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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 30, 1918)
PAGE FOUB. PLATTSMODTn SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL. MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 30, 1918. Cbe plattsmoutb journal PUBLISHED SEMI-WEEKLY AT PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA Kntcred at I'otofrite. I'lattsmouth, Neb., as second-class mail matter R. A. BATES, Publisher SUBSCRIPTION PRICE $2.00 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE I'atriots will speak. -:o:- Ile read- for the Loan. -:o:- You are an American citizen. The kaiser the man Gott forgot -:o:- We must support our bojs "over tin re' :o: And you know there is nothing too ihI for those brave boys. :o: As a man thinketh. so is ho but :- many people haven't anything to think with. :o: We are proud of our boys in Frame, and mun give them c-very-thin?: they need. :o: t'loth is now being made out of b. i::n:i fiber. Garments to slip on in cas' of emergency? :o: Support the sovcrrmont by sub scri'ing every lolli;r you possibly .i Ti to the Liberty Loan. :o: It would be well to take a p'ep at i:r rhimiicys b fore putting up u: h fers for the v inter. -:o: o-irs i :i governnienf of th" peo ple, by the people and for the people. That is the reason the people are fi r the government. :o: Wr',1 ; rybody in Po-ton I'.as in f 1 i" ii;'.'.. snd w- suppo.-o to please .-r-''.i: .!ti n out thi way we'll all have to hae it hre, too. :o: Im Lsinuch Germany set out to di-niinate the world, it must not complain if the world reverses the ;ir shift and dominates Germany. :o: Wt-11 in many towns the influenza pr-v:uls. and wc suppos. to plcnse tr.:.n.l.ifi..Ms vom!i in Pip ' Keuiut ! w-"ll all have tf have it here. :o: too. Regarding the end of the war one j -f or sol.iier boys writes home ; t'i:it "it v ill take one yar to whinj the Ifun and 1 f mo to wind up the b;'. rind wire. -: o : - Another war benefit that p'rhap be noted i the fact that a pin short a ue has struck th? shirt-makt-rs. It now is possible to get nH the pii: out of a new shirt in oii- evt ning. :o: Ti-lcnhrne nr'fl oilier utilitv cor-! ! ra ' ioris should be warned that hi!e the American people are per fectly willing to 1k taxed for the war they projKise it hall tie done by the government, and tl:e government alone. :o: If ou happen to 1'otice I he haud- -oine hat on top of the editor's bald pete, we will remind you that it is a present from one of the best fel lows in this wide, wide world, Mr. ". ('. Wc.-cott senior member of the Wtscott'.s Sons. We say thinks to Cliff. :o: New straw hats will he few and fr apart nxt rummer. according to reliable kmwalls, and perhaps it would b? wi.-e not to drop any trunks or pianos on the one you j'i.-t. took off the first of this month. It will be no disgrace to wear it again next year, even though there might be a whitewash shortage. How's This? T7 offr One Ilun irrd D-V.'.ar? Heward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh MoJicine. Hall's Catarrh .te -Urine has bsen taken fcy .itarrh suiTercrs for th pist thirty five years, and hari bcotne !:n. -n as the ri?st rfliat'l' rerr.ciy for Calarrh. Hill's Ca;arrh Medicine .K.trj V..:'. :a-. riooJ oa the Mucous surf t :z. expr' the I C Br. from the Blood ti"c h-alin? the UU-cas--d portions. A'tr you hsv t?il:rn Ha"r Catarrh ?f .i:c:r.e for a r.r.-rt ti'.v.c "a v.::: f rrcst tn yoisr Kfnery f -!th St3rt tft'.:i:J Hal. caarrh Mc-ti t:- at ar.-i crrt r-cl -'t ti.inh. ' T n ciimr-.!iis. 'TC.. ' ' j CIIT'NKT S- CO.. Tet?Jo, Oh;o. The profiteer is not honest. :o: Ilindenburj facilities. is short of terminal -:o:- Keep your eyes on the slackers. Plenty will try the game. :o: If a man has a great deal to say you may be sure that it won't take him Ionj? to say it. :o: "300,000 negroes in Army"" Headline. Soon Kaiser Uill will be screaming about the black peril. :o:- It is likely that if Mr. Trotzky played anything while Petrograd was burning, it was a soprano saxo phone. :o: If Postmaster General Uurleson had fewer schemes to regulate the newspapers lie might have more time to get the soldier boys' mail to them. :o: Whippings are so rare in Ne braska schools nowadays that ti" teachers are able to keep record of them. In olden days, separate book keepers wife required. -:o: J.1U worth A thief stole J.1U worth of ham from a r.irfons, Kas.. meat shop flu jc,5ur ni"ht- I;,lt "h-v "? totl.