The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, October 17, 1918, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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    THURSDAY, OCTOBER 17. 19 10.
Sloan j Liniment ha3 tiic
"punch that relieves
'rheumatic tvins3
This trcrrr.t!:!-;r., corstIca
eattering circulation-stimulating rem
edy penetrates uiihout rubbing right to
the aching spot and brings quick relief,
eurcly, cleanly. A vonderful help fc
external pains, cprains, etrcinc, etiT
ness, headache, li:mbasot bruises.
Get your bottle today co?ts littlr,
rr.ean3 much. Asl; your druggist fcr ij
by rums. Keep it handy for the w!:o!c
family. The big bottle la economy.
From Wednesdays Daily.
K. 31. Pollard was a vi-itor in this
city last evening coming to look af
ter some business matters at the
court house.
Mark White and wile were in the
city this morning looking after some
business, and made this office a
pleasant call.
Herman I, Smith and vile were
visitors in this city last evening',
coming from their home at Xehawka
and are visiting with his and her
Sam O. Hackenberg was a visitor
in tliis city this morning from his
home near Cedar Creek, and was
looking aTter some Juiciness at the
county i-eat.
J. A. IJauer and Max DtisterholT
were in the city this morning from
Murdock. Mr. Hauer bringing Mr.
pi.isitrhoft" over to before the
1-icul board for examination.
T. J. Otte. Warren Richards and
Parker Otte. were in this city this
morning ci.mir.g over from their
home at Wabash to tak' the physical
examination before the local loard.
Yircil GilW-.-p-e of Pellevue. who
has been working near Murray for
J. P,rov.!i. wa. a visitor in the
city to.Iiy. c;i:ii!!i; to see about
m matters before the local board.
C. A. I.:;d an I T. ('. Ilalch.
1 -"Th from m-ar Murdock were in the
city this morning looking after some
h-i ;m?:s for the lay. while the lat
t r appeared before the local horu
for physical examination.
Will Kichard.-on was a passenger
List ev ni:i lor Lincoln, wher h
is looking after s-ome matters per-t-iuiing
to the entering of the state
ur.iver it. where i. will take train
ing preparatory for ti e army.
IMward Dorr ami sou Ualph. W.
T. Richards a:i:i Wiiliam At chinsoii.
from near Wabash and Klmwood
were in the city Ia.-t evening look
ing afi-r some business matters in
th-- city i nd calling at the court
Captain I.-aac Wilts, who ha:- been
visiting at the home of M. A. Hali
and wife, living on the other sfde
of the river, and with P. li. Dean
and wife living south of (Jlenwood.
for a hhort time, returned home this
aftei noon.
Mrs. (;. P. Ha-! wood who In:-.:
be. :i vi.-dMi'g a' Ames. Iowa; for
miiiio vipi-- p.i-t. arrived here last
evening and will vi.P at the home
of her (luo.-hf.r Mrs. Frank Hull
rear Keck Pluf-V. and at t'.e home
:' !k puny friends in this city.
Harry ("learner of near Murray,
v. ho bar been down and finite se
verely sw-k with the Spanish In
fluenza, at the heme of his father
Ibnry Creamer, is reported as being
much improved, as well as other
members of the family, ace i1fo
showing some improvement.
Word has hee.i received recently
f th.' sale arrival over seas of
Henry Stull. by his brother Raymond
H'ull. he having arrived one day la.-t
v eek. Henry has been in the ser
vice r.ow for more than a year and
a half, and has had a good deal of
training, which made an excellent
soldier of him.
Rev. A. H. Schwab and son.Har-
i-or Infants and Children
3n Use Fcr Over 30 Years
Altuan bears
Specif" I Attention lo DlifMti of Wonin
Eyes Tested and Glasses Fitted
Night Calls Answered Alter ficir
and Sundays by Appointment.
S:20 a- m. to 12:00 J:S v tu tr 5 .,
Plattsmouth, Neb
vey from Murdock were visitors in
Plattsmouth this morning, coming
over that Harvey might take the
physical examination before the lo
cal board, and while in the city Kev.
Schwab and son called upon the
Journal office, and had the paper
come to them.
Win. Minchau. Albert Frohlich.
and (Jus Huffman, all from Kagle,
came down this morning in a car to
appear before the local board for
physical examination. They were
accompanied by J. ( Smith, who
come along to see his mother who
has been sick for some time but at
this time is somewhat improved.
