Lot -N 2 , 1 ., ; Lot I Lot K s . i 11 lot ; 14 15 Men; Lot .. lots lot 3.-4 . 1 i!!id all -r" rirst 5-6 30.34 Amt. 20.05 2 11.56 2 19. S7 4 40.22 6 4 23.. 25 5 21.09 5 12.01 Addition to Alvo Block Amt. 2 9.40 AI.VO Block . . . 1 .90 j 6. TO Lot Lots 1 to 4 Lot 5 Lot t; Lot 7 Lot 9 Lots 1S-19-20 ... C 3-3 I o U 2 W 1-3 lot 5 Lo t 5 Lot 6 . . . X 22 ft lot 2 ... X pt lots S-9 . . . Krltehie Addition Lot Txit 1 ' Lot 2 Lot 3 Lot 4 Iteetor Lot Lot 1 . ICliee Ailtlitiuu to Vi ei-pinti Viulrr Block Amt : SPANISH INFLUENZA P10LY SPREADING In s ... 1 1 eepins Bloek Addition In in 6 If Amt. 2 2.42 23. tin 23.56 2 2.17 21.52 Lot Lot Lot Lot Lot 1 1 Treat Lot Lot 3 . Lot 2 . Chirk Lots 1 t Lots L'!S Lot Lot Lots Lots Addition In eii uiz Bloek , 1 1 4 4 4 4 re pi ii? Block 27.29 4 (I. S3 22.95 -1 3.5S 3 9.61 1 n.29 10.21 5 6.90 12 3.19 71.2 1 Vi nter. Amt. S.69 S.66 s r.:i 51. IS Wilier I A nit. I .9 4 PERSONS WEAK AND RUNDOWN EASY VICTIMS FORTIFY YOURSELF AGAINST IT BY TAKING TANLAC. .64 titer Arnt. 8 to 14 1 to 9 1 .... 4 to 9 10-11 dditloii to Weeplni; 1 5 1 1 .is 2.60 Water 2.10 2. S3 3 4.73 3 2VK Heed Addition In Weeping Water Pin t turnout li 17.7; In Pin t turnout Ii 1 1 Addition 121. 1 to 94 92 Lots Pt lots 1-2-4-; 3-4 1-2 J-4 1-2 7-S . . . . Plult viuuuili and all 6 Addition to Pint turnout Ii Lots 1 .0 1 s Lots ; Lots Lots Lot 1 Lot 2 ... Lot 3 ... Lots 1-2 Lots 1-2 Lots 7-S Lots 1-2 Lot C . . Lot 8 Lot 7 ... Lots 1 to Lots 5-6 Duke'N Lot X pt 2-3 Lot 1 . SK'4 lot 12 . Lots 1 to 4 , Lots 3-4 Lot 14 Lot 7-S Orehnrd Hill Lots 3-4 Lot 5 Lots 6-7 Lots 8-9 Lot 10 Lots 11 to 16, except rv Lots 21-22 Lot 23 21-25 on lots 26-27 . . . 8 Block . 6 .10 .11 .11 .12 .12 .15 .15 .15 -is .21 .28 . 30 3 '.' !:?3 .3S .4 1 .45 Amt. 163.42 3 LI 9 20.S4 ""'4 .'5 ii 2 1 4 S 3 4.4s 27.61 13.2S S.9S 23.63 26.81 .".S.1N 2 8. IS 11.76 4 7.07 324.35 Lot S 4 9'-, ft lots 1 to 4 . . Pt block Itieride dditi;i lo Lots 1 . to 3 Lots 1-5 Lot 6 Lots 3 to 6 Lot 9 Lots 12 to It Sub lot (r of 2 . . . . Park Addition lo Lot Lot 3 i". In 11 1 :ioek . 1 i eepiuK 1 Amt 6.2 4 2.05 Waier 506.47 2H.9 I S5. 24 3 .s.. ...... 3 121.02 1'. 1.3 3 Weepini; Water Bloek Amt. 4 11.41 In VieepiiiK except ry Block Amt. . . . 6 2.52 ...11 1.55 13 S.u9 19 47.07 20 35.96 2" 3.07 23 13.58 dililiou to I'lntlMinoiilli Lot Lots 1 to Lots 1 t-i VI 1.1 Lot Lots 112 155 163 170 190 2 09 3 1 0 321 Hill Addition titer Bloek hint. IS 3 5.0 8 4 18.9 , t;i: or i.oi is ii.i.i: 3 26 239 340 341 to 32: to !44 Lots Mtfr. Lot Lot Lot Lot All All Lots Lots Lot Lot Itlehey Lot 9 I't lot Lot 17 Lot 18 Lot 19 llrov 11 29 2 0 1- 6 to 9 3 Pi nee 8 10.95 .98 15.14 5.59 6.7 2 10.16 5.59 11.13 5.61 25.78 .98 .9S 4 .98 22.6:i 9 23 20.15 Addition to 10 Still Pint txmoii t h 2 32.79 2 4.29 9.87 Lo' s Lot Lot Lot Lot Lot Lots Lot Lot Lot Lots Lot Lot Lot Lots 342 to Kxcert ry lots Lot 278, except Lots 490-191 . Lot 552 Lot 555 Lots 6.11 Lots 6sr, Lots 706 Lot 729 Lots 72 0 to 73 2 Lo t s 7 is 5 - 7 6 Lots 7S7-7SS .;i: Lot ui t Lots 2-5 V- K'i lot 2 r,;, j;i: 1.IOI Lot 14 and K'-i Lots 26 to 2S 29 to 3S 3 9 to 50 and Block Amt. to 111 s.49 to 157 .12.64 4.24 52n4 22.91 10.46 .61 ."