The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, September 30, 1918, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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I go I - -
this wonderful picture in which are
shown scenes of staggering immensi
ty of what America is doing to down
the Hun and his socalled PCultur.
Don't come to see this picture ex
pecting to be entertained by a sen
tamental love plot. But come to
get the bare facts of what is being
done both "over here" and "over
War Tax
ilszmi &2 firsts Vs Mi
Balcony and Downstairs.
War Tax
. 3c
. 5c
(Children under 12, accompanied
by elders, 28c)
Mat. 3:00 Eve. 7:00 and 9:00
Will start prcmptly at the above time. So
com-? early and get a good seat.
4 jf.:--
this picture, which shows you where
the Too:! you have saved gees to.
How the money you have given to
the Red Cross, Y. M. C. A., K. of
C. and other funds have been spent;
what the Government has done with
the money derived from the Liberty
Bonds you have subscribed to. All
these and a thousand other ques
tions are answered, and answered
correctly by this great Government
film. Also some of the first Ger
man prisoners being captured by
our own American soldiers. This
whole paper could be filled in tell
ing what can be seen in this picture
and still most of it would remain untold.
Evening, 7:00 and 9:00
Will start promptly at the above time. So
come early and get a good seat.
Monday 2 Sh
n n
Taken by U- S- Signal Corps and Wavy Photographers and the French General Staff.
Presented by Committee on Public Information of Washington, D. C.
1 WO
Davs!- Prn
SltBTOo ct- 6 and 7
:: -)
... i
..,;:r LrtT: wcie .rorc xiia
Subscribe:1.. let Us Get This
Tone Ecforc Date.
T!ic I'.-.irt't Liberty Lean i;uota
Ih !i is v.mrv tliriu twice the
: J Thir-1. vhicl $r.:H.-
i ..';. 1 ;:: went over t lie top.
Willi n i:'..1' !:!:'. liko a subscription
f $7.".o.0(n.oo. '(? have met those
i. ' bvr: i-i i'ins. with a lic:irty
:l,KT!i-y. wiiirli was truly American.
r h:ive ju.--? two weeks before the
ureal ilriv rp: jm l'or the suhscrip-ti-.ui
of tin -e f-,,;i'ls. Let u.s have
then nil tnken by that t:nie. ami
; r:fly for the ce!el;ration of the
event which i-. ;iii to be o'ie of
ihiv 1: : rIir- iiittinpr proposition?
wli!th the ttav-at-homo portion of
Ar-.' rim po't;!o cr.n deliver. This is
a ftrrkc witli a p'irir'i to it. let us
. liver i with full ftrce, that it
have the rtoral effect on the
:if r,i.v. ;v tliei!! knowing that en
tire America is behind thn boys who
are dolr.s the things errors- th
able to secure the same service at
the hotel dining room. Sandwiches, j
short orders and regular meals will
be at your command, in fact "KV-
KriYTI!IN; GOOn TO KAT" will be
found at the Hotel Wagner. Mr.
Warner lias carried a good reputa
tion in the restaurant line .which
reputation has been gained by the
cxee'.lciit ?ervice to the people, and
thi" fame service will lie carried to
the dining room of the h.'itel. where
you nil! always find the same cord
ial welcome at r.nv and all times.
Prom Tl'lirsfhiy'-" ftailv.
John Swartz. who has been located
at Camp Cody for a. number of
month and who had thought he
would be sent across, was disappoint
ed as the dav they were to go, and
were lining up for the purpose, he
was taken out of line, and medical
examination said he had leakage of
the heart, and he was rejected. He
was given on honorable discharge on
account of physical disability. He
was greatly disappointed as he had
counted o:i going with the rest of
the boys, and had trained for all the
time for lh? purposa of going, and
at the last minute almost, to he re
jected was ture pretty tough.
Klrehcr? in this issue of the
Journal will be found a large "ad
vertisement announcing the opening
of the Dining Room of the Wagner
Hotel, and the closing of the Wag
ner Restaurant, that has been en
joying &uch an excellent business
for the past few ycfrs. This move
Mont r? taken simply because Mr.
Wagner believes In 'Hooverizing".
along the eating house line in thU (
city for the present, and in closing
tbe restaurant he will be able to cut
this expense and give the people tha
high class service at the Wagner i
Hotel. In the future you will be
Krotn Thursday's Ia!ly.