Lewis Huskirk. his mother Mrs.
Mary Huskirk and brother Edwin
Huskirk and son. Irving and daugh
ter Miss Nina, all from near South
Pend were all in the city for the
day, coming on the early Rurling
ton train and were looking after
some business, while Irving was also
appearing before the local board for
Mrs. F. R. Cobelman has just re
ceived word of the sickness of her
mother Mrs. David Hiatt. of Sidney,
being sick with the Spanish Influ
enza, and also of her sister Miss
Martha Hiatt. who also has the
same disease. While they are very
sirk. it is expected they will both
soon be improving, and it is hoped
they may soon be well again.
J. I.. McKinney will make his
home in Plattsmouth again, he has
just moved his household goods to
this place and will occupy the home
which he has here. Mr. McKinney
went some three years ago to the
other rid of the r'ver to work on
the farm which James W. Sage had
there and. afterwards moved a little
farther, until this year has lived
over as far as Henderson.
From Tuesday's Daily.
Hen Rainey departed last even
ing for South Hend, where he is go
ing to pick corn.
C. R. Xoyes of near Louisville
wa:; a visitor in this city this morn
ing looking after some business for
a short time.
Mrs. John Theirolf of Ced;r Creek
who has b-e:i visiting in this city
for the past few days departed for
her heme last evening.
Father Higgins of Man ley was in
the city this morning from his home
at Mauley, coming to call on Fath
er M. A. Shine of this city.
Charles Johnson from near Louis
ville was a visitor in Plattsmouth
last night, coming down in his car
to look after some business.
Miss Anna Meyers and Mrs.
Ag;i-ta Price who have been visiting
in the ejty here returned last even
ing to their homes !n Louisville.
John True of Cedar Creek was in
this city this morning looking after
some business for a few hours and
returned to his horn'. in the after
noon. Henry C. Long was in his city
this morning from Murray and was
looking after some business for a
few hours, and was hauling some
coal hack with him for the winter.
Mrs J. M. Jordan .Mid ron Robert
Jordan, departed this morning for
Omaha, where they g to see her
-( n IMward who is at the state farm
just recovering from the Spanish
Mrs. Merl Lanning. who has been
teaching school at Avoca, arrived in
the city this afternoon, the school
at that place being closed for the
present, and will visit here for a
short time.
M. L. Walker and Will Hoover
were in this city this morning from
Louisville, looking after some busi-ao-s
and will be among the next to
;o to the cantonments for training
for the 1". S. Army.
Mr. A. c. Carlson formerly
flretchen L. Hoeek of Omaha, left
today for her home after spending a
veeh with her uncle. Henry Hoeck.
Her husband. Sergeant A. C. Carl
son is stationed at Camp Hancock,
fleorgia. obi time friend 1). J. Pitman
''rem Murray was a visitor in this
city for a few hours today looking
tfter some business for a short time,
and attending to some matters at
the court house, as well as renewing
his acquaintances.
Miss Alpha Petersen county sup
erintendent of the .schools, departed
this morning for Lincoln, where she
went to see about some matters with
the state department of schools for
the day. The city or town schools
of the county are so few in opera
tion that it is almost useless to at
tempt to make thern a visit.
F-oro Monday's Da'Iy J
L. IL Puis of Murray was in the
city this morning for a short time
looking after some business.
Allen Land who lives west of j
Myuard. was looking after some
business in this city this morning.
Col. w. P. Young of near Murray '
--as in the city this morning look
ing after some business for the
George Parkes and wife from ne?r
Murray were in the city tins morn
ing looking after some business for
a few .hours. j
A. J. McNatt and family from near
Rock Bluffs were in the city this
morning looking after some business
for the day.
Julius Ramge was a visitor in this
city for over Sunday from South (
Omaha, where he is employed in the j
Armour Packing company. j
Lloyd CSapen was a visitor in this j
city from his home near Murray this
morning and was looting after some
business for a few hours.
S. P. St. John of Xehawka. the
miller from that town was in the
city last Saturday evening looking
after some business for a few hours.
Walter Herger was a visitor in
the city this morning frym Cedar
Creek, and is getting ready for de
parture for Camp i:owie in a short
Jerry Shroeder of near Cedar
Creek was a business visitor in this
city last Saturday afternoon having
some matters to attend to in the
John Heil. Charles Hopp and
Henry Hopp his son from near Louis
ville were in this city this morning
looking after some business matters
before the local board.
