PAGE THEX2. FlAi?MOUTH 5r5II-WErTT.LT JOUltllAL- IHUBSBAT. GCTOZZP. 17 ISIS. TAXES 5 com NOTICE OF DE- iip.ll of m Notice is i.Ttlv piv :i that 1. Mike Trit 1-.. Tr. a;:. r .f Cass County, in t Stntt- of Nt ! i. will on the iirt't MoT; Jay, 1 i-iri- tl.- 4ta day of Xo.-m I -:-. i:-lv. rV iiM".:i!f.l t,v hiV, .or.i!iien:e s-knrc at th- otto-- of tke County ,.ui-r : i i county, in the city of i'lattmo.jt!i, at public auction, so mm i, o: th- -'.d lowing tracts of lands 4: iui t -.vvt; lots us shall be i.-'fcsfary to ;it- lite tatics, r with interest s'.r.d oc'ts ma y l.avi accmoil t litre -on li at h y. H-itm tr. linyuent taxes tin ti.e vtar 1017 and prior years, as ap-.t-ai s J'"-!:: I ! ta: lists for said ,mt. 97j.70 Pcseript ion Sec. Amt. Lot l l -'-VI i...t :.' sv.'i, xf.u i- 'f i.ot i nv.-vi i- -,,r:;! i.t i --- i...t 10 an.l io 1' J" Lots 1-2 Ni:'4 XV'4 22 23.13 Lai 71'- and - ST.1, XAYU.22 11. Co AVOCA IMtHIMT T,n nsi.ii) IO, itiiusc 1- 'i ifpriniiiin S-o. n i : ' ; i pt of X1-. NW'i wesi ..r T. P It. It 19 M l' I'l.MtNT Plir.t !CT ! . 11. Itnacr lik 11. s ri'.tk.ti Sec. Amt. is 29. 2. Nfi. 19 9.V40 vim. 1M J s'.v , -o r.i.4: lm-ut wii.i: t.itttvi: ihi:cict -2'i:vnitii IT!, "nuai' 1-T T s i : ion See. l...t 0 I.ot 7 -'S i:c sr.'-, - To-- OsM). lit. lillUftl' 12 I a s. rip' ion Arnt 2 ." 72.00 20.4 2 kaid sab .ii' i ot i. i: k p. n (. i.ii'ii t- t'.a apt i.oai - i '!": ;-!. ri i f k-Id b. two.. a tke i, ' i k .i. in. a:id four !' ..i 1a tt . a a. I w P. 1 la V t- !.l." l.ll'.V'i-!l Mil ail Ok" prop.lly h c hnji:-::t "a'.c i main ..,!! I..- s.a.i r !'. 1 !i- M 1 1: : Tit its' PaPi Tr- a- i" . I !!.. . .I 1 a. X I io i: '. v. X-. b 1. P-P'. i : i I 'a - iaa-aa. U I. Ml. Il!'Ii l'lli: l T 'I iioltiii III, I'.aiiee :. ,,;.;,;, S.v. .Mr.t. sw'i : o ;iji-:i:.Hi iMti: in lmu-iii! II. Ilaimc !l 1 a ; 1 i-; T - T I..!' : Aint. j ..- i- . i . 0 4.7 0 !':;: of S V ! , ;aTta ai..'. . ,.st Li:., i -. . k 7 r. 0 7 i .7 ;;s tm Ml-. . . . . 1" . It 1 '. . J 1 N ' U'.t' v.; si:-, t v, . 'I d v asliil. 1. I(IIU I I. i : 1 xv. VI 1 i ' j ." i x .-rr."i!uM Nit'. x !: ; , . :.;.! li . .f,S 1-1' K .7S ... .SS-1K -it. :k ! l Lot !. i' i . X w NV, N'A ' . ; . r, . P . 1 . -' Arnt. l.t'.G 10. 1:-' ::o.iii t;.4: 47. :k it i.r 7". ti ll ::.s i I'l.i Anit. - 1.- tt tl . tt . 1 4 ."..4 ' 1VJ7 It 1 . 1 4 1 i.'.o: 4tt.L-7 11S.HS i :,. i . " -4 7 j.'jT Lots 1 to 12 ... Lots 1 to lti ... Lots 1 to 10 .. Lots 1 to 10 ... Lots 1 to f. ... la. is C, to ID Lots 1 to U HS-1I0 (U T LOTS to Tin: in V'I 'IH)l'TH rp?criotkni ? T It Lot 1C .-1J-H Lot t'.S 4 Lots 17.-17 Wi. S'i(-l-n pt of lot ..t! .1 J-l-'-l i x lot ci xw.4 si:', ..-.rt i-v r.'-T'-i:; Lot :' xi-:1 1 xr.v, -1 -1 - i ; si., sV'. l-U'-u 1 s;';, SW"1 ..l-lit-14 -7--sV... S'4 .1S-12-14 .:; S1- SV '4 1-12-1! :: sv i-i-ii iV, 1!-U-1 1 :tt s-". sv, . . . .i-i-'-i i -a s1" s w 1 , . . . . : k ---i 4 .: s'.l sv4 . . . .ls-u-i-t v 1 S'" sw 1 ; . . . . 1 --1 i .:: s'a SW', i.v-i.-m 4 7.. V 1 i ... 1 N -1 - - 1 4 7 S!- SW, . . . 1 - 1 -t -1 4 .VV, Lot r: sir-.i .-v.'1, . .i-i--i i Ol" 11. VTTS itill I 11 i: i.a k 1.70 .4:'. :4 I 1.20 i I.ct.- and 10 V,e lililioa to rinttnoiit!i l ot 1- Tot Itloek Arnt. j Lot n: i r. to r.9 . 0.70, Lots IT KttuliiTKfr r llcns:m Hill Addition Lot 1 i pin:iin..iil!i (Lots 1 to lit .. t IC.ock Arnt. I Lots :: and 4 .. i-' . . - i . - .111- ii '' J -.-i i l -O is i . aim i u Lots S to 11 :l.lLot 4 i: ::::o Z. 72 Lot Lot Lot.' Lot Lot Lot Lot L ;t 1 ..'-1 Lot lot i i.t Lot l.ol I'ortcr Ilnc; Ailiiiim" ,'i.ii'"'" Tot ' -t.5 ut i 'it ' am' 7 . a 0 j ft c,r 11..-; CNeill Vdlili lo IMnt I mnout li T,r,t Liock A'lit. ' I ot 2 ' 1 "- 2ti.pi J )t -. i" :; o. j::.::S " IJcive tlliliou ti I'luHsmoiJlh r.