The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, October 10, 1918, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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    THURSDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1918.
Murray Department
If tnyofthe readers of the
Jourual kaor of any social
eveut or itt-m of luu-test In
this vicinity, and will mail
same to t his office. 1' will ay
pear under this h'aimp. We
want all newslteaist Kditob
eaters! Heaters!
Prepared in the Interest of the People of Murray and Surrounding Vicinity Especially for the Journal Readers
Women Are
Statistics show that the num
ber of women depositors is rap
idly increasing.
We realize that women to
day are a big figure in the
business world.
We pay special attention to
their accounts.
Courteous tellers and clerks
will gladly explain anything
women want to know in the
banking line.
Four per cent interest on time deposits.
Our deposits are protected by the State Guaranty Law.
Vir.l for tale Oldham Stock
1 n.
I cd laundry soap. 6 bars for 25c.
Tills , Gansemer Closing Out Sale.
J.. ', I 'tils. I ho Murray Garage
nun. i lo a buisness trip to Omaha
Paul. e little son of Mr. and
Mrs. Geo v Edmisten, from down
mar Pnioi ias been very sick for
the M-t lev, ;is with Eright's dis
ease. (Hen Perry, one of this section's
urns' enterprising farmers, is driving
a new Velie ear that he bought from
the Puis agency in Murray a few
clays ago.
Mr. and Mre. Adam Ilild. of Platts
mouth. came down Monday evening
tor a few days visit at the home of
their daughter, Mr. and Mrs. -.. II.
La.t Sundav Dr. and Mrs. Ii. F.
P.rendel. Mrs. J. F. Erendcl and lit
tle :on. Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Brendel
and Mr. and Mrs. Will Seybolt drove
down lo Avoca. where they took
dinner and spent the day . with Dr.
and Mrs. J. V. Rrendel.
Pure hred Duroe-Jersey hoars, old
enough for service. Nice lot to se
lect from. Oldham Stock Farm.
Always Ready for Sale
Dates far or near.
Telephone 1511
Murray Exa range
Congolium Art and
Stove Rugs!
You can find nothing better than one of those
large Congolium Art Rugs for your bed room or din
ing room easy to clean and the patterns are very
beautiful. We offer those on hand at less than whole
sale cost to-day.
Art Rug, size 9x12, in Oriental designs, JjJJJJ QQ
Art Stove Rugs, just the the size for un- OC
der your heaters. Each $
i&tt & Tutt,
Father Davis has not been so well
for the past few days.
Miss Vera Yardley has been quite
sick for the past few days.
Win. Sporer has been numbered
with the sick for the past week.
Men's Blue Bal Work Shirts at
98c. Puis & Gansemer Closing Out
Mrs. 1). J. Pitman, who has been
on the sick list for the past week,
is improving at this time.
Mr. and Mrs. James Drown and
daughter. Miss Catherine and J. W.
Berger were in Plattsmouth last Fri
day evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Eloyd Gapen de
parted Monday for Palisade, Nebras
ka, where they have some land in
terests to look after.
Albert Young and W. A. Scotton,
the contractors and carpenters, were
in Plattsmouth for a few hours last
Saturday afternoon.
('has. Herren and family, Fred
Eutz and family and Wm. Gilmore
ami family spent the day last Sunday
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. H.
Puis in Murray.
The Fourth Liberty Loan cards
for West Rock Bluffs precinct, were
being mailed on Tuesdaj' of this
week. Searle Davis is chairman of
the committee. Try and take your
bonds at the earliest possible mo
ment, and help the committee put
the precinct over the top at an early
Philip Ilild has purchased a new
Alamo Light Plant from L. H. Puis,
the Murray dealer, and the same will
be installed when the place is in
readiness. Mr. Hild will have one
of the finest farm homes in this lo
cality, and he does not propose to
be behind the times in the way of
a lighting system. The Alamo is the
favorite in this locality, and this is
the plant that he is installing.
Khaki. Pant Cut Overalls at $1.69.
Puis & Gansemer Closing Out Sale.
