The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, August 29, 1918, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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page mm.
Murray Department
Prepared in tbe Interest, cf the People of Murray and Surrounding Vicinity Especially for the Journal Readers
I J ar.y cf the readers cf the
Journal Wuow of anr social
fTcntorltem i;f Imprest in
this Ticinlty. and wilt ma.1l
same to this oftire. it will ap
pear umier this htacl'.njr. Ve
want all newsitems EuiToa
Your Family
There's no surer way of pro
viding for the ones you love than
banking your cash.
The man with money in bank
is prepared for a business re
verse or loss of position.
Cash in bank gives him a new
grip on life.
Deposit your surplus cash
now. Don't waste it. Don't
Yon 1 1 be surprised to see
how an account grows.
Sec us today about cn ac
j Joe Boil was shelling out his corn
l this week.
i A. L. Baker was
visitor Sunday.
I Oldham's shipped out nine head of
and Colorado.
! Fro J Warner was a Plattsmouth
visitor Tuesday.
' Miss Beulali Sans was a l'latts
iiioiith visitor Tuesday.
YV. S. Smith was in Plattsruouth
Ben Dill was in Plattsniouth
! a few hours Monday.
Plattsniouth j Anderson Davis has hcen very
i ftr t li -:icfr fow ilnva
Fred Ilild was a Plattsniouth vis
itor last Saturday evening.
.Miul'ord fc ('reamer shipped a car
load of .stack to the South Omaha
market Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Boedeker and
Miis Beulah Sans wt-re. in Omaha on
i Tuesday of this week.
Tuesday of this week.
Miss Vera and Klmer Yardley were The little baby of Mr. and Mrs.
in Murray Monday afternoon. i Wm. Wiley, that has been so ill for
F. T. Wilson and family motored the past few weeks, is improving at
to Omaha last Thursday on business, this time.
Mr. and Mrs. 1). A. Young attend- The little baby o! Mr. and Mrs.
picnic at Union last Satur-
A. Warlitk. near Nehawka.
very sick for the past tew
Four per cent interest on tine deposits.
Our deposits are protected by the State Guaranty Law.
Jock Mc.N'att and
ri:.:?:,:::outh last Sati
i-'.j'ir.! A child's
family were in
emit on the I).
Lee and Lttu Nickels were traii
sattiug hu.-iness in Plattsniouth on
Wi dilt'sdav.
A. Y'.Ming read. Ir.qnire at the Jo;:r-i
mil ofilce.
Wanted '.. Buy.-- Pure bred I)u- '
re v.- P'.- with a pedigree. Oldham j
S'ock Farm.
Mrs George Thomas went dosn
to the home of .Mrs. Glen Perry Wed
nesday, where Ue spent a few hours
wih Mrs. Perr . " ;
Tliere will 1.- no services. at Lev. is
ton on Sunday owing to the basket
dinner to be held at the Christian
ehurch on Sunday.
Mrs. John Crunk and daughter.
Miss Bertha, and Miss Gertrude, ar
rired here Monday for visit with
Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Crunk.
T!;- infant daughur if Mr. au".
Mrs. A. 1). Crunk, vho has been
wry sick for the pa-t few days, i
reported soni" better at this time.
( will
j.i. ri i -u!ai s
'.) cotto;iWfo.l logs for sale
put in a mill and will s.ll
ri'.it price. l'ur
.Murray. Xeb.
Miss Jennie Shrader. ot Omaha.
! was visiting at the Old Settlers Pic
'uic last Saturday.
j liss Pearl Unsay of Omaha, came
jdown lr.t Saturday to attend tl:e
Old Settlers' Picnic at Union.
Joph Queen, of Iowa, was visit
ing with friends and relatives here
ior a few davs tiie past week.
t Gi"jrge. the littl. sou of Mr. and
Mrs. Glen Thompson, is reported on
the mend for the pa-t few days.
O. K. Yardley and wife and little
Delia ir. from near Louisville, were
visitii.g at the Old Settlers' Picnic
last Saturday.
Alex Campbell was a Sunday vis
itor at the .hame of Mr. and Mrs.
("has. Chriswisser, in Nehawka
last Sunday.
