The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, September 05, 1918, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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    IHUP.SPAY. SEPTETvIEr?. 5. 1918.
if if- if- if
Albert Foreman of Valparaiso,
visited home folks Sunday.
Chas. Rosenow and family motor
ed to Lincoln Saturday evening.
Mrs. Ruth Appleman will teach
the Belmont school north of town.
Grandpa Prouty does not improve
in health but .stems to grow weak
er. Mi?s Blanche Moore returned from a visit with friends in
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Cashner spent
Hiiiiday afternoon at the G. P. Fore
man home.
Mi:s Grace Bailey of Lincoln
visited Sunday and Monday with the
home folks.
Mr. and Mrs. ('ha?. Snavely of
Lincoln were in town Friday calling
on friends.
Dr. Shannon and family of Lin
coln called on Mr. and Mrs. G. P.
Foreman Thursday evening.
Mis Alti Linen left Friday for
Grand Island, where she teaches
ptnmanship in the city schools.
Mr. and Mrs. Lauren. Mrckle re
t Mined last week from a trip via the
auto route, to Sutherland. Xebr.
Mrs. Elmer Barrett and children
of Havelock visited relatives here
from Tingley until Sunday evening.
MKs Marie Prouty spent last week
in Kim wood with Miss Grace Alton
and attended the Chautauqua while
t here.
Mr. and Mrs. Delhert Ingwerson,
of Prairie Hom visited Sunday
niidit with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. P.
Paul Prouty and family came in
Saturday from Roy. Mont., and will
r-side here and Paul will farm with
his father.
Mrs. Kdna Jones and daughters of
Ashland were in town a short time
Friday evening, having motored ov
er with friends.
Mr. and Mrs. Kd. Waite and
children cf Ainsley have been visit
ing relatives and friends here the
past several days.
Mr. and Mrs. Dale Boyles and
Mr. and Mrs. L. Lauritsen autoed to
Omaha Saturday to witness the
"aeroplane circus".
Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Foreman. Mr.
and Mrs Noel Foreman. Chas. Fore
man and Miss Auriel Foreman at
tended the state fair Monday.
Mr.-. Joe Armstrong and daugh
ter. Mrs. Elmer Barrett visited Fri
day with Mrs. Fred Prouty and
daughters Misses Vera and Marie.
Mr. and Mrs. Mart Campbell and
daughter Miss Bee Campbell came
in last week from Mitchell. So. Dak.,
to visit friends and relatives here.
Fr-d Weaver and son Glenn of
South Bend and Mr. and Mrs. J. A.
Shaffer drve to Lincoln Sunday
morn inc. where they spent the day.
Boy Coatman and family have
returned from Elliott. Ia., where
they visited P. H. Weidman and
family and spent several days fish
in. z.
Emmet t Friend and Sherman
Wolfe spent a few days at Ft. Dodge
Iowa, with John Skinner and Walter
Collins returning home Monday on
,0. ..
Miss Laura Pars ell and Earl
Dreamer were married in Platts
mouth Aug. 2S. 101S. They will
make their home on a farm east of
The little rat terrier "Nip" be
longing to John Murtey, died last
week, having attained the age of
fifteen ywars. He had been a faith
Dealers in Fresh and Cured Meats
We dress our beeves cattle are cheaper, so save
money and buy the best steer beef at these prices:
SIRLOIN )OTrfll(30c
ROUND ) W 1 -ni ( Pound
A full line of Sausages and Cold Meats of all kinds.
ful little friend to Mr. and Mrs.
Murtey and will be greatly missed
by them.
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Simonson of
Guyman, Okla., came in Sunday to
visit the former's sister Mrs. Taul
Johnson and other relatives a few
weeks. The Misses Carrie Peterson and
Agnes Peterson, of Goodwell came in
Saturday to attend the Alvo school
again this year and will live with
Grandma Johnson.
J. II. Stroemmer and son Alfred
Stroemmer, and Mr. Brown of Wa
bash returned from a week's fishing
on the Blue river near Earneston,
having made a fine catch.
J. A. Shaffer received greetings
from Prof. Worley who taught here
the past two years and is now en
joying an outing at Lake Okoboji,
Iowa, where he and Mrs. Worley
went in their new car.
Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Hardnock
motored to Lincoln Saturday and
brought Uncle Sam Cashner home
from the hospital where he has
been for the past few months. He
is now able to walk up town.
