The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, September 09, 1918, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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    MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 0, 1818-
Before the Railroads Had Come to
Plattsmouth Or Ne
braska. l'rorr Thursday's Iaily.
Awav back before the sixties.
over sixty years ao. in 185S, the
building between the Terkins House
and the store of A. G. Bach & Co..
was built by a man named John
Krouth. and was first occupied by
the tirni of Amraison & Dovey, who
did an immense business therein.
At that time this was ar outfitting
station, for the people who went
across the plains, and made trips
with .ox teams between this point
and Denver and the west. The
steamboat traffic was the only way
of reaching these posts then, and
the river trade was larse. the poods
com in? in via boat, while the ship
ments poin:; out went the same way.
It is in this building- that the firm
of Ammison and Dovey did the iin
jiiense business which supplied the
overland trade from here to the
In Mr. Dovey who has slic
ed ! d the former firm traded the
place M Henry I'.oeck for the prop
erty which is u?ed now by the
D.ivey stores, and Mr. IJoeck went
to th- place and enzaped in the
furniture business until he con
structed the place which he yester
day sold to IZ. A. Wurl, which was
in 1SS. At that time he sold the
buildinir down the street to Li. F.
Kohreil. and he finally to Phillip
Tritsrh. and it vent to the bad and
was finally purchased for tax by I.
IVnrknan. and was later acquired by
H. M. Sot-nnichsen and then to A.
tl. r.;ch. Mr. Hach is now making
it modern, and will put ar. up-to-date
iri'iit in the place, and will use it
for a store room and make the
rooms above into livlncr apartments.
Tii? chance will greatly enhance
the appearance and well as value of
the place.
l'rT,j Thi-rsd.i y's D.tMy.
Mrs. Sam Cline arrived last even
in? from l'.'-r home, at I.amnni. Iowa,
where they have been making their
heme for koiup time, and was u
visitor here over night, and this
m rnin? departed for Caldwell. Ida
ho, where she is called on account
of the illness of her brother. Peter
K. Knapp. who has been afflicted
with creeping paralysis and which
it is considered there is no hope in
his ca.-e. Mr. Knapp formerly liv
ed in this city and was an employee
of the Burlington shops but has
been in the vest for more than thir
lv years.
l-'r-ou Tl; ii rsil:i v's I;iily.
'h:irles fox. who said be lived
in Greenwood fifty-two years ago
dropped into this town this after
noon and took the train for Green
wood, where lie said he would try
.Mid find sit'o one whom he knew
when he left there, just five years
after the 'Crime of '7:'.'.
lb- .-ays he has been in the wist
drivin? stage coaches and herding
cattle, and that when he got away
Plattsmouth Auto Tire
and Cycle Repair Shop!
Tires Retreaded Rebuilt!
Good Workmanship!
;. ElQEUtfilS,
Krtig Building, Plattsmouth, Neb.
from Greenwood, he did not care to
write. It seems strange that he
would care to return after this long
From Thursday's Dailj-
Mrs. Frank E. Cook, who has
been visiting in this city for some
days past, a guest of her parents
I,. II. Petersen and wife, departed
last evening for her former home at
Havelock, and will tomorrow de
part for the further northwest, go
ing to Seattle, Washington, where
Mr. Cook now is employed in 'the
ship building yards. Mr. Cook and
family will make their home in the
west for the present.
From '"'bursdav' Daily.
John Farris and family from near
Murray were in the city yesterday
afternoon, and were accompanied
by Mr. S. M. Copenhaver, Mrs.
Farris' father, they looking after
some trading. In a few days they
will depart for old Virginia, where
they will visit for some time and
where Mr. Copenhaver will make
his home in the future.
From Thursday's I:iily.
Mrs. J. V. Hale entertained in
honor of her little friend Miss Mar
garet Jay, and her little visitor
Miss Opal Denson of Omaha, who
was visiting here. The evening
was spent in recitations, vocal and
instrumental music and games, as
well as dancing. At a late hour the
hostess served a delightful lunch
eon, of which all partook with rel
ish and declared Mrs. Hale and Miss
Margaret, the best of entertainers.
