The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, September 23, 1918, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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0)e plattsmoutb journal
Kntered at 1'ostofTice, I'lattsmouth, Neb., as second-class mall matter
R. A. BATES, Publisher
Profiteering mu&t cease.
For the Food Manager says so.
No right to put up food prices
simply In-caiu-e you feel like it.
Skickers can slack no longer in
Xehra.-ka. Be a patriot and join the
It begins to look as if Germany
will do what she is told to do after
the war.
l!nv fresh the world seems al
ready, since the clouds of German
brag were blown away.
Whcn the morning paper is full of
Yank news the breakfast coffee goes
line without anv stmar at all.
Now Germany says it was her plan
to evacuate the St. Mihiel salient
anyway. However it was our plan
The Prussian butcher is not only
grtatly worried about his flanks but
begins to realize that lie cannot save (
his hacuii.
.Many a man of 40 or 4-" arrested
in the slacker roundup was fo pleas
'! of being thought a youngster of
'M that lie accepted t'.:e inconven
ience with the utmost good humor.
Mr. Hurleson has put ii up square
ly to one of moderate means: Which
we dr without, the car or tel?
pniic? Most of us will have to do
without both before the war is over.
What are we to do with the
speeders? They should be taught
some sense, and the only way to do
it is to fine them every time they
speed beyond the limit. Treat all
Teaching Americanism in the
schools is admirable though per
haps it is sounder as a by-product
than as a special study but let us
not fail to smuggle in a little of
the three R'i?.
If the speed ordinance isn't en
forced here in this town there will
be some one else killed and maybe
more. Some auto drivers have no
more care for people crossing the
stret than they have for the dog
that cross.
Prudence dictates that in sending
million of package of chewing gum
to Pershing's army we hall not de
plete the supply needed for our
army f.f women workers. If it is
true that chewing gum helps the
army stave oil thirst, it will be im
possible for the factories to keep up
with the demand as soon as nation
al prohibition becomes effective.
The military censorship is, of
rotirse, iis necessary now as it ever
was. When our force in France
was comparatively small it was
neressary to conceal their where
abouts in order to give them pro
tection from the superior German
forces. IJut now, if the Germans
find out where our boys are, they
avoid them. 15y virtue of our cen
sorship a good many Huns have
blundered right into a neat of Yanks,
and their military careers ended
right there.
How's This?
TV offer One Hundred Dollars Reward
for any case of Catarrh that cannot be
cure-i by Hall's Catarrh Ms-iicine.
Hall's Catarrh Medicine ha3 been taken
ty caturrh sufferers for the past thirty
flv 7-.rx and has berome known as the
most r liable remtdy for Catarrh. IlaH s
Catarrh Medicine act3 thru the Blood on
the Mucous surfaccc. expollir.g the Pol
Tr,n from the Elccd and healing the 2i3-;.T'-d
AT'er you have fJifcen atrrl)
P.T-d uJ-: fo- a. rhort t!rrso you will s.ce c
r"--"t,t in yonr genera!
;on Hl!'n Catarrh Mcdl-
" :-e"at "no; and -: M catarrh. EnJ
---' I .'Tn'f.Is. '?r- . ,
.... j ri'i.srr ov. jni.i, Ohio.
E. A. We still are.
Still a little cool.
Time to don sweaters.
Everything going higher.
Flash-light robbers are the lat
Xon -Essential Arguing when the
war will close.
Germany man power is waning,
but its wind power is still unim
"Anthracite to be scarce," says a
Pittsburgh headline. See? It's al
ready decided.
Auto accidents are becoming more
frequent. Fast and careless driv
ing the cause.
Xobody will be able to get quite
so much fun out of the gasolineless
Sundays as will the man who never
Is ad a car.
Seeing what a miss thev have
made of things never seems to mak j
IlohenzoIIerns and Hapsburgs want
to get off the job.
And now we have the "munition-
ettes!" There evidently is need of
a society for the suppression of
cruelty to the English language.
Many people will have to go
hungry this winter if the state food
commissioner don't get his clamps
on the nefarious food profiteers.
