The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, October 14, 1918, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3
-J I 11'? XOIiXiTi. 05IOBE?. 14TH, 1918. PLATTSMOUTH SEMI-Yt'EEELT JOURNAL. I 1 XXj ml i ' i r NOTICE OF DE UHQUEHT TUXES OF DASS COUNTY Notice is hereby given that I. Mike Trits-h. Treasurer of Cass Count v. in the state of Nebraska, will on the'lirst Monday, being the 4th day of Novem ber, 191s. as required by law, commence -liii.g at the office of the Countv '"reasur.-r of said county. In the city -f I'lattsmouth, at public auction, so i ' i n 1 of the following tracts of lands ;'!nl town lots as shall be necessary to pay tii.? taxes, togetHe- with interest und icfts that may have accrued there on that day, being the delinquent taxes for the year 1917 and prior years, as annuls from tt.e tax lists for said yea rs. l aid sale will he held between the hours of nine o lock a. m. and lour ..'. lock p. in of said date, and will -out innc from day to day between r-aid hours vntil all of said property 'i,.o:i which delinquent tues it-main ii;ii.;-;d, shall le sold or oifered for ai.-. MIKK TKITSCIl. Tr. .i.-r.rer of Cass Countv, Ne.b I'httt.-mo-ith, Nebraska. Oct. 1, 191S. l,ll. 'Ml"l0 I'ltKt I.NCT 'I itxlii IO, ltaitue script ion Sec. Amt. sv :;.) $ -.j.eo ;iti:i: oou piti:ti."r Tu iiliii II. ttniiue It I .-script ion Sec. Lot K. N.. NK'i i'i'it of SW4 nortii and :ist ofDel Creek 7 Amt. 4.70 NV4 sk4 :. si:1, Mtg salt t i:i:i:k Ton itxlilp II!, I s. 1 i:t ion ot ! NI-:' SW Ot 1 SW'., SK1 X 20 . . . . 1' 1 i'iti: i(T I. -mice I:. Sec. 1 ; 2.46 S' 99 49.67 1 .7; Lot s ;ts of si:4 i.-.t i' sw, si:'4 Si:li lots 1 and 2 17 SW4 si: I, .. ;-t lot 7 si:1, nv i.ot 1:: si: '4 ." '4 n 1 -. s;:1, 4 sv of hit .20 . 20 A int. 3.;o 14.91 11. SO 33.06 112.11 29.13 112.9S I N W K1 . N 1 l-ol vrovi: i ni:i:u iMti:irT To t noli ip 10, liiiimr III. -i-ripiiou Sec. Amt. s v . l-ll.MU OOll l'l!i: l(T Ttivv n lii II. iluiiKr IO. -siiir-tloTi Sec. sw, r. m :1, ; si:1, 47.44 Amt. 21.93 3S.90 4S.7: 4.57 i: Si L. I.. Li nw, sv, NOl 'I'll MKMI I'HIH IM T Ton iiMliip 1-, limiKr HI. 1 lesi-ript ion S-f. Lot 10 Lot 1 and sub lot 1 of ti :., 11 11 . K'. SW', 10 vi:i:iiu i'lthcnci Ti.i iiHliip IO. U.nitr II. I -.-cri t ion Sec. : ' 4 w 1 4 2 : N 1 , si:1, 2 t i sw1, si-:'., 2 i r. sw :, si:1, 2 n 1 : 1 , 17 N'j NW1, 2 i i:mi:i: ihi:c ict T li.!ip II. I til III!'? II. 1 si 1 ipt ion S.-c NW'4 24 101 i 11.1.1: i-ni:( i( T 11-hip 1, Ml, 11 II. 1 si-ript ion See. Lot 1 1 Lot :: SW4 N K 1 4 12 Lot 1 N W 1 4 12 Lot 4 1". Lot 10 and 10 1 .", Lots 1-2 N K 1 , N V 1 22 Lot 7- and SK4 NV4-22 AVOCA IMIIICIMT 1 iiliit IO. Itnniie 12. iif-Frri.'tiun S- NK', 17 it of N'. NW west of .M. I:, l: 19 mt i'iti:tiCT 'I , nlii( II. Itmiue 1 si i i pt ioti jec. Amt. S. SK1, IS 39.26 Ni:1, 19 95.49 NL1, SK1, 19 21.62 N S W ', 20 51.45 i:i;iit 1 1 . 1 : i;ituK nt i:ti T 'l'nvi.!ii 1:. Itaniie liT. I '.-script ion Sec. hot 25 Lot 7 2S i-:-j si:1, ::i 1 nlii. III. ICuiice 1 .1. I icscriptiou Sec. si-:1, nc, 9 SW ', SW ', 10 NW i S W 1 4 2 S 1 .. S W 1 , 2 4 N. X W 1 , 25 SW -4 NW4 29 SW' 29 V'. SK1', 29 Lot 13 SK-., SW1 34 Amt. 7.3C 7.36 13.14 Amt. 34.60 2. 03 2.i 2 "0.9i 70.:: 4 45.11 Amt. 9S.00 Amt. 27.45 6.2 20.65 11.66 1.96 23.13 11.60 Amt. 95.70 30.91 Amt. 2S.86 73.00 26.42 Amt. 21.36 16.22 3O.01 69.45 47.32 24.56 78.32 63.8-1 21.15 'l ost n.lil 10. Jinnee 14. 