The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, August 29, 1918, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3
TTTURSTHY. AU0TT2T SO. Wlft. PI.ATTSSfOL'TH Sr.MT-WEFKI.Y JOURNAL. rAQi tttrx V? I I I I 4 a 'c'S , if tr - MANLEY STATE BANK KANLEY. NEB. -:o:- CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $13,000 :o:- OFFICERS FRANK STAN PER AI'HU.ST STAN'DER A VC.1 TST PA UT SC H THOMAS B. PARMEEK WM. J. RAIL MURRAY mm MURRAY, NEB. :o:- CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $15,000 :o:- DIRECTORS CHAS. O. PARMELE. President. FRED NUTZMAN, Vice-President. W. OPEN BOEPEKER, Trshler. BANK OF GASS G00NTY PLATTSYOUTH, NEB. n CAPITAL AIID SURPLUS 580,000 :o:- OFFICERS OIlS. C. PARMEEE JACOB TRITSCJI TWO MAS E. PARMELE R. K PAT TFH:-:OX. l O ECE.N'BERP.ER im OF GQMMERGE LOUISVILLE, NE5. :o: CAPITAL A8D SURPLUS $23,000 :o:- OFFICERS THOMAS E. PARMELE. Present. CHAS. C. PARMELE, Vioe-Pr esi dent PAUL FITZGERALD, Cashier. RALPH R. LARSO.'J, Asst. Cashier. FIRST SECURITY BANK CEDAR CREEK, NEB. 8 :o:- CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $10,000 :o:- OFFICERS WILLIAM SCHNEIDER, President. VV. H. LOIIN'ES, VJce-Presldent. THOMAS E. PARMELE. Director. ft .Our FacSiities Enable Us to Handle Economically and on, this Basis We Invite 'Your Patronage. a , rr ffVWS MURD0GK ITEMS 1 ?Irs. .lorry .McHuu!: was in 0;na l;:t Ti'.fr-tlny. Mis-; Lcoii.i Rnrh 'f Linccln t-ptr.t Sini'lay witli fc'.Us. O. K. McI-!i::lI and luiuily jnotor- .1 tt PLi:t.-r:i"U"Ii Monday. Miss .Mart!. a Ceehry viit?d :riv!id i:i Kai" (ver Sniiiiay. Miss Viola Evrrott returned Sun day l' htr trip t ' 'uiado. llrcver Otro a' Wabash and Win. P. 'ir'.: - wire in Lhicdu Thursday. Tdiss 'lara Miner of Wane, is l,-r.. with h'-r j.-ter Mrs. Emil Mil-. .Mi.- (;!::i- Shriek r-r uriit-d Mon f'.iy t'r-;!;i a two wveks viit in Red O.k. !v,v:i. Mr. and Mr-. Georce n I were in attendance at the family ri:nifu at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Win. Hier Sunday. Their son Wm. wi!', N-ave Plat tsmoiitli. August '2 s. with the Cass county hunch of drafted men who .o to Camp Funs- Al.out 4'J" iieotde gathered at the English Lutheran church two miles north of here Sunday to help Rev. and Mrs. Peters to cekhrate their silver wedding. It was rso the 2"th anniver.-ary of when Rev Peters entered the ministry. Ice cream was. i-ervetl and all enjoyed themselves hugely. A purse of sil ver was presented to Rev. and Mrs. IVters, and all good wisdieo for iuan ; year.- of happy wedded life. Mr. tlert:e Milvin died at hi home liere Ia?t Friday afternoon af ter a lingering illness. He va? ahr.ut T." years of ;ige. Mr. Melvin and t'ataiiy have lived in this vicin ity for a good many years, on theii Moontv i farm 2 miles south of here, hut ver Sunday g.;e r i f ( . M--.nvy and family. Mr. and Mrs. Pr.rk and dauuht-r P. :rhara Loui'-e r f Lin.Cuin p?iit Sunday here. Fred Cordt-s. Dan Pauska and Will IliH !::cn l.i .to -e J to Trah Or-t-"'l ;i:luy. dr. and ?.!--. .T: y lllrch-ot r. ('..:. gh.ter (Hga Mary r f Haveloek are . i c f relatives. ' Mr. J Fanders and family (f Pdl !. r. Nfdr.. were Sunday g'.n-:-.s of .'u'i..