The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, September 23, 1918, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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    MONEAY. EEPTrjISZ?. 23. 1913.
ri-'"!! rf.J" urn
Paver I"i;.r.
Operates a vacuum cleaner th" p
$ modern and sanitary way to sweep
M Tv'i. I). OtfJ Oiimha, Neb.
x. u. t. .v. :r.
Mr. anil Mrs. Y. II. Kirkendali are
TiO-.v located in their new home, on
the touth side, which has been built
this summer.
A card has been received in Weep
ing Water from Mary Hungate an
nouncing her safe arrival overseas,
She is dietitian with Base Hospital
No. 51.
Mrs. John Hayes, who was called
here by the death of her father.
Alex Mitchell a couple of weeks ago
left this morning for her home at
Culbertson, Mont.
I. W. Teegarden informs us that
his daughter. Miss Jeannette, is
taking a course in typewriting and
shorthand at a business college at
Long Beach, Calif., which means
that cne more of our girls is pre
paring to help Uncle Sam.
Rev. and Mrs. N. W. Ilich. who
made a short visit here, left Wed
ntsdav morning in their car for
their home at Ilocky Ford. Colo. Mr
and Mrs. Ben Rich accompanied them
as as Milford where they visited
old friends a short time.
Mi-s Zorah Hillruan and Mr. Jack
Jcrgensen slipped away to Lincoln
last Friday afternoon. Sept. 13. and
were ouit-tly married at the Court
limif? by Judge Keed at 4 o'clock.
They were accompanied by Mrs. Amy
I lobson.
George llitchman sustained a
broken shoulder Tuesday while re
turning from Lincoln on his motor
cycle. He collided with an auto and
his machine was thrown upside
down, landing on top of George with
the above results.
Adam Polk, foreman of the crush
er plant at the Olsen quarry met
with a misfortune? last Thursday by
gMi'ig one of his fs badly raash
eJ. lie was starting a gasoline eng
ine end in seme way got his foot
iindy the fly wheel in a manner so
the toe was mashed very badly.
Walter Olander. who has been in
the naval training station at San
Francico. has been sent with a force
of pom? 400 sailors from that camp
to Siberia to join the forces that
are to act in co-operation with the
Japanese in delivering Russia from
the Huns.
Some of those reported this week
on the sick list are S. G. Coglizer,
who has been under the doctor3 care
frcm the prevailing complaint of
dysentery; Mrs. James McNamee is
suffering from a severe case of pois
oning; while Miss Anna Hubbard
a severe case of tonsilitis.
Mrs. Fred Lau leaves Triday morn
ing f3r Sutherland. Nebr.. where she
will make her home with her son,
Clarence and wife. She will be ac
ccmpar.ied by Mrs. Clarence Lau,
who has been visiting here since
last week. Mrs. Lau's home will be
occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Clarence
Miller. Mr. Miller is night operator
at the depot.
Rev. John Gallagher, who was the
M. L pastor at this place in 1872.
was visiting old friends here last
Thursday and took dinner 'at the
Misses Rates home. Ifev. Gallagher
is on the retired list now and makes
Automobile Owners!
Do you want to save as, get more
power and mileage, and at the same
time keep your spark plugs clean?
will do it! Sold on a money back
guarantee by
pe1al Attention to Dlirtin fU'tmn
Eyes Tested and Glasses Fitted
Night Calls Answered After Hoar:
and Sundays by Appointment.
8:30 a. m. to 12:001:0 p. in. t 5:3
Coatr Blork
I'ksie SO
Plattsmouth, Neb
his home with a married daughter
in Omaha in the winter and spends
the summer months with the daugh
ter on the farm near Friend. His
son is in France.
George Urban, wife and children.
Opal, Pauline and Paul of Huron,
S. D., are visiting the Chas. West
and O. S. Turner families this week.
Mrs. L. L. Turner of Ft. Morgan,
Cclo., who has been visiting at the
home of Mrs. John Turner forborne
time has returned to her home in
Mrs. G. G. Douglas, who entered
four of her paintings at the state
fair in four different classes won two
first prizes and one third prize. This
is sure some fine record for Mrs.
