The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, September 16, 1918, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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    MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 16. 1918.
Duy Flour and Substi
tutes when you can gel
you will save money and
time try it!
it A t: :io i is atJOUt
- 1
the first to begin picking corn, yes- ;
trdav from the Uurlington tsation
mu could hear the ears thumpiiu
,brovv- l.r,! lint wit ll- 1
Indin the weather was' hot. This!
.i, tt,;,t tt... rin-r ho. t mns i
have produced a good crop.
who have the Missouri river made j
lands in corn have been most fort- j
nnato !
Knuri Friday's Daily.
Thi morning Miss Anna
t! parted for Omaha going
to see
H-r r.l.'UHT !!.. ':nru. a.. -'H , :.n a; iue r oru i io--ioiai. i.ji ii j
ir.HiMo with her liver, and who was !
ju.-t ret overing from the effects of
the anesthetic, where Mr. Seiver
came he:n la evening. Iler cendi
tion though se-rred favorable.
Mrs. C. K. Hitt was at the same
1 : !t:il an! the same room. and
was .p.. ratid up-.-u just after Mrs.'
S.-pe.- f r the ainie trouble, and is
lej.-irted as getting along as well'
: c. lib' reasonably expected. It
i-! h r- that !:oth the ladies may
get along nicely and soon be well
I "r. .t:-. I ' v"- I :i i! -.
1'r. W. I. Wiles and wife came to
i ' 5 ; 1 1 1 1 n i j t h yesterday, and visited
i.T the v.itii the mother of Mrs.
Wiles. Mk T. L. Mv.rpi'ey of this
city, wlien Ir. Wiles departed last
evening for IJoston. where he is
failed on business which will retain
him for some time. During the meet
ing Mrs. Wiles will visit with her
::n :! r her.
riNti. kttm:hi'AT
UlltC I'.MIlt
f I'ass
St ,,r -.;
' t v of
s ri.'l .
7..v:..,,.; "7,. ,v.r ,:;Va,;T
Kmil; A. l.:itt;.. .!( -tstM:
'n !!! ii ir i.
tttt;i ;.f;y if. T
T,.-t :l ion .tf C-imiii-.l 7
tin a i -ttu-iiLvit
:.';v;:i:;;';;::.f::,;:r ;i:vli:fS.:ir
;iet fr ! i -: i i ! 1 1 ion of s;ii.l stat to
M h T' -ro. ns ji- sue rntitied thereto.
It h. l. '.V IT.Ifll'l tliat VO!l IlTlll
.-.!! i riii. iiit. i ( t.-.l in- s.Tit i iatlor
''mill lo . I., M in ;itil for ail eonii-
"". 'I,' ""; '' "f--p; "'"'-. -. r.
' IV:,t '" "ill" K . M.. to v'iow- r;iiisp
if ;.n Uior.- i.e. whv tlx- prsivi-r of tl.f
i" !tion ;in. i i :- iir.irins: thereof t.
Ki-n to p. i'soms i n trestfd in snil
...r.ti.r i v i.'ii.ovi.i:,- a copv of 1 1, is
..i.i.r h. tii. I'lattsmoiitii .iimnai, .1
-iiu-w ... lily hi wy printe.l in
.oiintv. f.r .,no wock irior to
,... .i.iv or !,. :,, !,,-'
-t i; iv I .iti'l .it'.l 1 1 soal of saiil Court
.his :;j,t .i .r "( 'Vm.-ks?'
'i . 'onntv .iiKitr.-.
i .y i- iiirciici- u lull". eici K.
J-"- 1 w
i.e.! n- it 1 h e. rur
'l he ;..v rinneiit );j.s pent five million dollars creatinsr this splendid ir
r u' iiio i .VN?f rn and spend two millions on new acreage. It guarantees in-i-Trif-
ati invites you to homostead 4!) ir h0 acres, giving 2' years to reim
1. ir-, elia-gir.g no interest and making no jirofit.
:' f r i m .it e now available near the new town of Peavcr and 10,0H acres
of new land --v ill lie oj.cnen in the next few mopths.
62u farmrrs who settlei about I'ov.eil, Wjo., on tho first iitfi?ion of this
project are enjoying unusual prosperity some of these farms have been sold
for 2VUX) per acre.