-T ioved to r t:r pttI:- city early lat it1. g. He I :a v e t mourn hi- de parture wife. ii ('has., who lives in Page. N'ehr.. son Frank au-d daughter ,Iessi.-. v. -ho reside at home besides a nuniher of other rclafivef and a host cf friends. The funeral pervices were held Monday at 2 p ::. at ' ih h.-ne. I'urial was held at Elm wood ceir.eterv. -V X .v. J- "r ... Piie Mir'-s Ella an--'. Liilian Pat.- j h-A.-r.' departing Monday for thou' ! CLARENCE REAL NEWS FROM ALVO ; x HAS GOLD HIS TARI-I WILL MOVE TO PLATTSMOUTE Mrs. C. F. Pa'-km', ver and ch:l:1- , . , " , . Leonard Terr vl errv. . ao has hr-cri i- n of McL' an. No.r.. are here . " living just south of Murrav tor the v'-::!!ir relatives and tr;iil?. . . , . . , pa.-t lev.- completed a deai Eriil Ki:. ":.n. Ii. A. Cuthman and , . , , Inst week v.hcrel v lie sells his farn: Pau-ka returned Saimday from a trip to Perkins Connty. Mis-- Kathryn Cehry and her MPs Mathilda Rahn of Cmia !:. aurot i to Lincoln lat Thursday. ! Lydia Ptu nieliu iias re-t-irtiOd to h'-r iiome at Crah Orch ard. Xv!r.. at-r spending a few v.ccivs wi'l: !o r si t r. Mrs. Fred i ', rd-s, Mr. ani Mrs. Phil Dinnu.'.zo ac fi'tnpaiiied hy Ciaudie Johnr-on and ivin Tvoniy a'l of Omaha, tame Native tf-nd rec leaned alfalfa V.'. .':.-day to viit v.ith rela- !ti.S per c-nt pure Sll.T.o to ?12..".0 aiM friends her. h.j. Fall Rye ?i'.r,0. Timothy ?4.T.". Mr. and Mrs. C! a.-. Huff. Mrs. j Seamless Tor. S imple mailed. John- io Peri'ian Wohlfarth for HT.00O. and will soon ipoc to Plnttsmouth to make his future horn?. Mr. Terry Perry will hold p puhlic rale at hF home on Saturday. Auarust P.lst, and n mon as possible thereafter will l-iove to this city, where he will he employed hy John Pauer in the auto plumbing and heating hnsin.-ss. ALFALFA SEED. I a r v I!irkrn:-n and .-'in cf Lincoln. sfn lros. Nebraska Citv. ltd ay 1 THE PUBUOl a r-''- ill' A 9 We cress our beeves cattle are cheaper, so save money and buy the best steer beef at these prices: SIRLOIN BURDOCK EV3EAT RARBCET Dealers in Fresh and Cured Meats MURDOCK, NEBBRAKA 1 rj A full line of Sausages and Cold Meats.of all kinds. PORTERHOUSE ROUND i imt, ( Pound Ceo. Slit-esley was in Lincoln Sat urday. ' Chris Eichmann left Tuesday for i Ada, Minn. Crandpa Prouty is not very well th.ese hot days. .1. W. Vickers and wif" wire .'(!n visitors. Friday. R. F. Johnson was in Lincoln Fuestlay uii business. Stanley Hail and Wayne were in Lincoln Saturday. R. E. Rett z and family were in Lincoln Saturday evening. ("has. Uo'P'ey and L. Friend v. or. t. Lincoln on lusine-s Thursday. C. R. Jordan was in St. J'-.'ph. .iin! l-Ian-a City last we;-k .;i busi ness. Ed Stroenier and ron Ciif.V-rd w r i-i ff. in Cra' Orehn rd Suntiay a :' "r noon. Orvi'de Prouty cam-' in S :n lay from Ca'iip Fun-ton to visit rela tives. The D. E. club mat with ti;.- Mi.--?.:ar:e and C' Pia JJird Tu-.-s lay afternoon. Ceo. P. Foreman is in VaP.-arai-o helping; his sins fence s :u r r? t,: land tlier-. 'Mrs. W. A. Taylor left Wedr.e-.da even ins for Per r."v home at Cald well. Kansas. .Mrs. L. P. Apjdt man l.