Hohert Shrader ami son Oscar and
.grandson Gerald, went our to Camp
Do'tge. Iov.a. this week lor a few
days visit with his son Mont.
Mr. ami Mrs. Chas. Creamer ami
.Mrs. J. Y. Yard'.ey and daughter.
Yf-ra and son Klmer. spent the day
: with Mr and Mrs. Zack Shrader.
i near N'ehawka.
Always Ready for Sale
Dates- far or near.
nrxicu. allium uii in u rAi
Tele;?! one 1511
LIurray Exa range
Pry Howard and family r"t urnod
a ;ntc rnrn i! western part of ill-!
st?t-" M ori day afsernoon of th's week.
The wi-stern trin was n; iue over tfie
auto roue, and they mcde tops in
Biiifiilo. Phelps and York counties,
where they made visits with rela
tivis and friends, and the trip ex
tended oer a p:rKd of about two
wee!:.-:. In s'me parts of the country
th" year's crojs are reported as aood
,..-r,npv!y in p.uffalo county, where
they ';?ir:rtd t!" lx-st corn crop ever
rrovTi h'Tc. The Howard family
report, a very pleasant trip on the en
tire journey.
ed the
Mrs. I.
has been
Win. Puis, sr., and daughter. Miss
Laura, were Plattsmouth visitors on
; Corn cutting will be very popular
this year, as hay is a very scarce
, Mr. and Mrs. L It. Queen spent
Sunday with Mrs. II. II. Fitch, east
of Murray.
t Ray Henry was looking after
some matters of business in the
county seat last Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Barrows, sr.. and
Mr. and Mn Barrows, jr., were in
'attendance at the Old Settlers' last
Sat urday.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas Ferguson
were visiting over Sunday at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. B. M. Cline
over Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Your.r will
leae for South Dakota next Satur
day !'".' visit with thejr dauyhtr.
Mrs. Lyman.
Km Carroll and family and Mrs.
Will Hendricks drove down to Paw
nee City last week for a few days
visit with relatives and friends.
.Mr.;. Oldham, Pauline and Fay Old
ham. .Mrs. M. L. Craig. Gertrude
Lonu. Fred Condon, George Nickels
and .Vl.ert Young attended the Old
Settler-.' Picnic at Union las Satur
day. c. . Bawls came down from
Plattsniouth Tuesday and met with
the Home Guards. "lie gave the boys
some instructions on extended or
ders, that were very beneficial to
theai at this time.
Medames Nettie Davis. S. Old
ham. E. S. Tutt. M. L. Craig. J. D.
I it man. Pauline and Fay Oldham
were out on a grape picking picnic
Wednesday. There were plenty of
grapes and plenty of eats.
A h-tter from Fdmund Kniss and
Kaljdi Kennedy, who are stationed
at the Government Auto School af
Lir.ii in. states that the boys are well
pleased with their work and are do
ing ne. Thc-e oung men will sure
make good at any point Uncle Sam
wishes to place them.
c7,r j?r- W
When your government designs a shoe for our sol
diers, ou know it must be the very best, for comfort and
service, plenly of room and no pinching, to make tired
feet. We have them in. stock for the civilian on the arm3
lasts and once you try this style shoe you will want no
Men's Army Last Tan Shoes,
sizes 6 to II
Boys' Army Last Tan Shoes,
sizes 2Vz to 5Yz
The fjllowing contrbutions have
been made to the Home Guards for
their equipment since last reported:
I. M. Davis $.".0
L. ?. Puis 2.00
Fred llild ::.00
C. M. Koad ,r,.00
G. M. Minford 10.00
In the previous report John Sans
was reported as giving $1.00 when
it should have been ?r.0u, and A.
D. Bhoderi pave .$l.oo instead of TOc.
Uniforms have been received
part of the company, and the order
has been placed for t lie remainder.
We h
Bay Henry lias been very sick for
the p;:st few days.
H. C. Long departed last week for
Furnas county, where he has some
land interests to look after.
The Murray State Bank will be
closed all day on Labor Day. All
patrons will please be governed ac
cordingly. Mrs. Irviu Moor- departed Satur
day for Marysville. Mo., for a few
weeks visit with friends and rela
tives and friends.