-.'it: i j.ot j;ioc-k Aiyjt. 71. 4; 7j0l :; 1 :.;. r. , i;,-rri. Sub liv. of ki t ::o i XK', NKV. Sf.- 24-n-i:: ! Lot 1 ' i::.'.o- -1 o:s j to s S--J ! KireuUrac r A. 'M.'! billion 17,S- I li,-!,iOfit!i '-l" I.Lt 4 Lots ,7-i Lot.-- :r;-i4 Lot !l' Lot k". Lots : to 'I -Villvul: op Lot 1 ots 1-2 Lot $ Lot 0 Lot 1.11 i.n it a-;', Xit; - si.t i;i:i::v riii'.t im t l..Mili!i 1-. l-ii'Ci' V. 1 . si ript ion S.--. I.ot ! XK'i .sV, I'-. Lot 1 S W ' i SI'.', 1" S of Lots I S 1 . si-, Lot in SW 1 SK j--, ;, ,ot s 1 a': l of ! t 17 s !4 si:1, -I l-t bo- 7 Sit', XW' Lot if. sr.', XW-, A int. tt.'.O 1 i.'.ll 1 1il ..::. 1 1-2.1 1 in. l :: Amt. 47. i A nit tj Amt. tovi: m:i'.:v imci: im i loa,.v!i.:. 10. I til ay c III. I i.-si .-: ;pt ioa So.-. S' SW1, 1 Itl.'il'.V mill I'ilKi IM T TliH llllip II. l.JU.Kt- lO. 1 f s. i-i at :ol! Si c. N k S":, K' XL', ,; x ". ,; Lot 7 NV, sv, :k. sin in hi:m i'i;::! i.( i 1 . so. o i ;.,a :- ot t a-al Sllb lot 1 of 1. '.. i i 11 pi; 1 ' 1 1 1 w i-ti-ti'iM;' w 'i i::: :-ui: in" t TMS-:i,i Hi. Itausi" II. t i. t ; I ' -a S!f, SW '. x w k si:, 2 Lot 1 SW: si-:1. 2 i.ot sw si.1 - V. X - X W . i: ri i 't'ow it li i 4 V.-s. t i pi ion XW, Mil l II. I.C I'lMtCIM T 'l .iu n.tiij, 12. Ilaimf II. ST ttl'I'lv .1.1.1 I I'S Tv.ibln II. Hiiiisv 1 I ! - viption " '. s1-. w, .-.Hi sw, i SWi x -r 2 S ! " ' : S i : a n-1 ' 'vi, ; p i ; 17. A ink i::!OS .!.:;. 71.07 Lotv 2 Si'.1 , sw. si:1! and Ml: .1". . 17 .24 10.70 :is.i;i' 20. " r.2.2S Lot ;i ni:'.4 XW, . 0 . v'i, i;T hoi k lii.i u s iisi: i i TimiiKlilii II. ik'iiiitc 11 1 i.x ri-it ioa S.-i- Lot 11 1 Lot J2 i S!-:, XK 2 skk s'-:1, sw, sw, s I... t ! -K'- s v 1 , '- w.. x w , i ' xi-: '4 m:': ,N I.ot SI-:', NK', Is !:ll si:1, ::- nk 2t.4t: m.r.2 l i::.7: 1 N.--4 f. 1.47 . i i.r.' 10.2.". 1 . Lo! i: k i'i. trrsMoi tii riti:i ii t yitw 1-. icuifjn- i:t. T i.-vt-ri ,.! ioti So.-. 4X.7,: i Lot t si-k, s !: i .--It' i Vlt: . :' -' , - - ' . ... sw ' i " -w, ;k. x k Nik, 11 XV.-', XK', 1 W ; Nik, 11 1 aid 22 of lot '. .', X W 1 . : 1 -V...T i-'iio lti. H1111S.C I. lot 12 o o-.t of t rack SW, SW', 'I nn lis!.;., 1-, StniiX" II. 1 t a-a :-. mt. :;4 i.o im; i: i m t I 1. ICa.-iic I I. jo. tin 7 ii : i 4 ...11 Amt. i . S ' " I.ot ". 1 t Lot 1 X ' l!lt. 7.10 2N.71 2.m; 2 J....' I II T.ots kot- 10 Lot .--! Lot 1-2 Lot Lot :. sw of ay.- Lot Lot 7-- Lot in-11-12 Lot H and Wl: 1 ' Lot 'i-io " : o. p,t 11-12 Lots t to 0 Lots 2-2 Lots 7-s I.ot 10 X of Was!, A Lot " Lots 1 to f. - Lot 1 !.!.: f, i.ot Lot !' Lai 1" Lots' 11-12 x i o ft of s1- . . W-sI 2f. ft sub lot 12-11 and yn o.-l sub lot t". X Li It -12 v:1 . k jo'-, it l I'.'.. 11 all 12 i.i.r io i.'t ; I.ot 12 Lot 7 W-. s S no ft of W 2 1 ft of S pal It of lot I Pt lot 1 Lots i-r. pt lot : -x-.-; t ry .. Lots 11-U St. lo'.-: 7--'' N iot 7- --: X 7S 1 1 lot 7-':-:' I.ot 12 No 7 kit s Lots I to r. t lots 1 all - Lots i-r.-'i f-.lS lot 2.VS4 -'l Lot i Lot : Lot :; ,l,t : ,' .ui ' Ar.-t. !'-"- 1 2 It. Ml i 'a. .1 1 Lot n-kt; v n. u it Dock .S I 1 t 1 . i . :,:-.i - .. v. W 1 lot 11 I - J lot : l-i 4 1.21 " ' " t' 1 O'.Of p. P a .- s 1-:: of J. iot io X 1-2 of k!- b.t 11 i 1 -'t 2 l.-a- !-2 W?.; i-.i- 11-12 ... I.ot ' lot to 'it b'! 1 I.ot I.ot 1 ' 1. MORE ABOUT THE 16 Special Features! "Best-Ever" Clothes are cut full and roomy forgrou-ing lands with extra pockets here and there that every lad will knew the use for. Buy the best its true economy. Be sure to look for the "Best Pwr" laViH. as everv suit is backed by a doable guarantee ours and makers. A guar antee means something these days. You can bet your life nothing is guaranteed that isn't good. Many o these suits are carried over and priced much lower than we are able to buy them back. $7.00 to $15.00 kot I .. k' t kot L.t J I , t Lot X ' i .. ."t xi:1, ... x w ... "K', Nik, . 