THURSDAY, OCTOBER 17, 1918. I'LATTSMOUTII SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL. f AGE riTE. closing all public places will prob ably be lifted this week. Farmers report a strong demand for corn buskers in this section, an dthe crop is showing up better than expected. r1 Murray Department Heaters! Heaters! tf tnj-of the readers of the Journal knov of any social event or Hem of Interest in this viclnlt.r. and will mail same to this office, it will ap pear under this heartinir. We waut all newsiteius Edjtom fill Prepared in the Interest of the People of Murray and Surrounding Vicinity Especially for the Journal IleaderB ELMW00D NEWS NOTES. Li..1-. Thrift Is Now a National Slogan The American people are waking up. They resent the charge that they are wasteful. KH Dank deposits all over the country are increasing by leaps and bounds. A re you a depositor ? If you are not, join the finan cial preparedness army. Man age to lay aside a certain amount of cash. We'll be glad to explain our banking system. Four per cent interest on time deposits. Our deposits are protected by the State Guaranty Law. MURRAY STATE BANK Lard fur Mile Oldham Stock I:ri:i. Good laundry soap, 6 bars for 25c. Tuls & Gansemer C'osing Out Sale. Win. Patterson has been nuiuber- i i with t lie i-itk for the past few days. D. J. Pitman was in Plattsmouth Ttic day of this wetk looking after some matters in the county court. Harry Todd went to Omaha Mon day afternoon, where he had some natters of business to look after, and visit with his daughter at the hospi tal in that city Mrs. Will Seybolt, who has been ill for. the. past few weeks, suffering from a partial attack of paralysis, has been gaining strength and re rnverir.g very rapidly for the past week. L;.n Delesdt rnicr and Oliver Gap en v ent to Lincoln last Saturday to enter the agricultural school, but .i:;ir to the seriousness of the Span i !; '-lln" in that city the schools will te closed for some time. George Nickels, the Murray lum ber dealer Las been very sick for the past few days suffering with a seijse ( the Spanish "Flu." Me has been ; 1 1 i 1 1 ; - along very nicely this week, and . ins to have the upper hand on the di.-ea.-e and is recovering very rapidly. YOUriG AUCTIONEER Always Ready for Sale Dates far or near. RATES REASONABLE SATISFACTION OR NO PAY! IICYERSB ALL CALLS Telephone 1511 Murray Exo iange Ladies' and Children's Hose! If we were to tell you the actual condition of the hose market as it is told to us, you would not believe us. But take it from us, the prices we are giving you in this ad arc worth your consideration, and you can make no mistake in buying right now a supply to last six months: Ladies' black cotton hose, a good ever day wearer. .$ .20 " " " shaped, boot, double heel and toe 35 African brown, very popular color, mercerized, .50 silk hose, colors white, gray, brown and black, I. CO Misses and boys heavy rib, school hose, sizes 7 to 7l2, .35 fine rib lisle finish hose, sizes 7 to 92 50 Baby's cashmcie hose, colors black and white 65 Men's work sox; mighty good buy at the price, 1 5 and .20 Hiaii MURRAY, Khaki Pant Cut Overalls at $1.69. Puis & Gansemer Closing Out Sale. The fanners of this community are kept pretty busy these days gath ering corn. Mr. and Mrs. Philip Keil and fam ily were county seat visitors last Saturday afternoon. Philip Keil i-nd family took din ner last Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ted Harrows, in Murray. For Sale llarred Plymouth Kock cockerels, $1.50 and $2.00 each. Mrs. W. O. Troop, Murray phone. John Stone has been confined to his home for the past few days with a seige of the Spanish "flu." Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Hiatt were vis iting with friends and relatives in the county seat for a few hours Mon day afternoon Dr. U. F. Brendel went over to Avoca Tuesday to see hi3 son. Dr. Will Brendel, who has been suffering from an attack of the Spanish "flu" for the past few days The doctor is getting along very nicely at this time, and will soon be restored to his former health. Dr. and Mrs. Jackson are moving this week to their new home in Oma ha, where they will make their fu ture home. Mr. and Mrs. Jackson have made a great many friends dur ing their stay in Murray, who regret to see them leave here, but at the same time wish them continued hap piness in. their new home. They have bought a residence property in the city. TAKING OUT STUMPS. Anyone wishing trees ana old stumps taken out, I have a quicker and cheaper way than pulling them. My phone is No. 1115 and address is Weeping Water. W. J. PARTRIDGE. . Tatt, NEBRASKA Mrs.JSary Wyant has been on the sick list for the past few days. Al Sweaton has been numbered with the sick for the past few days. Miss Vera Vardley has been quite sick for the past few weeks with the "nu." Homer Schlichtemcir and W. G. Bocdeker were in Omaha Monday of this week. Miss Pauline Oldham was looking after some business matters in