Rex Young trucked a load of cat
tle to South Omaha Tuesday.
Oldham's shipped another one of
their Durocs to Iowa last Friday.
The family of II. C. Creamer are
having a round of the grippe this
I). J. Pitman attended the funeral
of Mrs. Cable at Nehawka last Sat
urday. Miss Pearl Dugay, of Omaha,
spent the week end with Miss Etta
Mrs. George Thomas, of Platts
mouth, was visiting with Murray
friends Tuesday.
Miss Kikenberry, cousin of Mrs.
Herman Gansemer, was visiting in
Murray last Friday.
The dance on last Friday evening
was well attended and everyone
seemed to have a good time.
For Sale Harred Plymouth Rock
cockerels. $1.50 and $2.00 each. Mrs.
W. O. Troop, Murray phone.
Husking Hits, double thumb and
knit wrists at $1.75 per doz. Pul5
& Gansemer Closing Out Sale.
Pyron Young, from the western
part of the state was visiting lure
with relatives and friends for a few
days the past week.
Mrs. Eliza Young went out to the
home of Mr and Mrs. Searl Davis
this week to care for Mrs. Davis ami
Master Stephen Meek, who have
just returned from the hospital.
John Smith was called to Platts
mouth Tuesday by a message from
his brother, "W. T. Smith, that he
was being taken to the hospital in
Omaha for an operation. The mes
sage did not state the trouble.
The Ladies Aid Society of the
Christian church will be entertained
by Mrs. Sporer and Mrs. McDonald
on Wednesday, October, at the
home of Mrs. McDonald. All mem
bers are requested to be present.
Mrs.. Ella Stafford, sister of Mrs.
D. A. Young, came over from her
home in Iowa, to bid Pncle Henry
Hoeck and wife goodbye on their de
parture for California, and came on
down to Murray for a visit at the
Young home
"Word has been received here that
Ralph Kenuedy and Ed Kniss are
sick with the grippe, at the State
Training School at Lincoln. The
boys say that there are a great many
cases of it there, and if it is the
Spanish "flu" it is in a light form,
and none of them are now in a ser
ious condition
The Lyceum number. The Mid
land Concert Co., was considered by
some of the patrons as the very best
number that we have ever had. This
is saying a great deal for in the
nine years that we have conducted
a course we have had some very
good numbers. The Indian Girl was
very pleasing and was almost per
fect in her part; she gave a sketch
of her tribe, and was excellent in
Indian joke lore. The next number
will be a male quartet, on November
Helen Todd, who has been at
tending school in Peru, met with a
very painful accident last Saturday,
when she fall down a ten foot em
bankment, breaking her arm and
dislocating her shoulder. She was
taken to the Clarkson hospital in
Omaha, where an operation was per
formed Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs.
Todd went to the city Tuesday to be
with their daughter at the time of
the operation. The many friends of
Miss Helen hope that she will gain
permanent relief from the injuries
and soon be restored to her former
$1.40 brooms, go at 89c, while
they last. You will have to hurry
Puis & Gansemer Closing Out Sale.
I have accepted a position with
the above company for this locality,
and am prepared to give all infor
mation to parties interested in our
land holdings, near Otis, Colo. If
you are sufficiently interested our
field manager will later on gon and
show the land to you. The analy
sis of our land show the same soil as
in Chas and Perkins county.
Murray, Neb.
I have just received a new Powers
well boring machine, and am pre
pared to do all kinds of well boring.
Let me fisure with you when you
want a well. J. W. Hobson.
riattmsouth, Neb.
Men's Flannel Oversliirts at $1.59. -j
Puis & Gansemer Closing Out Sale, i
Mrs. T. F. Wilson has been listed!
among the sick this week.
Robt. Nickels was a Plattsmouth
visitor last Saturday afternoon.
Mrs. L. II. Puis was in Platts
mouth for a few hours Monday.
Miss Etta Nickels was transacting i ra
i : .... : it. O.iiiiK.t.. tw,.tt i
JU t. limn o.innn.i jiiui u-
i 11 g.