..211 11. S6 12.97 1 0 S4 175 I II. SO 11.79 11. Si 4.3 t to 75.r,9 to to to 6S7 70S 2 5. ns 10.79 6.3! 7.9S :-;.2t'i ..." 1 2. 1 L15 S.49 !!!!!!!!!!! l-ii OK SOL'TII ih:m Block Amt. 15 3 29 is 2.6S ni' t; n 1:1 :n wood Block of 15 ' Lots 1 Lost ! Lots ; Lot Lot ! Lot pt SO Of St 6 2 to t'S 4S.1S I Lots 1 Division or Lot i; Second Wnrd Block 14 1 S.N5 and i- Addltion to Addition to and Xj 5-6-7 Lot Lots 11 to Lots 1 to 4 Stail el nsaun Lots Lots 14 to 17 Lot IS K 42 ft of 19-20-21 Clark Addition Lots Lot 2 Thompson Lot 14 ... S 4 ft lot 4 Lot 6-7 Lot 1 Lot 2 Lot 3 Lots 3 to 6 . Lot IS Lots 21 to 26 Lot 9 4 lot 13 ... 'i of lot 13 . Lot 18 Palmer. Addition Lot Lot 6 South Park Addition Lots Lot 16 Lot 5 Lots 1-2-3 Lot 10 Lots 1-2 Wine Addition to Lot Lots 36 to 39 Klieuberner or Pleaitaut Hill to I'lattumouth Lot Block Lots 4 to 11 3 Amt. 1 2.54 2 27.9 2 to Plat turnout I, Block Amt. 2 16.30 2 1 22.20 2 22.92 PlnltNmoiitli Block Amt. 20.60 Plat tMniont h Lot Lot s Lots Lots Lots , Lots Lot , Lots I Lots Lots t f .0 1 1 Lots I Lots I Lots ' Lets 102 156 197 1 9 9 321 3 16 37 8 3s7 389 39 0 4 03 4 36 442 4S0 553 ;: t 576 to 162 1 200 236 .. 3 I S to 3sG to 3SS .. at: to to to 399 . to 412 . to 441 4S1 554 1 . 4 . 5 . 6 . 6 . 6 .11 .11 .11 ,12 .12 .12 .12 to 1.63 83.34 75.34 26.46 31.33 12.55 178.97 7.33 C48.56 9.3 5 67.64 67.65 81.32 PlattKinotith Block Amt. 3 6502 to Plat turnout h Block Amt. 8 46.97 19 8.75 24 25.50 23 1.57 35 7.20 I'laltMnioulh Block Amt. 20.70 Addition Amt. 18.47 Addition in and 577 Wexl Lot Lot 21 . JoneM Lot 'Lots 22 and 23 1 Hvder Addition lo Lot J Lots 5 and 6 Lots 1 to 9 Lot 12 - 1 OutlotM to J Description ! Lot 33 or sub lot 2 tlot 30 SW'4 SKU Amt. 68.06 6.7 5 26.37 25.15 14.26 8.94 4.14 14.56 10.74 IH. 24 1 5.23 10.91 13.30 II. 91 29.09 162.32 22.4 9 12.29 4.53 14.77 34.07 3.17 9.70 reeiiM ood Block Amt. 172 llreen wood Block Amt. 14.62 tireetiivood Block 6 S Kimle S T of . .20-12' Amt. 9.98 3.1 1.3 Sub lot 3 of lot 30 SW 1 SK 20-12 'Sub lot 1 of lot 3 of I of lot 12 20-12 9 VII.I.AUE ok i;i;i,k. I Lot Block Lots 1 to 12 1 Lots 1 Lots 13 . Lot 15 Lot 16 , Lots 15 and 16 7 Lot 1 11 Lots 1 to 12 15 Lots 3 and 4 18 Lots 15 and 16 IS to 12 .. to 12 . . and 14 Amt. 1S.14 14.20 IOOO J . 