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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 23, 1918)
MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 19 IS. TAGS TWO. near Nehawka, were in the city this rZtSJ. aos: assssssi afternoon looking after some trad- 13 PLATTS51 0 UTFI fc EM I-WEEK L Y JOURNAL. ing for a few hour3. &5 Net Ccnlrots 15 7 luil Vmrtm I X"IcO!lOL-3 PCR CENT- r:.:,-.';..'-v-sr.rl'inov.'cUoi . - -. . Celt";;-" " r ; : ! Ii:icraI. Not narcotic Sis i i i T : ' ! ' . "7! i7!"c:.'..i-.T' f of r ' - - . . 9 ! OCA! MEWS!- i": t . ! '-i'v. v .ivi- : ! vi!V from wt.-t cf rrrrr.'v i , ; i'., rirv lat even- i i tr;-. with the : ., . ! i :" -i , ' I.-',:;-. n iTo:.i S ,;it.h H-ic ! - , . , , ...... j. r.0-., cc-ni- .. .: , . II a': wife "-rc :-- . 'I.i- . er?'.:"in fr:-r.i their h.. r ; k :!v.fTs. Ir.oking af ter j-"ive l.u-ir.r.'n. Adam .M ici ler from near Cedar (. V- --i - v:Ta-r in tv city this rf ' ii :!;' t- lo-.k after some : - ; :'.: duy. :. C '.r. ." v;.s a vi- iter in i. i , ; t it y t!-i:'- aft moon from hi' : -. .- '.:"!!: rd and wa lookinc : V- r :. v br. - s t-.jtter.. y . '".t".!" r.. i"n:-!n near (' ': r "r. (.':". :. b,iin,": visitor in TM " 'p'l-.i'h. for the day ecr.iir..;r th7- i. n.i :i the ariy train. .'. ; V, ::!- : nd wife v.ith :,.:'-'v"'T. to ' - :- ;hi ' rnltrr where they '. : ft c r :"' rr, e hn -I n : '. 1 i v :: ..c c? ::: ; u n! ?. ? r Mr:.! V.'even -- i " X:rf .Ik. wl'.o arrivrd lat .V M. J r:.;n : n :r Cedar Creek ::; :i vi -I'T in !".:!: h thi-- !.' : (' 'mi . -vn vri the I'.n- :;;:-. . i:n:S '.- '.:ng 'after 5- tin: Ii-e ;v t'"- riy. :! r' ,- :rr tird F. C. l'reee. ,..,r j ! -.i:. jji -;iy :ivt j. I ;:t;r ;"-ru- b:i5ne" ;,( i'.:r- I i ; i- ;:!id. Were ?.'! :: : . !' V.;-l:.,o. arrived .; ,-. ,-.,:j,.r ,,t tiiPf place. cm- i! ' ' e;:r f. f the Lil: ;( li; !-:."-. ; ! '!"' ! : i M I"1 'fH":) t):l 11 V. v ! ( '. wa- 1 n - r It i 1-er-- iy other 'for !? day. ".frle.' M and i.- .-ired to u e ?.l j .h.hi; H. Living-ten from the we; t Vh-'-. r:;d t,f the county is a visitor in Ar- 1'. ;: i f; -r'y who have th city : "i the jury fer the pre" ': e-i vi-itiri-r i:- v:-vilie. v. l, rre , t-nt I erm of court. triey weie the gue--:-; c.-f Mr.-. Dun's' !!ernian Smith and family from i f- -J i V. 4i U k. JOir T51E FOTUATE SETTLERS IN THn b;g ; janri sasiti of WYoriKG Tl Government ;,. is -t,. r.t five million dollars creating this splerdid ir r.irii.ion sys-ern and .viii ;,r-nd tm, ::i ii i ioas on neu aereaire. It guarantees in-t-ir: ir y ami ii. vi:e, yo-j to l.o.. s;ead !) ,- SU acres, Kivinjj 20 years to reiin-ours- , charIr.z no interest making no i-ndit. IY rinns are now a. ; iai.Ie'iieat- U.h town of Deavei anu lO.OOo acres oi" iicv III be opem.n in the next few months. 020 farmers who se'tieu nbout I't.well, Wvo., on the (ir.t divUion of this project are enjoying unusual pro.,pe::ty-.some of these farms Lave been Bold for iV.00 per acre. GRAGP THIS UNUSUAL OPPORTUN ITf MM fiSillWJIU lild 1 UnlM Tor Infants snd Children. Mothers Know That Genuine Gastoria Always Bears the Signature of' m ;her, .Mrs. Rrcn'.o. there to bid cod-bve to a brother of .Mr.;. Dean. Frank Rronko. wh; leaves for Ft. Riley today. Mr.-. W. J. Cromer, of Rioomtield. In's been vi-itin;; in 1 1-is vicin ity ami at Mt'.rr.-y. a K'iest j.t the !,(,: el" it-r piTO'its Win. Nifhols '- Ptiener to Omaha r. itrrnor.n, from where ?he poes e::: pr'.nK'd to Omaha by her Mter Ktra Xichr,',s. I.r.:t iveniii?r Art d?parteI fo: L,.'.;iiKvi!1e. where he went to ?-!r. Dean who is visit in? there, anrl to vi?it v.ith her brother Louis r,rou:n, who ia home on a short vi r-it freni Ft. Hiley. Kansas, before lii. l:r. rture frrm tliere, to a camp in the rnrt, preparatory to embark ing for France. Frank Mnrtin and tc!i George and I r.Telvin lloz all from near Avoca. were in the city this morning ccm iir to fo the v.hirh h?u been ivlvertl.