1 . sci ipt ion Sec. Amt. K ' Ni:' 5 24.28 W. NK1, 5 23.25 NKT, si:1, 5 12.24 Lot 10 SW '4 .NK1, 3.49 Lot 1J SW',, 6 18.27 lots 3 ::nd 6 N K 1 , SI-JU-l Lot 4-5 NK1, SKI4 1 11- N 1 . SK1-, 20 4 2.27 Lot 1 NK4 NWVt 28 118.68 SW:, SK1, 28 359.51 KU. SK1, NW4 29 15.04 Lot' 1 SW', SIO1; 32 1.52 Lot 2 SWi SI-:1, 32 19.47 Lot 3 NW1, NW'i 33 2.97 HIT KOI K III. I KI-'S IMtK.CINCT 'liiiliii 11. ICnniee l.'t. T)-srript ion Sec. S. NW SW1, .. Lot 2 i S W 1 i iind ;'i : i ," " SKU SW4 SKi" and Amt. 139.18 94.3S 71.07 Lot 2 SRU SK'i and SW4 SKVi MtB 15 10.70 NKVi 17 98.66 Lot 9 NKVi NWi 24 20.35 S NAV4 36 52.28 KAST HOCK III. I FKS PHECIXCT Towawhl 11, Kaner 14. Description Sec. Amt. Lot 11 4 29.43 Lot -12 4 10.52 SK", NKh, 7 15.82 SK1, SKVi 7 13.79 SW4 SWl, S 1S.84 I Lot 4-6 Kl-t SW'i 34.47 W'i-2 XV.' , 17 37.35 iNKl, NK',, IS 11.59 Lot 5 SK, NKU 18 -56 iSK'i SKI, 32 16.25 l'LATTSMOl Til PltKClCT 1oiiMlii 1, ltance i:t. 1 description Sec. Amt. Lot 4 SK, SK'i 4 7.10 K jXK1, 9 28.71 W'i SWU 10 48.54 s'i sw,; sic; 11 22.59 I-ot 5 NW1; N K It 14 5.17 Lot 6 NWV, NK'4 H 39.77 Lot 13 NWV4 NK'; H 23,43 Sub 12 and 22 of lot 9 NW1, NW'i 14 13.S9 ToiviimIjIp i:t, Kautcr- l.t Lot 12 west of track SV, SW1, 35 11.25 Townhi KaiiKe 14. Description Lot C6 K'i . Lot 178 Lot 179 Lot 2 Lot 6 Lot 7 Lot 23 Lot 25 Lot 32 Lot 39 Lot Lot Lot 42 S NK1; 55 N W 1 1 Lot Lot! Lot 7 . Lot 9 . N-i Lot NK1, NK' 19 . S2 Lot 19 . Lots 22-23 . yii.l;i: Lots Lot 9 Lot 10 Lot H Lots 1-2- ... OK Sec. 7 IS 18 20 20 20 20 .') 20 20 20 29 29 30 33 33 33 33 33 33 CKDA It CREEK Block ! except rv Lot '30 NK Vi Lot ". Lot 7S Lot 79 Lot SO Lot 83 Lot 84 Ol'T LOTS TO THE CITV I'l-ATTSMOITH Descriotion S T ft Lot 16 7-12-14 Lot 68 7-12-14 Lots 15-17 WVi SVi 7-12-1 4 Kast ft of lot 53 ..12-12-13 n 2-3 lot 62 xw; srcv; 12-12-13 NK 11 hot 6 s4 sw1; . . . Lot 24 S SW1,, . Lots 27-2S S4 S1,, . Lot 53 S'A SW'i . . , SW . . . SW, . . . S W . . . SWl, . . . SW1,.., sw1; . . . Lot S3 S1- SWl; . . Lot 9 4 SY; . . Lot 97 Ss SW4 . . Lots S;, and 86 SK SW, Lot 19 SK1, SW 1 j ( 1TV K Lots Lot 10 7-S-9 1- 2 2- 4 5 SW of Ave . 6 7-S-9 10-11-12 9 and W! 10 9-10 lot 11-12 4 to 6 OP Al.l.t 2.98 97.56 12.66 5.72 S2 s s Si 24-12-13 .18-12-14 .18-12-14 .1S-12-14 . 1S-12-14 .18-12-14 . 1 S-l 2-1 4 . 1 s-1 2-1 4 .18-12-14 .18-12-14 .18-12-14 .18-12-14 .18-12-14 .18-12-14 . .18-12-14 . .18-12-14 I'l-ATTSMOlTll Block Port er Lot Lot 2 Sub lot 1 ft of 3 "eill Lot Lot 2 Lots 5-6 Dot e Lot Lot 3 PI nee Addition to Flnttmoiitu Block Amt. 1.26 pt 2 and K 330 12.74 Addition 10 Plat turnout b Block Amt. 9 1.62 .". 10 3.0S Addition to IMuttnmoulh Block Amt. 17.35 Burris NK', nb Div. of Lot NK1, Sec 24-12-1: 50 29.49 13.38 19.63 71.46 20!67 ! 78.99 ' Lot 23.90 Lots 2 to 8 23. S3 I KcriihrrKvr A Troop Addition to 17. So 1 Pliittxinoiith 9.10 Lot 4 23. 9 Lot 7 32.1S Lots 11-14 .84 1 i:i:n; watkk city 1.2C S.50 1.13 1.11 4.07 OK 42.4S Lot Lot Lot Lot Lot Amt. J-ot 6 Lot 1.95 Lot 3.51 '-01 9.32 Xf! -2 ' 1-Ols 10.24 M-ots 2-3 1 ::; ' Lots 7-8 10"63iLot 10 N of Wash Ave. '.77 Lot 6 .57 I Lots 1 to 3 19,4 i Lot 4 9.4 8 j Lot 6 3S 'Ot S . i C06 l't 5lot 10 46 ' Lots 11-12 ' N 10 ft of S'4. 5-6 '31 ! West 23 ft sul) lot 39 .27 . 4 . . H Lots Lot 8 . . .' ifc lot 6 ... U. lot 6 . . . IIOUTOX vii.i.;i: ok Aiisii Block 9 9 i-'j-:5".iiiitio.n nsn Lot Lots 1-2 I,ot 3 Lois 4-5 Lots 7-8 Lot .6 Lots 6-7 Lot 8 Lots 9-10 ii.i.a;k ok Lots Lots 11-12 Lots S-9-10 vii.i.Aia-: ok Lots 6 to 8 Lot 9 Iits lti-ll MTTiS KIHST IUock .. .. . 6 6 6 7 10 11 11 MANI.K.V Block Ml lilt AY 4 4 4 l)l)ITION Amt. 8.47 1S.47 6.18 1.84 Amt. 22.53 30.28 35.87 TO Amt. 4.30 .21 .62 3.5 L9 .21 Amt .s: 7.0: 9.12 14.92 4.61 TO 6 ft of . 7 . 8 . 8 . 8 . S . 8 . 8 . 9 .11 .11 .13 .21 .21 .21 .23 -1 . '3 !23 .27 . 28 of of lot .32 .33 .34 .35 . 30 .38 .40 . 45 .40 . 