1 s . IS . JO . JO .20 .2" . 2'i . 20 . 2l .20 . . 2tl . ft' '. '. f.o - , I ots !-:.-; Lot ! Lot 10 I ... t 7 - .s Lot 1r Lot 1-2-f and pt 1 I t ;i Lot P' l.--t 1-2 - t I.ot 10 ilots n-k2 Lot 11 Lot ! Lots 1 to I 1 , o I : i ........... kot 7 Lot 2 2 Lots 7- ii. I Lots 11-12 - ' i X 1 ft of kts Ti-ri l'1--' Lot 7 ' s ' l a. I .".1 f.V.7 7 22. v.: 1 tkst 11.2 Amt. . 2 k!o". t l 10.2 i ! :.::! lo.r.t: of It of .f b.t . o . 1 , . p; . ii .is . . IS . 1. 2 . i '. 2 ;i " ... 1 fa; ki. 1 !.'. .-. 1 loj.22 p;n.7:t n.i f. 2ff 1 4 '.kin 2.".'-. 17 2 . "oi 1 . S 2 1 "..It 7 2-.:'.21 :i'.o.22 . 4 . 2 1 1 1 ". . it 2 i . 1 .'. ' -t 1 1 '." :t.o2 7't.r.o 17.1.7 1 o.i.-. 1 1 1 7.:il :.'. vt 1 Ik P' J..1 2 i t. ;7 l. v-i i i: io it of kot '.ts Lots W'1 - "!;l Lot -i I.ot 1 i lots" 1 Y-'iV ' Lot 2 Lot N Pot 2 Lot I Lot 1-2 Pt lot f. and all I Lot 1-2 . . o . . ! S . . P) . . I.J . . '.4 . . . " 1 , . .'". i;7 . . . ;7 . . . : ...71 .7. all ...SK . . . v M . . . Of . . 1 oo . . 1 oo . . !01 . . 1" 1 . . 1 ' ' 2 . . 1 "2 . . 1 0'" i. ... .. 1.''7 tk:.4 " tr.. 17 o.i ? 1 2.7 : 1 2o.4 : 1 j :..::' k- jt ; . It'.-l 1 1-2 . ill c; i-: of ami K 2- 1 2 2 7 31.10 11 2.S4 17, IS 14.45 15S 2C.90 21 15.SS 8.24 r,s.2." ' : i:kt:4 ' 49. SO '.'.'.'.'.'ru 7.32 EiiMWonn Ulock Amt. n IV. (12 i4.r.;t tk72 ILOil .'-.1C 7..!tl 21.4 J Arnt. 4 2.15 2.V2 k2i; :..oi 20.C1 Uk.'i .00 ...IN ...IS . . .21 . . .21 . . . f.2 AVilCt l-.i o k tsk.i..5, . . .12 1 ', ...If. 4 . . 1 s 1 'i lti l.ol-s I uton ".'o'l; .47 7.0'. "'1.7.-1 1 1 w. :ko lot (.' :-t; kit ' v." 'ot V-." i-:; iot i-t; iot 2 t: 1-2 lot i . V 2-3 lo; 4 . Oil i 1 .at aij Lot of p,t 4 Xlk-l XWki -a .. T. p 10 it lti I co 20 XK , X V 4 S-;- 10 l-.vp I'i k 12 H.I. .!: OC I i(IN Lot Bb-'k : 12-12 1 W ot iot 1 :t - i; ;,L !ol 1.: ail Pt ! 11,11 ltiltOU I !! I,..; :, ;.:..! pt 27 ft S I : '"!' c . . , - - I) 10 K5 I'I t.k5 1 - .vt nnntPntsl5IluidIn L. : ! s i Lot I t .0 2 to .1 1 1 , 2.74 1 0.72. 1 -.2 2 1.71 r. r ". 1 72:0 1 1. .' 1 k".2 2 1 ..!."., 27.11 1.1.1 1.01 v;, 12.P' 2.'M 12o 1 Soul Ii Arnt. ' .91 24.27 Amt. s.70 0 . .'. 2 11.1 1- t'O.fC, 12.07. j 1 .2 I'i. PI it. 4S 2.0 7 .- : Thereby lmux?.- uimiuni"-""--- .,-, (;-,ri-r AiI.IiImmi r'ti 11s in-r ; in- .-'.mi. 1 o I X"-.. lot 1 I -- X' a n.l W of 1 'I .-. k .-S . . 1 Lo. 2 1 t ' !-o:r:t-,o-::::::::::::K. o M..alai .V Unci- Vtl.Uib.u to f'p:nK Lot 10 11 11 I nil. a pl.a-k : - 1 ' 17-'kv - laiotnai; Addilh.n 1 0 fJ k.o. . 2. '-j ;:'0',."k "M jtJKK-K t ..t lilock Amt. Lot' vi" tan Amt. 4.2S is.: s Oil! !.-. (ii Lot 7 Nik, XL ' , 10 U I I.I. Mil I.ot at. Pt-JO kot kot S 2 i ft iot 1 S" . b t a rid all kot II L-.t L". tiaoar I'ir Ol ' Tvvji A I.V JPaa k . . . 1 ti.41 C0.24 Amt. 20.07, 11.. '.ii P.I.S7 4 0.22 ji Ac52eiatlcPrcparationrc!rAs ! . -..a. o,rnH hvRci'uU- '- Zi-iC 1 I SliniiilUUStu1--"---' " kr.f I kb 1c T.i as ! to -I Lot .'. .... Lot ii .... 1 Lot Lot 1 lS-T.i-20 (' 1-2. lot J. . W 1-2 lot 2 . L.o -'. kot 0 X" 2 2 ft bO 2 X pt lot i i-('!. i I.ot L,.t 1 .. A nit. 1.71 2 7. 2 'A .1 o.s f. 2 ' ' . -- -I t . " s :::.(; 1 l aft' jn.f.i ik lots .1 - G .. r. 2l.o:i ' '.' r. 12.01 Vd.lltb.a to Al- P.!o k Amt. 2 'JAG .l.i:iio:l to ... 1 1 V, -;il:it 1 : P "k iv 1111: ihstimi'T coi UT :' Tin: I'OI TV li" CASS. Mtl.ltWIvA. .I.t:ll . 4 "r ' 1 1 III1 tiVT'Af Mvi .inv.vr, -iliilnliiVs, vs. M. . frriain. IJrit r-:il luiiisc uu- ki.iu, cl Jil NP'j ;: ',' . tP OF ,i.lVul:iiils. Si IT TO til II7T TITl-i: . - ..(. i n ; , v C 2 0- -1 SSI 542 1 - w " I lincra!.NoTABoT jU Sen Jtuck-to SJtl Ji!iri"teStJ iku.Hl Jia-sf'Yied .CJOr Ujibrvtrtn flavor " t ..