The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, October 10, 1918, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3
IKXTRSUAT. OCTOBER 10. 1918. PLATTSMOUTH 8ZMI-WEEELT . JOXJrCTAL. MURDOCK ITEMS Special Correspondence Miss Mary Rush is on the sick list. Gordon Black was in Omaha last week. Mr. and Mrs. Will Rueman were in Omaha over Sunday. The Elmwocd schools are closed on account of Spanish "Flu". Miss Catherine Tool is home from school, on account of sickness. Otto Miller and family were Sun day guests of Chris Miller and wife. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Obernolte ar the proud parents of a new baby girl. Jesse ftandholm and wife return ed Sunday from an auto trip to Illinois. Reinhard Pauska and family of near Elniwcod visited relatives here Sunday. Chris Miller is having his resi dfnce repainted. John Amgwert do- in g the work. Misses (Jladvs and Ruth Sorick are recovering from a slight attack cf Spanish flu. . August Klemme anu lamilv were Sunday dinner guests of Matt Thim gaii and wife. Paul Schewer and wife witnessed the electrical parade in Omaha last Wednesday night. Miss Bertha Mirkel of Huntley, Nebraska, is visiting her sister Mrs. Will Rickle and family. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Burt of Omaha spent Sundav with relatives here. Miss Mahle Rush accompanied them heme. (). E. McDonald and wife were at tending the Ak-Sar-Ben and shop Pino: in Omaha a few days last week. Herman Kuehn of Milford was in town last week visiting relatives and friends, also attending to some business matters. Miss Lola Schwab was very pleas antly surprised last Wednesday by her High Schoolmates and Sunday School clas. the occasion being her birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Gilmour, Mrs Jack Butler of Sioux City. Iowa. and Mrs. Mira McDonald of Murray Nebr., were Sunday guests of O. E McDonald and family. August l'auska. Wm. Meyer. Mr and Mrs. Fred Cordes who were in jured in an auto accident on Sept 29. are all doing nicely and will soon be well as ever. Mrs. Homer Lawton and children alo Hcmer's mother of Wabash left last Tuesday for Norfolk. Va., where they will make their future home. Homer having gone several weeks :;s!o to do" painting in the canton ments. I,. M. Amgwert and wife, their son John and family motored to Council Bluffs. Iowa. on Friday evening to see their daughter and siter Miss Lillie Amgwert who has bfen in training at Edmundson hos pital, but who left for Camp Dodge with five other nurses on Saturday morning. These patriotic girls vol unteered their services to help care for the boys who are suffering from Spanish "flu". Another sister Miss Anna is now in service in France, Red Cross nurse with Unit 49, and Murdock is justly proud of them. ! Jl 2 3fc 3 3 NEWS FROM ALVO Special Correspondence wm w 2 wfc George Hall wa? in Unadilla Monday. ' Jake Kahm and Chas. Ayers drove to Lincoln Saturday. C". R. Jordan returned from Lin coln Monday on No. 1?. Chas. Snavely of Lincoln was in town Friday on business. Wm. Miller, the iule buyer, of Sterling, was here Tuesday. Mrs. J. A. Shaffer returned from Lincoln Friday on No. IS. Miss Grace Bailey returned to Lin coln Sunday evening on No. 17. Ed Hornheck of Murdock was calling on friends here Saturday. John Murtey was Tn Omaha Wed nesday and Thursda3" on business. Miss Flora Boyles spent Thursday and Friday with friends in Lincoln. Lieut. Carl D. Ganz came in Sat- CASTOR I A For Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Years Always beam DR. H. C. LEOPOLD OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN Special Attention to Dlrt ra of Vmn ACUTE DISEASES TREATED Eyes Tested and Glasses Fitted Night Calls Answered After Hour and Sundays by Appointment. t:?.0 a. m. to 12:00 1:30 p. m. to 6:3i pTo" .b,7 Plattsmouth. Neb urday from Camp Funston to visit friends. The Bushberry school is closed on account of the influenza epidemi prevalent here. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Miller and Mr. and Mrs. J.W. Vickers motored to Omaha Thursday. Geo. P. Foreman left Sunday for Stuart, Neb., to attend to his busi ness interests there. Mr. and Mrs. Verl Lynch of Uni versity Place spent Saturday and Sunday with relatives here. Miss Aurel Foreman and brother Charles visited relatives and friends in Lincoln Saturday and Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Klyver re turned from Kewanee, 111., Saturday after visiting relatives the past two weeks. John Foreman's auto caught fire Tuesday afternoon, burning the up per part before it could be exitng uished. , Boyd Edwards returned home Fri day from Lincoln, where he has ent ered the Nebraska University Train ing camp. Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Johnson re turned from Omaha Thursday even ing where they had attended the Ak Sar-Ben festivities. Mrs. Chas. F. Rosenow and Grand ma Rosenow returned Thursday on No. 1 S from a few week's visit with relatives in Kansas. Mr. and Mrs. N. II. Meeker and family of University Place spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Foreman. Mrs. Henry Suders and children returned to Clatonia Sunday even ing after spending Saturday and Sunday with relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. Noel Foreman and son Mr. and Mrs. G. P. Foreman and grandson Chas. G. Foreman motor ed to Weeping Water Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Noel Foreman and son were dinner euests Sunday at the home of the latter's mother Mrs O. N. Magee in University Place Mr. and Mrs. Aug. Newman of DeWitt visited the latter's sister Mrs. Dan William and grandparents Mr. and Mrs. Henry Thomas Sun day. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Rouse returned home Friday from Lincoln where they spent the past three weeks. Mr Rouse is feeling much better at this writing. Mrs. C. E. Connell was called to University Place Wednesday even ing by the illness of her daughter Miss Nellie Connell, who is attend ing college there. Miss Alta Lynch came in Monday from Grand Island to visit her mother Mrs. P. J. Lynch. The schools of Grand Island are closed on account of the "Flu". Little Charles G. Foreman of Lincoln spent Saturday and Sunday with his grandparents Mr. and Mrs G. P. Foreman on the farm which the youngster delights to visit. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Rouse enter tained at dinner Sunday their daugh ter Mr. and Mrs. Orville Quellhorst and children. They all enjoyed a trip to Greenwood in the afternoon. Geo. Bucknell has been assigned to officers training school at Camp Grant, near Rockford. 111., from Ft iwie, L,aier mt. uucKneil is reported seriously ill with pneu monia. Boyd Edwards of Lincoln visited his parents a few days last week iie nas entirely recovered from a light attack of the "Flu" and has resumed his work a the State Uni versity Training School. Mr. and Mrs. Lauren Mickle and children spent Saturday night in Weeping Water and Sunday in Omaha visiting Mrs. Mickle's fath er Mr. Doty who is recovering nice ly from his operation. Mrs. Dale S. Boyles entertained her Sunday School class at a weinie roast Tuesday evening. Those pres ent were Edgar Edwards, Leslie Connell, Harold Nickle, Harold Mc- Kinnon, Homer Cook, Ivan Arm strong, and Paul Coatman. Friends were grieved to learn of the sad accident in Omaha last Wednesday night when another auto struck the W. B. Linch auto in which were riding, Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Linch. their daughter Helen, driving, and Mrs. Davis. Mrs. Linch was quite seriously injured and is in a very critical condition while Mr. Linch escaped with only a deep gash on the cheek. The other occupants were badly bruised up. Boyles-Ganz Nuptials. The wedding of Miss Flora Boyles daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Boyles and Lieutenant Carl D. Ganz took place Saturday afternoon, Oct.i 5. 1918. at the First Presbyterian Church in Lincoln. Chaplain Dean R. Leland officiating. The bride wore a traveling suit of blue, and white Georgette blouse and carried American Beauty Roses. Mr. and Mrs. Dale S. Boyles, and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Cole of Mynard, Nebraska, were present at the ceremony. Lieutenant and Mrs. Ganz are graduates of the University of Ne braska, class of 1915. In civil life, Lieutenant Ganz is Assistant Cash ier of the Farmers & Merchants Bank, of Alvo, and at present is an Artillery instructor at Camp Funsr- ton attached to a Trench Mortar Battery. They will live in Manhat tan, Kansas, until Lieutenant Ganz receives overseas orders. Thei many friends wish them the best things in life and a happy journey through life. HAS GOOD ADVERTISING STUNT From Tuesday's Daily. The Farmers State Bank has a clever advertising stunt, in front o its place of business, in the fact that they have a semaphore