40 .48 .48 .4S Amt. 29.89 100.41 5 1.52 50.34 64.81 76.52 0 3 2 7 F.! 5 4 0 3 9 8 9 14.V73 41.21 r.r,.so 105.02 S2.56 .83 33.04 7.22 30.V2 30.3.1 2.4 0 2.46 2.4 6 952.28 0.50 Lot i Lot 1 5 83 T ot " Lot 4 Lot 5 Lot 6 Lot 1 Lot 2 Lot 3 Lot N v. Lot Lot 4 . lot 1-2 . lot ; H 11 Block ..30 . .30 . .30 . .30 . .36 . .46 . .46 . .48 ..IS . .49 . .02. . .64 . .04 ..65 07 . .07 ..09 . .71 a .'id .73 . 75 .7. .70 .82 .'II .83 199.55 100.22 160.79 41.13 223.14 9 5.10 . 250.47 26.56 4.82 13.27 20:.21 3 9 1). 2 2 54.2S 105.64 67.07 I 53.03 J 36.92 i 5.4 0 . 4. . - Ml Hit W Block 12 15 SK( llM) ADDITION Ml Hit Y Lots Block West 4 ft 11 all lots 12 to 14 13 Lots 8 to 10 18 yii.i.a;k OK .MIIIIWKA Lots Lots 3-4 ... Lot 10 I.ATTVS Amt. 10.70 5.8 Amt. 9.6 4.92 Lots 7 and US Lot 4 of 13 Lots 1-2 . Lot 3 Lot 1 KI.MIIFAS Lot 17 Lots 11-12 VII. I. A UK Lots Lot 1 Lot 2 Lots 3 to 10 Lot 11 Lot 12 Lots 1 to 12 Lots 1 to 12 Lots 1 to 12 Lots 1 and 3 Lots 1 to 8 Lot 10 Lots 11-12 . Lots 1 to 3 . Lots 10 to 12 Lots 5-6 Lots 1 to 10 Lot 5 Lots 1 to 10. and 1-2 .. Lots 3-4 Lot 5 Lots 6 to 10 Lots 1-2 . Lots J5-4 . Lot 5 Lots 6-7 Lot S Lot 9 Ix)t 10 Ixits 1 to 10 Lots 1 to 8 Lots 1-2 Lots 3 to 8 Lots 1 to 8 . Lots 1 to 8 . Lots 1 to 12 Lots 1 to 12 Lots 1-2-3 .. Lot 2 Ixts 4 to 11 Lots 1 to 3 . Lots 4-5 Lots 6 to 9. Lots 10 to 12 Lots 1 to 12 and 1 to 12 Lots 1 to 3 . Lots 4-5 Lot 6 Lots 7 to 9 . Lots 10 to 12 Lots 1 to 12 . Lots 1 to 10 . Lots 1 to 10 Lots 1 to 10 . Lots 1 to 5 . Lots 6 to 10 . Lots 1 to 10 Block to li Amt X.2t! 14. 15. 41.66 . . 9 . .11 13 16 ADDITION TO EHAVKl .60 1.20 HOCK lil.I'FFS Block Amt. .15 1.40 .90 ok to 12 2W 2W 2W 2W 2W 3W 7W SW IN . . .2-3-4N 4S 4S 5S 5S 13S . . .1N-1K . . .3N-4K . . .1N-1W . . .1N-2W . . .1N-2W . ..1N-2AV , . .1N-2W , . .1N-3W . .1N-3W . . .1N-3W . .1N-3W ,. .1N-3W . .1N-2AV . ..1N-3W . .1N-SW 2N 1-2W . .2N-3W . .2N-3W .10N-3W .11N-3W . . .1S-7W . . .1S-8W . . .2S-5W . . .5S-1W . . .5S-1W . . .3S-1K .. .3S-1K . . .3E-1K ...SS-1K 3S-2K . . .4S-1K . . .4S-2K .. .4S-2K ...4S-2K . . .4S-2K . . .4S-2K .5S 1-2K .6S 1-2K .7S 1-2K . . .SS-1K ...8S-2K . . . SS-2K . . .9S-1K .20 7.76 2.45 .70 .79 2.57 1.49 .30 .30 7.11 1.7 3.27 3.7 .30 .20 .39 .30 .30 .16 .30 .1 .16 .15 .59 .59 .30 .46 .57 .67 .50 .49 .54 .20 .30 .34 .30 1.80 .94 .30 .15 .30 .30 1.70 .43 .25 .34 1.20 D BIG COMBINATION SALE OF uroc Jersey Boars ALL IMMUNED To be given by Philip Hirz, Will Rummel and Otto Schafer, at the Henry Hirz farm, six miles west of Plattsmouth, on edaesday, Oct. 16, '18 In this offering you will find some exceptionally fine animals, and they can be bought at your own price. SALE WILL START AT 1:00 P. M. Free Lunch Will Be Served at Noon! w If You Want Some of the Best Fresh Blood in Your Herd Be Sure and Attend This Sale! 13-14 and west 23 sub lot 6 N 16 ft 12 VZ 3 K 20 ' ft 1 K 11 all 1-' Lot 10 Lot 6 Lot 12 Lot 7 W 8 S 60 ft of W 24 ft of 3 S 100 ft of lot 4 I't lot 1 Lots 4-5 ft lot 9 except ry .... Lots 11-12 52 S-i lots 7-S-9 53 N l2 lot 7-8-9 53 N 78 ft lot 7-8-9 5 4 Lot 12 57 Xs 7 Lot .8 Lots 4 to 6 Pt lots 1 all 2-3 Lots 4-5-6 Lots 4-5-6 Lot 9 Lot 10 Iot 7-8 Lot 10 Lot 1-2-." and pt Lot 9 Lot 10 Lots 1-2 Iots 3-4 Lot 10 Lots 11-12 Lot 11 Lot 1 Lots 1 to 4 Lot 5 Lot 7 Lot 2 Lots 7-8 Lots 11-12 N 1 ft of Lot 7 .... Cnd 'S .. While . Lot Lots 7-S . Ton uxend Lot Block Amt. Lot 1 1 ' 22.4 2 Lot 2 1 23.00 Lot 4 4 2.39 Lots 5-6 5 33.56 Lots 11-12 5 22.17 Lot S 13 21.52 Smith Addition to Plu 1 1 miiioii I ii S'i of 44 all 4T.