Miss Esther and Ruth Muth who
spent the summer with their grand
parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Lang
horst returned to their home at
Fueleth. Minn., last Tuesday. Mrs.
Langhorst accompanying them as far
as Omaha.
Mrs. Lawton went to Lincoln Sat
urday evening for a couple of weeks
visit before going to Virginia to
spend the winter having rented her
house to the schoolmam3 who will
keep house for themselves instead of
On Saturday evening Waldo Wil
let and Spencer Bogenrief accom
panied Mr. Wegener, the agent for
the Jordan Valley Lands, Oregon, to
Omaha and from there went on to
Oregon where they looked at the
Geo. McFall of Brunswick, Nebr.,
visited with his father, A. McFall
and other relatives here the first of
the week. He had taken his son,
Maurice to a military school at Lex
ington. Mo., and stopped on his re
turn home.
Word was received by the parents
of Wm. Nenstiel of Chappel, Nebr..
and friends here that he had been
wounded on the Western Front in
France while engaged in engineers'
work. His ankle was badly mangled
by a fragment of an exploded shell.
He was in a base hospital but reports
state that he will recover without
serious effect as result of the wound.
A. M. Ferguson, who for a year or
so past has been raising New Zea
land Haries. made a large sale the
latter part cf the week whereby he
disposed cf 1 90 worth of these rab
bits to a party in Omaha, who haul
ed the bunch to Omaha by auto.
They were a fine lot and a bunch
that ayone could be proud of.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Seism are re-
joicing because of the arrival of a
nine and one-half pound baby daugh
ter at their home on Tuesdaj Mr.
Seism says that they do not need
another assistant cashier, however it
might be possible for her to become
the stenographer. Mr. and Mrs.
Seism have the congratulations in
this, their happj-, good fortune.
H. M. Robb and daughter Marv
Donnelley left Tuesday afternoon for
Billings, Montana, for a visit with
Fleming Robb.
John Sheffield is now located at
Fort Thompson. S. D., and Mrs. Shef
field and children intend to join him
sometime in the near future.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Garrison and
children and Mr. and Mrs. Frans
motored to Auburn, Sunday and
spent the day with Duke Frans and
Mrs. Wm. Ost of Nehawka visited
between trains one day last week
with Mrs. Lucy Wolfe. She was on
her way to Minn., to see her moth
er. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Leach and Miss
Lylah Rhuman left Saturday after
noon in Mr. Leach's Paige for Im
perial, where they expect to visit a
couple of weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Taylor ex
pect to leave Thursday morning for
Kansas City, Missouri, on a sight
seeing trip. They will be gone a
couple of weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Frans accom
panied by Mrs. Vesta Clark and
daughter Mildred, spent Sunday
with O. W. Finney and family of Au
Miss Verna Craig returned home
last Wednesday from Rosalie, Neb.,
where she has spent most of the
summer with her sister and other .
C. H. Taylor and family of Oma
ha and Miss Rachel Taylor, who is
attending th St. Ularv's Kr-hnnl in
that city spent Sunday In Union
visiting relatives.
Vv. C. Carraher, Mrs. Ora Davis
and Mrs. Goodlive of St. Joe. Mo.,
left Thursday for Anthony, Kans.,
in Mr. Carraher's Franklin for a
visit with relatives. They expect
to return via St. Joe.
J. D. Cross and wife accompanied
by Mrs. L. G. Todd, Mrs. W. B. Ban
ning and Miss Jessie Todd motored
to Eagle Saturday to attend the
W. C. T. U. convention! Mrs. Cross
was elected County President.
Miss Walbridge, sister of Mrs.
Mont Robb, who had been 'visiting
here the past three weeks left last
week for her home in South Bend.
She was accompanied as far as
Plattsmouth by Mrs. Robb and
daughter, Miss Gussie.
Dr. and Mrs. E. C. Keyes and
family of Springfield were guests at
the P. C. Stander home last Sun
day. William Blackwell has gone to
Hoffman. Neb., where he is running
an engine in the potash works of
;hat place.