John Richardson received a let
ter from his son Claud yesierday
announcing his safe arrival across
the seas, and stating that he was
s--afe and well, ready for the fight
ing. Mrs. li. L. Kirkiiam who has been
visiting in this city for some time at
the home of her parents M. M. Heal
and wife, departed yesterday for
Helle Fousche. South Dakota. her
Howard Cannon. after having
spent Sunday at home with the
family, visiting with his mother, de
parted this morning for Greenwood,
where he is putting in a bridge for
the county.
John Policek has just received a
letter from his son John, who has
just arrived over seas, safe and i.i
ready to do his part in the struggle
of finishing the mopping up of the
hunnish hordes.
Robert McCleary was in the city
this morning from his home near
Weeping Water, ami was having
some grief of his own. in the shape
of a refractory tooth, which he has
had extracted.
S. K. Wixson was in the city this
morning just returned from I'nion.
where he has been for the car which
he brought from Lincoln that far,
when he purchased it a few weeks
ago. and broke some part at that
William Kief who has been doing
Mme cement work for R. A. Hates,
hr.s just completed the cement work
on his new residence, ami has done
an excellent job. Mr. Kief go-s to
day to Murray where he is to do
some work for Frank Vallery.
George A. Katfenberger was a pas
senger last Saturday afternoon for
Broken How. where he is looking
after some cattle which he has had
on pasture there during the summer,
and which he expects to bring back
to this vicinity for feeding for mar
ket. J. W. Siever departed lart even
ing for Madrid, where lie will make
his home for the present. He has
lived in Plattsmouth for nearly a
quarter of a century, and been one
of the best citizens, and after this
time dep.irts for the west to make
his home.
Del L. Pickett of Kimball was
in the city for Saturday and Sun
day, visiting with his brother Luth
er F. Pickett and also sold a car of
potatoes to the merchants. He has
seven cars of potatoes for market
from this year's raising. They
were grown in Kimball county.
Miss Orpha Stone arrived home
last week on account of the closing
of the business college at which sh
and sister Miss Kental Stone were in
attendance, and which was closed on
account of the prevailing epidemic
of Spanish Influenza. The school is
to the opened again this week when
Miss Orpha will return.
James Marasek is visit iiig here
from his home in th? western por
tion of the state, where he purchas
ed a farm through the firm of Val
lery and Cromwell, near Grant, on
which he is living and is well satis
fied with his purchase". He has
just finished- seeding SO of wheat,
and 20 acres of rye on the place.
Mrs. Wni. Porter was allowed a
pension of $25.0 0 per month. be-'
ginning on the sixth day of June,
191S. The same to begin at the
time of the death of Win. Porter her
husband, who was a pensioner at
the time of his death. The pension
was allowed through the efforts of
her attorney M. Archer.
C. A. Marshall and wife depart
ed last Saturday afternoon for Lin
coln where they went to see -their
son Frank Marshal! depart for
another camp, and whose train went
from Lincoln in the morning about
eight o'clock. Mr. and Mrs. Mar
shall returned home last evening.
Those to depart did not know their
Charles Parmele just received two
letters from his son Pollock, telling
of hl3 having been in the forward
trenches for sixtj- days under fire,
and has just been taken to the rest
camp for a season. The two months
at the front continually is a long
time to remain all the time under
fire. He is feeling pretty well with
the exception of the matter of the
strain of all the time at the front.
Geo. Lawson Sheldon Jr., was
Lorn May 19th. 1SJ7, at Xehawka,
Nebraska, where he lived with hU
parents until the spring of 1909, his
father having b.-'en elected Gover
nor, the family moved to Lincoln,
where they occupied the Governor's
Mansion for two years.
After the expiration of his term
the family moved lo Wayside, Mis
sissippi. Voting Lawson however
returned over a year ago to help
his uncle Frank in his store. A
month ago he enlisted at Lincoln
in the S. X. T. C..' and was accept
ed and expected to report for duty
October the However to ours
and our country's loss fate ruled
him out. He was taken sick with
pneumonia and died Friday, October
the 4th. 191S. His mother and sis
ter Mary were constantly at his bed
side during his illness.
He was laid to resi in Mt. Pleas
ant cemeterv by his many friends
amid a bower of roses, thus ming
ling the flower of young manhood
with nature's blossoms.