-40-47 17.77 Mlrkrltvnlt Addition to Pint t onion t li Lot 2 1 121.94 Lots 3-4 1 1.92 A till UK V lla.iett Addition to PIllttNlllOlllll 12 W 22 ft lot 8 ... S 1-3 of J- lot 10 N 1-3 of KM- lot C 1-3 2 lts 1-2 WV lots 11-12 .. Lot 6 S1-'. . lots 5-0 .... Lot 8 Lots 3 to 0 Lots 5-0 N 72 ft lots 1-2 K i 3 W-i lot 3 K 10 ft of I Lot 5 Lot 1 Lot 2 Lots 11 Lot - 2 Lot 8 Lot 3 Lot 4 Lot 1-2 I't lot :i Lot 1-2 nrter Lot N'l: lot 1 N and W of Creek Lot 3 K'i: lot 6 Lot 8 Lots 3 to 5 l-'lvml iiji V Knee ddilitn to titer Lot Block and all 4 . . Addition In i -S 3 ... .88 . . . .SS . . . .99 . . .100 ... 100 ... 101 . . .101 . . .10 ..'.102 -... 100 eiinsr Block 1 1 4 4 7 ' 15 Amt. 2!). 27 0.55 1.97 33.45 26.17 6.14 12.79 120.42 125.29 65.89 23.12 .47 .47 7.60 391.75 00. 9T, 110.83 41.02 2. 9 2.74 .95 10.73 15.32 1.71 39.S1 7.30 11.54 L".3 2 1 06.09 27.41 1.01 1.01 .8 5 12.19 2.64 13. SO 3.37 AVnter A nit. 22.15 3.9S Lots 7-S Lots 13-14 Lot 12 Lot 15 Lots 1 to 6 . . . . vii.i.;n Lot Lots 1-2 Lot S Lot 9 S lot 6 Lots 13-14 Lots 1-2 Lot 5 VII. I. UllZ Lot Lots 5-0 JO 2-3 lot 7 1-3 lot 7 W 1-3 lot 7 W 1-3 lot 3 and 1Z C 1-3 lot 2 K 1-3 lot 4 W 2-3 lot 4 Oul LotM Lot Sul Lot of lot 4 NK1; NW1; Sec. 20 Twp 10 1: 13 Lot 20 NK1; NW1; Sec 20 Twp 10 Jt 13 - xii.i.vta: OK IMON Lot Block Lots 12-13 1 AV pt lot 12 4 K pt lot 12 all 13 4 I. yiin Addition to I oiuu Lot 5 and pt 27 ft SK cor 6. 5 Lot 0-7 6 Lot 1 10 hots 2 to 8 10 Cud 3-4 lot 4 11 I "n.l U lot 4 11 Son III t nion Lot Block Lot 5 1 Lots 17-1S 2 t:imiiiix Addition to I nion Lot 7 WU. s 1 n.i.;r: ok mi ii dock 22 22 ." '. '. '. !23 23 24 KL.MWOOn Block 8 IS IS 21 21 33 33 VOC V Block 12 13 13 18. . . . 19 .. .19 . . .19 I'lliOII Hlock 2-3 4 to S.34 5S.25 13.34 49.80 7.32 Amt. . 19.03 14.59 " 3.72 ,11.69 1 8.16 5.99 21.42 Amt. 42.15 2.93 1.23 5.01 20.61 3.50 .66 5.77 Amt. .91 34.37 Amt. 8.76 6.52 14. 4S 39.36 13.05 1.52 10.19 9.4 8 2.67 Amt. 4. 38 18.'. 8 24.10 .90 6.70 7.76 A eejiiiiK Amt. 2.29 21.43 1.67 2.4 9 119.03 3.02 4.9.". 70.T.0 17.07 : 1 IO.;". 4 117.91 20.99 n-.4 ; i,ol 3.12 , i 02 02 75 85 ...... .85 ...... 88 H5 V' 97 US 110 Ill Ill 122 122 122 122 13S 152 10 1 104 100 221 221 221 22 I 224 224 ddilion to Pint tMiuoiith Block Amt. 4 45.25 Additiou to Pint turnout li Lots 1 to 4 2 1.71 Lot 5 2 37.29 Lot 0 2 40. S3 Lot 7 2 23.95 Lot 9 2 43.58 Lots 1S-19-20 2 39.01 C 1-3 lot 3 3 10.29 W 1-3 lot 3 3 10.31 Lot 5 7 .8 5 Lot 6 7 0.90 N 22 ft lot 2 8 132.19 N pt lots S-9 11 71.24 l-'riteliie Addition to Weeping AVntcr Lot Block Amt. Lot 1 2 S.09 lots 10.47 13S.44 4 l.S-.l .".."..NO 75.r.:t 2 7. s7 70. on i s s i .!' I I 12.45 j 4.20 , 3 Lots Block Amt. Pt lots 1-2-4-5 and all 0..6 153. 43 Lots 3-4 10 32.75 Lots 1-2 11 31.19 Lots 3-1 11 20.8 1 Lots 1-2 12 23.5.! Lots 7-8 12 4.59 Lot 1 v 15 34 4 S Lot 2 15 34. 4S Lot 3 15 27.01 Lots 1-2 18 13.38 Lots 1-2 21 8.9S Lots 7-8 L'S 23.03 Lots 1-2 30 36.81 Lot 6 33 38.1 S Lot 8 33 38.18 Lot 7 ss 11.70 Lots 1 to 8 4 4 47.07 Lots 5-0 45 324.35 Duke' Addition to I'latlHtnoiitli Lot Block Amt. N pt 2-3. except rv 6 2.52 Lot 1 11 1.55 SK'i lot 12 13 8.09 Lots 1 to 4 1 47. o7 Lots 3-4 20 35.90 Lot 14 0 :',.o7 Lot 7-8 23 13.38 Orrlinrd Hill Addition to 1'IiiIInmioiiIIi Lots 3-4 4 10.95 Lot 5 4 .lis Lots 6-7 4 15.14 Lots 8-9 4 5.59 Lot 10 4 6.72 Lots 11 to 16, except rv ..4 10 10 Lots 21-22 4 f. r.'j Lot 23 4 .11.13 Lots 24-25 4 5.01 Mts. on lots 26-27 4 25.78 Lot 28 '. . 4 98 Lot 29 4 .98 Lot 30 4 .97 Lot 32 4 .9s All 5 fi.95 All 6 4 !"i9 Lots 1-2 7 .98 Lots 6 to 8 7 22.69 Lot 9 7 9.23 Lot 3 s 20.15 Itlcliey Pln.- Addition to Pint tKmoiit li Lot 9 2 S" 79 I't lot 10 ... 