The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, September 05, 1918, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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Prom Wednesday's Dally.
I). M. Allen departed this morn
Ins for Ferry, where he goes to
v.ork with the Burlington bridge
carpenter crew.
John Kaffenberger from near
Cedar Creek was in the city.thi3 af
ternoon looking after tome business
Tor a few hours.
Mrs. J. F. Clugey and daughter
Miss Hazel were passengers last
evening to I'nion, where they are
visiting for a short time.
D. M. Graves departed this after
noon for LaPIatte where he will
visit at the home of his daughter
Mrs. Win. Shipley fcr the afternoon.
Lauren M. Stonier of near Union
was a business visitor in Piatts
n.outh this morning having some
Matters to look after at the ccurt
Miss Roye Prohaska who has been
visiting for the past two weeks at
the home of her brother Fred Pro-
haska, jr.. at Wahoo, returned home
this morning.
George I. Meisiuger was a visitor
in this city this morning from
home enar Cedar Creek. and
looking after some matters at
court house.
S. O. llackenherg of near Cedar
Creek was transacting business in
this city this morning, coming down
on the train this morning and re
turning in the afternoon.
Robert Leland who has been mak
ing his home at Longpine for the
summer, arrived in the city this
morning having come past Lincoln
and brought his son Willard Leland
with him.
Clarence Stenner returned this
morning from a trip covering a
number of days at Cedar Rapids,
and while there rented a farm, to
which he will move in the spring
and will farm there the
Cncle Eli Eaton. David
Win field Yonker, and Bert
were all In the city yesterday after
noon looking after some business at
the court house and having some
matters before the board of county
George Earl of near Central City
was a visitor in the city today, and
will remain until tomorrow, visiting
at the home of his sister Mrs. M.
Stiles. He has been visiting over a
good portion of the state, and seeing
much of the country.
C. E. Whitaker and son Maurice,
George Luschinsky, F.
and J. P. Sattler of the
M. Bestor.
Four Min- j
ute Men of this city departed thin
morning for Lincoln to attend the
state fair, this being Four Minute j
Men day at that exhibition. I
Alex Razanz the car inspector for ' ut nis 1
the Burlington at the local yards, i M.-rt !
was attacked this nooning with a , city thi
very severe pain in his back, so se- his home
vere tnat he had to be taken to the
office of Dr. H. C. Leopold, for a
treatment and then taken to his
Miss Alpha Peterson, county sap
erintendent was a passenger to Lin- j
coin this morning, where she has j
some business to look after and al-
so will make a trip out in the coun- j
ty to look after some of the schools,
which are needing some assistance
in getting straightened out.
W. F. Kinslow arrived here from
his home near Pierre, South Dakota,
where he has been farming, a short
lime since and is visiting with
friends here for a few days. Mr.
Kinslow says that there has been
plenty of moisture in that portion
of the country, and that the crops
are looking fine.
An interesting group of
These recent arrivals
speak eloquently of rich fur
collars, and fur cuffs; they
tell of new ideas in belts
and pockets; they bring
new ways of beautifying a
garment with buttons and
In this particular group
are splendidly tailored gar
ments in velours, velvets
and plushes.
$25. 00,
$29.50, $39.50
Ladies' Toggery
FRFD P. BUSCH, Manager.
A. R. Noble who has been off from
work for the pastMx weeks, on ac
count of an injury which he had re
ceived in one of his feet some time
since, went to work yesterday morn
ing. While the injury is showing
much improvement it is not well
entirely yet, and it is with much
difficulty that ho can get arcund.
but it is thought that the use will
improve the foot kiore rapidly than
From Tuofilny's Pailv.
George 11. Sayles was a visitor at
Cedar Creek .with his mother, Mrs.
E. E. Sayles and sisters over Sun
day. Wm. Jacks cf Council Bluffs was
a visitor on Sunday at the home of
his father A. Jacks and at the home
f f J. W. Elliott north of the city.
Joseph Lloyd was a visi'or in the
city yesterday from down in the
country near Murray and 1ms just
returned from an all summ -r stay
in the
Lieut. ltalph Larson who has t;c?:i
lure for -omo time past visiting at
ithe !:; ?:: - f hi- parents was an over
Sunday guest at the home ci friends
at Louisville, returning to Platts-
mouth yesterday.
A. R. Stokes and family vho have
been visiting for some time at the
home of his brother Edward Stokes
of near Plainview. returned home
last evening after having had an
excellent visit in the northwest.