Ne hawka Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. Frank Sheldon, residing east of Murray, has been numbered with the sick for the past few days. Husking Mils, double thumb and knit wrists at $1.75 per doz. Puis & Gansemer Closing Out Sale. The little son of Mr. and Mrs. ("has. Tigner has been numbered with the sick for the past lew days. Mrs. D. J. Pitman, who has been on the sick list for the past few weeks, has been improving very rap idly for the past week. Frank Vallery, the rustling real estate man, was looking after some matters of business in the county seat last Saturday afternoon. Everett Spangler, w ho has been attending the agricultural school in Lincoln, returned home last week, owing to the schools closing down on account of sickness. Chas. Boedeker. jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Glen Poedeker, has been quite suffering sick for the past week. with diphtheria He is getting alongi v.,r.- .t n,w ;,v, ,..1 ti,.. i l. J tiflt.f (l . i . II v 1 1 1 ill.' ituuui rJiru in lifted from the residence. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Gapen return-j ed home from their western trip last ; Saturday. They purchased IM'.oi acres of land near Palisade. Nebras- ; ka, and will move to that country in the early spring. They were well.' pleased with that part of the coun try, and expect to make it their f u-1 ture home. Mrs. W. S. Smith, Miss Margk Walker, Mrs. Giltuoro and Mrs Spangler entertained a number of lady friends at the home of Mrs. Smith on last Saturday afternoon in j honor of Mrs. Jackson, who is re-j moving to Omaha this week to make ; her home. .There were quite a num her of the ladies present, all of whom spent a most enjoyably afternoon. Ed Kniss, who has been attending! the training school in Lincoln fori the past few months, preparirg h?::i-j self for the service of nis country. class last Monday evening. Tho ; boys did not know just where they! were going. Ralph Kennedy, who has been in the same camp, was com pelled tf remain in Lincoln, owing to sickness. He h; still suffering with a seige of the "flu" THANKSGIVING DINNER. The Thanksgiving dinner at Lew is! on will be given this year for the benefit of the Red Cross. The pro ceeds, after expenses are all paid will le divided between the Murray ami East Rock Bluffs chapters. Each chapter will assist the ladies at Lew iston to serve the dinner. Everyone should plan to attend, also come forth with plenty to eat. Donations of live stock, fancy work or anything that one can give will be sold at a a sale during the afternoon and evening. Several of the best four minute men in the county will be asked to address the gathering dur ing the day. The following is a list the ladies would like very much to have do nated Anyone feeling so inclined may call Miss Etta Nickels, and the list of donations will be published each week. Turkeys (8) Fresh Oysters, gallons. Celery, 2 doz bunches. I box oyster cracker.;, 20 lb. f pounds of coffee. Cranberries, S quarts. 4 dozen bananas. 1 dozen oranges. 10 pounds of white grape:;, C cans pineapple, (large size) and sliced. Jollo. 2 dozen boxes. Sugar. Whipped cream. TOR SALE. Pure bred Duroc-Jcrsey boars, old enough for. service. Nice lot to se lect from. Oldham Stock Farm. Household Goods For Sale. Owing to the fact that I will soon move to Omaha I have for sale One Round Oak range in good condi tion, a hanging lamp and two oth er lamps, a vacuum cleaner and other articles that will be sold at private sale. REV. JACKSON. j Frank Lillie and family visited relatives in Plattsmouth Sunday. Men's Flannel Ovcrshirts at $1.59. Puis & Gansemer Closing Out Sale. James Warren of Plattsmouth was a week end visitor with Vein Hend ricks last week. Men's Sweaters, $1.59. Puis & Gansemer Closing Out Sale. Word has been received that Otto E. Lutz has arrived safely overseas. Otto belonged tothe machine gun company and has been at Camp Cody since last September. The entertainment which was to he given Oct. IS, at the Kenosha School will be postponed on account of "tlu" in t lie district. ESTHER M PR DOC I r. Teacher. W. V. Chalfant and wife of Cen tralia. Kansas, niofored up to John Hendricks Sunday, coming by the way of Hiawatha. They will also visit T. J. 'McCulloch and family and other relatives and friends. Men's Heavy Stifle! Stripe Bib Overalls, full back, all sizes, at if 1.93. Puis & Gansemer Closing i Out Sale THE LIBERTY BONDS The sale of bonds for the Fourth I Liberty Loan has been fairly satis- j factory in West Kock IduRs precinct I so reports Searl S. Davis, chairman 'of 1,10 committee There has been 1 . - V -I..". A 1 less occasion lor e.Muain.. ...a.. ... itl.e time of the Third Loan, since most subscribers now know that , tax list from the records of the conn- tv is wliat determines eacn indivi duals sbars. The committee for West Rock Lluffs will not send out second notices nor make personal canva to remind those who have delayed to take out their share. Unless the Chairman receives notice from the I b::nk where the bonds have been purchased he is required to report ;anv who have failed to take out their i shares and let the cases be handled bv the County Council of Defense. Murray Christian Church. 