THURSDAY. OCTOBER 3RD. 1918. FiHTTSMOUTII SEMI-WEEKIY JOURNAL. paue rim i 1 JT Tv r -viurray uepaFimeni 9 Prepared in tho Interest of the People of Murray and Surrounding Vicinity Especially for the Journal Readers "M' C ferjr Be Ready One often hears, "If I only had a little money I could make a fortune." Why not be ready when op portunity knocks at your door? Plan to place in the bank a certain percentage of your sal cry or business profits. Then when the main chance csmcs along you'll be ready for it. Banking in every form. Four per cent interest on titre deposit?. Oar deposits are protected by the State Guaranty Law. STATE B A RISC Lard for sale Oldham Stock Farm. Mr.-, ('tcil Peters is fiirn.Jo at TJrock this woe):. Oldham's shipped two crates of pig,; to South Dakota Wednesday. Found A child's coat on the D. A. Young road. Inquire at the Jour nal office. Jot.- Lobbies auctioned hi.; house hold good.; oif on the 'strtvt Satur d iy alt f-rncrui. -Mrs. J. I). Pitman is suffering with a fwellin; in her fare, the na ture is not definitely known, hut wo hop? for her speedy recovery. Everett SpaniJer is home from his school at Lincoln this week. the school was f.'jv-rriissi-d on account of vaccina' ion of part of the school. Sale day was ctrla;!iiy a bis cmy ii: Murray. The town was alive, i 'liit: fn ni vc ry direct ion was here a J ! . mlim; the sale at Puis t m r. .Mr. a:il Mrs. P. G. Glova of Wt .-piiis Water. A. J. I'.oLtleker. and .Mr. :"d .Mrs. J a he TrPrh and daugh ter K Hur vi.ij guests of Mr. and Mrs. L J. Loedcker Sunriav. FOR SALE. I'urc bred introc-Jeney boars, old enough ftr service. Nice lot to se- Itt from. Oldham Stock Farm. VI AUCTIONEER Always Ready for Sale Dates far or near. RATES REASONABLE SATISFACTION 0R NO PAY! . REVERSE Telephone 1511 ALL CALLS Murray Ezq r.ange Sweaters anil The Sweater Coat is tho most economical piece of clothing" you wear, to say nothing- of the comfort Uj be gained from its use the chilly morn ings which an to coino from now on. Just note these, special low price-,, and let us say to you right here, they could not be purchased and put in our stock to sell as cheaply if we did not have forecight enough to make early purchases Men's Heavy Rope Stitch Sweater coat, large color, two pockets. Comes in rod only. Each - S-j.CO Men's Medium Heavyweight. Cotton Sweater Coat, ruff, neck col-. lar. Comes in gray oniy. Each Men's High V Neck Sweater, tight fitting around bottom, extra long in length, wool finish, maroon and gold, no buttons. An extra tin-j sweater at a bargain price. Each Men's Wool Kiki Army Style Sweaierj no sleeves, heavyweight yarns. Cannot, bo duplicated at the price. Each..?...... .. Men's Kiki Style Sweater, made like the above, only in light weight yarns. Each Men's Turtle Neck Jersey Sweaters, ia colors maroon and navy; tight fitting neck. Each " One Dozen Ladies' Sweaters, "bought at a good price, which wo of fer you at a bargain. Colors red. green and blue. Each.... liatt MURRAY, ror Opportunity Lloyd Philpot of Ft. Omaha, was home Sunday for a short time. For Sale Parred Plymouth Rock cockerels, $1.50 and $2.00 each. Mrs. YY. O. Troop, Murray phone. -Mrs. Clayton Rosericrans of Platts 1:1011th attend the sale at Puis Ganseiiur Saturday and Monday. Mrs. Jess Drown who has been sick for some time is reported worse and expects to he taken to hospital at once. .Mrs. A. F. Poeclekcr and son Dewey returned home Monday from a week's visit in northern part of the state with her brothers. Mrs. L. D. lliatt and little Alice Louise went to Plattsmouth Wed nesday evening, where they will make a few days visit with friends and relatives. Tho Pleasant View War Savings Society of District SO. will hold their next meeting on Oct. 2. All members are urned to he present, al so outsiders interested in this work. Mr. Sturm of Nohawka will deliver an address at this meeting. Come. Miss L'crtha Nicklcs very pleas antly entertained a company of friends at an 5:00 o'clock dinner Thursday evening in honor of her nephew Ervin Grosser of Wood Riv er, who will leave in a short time for a training camp. Those pres ent to partake of the excellent din ner were: Mr. and Mrs. Perry Nickles, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Thomp son. .Mr. and Mrs. Gus Pullen. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Good. Mr. Lee Nick les, Miss Etta Nickles. Miss Alice Nickles, Mr. Alvador Nickle.s and Jean Nickles and Mr. Ervin Grosser. CARD OF THANKS. We wish to thank the friend:-, and neighbors, who so kindly assisted us throuch my operation and sickness. A. B. LINDSAY AND FAMILY. Sweater Coats 00 r.00 2.00 2.05 , Tutt, NEBRASKA Gussie Pullen was looking after business in Plattsmouth Saturday Arthur Crunk and lamily were Plattsmouth visitors Saturday after noon. Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Hiatt took dinner at tho home of Mr. ar.d Mrs W. G. L'oedeker last Sunday. Mrs. Mose Hiatt departed this week for Rising City, Neb., wii n. she will make an extended visit with her son 15. W. lliatt and family. Geo. E. Nickles, Albert Young Mr. Scott en of Murray, attended the funeral of W. H. Panning held at the M. E. church in Union, Sat urday afternoon. The New Hope War Savings So ciety held a very interesting meet ing on the evening of Sept. 2Cth. at the school. Several interesting War Savings letters were read, and the speaker of the evening was Hon. A. V. Sturm. A large number were present, but hope for a larger at tendance at the next meeting Oct. 24th. A short patriotic program was given by the Pleasant Hill and the New Hope districts on Friday night at the New Hope school house. Af ter the program, sandwiches and coffee were sold from which a neat sum was realized. The attendance vas large and everyone responded liberally in helping the Junior Ked Cros-s. A roost'T was donated to he auctioned 01'f and brought eight dol lars and twenty-live cent?'. Also' fourteen thickens were donate I as a lied Crews shipment. The big Closing Out Sale of Puis & Gansemer opened at their storo on last Saturday, und the way the oods have been going out ol' this store for the pat few weeks, it i-. doubtful if the line will hoid out for the closing dav. The people are ager for bargains and ii is bargains they are getting during this sale. bee their large ad in tins issue ol he Journal, it nu y save you some money, and pay you well lor your ime. The prices are rir'nt and the goods are going fa-d. Miss Rose Jirousek teacher in District No. 7, gave a program at the school house which was well at tended and very much appreelai -d by the crowd. The sale is held in behalf of the Junior Red Cross w;, s well sold, a small beach lien bring ing the man price of ?1 i.( . other things sold accordingly. Mis.- Ji rousek served sandwiches and hot cotiet. assisted hy Mrs. Koot. l.:.rr. Mrs. G. S. Rav and Mrs. (.lex Porks. Tiie aWr Savings Society was also and pres.ent to enjoy th program : -rdt r a.t held their business the ! same time. Phe proceeds of the so- cial amounted to $31.2.";. Mrs Peter Perry of Mynar.l lun recoiveii a card stating that her grandson, Harold Perry of Alberta, Canada, has arrived safely "over seas." The young man, who is a son of Mr. and Mrs. John Perry, former residents of this county, came from his home last June and enlisted in Uncle Sam's army, as a mechanic in the Coast Artillery. Af ter a short visit here with relatives he was sent to San Francisco for a couple of months training and when last heard from was stationed at Camp Mills, N. Y., expecting to sail any day. His safe arrival is gratify ing news to the many friends here, although they know