"Try chloroform for the stains on
your new blue taffeta dress," ad
vises a writer. Cyanide is quicker,
dear, if you feel that bad about it.
One has only to read an inter
view with Mr. Ford and then ride
in one of his cars to become con
vinced that he is truly a self-made
The Kaiser calls himself "his.
country's father." Which probablv
will revive in Germany the popu
larity of thr.t old song. "Everybody
Works But Father."
Only about seven weeks till elec
tion and but very little interest
seems to be taken. e would ad
vise some candidates to get busy if
they expect to get any votes.
You will find more 4-leaf clovers
growing in a cornfield than you will
in a pool hall or loafing up and
down the streets, and the time to
look for them is when the corn i,;
ready to husk.
Mr. Debs gets ten years, which,
no doubt, will cause him to feel very
sorry for the world generally. Mr.
Debs is by no means certain that
the world can roll on ten years
without his guiding hand.
Having no suitable substitute for
sugar this year, we are simply go
ing without. Just as we are going
without the ground glass which
formed such an essential part of our
fare about this time last year.
"What a bore it is," writes a pop
ular author, "waking up ii the
morning always the same person."
Move into an apartment house and
set the alarm clock out in the hall.
There's no telling whom you will
wake up.
Mr. G. C. Burroughs, a fashion
authority, believes lie sees the "end
of the wool era," and that cotton
will have a larger part to play in
the clothing problem,. Perhaps we'd
better allow it even a larger part
than necessary, then, for cotton
sometimes shrinks, too.
The decision of Judge Mayer of
the Federal District Court affiirm3
with official authority what most
persons in this country have ac
cepted as fact for some time: that
the Eusitania and the American pas
sengers and property aboard her
were sunk intentionally by torpedoe:
fired by agents of the German Gov
ernment: that no munitions were
carried aboard the ship, to afford
the slightest color of justification for
a defiance of international law.
Seeing that the Lusitania crime
more than any other single act fore
ed the United States into the war.
Judge Mayer travels pretty safo
ground in his conclusions. His
view that the injured American liti
gants should find their remedy at
Berlin is. we believe, in strict con
sonance with the nation's stand
and hi fact certain proceedings with
a view to make possible the speed-
ier satisfaction of their claims are
actually under way via France.
The country is to have a wartime
Christmas this year. Beyond doubt
there will be a hearty response to
the appeal of the Council of Na
tional Defence that the holiday shall
not be allowed to interfere with the
winning of the war. The people
are asked to give only useful things.
to make their purchases and ship
ments weeks or even months ahead,
to carry home, so far as practicable.
all their packages.
In this way it is hoped that there
may be an appreciable saving in la
bor, in 'material and in transporta
tion. The manufacturers and retail
ers are co-operating loyally with the
movement. Many ot" the stores have
agreed not to increase their work
ing forces during the holiday sea
son and to do their utmost to spread
the purchases over several months.
Fortunately there is no request for
the curtailment of simple toys, for
these articles, so natural and so es
sential to childhood, are being sup
plied largely from waste material
The youngsters may enjoy their
drums and dolls with consciences
even clearer than usual, for they
are no longer made in Germany
but by our own manufacturers.
The wonderful response of the
people throughout the land to the
plet for Sunday gasoline conserva;
tion fore-shadows their attitude tc
this new request. We may be sure
that this year there will be nc
eleventh hour crush in the stores,
no clogging of the parcel post and
express, no exchange of useless gifts.
We hear much about the public. It
is seldom praised; often it is berat
ed. The public will stand for any
thing, we are told. The public like-
to be duped, said P. T. P.arnum
years ago in explanation of hi?
success as a showman. The public
be damned, said a corporation head
a generation ago. Society never ad
vances, declare the philosopher Em
erson. The public is a huge beast,
someone else has said.
Almost anybody who talks alxjtit
the public or matters pertaining to
the public will reiterate such opin
ions today. And no offense is tak
en; no indignation meetings ' are
held and no resolutions drawn up
in condemnation of such insulting
language. Apparently nobody feelf
Who, thoi. is the public? Nobody
can tell us; always the thing elude?
our search.