J. I. Low was a pr.ssenger this
morning for Watson. Mo., where he
is looking after some business for
the day. going to purchase a .sorg
hum mill as he has some ten acre.
of surghum which is about ready to
be worked on.
Fred C. Stewart, and wife with
their little snn. returned this morn
ing from a visit of about a v.vek :.t
Palmer Lake. Colorado, where thy
Iiav? been
visiitng with
rcdat ives
of that
and seeing the wonders
Clarence Real who has hern in the
city for past ten days on a furl. nigh,
departed last Sunday veiling for the
Great Lakes Training , Station,
whore he takes up his work again
:s it member of the United Staffs
i Navy.
S. E. Wixson departed yesterd.iy
aftern : n for Lincoln. gi::g to
make the purchase of a Cole auto
mobile, and to visit the st-ite fair.
He took up a monster .qua'd which
he has raised on the farm s:nth of
the city. He will drive the car l ack
j this evening.
Simon Clark and wife returned
iast evening from Carleton. where
hev have been visiting for some
time, and Mr. (Mark departed this
morning for Cedar Creek, where he
wil! visit for the day at the home
his daughter thinking it the host
ncathm to good account.
;obb ::.r, a visitor in this
morning coining up from
at Fr.i.ui. and going west
ov. r th' eld ma
ling! on to visit
n line of 'h-"
the elevator-.
c i
t hn t line for
rhnMr.g grain
the purr - . of pur
for t!ir Havnos Grain
Company cf Omaha, for which
F. Whhen!er of LouisviKe was a
visitor here yesterday, coming down
to h;ok after some business matters.
and witti driving a traveling man.
Frank has ju r !; n having a ser
ions time with a hand which he
injured by the kick of a
is ;
a f vv
weeks si 'ice. but which
some better now.
Mrs. Ada I5etor who has loon
vhiting in the west for the past over
a year, returned home last week. i; greatly please I with the
northwest, she living in Washing
ton for the past year, and while the
. Sr.,
i van ?mv
-9 V. '
. J .
Lis t ? z :z. i
l B V 1 'A. r
A k o y ;f"i
daughter with whom she was liv- j
ing made her home in eastern Wash- j
ington. Mrs. Restor was more im- i
pressed with the westerji of coast
portion than with the eastern.
Thomas J. Rhoden and wife with
their daughter arrived a few days
since at the home of George W.
I Rhoden. northwe.-t of Murray, from
their home at Waukeeney, Kansas,
where they have made their home
fcr the past twelve years and are
visiting here for a week or so. hav
ing driven in with their auto. Mr.
Rhoden says that the country is all
dry from their home to Plattsmouth,
seme being more so than others.
James Ptacek and family and
Mrs. Vincent Ptacek his mother, re
turned today frrm a visit of some
two weeks which they spent at Re-
Iiaiue. ;-:juta Dakota, visiting m me i
horn? of John J. Wooster. where
th y ha 1 h most delightful visit, the
weather being nice r.nd cool with
plenty of rain to make everything
nice with no dust. The crops an
looking line and ;irp abundant. Mrs,
Wooster b'ing a daughter of Mrs,
Yin'-ent Ptacek.
Prom Wednesday's paily.
We were agreeable surprised when
yesterday afternoon one of the for
mer paper carriers of this oHice
walked into our santum, and stretcli
ing out his right hand, grasped ours
with a grip like a blacksmith's vice.
;Mid greeted us
while v e gues
with a kindly smile,
ed who he was. We
could hardly believe the gallant
young soldier, an athlete and while
a large brawny man full of Ameri
can jcp and life, his kindness and
gentleness was a portion of the boy's
character who are fighting for the
freedom of the we. rid. such was our
greeting from Don McF.ride. He is
with the Marines, and had a short
furlough, and is visiting his folks at
South Omaha and ran dov.n to see
his many boyhood friends here. He
has been with the Marines for over
a year now. and is cine of the best in
ihe service. "Coodie" as he was
known by. when he carried the
Journal, could not go by the Jour
nal, but must come in and see how
we all looked. He will return to
his station at Philadelphia soon.