These present and to enjoy the
occasion were:
Misses Marie Black. Martha Ice
land. Mable Foster. Helen York,
Mable Gravett, Minnie Sutzman.
Orpha Leland. Helen Foster, Mild
red York, Myrtle Foster. Margaret
Jay. Opal Denson. Messrs. Hoy Den
ham. Glen York, Fred Forbes. Wil
lie Den?on, George Forbes, Douglas
McCrcary. Martin Daughman, Mart
in McCreary, John Hale, Glen Hale.
From Thursday's Daily.
Frank Schocknies some time
since stepped on a piece of wood at
the river where he was fishing, run
ning a splinter in his foot, and
after having it taken out of his
foot and the foot dressed, it healed
up. and later after having worked
for a month, gathered and a few
davs since he hz' to have it lanced
and it is now doing nicely, but the
best promise he has from the doc
tor is that he may be able to work
in three weeks from now.
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy.
This is not only one of the Lest
and most efficient medicines for
j coughs, colds, croup and whooping
I cough, but is ah:o pleasant to take,
' 1 1 f . . , .. .
. iiicii is important w nen a nieaicine
must be given to young children.
Chamberlain'j Cough Remedy has
been in use for many years and lias
met with much favor wherever its
good qualities have become known.
Many mothers have given it their
unqualified endorsement. Wm.
Scruhy, Chillicothe, Mo., write". "I
have raised three cLildren, have al
ways used Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy and found it to be the best
for coughs, colds and croup. It is
pleasant to take. Both adults and
children like it. My wife and I
have always felt safe from croup
with it in the house." Chamber-
! Iain's Cough Remedy contains no
opium or other narcotic.
From Thursday's Daily.
Some three weeks since James
Dvorak and Herman Weise. living
just out of the city departed in Mr.
Dvorak's car for the northwest, go
ing to Boyd county, where they
visited at Spencer and also at Greg
ory, So. Dakota, and on their trip up
they, found the roads good. until
they approached Norfolk, when. they
found much mud and lots of rain,
which continued all the way after
that. In South Dakota they found
the roads good, though everything
was looking fine and with good
crops. They then went to Wolf
onnntv nffpr visiting with Louis
Dvorak at Spencer, and at Atchison
thev visited with friends, and look
ed after the farm of Mr. Dvorak
and returned home with the car
but found the roads pretty bad
ti,pv hnd a verv uleasant time
though ..while away.
From Thursday's Daily.
John Sutton of South of Rock
Bluffs, was in the city this liinrn-
in the first time for over three
weeks, on account of his having a
severe attack of rheumatism, which
has kept him pretty close. So er
ions it was in fact that he was com
pelled to crawl to do his chores, as
he could not get up when down, un
til he had crawled to wine object
where he could lift himself up with
his hands. The rheumatism efi'ect
ing him in the hips more than at
any other point. He is feeling much
better than he was though still
suffering greatly from the attack
From Thursday's Pally.
Mrs. Alfred Irwin was a passenger
to Glenwood. Iowa, this morning
where she goes to assist in the Red
Cross supper which is being given
to the fifty-four boys who go from
there to Camp Dodge this evening
The government is furnishing a
dinner for the boys today, and the
Red Cross this evening. The hoys
who are to go have known of the
matter for the past three weeks,
and characteristic of the boys of
Mills county, they have been drill
ing for all this time and have the
manual of arms and training pretty
well in hand. They will give an ex
hibition drill this afternoon, and
will depart for the camp this even
ing. Of the fifty-four which are
to go from there all of class one of
the first draft is taken., and eighteen
of the last registration, which was
held on June fifth last were taken
This is calling pretty heavily from
our sister county across the river.
From Tl.ursdn v's Daily.
This morning as A. W. Smith w;
corning down to the city for d
parture for the state fair, he w:
driving along with his car, it mak
ing a little noise and thinking that
the Missouri Pacific train had pass
ed, but which chanced to be a little
late, did not Fee the train approach
ing from the south which is behind
a hill, the train and he. both going
at a fair rate of speed, when look
ing up, it looked as though they
should run together. Mr. Smith
applied the brakes with all their
power, and at the same time shutting
off the engine, but w;is not able to
stop his car. until the front wheel
was in line with the boxes of the
truck of the cars of the train, the
box striking his wheel on the tire
and turning it out of the way.
