The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, September 30, 1918, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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    MOITDAY, SIPTOIBEE 30, 1918.
With hats
Critical dressers find
our new styles in Stetsons just
what they have in mind and
you are sure of Stetson value.
As you know, we carry a representative line of hats
different makes and a full range of prices.
We emphasize Stetson because the tendency is all
toward higher priced hats, and we want you to know we
can give you sound values.
Drop in the next time you are passing by and let us
show you these hats.
Stetsons $5.00 and up
C.E. V
From Friday's Pally.
Key Howard from we.t cf Mynard
was transacting business in the city
this morning.
George Rhoden from northwest of
Murray, was looking after some
business in the city this nicrning.
J. T. Reynolds and wife cf near
1'nion were in the city last evening
transacting business with the mer
chants. Wm. Wagener of Louisville was
a visitor in this city, this morning
:-:..l is looking after .ouu business
matters for the day.
Frank Vailery of Murray, was a
visitor in I'lattsmouth today, driv
ing up in his car to look after some
business in the city.
Ray Davis and wife from
Murray were visiting with
in this city last evening.
west of
driven up with their car.
John Urish and family were visit
ors in Plattsmouth last evening,
c lining in with their car to do
s ?!! trading with the merchants.
Frank Godwin and
daughter Mille, from
Uluffs, were looking
business in Omaha for
wife and
near Rock
after some
the day.
George Ingwerson end son
from near Nehawka were
in the
the city last evening and called up-
n the Journal, making an advance
on their subscription.
J. G. Mei.-insrer one of the pros
perous, farmers near Cedar Creek,
v. us :l )c.:: iiies i.iitor in I'latts
mouih this morning, coming to look
a't-r fern? matters at the court
Galon Rhcden f.or.i south west of
Mynard, wa.s in the city this mcrn
i::g. coming to lock after rome busi
ness matters for the morning, aii'l
to meet Glen, who just returned
from the west.
Captain C. S. Aldrich, of Elniwood
and wife, accompanied by Mr. Aid- '
rich's sister. Mrs. J. P. Cobb, also
of Kim wood, were in tbe city this
afternoon for a few hours, comin:
ver in their car.
John Swartz who just returned
yesterday from Camp Cody, where
he has been for a number of months, j
departed this mornin
where he is lcoking
for Omaha,
after some
business for the day. j
W. H. Meisinger and wife and
Mrs. Allie Meisinger, all from near
Cellar Creek were in the city this
i lorninir, driving down with the car
r.f Mr. V.. II. Meisinger, to do some
trading with the merchants.
Herman Smith wa3 in tbe city
this afternoon from his home near
Nehawka, and reports that his
tor Infants and Children
In Use For Over 30 Years
Always txars
Special Attention to DIre of Women
Eyes Tested and Glasses Fitted
Wight Calls Answered After Ho art
and Sundays by Appointment.
8:30 a. m. to 12:00 1:30 d. m. to 5:3b
conte- Block plattsmouth. Neb
m t
iescott's sons
grandmother. Mrs. J. C. bmith, is
ft ill very low, and that there Is little
hope entertained for his recovery.
Orlando TeS't of Avoea, was in
this city last evening, visiting for
over night, and was greatly pleased
with the excellency cf the training
of the Home Guards. which he
watched at their drill last evening.
Karl Cline while employed in the
Rurlington shops yesterday had the
misfortune to mash one of his fing
ers so severely that it required the
physician to mend it. and will keep
him from bis work for several days.
C. C. Parmele. received a letter
from his ron Rolled; who is in the
front trenches in Franc", where he
is acting as a member of the engi
neers corps. He writes, that ho is
on the night shut, at the present
This morning Chief of Rolice Bar
clay. Earl R. Travis, and J. P. Falt
er ' departed for Louisville, where
they go to be present at a meeting
of the Democratic county central.
which is holding a. short business
session there todav.