4 Amt. 9.26 18.53 1.21 1.22 1.22 31.16 2.S4 32.69 14.45 26.99 Accord ins lo late reports issued hy State mid Federal health authori ties the Spanish Influenza epidemic is rapidly spreading to all parts of the country, and it now seems that practically every state in the Union will he seriously affected before it tuns its course.' It has not oniy become a great r.nd trrifyinjr menace to the public is : health, but unless checked, it is apt to seriously anect me progress o- fwar work in all its various de iV.rtnionts. Already the Shipping Board has announced that ten per cent of its workers had been affect ed. The disease has made its greatest pro?re?.5 in the Frist where it has claimed its victims hy the thou sands. Reports from other sections, however, are equally alarming; and both civil and military authorities have warned the public to take ev ery precaution to prevent its fur ther spread. In many cities schools, churches and theatres have been closed and public gatherings of all kind:; forbidden. Medical authorities agree that people who are weak and rundown are the earliest victims of the In f!i:ensa epidemic. If you find your self tired, weak and losing flesh, or if you are in a generally run-down condition, or if you catch cold easily this warning should be heeded promptly. You are really in great danger, because the germ of this disease is very catching and you arc? apt to fall an easy victim if you come in contact with the germs. People who are well and strong are not likely' to contract the disease hecaue they are able to throw it off. The common-??nse way to keep from taking it is to fortify the sys- J tern against attack bv building up the constitution. In other words to Ufe the old adage. "An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure." And if you are in a sub-normal condition the proper tiling to do is to begin im mediately to build up your powers of resistance. To accomplish this, nothing on earth will strengthen you and build you up like Tanlac, the powerful reconstructive tonic, which contains the very elements needed by the system to give you fighting strength and ward off the influenza germ. First of all Tanlac begins its ac tion by creating a good health appe tite for whilesome. nourishing food, and assists every organ of the body to perform its natural functions, thus helping to build up health and strength in the natural way. Tanlac is also the ideal strength ening tonic for persons who are suffering from the after effects of Influenza, Grippe or troubles and hundreds of are using it dailv with gratifying results. In connection with tha Tanlac treatment, it is necessary to keep the bowels open by taking Tanlac Laxative Tablets, samples of which are included with every bottle of Tanlac. It is also important that - 1 Bronchial thousands tne most - -Net Contents 15Tluid Drachij "ir " " I ',-. N ALGOHOJ.-3 PUK ! AVeclablcPrcparationrorAs 3 I similalinHUicFood by Ecgula- h 1 4:.t,;.omark:nr.dBaAclS0l -J$ i 1 s imiialinS lacrooa oy "i5 :X3 -r 3 : 3 C ,:V-c - ?! i! rfTsTv7?7ril 1 15) Thereby ftomoUn$Di$csl Chccrfulnes5andRcstCont3ifi iintxxi. . - 1 D,,milrn Svd V jilxSmna JtorhUtSall$ .'