erected and the arms extending in opposite directions, on across the walk anil the other across the street, each say ing stop. This arrests the attention of the passerby, and" on the staff which holds the arms is the words on a white staff, letters in blue "Buy a Liberty Bond." A very clev er idea, and should challenge every one's attention to the Liberty Bonds This is a time when every effort should be put forth for the utmost sale of these bonds, as the resource of the country are taxed now as never before. We have had an offer by the disturbing nations of the world, saying, "Let us have peace," when the- done damage to the ut most, and have destroyed every na tion and works possible, the answer will be. Force to the utmost, and Monev without stint. INJURED HAND CHOPPING WOOD From Monday's Dally. A. H. Shindlebower had the mis fortune yesterday while attempting to chop a piece of wood which had a nail therein, to have the piece turn, and caused the nail to pierce his hand in such a way that the nail went entirely through the fleshy portion of the member, and he is now taking an enforced layoff from his duties until the hand shall have gotten well again. "DICK" RIVETT IN TOWN. From Monday's Daily. Richard Rivett, "Dick" Rivett for a number of years, a resident o this city, but who left here twenty five years ago, was in the city for a short time today, and a guest of Va! Burkel. Mr. Rivett has his head quarters in Chicago, but makes hi.- home somewhere in Indiana. He i general car inspector for the gov ernment, and works over four roads and in five states. He left here this afternoon for Omaha. SHORT SESSION OF W. C. Last night was the regular meet ing date of the Woodmen Circle, at which time two new members wer taken into the order. The attend ance was very good, and although brief, a very interesting meeting wa held, but cut short owing to the re cent and present Spanish "flu" scare in the city at the present time. The members greatly missed their Guard ian, Mrs. M. E. Manspeaker, who on the account of illness was unable to attend, and the members present were unanimous in extending sym pathy fori their more unfortunate sister and leader whose absence i always keenly felt by all members of the order. EAT ECONOMICALLY AND BUY LIBERTY BONDS Don't eat more, but eat economic- all' and buy more Liberty Bonds! It is to no purpose to eat more. To di gest more and better, that is the point, and Triner's American Elixir of Bitter Wine is the very remedy that helps digestion. Food, if di gested, becomes blood and life; oth erwise it becomes poison which caus es diseases. Triner's American Elixir will free j-ou from constipa tion, indigestion, headache, nervous ness, general weakness. For sale at all drug stores, but insist to get Triner's preparation $1.10. Now when the cool season is coming. have two remedies always at home. Triner's Cough Sedative (for colds and coughs, 25 and 50 cents at drug stores, by mail 35 and 60 cents) and Triner's Liniment (for rheumatism, neuralgia, lumbago, sore muscles. 35 and 65 cents at drug stores, by mail 45 and 75 cents). Joseph Triner Company, 1333-1343 S. Ash land Ave., Chicago, 111. APPLES, POTATOES AND CABBAGE Next week we will have a car of dry land ripe sorted Early Ohio Po tatoes $1.50 bushel. Car Holland Seed Cabbage $3.50 hundred lbs. Red Onions $2.25 bu.. Car New York Baldwin Apples $1.90 bu. Write or phone your order and we will ad vise when they arrive. Johnson Bros. Nebr. City. ' " Itching, breeding, protruding or blind piles have yielded to Doan's Ointment. 60c at all stores. Wall Paper. Paints, Glau. Picture Framing. Frank Gobelxoan. RED GROSS ELECT OFFICERS AT MEETING THE CASS COUNTY CHAPTER SELECT OFFICERS TOR THE COMING YEAR. F'orn Monday's Dally The meeting of the Cass County Chapter of the American Red Cross., which was held at the court house last Friday was well attended, and at the meeting they elected officers for the coining year. The reports furnished by the retiring officers showed a. large amount of work done, for which the people of this county should feel justly proud. In turning the work over to those who are to assume charge, the oflicers and all who were connected in any way with the work done this year, can look upon their work as being well worth while, and the one con siders the vast amount they have accomplished, they are almost baff led in believing it. In turning the affairs over to the