-ft Jh.uulay :r a weeks virii at Hub-tt. Wyo.. v.ith relatives. Dr. L. Miur and family auto-.- to Plysps Sunday spending tl.i da: with relatives. Mr. and- Mrs. Jake Hardnock of Wood River, are ui-dting relatives here this week. Lval Miller an 1 lP-o. Swart?, htart- of V.Veidng Water came up Satr.r- t new l.rme in Texas ne ar J(.odvdI. day to vi-it their sl-'r Mrs. Clemma ; 'itla. P.ird and otirer relatives. - Wm. Kitad and ( lias. Codhey Word i'roi;i Joe Foreman to his! took the election returns of this parents i-tates that he has reached precinct to Phmsmoutli last Wed- Camp Eustis. 'a.. safely and is glad j pfs.uay. They were accompanied by i t.i t o tnere aTiiai i:i ins wt-ri:. liha.r wives. uile tliere m. Kit- lial! load... j a car load niun-s out ci I'aimvra, .ionuav tomc-Mb ;:.or:;ii:-. icr -i.-nr. vao rouu;-; the mules in this vieinity las week. Perry C : ... ii. y t'!:irk. rl 1 ' . .-i.Ti or- '.i.l r;lli'r CVirr..r are working for the Rock Island at ! John MurP y of AIvo was a virit- itoi'atby visited horie folks over Sat da v. N el i'i'rrn;;i n i bo.v-ne.r., f,.r a fe-w days and Mrs. school teacliers who are attending For-man is vi;i;in-r her mother Mrs. j '';c i'l.titme. v.hUh is in r.r.grcss Ma gee in Fnivers:-- Place during I this wok. j ,.. ii.ii i . . , : : . t ..... i t t i ... JOHN LIURTEY III TILE CITY. :n V 'i:i'"r.v'r I''a V.y. r iii this city last evenini; coming ii.vr to iooiv .alter some ou.-ines. n Cob-rado cu a::d to bring over rome of the i his absence. Mr. Mont Paldwia a; Mtitmc r- are 1' re from t he voi ( !.::; of t P. ( stare to vi.-it their moth i Mr. Mttrt'y who is a very pleas Mrs. Jno. j a-t a !'. P-n, an. and is r Pu.-'ler. the i . ... ..... rn j repr .-.en: a t i e lor u::s ty iti tuc a.-t ; airittttre a; v. f.;cn in- matte a ei All and brother E. V 1 alio and : i .'. i ' . a: i rP-hi tn Mr. Mmt You car dttg on tlte ;.? i-. and Mrs. Ceo. EI ';- :: of Fni- 1 e:.-,ii- l iace visit".! relatives and ! i i . : . , ; - i i t ..i m 1 f. - t r;r nis utoia y. le of vi ry j a f-'-': ' ' ; t ."!- 'lea rv was a visitor in t urning j fro: i a trip (o On alia, w'aere he ; was lot king after rv me business for t'lc-t time he stopped her and r return- n i n 5 s n opK ;;;,;it":,t,;Min;P. and ia,c GOT A TRIP HOME fr"m Monday's laaiiy. Clarence peal arrived in this city last Saturday afternoon for a short stay in the old town, and is looking strong as an ox and as hearty as you please. When he alighted from the train and grasped ns by the hand like a ic and the smile laved around the corners of his mouth we thought, a good red blooded Amer ican boy back t'o see the folks for a short time before ho goes to do his ui most for the eaiu-e of humanity. Drilling in the sun has given, him a different complexion titan when he was in the court hor.'o. but the same determination to do his por tion good and well for the caue of humanity. We know what those AmorP-aTi boys will do and what they are doiiicr. n .w over there in rolling up that sheet of humanity', km the hosts of tl.r bodies. WAS BURIED YESTERDAY. CHICHESTER S PILLS 1 UK 1UAMONI IJRAM. JL. -i.