J. A. Gilmrce of Calloway, who
is visiting wiiii ins wuuon
Gilmcre. near Weeping Water, was
in the city for a while today, and
was accompanied by Mr. Wilson Gil
mcre, they looking after some busi
ness and vhiting with friends.
August Pautsch and wife, with
their niece Miss Lydia Pautsch, from
near Louisville, drove ever in Mr.
Pautsch's new Ruick car this morn
ing to look after Fome business in
the city. They also had some mat
ters to look after at the court house.
W. II. Dan of Hastings dropped
off the Hurlington last evening,
looking after corn to pick. He had
been expecting to have husked corn,
near his own town, but on his re
turn from the cast, where he was
working in the shipyards, found that
the hot winds has cut the corn so
that there would be little to pick.
Not finding the
prospect promisin;
i;ere. he rien.irt.-l thi mnmin- v.r
4 - -- w
Ottumwn. Iowa, where he expects to
finj plenty of work in that line.
From Thursday's Pally.
C. F. Harris of near Union wa3 a
vis-tor in this city this afternoon.
George Reynolds of Rock Rluffs.
was a visitor in the city this morn
ing. Ira Rates of
business visitor
Cedar Creek was a
in I'lattsmouth this
Lemon Rates of Rock Rluffs was
transacting business in Plattsmouth
this afternoon with the merchants.
Art bur Raker of Murray was a
visitor in the city last evening, look
ing after some business for a few
Phillip Keil and family of near
Murray were in the city last even
ing coming to look after some busi
ness here.
w. u. virgin or Murray wa3 a
visitor in the city today having
come to look after some business
for the day.
Frank Schlistemeier of near Xe
hawka was a visitor in Plattsmouth
coming to look after seme business
for the afternoon.
John Murphy and Henry Heil jr.,
from near Manley were in the city
this morning looking after some
business for the morning.
Lynne Cook who has been visiting
for some time past at the home of
his sister Mrs. W. D. Glock. at
Malrno, returned thi3 morning.
George Stoehr and wife from near
in this
city this afternoon coming to do
some trading with the merchants.
I). M. Graves who has been visiting
B at LaPlatte fcr the past day or so,
at the home of his daughter,
Will Shipley, returned home this
Mrs. Ilerold Koop of Louisville, a
cister of William Krecklow, cashier
of the Burlington is visiting at the
home of Mr. KrecklcAV and wife for
a few days.
A. L. Roedaker and son G. D.
Roedaker and It. G. Glover from
southwest of Murray were in ine
city this morning looking after
some business at the court nouse.
John Roeck of northwest or the
city, wlio nas been visum;; i" m--
time in the northwestern portion of
- . i .1
the state, with relatives reiurneu
heme last night on a later train.
Andrew Jackson McXatt and wife
.. . ... 4 1. r
were up tins morning num m.-n
farm home at Rock Rluffs. coming in
with their car. and bringing some
produce for the Perkins House, and
other place-s.
Walter Rartlett. postmaster of
Rim wood. with Wm. McLennon.
the new hanker of that city. uroye
over this morning to lcok after
some business at me coun uuu m
attend to matters in the city.
. . . ,1 4
Wm. Glaublitz and wife. Ralph
Keckler and wife and I liurman
Franz and wife were all in the city
last evening from their homes near
Manley looking after some business.
and returned home in their car last
S. II. Kenniston of near Calome,
South. Dakota, but living in Ne
braska near the line, v.-as at the
South Omaha live stock market, with
some cattle irom ins in uie
north, and ran down to Plattsmouth
for a short visit with his brother-
in-law and family. C. L. Creamer.
Frank Grauf and fon August, were
in the city last evening irom ineir
home ne?.r Murray, looking after
seme business for a short time. Mrs.
Frank Grauf has just returned from
a three weeks stay at Crofton. in
the northern portion of the state.
where be has tome land, and reports
the conditions as being fine, for all
kinds of crops.
Richard Wright of St. LnuU. Mo..
