THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1318. PAGE TWO. TENSE SITUATION ! IN CITY CMCIl 7SXS ZEESSZ33SSQ HOSSXSS. SZXn5537aTr75 Children Crf for Fletcher's Her is List of the Biggest People in the Motion Picture World! WEST SIDE PEOPLE WANT SOME- THING FOR THE TAXES THEY ! N HAVE BEEN PAYING. j rLATTSMOUTH SEMI-WEF.TvLY JOURNAL. She Hind You Have Always Bought, and which has been in use lor over thirty years, has borne tha signature of and s !- sonai &Cm: Allow Ali CVr.ntcrfeitr, Imitations and 44 Just-as-good are but Experii-untc that trills with and endanger the health of IrJ.inl3 Children Experience against Experiment. Whmt Is CASTORS A C: -I.' iz a harmless substitute for Castor 0:2, Paregoric, Iv; i--d Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains r Opium, Morphine nor ether narcotic cubstance. Its .iv K'.iiirmtee. For more than thirty years it has b.:c.i ?.t c-Tjrnixt ve for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, V.";:;l Colic ;;ra Diarrhoea; allaying Feverishness arising ir.:rrrrm, aid ly regulating the Stomach and Bowels, aid the asvimati - n of Food; giving healthy and iia;ural sleep, 'ihe Chillrcrs Panacea The Mother's Friend. Bears the v y It Uss For Over 30 Years i he Kind You Have Alvways Bought CITIZENS- D i t Jr YCU RE OF THE AGE WHICH 1R0H1EITS YOU FROil FIGHT ING TrlEN EUY EONDS. TV- .-V.-.:u v. wr.. pcpul.vr hut . ii.r ; r-ii-t-r. ;:id w li ich couUI . !i ; i :'ir t !. " V rk (r : ;.; n. anil antluT (( - !! ; . aild'vl. at this , time -u ' I:- i v.-iTthy f'f ci n-ulcrahle at- w!,v-i just at tluf t : t r ! Av'-rii"!!! by. :. it '? !: 'm'-." T'it-5 cuinil y. th- f 1:i -t::U: this Natin ' '.'.r Hi'- io) l"-t.,-o hn t it-..- r.r.'-- f'-r : r.:' u. T.ii ion of ; '.. ; ! t ' -ii".'-. Vt s-lioul'l T M y i- l.s r. U V t" : i r- i hey art- jilaco.l .n 5ti'" iM'.rki-' 1 i r .i!hscrip1 ion. T'lf ; . i vit .' ( ; r- 1 ".n t'iM'ir i i r . - r, . ; .,in:c t '.ii ot:rs as quiciiiy ;;; cv ;iri" v, Mt t :-r. lniii. tlir ).. ! in IJoUriun:. 1'r. I "- - avl (urnuiiiy. iii t li o I'a'kan--a?:;' S'.il '-i ii:' .- nil every fow thiMis a i : !at Mi- y .';!":!'! i.K'K"; i ho :n of Is.'- war io a '". W o at lioiiSi '!! ' ill. hi-'. J ; -1 ;, - hunl a Mow !,y t !:' Jit 1 r- : fV'.T S'll.- :--r:' .1 bt f.;ro ;:'it i!.iy, () t.- b '. :.l i;i i jtfr !':u th" colo T i- -1 1 " !t. a-, a ra i !ir;'.t ion oi" t!. "th !".- v !!;. to;i." h'-fop' tiring v. ro n-.i il -. V.'bat a I that v. aln !o r. '; m'T::l" ol' lli I'f.-iiiv. Thi'-. i; on T'it of thi; .-! .aiaalf. will wo i! it? liavo tl ' f!:'!-!-- al! rai-oi!, a:;d koik' a n:o ( . - r.'.t ul.ot i'-.n to ib prf- !;:. :: 'ii'ii iai; ll-at AiiMTica .-. l i-;- l.. an- lii-l: tin:; -i !o , ; . i ' ' i; -r : t.a ; in t ho ti--li:: i: I'l i'ricrs nr i la'v.Ii.'ri' wiion or llu-v may 1 1 ; i r, - to boo. Co! ro. idy fur this rvojrf, and lot n - h:io a ooihrat i ii on ()ctol - r 1.. f-roaf.T fi;i!i an !' arth of ,;:'., Or t t '..I'liil ho a !.!..' in whirii v. :frT'! -i f'i- ji'y Mow for tho i :nl - -,i mi o of flu- uh-di world. rO?lL AGAIN FROM THE WEST. fr. in Tii.'.- t !?! T-j-: !' riiinc: !!irl !. 'oi-. aiol fi- roiorio-d fr. f:i a trip t- t!io . !. v. !:: they hao I I'fti sjiond if!' almii' f w vook-. .o( in. !lio v. ondor.i of th'- w"trrn fr.nntry and vi: i'inr; with 'ho folk o,f Mrs. fbj, ;.t M.-Crio':. S'i'iw two weeks si'i'-o th' y d nartfd. and str.afird at ?do Cf'k, wlioro tliey visit d for a shor nnnDTHM urru iiUK 1 Fistula-Pay When' Cured '5 fM Vi2Tv m'' treatmut that mm P;!s. Fistnla and ''i v Mhr Prcta I IMseast in short tixn.withont severe 8or- W 5Ci2 SX Rica I cpTation. No Chloroform. Ether or other general nasthetie twert A cure tftmranteed in everv casn aornted for treatment, and no money to he paid until cured. Writefor book on Rerta I Diseases, with namn and te5ti:noaia!3 of more tia 10()O promhsent people who bave been persiaaFntl7 cured. DR. C. R. TARRY 240 Ces Calldlns OMAHA, NCBPA3KA DRS. F.1ACH & FklACH, R The largest and best equipped dental offices in Omaha. Experts K in charge of all work. Lady attendant. MODERATE