The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, September 19, 1918, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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rkVTTs.vouTn semi-weekly journal.
paue rrvx
Murray Department
Prepared in the Interest of the People of Murray and Surrounding Vicinity Especially for the Journal Readers
Tf i,nr of the Traders of the
Journal knov of any
evejjt r item of iuteri-st in
this vicinity. and will road
satne to t hi.- ct'i.v. it will ap
ivar unoer tl i atiirr. We
wact all newsliais tauxou
Z?o Ybiz Wanf to
a Success?
The autobiography of every
successful man invariably tells
how he earned and saved his
first dollar.
There's no telling what the
morrow will bring forth. It is
the man with the ready cash
thai is prepared for a business
Isn't it a fact that cash in
the bank gingers you up ?
Doesn't it give you confidence?
See us about an account.
Four per cent interest on time deposits.
Our deposits are protected by the State Guaranty Law.
i r;i
; 1 y
V, ,
-al, --Oldham Stock
' oV.
1 1 - A .-'
arl Davis.
S. pt mber
Searl Davis shipped a oar of hogs
to the South Omaha market Tuesday
Mir. ford v Creamer shipped a car
f hogs to the South Or.iaha market
Horn to .Mr. sua Mrs. John Warga
a baby hoy. on Sunday evening. Sep-
. .'ir-. u. t.. .m into rl and ; te:nl-r i:-th.
i Mr, w. H. Puis were Om i- ! Mr. and Mrs. V. A. Kennedy wire
r- V. .In day. IvNitir-.g with their Plattsmouth
friends out' day last week.
Mr. and Mrs. John Rutherford were
ii i's i;..t on the D.
Iatuire at the Jour-
; e
S. Turt and Mrs. O. A.
-o tsmouth visitors on
. W.
a ft it.
of this w cok.
Hi.itt v,,n to Omaha Wed-to spend the day at the home of Mrs.
wi er- lie had some Lu-dness j j.. Dull.
Ho- wholesale men to Mrs. Martin Fartktt went over to
! Imogen1. Iowa. We.lnesdav of this
Kri ( arroil came up from AvocaUx,.k. when- she will spend a few
. ;i - t.ty and drove to Omaha acrnm- '
r r'''l by tils f.'.;:. r and mother and
ifarry Harrows and friend . Mr
oer. i.-or'i nmaha. came down to ! jn ; t Virginia
-Mirray i m-.-iay '-v-mmiij for a short'
w irh Mr. ;,!id Mrs. T.-d !
rov. . ,. ; rj j, v. as mad
a-t'.i route.
T' 1 Famws
.-' s t I . i '
la:. :! arid t'r
tdown from Plattsmouth last Sunday
il: y visiting with friends and rela
Mrs. John Karris and father de
parted last week for their old home
w hre th v wi-i
pe.ud a few weeks visiting with rel
atives and friends.
over the( Ralph Kennedy and Edwin Kniss
down from Lincoln last Satur-
and family. Mrs. Jos. ,jay to spend Sunday with home peo-
ii. V. is. li. Hoedker aniui, t--,..- ., hnth in y,n tVi-ini.
. . .IITJ in'i jj in I til ,n v inuu-
;arrlson and fam-i cai Trainins; School at that place.
: rn-,
' W i;
W !'
!wn fo An'j'irn last Sun-!
re tl-.
J. D. KarharT was in Plattsmouth
y spent the day visit- ' iar eveninc. cr.inz un after his car
Diik- frond-:. 'that was left there last Sunday eve-
irin" when he met with the mis
fortune to have some of the parts
has. Tilon fells us that there was
sure one pood crop raised in Cass
county this year, and that was the
hrom corn. He says he never had
a hetfer crop of nroom corn than tins
I year. lie t-xt-j".! iu ivt-rp uir vmiit-
crop and will mak-? it up into hrooms
this winter. We can look for the
-a'lu' sjooil old broom from the Til
son factory this next reason. They
inay : iinare! m numner. as nis
Always Ready for Salev
Dates far cr near.