The New High school building is
filled to crowding capacity with
scholars, for the lower portion, it
was thought that there would be no
cause for the equipping of the up
per portion at this time, but there
seems to have been an overplus of
scholars, and they have come to
school, they found a nice place to
crnie and clever and winning teach
er?, who have come to instruct them.
I and thev teem to be all here. Any
i -
way the regulation or only .5 a
scholars to one teacher has not as
yet been found possible. Over forty
is the rule, and then it seems as
though the number keeps mounting.
From Friday's Daily.
Mrs. Earl Leesley and children
arrived last evening from their
nome neir .niuiti in v ,.000....
i t... Vrt'-h l-nnn f drTiltn o l til-
iicj e un-j " '"
the past year and are visiting
at the home of Mrs. I-eesley's moth-
er M TS. A. 11. KOng OI IU1S Cll. wn
that section of the state there has
bee n much more rain than here
and the crops are mch better.
From Krid.iy's I:illy.
The Missouri Pacific has made ar
rangements to show the people along
its lines some of the things captur
! ed in Germany by the American
Armie.-. On the 20th of this month
v.,lich ,s QUp week fronl tcday. this
road will have a train of four cars
' here, and Two of them will be of
.German goods captured in the war.
One will consist of War Parapha
nalia or things which Germany uses
in their army. The other will con
sist of relics captured from the ene
. my. With these cars will be at
tendants who will explain the uses
of the paraphanalia. and how they
are ued. In order to give the peo
ple an idea of what is doing over
there. The relics will also be shown
( and explained by those competent
j to speak advisedly thereon.
! Remember the date. Sept. 20th.
the train will arrive here at eleven
, and remain until one o'clock. Just
j two hours for evhibition. Remem
ber the date and the hour.
From Friday's Pair-.
I. A. Mulleneaux who lives near
Rock Hluffs. with his daughter Hat
tie, were visiting with friends at
Omaha and Council Bluffs and yes
j terday returned home, coming on
tthe Schuyler train. When they got
I off at this plae- they discovered the
! loss of Miss Hattie's pocket book.
? whirh contained a silk handkerchief
; and one dollar and forty cents. They
; only remember of having had the
vIip they boarded the
Frh'.ivlr-r train at nmnln wlipn Mr
Mulleneaux placed
it in his coat
kct' w "y arrived here
it Was gone.
TV.- n WpflV StnTTiarb
' The great relief afforded bv Cham-
berlain's Tablets in a multitude of
,,as f""y r the great
valii" of this preparation for a weak
t . , . . ,.
sf 01,1 ach and impaired digestion. In
ni any cases t li is relief has become
permanent and th su ft ers have been
i completely restored to health,
! S' Prlonff and son Mark, were
i in the city this afternoon from their
hom near Rock Hluffs.
Tree folders with maps will iLore fully describe
it Write for t bum today.
R. W. CLEMENT, Local Ticket Agent
S. B. HOWARD, Immigration Agent, C. B. & Q. K.R.
1004 Farnam Street Omaha, Nebraska
Government Irrigation means water when ou need it
From Friday's Dally.
Attorney Matthew Gering is the
orator of the' day at Auburn today
in the great celebration of observing
of the birthday of General John J.
Pershing, who yesterday began the
drive which is to end the war and
make democracy safe. Mr. Gering
is an able speaker and will meet with
the expectations of the people of
From Friday's Pally.
Glen York is carrying his arm in
a sling on account of a Kord car,
which he was trying to crank, kick
ing just at the inopportune moment
and breaking the two bones iu hi:;
fore arm. Glen was just going to
engage in the Burlington shops and
this accident has prevented him from
working 'besides causing much
suffering. He is a son of Oscar
York who has just moved to this
citv from Tabor. Iowa.
From Friday's Pally.
Henry Lahoda and family arrived
this morning from a stay in Alliance
for several months, where they had
gone to live, and where they liked
the place well and were doing well
Mr. Lahcda holding a good position
there, but the altitude was to great
for Mrs. I.ahoda. and she has been
compelled to come to a lower alti
tude. He had been compelled to
make frequent visits here, and it was
deemed as , well to move here as
they would thus avoid the inability
of her standing the lighter country.
From Friday's Hail v.
A letter from Fred Kutherford
telling of his arrival in France wa
received yesterday by his parents.