- Iadf-a! Auk yrar llrnrrlit fnf A Cllln in Kr-d ul .il mnillic 1M Vl I iko ufhep. It aw ar wtkwaw 7 12 lrnrel"t. A k IIKH-TFR , V fi years knownM fcest,btet. Alwyi keliat l -r SOLD BY DRLGGISTS EVERYWHERE DR. H. C. LEOPOLD OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN ."Iifclnl Attention to I)loiif of Womri ACUTE DISEASES TREATED X:yc-3 Tested and Glasses Fitted Might Calls Answered After Hour! and Sundays by Appointment. i:Z0 a. m. to 12:00 1:30 p. m. to 5:30 pb!Ta Plattsmouth. Neb. Evers of Plainview, and John Iiad aeker of Omaha. Mr. and Mrp. Evers and Mr. and Mrs. Padaeker were in attendance at the funeral. ed Mondav for Oram to visit Fred GORDON BLOCK, Prop. Kerr and family. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Stmt of Avoca wer callers Sunday at Or ville Rclertson's. Jake Kahm tpent several days last week at P.iair and Omaha where he went on busine.-s. Miss Grace Paii-y of Lincoln spent Sunday wit!: lier parent Mr. and Mrs. IP A. PaiP.-y. Perl Lynch and v. ife hav- v-.ved to University Plate wh.ere Mr. ! yncl in t!:e HiP Sch.ned. Mr. and Mrs. Felman of Wichita. Kails., were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Moore ns week. Mr. and Mrs. Garcia and child tii of JPilIam viited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Dan Williams. Scott Jordon, ("has. Aytrs and. Frank Dougherty mottired to Oma ha and Plat t -mout b Fritlav. Ivan Armstrong and Walter Vin cent are camp'ng this wee at Ah- hmd trying their lurk at ii--hing. Tdrs. Stm Cas'aner rpont seeral days last week with her brother. Elton Snoke and familv near Eagle. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Coon am f daughters of Omaha, visited Elli" j Coon and family Saturday and Sun j day. ; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Prentiss and ! daughters of Elm wood, were guests , of Mr. and Mrs. ("has. Ruelofsz Sun j day. j Mr. and Mrs. Knieely and child ren of Omaha, spent Sunday night and Monday with Dr. L. Muir and . family. ! M. C. Keefer returned Saturday Bj , from Julesberg. Colo. lie spent a $,few day., in Litchfield. Xcbr., on his K . way home. Mr;. P. I'-ennett and son Earl Pen nett and famliy took Sunday din ner with Elmer Bennett and wife near Elmwood. Mr. Brown of Wabash and J. II. i St roomer are spending a few days this week at Barnston fishing on the Blue river. The undersigned v, ill sdi ai Pub lic Auction at his lo me. one mile e.itii I.; Murrav. Xeb.. t mm'. encing at 2 : ') (,': !m k . !:a rp. on "ATUIirAY. AVGUST CI. 191S. Tin- follow ;:!-: de-n.rP1' d i'i'op--rty ! o-w i : One Srrel .'.;.:'. eb-v. :: ye odd, w,i:;ht If no. One Pay Mar. . r.ino td 1, eiu'nt 12-"d. One Bay Mar--, sev-n 'ars old. weir: lit 12 ao. One Pay GePliiii'. thrive vears'old. r- tn M.'i'vViv'y lei it v. .irs. .Mary P.adaeker was born in Austria. and died at the Old Peoples Honi3 at Hastings Friday it. r-Frs. Padaeker. ho is the mother t f Mrs. Csrl Kun-u;ian. came :' ti:is cohntry in 1SSS. and has for n ar.y yaars made her home at the homo cf her dnu-hter Mrs. Kuns man. until a short time since when rhe vent west to make her home a: the institution there. The re mains arrived last Saturday in charge of Mr. Kunsman who went '-lPftc but ho netting some, '" atct:n,,a:i in-;..' nei--. i .. iuu- V.'