;a:KRSK all calls
Telephone 1511 Hurray Eza 'range crt'P not vcry
Sweaters and Sweater Goats
to .-.
Cj3:-.-s in red only. I3aeJ,
:' i.:. 'a Heavyweight, (.'o'ton Sweater Coat. ru:T
The S-xeatc r Coat is the mo-t eoonoTnieal piece of clothing you w ar.
av nottnnu'of the cumf-jrt to f"? jained frmu Us ine ciiinj mor n-
ir whi. h utv to tome from now on. Just note these special low
prl.-r,, a'.d let us ay to you riyht here, they could not le iurehastii
and put in our stock to sell as cheaply if we did not have foreeiht
iuh to maire early jjurchises
Men- tie t. v Kope Stitch Sweater coat, laro color, two p'K-kct.
. . . j.U
:ck col
lar. C-juio-. in ray only. Eiich
Me:.", LI i r " !eck Swearer, ti'ht tittin- arr md hottom, extra
I'm.' ir. I'-ngth. wrjl tini-h, maroon ar.d o'J, iio huttjn-.. An
crr.i ,:r.e weatr at a oarain price, flach
Men- Wool Kiki A rrny Sty ie Sweater, no sleeves,-heavyweight
yar;-. f anr.ot lie d j; at t!i price. Kach
MT.'-. Kiki Style Swcaier, made like the above, only in lihi-
i-:.t yarn-.. Tiii-Ii
Men's Turtle Nick Jer-ey Sweaters, in colors naroon aad navy;
tirht fitting neck. Kach
):, D i'cn L-tdies" Sweaters, bought at a ood price, whirii we of-
2. 00
at a lar--vin. Colors red. reen aud blue. Kach...
1 titi3
Will Seybolt was a
visitor last Saturday.
Torn to Mr. and Mrs. J. Crom, a
a hahy hoy, las week.
Wm. I'uls, sr.. was visit inj: with
his numerous I'lattsmouth friends on
hut Saturday.
Frank Vallery departed Sunday
evening for Perkins county, where
he lias land interests to look after.
Mrs. Ona Lawton is employed as
nurse at the Walker home, owin; to
the serious illness, of Mr. Walker.
Leonard Terryberry moved his
family to I'lattsmouth last week.
where thev will make their
Miss Katherine Drown was home
from Union to spend Sunday with
home folks. Mis Drown is jroins to
s-'-hool in Union this year.
Albert and Rex Youir.' and James
Drown autoed to Perkins and Chae
counties this week. If the prairie
chickens only knew they were cuui
inr. There were quite a number of the
Murray Home Guards that went up
to Plattsniout h last Friday tiiinu
to attend the Pershing Itirthday ci b'
bration. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ramue are re-
Pauline OMham and Fred Condon
were in Omaha Wednesday.
Mr. ami Mrs. G. M. Minford were
Omaha visitors Wednesday.
Mrs. Ray Davis was visiting for
a few days in Colorado, and returned
:.; :nc last Thursday.
.Mrs. Wat kins and daughter. Mrs.
S.-hoop, of Xrhawka, were visitiuc;
with Murray friends Monday.
Don't forget that the lirst numb
er of flu Lyceum Course betrins next
month. It is the .- ason tickets that
insure the luu.-est success.
The season tick, ts tjr the Lyceum
future i Vur.-e will be as follows: Adults,
i.?l.."0; children from six to fourteen
years. 7-"-, and over fourteen $1.50.
Family tickets. ?.",.ijO.
Word has been rcc-dyed fron Mrs.
Hanr.a and daughter. ""-'ary, that
ti:ey have arrived safely at their
l.orae in ereer. Pi-nti. ?drs. lianna
is a s-.-ter of Mrs. 1 :!!.
Chas Troop and J. W. Kdmunds
were appednted aj prai-ers of tl "
(bo. Oldham estat . Mr. Troop was
down one day la.-t week and he and
.Mr. Kdmuiois appraised it.