PRICES. Porcelain fillings just like tooth, after usinff. a332s2i5S2aT?I!f:D has been made under his per- supervision bince us miancv. no one to deceive ycu in this. ASTORSA ALWAV Signature of time ?t the Ironie of ?dr?. Hois' par ol:!; t;viri;o Uudij; and wife, after whkh they went to Denver, ami then t- Colorado Springs, and viewed the Harden of tlin Hods at Manitou and I'ike'? IVak. and other wonders of that portion of the western country. Stopping at Denver on their return they visited the surrounding country with its beautiful scenery, and also mad.' a visit with the folks at McCook and had a most joyous timo while t Lev were a wa v. VISIT BOYS AT CAMP FUNSTON. 'loin Tne-i'ii y's I'alry La.-t Friday Frank Steppat and v. if, and father and mother, Martin ;-'?eppat and wife. John Kaffonherjrer .;-id v it'e. Albert Potrict, Fred Sieon itp a;:.! l'hillip Moisiner. all went to C.'inp F:'.ncton with their car. to visit Fddie Steppat and had an ex cellent time, and while there, they aho visited with Floyd Richardson. They found both the yoiui? men feeling fine, and anxious to he do.inr; Komtthini;. The trip was made hoth wavs in ahout ten hours. GREATLY PLEASED EY EECISION : ! Ti!-s''.ivs I'.-.Ov. This morning Itichard Avard and John McLeai, who Sunday evenini; i-patted for Cliicaun. where they were for a determination of their itienship statu?, as they were dec larants and desired to know where they stood in the registration. They had desired to when the time came for Kointr. to j;o with the American troops, and as Americans, as they had made application for citizenship, hut feared that tin I5ritish authorities would want to insist in service with ho British army. When they had '.' id their fac before the consul at Chicago, lip explained that aflc-r the lUth of October they could join the American army, ro tiny returned re joiced that their desire was to be realized. They will o when the lime eome-; as Americans, which pleased them urcatlv. GIVEN LICENSE TO MARRY. l 'i . i:i Tim . In v" Inily. I-n:-t oveniny; a marriage license was issind for Ihe inarri.i-re of .lol'n F. Sas- of l.ouisviil-.1 and Miss Hlta K. Ifarkhurst of Weeping Water. Woman loves a clear, rosy ccun rlexion. Hurdock Mood Hitters is s-l'jnd:d for purifying the blood, r!':ar:ni? the s?in, r.f orinc :ound cli.iro'tion. . All dnififvisls fell it. Price 51.2-". THE DENTISTS 7TM instruments carefully sterilized FLOOR, PAXTOH BLCSX, OMAHA WATER. CO. MUST PLAY FAIR Lighting Company Asks For Increase On Electric Lights And Power. From TnesOay's I'aily. All were present with the excep tion of councilman Patterson, who was out of the city. The lirst was a communication from Charles Crado vilie and 13 others, asking for the extension of water service, which on motion by Lamm and supported by Luschinsky went 1o the Fire end Water committee. Then came a communication from the Director Or.eral of the Fnited States railway bureau, advising re sardin;j; any contemplated work which would include the railwrys. and advising that nothing be done that could lie i;rttn alr.n without until after the closing of the war. This was place on tile. Water Service Problem. A discussion was pi -ci ipitated in when a petition was read asking that water be pi veil the residents of west Oak street. After the reading of the petition a mo-ion prevailed having the aim to pkvo it i;i the hands of the Fire and Water committee, and after which Larson., seeini; the drift to c,et the matter out of the way said, that tin matter of red tape and technicalities was jut the matter. T!;;se people in the west portion of the city were out of water and they needed it. and if there were any way to compel the company to furnish it. do so. and do so at once. Johnson raid po to the wafr company iirst and then come to the council, b.u it was shown that thev had been to the wafer company villi no results, then more interest v t : en and a motion prevailed that ih.e Fire and. Water Committee !. piveii power to act in the r.iattir stihj.