not in what part of the country he is and anxiously await further news. One thing is certain, he will do his part toward downing the Hun, wherever he may be. MIDWEST LAND AND LEASING CO. I have accepted a position with the above company for this locality. land am prepared to give ail infor mation to parties interested in our land holdings, near "Otis, Colo. If you are sufficiently interested our field manager will later on gon and show the land to you. The analy sis of our land show the same soil as in Chas and Perkins county. GLRTIF Murray, Neb. NEW WELL EORISG MACHINE I have just received a now Powers well boring machine, and am pre pared to do all kinds of well boring. Let me figure with you when you want a well. J. V,'. Hob-son, Plattmsouth, Neb. CAE LOAD OF POTA TOES AT MURHAY Puis fc Gansemer will have a car load of good bonie grown pottoe? on track in Murray, the last of the week, that will be sold at $l.-0 p?r bushel. If tnrof the readers of the Journal kncv cf an;, .-oeial event i-f lie r.i i no :-.-;t i ,1 tiiiS V li'initV. Aill Piu!l hrr.e to t hi !:. 1' ill a lar underi!i;s li-a'lii-ir. V.'e wait all news li'Tii Koixon Miss Clara Young was down from Plattsmouth Sunday. A. L. Laker vai lucking aiter runic hi.!--in ess matter.; in 1'Ja.tts raoutli and Omaha Yv'i' afier ncon. Ll.yd Gapon and Harry Creamer returned home from v.-e tern and northern Ne'iraska tills week. They report tliinr.s lod:ing yootl in that part of the country. Miss Uronson has accepted the Librarianship of the Public Library during the school year. N-jvv br.oks will soon be add. J to tiie Library. ijL'nniiX1 i-iong wno vas tn? i.."rar iaa for otr a year was certainly f 'i J 1.1: f til and k.-pt t1:-: Library up 10 the standard that. Mis.; Thron b-fr ii. L. D. Hiatt. wont : Omaha Mon day, where he was operated upon Tuesdav fur a nasal trouble that, he has been suffering with f:r some time. Quite a porti' : of t!e dis- seil ):one ".vas renn v !. and Ik re- lurneu to J lat'.-meu: r. eclnesdav evening, and will r- ;;rn later and liavf liis tonsils removed. after hi(.i iie ! in to r- r::: n :!is rm- cr he;;;t!:t a:vl we hiin the nT: wi.-hing htm permam his form.'T sufferings friends in relief from HouselioM Goods For Sale. Owing ;o the fa-: that I will sale soon move to () !: !:; One Round Oak ran.'-" ! '" -, f its "-.-,od c;,!idi i - it; d two ot !i- i..". a hanging h ie; r lamps, a vacuum cleaner :.nd t other arti- bs that ' il! !.e M)bi at '. JACKSON. private sale. UK1. itbol fit 1 tt l GREAT MOIL :m1.;.i 'vjii : O-t. 1 A lion .ok ii. i a rlin vn Sa-- u.'ih.v. a.ccoruing to news recvivci here ti.ehiy. 'i'iie t.iieering crowds ;i: sczlib-u ir. front of the i.ulaarian legation at 51k- Gt-rmua capital iivccs.-.;tating po lice jut t rvc ii i i'jii. The rioters, ac cording to t h information, got the tipp.. : l:i;::i! of the a ut hori tie ;:: ! (on.ieittt 1 statues in de:-tro ;.d. A i;u.:;' ,ii:i t';uares t tiie We! i n-.-re is the 1 at est ex iu Ooimany oot the ilefr Lul-.arin. judging front i p. patch, s r e. i e i i:i ru from ; 1 .- !:e Hi :t:.iu of itl dis ! iol !u:i t. a mo.iiit brotigiit ( )n : u rt . a ll.e excite i . to ;-. p.; :: te. fort h t he instun Lhing be done.' i t.e a. arm thai "soiar- A dispatch to the i The Hague says t::o somenody possessoi ; of the Germans jind reo. ace li.e ')ro.v.:;t aiiy Mail fr::..i demand is fur the con tiddler their allies to military oli- garchy. Kmperor William':; belated anx iety for the people to eo-operato in the .govt, rnnieiit t vidc; tly ill be iis-tast-.fu! to ti.e J-inkcrs, one of who.;e foremost no v. spa pt rs, tin Kru.i.te Zietung-, tb -.lares that a dic tatorship ii the only possible alter native. On the other hand the de mand cf The popular parties is for a popularly elective cabinet. The effect of tiie resignations of