U. II. McCarthy of Sheridan. Wyo.,
who hc. been engaged in farming
was a visitor in thl3 city for over
night with his brother L. L. Mc
Carthy, on his way to Ft. Itiley,
Kansas, to join the service. He had
been selected in the draft Feme little
time since and had gotten time to
harvest the wheat crop which he had
raised this summer. This is the sec
ond brother which Mr. 'L. 1j. Mc
Carthy here has had to go within a
few weeks.
A Woman's Hearty Recommendation.
Worry and oTerwork cause kid
ney trouble, and women suffer equal
ly with men. Mies Sira Western
I'elvidere. 111., writes: "I could not
stoop and when down I had to craw
x:x by a chair. I was so lame I
suffered agony. Now I ; feel like a
new pereon, stronger and better In
every way I heartily recommend
Foley Kidney rills." . Sold ev?ry
A few good nsed Fords fcr
T. H. Pollock, Garage. 28-ti
From Thursday's" J'ailv.
Itichard Wright of St. Louis, who
is the Naturalization Examiner Tor
this district, who is visiting the
office of the District Court, and with
the District Judge, will endeavor to
establish a night school here in con
junction with the public, schools, to
give instruction in the branch or
language, that one may speak
"American" and know enough of
civics to enable them to pass the
necessary examination for admis
sion to citizenship, when the tinie
come for their obtaining their final
papers. This is an excellent move,
and one which is in vogue in i.i00
cities in the United States. Of a
truth, one a candidate for American
citizenship, should know what it
means to be an American in the
fullest sense of the word, and un
less they have the proper conception
of this high obligation the right of
citizenship should be refused.
Prom Thursday's Daily.
O. 11. Olson who is located at
Junction City, Kansas, arrived home
this morning, and i:; looking after
some business here, as well a.-; visa
ing with the folks at home. He
will return on tomorrow to his work
there. He says businevs is v;:ry
good there now. they having in the
employment 17 people. . Mr. Olron
will establish another branch liou-e
there, at a portion of the Fun&ton
Camp, whichwill be alone for color
ed soldiers, of which there are at
this time about 10,000. A large
number, of them having just- been
6ent east. At Junction City there
has Just been a new Community
Club House, which is 70 feet wide.
125 feet long, and of three stories
in height.
'Mm "rnj rs-!.i y's I.-,;ty.
' A. numbT .of the young business
vcmen of Plattfmouth met at the
Red Cross rooms Monday evening
i";r the purpose of organizing a Lib
erty Vlub. Mrs'. K. II. Vecott was
elected temporary chairman, and
Mrs. K:y Knorr secretary. Miss
Wrn:i I ! at t was chosen president
::ik1 Misn Cecil Schiappacasse sec
ret a ry-t rcasurrr. A committee was
appointed by the President to draft
rules regulating the Club. Differ
ent litis of patriotic work were dis
cussed. They voted to cali them
'elve "The Dullness Cirls Liberty
Club." The Club come;; uiujct the
supervision of the "War Camp Com
nun: it j- Service" department ef the
Mrs. Christine Conk-
Kov Knorr will act as
lin and ?Irs.
leaders ;f the Club. At the next
meeting, definite work will le tak
en up. Other Liberty Clubs will be
organized as the need arises. Any
number of girl.; over eighteen years
of age banding t hein.-clves together
for mutual help, and service to their
government, may organize a Liberty
For any additional information
which may be d'-sired consult Mrs.
K. II. Wescott.
Kri.i.i Tl.ursd.-i y's l:ii! v.
The jury returned a verdict in I he
matter of the trial' of Kobert O'Mrien
vs. Omar Coon, wherein suit was
brought lor the recovery of certain
Minn eif money which was paiel to
IVon by O'Drien for the purchase of
land-; from a real estate) company,
located in Minneapolis, and on ac
count cf the failure of the principal,
the- Real K.-tate Cr.mpnny. suit was
brought for recovery of amounts
paid, with the result, that a verdict
was granted of $r.19S.OO.
I'prm the rendition of the verdict,
thr? jury was eli.niicd for the term.