-ct to the advice of the city attorney. Adolpli Konif nda, while he- was not able to speak very well, paid "What did you brini: us into this city for. j;ict to pet our faxes, and t!;n c.ive us nothing for if. If that is it we In 1 better be out of the city than in it." The petitioners had a representative who addressed the. council in the line of crmpcllinp the water company to extend the water irr.ins, hy locatinp three more hydrants, hut r." Lusch i::skj oxplninrd there was n levy made for that purpose, it could not bo denr Wants Higher Electricity Eatcs. A comr.i unicat ion from the Ne braska Liphtinp Company asked for an incr :o of :0 per cent in Ih.e rates of lights and power, and had a Ion .3: array of tipures to c-onvit;ce the solons that they should have it. Th mnttcr was placed in the hands of the liphtinp committee f r investi gation and report. Bills Paid. lanies Wynn. roi-d work., $::;. no John Maurer. road work ::n.oo John Zitka, road work John ;ei--rr -M. Lut. Q. K. I'armelo L. Ketmard Wm. I'.rantner Charles Hates ). andin. salary ."ihx Price . fJ'iy Ci-is.-en CuiiTUTd Jcdin-on Flank Pabatka Joe Keeel f'. J. Hiehey, material .".ri. to :o. to 1 s.oo lO.o 71.10 I2.S0 1 L'.nO i i!.r,n ;.:.'." ."s.::o Judiciary Committee Report.' The matter of the fire department a-kinp for an increase in their :al ary. re1(ort i that the laws would not allow of the increase, and so wart placed on tile, but mil until after some rharp thru.-:t by the aldermen on the question. Claim; committee reported favor able on the payment of a claim of CO cents for Kroehler l$roth';rs, and for $4.80 for Jer-; F. Warpa. Streets, Alleys and Kridpes com mitter reported adversely on the matter of the pradinp near C. II. Warner's, which is estimated to ost $200.00. sayinp that it could not be done until spring. Advances Wages Scale. On motion of Weber ! by Luschinsky. the rate of pay per hour for the workmen was increased 1.(7 per cent, or from 30 cents per hour to cents per hour, while a man wun team was raised from GO (cents per hour to seventy cents per (hour, all voting for the raise. Will Do Little Sprinkling. j It was decided that there would be no more sprinkling done on the WIT V V J-IAEY PICICFORD ENID BENNETT DOUGLAS FAIRBANKS WALLACE EEID r.IADAM PATROVA GEO. EEBAN E0R0THY DAITON ANN PENNINGTON 51 When we opened the Parmele we to!d you we intended to give you the best pictures the market of fered. This we have tried to do from the start, but now we know we are going to get the best, and begin ning next week we will start the new program running each of these big stars two days. We know that the people of Platt?mouth will appreciate good pictures. That is why we have booked all the big ones. The first on the h'st next 55unday and Monday will be the clever little Ann Pennington in "Sunshine Nan." After that watch our regular ad for the full week's program. PAR Regular Price of Admission 11 and 17c. avenues, and "nut little on Main street. A .side walk ordered repaired adja cent to the property of Y. H. Mason while the council aurced to hui!d one for Fred Morgan, for which he will pay. . TAKEN TO HOS PiTAL YESTERDAY E. MAN5PEAKER WHO HAS J. BEEN SICJI FOR SOME TCIE TAKEN TO OMAHA. I ;i i -. Yesterday M. L. a m p aher, who had been showing Home improvement for the past wek, was taken wone, and it was neces-ary for the calling of a physician toine four times dur :ne tl e dav. when at last it was deemed Ihe only vay to resort to an operation, and he was taken to Oma ha via the late Missouri Pacific last evening anil taken to the ?dethodist Hospital, where this morning he was to have been -perated upon. Mrs Manspeaker accompanied her hus band to the hospital to tee to his care. WILL SOOtf DEPART FOR FRANCE K.-em TuesOay'H P;ii"i;.'