This was closer than there was
any comfort in. for another foot and
the contact would have been sutli
cient to have drawn the car in which
Mr. Smith was riding in to th-. vor
tex of the whirl of the wheels, n
such a way as to have caused an
accident whose consequences no one
could tell. Fortunate indeed was
Mr. Smith that he was able to .slop
the car at the point where he did.
For a Weak Stomach.
The great relief afforded by Cham
berlain's Tablets in a multitude of
cases has fully proven the great
value of this preparation for' a weak
stomach and impaired digestion. In
many cases this relief has become
permanent and the suffers have been
completely restored to health.
East of Riley Hotel.
Coates Block.
Second Flcor.
Frmn Friday's Pally.
Mrs. K. K. Cotner and brother
John Haynie of Tabor, Iowa, depart
ed thH morning for Council Muffs,
where lierold Haynie, of Tabor, j
Iowa, was operated upon at the
Jennie Edmonson hospital last
night for appendicitis. The young
man who was extremely ill with the
malady, was taken to Council Muff a
la?t night leaving Tabor at six
o'clock, and was expected to lie op
erated upon today but on arrival
his case was so acute, that an oper
ation was performed at once. Mrs.
Cotner and brother therefore go this
morning to j-ee the brother.
From Friday's Dally.
Win. McCauley and wife return
ed home this morning from their
trip which has extended over nearly
a month, at Portland, where they
visited the National encampment, of
the Grand Army of the Republic,
and visited with friends from here.
They found many former. Platts
mouth people there and had an ex
cellent time while there. The trip
was planned also for the bettering
of the health of Mrs. McCauley.
who has been troubled with hay
fever but found that climate to be
verv beneficial to her health.
From Friday's Pnily.
Mrs. W. K. r.ry;in and daughter
Miss Lueile, who have been vis-itinir
at ltoulder. Ft. Collins and Denver
('(dorado, for the past three or four
weeks, spending the time with rela
tives, and seeing the mountain
scenery, and enjoying the climate,
which was cool and nice during the
excessively heated spell here and
most too cool since, returned home
yesterday morning. Mr. Bryan will
not return for a month or so yet.
as he is looking after some business
regarding some farms he had there.
From Friday's Paily.
.1. W. llobson. has just received a
power well digger, which lie hut
now gotten in shape for work, and
is prepared to sink wells deeper
which has given out and do not
furnish enough water, and to con
struct new wello on short notice
Mr. llobson is an experienced well
man. and a good worker, and with
the now equipment will he able to
do the best of work.
From Friday's Paily.
Mat Jirousek writes home to his
parents in thi.; city from Camp Dix.
New Jersey, saying that he is liking
the service fine and that he is so
busy that he cannot find time hardly
to write, but that he will try and
keep th; folks posted as to where lie
is. Jack writes from the Dread
nought Kearrage. that he is now
an operator in the Jiadio service.
and that he likes the work. The
daughter Miss Julia, who is a nurse
is located at Ft. Ililey, and is doing
her port i"ii in the service and glad
to be able to offer her services.
But Not So Bad If You Know How to
Reach the Cause.
Nothing more discouraging than
a constant backache. Lame when
you awaken, pains pierce you when
you bend or lift. It's hard to work
or to rest. llarkache often indi
cates bad kidneys. Plattsmouth peo
ple recommend Doan's Kidney Pills.
Kead this care:
Mrs. C. C. liurbridge, Vine St.,
iM;;t ti.inouth. savs: "About five
year ag', my back caused mc a
great deal of misery. It ached most
all the time. After I had taken
Doan's Kidney Pills for a while, my
back felt as strong as ever. Since
then. I have always considered
Doan's fine for backache and kid
ney trouble and have recommended
them to niy neighbors when I have
heard them complaining."