Virgil C. Finnell, Religious Di
rector of Education, Church of the
Brethern, will be in Alvo next Sat
urday night and Sunday. All day
meeting Sunday. Basket dinner.
Everybody invited. M. E. STAIR,
Carl Ganz from Louisville, Ky.,
who has been attending officer's
training school there is visiting at
the S. C. Boyles home this week. Mr.
Ganz received the commission of
2nd Lieutenant of the Field Artil
lery and is assigned to Camp Funs
ton. Friends of Mrs. Earl Dreamer
gave her a miscellaneous shower
Monday afternoon at the home of
Miss Emily Strong. The young
folks gave Mr. and Mrs. Dreamer a
charivari Monday night at their
home east of town. A very delight
ful time was had.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Prouty receiv
ed a letter from their son Lee, who
had reached the coast of England in
safety. The letter was written on
board ship and stated that he was
in the very best of health though he
had experienced slight (?) sea-sickness
going over. Otherwise he con
sidered it a splendid trip.
The Alvo school opened Tuesday
with the following faculty in charge:
Miss Dayton, superintendent, who
came from Wayne. Miss Hathaway
principal. Miss Marie Appleman, as
sistant principal. Miss Rush of Lin
coln home economics, Mrs. Audrey
Stroemmer 6th, 7th and 8th grades.
Miss Clara Dickerson 4th and 5th
grades. Miss Marie Stroemmer 2nd
and 3d grades. Miss Hoffman, pri
mary grade. Music will be taught
once a week.
Large yellow Elberta free stone
peaches $2.50 bushel, equivalent to
3 boxes. Quality fine. Car due
last of this week. Selling fast.
Phone or write Johnson Bros. Neb.
City. ltw
We want a reliable middle aged
man with some automobile exper
ience for night man. Permanent
employment if services are satisfac
tory. T. H. POLLOCK, Garage.
A few good used Fords for sale.
T. H. Pollock, Garage. 28-tf
Subscribe for the Journal.
BLOCK, Prop.
WrdYck him
John Amgwert was in Omaha
Miss Viola Everett was visiting
with friends in the country over
Homer Lawton left last Friday
for Norfolk, Va., where he will
enter the ship building yards.
W. O. Gillespie and wife return
ed Friday evening from their trip
to Colorado. They went via the
Ford route.
Dr. and Mrs. McDermott and
daughter Dorothy of Omaha, were
Sunday guests of Mrs. McDermott's
parents, L. Neitzel and wife.
Dr. Ilornbeck and his bride have
gone to housekeeping in their home
just north of Harry McDonald's.
May their happiness never grow less.
Mr. and Mrs. O. E. McDonald and
son Robert and their guest Miss Eyes of Britain on Pershing's Armies
Edith Kelly of Plattsmouth. were
sightseeing at the state fair Mon- London, Sept. 3. The stiAtegical
day. situation on the western front leaves
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Gustin. Misses J to the Americans the duty of strik
Grace and Margaret Gustin and Al- jns a mopping up blow against the
bert Theel jr., motored to Camp ! vast German hordes that are being
Funston, where they
visited over
Mrs. M. Sorick and little grand
daughter Harriet Lawton, returned
last Tuesday from a week's visit
with relatives at Modale and Mis -
souri Valley, Iowa.
Among those from here who en
tered the Elm wood High School were
Victor Thimgan, Harvey Schwab,
John Paul Pickwell, Bud and Mar
garet Amgwert, Dorothy Reeves.
About fifty of Albert Reickman's
friends gathered at his home last
Thursday evening to help him cele
brate his eighteenth birthday.
Games and music helped the merry
makers to pass a most enjoyable
ovpnin? Tpp cream nnd cake were
served and at a late hour all depart-
ed to their homes wishing him many
more happy birthdays.
4 ...... .
A Column DrvntHl to
Loral I ' mil in; lnl-r-.
, . 4 . . . . . . . . .
Dry Corn Silage.
The sooner fields that are very
badly damaged are cut up the bet
ter. Such corn put into a silo will
make feed, though it will not com
pare with more developed corn, f
the corn is very dry when it is put
into the silo, it is advisable to add
Practicallv silage has!''"-1 and the fall of Cambrai, Douai.
ample vtaici. J i iinnaii ?iiac.r ii ii j
never been spoiled with too much
water, while" vast quantities have
been kept poorly because of being
too dry. When you think you have
sufficient water added try adding as
much more. Remember the ccrn
which is ordinarly put into the silo
in a green state contains about 70
per cent to 75 per cent moisture,
whereas some fields this year will
not contain to exceed 20 per cent to
25 per cent moisture. If not used
to fill silo it should be cut for fod
der. Sow Wheat Early.