. Ye lerday newt-- from Washington shows that Dr. Daniel (iolding has been awarded a patent for a spec tacle holder. Dr. (Joldlng has but; a short time since returned from Cali fornia, where he has been with Mrs. (Iolding who is in poor health. Dr. Colding who has been cominiFsioiied a Captain, will in a short time de part for the serviee. ATTENDED FAIR AT HOOPER. i-'ron, M'.fKl;iy's Daily. C. V. Alexander and ron A. A. Mexander and wiT. have just re turned from Hooper, where they were attending the Dodge county rar. and where they had their can ners ami canned products on exhibi tion, hp.ving made many sales and received a number of premiums. Kcxonia spreads rapidly; itching almost drives you mad. For quick relief, Doah'.s Ointment i. well rec ommended. 00c at all stores. -ATTENTION n Automobile Owners! .Do vbir want to save as, get more power and mileage, and at the same time keep your spark plugs clean? 'GAS PEP" will do it! Sold on a money hacK guarantee by G E II R T S, MURE0CK, NEB. HAV BILLIE BURKE GEO. M. COHAN CHAS. RAY WM. S. HART FRANCIS X. BUSHMAN BEVERLY BAYNE GERALBINE FARRAR ELSIE FERGUSON MELE DEPART 10 REV. A. J. HARGETT FORMER MINISTER CHRISTIAN CHURCH LEAVES FOR UNIVERSITY. Ki in Tuesday's Daily. This evening Itev. A. J. Hargett who has been the minister at the Christian church in this city for the past year departed for Knid, Okla where he has been elected as the in structor in Mathematics in the Phil lins Cniversitv. Rev. Ilarcctt has completed courses in some of the bes schools of the country, some in the cast, and among the others is the State rniver-ity of Nebraska. He has most of his good now ready for bhiprutnt. and he departs this even ing for their new homo as he has to begyi his duties there as soon as he can arrive. Mrs. Ilargett will fol low in a few davs or as soon as tdie can get the goods shipped and mat ters arranged for her departure. REPAIRED FOR SERVICE AGAIN t -om irnla y's Dally Edward Reynolds and wife re visiting in the city for a short time coming to say good-bye to Joe who departed this morning for Mar fa Texas, where ho goes to rejoin his regiment. Joe is feeling far from well, having trouble with appendi citis, and ulcers of his stomach, and may have to go to the hospital on hi-; return to camp. Kdward, while working last Saturday evening at the shop at Lincoln, had the mis fortune to receive a wound on his chin from a sledge in the hands of a fellow workman, which on account of srreasv hands slipped. lie is lay ing off for a while on that account. DIG TIME AT T. J. ILALL. From Monday's Daily The social dance given by the Re lieniinn Red Cross Society, of this city, at the T. J. Hall, on last Sat urday evening, proved to be one the best times of the present season, as everyone- of the exceptionally large crowd in attendance, will vouch. The evening was all that could pos sibly be expected, and the promoters of the affair were more than pleased with the outcome, as the total pro ceeds of the occasion amounted to ?irG.00. Of this net some $78.00 will go to the local chapter of the Bohemian Red Cross, and $78.00 will go to the Checho-Slovak army, who have been doing such a wonderful help for the allies in this great war. It is certainly gratifying to the pro moters of all such occasions as these to know that the people of this com munity respond so liberally to every call. May this nonte worn continue to the end of the war, and that end in favor of those who work and fight for the great cansc of the allied armies. Stationery at the Journal office DAY FOR OKLAHOMA ALL! D. W. GRIFFITH (Producer) IIER0LD L0CKW00D MARGUERITE CLARK LINA CAVALIERI JACK PICKF0RD VIVIAN MARTIN FANNIE WARD ETHEL BARRYM0RE THEATRE A MAGNIFICENT FAMILY. mil! tt,,u Fr.'m Tuesday's Daily. Yesterday George Shumaker family from near Xehawka were in the city, spending the day and the en tire family had their pictures taken, as in a short time their son George will go to Camp Funston, where he enters the army, and will he in train ing for service. There were for the picture Mr. and Mrs. George Shu maker sr., the married daughters, Mrs. R. Harsh man, Mrs. G. Snyder, Mrs. John Wiles, and the sons, Ed ward, Louis, Rudolph, Earnest, George jr., and Albert. They sure made a fine picture, and is a fam ily which Roosevelt would be proud of a-s there is no indications of race suicide. TI(K to o-iti-iii-:vr n:M tk. ii: To the l.omhard Investment t'ompanv. and Frank H a