Price Oftc. at all dealers. Don't
simply ask for a kidney romeriy
get Doan's Kidney Pills the same
hat Mrs. Purbridge had. Foster
Mil burn Co.. Mfgrs., Buffalo, N. Y.
Danhoea in Children.
For diarrhoea iu children one
year old or older you will find noth
ing better than Chamberlain's Colic
and Diarrhoea Remedy, followed by
a do?e of castor oil. It should be
kept at hand and given ps soon as
the first unnatural looseness of the
bowels appears.
loo (ffltaot Lano
Sterling, v Nebraska
We have sold numbers of Cass county, Sanders
county, Johnson county, Pawnee counnty, Richardson
county and Iowa people land in Southeastern Nebraska.
When you buy land in Otoe county, Nemaha county,
Gage county, $75 and up per acre, you are getting
something that will make you a bank account instead
of failures.
Wc have some choice 40, 80, 120, 160, 240, 320
and 640 acre tracts of land, with very reasonable prices
and good terms.
Wc have the iargest and best land list in South
eastern Nebraska.
It will pay you to sec us for a home or investment.
miA Lrrirri
i.i:;m, MiTii'R.
To 1'iiiiline Oldham, as Administra
trix of the stte tJeorge J. Oldham,
I . i eased : Kit-hard Conway Oldham: J. Haktr: I.aeuna Cunnally:
Psiulirip Oldham: Fay Oldham: John J.
iHdham: Jessie IV Snvrtor: KUison I
Oldham: .lame? W. Oldham: Vera II.
oldham: I"lly Oldham: Mary I Craitr,
.ind-all iM-rsons interested In the estate
of JaeksiMl i. Oldham. Deceased, in
(liulni:," creditors and f-:almants.
You are h-rehy notified that on the
4lh dav of May litis, plaintiff tiled a
T-etition in the )istriet Court of ('ass
County. Nebraska, praying anions oth
er things for an order to he entered
In- the eourt diret-tins: the administra
trix of the estate of (jeurttf .1. Oldham,
deceased, to convey to -plaintiff the
Northwest Quarter of the Northwest
Quarter of Section thirty-one (31)
Township eleven (11) hance fourteen
14 Cass Countv, Nebraska, upon the
payment of the balance of the pur
chase price in accordance with
contract entered into between.
Plaintiff and the said Oeorfre J. Old
iisT'ii liiirinir his lifetime, on the 1.1th
lav of January. 1;US. and to have the!
title to said land piieted as aKainstj
Tile tleienoaiH. person iiut'iiiru
in tl.o estate of Jackson G. Oldham,
d 'leased. including creditors and
e!a ' t-ia II f s.
Yoi are further notified there will
be a heaririK upon said petition at the
District Court Koom In the Court
House, at I'iattsmouth Cass County,
Nebraska, on the Urd day of September
151S. at the hour of ten o'clock A. M.
to all of which, ami the allegations of
the petition, vou will take due notice.
Attorney. Plaintiff.
kk ii ti m. .tMi:inn:Ts to aii-
Tiri.KS !K IM'OIIIMIIt ATlt'.N !'
llMx OK Ml ItIMM K. OK
I. 11. A. Guthmann. ti-Oi'er of the
P.auk of Mtirdock. of MurdocV, in the
County of Cass, and the Styte of Ne
braska, do hereby certify that at the
regular annual meeting: of the Stock
holders, of the said bank held on the
lirst fist "lay of July. 191S, at which
meeting more than two-thirds of the
Capital' Stock was represented, a mo
tion was made, seconded and unani
mously carried, that Articles number
Four. Six and Kisht of the Articles
of incorporation of said bank be
amended to read as follows:
i:tici.F Number four: "The auth
ori.ed amount of capital stock of
this corporation shall be twenty
live thousand, dollars ($25.00(1) di
vided into two hundred and fifty
shares, of one hundred dollars each
$:n. (inn of which shall be paid in."