Will Pankonin has a new car call
ed the Harrun. It is the first of
the make shown in Louisville and
is a beauty.
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Brown of
Scottsbluffs. visited this week with
Dr. E. H. Worthman and family and
Mrs. E. D. Stevenson.
Mrs. Axel Johnson went to Oma
ha on Thursday of last week for a
short visit with her sister, Mrs. B.
G. Stevenson and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Waldrcn
and little daughter Lucile, of Two
Harbors, Minn., have returned home
after a short visit in this vicinity
with his sister, Mrs. Tom Tennant
and family and other friends.
Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Mayfield anil
two children drove out to Wausa
last Wednesday where Mr. Mayfield
rented a farm seven miles west of
that town. He will hold a public
sale in the near future. They re
turned home Sunday evening.
Jchn Hennings left last week for
Pocasset, Oklahoma, to visit relatives
in that vicinity. He was accom
panied by Mrs. N. F. Hennings and
children who was returning to her
home in Oklahoma after an extend
ed visit with relatives in and around
August Kohlrush and family, cf
Pipestone, Minn., arrived Monday for
a visit with other relatives anil
friends in this vicinity. Mr. Kohl
rush formerly lived in Louisville
and was a member of one of her
pioneer families of Cass county.
They made the trip in their car and
enjoyed it very much.
Henry Wegner is in the M. E
Hospital in Omaha where he recent
ly underwent an operation for the
iemoval of his appendix. He i:
getting along very nicely and will
soon be able to return home. Mr
and Mrs. Edward Wegner drove tc
Omaha Sunday to visit Henry and
found him in good spirits but anx
ious to get home again.
F A r. T P
. if. . if. . if. 3Z. 1 if. . if, l
Dr. Dihel reports the birth cf a
daughte ron September 11th tc
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Vickers.
Dr. Longacre reports the birth of
daughter on September 11th to
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Erskin.
H. K. Frantz expects to leave Sun
day afternoon for Chicago to attend
the convention of the -National
Bankers' Association. He will be
gone for a week.
vTorti came to Eagle Wednesdav of
he death that morning of Mack
Burns, at his home near Nebraska
City. Mr. Burnes was an oldtim?
resident of this community, bavins
homesteaded the farm now occupied
by Jake Frolich. He was the fath
er of Ed Burns.
Prof. Wilson reports that the
total enrollment of 'the school to
date is: High school. 2S: Gram
mar, 3S; Intermediate 51; Primary;
4 6. This is about the right num
ber in the high school to secure the
best results, nor does it crowd the
room or its equipment; but it will
be seen that the grades are crowd
ed beyond the teaching and equip
ment capacity of the building. The
teachers are doing their best pending
future arrangements.
The people of this community
were greatly shocked last Thursday
morning' to learn of the death of
Mrs. Claude Benz, which occurred
that morning at the hospital at Lin
coln. Mrs. Benz had recently under
went an operation and appeared to
be getting along as well as could be
expected until a few hours before
her death. The remains were
brought to Eagle and interred Sun
day, the funeral being conducted by
Rev. Harmon from the home.
A few pood nsed Fords foT sale
T. H. Pollock. Garage. 28-tf
Mrs. H. A. Schneider and daugh
ter Helen were visiting with friends
In Omaha for the afternoon, having
gone there on the early afternoon
Present Sacrifices Not'c's tc
Those Made Durinj the Civil Var
Durbin cf Ind.'ana Hits Roccevcli
Presidential Bocm.