arei-man. sole Ifeeeive' for the said Lombard Investment c Vmi pa n y, I e fe nda nts Take notice that Pram-is t. Mnnn plaintiff, lias commence-d a ci v fl. act ion against on in the District oiirt ihe Second .ludieial Distrii-t of Nehras ka. in ami for Cass County, the ol.jee-t and prayer of which is to cancel and release a certain mortmain- deed driven ly ('.cfiitro W. e'lark and his wife, to on. ami to secure payment of om "Ileal Kstate Morttrajro Hond" or pro niivsory note for the sum if ami interest, which mortnawe deed is rrtonloi in hook !. of the mortiraicos r.are SSI. records of Cass County, and conveying the Past half of the South west o,ia,t,.r (K 1-2 SW. 1-D and thi West half of the Stnitlieast Quarter (W 1-L" SK. 1-1) of Section , Township 10. Kanse P. in Cass County. Nebraska, and to exclude you from any and all risrht. title anl interest in and to the said described land The plaintiff alleges that the said note has been paid in full. Vou arc reiiiii--d to answer the pe tition in said cause1 on or before the C.".t!i day of November. 1:1N. or the alle gations in said petition will be taken as confessed by you, nnd a decree en tered i"-' ord intrl v. FRANCIS C. MI'NN. Plaintiff. Hy W. il. UAVhomi. Mis Attorney. The day of harrh physics is gone. I'oopl? want mild. easy laxatives. Doan's Regulets have satisfietl thou sands. 30c at all drug stores. Platismouth Ant and Cycle Repair Shop! WE DO ALL KINDS OF TIRE AND TUBE VULCANIZING! Tires Retreaded Rebuilt! Good Workmanship! PRICES REASONABLE! . lE!fIS9 Proprietor Krug Building, Plattsmouth, Neb. EM 32323 EESTJHSEESSCa. i.i:;vi, mitki: I To cjenrjre li. I:iid: I Vnii will take nutie ih;it i.n the ! T"' ,!av "r l;l.. llerinia K. Windham tiled h.-r i.etitinn in lit District Comt of Cass C.uritv. N. -1-raska. against y.n!, i:!t. . . 1 . j. - t and prayer of wkieii is ll,at sin- mav !,.. an j'ldtrcd owner in f.- sinii'li- -f l.-L In ia l.lix-k in I "ia tt.-iiiniit h. - lira.-ka. fit-ed new ill ilaon of -.-tate or interest then-in i:' tli said ienru; K. i:ird: and that the said ;.-.,i ,. 1;. I'.ird and all persons t-la i ::n n lo, throug h or o ii..-r he i -i ;..-t na 1 1 "y enjoined tin in claiming any iiuhi i-r title or i isr h t of possession advors-- to the title and rip-i.ts of this t-laintiir, tier heirs or ;i.-isns, and from inter fering with the- p'-acitde eniovment of said lot hy the plain riff. Vioi a n iinired to answer said petition on or 1-efore .Moiidav the Mh dav of 1H1S, or your default will lie entered therein and the allegation.- of faiii petition t:ikin I rue tlClt MIA i:. WINDHAM. 15y K. Ii. WINDHAM. Attorney. i.i:;ai. mh ii i:. In tin- County Coi;rt of Cass Cotuitv, Nebraska. State of Nebraska. Cass County. To all persons in t ei es 1 1 i i-i the es tate of William l'.udiu. deceased. e n Kendintr the Petition of .lohanna P.mlir, prayiiifr a tinal sett I. nient and allowance of her aceourit tileil in this I Court on the li'th day of September dlN, atiu I'W lUstribiitinj? and assipi: insf said estate. It is hereby ord. red that vim aiil all persons interested tn said mailer niay, and do. apj.ear at the Conntv Court to be held in and for said Coun ty, on the L'lst dav of Se-nt e-tu net- . i PMS. at 1' o cloi k A. M.. to show e-aiisc. if any there be-, why the prayer of the petitioner should not be mante.l. and that notice of the pt-iidem-y of said petition and the he-nrin thereof be Kive-n to all person in l crested in said matter by puhlishitm' a copy of this onler in the 1 "hit tsiii.Mil h .l-eiiii.-il. a semi-wce-kly newspaper print'-.i j. said e-ounty. for one week prior to said day of hearintr. In Witness Whereof. I have here unto set my hand and the Seal of said Court, this lirth day. of September a. d. piis. alm;n .i. pi:i:siN. t.oaD County JneJe. Ky ru)i:i:xct: whiti:. Clerk. LOST A RED STEER. Iost at the Stock Yards, a red steer with white face, weighing from three to four hundred pounds. No tify Fred Uaffkc, Phone 313. 14-tf For croup or sore throat, use Dr. Thomas' Eclectic Oil. Two sizes, 30c and f.Oc. At all drug stores. o Tire