AKTICLK Number Six "The indebted
ness of corporation shall at no
time exceed the amount or Its nam
in canital and surplus except for
AKTICLi: Number F.iwht. "The af
fairs of this corporation shall be tin
der the control and management of
a board of directors consisting of
not less than three nor more than
live shareholders. whose term of
olTico shall be for the period of one
vear. or until their successors are
elected anil oualiticd, not less than
a majority of whom shall be resl
dents of the county in which the
bank is located or counties adjacent
thereto. It shall be the duty of the
board of directors to elect from
their number a president and secre
tary, anil select a. vice president and
cashier, and they may also select
an assistant cashier and such other
clerks and assistants as the busi
ness of the corporation may require
The term of office of the officers of
this corporation shalt he one year,
or until their successors are elected
and oualifled. The board of direc
tors may adopt such by-laws for the
reanlation and management of the
affairs and business of the corpor
ation as is may deem proper."
And I do further state under oath
that tho paid in capital stock of said
bank was at said moetine: by a unani
mous vote or an me stock represented
Increased from J1j,00i).OO authorized
to $2.,'mun auuiorizeo, or .wnicn
$20,000 shall be paid In, and that the
full amount of said increase viz.
$0,000 has been paid in.
11. A- liC niiAisrvi
State of Nebraska,
County of Cass. ss.
Subscribed ana sworn to nerore me
bv II. A. Guthmann, Cashier of the
Hank of Murdoek. of Murdock, Nebras
ka, this 5th day of Auarust, 1918.
JkiKKY K. Alclil till
Notary Public.
My commission expires March 2o, 1320.
Modern five room cottage, well lo
cated. Inquire of C. A. Rawls, own
er. 28-tfd&w
ihanopfi ILsad
i.k;ai, xotick
To Pauline Oldham, as Administra
trix of the estate of Georne J. Oldham,
Deceased: KicharJ Conway Oldham:
Cuzza J. Paker: Laenna Connally:
Pauline Oldham: Pay Oldham: John J.
Oldham: Jessie D. Snyder: KUison I
Oldham: James V. Oldham: Vera II.
Oldham: Polly Cidham and Mary L.
You are hereby notified that on the
UL'nd day of May 11 S. plaintiff filed a
petition in the District Court of Cass
County, Nebraska, prayinf? anions oth
er things for an order to be entered
by the court directins the administra
trix of the estate of Georse J. Oldham,
deceased, to convey to plaintiff Lots
one (1) and two (2) and all of Lots
three (3) and four (4) not taken by
Chicapro Avenue, in Block One Hundred
Sixty-four (164) City of Plattsmouth,
Cass County, Nebraska, upon the pay
ment of the balance of the purchase
J price in accordance with the contract
! entered Into between the plaintiff and
the said Georpe J. Oldham, durins his
life time on the 3 0th day of September
You are further notified that there
will be a hearing: upon said petition at
the District Court Koom tn the Court
House, at Plattsmouth. Cass County,
Nebraska, on the "rd day of September
lflS, at the hour of ten o'clock A. M.
to all of which and the allegations of
the petition, vou will take due notice
C. A. PAWLS. Plaintiff.
J22-S wks.
In the County Court of Cass County,
State of Nebraska,
County of Cass. ss.
To all persons interested in the
tate of Piicilla A. Noyes. deceased:
On rending the peition of Charles K.
Noves, prayins for a final settlement
and allowance of his account tiled in
this court, on the 27th dav of Ausrust
PUS, and for distribution of residue of
estate to such persons as are entitled
t hereto.
It is hereby ordered that vou and all
persons interested in said matter may,
and do. appear at the Countv Court
to be held in and for said county, on
the Ith day of September, A. D.. 1H1S,
at 10:00 o clock A. M.. to show cause.
if any there be. why the prayer of the
petitioner should not be pranted, and
that notice of the pendency of said
peition and the hearlns thereof be
si ven to all persons interested in said
matter by publishing a copy of this
order in the I'iattsmouth Journal, a
semi-weekly newspaper printed in said
county, for one week prior to said day
of hearins.
In witness whereof, I have hereunto
set niv hand and the seal of said court,
this 27 th day of Ausust, A. D.. PUS.