While I hud known Lawson all
his life, it was only in the last year
that we became intimately acquaint
ed. I learned to admire his youth
ful optimism, his generous spirit,
his loyalty lo his friends, and his
versatilitv of mind. He was one of
toy very few boy friends with whom
I could visit and enjoy it Ctho thir
ty-live years his senior. He
brought to me that youthful effer
vescent spirit with which we need
to commune in order to keep our
hearts young and our eyes clear,
shall miss him very very much.
"He. the young and strong who
ch rished noble thoughts for the
st rife
My the roadside i el I and perisheJ.
weary with the march of life."
a. f. stfrm.
From Tuesday's Dally.
Yesterday afternoon the Hurling
ton crept into this city with a Lib
orty Loan pec;al. which when if
had gotten the switrh yard
limits, going to the shop?,' made the
old town ring.
The tr:;in was decorated all over
with small American flags, and
equipped with a large number of
good speakers, who with their ad
dress stirred the enthusiasm and
patriotism of the employes, who have
already taken a large amount of
bonds, to the place of doing all with
in their power for the sake of the
hoys in the trenches.
Last Saturday the count v h;'d sub
scribed $1,030,000.01) in the Fourth
Liberty Loan bonds, the county will
soon be over the top. Over the top
will hardly suffice, for much more
is needed at this time.
On arriving at the shops. the
workmen gathered around, and list
ened to many elegant addresses,
made by the speakers who came
with the train, and during the time
the special was at the shops, sub
scribed for to exceed ten thousand
dollars in additional to what they
had made previous pledges for. This
will make in the neighborhood,
counting the ladies and men in all
a subscription of nearly sixty thou
sand dollars.
From Tuesday's Dairy.
At Louisville yesterday, John
ILiovcr the man who fell from the
barn some time since injuring him
self, was buried, he never recovering
consciousness since the accident. The
other was Sam Suiter who has been
in the army and was affected .by the
Spanish Influenza at Camp Dix, Xew
Jersey, dying there, the body was
forwarded to Louisville for burial.
Can Now Eat and Sleep in Comfort.
If troubled with indigestion or
sleeplessness you should read what
Miss Agnes Turner, Chicago, 111.,
has to cay: "Overwork, irregular
meals and carelessness regarding
the ordinary rules of health, grad-
ually undermined it until last fall I j
became a wreck of my former self. ,
I suffered from continual headache,
was unable to digest my food, which
seemed to lay as a dead weight on
my stomach. I was very constipated
and my complexion became dark;
yellow and muddy as I felt. Sleep
lessness was added to my misery, and
I would awake as tired whsn I vent
to sleep. I heard of Chamberlain's
Tablets and found such relief after
taking them that I kept, up the'treat
nient for nearly two months. They
rrANWtaD on commuot
cleansed my stoinacri. invigorated
my sy: tem, and since that time I I
can eat and sleep in comfort. I am :
today entirely well."
from TiiPfda y's Daily.
The following are the boys from
Xehawka precinct, which have re
ceived their classification at the
hands of the local board, or have
born passed upon for dependency.
The classification for industrial
claims, will come when they shall
have reaciied the district board. Out
of the thirty-seven, which hae been
passed upon, there are sixteen class
one men.
Nehawka Precinct.
Knno Curtis Ahrems 1-a.
William Hlair Dale 4-a.
Ceorge Hennett 1-x.
James Charles Dore 2-b.
Frank A. Iloedaker 4-a.
John Sylvester Chappcll L'-b.
Itobert Henry Dean 4-a.
Daw Ross Denniers 4-a.
Vernon Sylvester Fleishman
Charles Robert Hall 4-a.
Kdwin Otto Johnson 1-a.
Kmery K. Kelberg
Geo. A. Kune 1-a.
Frank 15. Lemon 2-b."
Samuel L. Martin 4-a.
Charlo H. McCormick 1-a.
George H. McFarland 4-a.
Frederick June Miller 1-a.
Pen J. Xoell 4-a.
August Olson "-f.
James Petersen 5-g.
Julian Joy Pollard 2-a.
Floyd Carter Prince 1-a.
Ross Prince 4-a.
Murdock G. Reed 1-a.
1 o-
Lester F.dgar Sprague
Win. Martin St a ton 1-a.
Justice C. Sturm 1-a.
Adolph J. G. Swartr 4-a.
Chalmer Swytzer 4-a.
Wni. Clarence Waldo 4-a
Guy. Curt ice Snyder 4-a.