Louis Shoemaker is sporting a fine
new Chalmers car this week, that
he bought from the Philpot agency
I at Weeping Water.
.Miss Jessie Barrows departed
.Monday for Cottonwood, South Da
kota, where she will teach school
the coming winter.
Warren Wiley departed last Fri
day for the western part of the state,
where he will make a few days visit
v ith relatives and friends.
The stork visited the home of Mr.
and .Mrs. Massie last Monday and left
with them a mighty line baby boy,
for which the proud parents are very
thankful. Both mother and little
o:;e are doing nicely.
Marie and Ksther Puis, who have
been up near Coleridge for the past
f ur weeks visiting at the home of
.Mrs. i'uls' parents, returned home
la.t Friday. They report plenty of
rain and good crops in that locality.
Fred Ilild and family and Mr. and
Mrs. Henry Wulf departed Monday
of this week on their western trip.
They took the auto route and expect
to be gone about two weeks, visit iug
various points in western Nebras
ka and Colorado.
! Nick Friedrich. Doc Long, John
Ferris and Steve Copenhaver depart
ed last week for Minnesota, where
they have some business matters to
look alter, as well as a pleasure
trip. The journey is being made
(over the auto route.
The Murray Schools now have the
full : tair of teachers for the fall and
winter term. Miss Kpler, was se
cured this week', which places each
a. id every department in excellent
hands for the term, which opens on
the a(h of September. The new
heating plant is about ready, and
will be ready long before it is need-
td, and will eliminate a great deal
of annoyance that the board and
teachers were compelled to contend
wi;b last season.
The following is a very interest-'
ing letter from Walter Salberg. who fl
is. a member fo the U. S. Army in l
France, a member of Co. C. 137th
Infantry. The letter states that he
would prefer his parents not learn
of his having gone over the top, but
they have been told of the same and
are proud of it.
A. E. F., July 24th.
Dear Brother and Family:
Your letter received a few days
ago, and was glad to hear from you.
It found me O. K., and I was glad
to hear that you are all well and
getting along nicely. I suppose when
these few lines reach you you will
have forgotten about corn plowing,
will probably be making hay and
threshing. I don't suppose 1 would
know how to farm now, but am will
ing to learn. How is aunt Lizzie
getting along? Xo doubt she speaks ,
of me often. It has been raining a j
little today in France. This is sure
a pretty country, but somehow I,
T,.,w.- 1..Y,l(. V,(ll in ,1 ll 1 I
iUJl iljl IUV CIUIC. AVll vail.
Klmer that I will de the best I can,
for what he told me to do, yes boy.
If I could speak French, I would be
able to spend the time a little better, j
bi:i don't think I can learn very eas- '
:ly. l can also write you tnat i nave .
bem up on the front line and we !
went oer the top, one morning and S
Our Service
What If You Were Buying An
Airplane to Use?
You Would Insist on Knowing All About that Machine
Before You Bought It, Wouldn't You?
If you had to make airplane
trips frequently and had to buy a
machine for the purpose, you
would take the utmost care in se
lecting it.
You would realize that your
life, to a great extent, depended
upon the judgment you used in
making the selection.
Buying direetly from a catalog
wouldn't interest you.
You would be interested most
in a machine raad by a manufac
turer who was widely known as a
maker of reliable airplanes.
You would rather buy from a
friend that you know was inter
ested in your welfare.
Most of all, you would want to
see that machine-to go over
every part of it before you bought
The same principle ought to
hold good in buying a farm im
plement. In such buying, aKo, much de
piids upon vour judgment. Your.,
crop production prolit oppends
largely up nit. You want an im
plement that, you can ab-olutely
rely on to help you make t he most
of time.
Why not lake the same care in
sell-cling farm in; oh m-nts that
you would t ake in .e!-et i'l'S an air
plaiie'r It will pny you -always.
Oji- siore has t-wry advantage
thatsuchcareful ten ing requires.
Come in and -e- for yourself.
am Implement Go.,
captured prisoners. I think the cen
sor will permit me to white this, if
not I did not intend to overstep the
bo md-. You do not need to tell any
body about thi, but you can tell
J. i';'. 1. ut I w ould rather the folks
did not know. Sherman was right,
for the big shells put fear in me. I
don't mind telling you. I hope to
be able to tell you all about these
things some time later on. Xow I
! will close, hoping these lew lines
find you all well and happy. I re
main with love,
Your loving brother,
Walt. Salberg.