The Entomology Department of
the University of Nebraska reports
that thereare fewer Hession flies
this year than any year in the last
seventeen. Under these circum
stances, wheat sowing can begin in
southeastern Nebraska early in
September, fully three weeks sooner
than would be advisable were the
Hession fly present, in sufficient
numbers to do serious injury.
Raising Dairy Calves.
"Raising Dairy Calves" is ihe
title of the new bulletin of the Ne-
i braska Extension Service. It deals
in a simple and direct way with
i raising dairy calves, and will be cf
special value to the boys interested
'in the calf raising work. The bul
jletin No. 51, will be sent upon ap
plication to the Extension Service,
University Farm, Lincoln. Nebr.
County Agent.
! Washington. D. C, Sept. '2. Six
thousand and fifty-four registrants
' qualified for limited military serv
. ice only were today called by Pro
vost Marshal General Crowder to
entrain September 7 for various mili
' tary camps, from which they will
be assigned to the different draft
j boards requiring their services. It
, is planned to keep the men in this
, employment until January, when
they will be assigned to other duties.
I The allotments and concentration
points for western states follow:
Nebraska 190; Fort Omaha.
Iowa 148; Camp Dodge, Ia.
Kansas 141; Fort Riley, Kas.
South Dakota 94; Ft. Meade, S.
Recognize Signs of Growing
organization in Kaiser's
pressed back by the other allies, in
the opinion of some of the British
military experts.
A,uch -s expecto:1 of the American
forces wbich are increasing with
Washington. D. C. Spt. 3. Re
ports from the British front today
indicated to officers here that the
German retirement, heretofore con
ducted with skill, was getting out
of hand.
Under the pressure of the British
and French, all along the line from
Ypres to Soissons. the enemy is be
ing forced to a more precipitate
withdrawal particularly on the old
Drocourt-Queant front where Mar-
shal Hai-'s incn hammered forward
irresistibly again today.
The official announcement
Lon.lon that mere than 10. "00 pris
oners have been taki-n in two d ivs
! of fighting on this front in itrr-lf in-
5-idicates it is said that there is grow-
ing disorganization in the German
Pershing Soon to Strike.
It wasi evident observers believe
the time is fast approaching when
General Pershing's lirst field army
will participate in the battle, on the
theory that General Foch has been
withholding this new and vigorous
force for a decisive blow when the
time w ripe.
The British have broken a decid-
! ed gap in the old- German
St. Qacntin and Severn 1 other rail
and road centers upon which the
Hindenburg line depended seems
imminent. If the enemy intended to
fall back upon this line he was fore
ed into a general withdrawal along
his whole front from Rheims to
Ypres, his chances are rapidly
dwindly as the British linoo .ure
forward at the very center of the
great battle front.
Moving; cn Cambrai.
Marshal Hair's forces are moving
on Cambrai. the key to a large sec
tion of the old line and if that place
is taken it appears the enemy will
be forced to evacuate the salient in
which he is raipdly being pocketed
1... 1. n ir1-.-! .ui.l A m or i ri n n i'-
ii y I U C 1 4 V 1111 .;.- ..w.i
vance on the Oise-Ailette lines in
the south and the British thrust
eastward from Peronne to the
So evident is the growing disor
ganization among the Germans.
ome officers think it possible the
enemy may be forced to a with
drawal to the Rhine this year. Oth
ers feel the skill the German lead
ers have displayed does not warrant
any anticipation of an early col
lapse. FOR SALE.
Mr.dorn five room cottage, well lo
cated. Inquire of C. A. Rawls, own
er. 2S-tfd&w
A few good used Fords for sale.
T. H. Pollock, Garage.
tor Infants and Children
In Uce For Over 30 Years
Alwavs bears
9M'lal Attention to I)irnr of Wim?n
Eyes Tested and Glasses Fitted
Wight Calls Answered After Hours
and Sundays by Appointment.
8:30 a. m. to 12:00 1:30 p. m. to 5:30
Contm Itlftrk Dl,ii .1 K.T 1
Items of Interest Gathered From
Many Points
During the months of July ani Au
gust a total of 11,234,040 pounds ot
sugar was used In this state for all
pur j cses.