1'nless anounced otherwise later. there will be regular services Sun day. Oct. 20. 10:10 A. M. P.ible School. On- Timers, and special program. 11 A. M. Morning Worship, Sub ject. "A Good Resinning." Noti change of time in evening. j il e end of our unancial year is I past and the church must have another budget right away. So if the finance committee approaches you in the n ar future to collect old pledges or get new ones. lighten their hurd us. and help the good cause by being ready and willing with vour substance and service, as Murrav has always done. LADIES ATTENTION. $1.40 brooms, go at 89c, while they last. You will have to hurry Puis & Gansemer Closing Out Sale. MIDWEST LAND AND LEASING CO. I have accepted a pos'.tTon with the above company for this locality, and am prepared to give all infor mation to parties interested in our land holdings, near Otis, Colo. If yon are su f'ieien t ly interested our field manager will later on gon and show the land to you. The analy sis of our land show the same soil as in Chas and Perkins county. GERTIE I5ECKNER. Murray, Neb. HEW WELL BORING, MACHINE I have just received a new Powers well boring machine, and am pre pared to do all kinds of well boring. Let me figure with you when you want a well. J. W. Hobson, Plattmsouth, Neb. BOX C0CIAL. A program and box social will be given at the Kenosha School house, Friday evening, Oct 18, for the Jun ior Red Cross. Donated articles al io auctioned. Everybody invited. ESTHER MURDOCH, Teacher. OTOE COUNTY GOES "OVER TILE TOP" IN LIBERTY LOAN Nebraska City. Neb., ft-t. IS. Otoe county went over the top in the fourth Liberty loan by a good margin Saturday. The quota as signed for the county was $1,244, 000 and up to that time a total of $1.4 2."), 000 had been raised and sub scriptions were .till coming. The Spanish "flu" situation is well Tinder control and the number of cases reported show a decrease over a few days ago. The health order (By Special Correspondent.) On account of the Influenza epi demic, all public gatherings indoors have been prohibited here. There is about twenty cases in this city and vicinity at the present time. Mrs. Geq. Wilson, wife of the state organizer of the Farmer's Un ion, died last evening, she being the first case attended with fatal re sults, coining from the Spanish In fluenza. She leaves besides the husband, four children, the young est about six while the eldest is about seventeen. Dr. V.. A. Alton, wife and daugh ter, accompanied by Mr. Alton's mother departed last Wednesday for El Paso, Texas, where he is engag ed in Y. M. C. A. work with the army. The family will also spend the winter there. L. 1 1. Vestal, father of Mrs. Ed ward Palmeter, who suffered a stroke of paralysis, some time since, is reported p.. bring in a very ser ious condition, owing to his advanc ed years, and delicate health. There is talk among the pro-German element of the community of holding a sck shower for the kais er, as since the beginning of the re treat in Flanders he has to wear three pair of socks to keep his feet warm. This matter of getting cold feet is hard on any one, and espec iallv on kings and kaisers. CITIZENS GET BE HI'iD THESE BONDS THERE IS A DEFICIENCY NOW IN THIS COUNTY OF ABOUT $225,000. i''ic'Mi .Mom!;, y's Daily. Do we look at the papers and see what the boys are doing over in France and feel that the war is just about over, and .say to ourselves, we do not need to subscribe for the bonds? This looks cowardly in the extreme, while the boys arc going over the top with the rain of lead and shrapnel, cutting great gaps in i heir ranks, we are worse than cow ards not to get behind the boys with our dollars, this Fourth Lib erty Loan should go over the top. with all the impetus that the boys go over the top 'Over There.' Every body should get to this, take another bond besides the amount you have been asked to take, and take the amount which has been allotted you and do it at once. Say, do you know that every one working in this matter as a com mitteeman, to collect, and to allot this matter is as much an otlicer of the United States treasury as is the one for the county that by your votes you have elected as county t reasurcr? Know this also, you have been placed in a deferred classification, that should you now come across as per your allotment, and if you have no allotment, if you do not take a bond, you will be returned to class one. You are to fight, work or fur nish the money to back the boys over there. Again, where citizen ship papers have been granted, and the allotment placed against you has not been subscribed, your citizen ship papers will be cancelled. What do we want to be Ameri cans who will cheerfully do our part, or shall we