Washington. An id. a was :iuv;:nor-r.
by a g! t'iniiient oi!ii-i::l rc!.: iy in
regard t the coining Liberty 1: .v.
which ought to be tn.sMei' il carefully
by people in the rural d;tricis, partic
ularly tlmse who live cn fan as. ,Ii;l.t
Wiiilc of Iowa was roponsible IV r p::t
liiig the' idea into the h ai's of gov
eminent ofiicialw. Ills yrguiae'it U
the fanners in reg.inl t;i llu Liinrtj
loans is this: Let every com
munity, say au agricultural county,
figure up just what its taxable vaca
tion is in the matter of !;r.:t. oat
corn, barley, rye. cattle, ln .zs, !. -:es
sheep ami poultry. Let every iiaiivid
ual fanner take stock of what Lis u;:
returns are for tlc-e various arti'-i" .
which are produced ou the lari.i a'.a.
of which the surplus is sent to mar
ket. Then let him consider what waf
the cash value of his stock ::ud prod
uce before the war, ami also l.iin
what that stock value is now. Let Lu
consider just what he is making out
of the war, and then if he iloc. n't havt
an idea that he'd Letter put o;;,e ol
the profits into Liberty io.ins he i
lacking in that patriotism wh-ch i
supposed to exist throughout lie ag
ricultural communities of the United
States. It has often been claimed
that, whatevt-r else may happen, the
honor of the United States v.ii! a'.way
be sustained by the patriotism of the
agricultural classes. In this condu
Liberty loan can-paign there is an o
inrtunity for the fanners to .-'cov
their patriotism by subscribing to the
full extent of their means.
The sacrifices winch the people are
making now are small compared to
those they mad.' in the d:Ts o; ;b.
Civil war. S:;id li woman whose !r,:
band was in the v. ar, and who is now
a very old lady: "My husband it.ii-t -d
as a soldier in a Minnesota regiment.
I had three small children. We had
to live on his pay of a m tith am!
such other resource as w e ou!d m t
out of a farm on the frontier. While
my husband was away in the South
a fierce Indian war broke out in our
state and we were driven from !.o:n"
and lost everything. Afterwards u.y
hust and was very severely wound
and when li came hon e v. rua'd"
to do Jiny.kind of work. Our s'! :.-.-: ::
was similar to that of timusami--. but
we never heard any complaint of th;
governtm nt, and all this tiie ,eir eu
ergUs were bent upon supporting the
government and saving the Union."
Former Governor Iurbin of Indian;)
came to Washington and put a spoi.e
in the Roosevelt presidential wheel
which was revolving very rapidly v.;
to that lime. Iurbin bnd a -"Hf-i-r. i'
with a number of Ilepublican senator
and representatives and he told them
very frankly thai Ibiosevdt w"u' d rot
do. It is supposed that h talked t.
men who sympathised with hi- views-.
Iurb!:i smrirested that either Sem'or
Weeks of Massachusetts or (biyeru u
Lowden of IUInois would make an re
cptable candidate am! th'n r t . v
would poll the full Hepu'dbvr.
strength. Speaking of House v -It. he
said: '"If Itoosevelt shou'd run agains?
President Wilson be would be tb'
worst beaten man that over was a
carflidate for the preside': -y." Cf
course Durbin would modify that
somewhat, but it Is supposed that ic
meant since the Tit, public; n party wa
organized. He probably failed to recol
lect that in V,)VJ Tuft received only
eight electoral votes. It is yet a little
too early to have presidential booms
get well under way.
Senator I'hclan of California has
been "up ngnint It" twice lately in re
gard to legislation. lie made a vcrv
strong anil earnest plea to except !
wines from the Shcppard prohibit.! u I
amendment, but was unable to con
vince the senate that the wine ind:- '
try of C:i4iforni:t should receive ncv
consideration at a time when prohibi
tion was being enacted for the avowed ,
purpose of conserving fruits and grain i
of the United' States for food supplies.
While the draft law was under con- '
sideration Phelan made an unsuccess- '
ful effort to secure the repeal of a
provision in the last military ai pro- ;
printion bill which provides thaf a nay ;
and navy officers may accept decora
tions and honors from foreign govern- ;
ments. It was quite apparent, how- :
ever, that no one cured anything about '
the bestowal of these decorations, for .
Phelan could not even get the yeas :
and nays ou his amendment.