2 4.'39 Lot 17 3 9 87 Lot IS 3 4S.18 Lot 19 3 8.85 IlrovYii Sub DiviNloii of Lot 17 anil V,'Z Lot 4 Hector Lot Lot 1 Lot 10 Lot 4 . I .ot 5 Lot 6 . Lot 11 Treat Lot Lot 3 Lot 2 lark Lots 1 to 5 Lots 8 to 1 1 Lots 1 to Lot 9 Lot 1 Lots 4 to 9 Lots 10-11 Heed Lot ldiiiou to dditlon to Addition to S.00 S.0H 51.48 AVater Amt. .94 .8 5 3.04 3 5.93 7.47 15.93 A nlrr Amt. .48 , 5 2.60 WfvpliiK AVater eei ut; Block rriliic Block 3 dditiou to AVerpinur Block . . . 1 2.10 2. S3 n . .48 .85 4.73 28.12 AVater Amt. 6.24 2.05 AVater 500.47 20.91 85.24 175.05 1.3 3 S 49 i ft lots 1 to 4. . . i't KM; hlock 2 l!i erxide- Addition to rri'luK Lots 1 to 3 1 Lots 4-5 2 Lot 6 2 Lots 3 to 6 3 Lot 9 3 Lots 12 to 14 3 Sub lot C. of 3 6 Park Addition to Weeplnur AVater Lot Block Amt. Lot 3 4 11.44 Walnut Hill Addition to Weeping Water Lot Block Amt. Lots 1 to 18 3 5.07 Lots 1 to 8 4 18.92 aii.l:i: ok i.oi is villi-: Lot Block Amt. Lot Lot 9 Out Lot to Lot t NK1,; NK1-, Sec :. io 1 : 9 aii.i.;i: ok Lot Lot:; 19-20 , Lot 5 , Lot 8 N 2 4 ft lot 3-4 S1.:. lot 5 and all 6 Lot 14 Lot 15 Manner KirKt Lot l'Zlii lots 5-6 Block . . .20 lo Twp .ii.vo Block ... 1 Amt. .41 30.34 Amt. 20.05 11.50 19.87 4 40.32 G 4 23.25 5 21.09 5 12.01 ildllion to Alvo Block Amt. 2 9.46 A LETTER FROM FRANCE. sur Ve taik- to 111 to 157 . to 32: to to 34 1 ::.i ry to .3 S.49 12.0 i 4.24 52.04 22.91 10.40 .61 3.20 11.86 12.9 10.84 1. 11. SO 11.79 11.81 4.34 75.59 2.30 25. as 10.79 0.31 7.98 3.36 12.74 LIS 8.49 2.27 12.64 Second Lot Lots 11 to 14 Lots 1 to 4 Stadelmann Addition Lots Lots 14 to 17 Lot 18 K 42 ft of 19-20-21 . AVtird Block 1 Amt. 2.54 2 27.92 to Pint txmoiit li Block Amt. 2 16.30 2 22.30 . . . . 2 22.92 Clark Addition to Pin tlMinoiit h Lots Block Amt Lot 2 20.60 ThomiiMon Additiou to PlattMnioutli Lot 14 1 1.63 S 4 ft lot 4 and N',4 5-6-7. 4 83 34 Lot 6-7 5 75.34 Lot 1 6 26.40 Lot 2 0 31 33 Lot 3 6 12.55 Lots 3 to 6 11 178.97 Lot 18 11 7.33 Lots 21 to 26 11 648.56 Lot 9 12 9.35 lot 13 12 67.64 of lot 13 12 67.05 Lot 18 12 81.32 Palmer Addition to Pint tHniout li Lot - Block Amt. -Of 6 3 6502 South Park Addition to Pint tNinoutli Lots Block Amt. Lot -16 8 .46.97 Lot 5 19 8.75 Lots 1-2-3 24 25.50 Lot 10 23 1.57 Lots 1-2 35 7.20 AYtue Addition to Plat txmout h Lot Block Amt. Lots 36 to 39 20.70 Kgrenberjcer or Pleaitnut Hill Additiou to Plattmuouth T.ot KloV Ami Lots 4 to 11 2 18.47 Lots 8 to 11 3 2.12 Lots 112 Lots 15.". Lot 103 Lot 170 Lot 190 Lot 309 Lot 310 Lots 321 Lot 324 Lot 325 Lot 320 Lots 3 33 Lot 339 Lot 340 Lot 341 Lots 34 2 Kxcept ry lots Lot 37S, except Lots 490-491 Lot 552 Lot 555 Lots 031 to 63 3 Lots 6S5 to 687 . . Lots 706 to 70S . . Lot 729 Lots 730 to 732 . . Lots 785-786 . . . . Lots 787-7SS .... vii.i.a;i: oi Lot Lots 2-3 KM. lot 3;i: oi Lot Lot 14 and Ki of 15 Ixts 26 to 28 Lots 29 to 3S Lost 39 to 50 and pt so of st Lots 62 to 6$ Lot 72 Lot 73 Lot 102 4 Lots 156 to 102 Lot 197 Lots 199 and 200 Lots 334 to 330 Lots 346 to 348 Lots 378 to 380 Lots 387 to 388 Lot 389 Lots 390 to 399 Lots 403 to 412 Lots 436 to 441 Lot 442 Lots 4 80 to 4S1 Lots 553 to 554 Lots 557 ..... Lots 570 and 577 Went tireenwood Lot Block Lot 21 J on ex Additiou to (.rrennooil Lot Block Amt. Lots 32 and 33 14.62 Hvder Addition to (.rfrnwooil soitii iii-:m Block Amt. 15 329 18 2.68 ;iu:i: wood Block Amt. 68.00 6.75 .'56.37 25.15 14.36 .75 8.94 4.14 14.56 10.74 10.2 I 15.23 10.91 13.30 11.91 39.09 162.32 22.4 9 12.29 4.53 14.77 34.07 3.4 7 9.70 Amt. 1.72 Lot Lots 5 and 6 .... Lots 1 to 9 Lot 12 OutlotM Description Lot 33 or sub lot lot 3 0 SW'4 SK'i . Sub lot 3 of lot 30 SK Sub lot 1 Of lot 3 of lot 12 to i: Block ...6 ... 8 . . . 9 aisle S T li 2 of 20-12- 9 SW 20-12- 9 Of .20-12 9 1 1. LA til-: OK Lot Lots 1 to 12 Lots 1 to 12 Lots 13 and 14 Lot 15 Lot 16 Lots 15 and 16 Lpt 1 (Lots 1 to 12 Lots 3 and 4 Lots 15 and 16 Lot 4 HAG LK Block 1 . 