Fred went last summer with a quota
to Camp Funs ton, where he remain
ed for some time and was transferred
to Camp Pike iti Arkansas, and lat
er from there to a cump in the east,
from which he has gone over.
From Friday's Iailv.
The Home Builders something
like a building and loan association,
only they do not loan money for oth
er people to build, but do the build
ing themselves, have many stock
holders in this city. They have
just gotten a contract for building
a building for the Union Pacific
railway company, which is costing
one hundred thousand dollars, and
another one for the Swift Packing
Company, costing more. They with
others have Just closed amounts to
$350. "00. They are fortunate in
the fact that the two large con
tracts are 'emi-governmental and
this insures the possibility of getting
From Friday's t)ai!y.
At the Christian Church last
evening was given a very interest
ing program, which was, enjoyed by
those in attendance, as they were
kept laughing all the time during
the continuance of the program.
Miss Ora Allen who took the part cf
the one entertaining the Ladies Aid,
was particularly good in her part.
After the close of the program 1 hose
present did full justice to tli ex
cellent assortment of melons which
had been provided.
From Friday's laily.
J. C York received a letter Hi is
morning from his ton ltnssell York
who is at Perry, Ohio, with a few
of riflemen from Alaska, who are
competing with all the states, iij ;i
contest which the government iti
holding. Ilussell in the .vhoot, made
ninety per cent in the shooting
which shows him to be a very good
marksman. He may be ;ibb to stop
here on his way back to the coast,
but it is not known as yet. His
relatives and friends are hoping
that he may be able to.
Anyone wishing trees and old
stumps taken out. I have a quickrr
and cheaper way than pulling them.
My phone is No. 1115 Rmj address
is Weeping Water.
I wish to express my thanks to all
the friends for the wrist watch,
which wa j given nic the night of my
farewell party. '
Hans Seivers was a passenger to
Omaha this afternoon going to visit
Mrs. Seivers at the Ford Hospital
From Friday's Pally.
Thomas Walling received a tele
phone message last evening from
his ron Robert, who has been at
the Balloon School at Fort Omaha,
for a number of months j:i s t , saying
for Mr. Walling to come to Omaha
this morning, for today they would
depart for the eat. Mr. Walling
departed this morning for Omaha to
see his :;nn who is in the Balloon
Corps, and spt ud a short time with
him before his departure.
Robert whh the others will move
to the east, and with the contingent
which goes from Omaha be on their
way over in a short time it is sup
From Friday's Iiaily.
Mrs. Otto Wur! who lias been at
the hospital at Omaha for some
weeks pa?t. where she underwent an
operation, and has since been re
ceiving treatment and has recover
ed sutliciently that the was able to
return from the hospital last even
ing. Her many friends will be plead
ed to know of her progress towards
recovery, and she is now assured cf
returning health.
No. 101 1
At Plattsmouth. in the State of Ne
braska, at the close of business
August :;i, 15l.
t.omw and dN"oi'iit s rxcent tlii
!iov'i 011 li and i") '.U
( vi-rlr:if In. nvi-u mi Hour; iin-,e-
eureil . . :i M
IT. S. iiondi di'iKWiTeil to
seen r e in-'ilai hn
( iir val ' ." 0i 0
I". S. Ootids :u;d . tiiili-
raii's of indi'l.i (! nc.
ilcdvd to - r
I". d-iwi.-ii - par
F. S. I'oinU aiiti icrsifi
calcscif indt lii i ilm -s
pledged a eol a I . r.i I
for Mate or ot her 1 -poit-;or
li IK pay aide
Lilwrtv Loan lioiaK.
1 eee (H
f et eo ! 1.1 1 1 0 ((
in r relit
and 4'- per 'ciit. iiiipli di.'1-d !'. ".'.I)
llonds i oltuT tlian I". S.
lHindpledt.'-d v no-
rnre postal savings
it posit " 000 00
SfiMirii h's ot in-r than I".