Both housjps of congress have passed
a bill appropriating $40,000 for the
Greeks who suffered In the South
Omaha" riots In 11:03.
One hr.n.ired and fifty acres of al
f;.I;"a land near Arnold sold recently
for ?12" er acre. A record price
for Custer county land.
The Peru Normal has been recog
nized ty th? War department as a
school in which a student army train
in;: corps will be incorporated.
The price of alfalfa hay at the
South Omaha stock yards has ad
vanced to $40 a ton, or two cents a
pound. Prahie hay is selling at ?35
a ton.
rchra? I'l's gain in county agents
during the part year surpasses ai!
other asrfl-iiltural states in the union
Figures show that So of the state's i
counties have county agricultural
agents, and 40 of the t'3 have women
ngents to work with the farm women
of the counties.
The York County Commercial clu!
is an effort to have a section
of the Lincoln highway pass through
the county and the ciry of York, if a
hange is made in the route of the
thoroughfare west of Omaha. A reso
h:;i'.n has been sent, to the hi.hva
asjoriation at Detroit, Mich.
Word has reached the Nebraska
headquarters of the Y. V.. C. A. r.
Omaha that the bis war fund drive
November 11 to 19. will be for the
Y. W. C. A., the War Camp Com
munity Service and the American IA
biary Association. The united bodie
plan to ra.ise S133.500.O00 in all states
A delegation of South Omaha stoci
men wore in Washington recently ury
ing Director General MeAdoo t-o iruei
vene in behalf of ailing the shipr.ien
of thousands of cattlo from Texas
Oklahoma, Kansas and other southorr
states to the long grass country i'
Xc! ;a: ka. It is believed the request
will be granted.
Ov.Ir.rr to the fact that
retitions involving the measure, tern
; or:;T.y suspended it. Nebraska won:
n were unable to votp at the recent
rrimarie?. Women of the state wiK be able to take advantage of tin
partial suffrage law enacted by the
1117 legislature until the case is set
:ied in the courts.
Captain C. E. Adams of Omaha, 71.
elected head of the Grand Army of
:he Republic at Portland. Ore . is one
A the best known business men in
Nebraska, having been in business ir.
"his state for forty years. For yean-h;-
was in the banking business at Su
.crier. Ho served during the civil
'.';: r with a regiment of artillery from
Attention or a1! persons who send
nail to the boys in Franco i- called
'o the fact that letters should not be
i.'.dreL-sed with the abbreviation A. E
as it is apt to become confused
i;h the Australian Expeditionary
Force. The word "American" must
1 spelled cut in fall in. writing Amer
ican Expeditionary Forces, if delays
.ire to be avoided.
Over HO.t'OO more men will register
i nilr the new man power act in Ne
braska than registered una r the se
lective draft law passed at the out-brc-ak
of the war, which fixed the
f'raf: ages from 21 to 31. The new
man power law provides fcr the regis
tration of all men from 18 to 45
years of age. Estimates indicate that
ipproximately 177.000 Nebraska men
will register under the new act.
That prosperity prevails among far
mers cf western Nebraska is attested
by a letter received by Mayor Smith
f Omaha from K. L. Pierce of Hem
mingford in which an offer is made in
behalf of citizens of the community
to sond a carload of potatoes to the
metropolis for distribution among the
poor. The letter states that, "as we
have r.o poor of our own, we wish to
serd a carload of spuds to Omaha for
your needy poor."
Orders received at the Nebraska
headquarters of the co-operating pub
lic employment bureau at Omaha state
that Nebraska within the next few
weeks or a month must furnish S.1S0
men for essential war work in the ship
yards, railroads, munition factories
and o'her war activities. The order Is
presumed, to refer to the Nebraska
quota of the 1,000.000 more men for
war industries which the government
wants at once. State Director Kleffner
says it is possible that the bureau will
have to step into the mercantile estab
lishments throughout the state and
tahe men considered engaged in non
essential employment and send them
on to the government work. "It Is
likely that we will get authority to
draft these men for the war industries
through the increase in the draft,".
he said.
The stock movement from the sand
hills, the short grass country and the
mountain range country northwest, !3
now on and the Burlington railroad Is
being taxed to handle the movement.