become disfranchised, and unworthy of being called a citi kch? DIES FROM STROKE OF PARALYSIS Win. Stover, brother-in-law of J. W. Sure and wife, and O. M. -Streicl.t and wife, died yesterday at his home at Lamont, Iowa, from the effects of a stroke of paralysis, which lie recently suffered. Mr. Stover is about 78 years of age, and his shown much feebleness of late. His wife, Mrs. Stover, sister of Mes dames J. W. Sage and O. M. Streight, was only buried a few days since. Mr. Sage and wife and Herold Streight departed this afternoon for Lamont to attend the funeral and burial of Mr. Stover. CARD OF THANKS. We wish to, thank the neighbors and friends for their kindness and words of sympathy in our hour of sorrow, also for the beautiful floral offering and to those who did the singing. Their kindness will never be forgotten. MRS. L. DENSON AND FAMILY. T. E. DENSON. MR. J. R. JONES AND FAMILY. WE HAVE SURE GOT THEM -ALL KIND AND SIZES! We have them in stock and at prices that will surprise you. If you need a Heating Stove now is the time to buy it, if you wish to take advantage of these prices and while we have the goods. We have in stock and would be glad to show you Monopipe pipeless furnace. It is of steel construction and is gas tight. There is not a single point from which gas, smoke or dirt can escape. If you think of installing a heating plant of any kind, come in and look this furnace over. MURRAY Hardwa re and MURRAY, HUNTING DUCKS NO GOOD HEREAFTER ? from Monday's Daily. There will be no good duck hunt ing in the future in these parts, as all the birds will be either killed or scared away. This afternoon. Fred P. Busch, R. W. Knorr and Guy W. Morgan, each with a fuit of union alls, and a gun apiece that looked as large as Pert ha. which 1 browed the shells into Paris, from the St. Gobain forest, went out on the river, and one would have thought that the falls of Niagara had been moved to the Missouri, so incessant was the roar from their fowling pieces. If they got any birds, they have arranged to have them shipped, for we could see no sipns of their carry ing them in. MRS. JOHN LUTZ IS SLIGHTLY IMPROVED Frcm Wednesday's lMily. Mrs. John Lutz, who has been sick at her home in this city for some days past with pneumonia, is reported this morning as showing some slight improvement. She has the pneumonia on the left side, and has been very sick, with exceeding ly high temperature, while this morning the fever has subsided to a slight degree, and the Condition of the patient is somewhat better than yesterday. FRED G. DAWSON VISITING HERE From Wednesday's Daily. Fred G. Dawson who has been with the Government in the navy, for some time, arrived yesterday from Indianhead, Md., and is spend ing his furlough with his parents in this city. Mr. Dawson, who is a chemist in the service, is studying for the position of chief chemist. He is working at the proving and test ing station at this time, and has charge where the work is absolute ly secret. COUNCIL OF DEFENSE WILL MEET The County Council of Defense will meet at the court house on Fri day morning, October ISth at ten o'clock, when they will take up some matters of business, which they have in hand at this time. REMEMBER THE ig Piano Closing Out Sale CLOSES NEXT Saturday Night, Oct. 1 to MURRAY, impiemem w NEBRASKA, STRICKEN WITH PARALYSIS. Kiom W ilru-sday's Daily. Henry Johnson recti ved word to day of the illness of his son Frank H. Johnson, who is a carpentir at Beatrice, telling of his having re ceived a stroke of paralysis. The smitten man is twenty-eight e.irs of age, married and has a family of three children. .Mr. Henry John son departed this afternoon for Bo at rice, the home of Lis sou in ord er to render any assistance he could to the son, in his affliction. Subscribe for the Journal. PUBLIC AUCTION! The undersigned will j- I1 at Pub lic Auction at Cedar Creek, Neb., commencing at 1:00 o'clock sharp, on WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 30, 191 S. The Following described property, to-wit: Five Head Work Horses. One black team, eight years oil; one sorrel horse, twelve years old; one black mare, seven years old; one gray mare, twelve years old. Six head of milk cows. One steer, two years old. Two heifer calves, coming year lings. , Six young calves. Farm Machinery. Two lumber wagons. One truck wagon and rack. Two walking cultivator.-:. Two riding cultivators. One riding lister. One new corn planter. One three-section harrow. One broadcast seed( r. One McCormick binder, nearly new. Three sets of work l-ame;. One set of buggy harnrss. And numerous other articles. Terms Of Sale. All sums under $10, cash In hand. On sums over $10 a credit of right months vill be given, purchaser giving bankable note with approved security bearing eight ncr cent inter est from date. No property to be re moved from the premises until settled for. JOHN TRUE. W. R. YOUNG, Auctioneer. H. A. SCHNEIDER, Clerk. Contest an ?3Z , A f i JV P3 NEBRASKA