Chancellor von Hertling and Foreign Secretary von Hintzu oil the public agitation is not jet reported and nothing is known as to how the terms of the Bulgarian surrender have aii'ccled the German people, if they have been permitted to know tho terms. Kaiser's Latest EHusion. London, Oct. 1. Kmperor William in a message to the fatherland party is quoted in iiii Amsterdam dispatch to the Exchange. Telegraph company as ia ing "I have the confident hope that me wiiu;e German people m these most serious times will resolutely gather aronr.d n.e and, give their blood ami wealth until the last breath for the uefens-j of the fatherland against the shameful enemy plans." "Such a unaninioi.o resolve to ex ist will and must, with God's help, succeed in breaking the enemy's will to war and secure lor the father land the peace it is worthy of among; the people of the world." SOCIAL DAKCZ AT JIUP.RAY. There will he another social dance given at. tho Puis 'c Gan-enor hail, on UL-xt Friday evening, Oct. 5. The music will be fu mulied by the fam ous Dan Dtisdines colored orchestra. There v ill be an good tinic in store for you, so do not fail to come. 1 Must Take Time to Submerge. i It ronuires at bvst five minutes for submarines .f tju: l.rtest type vo sub-' -' merge. A sub-.mrine cannot dive quick- ft C , lv r.nuer ho sea. because the wsiter I' which must -be let into her ballast f-tsmks to make b r heavy enc-uh r; t-.n;;. must io ice in cii'ii;i;iniiH-i s;o - Jj; ly. If it wvr;- kt in with a ru-h the Si 1 boat might not go down on an even' Keel, nut wouiu neei over and e m great danger of disaster. Then. too. if water were let in too quickly there wohM be danger of too nruh entering, r.nd in that case the submarine would sink like lead to the hot rem of the sea. Wearied, as It Were. S't-tniey had learned to uress, him-:-o!f and ,was quite proud of it, but lifter several days practice he seemed to have lost his pride. One morning he asked bis mother to dress him. "I thought you could dress yourself, Stanley you must be getting lazy." "No, I ain't; but Ps losed my fus issm." HUIIAN INTEREST IN BIG U. S. FILM CARRIES MESSAGE Iiifcimation of Vital Interest to Americans cf AH Ag;es In OfTicial Frcductioti of "Pershing's Cru saders," Seen to Open. Under the auspices of the I'nited States Government, the Committee on Public Information, ol" which George Creel is Chairman, will of fer at the Parmele, Sunday and Mon day, flie first oiiicial United States war him, entitled "Pershing's Cru stih'rs," in eight retds. This fea ture !i!m has been photographed by tV United States Signal Corps, Navy photographers and cameramen if the French General Staff. It ;hows I:ow every mm. woman atwi hild i-- helping Uncle Sam, with in teresting scenes showing the pro-gre.- i.eing neole in ship building. aeroplane construction ami gun ana ammunition making as well as in- lerc-.f ing pharcs of cantonment training. The big feature of this picture, however, is that portion which .gives the very latent news of what cur boys are doing in the front line trencher, in France. There will al o be shown in this film a number of stirring scenes which ' have Ik en taken for the Govern ments, of France and England cover ing phases of American activities brrn-i. A; ail of the war pictures j new !