The picnickers were out for plmn.
this week, and had a jolly jrood
time. The party e.::.-isted of Mes-
joicini; over the arrival d a fine
!aby boy at their home, on Fri
day, September L'.th. ISofh mother
and the little one doii nicely.
J. A. Walker, who ha b e:i ill for
the past week, is reported on the
m-'nd this weik. The iiiuny frieinis
oi this excelbnt old i:'ntlen:a!i v i 1 i
be plea-ed to learn that he is jani
ins ii strength.
Dr. J. F. Rreiitb 1. accorrpatn. fi bv
Mr. and Mrs. Jidm Durman and Mr-.
Chas. Tilsoii to Ornafia Wetloe-day.
where they consulted Dr. Will
Loimhride i:i regard to ti.- h.-aiir;
of Mrs. Durman. who has rot be- a
ft-clir.s well fer some time.
Dr. P.. F. Pre!, del went to ( uali.i
Wednesday with Mi.-.- Doilso-.i. fro; i
near Nehawka. who was placed in
the liospital for an (peratina for ai
pftid'Citis. Th y were a No ai-cm
panicd by Mr. and Mrs. Dod-on. the
parents of the sick lady.
We are informed that O. M. .Min
ford will soon con; ni'-nce the erec
tion of a line in w home on his prop
rty j:i-t north of Murra. where lo
has lived lor so piany ye;. rs. W--have
al-o been informed that it wii;
be one i t the fines! homes in Murray
when completed
Mrs. Will Seybolt has be. i! numb-red
wit!; the sifk for I he past few
days, sufterin from a slight stroke
of j aralysis ami an ! at t :;; ui ry-sipe-Ias.
that t:!!e upon 1 i :- .lay
last wee;. Site i- report--! t b- o;i
th-- mend this wet-k. :.;;.! tio- many
friends ln p- she will soon be restor
ed to her fornver health.
Mr. ar.-i Mrs. l'.-n Diii and familv
da me.-
S. Tntt,
and Fj"
V. A.
U .is i;
i). A. Davi
'l-i'i int.
j Mrs. Nellie Lorn.-, :rs. V. A. K'cr
; nedy arid Mrs. T--m Hansen en;er
tai'.'.ed the M i-sio-:, ry Society at the
I home of Mrs. I.i-;:u. The program
d a;v! mere was a Iar.e at-c--
pro. -i-i. f.
("has. Cr.-atin r. assisted by
h'.rk White ; id Mrs. Walter
Tins, entertaiiied 'i.e Ladies Aid
Society yt the hon.e of Mrs. Creatm r
last Wednesday a:
tenioo!! was sp.-u
Mii-de was furnir'.i
'r. a n - -r and M i.--d'-l
ir ioits ' e ni h v
!:::. There v. - t .
i t .ut-.-ts present.
'erno.oi. Tii" af
r v ry enjoyably.
I by Mrs. Harry
Vera Vardley. .V
MTV-. d a'loii?
irue numui-r
lie !.:iTir
lay ev-Tii!,.
I pr
..- -eiation met Ti:-.s-
M'--. C,ap'-ii as n -
i i pre. o ten:, in iaet a tt:e o
o f.c- rs v, ee r-i lee;,..J. pi -v LiS tie
;: ;! to v:f' '!:e lunches aain this
wi',:. r, ari.i;-- '-'. so it wii not
! '.--l- !i!ltj .ei c;;'i Jiave The u. -
ia! ::.. t li,... ;,f he !jtrarv r. Sar-
!a v i es; i nus.
fi! f ! .-. f we seT. 1
I : i t sold i r.-.