-tf.tlRpmedvfc'r .t c,.pr!shness ana ill-" A-'-'-- ClcFp iJ Lossot'r-nc7i hererremti facsimile Si4j-atS0L ll IS 9HC For Infants and Children. Mothers Know That Genuine Castoria Always Bears tb Signature 1 JEW XU1"; -VT' n n. u 11 ifU u In Use For Over Thirty Years Exact Copy of Wrapper. THC CINTtU- COKM-IT. NIK tO- CIT LKOAI, NOTICE. 1 i I Lot l'..0'l s.t.s .: 1 1 1 o - L I 4 . :, i.ot g Lot : . Lot li Treat .-fondants, W. 1. Mt-rriam, i r. a! name nnkno'n: Jars, w . i '. .-. 1 o ii 1.-iiiiv.-n : 0. t: 0 1 . - i , 1 1 a. ... -t ... ,...s -1 -I 1 1 ;;i.Kllii. 11 I'll-. ..- t 1 -' - 1 ! . . . : , .,11 ni -,nr 7 1 -4 p.-; .-..aai ! !! o-oiiia i : s an.. . ,. 1 ;,. .to of V. "1 illrf . - o ; v . a 1 - 1 01 v . I'- aaan.oa ars 1 .-a oa. .. . .... -. S l, I .b a.a-.l : 1 ir.iKili.v. a no...-. ........ .. .. s 1 !. : p.-l i.i:.l 1 .-J . OSOIliai n l . at. T. i ,-' 1 a 1 1 ot!-"- ..-i-: .Mis iiit.-n stcd in tla- es- 2, - ,' I t:.i.- of M i-s W. 1. 2.'.'.-1 a iain, first real - '.'.,,,,, i-i,iivn .bo. a s.-d ; Si-bb'n X. l.T.nii...,. U. ";;i' ' 'i iaa. aV'o kn a as S. X. Merrit-m; I'- - . 111 ' . . . . , ... . , . I,..; a... fit I o.,ia a; !i,ani. .!'- a 1 1 10 . 0 1 12.4 4.J o.iii; :..::l 2 . '. or. Vv !iiti-"i ii.i:tio:i In I'lnl tsnioiii Ii r.,,t l:,o. k Ar.'t. !..,ts 7-" 1 4j.2 'I i,u.'liil Ail.lition lo llS:il Imj.miiU Ii i L"t Lot :: Lot 2 lark Lo t s 1 .v. I - ' ' ; 2.0 1 1 i i v. .t 1 .-. k to- 4 747 ;;; ; ; 1 17.02 AiMIilon I" Uccplii'I Water'K Amt. 2. . i S a - ' 0 Aiiililion lo Wcr-iini- Water . . :. 1 2.1 ;, b:it.-.s. j.. and a!! otia-r mil ropi-t-sonta-ms ii-.t. rcstt-il in X. M ri iam. also 1 1 .-. 1 L-.t P' i.. ; P' 20 k.t P 1 tir i:i)k rnitiiK h i. vt.i: Lois P.b,',t L.t 2 - -t 1" 7 I.ot k' 1 !.-. . Ol-' AH imi l.!o(a. iLT't' - v yi---4- OYS SUIT - s "prrr rvr:" CUao lM.tton I ' , . . -k o ' ' - ' 7 . 'k. i -" w . jr. :t.r t, tl -,,,fi f. .-7 - f.'-''A -EX.- N N-V y Si-H'-'.k- O Ct.-', 1' I . .' v'f. . H?-vrt l rL.-.nKUI. . I . -5 . 'v.' I..-.. i. i .1 ; - V-I lil...r ii ikvi- ; r - Taut, 1 V k . ,0.. V .... V- "'IL.-1 !'. SJ S. Adi.----W 5 4A t"" Lots kot - r. lot 0 ' iot 0 ' :ioi:th i--j-:'. aimwiiov wai: vsil TTIo. k 10 11 11 111- MAM.ITV i-.i.x-k Amt. v. !7 In. 17 ;.p. l.t--; A ink 20.2s ::r..s7 L is 1-2 .. Lot 2 Lot; I-:. .. Lot.' 7-X . . l.o. C. :. ; -7 i.ot s Lot-- t'-lO . II I Lots I.'.rs 11-12 L"ts S-'.-1ii ii.: 1.0's r. to s Lot 0 Lots 1 .-11 l,A:TS Lots Lois 2-1 . I.ot 10 TO A m .: 0 .21 1. 1 Lot .4 !!-l: it . i o 1 S l-t Li -I-... SaTlli Ailiiitioii i'latl'.iiioiitli si.; .-. r : ! a!i p. - P - '7 17.77 t :..-.. . t.i.,;.-.... to I'ln 1 1 t:iiiui i li ' . : i .-r-OP.- ililitb-t to i i t t t . . i t . . i Lots N I '.Of 1 lO I.'H ' 0 i.ot 1 ! ots I to t Lots 10-11 ili-.-.l A.k'ltloii to V, . ; Wnt.T j Ci.x-Sv aim. j ft bas 1 to I 1 I l.l,.. ! - . -7' -!. a . nicr I oi S O I - . Pt L ' 1. 1 l.o'-: :- lotiuu' ,V 1 1 n Addition to Pint iMiiini 1 Ii p..p P!...k Pt lot-; 1-2- I-' at: 1 all 0. . i kt'2 :.ot.-. 4-.". . I Lot 0 i it s to o ... ! L-.t o . . . - 1 '.:;. i Lots i .IliS Lots Lots Lots 4 1 . I 1 'Lot 2 1.0 7 .21 2. ' ' tat. . 7i 7.o,; i ai: tii' n it vv . . t. 4 4 4 i-'IltsT ADIIITIOV TO Ml Pit IV T!!n.-1- 12 1 I. '.'CIVS Sltl 1IM .lllllll""! Mi iii: v I ,.ts Clock Amt. V.'o.-t I ft 11 ail iois i. to 1 ! 1 :: Lots N to lO Is vii i.vt.s: or AI.IIAUKA ' Clo. k Amt. 7 and- JiS - i . . i . . . 1 t in 1 r. ti Lots 1-2.....: U k't'tt ;: 1.1 i io 0.12 1 kt'2 1.01 Amt. 1 n.70 7..S7 o or. 4.02 kot 2 Lots 1-2 k..ts 1-2 Lo i s 7 - Lots i--j Lot 0 . I ot S . kot 7 . . L..ts r.-o l::kt'-i . . . lo ... 1 1 ... 1 1 ... 1 2 ... 