-. nig mace are cc iiroiied by ' :e omtnittee en I'ubiic inoima lion, th's oJIiciiil film will b? the first to show the true conditions now prevailing where Americans are on the tighting line. ."Pershing's Crusaders is distrib uted ly the First National Exhib itors' Circuit-, Inc. S e the ad in this paper for fur ther particulars. Coughed Co He Couldn't Sleep. P.roneiiial rmulis threat and a-thmatie tickling in -pusms break one's rest and weaken or.e so that the system is run-dawn and serious sickness may result. .Etios Halbert. Pe.di. Ind.. writes: "I had a severe cold and coughed continually at night; cool I hardly sleep. Foley's Honey and Tar cured my cough." Sold everywhere. Stopped Her Baby's Cough. No remedy is better known than l- ley's Honey and Tar for giving quick relief from eougdis, colds and croup. Mrs. W. M. Stevens, Vivian, W. Va., writes: "My baby had a terrible cough, and nothing did him any good. 1 read about Foley's Honey and Tar, tiie first dose help ed, him and in two days the cough stopped. Sold everywhere. TOR SALE. 1 Ford car in good shape. 10 head horses. 0 sets harness. 3 buggies. 1 carriage. 1 stake dray. 2 top delivery wagons. 1 carry-all. 1 n-seated rig. 4 backs. 17-Stdltw M. E. MANSPEAKER. A few good used Fords for sale. T. H. Pollock, Garage. 28-tf jllCHESTER S PILLS "T'-V ?.ll-t Auk J-nr far A f. t 'l.:-:irr-o:r IMai.ion-l V" T'i".'3 h - -i r-ita Rli.V. V -. i. i T-k r olhr. ' tin- r ,Tjr I (! tfrrtztm A ;fl ilI.:iII.i.TKKS W .v WAlln.fl) ItKAMt PltI,S f i V .J ytanknown - Ec; u Sa'ot. A- Btfli-.! .! r SOLD BV LriGQSSIS LRVWriLR SOLD BY DR. Si. 0. LEOPOLD OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN $jciifil Attrution IoDImwh t U'umra 'ACUTE DISEASES TKE.VTED Eyes Tested and Glasses Fitted Night Calls Answered After Hour and Sundays by Appointment. S:30 a. m. to 12:00 1:30 p. m. to 5:30 Coatw li!ork P h o n c Plattsmouth. Neb. j Heater; ! '. A to ; i j zxEsnxas&saasm WE HAVE SURE GOT 1 HEM -ALL KIND AND SIZES! We have them in stock and at prices that will surprise you. If you need a Heating Stove now is the time to buy it, if you wish to take advantage of these prices and while we have the goods. We have in stock and would be glad to show you Monopipe pipeless furnace. It is of steel construction and i3 gas tight. There is not a single point from which gas, smoke or dirt can escape. If you think of installing a heating plant of any kind, come in and look this furnace over. j 1 MURRAY h'm rower! i MURRAY, Union, T1 hmmg Presents THE PATRIOTIC PHOTO DRAMA wth CHARLS RICHMAN and ANNA Q. NILSSON A patriotic drama, showing authentic battle scenes. A Conscientious Objector, who finally went "over there" and became a hero. See This Great War Picture! It is being hailed as one of the finest of the year s pro duction. s noay an Oct 4th aod ADMISSION: Adults 25 cents Children 15 cents. The well known Grand Island Business College of Grand Island. Nebraska, has just announced that arrangements have been made so that 100 more young men and women can be admitted to the Col lege this winter. A record breaking enrollment is now in attendance, and any one interested in qualifying for Civil Service, Banking or other business positions should write im mediately for free catalogue. One remarkable feature of the School is tho plan it established more than thirty years ago of giving deserving young people, who wish it, time on tuition and allowing them to pay after they graduate and have been placed in positions. - Stationery at the Journal oii?c. Car Load of 1 y Imp wtm . at Murray, Neb. u will have a car !oaci cf good home growa po tatoes on the! track in Murray, the last of tho week, that w3I be 3oId at $t.50 PER BUSHEL Heaters ! lm NEBRASKA Nebraska 9 B irB to Icture House There ' 13 aturday, 5th Took Out rrcadful Soreness. When, the kidneys are weakened ind fail to throw inipuriti-- out of the blood, the poison rematn:; in the system and backache, soreness and rheumatic pains develop. Mrs. Dav id Henry, ti.") S. Lincoln Ave, Wash ington, N. J., writes: "Foley Kid ney Pills took the dreadful soreness out of my limbs and I walk good." Sold everywhere. TAKING OUT STUMPS. Anyone wishing trees ana old stumps taken out, I have a quicker and cheaper way than pulling them. My phone is No. 111" and address is Weeping Water, W. J. PARTRIDGE. ansersier i I