. )niius ( not iin-lud-
in stoek.)aw!n d im-
nicfit'Cit . i;ir " - 1;; -ir
SUk'U of federal l.'e-. t ve HniU :.)
per cent of si:li.Tipt:oii) ... 'J L'MM'C
Value of I ; 11 K !nr hiuf II edei.e
Hn mil hit ami tiMar.-s. 4 4li' ie
lien? est u'e owned oi I. er tlian lan U-
"iliC lioi.s'. li 71'' U"
Lawful reseixe with l'ed-r:il Ke
serve Hank 11 t
C'a-li in vault and net amount due
froai national !nnU . .... )'! lr K
ClieeUs on other ii.-iuUs in t lie sati;e
i'ily nr tottti :is reporting hank
(other than Item 1 ;
Clrii-ks on l.:in ks loeaTed ut .idi of
city or low 11 of reporting hank
and ot her eah items
Iledem pt ion fund with 1'. S. Treas
urer and ciuc from I'. S. Treas
urer -el
Papital .tock paid in
Suriilus fund .
Cndivided prolits ." 417 'St
Less iirrent -tieiies,
. interest and taxes
naid 2 ?i: !'"'--
Cin'tiliil in if notes 011 1st and in;?
Net atiioiint duelo liat:ks. hankers.
a nd I rust eoTupan ies lot her t hall
iiii-iudeil in items ;a or :!
Individual deposits suljc t to
Cert itieaics of deposit dii" in less
than days (other than for
itn ney liorri v. eo
l'ot a i of dei 1 1 and deposi I s
(o: her t han Lank ile-
poil . ) su I ijeet to i.'e-
i?.4i eeu ne
: one.' vv
:; ism va
M tn'O iK'
I 111 7
nti ":.'l II
i; i!." ce
serv'. I terns .l. .! . .11.
a:. :is, la and U
hi 7-'l :' s
I'ei t ilirates cf deiosii (other thiill
for money Lor rowed
Postal Saving deposits
Total of time deposits
subject lo Keservi'.
It. nis4J. 4:t. 4t and T. i-'-O '.Mil ;s
War loan deposit tieeount
Mills pavatde. with I-eih ial llest rve
Sr.i ire t
1 40
lit tX'O (tl
:;; eeo eo
? ('.-( 1 77
SI ate of NcLrasl a 1
( ontiiy of ( ass I s"' 1.1' F.. Hi-hlater.ras'iier
of the aLove-naini'd h;;nk. do solemnly swear
th;it the alim si iiteint nt is 1 1 tie to 1 lie I est of
my knowledge and lie lief.
!'. K. sciii.atek. Cashier.
Correct Attest : A. (.'. Com:.
(. ( . Ihivkv,
II. N. I mivkv.
j i rectors.
Siil. i i!n d an.i sworn lo I fore me this
tli day of August.
An Vni:..
(Seall Notary Public.
My commission expires I (ecetiiber "C.
Miiit i: vt- i-ti. si:ra i.i:mi:t
In tin- Coiiniv Court of Cass County,
State ni' Nebraska.
County of Cuss, ss.
To sill j ei-soiis interested in I be es
tate of I'lieilbi .. N'oves, deeeased :
)n ticdiny: the peitioti of Charles II.
N'oves. praying for a linal set I lenient
and allowance of It.- aeeount tileii in
this court, op the 'Tlh dav of Atifjust,
end f'M- distribution of residue of
ei-tale to su li pi-r-,oi:s as ale entitled
t hf i-et n.
i' is in ii'l." oi'L-ri d that yon arid ull
pei-ioin iiitete.-ted in .-aid matter may.
and do. appear ut th' County Court
to 1 1- I, el. I in ami f ir .said county, on
tho Ith l;iv of September. A. 1 ., CHs,
at 1 0 ; 00 o'elnelt A. M . to show cat'.-e,
if any tiiete b". wliv tin- player of tli"
tietitioner should not l:e itranted. and
tint notice of the pendency of said
P"ition and the iie;;iin thereof !'
Kiven lo all persons interested in said
matter by pit 1 1 Is-lilaK a copv of this
order in the 1 !a ttsmou t li Journal, a,
semi-weekly newspaper printed in said
county, for one week prior to said day
of hearitiK.
In witness whereof, r have hereunto
set inv hand and the seal of said court,
this- JTtii day of Anaust. A. !." . 101S.
A LI, FIN .). KlofcJSO.
County J inlgc.
Hy Florence White, Clerk.