1 2 . . . . 1 ' . . . i r. . . . 1 -" . . . 2 ! , . . . 2 S , . . . f a M.T.i ji..-. Pop p; to i i ; J- "- Sub iot i. of :: o l... S'arli Ad.liiion to t-cr-'S Vnttr i ,,, Ploi k Amt. Lot' :: 1 -11 ,! Wiiliiat Hill Addition So Vi I'l'l'"''-' nirr Clo.k Amt. . . 2 ."' "7 1 1 1 :: s to s ". u .; 4 7, "kiLk'.ao. In PTii t ! ti P.look Amt 2-2. c ( pt rv i. 1 11 Pt 12 12 1 o 1 P 2-4 tt" S.lli 1 I 31 17..2 2 4 l.o;; l I.A I Iii;.S ADDITIItN TO IT 1 1 A A Iv l'.2'0 itot u itM rrs Cl... li Amt. 1 kot 17 t Lots 11-12 3 ii. i. t;i: or i Lots 9 Lot I l I .ot 11 f Lot 12 Lots i to 12 B 1 ,ots 1 to 12 . . tf Pot- 1 1 o 12 8 Li.t s 1 and 2 to 1 I Lots 1 to ii 1 Lot 1o ff Lois 11-12 3 Lots i to :: ' i.ots 10 to 12 ... A L.,ts 1 to io ... 3 Lot 7. 1 Lots 1 t 10 3 and 1-2 ji, Lots 2-1 2 l ot r, fi Pats 0 to P I I-'"- J."": K Lots 2-4 ... 2 W ... 2 W . . . J W . . . 2 W ... 2 V . . . W . . . 7 W ... is W IX 2-2-IX 4S 4ri r.s .... r.s . . .ir.s . 1N-1 :: .r.x-4 K 1X-1 w 1X-2W 1X-2W 1X-2W" 1 N-'JW 1X-::V ix-.:v ix-:av .i . 1. io .t'O .20 .20 7.70 2.4 7. .70 .70 2.7.7 1.4ti .20 .20 .2.0 7.11 I.ot X' ,; kot S K ' Lo 1 .-Lots Lot 1 I L- t 7-N Ilrci.aril Hill Lots f.- I ! Lot 7. Lots 0-7 i.ots- S-'J Lot 10 Lots 11 to 1 .;, .-, c. pt ry Lots 21-22 Lot 22 Lots 2 1-2.'. Mt--C. on lots 20-27 ... kot 2S kot 20 kot f.o kot 22 All Ail Lots 1-2 Lois 0 to i. I .o t 0 Lot 2. liTi-iiiv i Lot 0 . Pt iot 1 Lot 17 Lot IS Lot 10 4.7. 0 :: 1 4 s , ft is lad 7"i;1 -lots 1 to 1 S 1 k"'s 1 p. s vt'N j i:.i.i;i". oi 22. Of lot 20. M Lots 1 i 2 to t'.s.i s i .o; s : t, 1 r.s. IS Lot 102. 1 1.70 !."t 170 47.07 ' kot 1 toi 2 1.2.'. kot. 2 00 - . . : i.ot ;; i ii I Lots. 221 to ' ! .o t 2 2 1 Lot 227. 1 ...t .PJ0 I.ots ft::: to : l...t :::pj Lot 210 Lot 211 4 IS. 02 i.oi isv 1 1. i.r: jtlo.k Amt. s. iO 1.2 1 7.2 " 1 ..... -2.01 ii..; i . : .. .,r s.-t. . n J 1 a Yt as X., deceaseo . tnc .o,,o-.vt, I . i is. ib- isi-os, l-j?atfc.s, jer- st-.njit' r.-o i. -.c-ntatives and all otherj la-.-.-ons int.-ia-sttd in the estate of Ly-, ,'at M.rri.'.m. .b-o. a s.-.l ; A. Ik AleNan .o i- iP .- t r. al name unknown: Jtdin! ievand.-i. lirst real name nn- i i;wi,. !,n.-bund of A. 1-:. Alexander; tl . 'inki'own la-iis. il vist-,-s, i.statees, a. i -o;,;. i-.tat iv.v.s and all other ;.-!sor..- i -.1 in t!- estate of A. is; i- Mev.-imb-r. t'tst real nam.- nn Known, k' -, j ,P tla- t'lknow!. la-its, devisees. '7:: i'.-.o.p p- f.-oi,;. 1 reproseinatives and ki'-'ia,l ot!..-i- f. a-oa: - inT.-r.-st.-d in tlio cs ""!.. i..i... 1 1.... 1,. va lui.-r. first real ii ",t-n- ur - toiwa. dei-easi-d, loasband or w-'oiov. .--"" f A. 17. -Mexandoi-; the un--.,v ji heirs. b V.'soes. it cratet-s. per--oa..' r. -,a - ntativos and all other person- interested in tla- estate of I Ct-a'oiii d.-i'i-ased: the unknown p'. h s ' .k visei s, k'-atees, personal rep l os, at;-ti-. i s and all other persons m-tt-rest.-.I in tia- e.tate of .lolin Ma see, ih-oeasod : the County of Cass. Xehras ". a- the unknown owners and unknown , . .p,.-. ,-ts of lots out- (li and two (2 ia ' P-'-l; P ii !' in the City of Platts-' c'as Conntv. Xebraska. Van a'- heioi'v notiibd that on the ith ih.v of tietobei. A. !-, 101S. plam tPks lib-.i lh.-ir suit in the District Court .i lb" Countv of;, ki-biaska, .., ,.iht '.hiimiiTs title lo the above .! .-.-i-i! ---1 i-.tK. t-.-y.'itt Lois una (1 i .,'...( 1Vo 2 ia Pbok Ion I 10) in tP.e City of Piatt sni-.ut !i, Cass County, Ne braska. lie.--an.-e of their adverse po-..-.oon p- themselves and their ranio.s for more than ten years prior to ti-- c.uum.