.rust Seed Jj'rMrbxwtt5ed I Clarified Sugar heihivTrtn flavor A helpful Kcmeayi" 1 , r-.:chTi(5S ana - LOSS OF SLEEP Signature of liimtic 3iK""'- LazCcszWB CoMP.oir- For Infants and Children. Mothers Know That Genuine Castona Always n rc rv T r I . .Mai A. iwpani Exv-t v,opy of "Wrapper. In Use For Over Thirty Years ii tmi c(MTui eonwir. e citt the every day rules of hygiene be observed; that is, sleep in well ventilated rooms, get plenty of fresh air and exercise and keep away from crowds. "Tanlac is. sold in Plattsmouth by F. G. Fricke & Co., in Alvo by Alvo Drug Co., in Avoca by O. E. Copes, in South Bend by E. Sturzenegger, in Greenwood by E. F. Smith, in Weeping Water by Meier Drug Co., in Elm wood by L. A. Tyson, in Mur dock by II. V.. McDonald and In Eagle, by F. W. Bloonienkamp." I.KGAL XOTICR. To Oeorge It. Bird: You will take notice that on the 26th dav of June. 1918. Hermia K. Windham tiled her petition in the District Court of Cass County, Ne braska, against you, the object and prayer of which is that she may be jidj'idRed owner in fee simple of lot 10 in block 95, in Plattsmouth. Ne braska, freed from all claim of estate or interest therein of the said Geortce B. Bird; and that the said George Ii. Bird and all persons claiming by, through or under him be perpetually enjoined from claiming any right or title or rijrht of possession adverse to the title and lights of this plaintiff, her heirs or assigns, and from Inter fering with the peacible enjoyment of said lot by the plaintiff. You are re quired to answer said petition on or before Monday the 18th day of November. 191S. or your default will be entered therein and the allegations of said petition taken a true. HKRMIA K. WINDHAM. By K. B. WINDHAM. Attorney. Band-McNally war maps for sale it the Journal office. LOOK OUT FDR THOSE GHEMNEYS GOVERNOR NEVILLE CALLS AT TENTION TO PREVENTION OF FIRES. NOTIFIES ALL. The legislature of Nebraska was the first to set aside a day called Fire Prevention Day, and which is November first, when It is the in tent of the law, that all 6ee that the danger from fires are to be re duced to the minimum. Governor Neville has challenged througth the different fire chiefs of the state the entire peoples attention to doing all possible to prevent fires. Dr. O. Sandin has received the proclama tion, calling attention to the in spection of furnaces, and chimneys, flues, old rubbish, and anything which might have In its tendency the starting of fires. Remember and inspect the entire premises where you live, and do your part in the matter. Journal Want-Adi Pay! fei'Pf: i:;&j&f&.ttf$iiis$&l r,j ill C t ;.; ... rl ?? ' f l" :i 4- - Mit-rlT? &m i ' - A JOK1P3 CJ3UKTY,' Candidate for State Representative on the Dem ocratic Ballot for Re-Election. Your Support Will Be Appreciated at the November Election