There was a large crowd in at
tendance at the dance given at the
Puis & Gansemer hall, on last Wed
nesday evening, and all seemed to
have a senuine good time. The next
or.o is booked for Friday evening,
September 13th. The same good old
tia;e with the same music may be
looked for.
yesterday ;
from their
in iiokoh of rn. gilmose
There will be a public reception
at the Puis & Gansemer hall, in
Mima;., cn Friday Evening, August
30, in honor of Dr. Gilmore's de
parture for the army. Judge Begley
r.iid J. F. Falter, of Plattsmouth, vill
be present and delivej- addresses. An
for appropriate musical program will al
so be given in connection. A gener
al invitation is extended to all.
P" to have them all this week
time for the patriotic meeting
Hoy Rhoden and Ernest Osborn,
from near Elmwood, was in the city
afternoon, driving down
home, Ernest coming in
to join out with the hoys today
that go into the training camp for
Fnele Sam's big array. They leave
here on Thursday morning. Ernest
is one of those jovial, wholesouled
good fellows that find a little bit of
sunshine in everything, and in en
tering the army he feels that there
is a great future in store for him,
and he is going lo take advantage of
every opportunity offered him to do
his share, and at the same time see
and learn all that there is in this
?reat old world he can Bolh young
non were callers at the Journal of
nce. and while here Mr. Ilhoden re
lewed for his paper another year.
From Wednesday's Daily.
('. L. Creamer and wife departed
this afternoon for Omaha. where
they are taking their son Robert, to
the' specialist for examination. Mas
ter Robert has been taken with a
severe pain in his right side and in
consultation with the family physi
cian he advised they to take him to
Omaha immediately for a more thor
ough examination by the specialists.
Journal Want-Ads layl
lllati . Tuii
MURRAY, : : :
Next S inday, September 1st, is
going to bo a big day for the church
and community. Sunday School at
ten o'clock. Don't forget the "On
Timers League." Your name on the
list if yon are at the church by ten
At eleven o'clock, a special ser
mon for men, though a cordial in
vitation extended to' all. Morning
subject: "When a Man's a Man."
Something interesting and worth
while for every man.
The ladies will serve dinner on
the church lawn, tree to all. P.etter
come, you know what that, means.
We are promised a real treat in the
afternoon in the way of a patriotic
address by Hon. S. P. (,'resap, of
Nebraska City.
This is an all-coin muity affair, and
Captain Kniss will have the Home
Cuaris there in a body.
Evening Subject: "On the High
way of Life."
Each reader makes himself a com
mittee of one to invite at least one
other to come.
&"L L Uc JI 1 Urol 1
Automobile 0
wners !
Do you want to save gas and at the same
time keep your spark plugs clean and get
more power?
will do it.
Sold on a money-back guarantee
We Are Unpacking Our liovj Fali Line of
They Are Ready for Your Inspection and Ap
proval. Come in and sec them.
Just received n full line of School Supplies!
, , - . .-.-..-m rm
...... 1
Farm Light
T T ERE is thefarm
I E lighting and fell
power plant BjpgS
you have been wait-
ing for. It xs the
perfected plant
a single unit
that runs with-
OUt vi
bration or
noise and
requires no
p erfectly
Alamo niertilr. I'ult rinnhr iaT Io4
without (pclal fuuuilaUva.
All the Light All the Power You Need
Come and see it. Compare it, in every way, with
all others. Make us prove to you where it ir, better,
and mora com pic ta in fact, the plant you want.
Perfect Light on the Farm!
There is no need at this day and age of the world fci
the farmer not being up-to-date with all modern conven
iences about his farm home. If you were buying an auto
mobile, you would make sure to buy one with the best
lighting system: Why not apply the same forethought
to your home. The Alamo will give you everything that is
desired in the lighting of your home and all outbuildings.
See yourself comfortably seated about your home this win
ter with all the advantages of one of these plants on your
farm. Let me talk to you right now today.
L. H. Puis Garage,