- er to silce it off? Why didn't he take the whole ham? :o: Some surprise has be. n expressed ! that from last year's income tax re- turns engineers were found to have j bigger incomes than lawyers. How ever, each man's word is taken fir his own income tax return, isn't it? :o: The oflicial announcement that more than 1 million troops are in France or on the way reminds us: What has become of the German oth- rinl who ttle.l tho xvh..l. .n.ti,,-, i of American participation in the war by saying calmly that armies eultlu - t fIv and 0o,UIn-t swlm an therefore America couldn't come? i lot Th.e r'.iink of Germany's srold rv serves have never recovered from the $2.".0Ot.000 sent to Russia to bribe the Trotzkys and Lenities. Creeping up a little week by week, as new coins are squeezed from children's toy hanks and other sourc es, these reserves are still ?.",000,00 below those of l'16. And in Hol land. Saturday, the German mark was nt per cent discount! :o: JOHN IRELAND. A truly good man is gone, and Americans, regardless of creed or nuality, will mourn for the death of John Ireland. Dignitary of the great Roman Catholic church, a pre late of distinction and honorable attainments, lie was first of all a citizen of his adopted country. John Ireland went through the War of the Rebellion as the young chaplain of a regiment of Minnesota volun teers, and no sacerdotal insignia ever after bestowed on him meant as much as the Grand Army button he wore so proudl'. Zealous always in the case of religion, he showed equal, if not greater, zeal in his work for civic betterment. A cham pion of liberty, his advocacy of the free school, efforts to secure the spread of enlightenment, labors for the reconciliation of religion with the spirit of the age in which he lived, his simplicity of life and un swerving devotion to the cause of purit3', brought to him such activity that it has been said his life was "as busy as the pope's and as stormy as a statemen's." John Ireland had many worldly honors as well as those bestowed upon him by the church, but none fitted him so well as the sobriquet given him in France a few years ago, that of "the people's pope." Omaha Bee. MOVING TO THE FINAL PHASE. In the renewed activity on the Balkan front, timed to co-ordinate with the initiative of the Allied ar mies in France, we again may see the working of Focus unified com mand and perhaps may discern, in its broad outline, the purpose of his strategy as it relatives to the clos ing period of the summer campaign. The unbroken success of the Al- lied offensive since it began two months ago furnishes a satisfying commentary to the kaiser's one time prediction that he would win the war because his armies were under a. single romniand. The condition is now equalized, of which the kaiser has had ample evidence. He has seen French. English and American ar- mies strike in perfect co-ordination nn,? in qiipIi orbr that he is no Ions- en oM i,f. in tiiP first vpars of the war, to make concentration at will and where he would. lie no longer dares to .thin his lines for that purpose for offensive operations ,iwi i,:.rpiv ilf.Misivo. but mint stand where he is on all fronts, Al- t,.i iiit. f .--.111 ni ! i,.i hr :i?d check to German unity. Strategically the forward move ment in Macedonia, and to some ex tent tho renewed IJritish advance in Palestine, is in the direction of reforming of the iron ring that wa in process of construction around th Central Powers when the Icu-.-ian collapse brought a new phase to the war. Striking now on these wide fronts the Allies are seeking to V what they might have done in 1 ! 