The cave of W. F. Cillespie against
the Missouri Pacific railway, for re
covery for leakage of grain, and
differences in weights ef scales, ver
dicts were given in two counts for
approximately ?jl7".00.
Prepare Fcr Changeabb Weather.
H. JJ. Miller, U. F. D. IC. Woester.
Ohio, writes: "Py the changing of
beds and the weather, I took a very
bad cold ane! 6ore throat. Four
doses of Foley's Honey and Tar put
me right in a day's time." It pays
to get the genuine Foley's r.nd avoid
substitutes and counterfeits. Con
tains no opiates. Sold everywhere.
I have (5 j live thoroughbred
Chester White Male hogs for sale.
Fritz Kaffenberger. d&w
OF 142.00
Provost Marshal Acts Upon Instruc
tions From the Chief
of Staff.
Washington. D. C. Sept. 26.
Jtecause of epidemics ef Spanish in
riucnaa in army camps. Provost Mar
shal (Ion oral Crowder tonight can
eelled calls for the enlrainment be
tween October 7 and 11, of 14 2,000
draft registrant.
In the last day 6,1;?!) cases have
been retried in army camps. One
hundred and seventy deaths, result
lug chiefly from pneumonia follow
ing inriucii7a. were reported.
r:ener;il Crowder acted upon in
structions from General March.
l.'vr.rv- atiitn nnd the District of
Columbia had been assigned quotas
.Mi.! Mm men were lo have cone te
nraMlrnllv -ill of the CaiHUS ill the
From Thursday s Daily.
The ladies of the Red Cross are
making a large shipment of some 12
cases of goods, which they have pre
pared, and while the work is con
sidered to be done by the ladies,
some of it is pretty heavy work, and
required a large amount of muscular
force to hustle the large boxes and
cases of goods around and prepare
them for shipment. This could be
done by some one who is gallant
enough to think of it and go offer
their services. One Amreiean was
thoughtful enough to go and assist
in nailing up the cases, Mr. Ezra
Lynch, who is employed with H. M.
Soennichsen. Say, you men, this
work of the Red Cross is going on
all the time, and if 3-ou will only
lookout a little an opportunity to
render some service to these ladies
who are working bard, for the cause
of the boys, over there.
tii ii.iii:s5Iii:m'
ki:m wrs.
To the Lombard 1 1, vet t mt 11 1 e "om j;t iiy,
and Frank J la irciiii;i 11. mI.- lie. -i -for
the l.otn li.i il J n f.--t 111. it
'0111 1; ny, 1 M'Temla ills
i.r.e; m. aiitick.
i,i:;f, mitic'I-:.
To Andrew W. 1 'entta rid. if living
11 lin- woniiw.ii -leHteos
or person"! reri 1 sentati ves or
Hi.l Ari'tiew V. I'ontlnn'l, s-
... I1. Or.t iinini. llliktlOWIll If IlV-
if dead, the unknown heirs. le
vlsee.x lei'atfps or Tiersonal representa
tives' of n:'tld .S. e, Smith, defendants:
Yon and eaeh of yon. are l.crel.y
ftoti fieri fi"t on the !Uli 'biy of Sep
tember. 1918. Frank HtiRli.sen. plain
tiff herein, has filed I'l" Petition in
the District Court of Chhs County, e
hraskfi. HMinst -yah! defendants, the
ohjeet anl prayer of which are, to
iiiiet In plsimtin i ? -'' I
s'li.illiwosl Ouartcr IM t. l
Southeast Quarter (SK'.i). of Section
with the nceretions thereto, in Sec
tion Seventeen 17). all in towns nip
"en (10). North, nanse rounvco w..
last of f;th P. M.. In said Cass Count v.
KHinFt all claims rlshts anri demuntls
of each and all of the defendants.
You are reomren to ant-i
titlon on or before the .'Mil nay 01
etctoher .
Dated Septemi.riu,..i...o?tj!oN.
O. UWYKrt. riaintiff.
A few eoorl used Fords for sale.
T. II. Pollock, Garage. zo-u
To Geor-e K. Hirri:
You will take notice that on the
Jfitli day of June, 191S, llermia K.