ntw officers they feel sure that the same earnest ef fort will he put into the work, and that the work will go ahead as well as heretofore. Those retiring will have a personal interest in doing their best for 'the Red Cross. Those elected were: Chairman E. J. Richey. Secretary-Treasurer Miss Bern ice Newell. Purchasing Agent Mrs. Thomas Parmele. Civilian Relief Committee Miss Marjory Walker. Mrs. J. E. Wiles, Mrs. C. A. Rosencrans. SUSTAINS A MASHED FG0T. From Tuesday's T'iiily. J. D. Lair, who is employed in the Burlington shops had the mis for tune last evening to have one of his feet mashed, when a timber which he was handling fell, catching the foot, and mashing it s: that lie is compelled to lay off from his work until the foot luill get well atain. Dyspepsia is America's curse. To restore digestion, normal weight rnod health and purify the blood. use T.urdock's P.lood letters. Sold at all drug stores. Price, ?1.2.. 11. : : JOHN MURTEY Candidate for State Repi esentative on the Democratic Dallot. For Re-Elect ion. YOUR SUPPORT WILL BE AP PRECIATED. AT THE NOVEMBER ELECTION. :o: FOR SUPREME JOBSS i 1 .. :r.:x;::x. . . l 4i 1 JUDGE ERNEST B. PERRY OF CAMBRIDGE Clean, able, fearless. Omaha Bee. Remarkably fit timber. Lincoln :ito Journal. The west three-fourths of the state Is entitled to at least one Judge, World-Herald. j Read the Journal Ads It Pays. You expect the boys "Over There to out shell the Hun! They expect you Over Here to shell out the mun! Buy 4th LIBERTY BONDS We are realizing more and more every day that this country is at war. WAR is our business just now other activities are subser vient. Nothing is normal. One thing we have learned is that we cannot go in and buy what we want just when we want it. Some things we cannot buy at all. Now the point with us is here there are many things in this store today in men's and boys wearables, which by reason of early contract we are able to give you today, but which we or no one else can furnish later on. The thing to do is to anticipate your actual needs and buy NOW to avoid disap pointment. Think it over. Hushing Mitts $1.25 to $2.35 POLITICAL ANNOUNCEMENTS. For Register of Deeds. A. J. Snyder, candidate for re election, on democratic ballot for the office of Register of Deeds. Your support solicited, and any favors ex tended me will be thankfully re ceived. A. J. SNYDER. For Float Representative. I am a candidate for the office of Float Representative from Cass and Otoe county, on the democratic bal lot. Having served one term in the legislature I believe I am in a good position to care for the voters inter ests in the coming session. Your support is solicited and will be ap preciated. L. G. TODD. For Eepresentative. I take this method of informing the voters of Cass and Otoe county that I am a candidate for the office of Representative on the Re publican ballot. In soliciting your support I wish to assure you that any favors extended me will be greatly appreciated. II. R. FRANTZ. For County Commissioner. Having received the nomination on the Republican ballot for the of fice of County Commissioner, Sec ond Commissioner District, I hereby solicit the support of the voters at the coming November election. Your support and any favors extended me will be greatly appreciated. C. F. HARRIS. FOR COUNTY CLERK. The nomination for county clerk, having been given me, and being so busy with the work of the office and the additional work caused by the Local Board, I will not have time to leave the office during the cam paign, and hereby announce my candidacy, for the position of coun ty clerk. Thanking those, who so kindly supported me for the nomi nation, and for what they may do at the election and assuring all that I appreciate their support, I am FRANK J. LIBERSHAL. Democratic Candidate for Co. Clerk. CANDIDATE FOR SHERIFF. Having received the nomination for the office of County Sheriff on the Democratic ballot, I hereby announce my candidacy, and solicit the support of all voters of said county. If en trusted to my care the duties of the office will be performed to the best of my ability. W. M. BARCLAY. STATEMENT. Of the Ownership. Management, Cir culation, Etc., Required by the Act of Congress of Aug. 24, 1912 Of The Plattsmouth Journal, pub lished daily at Plattsmouth, Neb., for Oct. 1, 198. State of Nebraska, County of Cass, ss. Before me, a Notary Public in and for the State and county aforesaid, personally