The state fair as on of the fea
tures, which the government is giv
ing, is the throwing upon the
screen the building of roads in this
state, taking even from the selec
tion of the stone in the quarry, and
going through all the process of the
preparing the materials, and the
construction of the roads, and later
their use and how the best meth
ods used, stand up under the con
stant use of heavy traffic. We
wonder if it would not be a good
idea for some one living around
this city and in this county to go
take a glimpse at the process and
see the results of 'Heal ltoadmaking'
for we are hearing a great deal
about the roads between here and
LaPIatte. We are now just in the
entering of a new era, on the Ihresh
hold as it were, when the roads of
the country are in part are going to
fake care of the traffic which the
railways are now failing to do. Pet
tor when you are at the state fair go
see these pictures, and make a spec
ial trip there to see them as well.
Prom Tuesday's Daily.
Last Sunday morning Sergeant
Dwight Patterson, arrived home for
a few hours visiting and after hav
ing visited with his parents, and
other friends during the day return
ed to his station at Camp Dodge, in
the evening. . lie was accompanied
by Sergeant Major C. F. Schmidt
mann. who had came over last Sat
urday, they both departing on the
same train and taking an auto to
Omaha to make the train.
When baby suffers with croup,
apply and give Dr. Thomas Eclectic
Oil at once. Safe for children. A
little goes a long way. 30c and COc
at all drug stores.
TURED. In Desperate Hurry to Escape Lest
Troops Be Encircled by British
Who Are Pressing Close in
the Pursuit.
With the British armies, Sept. 3.
More than ten thousand prisoners
oenmu our lines are tlie best human
proof of yesterday's victory, when
our troops broke the Drocourt
Queant line and today the enemy
is in a hard retreat from the wide
belt if country north and south of
tlie Arras-Cambrai road in a des
perate hurry to escape lest his re
treating troops may be encircled by
our men who are pressing their pur
suit. The capture of Queant last night
by our naval brigades, with Pron-
ville beyond gives us Keymes the
most important pivot where the
Drocourt line joined the main Hind
enburg line which have been com
pletely inrneci. so mat mis iortrcss
position on which the Cermanr, set
tneir Hopes ot safety in delense is
now in jeopardy. The lowland Sot
of our seventeenth corps are walk
ing along the Hindenburg line
southeast of Queant clearing it cf
ny men vcho may still be in hiding
there, while the naval men of
Drake's and Hood's and Anson's and
Marines are following the line of the
Hindenburg support trenches and
curving downwards to tlie valley of
the llirondelle river and across its
slopes to get astride the Bapaume-
Cambrai road which is the enemy's
line of retreat for all heavy trans
port, scurrying away and burning
their stores behind them.
Enemy ParJc-Stricken.
There are great possibilities of
success in this situation today when
beyond any doubt the enemy is
more panic-stricken, as lie has all
need to be. than at anv time in this
war, having lost his strongest de
fensive positions and many battal
lions of men of which he is in des
perate want and is at his wits end
to gather fresh reserves in time to
make a stand before much more is
Our troops among whom I have
been today are not in any mood to
make things easy for him and are
exerting their utmost strength of
' rily and spirit, not heeding the
ret-d of sleep or rest, to keep those
Hermans eui the move. In my mes
sage yesterday I said how the Her
man command had scraped up every
unit of every division which still
trave some hope of lighting quality
in order to counter attack with fe
rocity and gain back their Hinden
burg line. - Then divisions were
identified against us in the region
cf Oognicourt and Durya and we
took prisoners of evry company of
every regiment.
Beaten and Glad of It.
Yesterday I saw them streaming
without escort over the battlefield
beaten and glad of capture, and to
day again I have seen many more
trudging down our tracks after last
night's progress, but until last even
ing it .seemed likely these Germans
would shenv some kind of strength
and come back to us with the grim
endeavor to retrieve losses. That
did not happen. What did happen
was the steady forward movement of
our men all through the darkness of
last night, all through the rain
storms until the light of dawn came,
and they moved faster still to make
more gains and everywhere the ene
my yielded before them and in some
places like Queant, the key position
of all his line, he crept away in ad
vance of our men without a show of
The Canadian and English held
the line last evening east of Kter
pigny wood, southeastward to Dury
and Viller-Le-Cagnicourt and thence
southward to our side of Inchy.
They too were expecting counter-attacks
and at time an airman re
ported the Germans massing in the
wood called Aubigny-Aubers, cover
ed by an aerial escort of nineteen
air scouts. Some of our flying men
tried to break through that forma
tion of aeroplanes, but only one of
our pilots could get past them un
der the cover of the clouds and then
he bombed the assembling troops so
fiercely that they were broken up
and never came forward.