There seems to be no great scarcity
of c ars or motive power, but the busi
ness is so heavy that the capacity of
the railroad is taied. The company baa
been doing improvement work on its
Wyoming I'isirict. and many men have
been shipped there, who wcrk a few
days ar.d then leave. These men add
to the burden of transportation and
ab-'o fail to assist it ia getting needed
work dona. '
Conserve Your Money
It is just as vital that the wealth of the citizens of this conn
try be conserved as that any other necessity be conserved to
aid in the winning of the War.
Money is the greatest requirement of the Government; the
absolutely paramount commodity, the essential thing which
we can all have a part in providing.
The Capital Issues Committee Was
Created to Help Conserve Money
The Capital Issues Committee has legal jurisdiction over
all issues in excess of f'l 00.000 and has requested that all
issues of if'l 00,000 or less be submitted to the District Com
mittee for approval.
It will be regarded as an unpatriotic act for any stock to
be sold which has not received the permission of the Cap
ital Issues Committee, and all citizens are asked to co
operate with the. Committee by refusing to buy any stock
which has not been submitted to the Committee and received
the proper permit.
Insist Upon Seeing the Permit
Before Buying Any Stock
"When you are asked to buy stock or bonds in any com
puny, insist upon seeing the permit of the Capital Issues
Committee for its sale. Do not accept any statement that
it is all riirht, that the permit is in the offices of the com
pany. DO NOT BUY ANY STOCK unless the proper per
mit is produced for your inspection.
Do not trade your LIBERTY BONDS for any stock, no
matter if a permit for its sale has b-en issued or not. The
boys at lho front have enlisted for the duration of the
"War. Surely you should enlist your money without res
ervation. You owe to the Government your co-operation in providing
the monev needed to carry on the War, and the Capital
Issues Committee helps you to avoid non-essential invest
ments. lMease do all that you can to assist the Government in this
Chairman li-tii' t t'l.niniitte on Capital
Kor tli 'Int!i Krferve 1'istiii.t,
Kitnsaa CUy, Missoui i.
Washington, Sept. 3. No chang
es are contemplated in the basic
rules governing the operation of the
draft in the case of men included
under the new age limits. This was
indicated today by Trovost Marshal
General Crowder who, after going
to the White House with General
March, explained that the principles
which prevailed in the selection of
men between the ages of 21 and 31
would be retained in large measure.
There will be some changes in
the details relating to men engaged
in certain industries and more es
pecially to men of more mature age
included in the new registration.
Just what these are the government
is not prepared to announce, but it
is believed that rules to cover all
questions that can be foreseen now
will be sent to draft boards within
a few days.
General March and General Crow
der conferred with President Wilson
for an hour. They were summoned
by the president, who wished to fa
miliarize himself with all details of
the man power measure and pro
posed method of operation.
Whether arrangements will be
made which will automatically ex
Plattsmouth Auto Tire
and Cycle Repair Shop!
Tires Retreaded and Rebuilt!
Good Workmanship!
E. E2SUtfflS, Proprietor
Krug Building, Plattsmouth, Neb.
empt railroad men and coal miners
as a body cannot yet be stated. Di
rector General MeAdoo is under
stood to be in favor of providing
some method other than the decision
of local boards for exemtping es
sential railroad employes. General
Crowder said that, under present
plans, the matter of exempting this
class of workers would be in the
hands o fthe district boards to be
taken up by them after the question
naires have been passed on by the
local boards, which, he said, are
without jurisdiction to exempt a
registrant on the ground that he is
an essential industrial worker.
All our present Allies have recog
nized Triner's American Elixir of
Bitter Wine as the leading stomach
remedy because of its perfect re
liability. It was awarded highest
honors gold medals and Grand
Prix in England (London 1910),
in Belgium (Brussels 1910), in Italy
(Home 1911), in France (Paris
1911). and then came gold medal.
San Francisco 1915, and Grand
Prix, Panama 191 C. All these re
wards were the highest obtainable
prizes. Triner's American Elixir of
Bitter Wine is the best remedy for
all stomach troubles, constipation,
indigestion, headaches, nervousness,
etc., because it cleans out the in
testines, helps digestion, sharpens
the appetitite and tones up the en
tire system. At drug stores, $1.10.
The same highest prizes were award
ed to Triner's Liniment, the most
efficient preparation for rheumatism,
neuralgia, lumbago, sprains, swell
ings, etc. At drug stores 35 and
65c. By mail 45 and 75c. Joseph
Triner Company, 1333-1343 S. Ash
land Ave., Chicago, 111.
Flags at the Journal Office.
Subscribe for the Journal.
Phone SOS 1 wusillUUUi, HCU.