7 .11 .15 .18 .18 .21 Amt. 9.98 3.15 1.35 Amt. 18.14 14.20 Amt. 9.36 18.53 1.21 1.22 j 1.22 31.16 ' 2.S4 32.69 14.45 26.99 15.89 Somewhere in France, September 7, 1918. Dear Folks at Home: I have not heard from you yet, but will write a few more lines to let yu knw that I am alive and feel ing well. 1 have been up to the front and had a try at the boche, but they were running so fast that I couldn't even get a good look at them, except what we took prisoners. We took about nine hundred pris oners besides what we killed and wounded, so you need not be prised if I am home for Xmas. are back behind the lines now ing a little rest. Some of the boys that came across with me were wounded but not many killed. It has been raining here for two or three days now and the box cars that they move us around in leak like sprinklers. We just arrived where we are now, last night or rather this morning some time and we were all pretty well soaked up One good thing we have good roads to hike on even if it does rain. You had ought to see me when I get all my equipment on pack, gas mask canteen, helmet and riile. 1 sure look like a pack mule. They have issued us French canteens now and we have them to carry as well as our own. Will close for this time hoping to hear from you soon. With love, R. H. JACKS SENATE FOR MORE DAYLIGHT. Washington, Oct. 10. The Day light Saving Law would remain in effect until rescinded by Congress under a bill passed today by the senate. The measure, which was indorsed by Chairman Baruch of the War Industries Board, in the interest of fuel economy, now goes to the House. Under the present law the clocks would be turned back an hour on October 27. A NEW GASOLINE SAVING PLAN. Washington. Oct. 20. Gasless Sunday is about to be abandoned in favor of a new plan for restricting use of gasoline by motor cars. W. Champlin Robinson, chief of U'.e Fuel Administration's oil conserva tion division, said today an an ounce.nent on the subject probably would be ready tomorrow. The un derstanding is that some scheme has been worked out to distribute gaso line saving over every day in the week. Br mumftrt m LKtiAL XOTICK. Children Cry for Fletcher's OAS I . A i V r4 l i f 1 1 1 U K The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been in use for over thirty years, has borne the signature of and has been made under his per O" v477 sonal supervision since its infancy. WafeaVy: -eUcJUOZ Allow no one to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-as-good " are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health cf Infante and Children Experience against Experiment. What is CASTOR I A Catoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. For more than thirty years it has been in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Colic and Diarrhoea; allaying Feverishness arising therefrom, and by regulating the Stomach and Bowels, aids the assimilation of Food; giving healthy and natural deep. The Children's Panacea Tbe Mothei's Friend. GENUINE CASTOR I A ALWAYS i Bears the Signature of In Use For Over 30 Years The Kind You Have Always Bought s THf CENTAUR COMFANV, tiiuHMi mm niir"n'ri.n ir w vowk citv. IN TIIK niSTHK'T (IIIKT OK THIS cor.M'V ok cass, m:iihaska. John AV. f'rnliill nl Grortce A Alel-.illCf-T, iiliiiutilfi. VM. W. I). Mrrrinm, first real name un known, -t !., defendant. AOTit i: ok si it to m ii:t titli: To Andrew AV. Pentland, If living, if dead the unknown heirs, devisees. legatees or personal representatives or said Andrew AV. 