-ed en tho J!i--?r,uri Paeifie. renfi in th relics fr:m Germany :;n ! the Gc-r:'!! War Paraphanalia, aTi:! which i? late on arrival. Vv'e li;;I pubHshe'l uzi r.rtiele callir.c: at ntin to the train not irrrlvinc; for ' h. :. ' dete. but r-ay'ns? tJiat it womI'1 i-rive lter. hut en accovnt of thc"e people only ' ein r-ul-.-crierr; for the Femi-Wot-kly. tl'.ey had net ;is yet roceivel t!ie word. Frin Tl:-:r1ay s Tnilv. Ceoru-e V. V;ill .f I.aI'Litte w.v.; a v '. it r in the city this afteri.nan r a fe-;- tle-j-'e L' jyd from near Xch.av. ka was a ou"in-.s vistor .in I'latts-r.' this afternoon. Gut ! follenherg froiii near Mur- j ray was a vii-itir in thi.; city this norn rcicii:;; to look after seme ir.isines:;. V.'m. .iaik.- of near Fnion and Lulher Mead were i.i the city this mi trine leaking after ron;e ou:;inea; f 0f. US8 3 For Over a Thirty fears li SiM I iee with naij'S wiiJ nunc fully describe it Write for them toflav. R. W. CLEMENT, Local Ticket A2cnt S. E. E0WAT.D. Innnigrratiou Agent, C. 3. & Q. K.R. 1001 Farnan Street Omaha. Kcbraska Government Irrigation means water when you i ed i II. Eoyles of Elm wood was a visitor in this city this morning, coming io serve on me jui mi ihk- . . a . .. r . . 1 1, ,i present term of court. j Henry Likewise of near Cedar Creek was a visitor in this city this morning looking after some business matters for a few hours. JITS. J. M. JOruail was U yimuii m jj the city this morning from her hMiie . near Cedar Creek, and is vk iting j4 with friends here for the day. r Nehawka U III. Vnmi HI I V II UlU 11 Vdi au-iui im ; i. a visitor in the city coming to serv? as one or me jurors in im-; present terms of the district court, jhf John Bergman was a visitor in jH . . . ! .. . 1. . t ' the city laat evening, from h:s home west of Mynard. and was looking after some business for a few knurs, hi Kelly Khoden of near Murray w:n 1 1 a visitor in the city for a short tim jh this morninfr. on his way to On' a ha. ; Kj . V.' where he is looking arter s;ome .nisi ness for the day. Andrew Campbell of near Kock Hluffs was a visitor in the city la-t evening, coming in with the family in their car, to do pome trading with the merchants. Samuel Ilehmeier of Avoca and Ralph Graham, of the ramo place were in the city last evening, look ing after some business in the oflice cf the county clerk. Mr?. Win. () enkopp. of Louis ville, who has been visiting in the city a guest at the home of Mrs. Fr.Mik Schlater. returned to her home lat evening. County Aizent K. L. Snipe; of Weeping Water wa- in the city la -t evening, looking a Tier some nut ters at the court hous.. having driv en over in his car. L. D. lliatt of Murray was a visit or in this city for a few hours la-t evening, stopping on his way homo from Omaha, where tie was Linking after some business yesterday. Isy Rosenthal. IVlco Light Deab r. was a caller here yesterday. lie hurried out cf town as he wants to see all his Delco Light prospects be fore the raise in price which goes in effect Oct. 1st. John Long and two daughters wire in the city this morning from her heme near LnPlatto. coming to -m some trading, and also have the foot of his daughter Nora, treated for an injury which she received some time since, and which wa thoucht to have been a fracture, but which subsequent x-ray pictures chow to only have been a dislora tion. Mrs. U. E. Sprecher and wife who have been, visiting in Tilair for some days past at the horn? of Mrs. Sprecher':; parents L. D. Dulaney, re turned home last evening. Mr. Sprecher departed today with the young men from here going to Man hattan. K.ii;is for special training for the Fr.ited States Army, and were visiting with relatives on r.c- count of t ho nvr.r departure. From S.i t e rda v's Ir;:Iv. W. J. Eihge of Avoea