The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, September 02, 1918, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6
PLATTSMOUTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL. MONDAY, SEPTEMBER j. 5C DC 2C DC Mi- s uni;r.iiiiiij 3 The Autumn Exposition COMMENCES TUESDAY, in Plattsmouth, Neb. , 1918. ' if 4 t f 4 1kPf ' ff g ill ni j& - If to pf ivf ( A j?v ft ) V -$A t September 3rd Offering delightful expression of the new Autumn models in Coats, Suits, Gowns, Millinery, Shoes and Dress -Accessories. : We cordially invite you to view the fine fresh stocks now being display- s ed throughout the stores where qual ity standards have been maintained and are rightfully deserving of your confidence. I P ttf-:.! fc V Mvmy V ill w J 7 ft" ..;i i 4 ft i'Se One has but to see this beautiful collection of Fall dresses to be impressed with the cleverness with which the simple straight lined have been relieved by ingenious treatment. The skirts are rather slender, the normal waistline continues in favor, but pleat ings, draped and gathered effects and sashes arranged for adaption to individual tastes, lift these garments out of the ordinary. The range of materials include Tricotine, Serge, Velour and Gabardine, in wool fabrics while Georgette, Crepe de chine, Satin, Meteor and Taffeta are the chief representatives of the silk weaves. Blue is the dominating color, followed by black, tans, grays and taupes. S 1 3 F to $50 i -;- 1 ! j I I ' .,1 ; 1 i rr1- V. $&$ly? MA (J Suit What is more important than a coat when autumn comes? ""It is only natural that women will be eager to see the style tendencies cf these new garments. To an extent, they follow the straight line silhouette with a slight flare, but -here is one with a new belt idea there another with out any belt at all. Collars vary as to size and shape, many being fur trimmed. Velour, plush, bolivia and velvet vie with each other for favor and to add interest are brought out in a choice color range. From $10 to $125 Never was it more difficult to picture with words the style fea tures of women's suits than tlm Fall. Fashion shows dignified straight lines. They express a very youthfulness that owes much of its charm to the distinctive little touches here and there, which vary with the different types of gar ments. In these selections of suits of fine velours and worsteds, one will notice becoming shawl and convertible collars, a touch of fur or braid on some models and a liberal use of pockets. The coats extend to the finger tips and often even longer. Navy, brown, green and black are the colors of first favor. PRICED FROM i II A T ill I if 1 IK Skirts All skirts of plaid materials seem to have the call, particularly the com binations of black and white; but the popularity of plaid skirts is shared by plain shades, developed along some what simple lines, brought out with tunics and panels and draped effects, as well as side or accordion pleats. The tendency is towards garments of satin, poplin, worsteds, velvet and taf feta. Priced from $3.50 to $25 'gX- 4Jj- Hi) s UJU E J f) iw 09 1m flP M w& l $22.50 tO $75 Fall Opening Tuesday, September 3 The dines9 Toggery 506 Msvln Street. Plettsmouth's Greatest Attraction fred p. busch. Manager Here now, under one roof, are gathered all the authentic modes in women's wear, as developed by the "first" manufacturers. In every group there is reflection of the spirit of the times. Fashion has been guided by the need for con servation, yet, through the genius of American designers, styles have lost none of their distinc tion, dignity or grace. First thoughts of Fall ap parel brings to every woman's mind the need of V-. New Underthings! And when there is a variety of petticoats, bloomers, cami soles and chemises of such beautiful quality, as we are showing now, choosing promptly is very advantage ous indeed. Silk Camisoles $1. 00 to $3. 00 Silk Petticoats $3.50 to $10 V:AI 9. 1 M Children's Coats! XS2SfS. mmm First Time Shown Blouses There is an added pleasure in wear ing a new autumn blouse if you know that'it was chosen from this selection of approved modes, with their many novel treat ments of collars and sleeves. Georgettes from $4. 95 to $15 We have a beauti ful line of children's coats for Fall and Winter in velour, plush, velvet and wool materials in a wide range of color. Priced from $5 to $25 U if -m n 1 r n T