But is not the public anybody but
you and me. or anybody except the
persons talking about it There
fore, the public can never be found,
though one should inquire all his
days. Always the thing is farther
on. like the rainbow's end.
So, there is little use relying on
the public to do anything. , to take
the initiative, to start something, to
rise up in rebellion against wrong,
oppression, outrage, injustice.
There has been much talk about
rebellions, revolutions, when pub
lic indignation has reached the
boiling point; but there never wa?
and likely never will be a public up-
rising of any kind without a lead
er, without some individual work
ing alone or in co-operation with a
very few other individuals to organ
ize "public sent?ment," to give it
form and substance, "a local habita
tion and a name."
Therefore, all the abuse that has
ever been heaped upon the public
might be gathered into one mass and
once more hurled at the thing's head
and nothing would ever be heard of
it and nobody hurt.
What recourse can be had, then
when the people suffer, when a com
munity, a selfish and soulless cor
porations or what not? None at all
by damning the public.
It all comes back to you and me
who started the discussion. You are
a vital part cf the public; I am. You
owe it to yourself and the cause of
justice, as do I, to wait not a m
ment in doing something, in going
straight to a neighbor and with him
to somebody el.-e. and on and on tin
tli .,rmv ; r.liu(1,i .,,
rage put down. Let us realize our
own individual responsibility and
not exhaust our indignation on an
abstract public. The public will do
its duty when you and I act. K. C
m:;i, MiTit i:
To Andrew W. I VnU.iml. if
if dead tlie imkni.wti heirs. l.. i . . -
legatees or i.crsiiii.-il repi i -n !.i t i
;uil Andrew YV. 1 Vnl htnd. :i S. '
mill) first name unknown) if liv-
ln-' . if ilal. the unknown ' -
vlse.-s, legatees or ; ursona ' ri'I'les- t . -lives
of said S. '. Smith, defendant.-:
You and each of von, are ! -re' ""
notilied t! at on the !"!i !.iv of Sep
tember, If.' 1 Frank lliisl'snn. plain
tiff herein. Pas tiled his petition 1:1
the I'dstriet Court of ('ass 'o-:nty. X -hraska.
against said defend; r 1 1 . t!
i hj. rt and praye, nf v- hiep are. l
met m plaint!!! tl..- title ;,. i '
ojtliwest nu;i i-ti r iSV'i. of ii
eatheast Quarter SK',. of Si- tion
K;--rht is), and I.-"t lu'inPer :: tl-
Willi tie aei it I. ins tlt'i - t", l'l S. -
ti'n Seventeen lli ), all i:i town-Miip
Ten (J')i. N'orth. I:an--e I' on: teen illi.
Kast of litis !'. M .. in said i-s '.Mint'..
'rainst ail claims riuhts are) denian-i
of eaeh and a!l of I),-- d I e n . 1. 1 n -.
You arc re.piire.i to answer said p. -
t;t ion on or l.i-rore ti e llli ilay
i a toiier 101;.
Dated September '.it a. l'.Uv
n:.N! iii ;!;s .v
I). O. DWYI'i:. riaiutii..
Good for Biliousness.
"Two years ago I stiff eroa from
frequent attacks of stomach trouble
and biliousness. Seeing Chamber
lain's Tablets advertised I conclude '.
o trv them. I improve! rapidly."
Miss Emma Verbryke, Lima, Ohio.
Stationery at the Journal ofitc
I Lawyer.
East of Riley Hotel.
Coates Block,
Second Fleer. ,
The following proposed amendment
to the constitution of the State of
Nebraska, as hereinafter set forth In
full, Is submitted to the cleetors of
the State of Nebraska to be vote I
upon at the general election to 1 1
held Tuesday, November th, A. I.
Section one (1) of Article seven (T
of toe Constitution of the State cf
Be it Resolved by th Legislature of
the State of Nebraska:
Section 1. That Section One cf Ar
ticle Seven of the Constitution of th:
State of Nebraska be and the sair.-:
hereby i3 amended by striking out tho
following words:
"Second. Persons of foreign birt':
who shall have declared their inten
tion to become citizens comformabh"
to the laws cf the United States, o ?
the subject of naturalization, at leatt
thirty days prior to an election."