-m-emer.t of said "-ait and r.. eajoiji .ii.Ii and all of j-ou from h-vi'i' or claiminrr any rif-tht, title, To Ceorpre Ik Eird: Von Yvill take nolice that on the "Otli .lav or June. 1918. llermia k Windham Hied her petition in the l.istriet Court of Cass County. Ne braska against vou, the object and piave" of' w hich is that she may be adhi.k-pd owner in fee simide of lot io in block or., in 1 lattsinouth. Ne braska, freed from all claim of estate or interest therein of the said C.eorpe C Pird: and that the said (ieorge 1.. P.ird and all persons claiming '. th run ah or under him be perpetually .nioitV.d from claiming any right or title .a- :i;;ht of possession adverse to tie title and rights of this plaintiff, p. r heirs or assigns, and trom inter ferins with tlie peacihle enjoyment of ... ,a k.t l.v the olaintitT. You are re- . - TiAtltli.n on or ouireil I" anst-i -.u" ' before Monday the ISth day of -.- ma or vrrnr default Will i.e entered theiain and the alleerations of .'-aid pet it ion t a Ken ,r- . x - HKRMIA K. WINIIIIAIiL P.y Ik Ti. WIN! HI AM. Attorney. MlTICi: 20.01 S.-..24 177.i'7. to ti-itrsinr.NT r i :mi A NTS. GOES TO MEET HIS SON. From Monday's Dally. This afternoon K. B. Windham re ceived a message from his son Sam sent from Cheyenne, Wyoming, tell ing that he will be in Omaha at about four o'clock " this afternoon. Mr. Windham departed on the early afternoon train for Omaha, where lie will meet the son for a short time during his stay in the city. ANNOUNCEMENT. iji:- L7.:. S..0I 12.2S ; Lots V 00 1 1 lo-.i to Pl:i 1 1 smont I. 1 4 1 I 1 4 4 .1 4 I 1 4 I 4 to :; i I !k..-.-pt ,y lots :;. i to ...... J,) ,5 I .ot t; . S, l-XC.-pt r ' -ot s ! t'O- P.I 1 1 "..I I i kot .".".2 r.7,: I-"t 0 72 ' Lots i.-.l to I ', 10 10 ' '."ts- OS.-, to lS7 ;'-,:) ; I.ots 7"0 to 70S n.if. ; it 720 ;. I.ots .f.'l to i.ots 7---7SO I otu 7 V 7 -T SS .ii.v:it or mm iii lti-.. i j 1-(,t ' Clock Ami. I - I . tot '. ' " li.IAOi: OI- t'KEKWVOOl) t ,,t. Cloi k -Amt. . . I.... "I, 01 i Pi-ii o- inif-i-est, eitlitr le;-;al or ellt- .20 .,!.!,.. in : to said lots or any part thereof: to reoi: ire you to set forto Your ia.rht. title, cla-r.i, lien or inter est therein, if any. either letral o e.raita '.I.-, anO to l,;ie the same inferior to tla- title of plain t ; and for som-rr I eipiittible relief. ''.'his notice is made pursuant to the of tie- curt. Yon are required to answer said pe tition oa or before 7lotiday. November lv. P.iis, o:- your default will be duly . ut'Tol therein. .lolIX W. ClkXP.ILL and ; i : ii : ; i: a. mi-:isixc.i:i:, Y. A. !M HkOUTSi X. I'lainti Ts. , Atlorney for Plaintiffs I0-7-1W r,.0 I X..7S .OS .OS .07 .0-v r.'.i.". -i.r.ti .OS I 1 1s2 12.07 l ox I 1 .7 7i 1 1.S0 1 1.70 1 LSI l.t: i 7.r..r.i 2.20 27. OS 10.70 O.M 7. OS 2.2 0 12.74 1.12. S.40 To ti e Lombard Inve-tment Company, and Prank .llaarerman. sol- Keceiver for the said Lombard Investment Company, defendants Tniro notice that Francis C. Munn, td-iiiit iff, has commenced a civil action ' -Past von in the District Court of if.- Second .ladioial District of Nebras ka in and for Cass County, the object and praver of which is -to cancel and 'release a certain mortpraere deed given by (Jenrire V. Clark and his wife, to von and to secure payment of one -Peal Instate Mortjraee Hond" or pro missory note for the sum of $153.3.. mmI interest, which mortgase deed Is re'.orde.l in book 9. of the mortgages, i -i -o f.M records of Cass County, ana convevinlt the Cast half of the South west Quarter (K 1-2 SW. 1-4) and the West half of the Southeast Quarter (AV I-"' -"17 1-4 of Section 0, Township 10 Can-re 0, in Cass County, Nebraska. ... '..vim!., vou from any and all j"" u" . ...... .. .- -- --. . - , riht. title anl interest in ami iu i..