(Seal) County Judse.
Bv Florence White, Clerk.
Miss Kittie Cummins, t cache of
piano and theory. Fall terms be
ginning: Sept. 9. Res. Studio 002
Pearl St. Tel. 19. ltwGtd
September Bulletin
of Excursion
The entire scheme of Eastern fares will bo available durin- September
Th ese are probably the last reduced fares of the year to the East
You can go to Colorado and Estes Park on reduced fares durin" thi
month. Colorado in September is ideal for a short vacation and a ranid
health-come back. 1
The Bitf National Parks will be open during the first half of September
Reduced fares from Wyoming for the hi- StafoFair at Douglas Wt. '
b t 1lh- nkn frnm rVlri-.l f,. tl, r-..l i c- " I ieill-
ber 8th to 14th; also from Colorado for the
tember to 2"Jnd to 28th.
Get in touch with us for whatever kind of a tour yo t desire
to make during September. We will be pleased to 'inform
you and serve you. ""m
R. W. CL EMENT. Ticket Agent
L. W. Wakeley, General pqScon,
1004 Farnum Street, ueneral sener Agent,
? mm
pansy r
Tin: mTiti-'r nn ht k
( OI .M'l. m:iiuamvA
In the Matter of the Guardianship of
Asms Havir. Mary JIavir and Cc-
cilie Havir, Minors.
Order t Show Chiimc.
This cause came on for hearins upon
the petition of Mary I. Pelohlavv, as
suardian of the estate of Asnes liavir,
Mary Havir, and Cecilie Hair, minors,
pray ins for a license to sHl the un
divided 1-t", interest of each of said
minors in and to the followins de
serhed real estate, to-wit: Lots 1, 2,
::. and 1 in Block :, and Lots 10, 11,
and 12 in Plock 10. all in Duke's ad
dition to the city of Plattsmouth.
Cass county, Nebraska, for the support
and maintenance and education of said
minors, there not beins sufficient per
sonal property to furnish support and
maintenance and expense of education
for said minors.
It is therefore ordered that all per
sons interested in said estate mav ap
pear before nit- at the Distrht Court
room in the said city of Plattsmouth,
Cass county, Nebraska, on the 2:'.rd
day of September, P'lv at pi o'clock
A. M.. To show tans'- why a licerisi;
should not be srantcd to said suard
ian to sell so much or all of the a bvo
described real stale as sha'l be nec
essary for the support, ma i n t -na m-o
and expense of education of said Illin
ois and for their best interests. This
order shall be published in the Platts
mouth Semi-Weekly Journal for a per
iod of four weeks successively before
the date of hearins.
Dated this 2.'!rd dav of Ausust. 1U1S.
Judge of the District Court.
S - 2 'J - I w
Minn: ok kivm, si:tti,i:mi;m'
In the f ount Court of Ciin t'oiinly,
t-briixkn t
Slate of Nebraska,
Cass County, ss.
To all persons inter
stcd in the estate
deceased ;
of Mary F. Welch,
t n readins the p
Lambert prayins for
titfon of Charb-s
a final set I lenient
and allowance of his account Pled in
this court on the 21th dav of Ausust
1!1S. and for final settlement of said'
estate and tlischarse of the executor.
It is hereby ordered that vou and
all persons interested in said matter
may. and do, appear at the Countv
Court be held in and for said coun
tv. on the !Mh dav of September, A. D,
11I1S, at 10 o'clock A. M.. to show cause.
if any there be. why the oraver of
petitioner should not be Lrraiited. ami
that notice of the pendencv of said
petition and the hearins thereof I.e.
Siven to all persons interested iu said
matter by publishins .1 cony of ibis
order in the Plattsmouth Journal, a
semi-weekly newspaper printed in ahl
county for one week prior to said day',
of hearins.
In witness whereof, I have hereunto
set my hand and the seal of :l i.i ......
this 21th day of Ausust. A. I .. mis.
(Seal) Countv Judire
Ky Florence White, Clerk.
Flags at the Journal Office.
Colorado State !
air at Pueblo Sep-
Subscribe for the Journal.