T;ie Murray Library
old tin- 12' h day of S-
It v. as a No de i id--oute
of our br.ukj
was six sear
p m her. It '.
aim was to be
;t i -e-. ,,f Murra
! iitu- cunt ry. P
j t'.i'ial to fee! i
and thai tDe.v !,;
vanta-e-;. I' ,!e
ot service to ever"
" aio! the surround
wanted each indi
b.-lois.ied to tluin
d a riiit to its ad
-ide-1 that all niee?-
ref ';?;'''. h.ftme from
trio Mondav cveninir.
tl-.eir western
in-s of public iiMer. st vu!d uaflier
wit!.;n its v.;;Hs. It honed to th '
none tae v. orse r...tit.r i-.f tin. -. -.s; n ; t if
from the strenuous trip and even the ' ;.!urrav. ar.d e..- !i !n..nth and vears as
experi-need thvy ..0 ,y its fondest
J r.ey wen- somewhat di
accident. they
C.rat d Nlanil.
sore, and ?Irs. Dill's injuries very
pain.'ul for a few las. but they arc
irettitiir alo:-c very nicely ;tt this
pes nmre fullv realised. The mem-
hershii" fee of th" librarv will he the
j same obi price ?l.ou per year for
; ihe familv. The re.iuired reading
time, and have driven ov. r 1 j i.- r t he school .-iiihlren will be found
i'u:e- suite iue mei vi;u the acti- ,in lihrarv and the books
"VIT tt
I iiave just received a new Pow rs
!'' !!
! ibra ry
with, th
mhcrsh :
' t o M r-. '5a pen :
i if you do t;o?
: joji any w ay.
the books are
- b d'ars paid in with.
. Pa e-;r
- soon as sou can, and
happen to be asked
wen oorinu: m.uinne. and am pre-j .
pared to do a!I kinds of well boring. J r0?i. SALE.
Iet me liuure with vou wli.ti vou I luce brrrd I uiroe-Jersey ?oars. d.l
wan-, a well. J. . Hob.-ori. r:iuu"h tor service. .mc lot to se-
Plattmsouth, Neb. lct from. Oldliam St?ck Farm.
t all
Wc arc goinfj to have the largest line of Fall goods
vve ever carried, which "will be on display in a few
days, subject to your approval, in quality and price.
Our early buying will enable us to sell these goods
at prices far below the prices of to-day. Buy early as
the scarcity of these goods and compared with the
prices of to-day, will be a caving to you.
Butter Fat F. 0. B. Murray
58c Cash 60c Trade!
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Gapen and
sou Oliver were Omaha visitors Tues
day. Miis Clara Young was down from
Plattsmouth to spend Sunday with
home folks.
Mrs. Wm. Loughridge, of Omaha,
who has be-en visiting here for the
past few days, and Mrs. Aseh, were
in Plattsmouth for a few hours Wed
nesday afternoon, and were guests
of .Mrs. J. C. Peterson.
At Puis &. Gansemer hall, on Oct.
1. will appear the first number of
the Lyceum Course, a concert by the
Midland Concert Co. This number
comes most highly recommended
and will provide an excellent eve
nings entertainment.
Sunday School Rally Day is next
Sunday, Sept. 22. Our aim is 125
:n Sunday School; special program
aud convention report. A picture
will be taken of the Sunday School
people with, our newly painteaj
church in the background. Every-1
one is coming, young and old. If!
you have no way of coming, oi knowjM
of anyone who has no way of getting
to Sunday School phone or write
' harb's Carroll, and we will see j
that some means is provided. The!
best way to advertise is to tell it to
someone else and then another, etc.
Have vourself in the picture audi
your name ou the "On Times" Roll
At eleven o'clock the convention
report will be uiven. Evening1 sub-
Ami the reatest ot 1 hese is
Come to the church that has
.ge and a welcome f:ir every-
Heaters! Heaters!
We have them in stock and at prices that will
surprise you. If you need a Heating Stove now is the
time to buy it, if you wish to take advantage of these
prices and while we have the goods.
We have in stock and would be glad to show you
Monopipe pipeless furnace. It is of steel construction
and is gas tight. There is not a single point from
which gas, smoke or dirt can escape. If you think of
installing a heating plant of any kind, come in and
look this furnace over.
ardware am Implement Go,,
t :
a me:
'. E. Hannon. Pastor.
shoes. Today we were measured for
our winter coats. Some of the boys
went out Sunday afternoon and got
some cotton, but I was on guard Sat
urday night and Sunday to did not
get to go, but will send some the first
chance I get. I sure want that jelly.