was taking the exemination this morning before the local board. Rev. E. H. I'ontias of near My r.ard was in the city la. t evening looking after seme business in the city. Leu is Dothiiucr of Greenwood was a visitor in this city this morning coming to take an examination be fore the local board. Marion Mend cf Fnion w;is a visitor in I he city this morning, coming to ttske the examiimt i u be fore the local hoard. Lee Kniss cf Murrey, the rural carrier for that plate was in the city last evening coming to look afier '"me business here. Joseph Lloyd of Murray was a visitor in this city this morning looking after some business matters and visiting with friends. Joseph Zimmercr of Avoea wa- a vi-dtor in I'lattr.mouth last evening driving up to look after some mat ters at the eourt house. Will Oliver jr.. of near Louisville, was si visitor in thi: city today com ing down on the train this morning to look after borne business. Roli.-i Coon and father from near Manley were in th" city this morn ing looking after some bosiness in the city and at the court home. Leonard Fornoff from near Cedar Crerk wns a visitor in the city tlis morning coming down on the train J to look after s.onio business for the morning. ' Earl Krcpp and Hennings John son from near Nehawka were in I'lattsrnouth this morning coming to take the examination before the lo cal board. Frank I'rohaske, of V.'a!r;o, who has been visiting Iito for :-oine days at the home of his father Fred Prohaska sr. departed laat evening for his home. C. l'etcrson of Weeping Water was looking after some business at the court house' this morning, coni- E. ' Here is til 01 J 55 I.IP.Y PICKFOKD ENID EEiJITETT DOUGLAS FAIHEANKS WALLACE KEID luADAM PA7S0VA GEO. EEBAIT D0Z0TIIY DAITOH A HIT PENNINGTON i Wh cn we openec. fered. This we have tried to do from the start, but now ve know we are going to get the best, and begin ning next week we will start the new program running each of these big stars two days. We know that the people of PlattKinouth will appreciate good pictures. That is why we have booked all the big ones. The first on the 'ist next fiunday and Monday will be the clever little Ann Pennington in "Sunshine Nan." After that watch our regular ad fcr the full week's program. PARMELE THEATRE Regular Price of Admission ll and 17c. n ' inc: to take the examination before the local board aho. Herman Reek of near N'eh:iwk:i. wes a viitor in I'h.ttsmoul h, accom panied by Mrs. Reck last evening. ! Ltid v re looking after some busi- j ness for the evening. I Will Anderson and S. Long of Elm- wood were in the city this morning eoriiing down with the car and hav ing some business matters to look after with Mathew Gering. i Fre 1 Reverage and family from northwest of Murray were in the citv this afternoon looking after some 1 us in ess matter and doing some trediag at the store. The Republicans are h lding a committie meeting at Weeping Wat er today, the committeemen and candidates being in attendance, a number going from this place. J. V. Kins r who has been at Cedar Creek for the past week, plastering a new house which is be ing constructed for Jacob Rcuchler. returned home this morning for ov er Sunday. Wm. Spangler and wife from Weeping Water are visiting with friends in this city today, having driven over in their car, and are looking after some business mat ters as well. Wm. Scheifert and August C. Pautsch and wife from near Louis ville, were in the city last evening looking after some business at the court house, having driven down in Mr. Scheifert 's car. W. W. Wasley departed this af ternoon for Omaha where ho went fir another car to supply his cus tomers here, having just now sold cars tc Glen Campbell. Joseph Camp bell and Rob Good, all near Murray. .Mrs. Simon Clarke who has been visiting at the home of her daugh ter Mrs. Robert Stivers at Cedar Creek for some time returned home this morning and was accompanied hv her little errand daughter. who will visit here for a while. Darrhoca in Children. For diarrhoea in children om vear old or older you will find noth ing belter than. Chamberlain's Colic aiid Diarrhoea Remedy, followed by a tlose of castor oil. If should be kept at hand and given as soon as the first unnatural looseness of the bowels appears. FOR SALE. Mcdcm five room cottage, well In cited. Inquire of C. A. Rawls. own er. 28-tft!