Senators freely predict that there !!
will have to be stringent legislation to
enforce the w ork-or-fight idea in this
country. The senate debated this
question several days when the new .
and by 11 majority voted for a work-or-fight
amendment. When the test
came, however, the senate surren
dered to the house and left the amend
ment out of the law.
Fiom Thursday's Daily.
A charge was preferred this morn
ing against Luther Mead, charging
him with an assault upon the per
son of Leonard Austin of near Union
some time since. The testimony
adduced at the hearing, as brought
out Ly county attorney A. G. Cole
fully covered the ground and got
down to the facts in the caiie with
the result that Judge Eeeson dis
charged the defendant, Mr. Mead as
it was shown that he acted in self
From Saturday's Iiailv.
Professor Frank S. Jean is in the
city today, ccniitig from the state
normal at Peru, for the purpose of
inducting into the services of the
United States, young men between
the ap?-; of IS ?r.d 20 inclusive who
hnve graduated from the high school
into t':e rtite r.orinal. Those who
would liite to enter this, the govern
ment j-chcols for instruction, will do
well to see Prcf. Jean and have him
i explain the matter to them.
To the Lombard Investment Com
pany, and Frank lingerman. sole Re
ceiver for the said Lombard Invest
ment Company, Defendants:
Take Notice that Francis C. Munn,
Plaintiff, has commenced a civil ac
tion against you in the District Court
cf the Second Judicial District of
Nebraska. i:i and for Cass County,
the object and prayer of which is to
cancel and release a certain mort
gage deed given by George W. Clark
and his wife, to you, to secure pay
ment of one "Real Estate Mortgage
Lend" or promissory note for the
sum of $1T3.33 and interest, which
mortgage deed is recorded in Book
0, cf mortgages page CS1, records cf
Cass County, and conveying the East
half of the Southwest Quarter (EU
SW'4 ) and the West half of the
Southeast Quarter (WU SEU cf
Section C, towmhip 10, range 2. in
Cass County. Nebraska, and to ex
clude you frcm any and all right,
title and interest in and to the said
described lard. The plaintiff alleg
es that the said note has been paid
in full.
You are required to answer the
petition in said cause on or before
the 2Tth day of November 1018, or
the allegations in said petition will
be taken as confessed by you, and a
decree entered accordingly.
Py W. R. GAYLORD. Plaintiff.
Rev. and Mrs. T. A. Truscott de
parted this morning f:r Syracuse,
where they will make their home
for the coming year. In leaving
here thy are leaving many friendi
and a place where they have done a
largo amount of work for the up
building cf the church to which
they are attached.
Ben Schlecher was a visitor from
Omaha today looking after some
business here and also south of the
Wm. Miller who has been making
his heme at Memphis was a visitor in
the city fcr ever Sunday coming
down this morning.
Miss Beatrice Seybert who is em
ployed at Ashland was a visitor in
Plattsmouth today coming to spend
the week end with her parents A. F.
Seybert and wife.
Having received the romination
for the ofTice of County Sheriff on the
Democratic ballot, I hereby announce
my candidacy, and solicit the support
of all voters of said county. If en
trusted to my care the duties of the
ofl:ce will be performed to the best
of my ability.
tie Special Item
in underwear we want to
These iv ere shipped
contract. We have
sizes 34 to 46.
Men s E
French Advance Southeast of Great Fortress and Repulse
Furious Enemy Assaults Near Soissons Fall of the
Stronghold Daily Growing Nearer Mutual Artillery
Shelling cn Lorrane Battle Front.
Thursday saw both the British and
French armies in Picardy materially
develop their plan's for the eventual
cnvelopin gof St. Quentin and Cam-L-rai.
The British made further gains
around Gouzecourt and east of
Epehy, while the French, striding
southeast cf St. Quentin, brought
the southern part of their nipper in
to a better position for the squeeze
against the town, which daily seem
ingly is growing nearer.
The French reached the outskirts
cf Bensy. The important town of
Contescourt was taken. Castres was
also captured.
Huns Keep to Trenches.
More than 10.0C0 prisoners and
in excess cf sixty large guns fell
into the hands of the British dur
ing the big operation begun by
Field Marshal Haig Wednesday
northwest of St. Quentin.