Naturalization Examiner, for the
Government, is in the city today,
locking after some business relative
to the admission of applicants for
examination. Mr. Wright tells of
his father Wm. R. Wright who is
one of the owners of the Boston
Globe, in the latter sixties, having
come to Plattsmouth to purchase the
former Plattsmouth Herald from J.
A. McMurphy, but through some
technicality the deal was not made.
He passed through here in 1S14. and
is a great admirer of Nebraska.
From Saturday's Daily.
F. W. Campbell from south
Rock Rluffs was a visitor in
city this afternoon.
Wm. Walfcrth of west of Mynard.
was a visitor in Plat trmout h last
evening looking after some business
Larry Long of flout h IVnd was in
tbe city last evening in attendance
to the meeting of the War Savings
Wm. Venner of Mynard was a
visitor in this city this morning,
coming to transact some business for
the day.
Troy Wiles was in the city this
morning looking after some business
coming from his home south oJ
Cedar Creek.
Mike Rys tlie blacksmith at My
nard was a visitor in Omaha today
going on the early train to look af
ter some business.
S. L. Furlong was a visitor in the
city this afternoon from his home
in old Rock Rluffs, and was doing
seme trading with the merchants.
C. J. Pankonin of Louisville was
a visitor in Plattsmouth last even
ing, coming to look after some busi
ness in the city for the afternoon.
Henry Heebner came in this mor
ning from Cedar Creek, where he i;
working for the Duff Grain Co., and
departed for his home at Murray.
Wm. Diers of Louisville, the mer
chant of that place, was looking af
ter some business in the city last
evening, with the war saving com
mittee. L. G. Todd was in the city last
evening, driving up from his home
near Union to meet with the War
Savings committee, which was meet
ing here.
Earl Ilackenbert, arrived this
morning from his home at Cedar
Creek and is visiting with hi3 sis
ters here, and looking after some
business for the day.
John Theirolf and ramlly, arriv
ed this morning frcm their home at
Cedar Creek and are visiting at the
home of the parents of Mrs. Their
olf, C. E. Dasher and wife.
Kelly Rhoden and wife were visit
ors in this city this morning from
his home at Murray and were visit
ing with Mrs. Rhodcn's mother, Mrs.
Cedar Creek was a visitor
Li. C. Cannon, and looking after
some business.
S. C. Boyles of Alvo was a
ness visitor in Plattsmouth
j evening looking after some business
! at the court house, and returned
home later in the evening, having
driven over with his car.
Ray W. Chrisweisser and wife
came in this morning from their
J home southwest of Murray, and are
visiting at the home of his mother
Mrs. B. Chrisweisser, and looking
after some business in the city.
Fred W. Gorder was a visitor in
this city frcm his home in Weeping
Water, yesteray, coming to meet with
the War Savings Committee, who
were making some preparation for
the drive which is now about to be
put on.
R. A. Bennett and brother E.
Bennett, returned this afternoon
from South Dakota, where they went
to harvest some time since nad stay
ed for threshing. They report lots
of rain in that country and very
good crops, but are not fo well ph as
ed with the wages paid, for they say
they were making more money here
than they received in Dakota.
Walter Ilerger, sen cf C. L.
Herger, departed last evening for
Milwaukee. Wis., where he goes to
visit with his two sisters, the Miss
es Gertrude and Eleanora Herger,
of that city. Mr. Herger is in the
next call for the cantonments, and
in the contingent which is to be
sent to Camp Funston. on October
Sth. He will visit for a while and
return in time fcr the departure for
the training camp.
Lat week C. V. Vailery departed
for Ulysses, taking with him Mrs.
Vailery and si,ster Mrs. Alice White,
where they visited for a while at
the home of James Gilmour and
wife. Mrs. Gilmour, being a sister
of the ladies. Mr. Vailery return
ing home. Later Mr. Gilmour took
the ladies to Rurwell. where thr?
three visited with another sister Mrs.