1'entland. and S. C. Smith (first name unknown) if llv- intr, if dead, the unknown heirs, de visees, legatees or personal representa tives of said S. C. Smith, defendants: You and each of you. are hereby notified that on the 9th day of Sep tember, 1918, Frank Hugrhson, plain tin' herein, has filed his petition in the IMstriet Court of Cass County, Ne braska, asainst said defendants, the object and prayer of which are, to quiet in plaintiff the title to the Southwest Quarter fSW4), of the Southeast Quarter (SKV4. of Section Kifrht S), and Lot number One 1). with the accretions thereto, in Sec tion Seventeen (17), all in township Ten (10), North. I'.anse Fourteen (14), Kast of 6th P. M., in said Cass Countv, crrainst all claims rights and demands of each and all of the defendants. You are required to answer said, pe tition on or before the 28th day ot October 191S. Dated September 9th. 191 S. FHANK HUGHSON. D. O. DWYER, Plaintiff. Attorney. You Know you will BnO a com plete line of flags at the Journal of fice. We have Just received k new supply. To the defendants, AV. T. Merriam, first real name unknown; Mrs. AV. I. Merrinui. tirst real name unknown; the unknown heirs, devisees, legatees, personal representuti ves and all other persons interested in the estate of AV. I. Merriam. first real name unknown, deceased; the unknown heirs, devisees, legatees, personal representatives and all other persons interested in the es tate of Mrs AV. I). Merriam, first real name unknown, deceased; Selden N. Merriam also known as S. N. Merriam; Lydia Merriam, the unknown heirs, de visees, legatees, personal representa tives and all other persons interested in the estate of Selden N. Merriam. also known as S. N. Merriam, deceased; the unknown heirs, devisees, legatees, per sonal representatives and all other persons interested In the estate of Ly dia Merriam. deceased; A. K. Alexan der, first real name unknown; John Doe Alexander, first real name un known, husband of A. 1-Z. Alexander; the unknown heirs, devisees, legatees, personal representatives and all other persons interested in the estate of A. K. Alexander, first real name unknown, deceased; the unknown heirs, devisees, legatees, personal representatives and all other persons interested in the es tate, of John Doe Alexander, first real name unknown, deceased, husband or widower of A. K. Alexander; the un known heirs, devisees, legatees, per sonal representatives and all other per sons tnterestea in the estate oi Aicinaa J. Crabill, deceased: the unknown heirs, devisees, legatees, personal rep resentatives and all other persons In terested in the estate of John Magee, deceased; the County of Cass, Nebras ka: the unknown owners and unknown claimants of lots one (1 and two (2) in block ten (10 in the City of Platts mouth, Cass County, Nebraska. Yon are hereby notified that on the 1th dav of October. A. I ., 191S, plain tiffs tiled their suit in the District Court of the County of Cass, Nebraska, to quiet plaintiffs title to the above described lots, to-wit: Lots one (1) and two (2) in block ten (10) in the Citv of Plattsmouth, Cass County, Ne braska, because of their adverse po ssession by tnemselves and tneir grantors for more than ten years prior to the commencement of said suit and to enjoin each and all of you from having or claiming any right, title, lien or interest, either legal or equit able, in or to said lots or any part thereof; to require you to set forth your right, title, claim, lien or inter est therein, if any, either legal or equitable, and to have the same ad judged inferior to the title of