' Purrell Ross Wolf 1-a.
Arno Joy Wessel 1-a.
Martin Zoak 5-f.
Oscar Stone Anderson
Harry Xoyes Higgin 4-a.
i.i:;i, Miner.
In tl.- County Court of Cass County,
State of XelirakH. Cass County, ss.
To all nersons interested in the es
tate of William Kiiiliir. riwensp(i.
On ru-HiliiiU' the Petition or .foliatim
Huriig. pravins: a linal set t lenient mid
MliowHine of lor aieontit filed in this
Court on tlie litli dav of -September
litis. ml for ilistributinir and assipn
Insr suld estate.
It is hereltv oriVred flint vow ami
nil persons interested tn s.i id matter
niav. Mild do. appear- tit the Conntv
Court to he held in ami for said Comi
v on th- L'lst flav of Spntoniler A. I .
1'iis at 0 o'clock A. St., to show cause,
if hiiv .there he. why the prayer of
the petitioner sliouM not lie granted,
ami that notice of the pendency of
aid petition and the hearing thereof
lie uiven to all person interested in
said matter l.v joi t ish in tr a -onv of
thl order in the riattsmoutli Journal.
h smi-weeklv newspaper printed in
said conntv. for one week prior to
id Hav of l:e-"-'l!f
"in YMMiess Whet-eot. 1 iMe ',"-;
unto set in" h-wul and t!i- sea! of
i.Y C"".-. tins 1'"' "f --tomi-er
A T AlL.I-.iN .1. ni'.r,io.
KHi.ii County
.lud s"
I - '
"POLARINE is as warm
.L hearted in zero weather
as in hot. Its lubricating
qualities are the same the
year round. Zero temper
ature doesn't make Polar
ine congeal in the crank
case nor clog in feed pipes.
It burns up cleanly depos
its little carbon in cylinders.
Polarine is produced under
pressure at zero tempera
ture. That's why its lubri
city is unaffected by Jack
Frost's hardest efforts.
Look for the sign.
rtfo Red Crown Gasoline is the
clean, uniform energetic motor
fuel in cold weather.
l.l'.CiM. MtTKT..
Nntiri N n-!-il'iit l-f-iiln ill !,
tlirir Ilt-irM. I. run I -. ! Immi. IVr-
xtunl It fr-Nfnt!i I i final nil IVr-
miim I iiaT.Htt-il iii their ltnti'. or
..tlit-ir Sic--Mr!.:
To ti.e ufiknowti Tieits. devisee?, lecr
a 1 1 . personal ii- j . r s :s t a t i -s and a!
other persons hit-rested in the estate
of C-oruc K. Harding, deceased: Wil
liam il. J'rice. Wm. AI. IT ice. Albert
jKellev. executors of the last will and
testan.tnt of leortre K. Harding, de
; cease.!, if livinc. if deceased, the tll-
known heirs, devisees, legatees, per
sonal representatives and all oilier per
sons interested in the state of each
of tliem respectively or their succes
sors. Yo'j and each of yon are hereby no
tified that William K Schlielert. as
i.l : i n t ; ft' i it-.. "lt liiv of Sen tem
per. S1 tiled his petition in the Iis-
trt. t Court of Cass County. Nebraska,
vl:i trill you atid each of you art- de-
Kndants. the object and prayer of
which petition are that you and each
of ou. ainl all persons claiming by,
through or under you adversely to
plainti.'T. be adjudged to have no inter
est, right, estate or lien in or to:
Tti Northwest Quarter of Section
Seventeen 1T), Township Klevcn (111
i:ange KU-veri till, Cass County, Ne
braska. r any part or portion thereof, and li:e piainiiu. William r. e - cinie
fert. together witli his grantors be ad
judged to have been iii the adverse
possession of said land for more titan
Mil years last last, and that the legal
tjtie thereto lias become fully vested
in William F. Sehliefert, notwithstand
ing the claims ot vim and cacli ot you
or anyone claiming by, through or tin
dcr you. and that the title to said lam
be forever quieted in the said William
F. Sehliefert. as against you and each
of vou. and that each and all of sab
defendants named, and those whose
names are unknown and not stated
bo forever barred from claiming or
asserting any right, title, interest or
estate in and to said real estate, or
any part thereof, and for such other
and further relief as to the court may
seem just and equitable
Vou and each of you are further
notified you are required to answer
said petition on or before Monday, the
L'lld dav of Mecelllher, 91S.