From Tiiesday's Dally.
Charles Speedie, county superin
tendent of Otoe county, E. D. Bart
ling of the Bartling Seed Company
at Nebraska City and R. W. Nasky
also of Nebraska City, passed thru
this city enroute from Omaha, where
they had been spending Labor Day,
to their homes at Nebraska City,
and called at this office to register
a kick about the condition of the
roads about the Platte bridge, saying
that unless the roads were kept in
better condition that they have been
and are at this time that travel from
Nebraska City and, the south would
be diverted through other channels.
Fi m Tuesday's Iailv.
Con Lynch is happy just now be
cause a young man bearing his name
came to his home and made- it
known that he would ho a member
of his Conrad's household, and the
mother and son are doing well. The
young man weighs S pounds, and is
teaching his father how to sing the
star spangled banner. He will give
the proud father his music lessons at
night, having his thrill to the tune.
an duns while it may seem incon
venient, is all right for (,'en will soon
have to gr to the army, and all the
drilling he gets now will save him
From Tuesday's Da 51 v.
J. C. York received a letter from
his son Ilussell, who lived in Alas
ka, telling of his son Ilussell who i
a crack rifle shot, going on his way
from Alaska to Camp Perry, Ohio,
with sixteen men from Alaska terri
tory, to a shoot which is to occur at
that place. Mr. York received a
card mailed from Minneapolis, stat
ing they were passing through that
place on their way to the camp.
Ilussell said that it would not be
possible fcr him to stop off on his
wa yback, but that he thought that
they would be back again as no
doubt they would be called on the
new registration.
From Tuesday's Paily.
This afternoon Joseph Phebus.
who has been making his home at
the Soldiers Home at Leavenworth.
Kansas, but is just now returning
from Portland, Oregon, where he
has been in attendance at the Na
tional Convention of the Grand Ar
4iiy of the Republic, stopped here
for a short stay and to visit with
friends. He tells of GIpti and Flace
his two sons having gone to the
army. Flace the younger having
just gone on June fifth, from his
home at Samatra, Montana to Camp
Lewis, Washington. Mr. Pluus
will depart this evening for Leaven
worth, after having visited with a
few of his friends here.
rom Tiiesdn v'ff lnily.
M'srs. Aubrey and Marion Dux-
bury, arrived here Saturday from
the Naval Training Station at Great
Lakes, Ilk. on a furlough. Mr. Au
brey Duxhurv will depart for Har
vard t( complete his course in
radio telegraph. in a few days.
Marion will remain here until Sept.
'Jth, when he will depart to sail
for across the waters and he has
applied for and been appointed a
lerk in the service, and will go to
France within a few weeks.
roTii Tuesday's Dally.
Frank Gorton of Dunbar was in
tlie city this morning, coming to
bring some people here from the
cities below, and was a few hours in
the city visiting with his many
friends. He reports all the family
well and all at home except Burton.
who is in the navy and has been for
the past year. He is on a boat in
the Atlantic Squadron.
Washington. D. C, Sept. 2. Pro
vost Marshal General crowuer to
day issued a school call lor ,J;
white registrants with grammar
school education and qualified for
general military service. They will
entrain September 19. Allotments
of these states and the schools at
which they will train follow, in the
order of school, quota, institution:
Kansas 103; Fort Hays Normal
school, Kas.
Nebraska 515; Kansas State Ag
ricultural college.
South Dakota 330; University of
South Dakota.
A military ring, crossed rifles on
the same. Lost between the home
of George Lloyd and union. l ne
name of Frank Marler engraved in
side. Finder please notify, airs.
Frank Marler, Murray, Neb., or
leave at this office.
Miss Kittie Cummins, teacher of
piano ana ineory. ran icims be
ginning Sept. 9. Res. Studio 902
Pearl St. Tel. 19. ltwCtd
Journal Want-Ads layi
(Continued from page 5.)
the widow survive him. He also
leaves his aged father and mother
aideven brothers and four sisters
to mourn his loss; two brothers and
one sister have preceded him in
death. One brother, John Murray,
died only five months ago. The
children are Mrs. Alvah Padgett,
Chester, Lee, Earl Elmer, Bernice,
Gladys and Wayne, all residing at
Parsons, Kansas. The brothers are
Charles C. Murray, of Alva,
Okla., Li. C. Murray, of Hennessey,
Okla., David and Edward Murray, of
Union, Christopher Murray, of My
nard, and Guy and Albert Murray, of
Plattsmouth The sisters are Mrs.