In addition extremely heavy cas
ualties were inflicted on the Ger
mans in the frontal attack3 and
during violent counter attacks made
by them in an endeavor to recoup
tjheir losses of ground.
S3 badly was the enemy ham
mered during this fighting that he
did not attempt on Thursday to stir
from his trenches, except near Epehy
and Gouzeaucourt and to give list
less battle on isolated sectors to the
Northeast of Soissons the Germans
are counter attacking vigorously
against the allied forces holding
strategic positions which are threat
ening the high ground along the
Chemin-Des-Dames, which the ene
my hopes to save as a temporary
haven of refuge in the event of a
forced retirement from the west and
the south.
Enemy Everywhere Repulsed.
Notwithstanding the strength of
the onslaught the French every-
j where repulsed the enemy.
Likewise south of the Aisne, in
Lots cf Plattsmouth People Do.
Does your back ache constantly?
Do you have sharp twinges when
stooping or lifting?
Feel all used up as if you could
just go no farther?
Why not look to your kidneys?
"Why not use Down's Kidney Pills?
Plattsmouth people have done so.
They tell you the result.
Mrs. Hettie Cummings, Chicago
Ave., Plattsmouth, says: "I suffered
so severely from my back at times
I could hardly get about. When I
got down, I had to take hold of
something before I could straighten.
Sharp pains often cauglt me across
my kidnej-s and for a minute I
couldn't move, the pains were so se
vere. I couldn't rest well, my back
ached so badly. I tried different
remedies, but nothing did me any
good until I began using Doan's
Kidney Pills. Three boxes over
came that awful misery in my back
and made me feel like a different
call your attention to, because it
era Ribbed Union Suits
on cur old
one casei
escotts Sons
the region of Courland, the Ger
mans endeavored to beat back the
French but again met with defeat,
the French artillery cutting the at
tacking waves to pieces.
On the Lorraine front there has
been mutual artillery shelling, but
no infantry engagements. A raid
attempted by the Germans against
General Pershing's men northwest of
Pont-A-Mousson came to naught.
Slaughter Terrific.
With the British Army In France,
Sept. 19. The'entire British opera
tion about St. Quentin has grown
into a brilliant and important suc
cess which was not forecast in the
original limited plans. Not the
least" important feature of the vic
tory was the slaughter inflicted on
the enemy forces, particularly dur
ing their frenzied counter attacks,
when they were mowed down like
wheat with the machine guns, or
swallowed up in a maelstrom of
crashing shells from the British
On the right flank there was es
pecially bitter fighting about Ilolnon
village. The British had captured
part of this place the day before,
but the Germans still held a Fection
of it, with machine guns trained
from every house.
These had to be cleared out, and
this had to ' be done systematically
by small parties who dared the hos
tile fire and bombed the Huns out of
their hiding places.
Fight At Close Quarters.
A far more serious engagement
was waged east of the village, where
the Germans had constructed a
quadrilaterial trench system, which
was heavily armed.
Here the contending forces strug
gled throughout the day at close
quarters. .
The British toward evening gain
ed a footing in the trenches and
continued to. press the attack dur
ing the night.
Price GOc, at all dealers. Don't
simply ask for a kidney remedy
get Doan's Kidney Pills the same
that Mrs. Cummings had. Foster
Milburn Co., Mfgrs., Buffalo, N. V.
In England at the outset of the
War there were about 350 women
employed by the railroads today
there are more than 65,000. In banks
there were a few telephonists only
today there are more than 35.000.
The same conditions are coming in
this country. Within the next few
months young women living in Ne
braska, Kansas, South Dakota, Colo
rado and Wyoming are going to be
requested to step in and take the
places of young men who are being
called to the Colors. Are you quali
fied? If not it will pay you to enter
the well known Grand Island Busi
ness College of Grand Island, Ne
braska, at once for a thorough course
in Actual Business Training the
Oldest and Leading Business Train
ing School west of the Mississippi
is scarce