appared R. A. Bates, who, having been duly sworn according to law, deposes and says that he is the Publisher of the Plattsmouth Journal, and that the following is, to the best of his knowledge and belief, a true statement of the ownership, management (and if a daily paper, the circulation), etc., of the aforesaid publication for the date shown in the above caption, re quired by the Act of August 24, 1912, embodied in section 443, Postal Laws and Regulations, print- War Conditions Wescott's Sons Jfjgjgjjf "EVERYBODY'S STORE." ed on the reverse of this form, to wit: 1. That the names and addresses of the publisher, editor, managing editor, and businss managers are: Publisher R. A. Bates, Platts mouth, Nebr. Editor M. A. Bates, Plattsmouth, Nebr. Managing Editor R. A. Bates, Plattsmouth, Nebr. Business Manager R. A. Bates, Plattsmouth. Nebr. 2. That the owners are: (Give names and addresses of individual owners, or if a corporation, give its name and the names and addresses of stockholders owning or holding 1 per cent or more of the total amount of stock.) R. A. Bates, Plattsmouth, Nebr. 3. That the known bondholders, mortgagees, and other security hold ers owning or holding 1 per cent or more of total amount of bonds, mort gages, or other securities are: (If there are nne, so state.) There are none. 4. That the two paragraphs next above, giving the names of the own ers, stockholders, and security hold ers, if any, contain not only the list of stockholders and security holders as they appear upon the books of the company but also, in cases where the stockholders or security holder appears upon the books of the company as trustee or in any otbor fiduciary relation, the name of the person or corporation for whom such trustee is acting, is giv en; also that the said two para graphs contain statements embrac ing affiant's full knowledge and be lief as to the circumstances and con ditions under which stockholders and security holders who do not ap pear upon the books of the corn pan yas trustees, hold stock and se curities in a capacity other than that of a bona fide owner; and this affiant has no reason to believe that any other person, association, or corporation has any interest direct or indirect in the said stock, bonds, or other securities than as so stated by him. 5. That the average number of copies of each issue of this publica tion sold or distributed, through the Priced at $5. The Ladies' Toggery, FRED P. BUSCH, Manager mm w 1. 1 tach fade the same pnoc ihc naton &a mails or otherwise, to paid subscrib ers during the six months preceding the date shown above is 900. (This information is required from daily publications only.) R. A. BATES. Owner. Sworn to and subscribed before me this 5th day of October 1918. THOMAS WALLING, (Seal) Notary Public. (My commission expires Feb. 1.1, 1919.) RECOVERS HIS POCKET BOOK. From Tuesday's Daily. This noon at Omaha, Sam Hender son who makes his home at Afton, Iowa, and had been at Omaha, for the past day or so, and during the morning had eaten his breakfast with a young man, went to the ticket office to purchase a ticket for Plattsmouth and having a pocket book with $85.00 therein, made the purchase and thinking he had plac ed his pocketbook in his pocket, he went and got on the train, when in came the young man whom he had eaten his breakfast with, asking him if he had lost anything. Mr. Henderson assured him that noth ing was missing. When asked about his pocket book, he found it gone. He had allowed it to slip on the floor, instead of into his pocket. The young man handed the book to Mr. Henderson, who promptly gave the young man a five dollar bill. Cut This Out It is Worth Money. DON'T MISS THIS. Cut out this slip, enclose with 5c to Foley & Co., 2835 Sheffield Ave., Chicago, 111., writing your name and address clearly. You will 'receive in return a trial package containing Foley's Honey and Tar Compound, for coughs, colds and croup. Foley Kid ney Pills and Foley Cathartic Tab lets. Sold everywhere. Doan's Regulets are recommended by many who say they operate eas ily, without griping and without bad after effects. 30c at al! drug stores. Keep the Kiddies Comfy f One of these warm, comfor table coats will do it. The deep pockets will prevent the chilly winds from reaching chubby hands. These coats are made of rich plushes, vel vets, woolens and combina tion wool and plush. Sizes 6 to 1 2 years. 75 to $12.00 r