-- i.l deserilieil lano , i"'"'" a litres that tlie sain noie nas ucv-n paid in full. A on are reqtiireo iu -"- lo tion in said cause on or before the .i, r,f vovember. 191S. or the alle- 1 - . . - .... . 1 1 v.. , ..-.An imations in said pennon win m iar.. s con, esse. l ay . a , nuu vo . . tered accordinulv. , , . , FKAXCIS C. JNILX.. t iainiiii.. lv W. Ik OAYLORD, His Attorney. 12.0 I :) 2. OS , i i.-i -. ,,, ; i.oi i i ano i . z i Lots 20 to 2S . f i: 20. Lots 21 to fs Lost 20 to 7.0 aial id so of st Lots 2 to OS .f.o .20 'iio.1- Ai'iiilitin lo PLtt Ii i 2 22.70 i Cot 72 ; 2 l.tPl ! Lot 72 :: o.s7 ' Lot 102 , 2. -IS. IS p,,ts i:.t-. to 102 . ::, n-t 107 - Lots 100 ami 200 j Lots 221 to 220 . Lots :: p; to "is . i , . .. - .. . . : i .ots .. i .1 . Ilr.iii ii Sob Ditisinn of Lot 17 mid li'J - 3 , 1 ' . . -t r 1 t .L'IMI Lot Clock Amt. I.ot Lots 11 to li Lots 1 to 4 S 1 i.i'.-I Tim n a AO.iiiMMi Lots ! huts n to 17 ... 1 2.7.1 ... 2 27.02 to I'll! 1 1 Ii Clock Amt.. ... J 10.20 ... 2 22.:; o ... l . lo :so !p.,t T, 1X-2W !i-ots sfi-7.::::::::::::iw ..'kol I rx-2w t: " I I "! is "-.a ! i: 42 ft of 10-20-21 ill'.' lurk Addition In IMn t ni.ioii t li ;o i Lots IMock Amt. 1 Lots t!'-7 to . . Lot 2S0 Lots 201 to 2'.i0 . I Lois io:: to 4 12 . Lots -ltki to 411 ; Lot 112 i Lots 4S0 to !S1 . Lots T..-.2 to a'. 1 . Lots 0., . 20.27 2 7.. 17. 1 1.20 .7 7. S.'.i 1 4.1 I 1 1. 7.0 10.7 I lo.2 I 1 7,.2f. 1 0.01 1 kf.o 11.01 20.00 10 2.2 2 i.r.ovi. To .ndrew OTlCE. AV. Pentland, if living. if dead the. unknown liens, devisees, bsatees or personal representatives or said Andrew W. Penttnnd. and S. C. Smith Hirst name unknown) if liv ing, if !( -ad. tlie unknown heirs, de- i.-ees, legatees or i.-rsoual representa tives of said S. C. Smith, defendants: You and each of you, are hereby not i lied that on the Otli day of Sep tember, 101S. Frafik liusthson, plain tilf herein, has liied his petition in tho 1 Mstrict Court of Cass County, Ne braska, acainst said defentlants. the object and prayer of which are, to quiet in plaintiff the titie ' the Southwest Quarter l SAY1,), of the Southeast Quarter (SK1, ). of Section (S), and Lot number One ill. with the accretions thereto, in Sec tion Seventeen (17). all in township Ten (10 1." North. Ittinp- Fourteen (14), Cast of 0th P. Ak. in said Cass County, sorainst al! claims riirhts and demands . S r IK? 0-r-e2 !Qpl3-nE- Sckcer.LcrirBroikcrs--aai 1. 1 isn 't too late to buy that Bond Ikt.ot 10 : : . . i a I.OIS 1 l" IV . i.ots 1 to S Lots 1-2 Lots f, to S . (Lots 1 to .- 1 . ! Lots 1 lo S . . .ecs-riCoilO ! Lots 1 to 12 i Lots 1 to 12 ; Lots 1-2-3 .. Lot 2 !.(' 1 t" 1! Lots i to :: .. i ,, . t s -1-7. 1 .ots P to 0 . . Lots 10 to 12 Lots 1 to 12 and 1 to 12 Lots 1 to 3 .. Lots 4-7 .... Lot f, Lots 7 to 9 . Lots 10 to 12 . ix-r.w . . lX-s W 2X 1-2W . .2X-3W . .2X-2.W .10N-2W .11X-3W . . .1S-7W . . .1S-SW . . .2?-;v . . .r,.-.-iA-. . ,-iS-nv .. .f.s-ii: . . .:;s-ii: . . .r.i:-iK ...2S-1I-7 r.s-JK . . .4S-ir-: 4S-2C 4S-2C 4S-2H ...4S-2I: 4S-2C .la 'Lot 2 .11.! TIotiiiMii .17, I Lot II 1 .T.OIS 4 ft lot 4 and X-fe 5-0-7. 4 .7.0 ! Lot 0-7 , 5 .SO Lot 1 0 .40 , Lot 2 .7.7 ! Lot 2 .07 Lots 3 to li 11 .7.0 Lot IS 11 .40 , Lots 21 to 20 11 2 .'3 ' Lot 0 12 .27. P, lot If. 12 .7.1 . - J of lot 12 12 1 J Amt. 1.72 ......... .l.lllioii t :retnwoil T ot 1 .lOCH . ia l- 20.00 ! Lots 7.70 and 7.77 Xt'dltiou l Pint Ixiaoiilti j West ( LOt! I Lot l.. loc iv S3. 3-! ; Lot 21 77.o4 ! -.1-. j.; 3L23 .Lots 22 and 22 14. G2 12.7)7. i !!