And Inserting In the place of tlrj
words so stricken, the following
"Second. Persons of foreign birtli
who shall have become citUens of th-j
United States by naturalization or
otherwise conformably to the laws cf
the United States at least thirty day
prior to an election. !
Sec. 2. That at the general eleo,
tion nineteen hundred and eighteen
(1918) there shall be submitted to th3'
electors of the state for their approval
or rejection the foregoing proposed
amendment to the constitution relat
ing to the right of pufTrago. At such
election, on the ballot of each elector
voting for or against said proposed
amendment, shall be written or prlnte 1
the words: "For proposed amend
ment to the constitution relating to
the right of suffrage." and "Against
said proposed amendment to the con
stitution relating to the right cf
Sec. 3. If such amendment shall
be approved by a majority of all
electors voting at such election, salJ
emendment shall constitute Section
One (1) Article Seven (7) of the Cod
stltution of the State of Nebraska.
. Approved, April 9, 1918.
Attest: Governor.
Secretary of State.
r "f "-' "-nil-n1 nr- " t.-wt.-- aaait
l'-'P'i!L?.!l'ly?y'?y,'?".11!' j-" 1" Vyrtj WHIIMII WIMItM .11 III 1 llVWPJtiVJtWlJIW-tW". II I II Ml
Swih&i iL&teiZ JiZ&uk'Az2i J&mX&&i&i kEUM&ZZS&Z kSL41
& .2
1 liilfiiihipif 1 ci pi if! I
1 itlfetyiliiiciilili Liiill yyD i
a SterSing, Nebraska
&'i p
M m
We have Gold numbers of Cass county, Ganders
county, Johnson county, Pawnee courmty, Richardson
county and Iowa pcopSc land in Southeastern riebraska.
When you buy Sand in Otoe county, Hcniaha county,
Gaze county, 75 and up per v.crc, you are getting
something thst will maka yon a bank account instead
of failures.
Wc have Lome choice 40, 80, 120, -160, 240, 320
and 640 aero tracts of land, with very reasonable prices
and good terms. '
We have the iargct and host !and list in South
eastern Nebraska.
It will pay you to see us for a home or investment.
"Actu-.'.lly. a ft v !;..t!K'. iA' T:mi?.
.lid more for m-' t!:r.n yll the oilier
medicines a:ii t r. a! f-ent that have
n.-; y.-M thousands. C dollar?." rc-
vhiif husband iT:!p.-ricl;r -f tl.;-
i cs
r.-uy 1 !!; i oitiinsiiy, a ;i ti mk
at I'M- I'nrr y-S'-coiiil strtei.
Si'i.ttK-, Wash.
ftroti ytars aso," she cf:uin
I was r.s y frolic an:! liealtl-.y a
. (itiian us you t-vi. r ?:nv, v. t-uri:!).',:
it tho rfiylilK-ri'.f.-od of a hnndrcd
. t . . .... i .i ...
a:. a sovemy si m.ii,-.
arti'd when I contracted at'
liiclt p t Pf i'a.I that iiiat.y a tint'?
have had to --it up nic.'tt al'UT
. . . . , ... i : ......!..
n; :ht v; ati'i samuii,. u. ui v.
ibi. to j;i't my hiuath and i.ulier'ii
u ti-rrihly I nally thong'nt I was
-(.in.T to die. men my :ioiuacti
went had: on me. my tood wotua
.soiir, ana mo ih m
my throat would almost strangle
uu and start me to vomiting till
I would h'.- in pueh misery I would
alniopt jro di."t raided, ly head ach
ed like it would split and my hack
hurt like it was fiointr to break in
two. I lost over forty pound?. 1 was
but a shadow of ray former self, and
w:is .'- weak, and felt k wornoiit
that I barely rJde to- :;et around.