plain tiffs and for general equitable relief. This notice is made pursuant to the order of the court. You are required to answer said pe tion on or before Monday, November IS, 1918, or your default will be duly entered therein. JOHN AV. CUABILL and UKOIIGK A. MK1SINUKU, W A. ROHHliTSON. Plaintiffs. Attorney for Plaintiffs 10-7-4W i.r.GAL xoTirn. To George P.. Bird: You will take notice Hint on the 26th dav of June, 1918, Hermla 10. Windham filed her petition in the District Court of Cass County. Ne braska, against you, the object and prayer of which is that she may b adjudged owner in fee simple of lot 10 in block 9'i. in I'lattsmouth, Ne braska, freed from all claim of estate or interest therein of the said George i:. Hird: and that the said George li. Hird and ail persons claiming by, through or under him be perpetually enjoined from claiming any right or title or right of possession adverse to the title and rights of this plaintiff, her heirs or assigns, and from inter fering with the peacible enjoyment of said lot by the plaintiff. You are re quired to answer said petition on or before Monday the ISth day of November. 191S, or your default will be entered therein and the allegations of said petition taken as true. HRPvMIA K. WINDHAM. By Ii. B. WINDHAM. Attorney. AOTICU TO NOX-KKSIDKNT FK.M)ATS. IK- To the Lombard Investment Company, and Frank Hagerman, sole Kecelver for the said Lombard Investment Company, Defendants Now is the time to loin the War Stamp Limit Clnb. See Chas. C Parmele for particulars. Take notice that Francis C. Munn. plaintiff, lias commenced a civil action against von in the District Court of the Second Judicial District of Nebras ka, in and for Cass County, the object and prayer of which is to cancel and release a certain mortgage deed given by George AV. Clark and his wife, to vim. and to secure payment of one ' Peal Kstate Mortgage Bond" or pro missory note for the sum of $L'3.2.1 and interest, which mortgage deed is recorded in book 9, of the mortgages, page 3S1, records of Cass Countv, and conveving the Kast half of the South west Quarter (K 1-2 SW. 1-41 the AVest half of the Southeast Quarter (W 1-2 SIO. 1-4) of Section ti, Township 10, Pange 9, in Cass County. Nebraska, and to exclude you from any and all right, title anl interest in and to the said described land The plaintiff alleges that the said note lias been paid in full. You are required to answer the pe tition in said cause on or before the 25th day of November. 1918. or the alle gations in said petition will be taken as confessed by you, and a decree en tered accordingly. ' FUANCIS C. MITNN, Plaintiff. By AV. II. GAVIXDnD. His Attorney, Do not let that Collar rusl. Cncle Sam can use it. Invest It ;n a Liberty Bond. W. A. ROBERTSON, Lawyer. East of Riley Hotel. Coates Block, Second Floor. ANNOUNCEMENT OF Winter Excursion Fares ! i TO CALIFORNIA: Tourist fares, generally at 90 per cent of the regular fares, will be ef fecting commencing October 1st, nine months return limit, stopovers enroute, with the additional amounts covering the coast tour via Portland. TO THE SOUTH: You can visit many Southern camps, cities and resorts, on reduced tour ist fares to Florida, Texas and the Southeast. These winter tours become t fective October 1st, with final limit June 1st, 1919, at approximately 90 per cent of the regular fares. In due tima complete tariffs will be received and we shall be in a position to quote exact fares. We will be pleased to serve you. W. R. CLEMENT, Ticket Agent. L. W. WAKELEY, General Passenger Agent 1004 Farnam Street, Omaha, Nebraska. i w It.