-ilcr Add Hi"" (ireonvooil 17SlT 1 ,rl UIOCK aim 7.:::: Lots 7. and C o C4S.50 Lots 1 to 0 S S.35 Lot 12 ,-' C7.04 '. "I Utin to i:nt-I 1.7 0 7. T Lv-orii-.tion S T Tl SI ?.2 I.ot 22 or sub lot 2 Of PI I ..r 1. ..,,.1 .,11 of tl... .l.fenihl r;ts. 12.20 you are required to answer said pe k7" tition on or Pefore the 2Sth liiy ot 1 1-77 i it-iobf r 101S. . k" Dated September Oth. 101S. 17 FPtAXiC Ill-GHSOX. 9.70 p. o. PV.'Yi-i:. 1 -lain tiff. AUtorney. A Beautiful Woman. 9.9 S 3.15 1.25 n - l . o iv 20 I'nlintr Addition to I'lnl Ixnionth -lot 20 SW, Si:1, ....20-12- 9 t-tll Lot Clock Amt. Sub lot 3 of lot 30 SW 20 Lot 0 3 C502 SC ...20-12-9 South I'ark. Addition to Pint tsiuo.M Ii Sub lot 1 of lot 3 of Lots Clock Amt. of lot 12 vi . , 10 S 40. "I. '' '. i.r. 1!) S 7 7. T.vt Clock LOST A LITTLE SON WITH "FLU." From Monday's Dally. John W. Crabill and family were passengers to Omaha yesterday call ed there on account of the death and burial, of a little boy, fifteen months of age, Robert Kennedy, son of Dr. C. E. Kennedy, a brother of Mrs. Crabill. The little one was taken sick some days since and was taken to a hospital, where he was treated and given the best of care, but he died Saturday. The funeral could not be public, and while Mr. Cra bill and wife could not attend they Avere by their presence in the city, gave comfort and sympathy to the grief stricken parents. ' I wish to announce to the public that on Nov. the ninth. I will fell at the barn in Pacific Junction, Iowa. 100 head of Big Type Poland, in cluding 11 fall yearlings that far rowed litters this fall, 17 head far rowed last of February, 17 head farrow in May, and the balance of the 100 head will be from this fall litter. In dispersing my herd of big type Polands, I am giving the swine raisers an opportunity to secure breeding seed that would be hard to equal in this part of Iowa. I am offering sows that have been tried, and proven worthy of a place in the best herd. They are the large kind that pro duce the big type, and if you don't want to raise the big kind, don't buy these hogs. You will be able to buy hogs at this sale that would not be offered for sale if I wa?:i't dispersing my sale. Write for mailing list. Yours for better swine, J. It. HODGES, 13artlett, Iowa. W. A. ROBERTSON, Lawyer. East of Riley Hotel. Coates Block, Second Floor. ANOTHER PLATTSM0UTH BOY MAKES GOOD .9 4 Lot .30 Lot .17. Lots 1-t .20 Lot 10 .SO Lots 1-2 tl I'". SO Lots 1 to If . tf. LR7 Lots 1 to 12 . ;5 7.20 Lots 13 and 14 ij-o you knew that a beautiful woman always has a good digestion? If your digestion is faulty, eat light- lv of meats, and take an occasion?.! ! dnsf of Chamberlain's Tablets to iy.14 ' gtrengthen your digestion. Price 25c. 14.20 13.23 Itching, torturing skin eruptions disfigure, annoy, drive one wild. 9.:.:6 Doan's Ointment is praised for its ; 1L2l aood Avork From Monday's Daily. J. R. Jones recelveu a letter from his son J. R. Jones, (Robert) in which he says that he has been recommended for a commissioned officer, and has passed the examina tions with flying colors, and is awaiting the decision of what he will be giA-en. Robert is one of Plattsmouth's fine young men, and has by hard Avork been promoted from time to time, and has for a long time past been drill master, at some of the camps in the south. He i5 now stationed at Camp Hancock, Ga. The many friends of this young man will be pleased to know of his advancement. Rand-McNally war maps Tor sale coc at all drug stores. ' at the Jmrnal office. Poultry Wanted! A car load of live poultry to be delivered at poultry car near Bur lington depot, Plattsmouth, Nebr., on Saturday and Monday, Oct. 19tli and 21st, two days, for which we will pay in cash: Hens -, 19c Springs 19c Cox Ducks lc Geese 14c We will be on hand rain or shine to take care of all poultry offered for sale.- W. E. KEENEY.