Andrew Morrow. They will return
during the fore part of the coming
From s?atirtlay"s lally.
Many people complain, because
there is a sliding out of thf halis at
the moving picture shows, at the
time the four minute men speak.
To begin with, this is a medium,
which this government has of send
ing the messages to the people,
which it is eseential that all should
know. The matter for the educa
tion, the people cn the status of the
Liberty Rond question, for instance.
This is business of the govern
ment, and to the people who are in
attendance at any place, where the
Four Minute man is to speak, give
him a respectful hearing. It is busi
ness, something you must know, if
you get it this way. you will not
have to have it given at a meeting
of the Council of Defense. You may
not like the man who delivers the
mersage, or the manner of delivery,
in fact he may not be your ideal of
a good citizen, but he is the instru
ment through which this message
eomes. Therefore, hear it. for hear
it you must, there or somewhere else.
Another thing while we are on the
subject. There was an abundance
of room last night for prominent
people who should buy bonds, at t lie
speaking of Lieut. Raldwin, and
some were dead anxious to get away
before he spoke, and others before
the collection was taken. Retter
take a hunch on yourself and see
where you stand on the matter of
Ronds, Americanism and Loyalty to
the boys.
From Fatnrflays Dally.
Henry Waterman, who years since
lived in this city, and was in the
employe of the Rurlington road, and
later departed for Lincoln where
he also was employed with the com
pany, but later went east, and is
is now located in Galesburg, 111.,
was In the city yesterday and called
upon his old time friends and ac
quaintances, spending the greater
portion of the day here, a guest of
his uncle John Waterman. He de
patred on the evening Rurlington
train for his homo in the east.
Lost at the Stock Yards, a red
steer with white face, weighing from
thre to four hundred pounds. No
tify Fred Haffke. Phone 3133. 14-tf
last I
Journal Want-Ads Pay!
Head the Journal Ads II Vaya
Carries Evidences A Plenty For the
. Buying: cf All Bonds
FYrim S'at imln y's l);iily.
When one .sees the exhibit;, with
all the inr truiiK-nts for death wliich
are being employed against the Loy
who are now fighting to the lini-
the fight for the liberty of Hie
world, and what they have to suffer
at the hands of thp inhuman fiends
in human shape they cannot with
hold the sinews of war, tli money to
purchase the bonds, which is to
equip the boys so that thev are to
have a square deal of this fight iiv
The array of guns need be soon to
appreciate the many ways of taking
life which the buns have and how
during all thc-x voir:; they Imvo
studied the art of killing.
The bt.y.s are doing their prrt ov
er there, thy expect to fi;;!it and
fight they will, no-quertion abruit
the American soldier, for the Yank
is a fishier, and he is there to win.
He is going to win, he Is winning
just now. Will we do our pr.rt in
this Rond drive, if we uo th:? bun
is going to receive the most fearfu!
drubbing ima?' ir.a'Ie. Sur wo :;re
going to do our part in the a:Tair
and that 5 to subscribe to this 1 ;r.r.
to the limit.
From S!:i t u r-l;i y's I.tS'i".
The. local board received a tele
trram last evening cancelling the
call for the fifty-cm troops for de
parture on the date arranged fr
October sth. The call f. r the date
:'h;r.r is cancelled, not ti e call it
self, for it stands, and the r.iemb?rs
of the quota, are to hrdd t!; nisflve-s
in readiness, for a further notifica
tion. The notification for reporting
for entrainment. was just ready for
issuance, when the telegram came
cancelling the date of the cr?H. and
the notices now will be hold for
further notice.
fro?n ?:i t utility's I ;i il v.
K. ('. Iiill, storeberoer cf the 15ur
linston for this reint. r.r.-l a mem
ber of the Central Railway Com
mittee, whore purpose is to further
the putting over of the liberty loan,
met yesterday at Omaha, and did
some excellent work for the inauir
eratinjr of tbe campaign for putting
the drive over. There were twenty
nine present, representatives of
the Omaha division which include
the Havelock shops, and at tbe
mooting the subscription was $4,
300.00 making the meeting one
hundred per cent. This is jurt a
starter, and they will inahe the
amount more. Other railroad or
ganizations, will do as well, for all
will make their organization one
hundred per cent. .