&w For Sale Cotbige on easy terms, Two lots on North Eight .street $f.r.o. Will loan money to build. R. I. Windham. l&w CASTOR I A !?or Infants and Children i Always t-rar; the a List of the liiiJlLf 1 J. EILLIE BURKE GEO. M. COHAN CHAS. RAY WM. S. HART FRANCIS X. BUSHMAN BEVERLY BAYNE GERALEINE FARRAR ELSIE FERGUSON th Parmele we to'd you we SHOSii MUCH ENTERPRISE j ; CT,T7TTTf, TIjr MTTn nt? rt?T'PT"R FACIIITIES HE IS WILLING TO FINNISH IT. j j Kroni jjatur.iay-s natty, The matter of taxi service In this city has been spasmotic. some times there has been a half dozen cars awaiting at the railway stations for business, and some time many trains without any. People have not known what to depend upon. Charles Til ton has entered the game, and with a determination to succeed and to do so, he is doing all he can to please the public and give tlu:a what they are demanding. With the coming of the cold weather he has seen the neccessity of closed cars, and he has procured a new Sedan car. which will be comfortable even in the coldest of weather. He makes all trains with one exception. When these cold nirhts and mornings come, you will enjoy the provision that he has made for the public com fort. GETS JUDGMENT OF $7,424.40 t'rem Fi'iauy's Dull v. In the case of Mrs. Emma Kauf man Palmer, vs. T. E. Pur mole, for an accounting for telephono stock placed In his bunds by Wm. Yolk, and on which he has borrowed money, which occupied the atten tion of tin- court for ome days past, the Jury returned u verdict last evening, awarding the plaint I n the judgment or 7 .4 4. P.. This o has been tried before, and hen I ImcK from the supremo court. Thi is the Hot time (hat a lower court lot ' given a verdict in favor ol the pUtn tiff. Chamberlain's Couli UcmcUy, Thh is not tul one of Hie bel aud niiihl cHU-ieul medicines lei eoui;hs, colds, croup and wheopteu coiu;h, bill Is ul -o phi.u-aul t iKe. w hich is iiup u liuil s lo'-n a bu dn lpe must be i.ivcu lo PHim hlldteu Chiiinln i btiu's innh Huo d b.oi b. on in u-.e. tor luaui vuii. mi hah met with imult laov vOoicVei i mmd tpiitliilii have Imevdav- ln.uvp Many motliiu.i have btca thet iiutuulilt-id Ud-u euv wl m Sciiihv, Chiltlcnlhe. iVIvi , WMte. s luivn lei-.iut UiU; vhtl.UeM he s wan loiui CIoUmIm -W Counh I v -b. I lolled I) In ha (ha bent tor iou.,hs. tul.U and. ntti llti --i ti t In tal: kndh adtli nnd i hi hi 1 1 ii 1 1 i.e. M M btt nod I hitvu iihoit-i ltd! Ml Itoto einp wit it il ii l iu i heme .- Phmbor laln1.. t'oi(;h iiia-.d eonlti'es mo i.Uiihi or ( i I., v uai vd h I'M toi bo pepei t'ii i oi-rrepoml tmi'-ti iap- i Mm ppIm Hip In lb ,1,11(1 ba olrtlbOpirv ronm. Vnu will fjful Hifcm Uo Wa in (hp elty. Biggest Peop Picture Worlds 17 T' I I D. W. GRIFFITH (Producer) HER0LD L0CXW00D MARGUERITE CLARK LINA CAVAUERI JACK PICKFORD VIVIAN MARTIN FANNIE WARD ETHEL BARRYMORE intended to give yon the best SCARED DEVIL TO DEATH. From Friday's Pally. The devil was dancing a 1'ru.ssian jig in a cozy corner of I Fell, and bragged of the way he'd run the earth since Adam and Eve both fell. He had stoned the prophets and killed the Christ, buried the truths they told and in his own image a Kaiser made, for a thirst of power and gold. "What a rush ing biz." the Devil exclaimed as he wiped his brimstone chin, when an outside imp with a troubled