The guys in my tent get a box of
cake, candy and cookies every day,
and they all divide up with the rest.
They sure are good guys, four of
them come from Des Moines with
me and one is from Chicago and he
is a fat good natured guy and he!vlslt
!.-ar Fo!k: :
I ( the soap and your letter to
;:i,at. It sure is raining here ar.d
r:s been all day; they say when it
starts it rains for a week or more, i t ts an arm load of newspapers e v-L;-.-f
nisrht I washed all my clothes, i t.ry day. We are getting plenty to
had charge of 0 men cat now but no butter or snuar. ice
i tea everv night, coffee for break-
t"-fat and ice water for dinner, and
do it. but that is quite a trick. I got j about every night we have jeliy or
a b tt- r from Florence and she said j some other kind of dessert. I like
.-he had i;oi sent the grip because jti drill but haven't drilled only
.-he n' nor know dad's initials, so ( about two hours since I have been
for 25c, but I haven't been there yet.
With love,
Address. 2nd Motor Truck Co., !ith
Ammunition train. Camp McClellan,
Anniston, Alabama.
and todav
cd;: :h" sam - work; all I had to do
to ten them what and how
I ill write and toll her. I want you
to take good care of it because it
only cost me $20. to. I sure want
tho socks because they wont give
us any more, and I want heavy ones
to wear with these big hob-nail
I don't know what el.-e to
write so will close for tonight. As
soon as we have a pay day, I will
have my picture taken. It is. six
miles to town and you can go down
Mrs. W. J. Grosser, of Mloomfield.
Nebr.. arrived last Friday for a visit
with her father, Wm. Nickels atol
family. This is Mrs. Crosser's first
back to the old home in fly
past six years, owiti:: to her hein.;
in poor h'-a'.th for almost that length
of time. She has been gaining in
strength lately ;:nd N greatly im
proved, and has taken advantage of
the opportunity to pay another vis
it bac k to the old home, .w here sh"
has a host of friends w ho are al
ways glad to see h.r. She. will re
main a couple of weeks. In com
pany with her sNf. r. Miss Etta
Nickels, she made the trip to
Plattsmouth on last Saturday, and
fConlinueii on rape 0)
Fe it resolve. I thu it isour plan to produce only those automobiles during
the period of the war as are necessary to clear out the sto-k on hand and con
tracted for. which we estimate will be accomplished not later than January I,
l'.L. and that thereafter our plant resources ar.el our entire manufacturing
energy are to be devoted to war work."
Hoard of Directors if the
Hudson Motor Car Company
August 2th, l'.l.
We Would Not Have It Othervise
Winning the v.-ar is the one big
job that confronts every man, wo
man ani child in America.
Everything else must be sacri
ficed for that one great end.
Hudson has for some time been
devoting part of its large factory to
war work, and while the decision to
go on a ICO per cent basis affects no
one more seriously than the Hudson
dealer, it commands only our heart
iest approval.
Under present circumstances we
WISE. We rejoice that the Hudson fac
tory can. and will play its full part
in carrying the banners of liberty
forward to victory.
Our hope is that this move may
exercise the greatest possible in
fluence in. bringing the world strug
gle to a prompt and triumphal close
for Eemocracy.
So far as we are concerned we are
proud to bear our share of the sac
rifice. To our good friends and custom
ers our message now is one of con
gratulation and reassurance.
Although the manufacture of
Hudson cars will soon cease, the
supply of replacement parts now on
hand is adequate to meet all needs
over a long period of time.
We know it is no longer necessary
to suggest prompt action, to pros
pective owners of Super-Sixes. Ev
eryone must realize now, if never
before, that for each Hudson Super
Six still to be made before produc
tion ceases entirely there will be a
dozen buyers.
We hope that it will not be many
months before we can have the
pleasure of making another an
announcement a post war announce
ment. saing: "We are ready
again to take orders for the new
Super-Six a car as worthy of your
confidence as its predecessor."'
4 IWnger Pheoten. $2300 p Q g FaCtO
j y