1 ' if they had had unity of command. They are conforming to that military principle which emphasizes the necev- sity of destroying an enemy's mo-I bility. That is accomplished when operations, no matter how widely separated, serve to pin down the eiu' p CUI-V 3,1,1 Pvi-nt shifting of the:. i from one theater to another. Foe'. accomplished this when h co-ordi nated Haig's, Mangin's and Persh- ing's attacks from Flanders to Lor raine. He accomplishes it again 1; 'striking in Macedonia. From none oi j these sectors does the German hi'-'? command dare detach reserves ! I move to the support of another l.uuenuoru not oniy is prevenieu i-j the rapidity of these blows from rr ganizing a counter offensive, but i also compelled to fight with his ar mies on its own ground and with it; own resources, a process which h cannot possibly continue with the Al lied man power growing steadily an;" the German as steadily diminshing What we are seeing, therefore, sv the fifth winter of the war approach ed is a situation for the Germans not unlike that which confronted the Confederate armies when Grant be gan his campaign as commander-in-chief of all the Northern rorce That was the closing In campaign i: which the movements of the I'nic.r armies East, and West pinned dowr the separated armies of the Soutl each to its own theater and stopper' all co-operation between them. The: were then destroyed in detail. Unit' of command and co-ordination o! movement did the job. It will do i: in Europe. K. C. Star. :o: THE VOTER'S DUTY. The republican party will no: find it easy to convince the people that it would have done better had i: been in power or that it would dc better if it could be placed in power now. Yet more difficult would be the task of convincing a sober judg ment that anything would be gained by handing over to the republican party that partial power which rt the utmost would consist in republi can supremacy in congress backed by republican administrations in states electing governors and legislators. American experience of divided political responsibility has never been happy. A democratic president contending with a republican con gress, or a republican president con tending with a democratic congress, has never been, even in times of peace, an effective disposition of polit ical forces. Waste and inelficiency have usually resulted from it, and it is not possible to imagine that a great war in its critical stages could bo more effectively waged if ener gies and responsibilities should be so distributed. We yield to no one in profound respect for the -wisdom and the pa- triotism of men like Colonel Koose- - velt, Mr. Taft and Mr. Root. Put when, they say that the voters of (America ought this fall to return a - I republican congress, and argue, that J the time has come to impose upon Mr. Wilson's administration the fear- less inquisition and tlie practical ... ... legislative eneeic ot an opposition po- litical majority, we are unconvinced. Irresponsible power is indeed a scri- i ous matter and no human being b inraliioie. isut a congressional min ority is quite competent to ask ques- t ions, to bring mistakes into the light of publicity and to register pro tests. It is necessary for the preser vation of our liberties to create tin i . . . ... certainty that republican congress would itself make lamentable and possibly well nigh fatal errors in ii desire to play a decisive part in the conduct oi me war at a time ami uu I der circumstances when it could not as the democratic party is now I wholly responsible for success oi l failure. In our judgment, hard- headedness demands that this re sponsibility should not be destroyed. It is. we think, the plain dictate of common sense that the people should ! return a democratic majority to con- srers and assure to President V.'il on the support of a democratic law- making power. The Iiub -pendent , New York. -:: WHEN THE YANKS C03IE HOME. The allied sobliers pu-h on. Fo t by foot they are forcing the German armies backward. At one point in the lino thev enter an evacuated town. It tiad been stopped and Ioot- u iiv me rei rea' '.ni; irons. ine remaining civilian-: are lean ai:i emaciated, long victims of the kais er's ruthlessness. At another p-'ini ilong the line, a German soldi- r houts "kanierad" and as the allied seddiers approach him, h turns a nasty automatic upon them. And t still another plnce. a tiny kitten is lound nailed to tne .oor oi a hmio in :i town In-t evacuated I v he enemv. Our solili'Ts hear the iitten winning ami go to release i. A crash follows. The Huns hr. 1 tued the kitten as a decoy to se: an electrically wired bomb. And