"Xow this was just the a v fill con
dition I was in when one of my
friends tthl me about Tanlac, and
1 thou.cht if I could yci my :,U:n:uh
iu jood condition and regain m
KtrciiRlh. maybe I culd staml the
asthma better, so I ?;ot me a bottle.
Well. sir. the results have I'ar.s-ur-parsed
anythin:r I expected. Why,
ui y apuoiito is so threat, that I feel
ashamed to eat cimuip.Ii to sati-iy niy
relf. and my stomach is in good
condition. Hut the rcatvst Fr
pris of all is I haven't suffered a
narticle from asthma since I have
h-pn taking Tanlac I felt s fine
on finNliini; my first bottle tliat I
just couldn't get another ono !uic.k
cnouL-h, for I couldn't afford to miss
a single dose. I sleep so sound now,
that I don't know a thins from the
time I eo to bed till I sot up in the
mornini?. I never k'.iow wlutt a
headache is and thoce awful pavi in
my hack are nil scuc. I have al
ready pained several pounds and am
cainins in weight and .strength ev
ery day. Why, I can do any amount
of hnrd work now without' set tin?
tired, and can't i wn.emiKr th time
when I felt n5 fi'ii? as I do today. I
am. so happy over my great im
provement that I want everybody to
know what a splendid medicine Tan
lac is."
"Tanlac is t,oid in PJattsmouth by
F. G. Fricke & Co., in Alvo by Alvo
Dnijr Co., in Avoca by O. K. Copes,
in South Bend by E. SMirscnessor.
in Greenwood by F.. F. Smite., in
Weeping Water by Meier Drus Co.,
MTSf-. fa: s, jOs Tin. s- m
tsi fejr i'? Hii? Viy M i 3JLi!i Wa vt-ua J L
n 1
- t::t A ii a 4
in Kliiiwonu ly 1. A. TysDii, i:i .Mur
; (leek t'V-J!. V. .Mel MitK-.'r.i a;.u il;
I . .i l.' U ' , , I
Tor a Wcr.I: Slomacli.
Tho sreat relief afforded by Cham
berlain's Tab'.Lt.s in a multitude of
f :.,
A War Savings Stamp Is as Secure
as a National Bank Note
Both are backed by the United States
Government. About the only difference is that
the stamps pay you 4 per cent interest com
pounded quarterly on January 1st, 1923.
If you are pressed for money at any
time, you can cash a War Savings Stamp for
ita current value at any money order postoffice
on ten day's notice.
War Savings Stamps are convenient and
easy investments, no "red tape" and are backed
by the entire resources of the people of the
United States.
Every Stamp you buy helps to keep the
Germans out of your own home. Every Stamp
you buy brings you nearer to financial freedom.
Hiis War Will Be
Thrift Becomes
Western Machine Works.
C. G. Fricks.
PIatts:r.outh Garage.
Jess F. Warga.
Philip Tliieroii.
E. G. Dovey & Sot
Pollock Auto Co.
Fetzer Shoe Co.
Waterraau Lumber & Coal Co.
f. S. CJiase.
E. J. liicliev.
John W. Crabill.
F. G. Fricke & C;
Bcstoi & Svatek.
C. E. Hartford.
L. E. Esrenberger.
t. G. Each & Co.
Service Garage
S. A. T.TcElwain.
Fred liumn. ,
SEPTEMBER 23, 1918.
c:i.s lias fully proven the preat
value cf this preparation for a weak
stomach and impaired digestion. In
many cases this relief has become
permanent and the suffers have been
completely restored to health.
Subscribe for the Journal.
Won Only When
Our Watchword
"'ay V. Morgan.
,ank of Cass County.
Popular Variety Strrc.
latt & Son.
Avaia & IVlcLenr..
Cass County Monument V
H. A. Stanfield.
?lattsmci-t!i Steam Launcrr
vV. E. Ecsencrans.
Fred Wagner.
iust Kationai Lank,
tcrenz Eros.
Peters & Parker.
D. B. Ebersoh.
KroeiJer Ejos.
C. E. Wescott's Sons.
Farmer's State Eank.
H. M. Soennichsen.
Weyrich & Hadraba
--rn-T? -r-