1 wi II ij B01 1 i 10 U J 1
Wg liavc sold numbers of Cass county, Sanders
county, Johnson county, Pawnee counnty, Richardson
county and Iowa people land in Southeastern Nebraska.
When you buy land in Otoe county, Nemaha county,
Gage county, S75 and up per acre, you are getting
something that will make you a bank account instead
of failures.
We have some choice 40, 80, 120, 160, 240, 320
and 640 acre tracts ot land, with very reasonable prices
and good terms.
We have the iargest and best land list in South
eastern Nebraska.
It wiil pay you to sec us for a home or investment.
i.i i. Noricn.
To Pauline '.d ha in, as Administra
trix of the estate of Ccurfre J. Oldham,
!i ceased: Hi. '.. aid ''miway Oldham:
iltizza .1. Maker; l.;ieu:ia Connally:
1'auline (!.U ;iiu: Kay M!:am: .lubii .1.
ildl.atu: .lessie I . Snyder: 1-Iliison I,
Old!. am: .la 'ip.s AV. (Mdhani: Vera It.
:.":!. am: l'olly Oklhani: Mary I,. Oral sr.
.mil all persons in t en steel la the state
if Jackson ( '. ( dd iiani, . 1 ei'.ased. in
'lediii creditors and claimants.
Viiii ate li- ienv imtiiiil that on me.
tth .liv of Ma v" IMS. piaintia' tiled ai
petition in the I list rid Court of Cass
'...,,- V..l,i':iat.':i lirnviRL' iimOllLT Otll'-s for ;in ' order to be entered
l.,- ,i... ...,n,-t .1 i -i i ii llio nilniinivtrii-
ti'iv of the est.-ite of (iiiiii-L-e J. Oldham,
deceased, to convey to plaintiff the Quarter of the Northwest
Quarter of Section thirty-one rni
Townshi eleveoi (11) Kanje fourteen
(14) Cass Count v, Nebraska, upon tins
pavme-nt of the balance of the pur
chase price in accordance witli ilie
rrtiitrai't entcrcil Into between. t lie
Pliintiif ami the niid Oeorse J. Old-
,,', .hit inir liis lil. tiine. on the i r.tli
dav of .lauuarv. P'ls. and to have the
title- to said land eptnted as imainl
tin' defendant. All pe rsons i nte-re st od
in lln- c.-tate of Jackson t;. tjldliulll.
!-ce;isi!. including credltois and
e' 1 n P i i n t s .
Vol are further inditied there will
be n hearing upon said petition at the
District Court Koom In the Court
House, at 1 Ma 1 1 smout h Cass County,
Nebraska, n the "id day of September
I'm 8. at the hour of ten o'clock A. M
to all of which, and the allegations of
the petition. u;i will take due notice.
C. A. lt.WYI.s". rilANK J. L1MIK.
Attorney. Plaintiff.
-!UIT1M. a ii:mmi i:ts TO Alt-
It I KS ni' IM llltl'OltATKiN K
llMv OK Ml ItDIM h, Ol"
IIIHIMM K, M:illt.MvA.
I, If. A. Ctiithmann. e l-hier of the
Dank of Murdock. of MunlorV, in the
County of Cass, and the- Stcto of Ne
braska, elo hereby certify that at the
regular annual meeting of tlo? Sto-.k-holiU-rs
of the said bank held on tho
first (lst day of July, ll'ls, at which
nii-eliti' more than two-thirds of the
Capital Stock was represented, a mo
tion was made. seceiideil and unani
mously earrieit, mat Articles numner
l-'ottr. Six and ICiuht of the Articb.
of Incorporation of said bank I "
amended to read as follows:
AUTK'hi: Number Kour: "The auth
ori-.ed amount of capital stock o
this c-orporation shall be twenty
tie thousand elolhil.s ($25,000) el i
vidcil into two hundred and fifty
shares, of one hundred dollars each
Jjii.iiiitl of which shall be paid In."
AKTICI.K Number Six "The indebted
tie-ss of this corpora t ioji shall at no
time exceed the amount of its paie.1
in capital and surplus except for
deposi t s."