Mrs. Ellen Stafford and neice Mrs.
Mabel Cook were Plattsmouth visi
tors Monday.
Ytrn Hendricks came home Fri
day evening to spend Sunday with
his parents.
Men's Sweaters, $1.59. Puis &
Gansemer Closing Out Sale.
Mrs. Charles Tracy, of I'lainview,
arrived for a weeks visit with Mrs.
W. F. Moore and family.
Henry Long was looking after
some business matters in Plattsmouth
Wednesday afternoon of this week.
Miss Etta Nickels was visiting
friends and looking after business!
in I'lattsinoutn satuniay aiternoon.
Miss Nita Cook returned lo Platts
mouth Monday morning alter visit
ing home folks Friday and Satur
day. Men's Heavy Stifled Stripe Bib
Overalls, full back, all sizes, at
$1.98. Puis & Gansemer Closing
Out Sale.
Household Goods For Sale.
Owing to the fact that I will
soon move to Omaha I have for sale
One Round Oak range in good condi
tion, a hanging lamp and two oth
er lamps, a vacuum cleaner and
other articles that will be sold at
private sale. REV. JACKSON.
( Cont ributed I
Ethel Ferris was a Sunday visiter
with friends in Pern.
Willa Parks attended the Ak-Sar-P.en
in Omaha last week.
Helen ami Rose Reed spent Sunday
with relatives in Murray.
Francis Cook is in school again
this week after a few days absence.
Leora Davis was visiting with
friends in Plattsmouth Friday eve
ning. Grace Long acted as Librarian
Saturday during the absence of the
regular librarian.
Margaret Spangler visited rela
tives in Lincoln and Malcolm Satur
day and Sunday.
Missis Rrunsden and Epler were
west end visitors at their bonus in
Peru and Julian.
Harry Puis is absent this week,
and is making quite an efficient
clerk in the store.
Chester Sporer and Jack Long si-;1
to it that Old Glory floats over the
school building every fair day.
Miss Sans is acting as cashier on
Saturdays and evenings after school
during the big sale at the store.
Chester Shrader visited with his
home folks in Omaha Tuesday eve
ning and attended the Ak-Sar-Ecn.
Two new students. Violet Kcil
and Mabel Aniick were enrolled in
the Freshman class the past week.
P.arney Smith is a great booster
for the Home Guard of which he is
a mernberli and attends drill regu
larly. Most of the pupils have season
tickets to the Lyceum Course and
enjoyed the first number Wednesday
The boys of the High School are
aidine Pncle Sam to win the war
by spending their Saturday';; husk
ing corn.
Murray can boast of one of the
youngest high school students in
the county, in the person of Gustav
I'outen, age eleven years.
The Junior Red Cross program
given by the pupils on September
:IJth. was well attended and the col
lection amounted to $11.;.
Owing to perfect attendance,
punctuality and excellent deport
ment for the past month, a large
number of the pupils of the grammar
room were given a half holiday last
The Murray School is showing a
very patriotic spirit by planning to
give a musical program in the near
future on the new piano if they suc
ceed in winning it. Proceeds all to
go to the Red Cross.
The school children are to be
commended on their good work in
trying to win the piano to be given
away at the Puis & Gansemer store.
They realize the necessity of. a musi
cal instrument in the school room,
and instead of asking the school dis
trict to supply one for them, they
are working to win this one them
stlves. and appreciate the votes giv
en thera by their friends.
We have them in stock and at prices that will
surprise you. If you need a Heating Stove now is the
time to buy it, if you wish to take advantage of these
prices and while we have the goods.
We have in stock and would be glad to show you
Monopipe pipeless furnace. It is of steel construction
and is gas tight. There is not a single point from
which gas, smoke or dirt can escape. If you think of
installing a heating plant of any kind, come in and
look this furnace over.
are and
Mrs. F. Engelkemeier and daugh
ter, Miss Rose, and Mrs. Jake Krae
gvr returned home from a three
weeks' trip in the west, where they
were visiting with relatives and
friends and seeing the beautiful
mountain scenery. They were guests
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. E.