so it is ail along the froi'.t as the allied troops continue to re capture the occupied areas if PROPOSED CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT The following proposed amendment to the constitution of the State of Nebraska, as hereinafter set forth in full, is submitted to tho electors of the State of Nebraska to be vote d upon at the general election to bo held Tuesday, November 5ih, A. D. 1318: A. JOINT RESOLUTION to amer.i Section one (1) of Article seven (7) of tho Constitution of the State of Nebraska. Be it Resolved by tho Legislature of tho State of Nebraska: Section 1. That Section One of Ar ticle Seven of the Constitution of ti.n State of Nebraska bo and the saiv.a hereby 13 amended by striking out t'.3 following words: "Second. rerson of foreign b!r"i who shall have declared their inten tion to become citizens comformahly to the laws of the United States, on the subject of naturalization, at lea..t thirty days prior to an election." And Inserting in the place of tha words bo stricken, the following words: "Second. Persons of foreign birth who shall have become citizens of the United States by naturalization or otherwise conformably to the laws of the United States at least thirty day. prior to an election. Sec. 2. That at the general elec-, tlon nineteen hundred and eighteen (1918) there shall be submitted to the1 electors of the state for their approvr.b or rejection the foregoing proposed amendment to the constitution relat ing to the right of suffrage. At suc'a election, on the ballot of each elector oting for or against aaid propose! amendment, shall be written or printed tho words: "For proposed amend ment to the constitution relating to .the right of suffrage." and "Agaimt said proposed amendment to the con stitution relating to the right x of suffrage." Sec. 3. If 6uch amendment shall be approved by a majority of nil electors voting at sucn election, sa!J rraendment shall constitute Section Ono (1) Article Seven (7) of the Con titution of the State of Nebraska. Approved, April 0. 1918. KEITH NEVILLE, Attest: Governor. CHARLES W. POOL Secretary cf Stat M-ttll IMI ! Ill III mi " REAL ESTATE, LOAMS AND INSURANCE, Sterling, Nebraska j Wc have sold numbers of Cass county, Sanders county, Johnson county, Pawnee counnty, Richardson county and Iowa people land in Southeastern Nebraska. When you buy land in Otoe county, Nemaha county, Gage county, $75 and up per acre, you are getting something that will make you a bank account instead of failures. We have home choice 40, 80, 120, 160, 240, 320 - j V - ! 3 and G40 acre tracts of land, with very o n ri ry r r ri nvmc Wc have the largest and best land V eastern Nebraska. It will pay you to see us for a home I i-vf j n 12 5. V4 j tya France. Uy their own barbarity the Huns are killing in the hearts of the allied soldiers every tiling of sympathy or mercy which one foe might have for another. It is not to wonder that the Anzacs seldom take prisoners. The fire of hatred whic-h was kindled in the hearts oi' our American soldiers by the crimes of th.e Germans in Iielginm is being fanned to an intense flame. Each, day the atrocities and brutalities of the kaiser's soldiers are being brought nearer heme to th? j Yankees. The sight cf a Hun loathesome. their guttural jargen arouses the fighting spirit of the doughboy. It is inconceivable that this bitter hatred for all that is German will be ended the day Germany surrend ers. Our American soldiers are coming home with a feeling that all Germans are treacherous and that all who sneak the German language are Germans. Those in America who today prattle of over patriotism will see in these Yankees back from the front a patriotism and love for America that overshadows- anything of the sort in the United States at the present time. So there is another reason why trie American people should lose no time in eradicating the German language in this country. It is the duty of those who today are keep- j ing the home fires burning to see i.,t tiio retiiminir fighters will not i :..). c in- i, have another task to perform when they come home. If the task is left for them, it is certain that it will not be done with kid-gloves. Those who grieve of hardships today will find their grief doubled and trebled. A little group of persons gathered on the state house lawn and spook ing in the German language will be dealt with summarily and without j formality by the soldiers who have j been over there and have seen the j ruthle.