Windham filed her petition in the
District Court of Cass County. Ne
braska, aiiainst you. the object and
prayer of which Is that she may be
nrij'idgred owner in' fee simple of lot
ID In block fl., in I'la t tsmou t h, Ne
braska, freed from all claim of estate
or interest therein or tne sam licorpe
K. IMrri: and that the said C5eoffe li.
Hirri and all persons claiming by.
through or under him be perpetually
enjoined from claimius any risht or
title of riK'ht of tos:session adverse to
the title and lights of this plaintiff,
her heirs or assigns, and from inter
ferine with the peaeihle enjoyment of
said lot by the plaintiff. You ae re
quired to answer said petition on or
.before Monday the ISth day of
November. 191S. or your default will
be entered therein and the allegations
of said petition taken as true.
I5v li. li. WINDHAM.
Take notice that Kr.-ncis '. .Mitiiti,
plaintiff, has commenced a civil action
a era: list you in the District Court L"
the Second Judicial District of Nebras
ka, in and fcr Cwss e'ounty, (lie oiijccr
and prayer of which is to cancel a ml
release a certain mortenvro deed uiven
by tlforse W. Clark ami his wife, to
u, arm in secure payment 01 om;
M.iftCiisc Uoiid" or pro
tor tlie sum of
which mort-ra.tre deed is
recordeil in book !, of t lie mort a;4vs.
paire :?S1. records of e'ass 'n;iit, i-n.l
"Keal Instate
mfssory note
and ir. teres t.
led in book
3S1. records
conveying the l-.ast half of the South
west Quarter ( K l- SV. 1-tt r.u! the
West half of the Southeast ejuarter
(W 1-2 SIC. 1-1) of Section Township
10. Kane S, in Cass County, Nebraska,
and to exclude you from any and all
rifdit, title anl interest in and to the
said described land The plaintiff
alleges that the said note has been
paid in full.
You are required to rnswer tin- pe
tition in said cause on or before t!;s
".".til day of November, 1:1S, or the alle
gations in said petition will be taken
as confessed by you, and a d.rcc en
tered accord i n ei v. 1
KUANCIS C. Ml'NX. riaintiff.
Hy w. it. :ayi,oi:d.
His Attoincw
i.i:;i, .otk ic
Cut This Oat It Is Worth Money.
Don't Miss This. Cut out this
slip, enclose with 5c to Foley & Co.,
2835 Sheffield Ave., Chicago, 111.
writing your" name and address clear
ly. You will receive in returned a
trial package containing Foley's
Honev and Tar Compound, for
coughs, colds and croup. Foley Kid
ney Pills and Foley Cathartic Tab
lets. Sold everywhere.
East of Itiley Hotel.
Coates Block,
Second Flcor.
Patriotic crepe paper decorations
1 the Journal office.
In the County Court of Cass
State of Nebraska, Cass Count v, ss.
To all persons interested in the es
tate of William liuriiir. deceased.
On Heading the Petition of 1 . . 1 , - ......
Huriivr. urayiuir a linal settbuient I
allowance of her account tiled in t.js
1 on tne itn day of Septcmb
ami lor il:s-trilujtin anl a
Ins said estate.
It is hereby ordered that von and
all persons interested tn said matter
may. and do, appear at the County
Court to be held in and for s; id Comi
ty, on the 21st dav of September A D
191S, at '. o'clock A. M., to show cans.,
if any there be. why the praver of
the jtetitioner should not be ir.-anteri
and that notice of the pendency of
said petition and the hearing thereof
be ptiven Vj all person interested In
s-aid matter by publishing a -opy or
this order in the Plattsmouth Journal
a semi-weekly newsoaper firinted in'
said county, for one weet prior to
said dav of hearlnvr.
In Witness Whereof, T have here-
u;iio sei my nanu ant t he 1 ,v
tills ll'th day of Sept.m j,,.,
AIJ.KN J. l:i;i:setx.
whitk: o,,niy
said Court
A. D. 1J1S.
For Sale Cottage on easy term:-;.
Two lots on North Eight .street $550.
Will loan money to build. It n
Windham. Hv,,r
- vac. t
Do you want to svo oe
.j, more
power and mileac-p. jitwI ot u.J
im; same
time keep your spark plugs clean?
"RAR "Pvu'j
will do it! Sold nil a ninnn.. .
uiuui-y OaCK
guarantee by
Automobile Qivnersl t