F. J. Spangler, and Mrs. Philip
Spangler, of Weeping Water, Mrs. Isa
belle Yost, and Mrs. Will Berger, of
Nebraska City.
Clarence Murray spent most of his
life time here in Cass county, re
moving to Healey, Kas., about 14
years ago, where the family lived
for three years, going from there to
Forest City, Mo., and lived for one
year, when they went to Parsons.
Kans.,, where they have since made
their home. He was a member of
the M. W. A., anr F. IT. of A., and
also a member of the Farmers Un
ion, of Parsons, Kansas. He w'as
always kind and a loving husband
and father, a good neighbor and
was highly respected by all who
knew him. j
His last illness was of only three
days duration, death being brought
on from a hemorhage following an j
operation. The remains were:
brought to Murray Thursday morn-J
ing, accompanied by the widow and '
children, and Mr. and Mrs. L. C.
Murray, and taken to the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Shrader and later
to the Otterbeiii church vhere fun-'
eral services were held at 10 o'clock
Thursday morning, conducted by!
Rev. W. A. Taylor, of Union; inter
ment being made in the Otterbein i
The pall hearers were six brothers
of the deceased, David. Leonard,!
Christopher. Edward. Guy and A1-!
bert. The choir, of the Murray,
Christian church sang a number of
well loved hymns. Tlie floral of- '
ferings were numerous and very
beatiful. among them being wreaths!
from Cue different lodges of which'
jhe was a member. The family and
j other re latives have the sympathy
of the community in their hour of
I have accepted a position with
jthe above company fcr this locality.
and am prepared to give all infor
mation to parties interested in our
land holdings, near Otis, Colo. If
you are sufficiently interested our
field manager will later on gon and
show the land to you. The analy
sis of our land show the same soil as
in ('has and Perkins county.
Murray, Neb.
Steve Copenhaver, John Farris,
Doc. Long and Nick Friedrich re
turned home from their northern
trip last Friday, and report a very
fine time on the entire journey, and
in traveling over 1.300 miles they
found the worst roads of the whole
trip between Plattsmouth and Om
aha. This is sure pretty tough on
us home people, to think that we
have just about the poorest roads in
the whole world, for if we cannot
Oood Hats Jot Men
vt Y Motor
Ml I,K Dress
50c 75c
C. E. Wescott's Sons
r v
j i
About getting the RIGHT Hat
Fall Styles and Your
Own Personality.
When the New Stetsons
come in, we spend a good
deal of time trying them on
end learning how each of them
looks with different types of
face and figure.
What this means to you is
Here is a tip worth while:'
Have two or three hats
change about from a Soft Stetson
to a Stetson Velour or a Stetson
Derby a new picture now and
then is enjoyed by every one.
Philip tfhiweti
equal the state of Minnesota we are
getting on the bum for good roads
for true. They report crops in Min
nesota the best for many years, ami
especially is the wheat ood..
Oliver Gapen and sister, Miss Vil
la, were State Fair visitors Tuesday.
Dr. and Mrs. Jackson who have
been in Esfes Park and elsewhere in
Colorado for several weeks and are
returning by way of Topeka. Kan.,
expect to be back home before
Saturday, and the Dr. will resume
regular services in the United Pres
byterian church sabbath morning.
He will also preach in the evening.
Eli Eaton, Dave Eaton, Bert Ev
erett and W. II. Younker, all from
near Union, drove up from their
home Tuesday to look after a few
business matters in the city, and
while here Mr. Eaton and Mr.
Younker paid the Journal office a
brief call. Uncle Eli says this is
the year that the land owners of the
bottom lands have the large crops
as usual. He says he had wheat
that made 52 bushels to the acre,
and has some corn that will run T."
bushels. Such fields as there afe
few and far between in Nebraska
this year.
Dr. T. J. TotlS and wife with
their son Henry, were passengers
this afternoon for Omaha, where
they are visiting at the home of his
brother George W. Todd for the
day. Dr. Todd departs for his home
in Kearney tomorrow, while Mrs.
Todd and Henry will return here
tomorrow for a longer visit before
they go to their home in the west.
I have (5) five
Chester White Male
Fritz Kaffenberger.
hogs for sale.
Stationery at the Journal oflTce.
and also
-for Men and Boys
m i m