Flags at the Journal Oilice.
Don't put off buying" your
sweaters and Manuel shirts,
just because a little touch
of mibl weather is hero
you'll need them later on.
( )tir stocks are complete ami
surely we have tho- k!iul lo
fit vour needs.
imsi- uuuurusu
Flannel Shirts no junk $4.00 down
Wool mixed, S2.S0-S3.S0
Heavy Cotton Work Shirts, Sl.25-S2.50
N.t Contents Drachra
H ALCo:ic;,-3 ran cent.
: AVciic Ja'Jc rrcparah'onforAs
1 tir. -i tMStcmacis arwctsd.
" 'A
: Thercb.' Promolin Dicstoa
' neither i, : an.MaT
I All Sinn.-.
' j Jfr.pumirt
'. from SaJ
1 .
! Ahrisfdhcmedyfor
ir.stipali'oa and Diarrhoea
n- TVvrrishncss and.
I xai-0..ii;. ,
lUS CSSTAC3 CoMP.vsir.
I-.y wL -. v oT Wrapper.
Washington, Sept. 27. Drawing
of the master numbers which will
determine the order in their respec
tive classes of the 13.000,000 men
who registered for military service
September 12, will begin at noon
Monday and continue without in
terruption until 17,000 capsules
have been taken from the bowl. Of
ficials estimate that it will require
2G hours to complete the work.
Unless the war department
changes its plan of calling regist
rants and invades the deferred
classifications, the numbers to be
drawn will affect only those men
of the new draft ages who are
physically fit for military service
and are not given deferred classifi
This number has been estimated
at 2,600,000, but all of these will
not be affected immediately since
the department has determined to
call first men between 19 and 37.
Men between 37 and 4 5 will next
be called, but there has been no in
dication when that will be. For the
vouth of 18 students' army training
DRAFT 0 i 6
weaters vs Cold Weather!
Work Sweaters; tan, grey, oxford, $1.75 $2.75
Wool mixed 3 . 50
Vests, Khaki, extra quality wool 5.00
Sweater Coats, splendid assortment in grey, tan,
tobacco, brown, blue, $2.50 6 . 65
Fvira law all-wool sweaters, shawl collars and
V neck, $8.00.
For Infants and Children.
Mothers Know That
Genuine Castoria
Bears the
For Over
Thirty Years
corps, now organizing at 4 00 uni
versities and colleges, will be open.
In announcing the dale of the
drawing today. General Crowder
said that only the first 100 numbers
will be sent over the country.
From Saturday's Daliv.
Mrs. Margaret Vailery, a pioneer
of the city cf Plattsmouth, having
lived here for over sixty years, has
arrived at the end of her eighty
third birthday today, and the child
ren where possible are meeting with
this venerable lady, to celebrate the
event. John F. Vailery, a son comes
from Denver, her son George not
being able to get here, and Mrs.
John Vailery, arriving from Elm
wood. 111. Mrs. Vailery arrived here
in 1S55, and has been a resident in
the city and here ever since, making
about sixty-three j'ears.
E. V. Vailery to F. E. Vailery InE U
NEU 31-12-14 W. D.$3,000.00
G. W. Meeker to Walter Franks
XVi C-10-9 and S4 SW!i
30-10-9 W. D $20,S95.00
J. E. Weideman to F. D. Clymer
part of SE
32-12-9 $3,
Anyone wishing trees ana old,
stumps taken out, I have a quicker
and cheaper way than pulling them.
My phone is No. 1115 and address
is Weeping Water,
Journal Want-Ads lay 1
.11.00 U
f .
- i 4
V II ' 1 11
l : ; .' O. ;-.v - M