-sness cf the Hun. They will i nnt make fine distinctions. And j though real hardships may result if there are those in America who still persist in using the German lang uage, these are the facts. Lincoln Star. :o: When Children Start to School. School opens at a time of year when the change of seasons is like ly to cause coughs, colds, croup, hay fever and asthma. Prompt action at the first sign of infection may keep children in prime good health and help them to avoid losing time. Folev's Honey and Tar is an ideal home remedy. Sold everywhere. Bead the Journal Ads It Fays CJB U W 54 1 Ic Si L j if 0 1 STERLING, NEBRASKA EDMONDS GAIN'S TWENTY POUNDS AFTER TAKING TANLAC THIRTY DAYS HE SAYS HE'S IN "PINi: OF CONDITION." "I have picked up at least twenty pounds in the past tihrty days by taking Tanlac, and now I'm just in the pink of condition all around," This statement was made by Wil liam M. Edmonds, a well known employee of the Seattle Street Car Company, living at 760 North 74th Street, Seattle, recently. "My stomach," he continued, "has been giving me all kinds of trouble for years. What I ate seemed to do me harm instead of good, as it would sour on my stomach ami cause me se much misery. I could hardly get my breath at times on account of the gas, which would press on my ' i10art and cause it to palpitate fear- fully. I was badly constipated, my kidneys were in bad shape, and I was never free from pain in the small of my back. I couldn't sleep at all well and woiuld lay awake for hours every night before getting a wink of ideep. I also had rheuma tism in my arms and legs, and my knees would get so stiff at times that I could hardly bend over. "All my efforts to find relief fail ed until I began taking Tanlac. but this medicine has certainly put me in great shape. My appetite was never better, everything tastes gooel and my stomach is in such a good condition that I can eat any thing. And since the gas has stopped forming, I'm never bothered with palpitation, shortness of breath, or any other signs of indi gestion. My kidneys don't bother Plattsmouth Auto Tire and Cycle Repair Shop ! WE DO ALL KINDS OF TIRE AND TUBE VULCANIZING! Tires Retreaded Rebuilt! Good Workmanship! PRICES REASONABLE! E. PiiE Krug Building, Plattsmouth, Neb. reasonable prices 9 list in South- or investment. m me any more, all the pain has dis appeared, and I sleep fine every night. "My wife has been taking Tanlac for headache and a run-down con dition and her firtt bottle has help ed her so much that she told me to bring her another today. It certain ly is great to do what it has for me and is the one medicine I don't hesitate to recommend." "Tanlac is sold in Plattsmoutb by F. G. Fricke & Co., in Alvo by Alvo Drug Co., in Avoca by O. E. Copes, in South Bend by E. Sturzenegger, in Greenwood by E. F. Smith, in Weeping Water by Meier Drug Co., in EI in wood by L. A. Tyson, in Murdock by II. V. McDonald and in Eagle, by F. W. Eloomenkamp." GASSED IN PLATTSMOUTH. From Thursday's Paily. Yesterday Luther Turner, who is employed by the Nebraska Light ing Company, came near going ove r the divide, when he was working at the pipes which contain ammonia. at the ice plant. The gas mask which it is necessary for one to use in working with the pipes especially when they are leaking, was in poor condition. In order to get the work done Mr. Turner had taken a couple of towels which were wet, putting them over his mouth and nose, thru which to breath, and the exertion, when it was necessary for him to get the work done, made it difficult for him to breathe, and through the towels it was labored, and as he was gulping for his breath, the towels in some way fell off, filling his lungs with the ammonia .gas, which struck him down. He was gotten out and vinegar administer ed, which revived him. lie is feel ing the effects still, and was very fortunate that he escaped so luckily. r j n 5 b a n n m va vt t t? tr 9 U m Vgl HW& ft v r El fcli frrr - Tr,-m,-;z. t