look came bringing the war news in. "What is the matter?" old Nick in quired as he swatted a monster bat. "Rehold the Americana are afte Rill, your Majesty look at that!" The Devil gazed at the big head line "Crown Prince's Host Retreat" as the imp curled up like an old meat skin, and fell at. the Devil':, feet. "Unloose h11 the hands of Hell!" Nick cried; "save Germany at any cost! If the Yanks should kill my dear old Rill, Hell it?elf is lost!" Then Nick fell down in a pros trate heap, and lashed his tail on the floor, for the Roches fell by the Allied sword and the Devil and Hell was o'er. WILL MAKE HOME IN SOUTH DAKOTA From Thursday Dully. Joseph Salutka, departed joshi' day afternoon for Woonsockett, Sa. Pakota, where he is oiug to make his home. Mr. Sabatka has lived in this city for most of his life, and t one of the best clt liens and we dis like to lose him. but where ho cat', do better for himself and family is the place- for him to go. and wh.-u we hvso the community there wtll fcnin. He will twke the farm on which his brother-In-law- Albert Pivrost formerly Red. and when he dted a few mouths slmv. Plattsmoutfi Auto Tir and Cycle Repair Shop! WE DO ALL KINDS OF TIRE AND TUBE VULCANIZING! Tires Retreaded Rebuilt! Good Workmanship! PRICES REASONABLE! E-.MEWeS, Proprietor Krue Building Plattsmouth, Neb. .e S3 4 53 pictures the market of Lnti.ti, Mint i:. tire It. Mini: V, HI Will tMKe It'ithv l:;it on tiie 't!i day of .Funf, IMS J 1, rn, j;i I.:. Vinil!';!!!i fiir-.l her petition in tii-i lislrk-t I'tnirl ol" Cass I'oiintv. Ne l'j;i.'k;t, aurainst yui. tie- o.j.-.t atrl prayer of whkli is tliat si;.- wv.w I MljHl-rii owner in f.-- .implf of Int. 10 i .i Mock :T,. in I 'la 1 1 si:n ;: ! 1 ;. N. -braska, i re.l fioui ill ea;iu ol estate or interest therein of (;,. sai.i u... .-.-. FJ. I'.inl: an.l tiiat the sai l Ceoi-e I;, r.ird an.l iill persons ci.imii;:, , through or i:nl'-r him l.r- ; ,,-t "a ! ! eti.ioin.-d Iroiii claiming anv ii-;iit or title or rilit of possession" n.lvei t.i t!.e title and rights of this piainirti, her .'teirs or assigns, ami from inter fering with the peacil'le en.;-:ivm. n t of sahl lot by the plaintiff. Von ae re 1 1 n i red to answer sail jiftition on or before Monday the Ith !av of November. 1!HS, or your default will be entered therein p.nd the si 1 legations if said petition taken a tin-. m:r:.Mi. i:. yvfxpiiam. Fly R. R. WIM H,M. A 1 1 erne y. i.i r. mitici:. In the County Court of Cavs. Count v, Nebraska. State of Nebraska. Cass County, ss. To all persons i n i ercst -d in tie es tate of William Fm-li-r. dece.isetl. On Readinir the 1'ititiou of .loi aniei Rudicr. prayiny: a final sett!, m. m a-i.l allowance of her account lib-d i.i this C-Mirt on the l.'th !av of Se p t en 1 1 r 1 SM v. and for Jistri'utinp- an-1 assin insr sai.l estate. It is borety ordrrel t!at you an-1 all persons ir.teitsted tn .-.( id mat: .r may. and do. appear at tie Count v Court t be Field in and f.-r said Coiin tv. o:-, the list dav -f Septem l'-r A. ! . liMS. at o'clock A. M.. to sh.ow cans--, if any th.-re be. the ma r of the pe rioncr snouul not lt i a n t ei teat notice of th-- j'ejideney o said p.'titbn a;rd Th.e "nca-i-iu- ti-.'-reoi bi iitven to nil o,-rson interested in said matter by pnbiisi-.mi; a iy of tt-'.s order In t!:e V a ; sTnoe t h a fmi.vci-Kl now;- j.ri-'ted in said for ono week prior to srtid i.v of "-e.riTur. ta W;teess WI.ereof. I lav.- liero i:nto sc: :nv Jard. and tl.e Seal of s.- 1.1 v''!'-l, t.'-is t'.th d.iv M" S t-iemb. r P I-'lv. At.t.RN .1 i:i".t:.--i i.V. INS" Cuntv Jud:e. is fi.c-;;v:nvi: wfifti:. Clerk. LOST A RED STEER. Lost at the Stock Yards. ;. red steer with white face, weighing from three to four hundred pounds. No tify Fred HatTke. Phone 14-tf A few jrood used Fords for sale. T. K. Follock. Gangc. 2S-tf Journal Want-Ads Pay!