C. A. i:.WI.S, Plaintiff.
Attorney. 10-ll-4w.
niiii:it of in:i(i; on im:tiiio
The State of Nebraska,
County of Cass, ss.
In County Court.
In the Matter of the Kstate of draco
I 'en Windham, deceased:
n reading and filing the petition of
Cohort K. Windham, jr.. praying; that
administration of s:itd estate tnav 1
granted to K. P. Windham, as adminis-
t ra tor.
ordered, that November L'tid. A. .,
at 10 o'clock a. tn.. is assigned
for hearing said petition, when all per
sons interested in said matter may ap
pear at a County Court to bo held in
and for said county, and show cause
why the prayer of petitioner should
not be granted: and that notice of the
pendency of said petition and the hear
ing thereof lie given to all persons in
terested in said matter bv publishinsr
a copy of this order in the I'lattsmouth
loiirnal. a sem i-week I y newspaper
printed in said county, for three suc
cessive weeks, prior to said day of
Patcd October st It. 1 ! 1 S.
J0-H-3W. County Judge.
for treatment end no money to be paid S5f& UfJ?
and testimonials of more than 1000 prominent people who bave been perm anen cu?edL I
The largest and best equipped dental offices in" Omaha. Experts
in charge of all work. Lady attendant. MODERATE PRICES
Porcelain fillings just like tooth. Instruments carefully sterilized
after using.
oiM i; in m:ri:icr.i:v si.i:
Wn'fer . Malili!i:iuii,
I(a!;i!i ), n Minor.
N'.o i.
ti-.. ..f
is iuii'liy
;i ii .nli r
ut it 1 . . ! i-ar
lti v
in t
i i-
O -e
e oil t!li'
t !,e I i;.-t rh
hra-ka. I.
i: .Martin,
said court.
I. i:m. I.
I i " . i t
t'ie u n --oh-
uiM, i . : i
f '.).- 'iii:ity, N
d rsitrne.l. I'lr.xt l-s
! i i ;i ;!" i '! ! ''
llth l;iv of
o'i leek !! t !;
door of t! t!. I'ass
Xe t -in her. J!'l. at t ri
I otero iiii. at I lie son I li
Court Hi'iiso in l'latfs
Countv. Nebraska, ot'ti r
- i
ale to th
lo'-r'H'sr Mo.t.-r
ii i "i'i I - 1 it a I i
for a - I.,
Mate, in-
tlir fol lowin.n
j Lot Ki.v.n (Hi 711..
J Co vilhiuf of Manl.'y,
I .Vet'i aska, ;io oi ,1 ij,r t
i;.!;.t t!'. -:-.. f.
I Sa i'l sa !.- will l i ma i
for one hour.
Th rt
i i in
on l I V,
t he
pep f..r bids
i.i: yi ..
. t t nriM'V.
ma i:
ll V.
I'l 'I I e.
7 -i 1 1 -;
Sincere Gratitude.
Mrs. William Pell, Logansporl,
Ind., writes: "I deem it my duty to
express my gratitude for the good
- , , . .
- namoeriaii. s.
Colie and Diarrhoea
llemedy did me when I had a severe
attack of diarrhoea three years ago.
It' was the only medicine that re
lieved me."
Mrs. I.. II. Gilmorc departed tin'.--afternoon
for Omaha where she is
visiting with friends for the after
noon. After a hearty meal, take Doan'
Regulets and assist your stomach
liver and bowels. Regulets are a
mild laxative. 30c at all stores.
x-r- TIIK lIA.iOM IIR4 vit.
I.ndleat Ank Irufrrl t ft
ni-rnrj-TiTH lilBDinnil Id unit
i-.n in ic a end UoliX iit-allic
loirs, srairrl ith lilue ki!.!on.
T ako r. ether, ttnr of
ij-urcti-t. As'-cfTrii'i-'rrr.TFR
mi vsil fILI.Sf'Tlii
W yearsknowca-Ucst.b.-ifest.Alv.iy; ,i ;e
Automobile Owners!
Do you want to save as, get more-
power and mileage, and at the same
time keep your spark plugs clean?
will do it! Sold on a money back
guarantee by
E?l4SllSa Dnf Uhnn Pi iftrl
A mild system of treatment that cures Piles. Fistula tH
other Recta 1 Diseases in a short time, without a severe sur
gical operation. No Chloroform. Frh ?kv- t".
. I v