Airi'KM.I-: Number Kisrht. "The af-
liiirs of this c-ortiora t ion shall be un
h-r I he e-onlrcd and management of
a boitrd of dire-dors consisting of
not less than thrce nor more than
five shai-ehidde-rs. whose term of
oilie -e sl'all be for the jieriod of one
veiir. or until their successors tire
elected a ml epialilied, not less than
;i tnaioritv of whom shall be resi
de-nts of the county in which the
bank is located eo- counties adjacent
t'here-to. It shall be the duty of the
board of directors to elee-t from
their number a president and score-
t.u v. and select a vice- president ami
cashier, ami they may also select
an assistant cashier and such other
ibiks and assistants as the busi
ness of'tlie corporation may reeiuire
Tin- term of oil ice of the officers of
ibis ceo-pnratioii shall be one year
or until the-ii- successors are elected
.ml nualifieil. The board of direc
tors may adopt such by-laws for the
reuuh'it ioi ami m;i nacemnt of the
a flairs and business of tho eorpor
jit ion as is may deem proper."
And I elo further state under oatli
that, tho paid in capital slock of said
ha nk was at said mectinw by a unani
mous vote of all the stock represented
Increaseil from $15.0')0.0 authorized
to $2.1,i00.'l0 authorized, of which
$1:0,0(10 shall lie paid in, and that the
full amount of said increase viz,
S.VOOO has been paid in.
State of Nebraska,
Count..- of Ca-s, ss.
Siit'isci i he d and sworn to before me
bv, II. A. (iuthmann. Cashier of the
i:aiik of Murdock, of Murdock, Nebras
ka, -this itii day of August. 1018.
Notary Public.
My commission expires March 25, 1320.
Joshua Andrews and wife were
passengers to Omaha this afternoon
where they are visiting: with their
daughter J.Irs. Sarah Cowles who is
at a hospital there.
S3 cH 1 1 iLs
V- lu i M V SZtiT mi7 U CM M lif W-3
i.ntiAi, Minn:
To 1'auline Oldham, as Administra
trix of the estate of (irnrire J. ol'iliiiin,
leceascd: Kicliard Conway Oldham:
Cuzza, J. Kakcr: Laeutia Connally:
1'auline OUltiam: Kay ouiham: .Tohn J.
Oldham: Jessie I . Snyder: Kllison 1
ldl;ain: James S". Oldham: Vera H.
Oldham: i'olly Cidiiam and Mary L
You are lierebv notified that on the
22nd day of Hay lilN. plaintiff riled a
petition in the District Court of Ci;ss
County, Nebraska, praying amonir ot h-
-r things for an order to be- entered
I by tli court directinsT the admin ist ra
trix of the estate of (ieorpre J. Oldham.
i deceased
to convey to plaintiff I,ots
one (I) and two (2) and all of lots
thiee (3) and four 4 not taken by
Chic-afro Avenue, in T?lock One Hundred
Sixty-four 1(H City of Plattsmouth,
Cass County, Nebraska, uiion the pay
ment of the balance of the purchase
price in accordance? with the contrac'
' " --n ii..nnin .in,.
the sa nt l.corjie .1 . oi.iham. .lurinsr his
! 1 if f time on the 1 Ot h clay of September
You are further notified that there
will be a hearing upon said petition at
the District Court Koom tn the Court
Mouse, at Pla t tsmou t h. Cass County.
Nebraska, on the 3rd dav of Septe-mber
UUS, at the hour of ten o'clock A. M
to all of which and the alienations of
the petition, von will take clue notice.
C. A. TJAWLS. riaintiff.
J22-C wks.
otici-: oi' i-'!..i. si:tti.i:mi:t
In I lie 'on it I 'onrl of ( nil Coiiiil y.
N rlirntkn :
State of Nebraska,
Cass County, ss.
To all persons interested' in the c-stale
of Mary K. 'eb-h, cieceased:
(n reading the petition of Charles
Lambert prayinsr for a final settlement
and allowance of his account rMod in
this court on the -Jlth day of August.
t'.MS, ami for final settlement of said
estate ami discharge of the executor.
It is hereby orelered that you and
all persons interested in said matter
may. and elo. appear at tlie County
Court be held in ami for said coun
ty, on the !Mh day of September, A. D.,
1!1S. at 10 o'c lock A. M.. to show cause,
if any there- be, why the prayer of the
petitioner should not be prranted, and
that notice of the pendency of said
pet it Ion ami the hearinj; thereof be
iriven to all persons interested in said
n.atte-r by publishing a e-opy of this
order in the I'lattsmouth Journal, a
semi-weekly newspaper printed in said
county for one week prior to said day
of hearinfr.