Kraeger, at La Porte, Colo., and also
visited in Denver, Wvoming, and
Colorado Springs and Manitau, Colo.,
and many other places of interest
and while at Colorado Springs went
up to the top of Pike's Peak and
there finding some real snow and the
weather was quite cold up there.
They report a most enjoyable trip
cm the entire journey.
The Thanksgiving dinner at Lew
iston will be given this year for the
benefit of the Red Cross. The proceed.--,
after expenses are all paid
will be divided between the Murray
and East Rock Bluffs chapters. Each
chapter will assist the ladies at Lew
iston to serve the dinner. Everyone
should plan to attend, also come
forth with plenty to eat. Donations
of live stock, fancy work or anything
that one can give will be sold at a
a sale during the afternoon and
evening. Several of the best four
minute men in the county will be
asked to address the gathering dur
ing the day.
The following is a list the ladies
would like very much to have do
nated Anyone feeling so inclined
may call Miss Etta Nickels, and the
list of donations will be published
each week.
Turkeys (S)
Fresh Oysters. 3 gallons.
Celery, '2 doz bunches.
I box oyster crackers, '20 lb.
t! pounds of coffee.
Cranberries, S quarts.
4 dozen bananas.
I dozen oranges.
10 pounds of white grapes.
! cans pineapple, (large size) and
Jello, '2 dozen boxeii.
Whipped cream.
Pncle Pen Reckman, who has been
on the sick' list for the past few
Car Load of
at Murray, Neb.
Puis & Gansemer
now have a car load of good home grown po
tatoes on the track in Murray, and arc ready
for immediate delivery at
Implement Go,
months, and at one time considered
in quite a serious condition, is again
able to be up and around, and was
able to make the journey to Platts
mouth Wednesday afternoon of this
week. He was a pleasant caller at
the Journal office, and we were in
deed pleased to learn that he is gain
ing in strength quite rapidly. His
many friends join with the Journal
in hoping that he may soon be re
stored to his former health.
Frank Vallery, the real estate
man, has been rather active in his
line for the past few' days, making
"swaps" and sales of numerous sorts
among which was the sale of the old
Goos farm, near Plattsmouth, that
he sold to E. W. Reins. There was
170 acres in this place, and lays just
south of Plattsmouth.
There was sure a big land dal
pulled off in Murray last Saturday
by C. F. Harris, involving the neat
sum of $7S.000.00. Harris sold the
John Edmunds l'JG acres east of
town to Alf. Ganesnicr for $.",0,000.00
and in turn sold the Gansemer 10
five miles west and one north of Mur
ray, to Henry Engelkemeier for
$2S,000.00, being $175.00 per acre.
Cred says he is a little lame, but still
in the game.
A program and box social will be
given at the Kenosha School house,
Friday evening, Oct IS, for the Jun
ior Red Cross. Donated articles al
so auctioned. Everybody invited.
Fine box paper anc correspond
ence cards is the main line in the
Journal statu nery room. You will
And them the best in the city.
Anyone wishing trees ana old
stumps taken out, I have a quicker
and cheaper way than pulling them.
My phone is No. 1115 and address
is Weeping Water,
List and Standing of
Contestants Below:
Murray High School 498.S00
Murray Home Guards 436,600
Pleasant Hill School 255.100
Leora Farris 212,400
Rose Schafer 132,300
Emma Wilson 128,600
8 Mile Grove Luth. Church 85,400"
Oiterbein Church 74.100
Presbyterian Church 66.000
Christian Church 60,500
Ona Graves G0.600
Callia Rakes 28,400
Catherine Hild 27,400
Virgie Campbell 21,300
E Mile M. E. Church 12,800
Helen Read 14,100
May Schlichtemeier 10.300
World's Best Merchan
dise to All the People!
-40 ilLES-
not to far to come to at
tend this sale, and a
great many arc surely
faking advantage of the
many bargains.
Get busy and help some
friend win the beautiful
piano. Only
Yours Very Truly
to Serve,
uls &.
Sales Manager
Ki u mt
9 lore Days