I n witness whereof, I have hereunto
set my hand ami the seal of said court
this 21th day of Aiiinst. A. I .. IMS.
(Seal) County Jude.
15y Klorence White, Clerk.
Subscribe for the JournaJ.
Plattsmouth Aeto Tire
and Cycle Repair Shop!
Tires Retreaded Rebuilt!
Good Workmanship!
. SUi! E WIS, Proprietor
Krug Building, Plattsmouth, t'cb.
5iSl rSe S 'A W
Si k J
tiii: msTiticr cm ut oi
an m i. m:iu: Mv v
In tin- Matter of the Cua rd ia lish i p of
- nis llnvir. Mary llavir ami Ce-
eilie- llavir, Minors.
ril-r to Mum 'aus-.
This eaiisi; came on for hen i i n :; up"ii
the- petitioi of Mary J. 1 :.-l.ihht y. as
triiariliati of the estate of Antp-s iiavir.
Mary Iiavir. and Cecilie Havir, minor.--,
jirayinvi' t'or a liceti.-c to sell tin- eti
diviihi! interest of ;ih of said
Illinois in ami to the I'ullnwii: de
scrl.ed I -j . 1 estate-. To-w it: I. it-. 1,
and 1 iti Itloe-k !', ami Lots in, 11,
am! 1.' in l:lok 10, a!! in !ni;c'., ;,d
ditioii t- tie- city ed" I 'hi 1 1 .-moil t h,
Cass county, Ne-braska, for t!i- support
and mainte-naip-e ami e-duc;il ion of s:iid
minors, tiieie not be intr .-1 licieri t per
sonal property to furuisii suiipoit and
ma i n t c iiii nee and expense ed" education
for said minors.
It is there-fore onle-re d H at :ill per
sons i:ili ri'sii 4 in s.ii-l e state luav iip-
pe;ir lciori' me ut the Distth-t i' t
room :'ii the said rilv of I 'la 1 1 - ni i hi 1 h.
("ass iiiinily, N'el rnska, o'i th-- j::rd
eiay of Sept.-mher. 1 :i l , at la o'clock
A. ?!.. to siio.v e.i'iso V. :;; ;i lii ense
sliotihl not he jrrantcd t- said uu.irel
i;en to se-ll so miii h or ail of tie- above
ib-sclil.ed le-iil estate- as shall be- m-c-e-ss;iry
for the support, ma in t c-na m-o
ami expense; of education of said Illin
ois and for their best interests. This;
order shall b published in the Platts
moiith Seini-Wi-ekly Journal for ;i per
iod eif four weeks s ticc-e ssi ve l y l e fot o
the elate f hearing.
Dated this 2:'r l el i- of Air.'iisl, lms.
JAMKS T. liKdl.MV,
.7l1(liri ttf tli.O 1 liwt I'ii- .'.met
-2ii-1 w
"otici: to ( iti'Dnoits
Tn the State of Nebraska, Cass Coun
, ss. Iii t ho I ennity fonrl.
Jl" t,u ,a,to1' ,!;e Kstate of Nannie
c ! nson. eieceased.
To tlie Creditors of S.iid Kstate.-:
You sire hereby notiiied that I will
sit at the County Court room in I'hilts
mouth in said county, on the PUh e!av
of September, ims, ami on the leitli
day of Dec-ember, litis, at ::00 o'cloe U
A. M., on each clay, to receive and ex
amine all claims ;. gainst said esiai.-.
with a view to their ad.iu -o oicot and'
allowance-. The time limited j,r :ln
presentation of claims :.i;a:u t said
estate is- four months f;-.-n th-- p'th
day of August. A. D., 1Ilx. anl tiie
time limited fo-.- iiiynient of eh-hls is
one year from sail 12lli dav of Ai.
Kust. mis.
Witm-ss my hand and the seal of si Id
County Court, this 12th dav of Au-K"-st,
A i.i.i n .t. r.i:;:s v.
County .1 ud gc.
Walter Johnson arrived in this
city this morning from his homo at
Iiouisville and was looking after
sonic business at the court house.
2i K I