?.ITECJ FEOLI FRAZ'CE. Fr.--" ?.:..r:day"s Dijre. .Tt e Tower writes interestingly frc Frame, telling cf his work in the Med'oad Reserve Corn-, and says that tii.'v have been working twelve hour !.Hre they are now going to work eight hours instead of SERGEANT BESTOR IN FRANCE. t Wt 1 He is having a furlough I ecu. wh:i he will em down to the soutl'.ern portion of Fiance for a '.viol; mi tin? Modpcranean ?-a coast. rmonth!;. wtiaht 1 :''. O:;o weisiht 1000. Otto S irrel G'd litm, f.vo years old Ore Lay Venning. Two Suckling Coirs. Tivn Milk Cm xv. one fn h 7--:'.-. Three "VVarlir.g Calves. 0:: St. Joe Wakliag LI -tor. One L-iegy. Out M: uore Spreader. n Mf".i?i,i:--;; Binder. One John l!e-re Ganrr Plow. O:o J din Deere Walking Piow. One Deore R'ding Cultivator. One Jenny Lind Walking Culti vator. One IVere Planter. One .T(d:n Deere Disc. One 2 h. p. Rock Island Gas Eng ine. One Hoosier Press Drill. One King Press Drill. One Acme Mower. One Wagon. One Rack and Wagon. One "-Soot ion Harrow. One set 1 1i inch Harness. One set 1 1 i' inch Harness. One 3S-lb. Saddl. One set Single Harness. Two Incubators, one nearly new. One Hoover for Small Chicks. Two Tons Alfalfa Hay. Ton and a half Oat Straw, haled. One Twin Tub Power Washer. One Churn, two Cream Cans. One Xew Garage Door Track. One Heater. One Tank Heater. One DeLaval Separator with Pow er Attachment. VISITING AT CA:i? DODGE. i eral was nelei at toe noiy uosary church, the Rev. Ylcek delivering the funeral oration. The interment being made at the Oak Hill ceme tery. Mrs. Padaeker had lost her husband many years ago, and has three children, they being Mrs. Carl Kunsman. of this city, Mrs. Henry Fr."i; MenOav's Daily. Robert Surader and son O.-car and grand son Gerald, departed this af ternoon for Omaha, going from there to Des Moines, where they expect to visP Monte Shrader. who is ono of the boys at Camp Dodge, going with, the lar-j ouota from this county, and who are now nearing their course : f training there, and will soon do part for the east for t he Ii a. Mi ing ot" their 1 raining b f re goii.g acros: the water to the other sPle. From Tuesday's Pntty. Sergeant Daniel Bestor, a brother cf F. M. Bestor and Charles Bestor and who has been in the regular army since the Spanish American War and has been stationed at Ft. Warren on Boston Harbor, whore he has been a member of the coast ar tillery, lias just been heard from af ter a long absence, that he Was in France with his regiment. Mrs. J. M. Mayfield was a pas senger to Omaha this morning where she is visiting for the day with friends and relatives. Edgar Johnson was a Visitor in this city this morning coming to see his mother for a few hours and to look after some business as well. AT ALL TIMES TRUE AND RELIABLE "I can say that I am much better in health since I started to use Trin er's American Elixir cf Bitter Wine. I could hardly jret out of bed and my appetite was gone, and I could sleep but very little. I was also nervous and constipated. I had been sickly for 20 years, and can say that Triner's American Elixir of Bitter Wine has extended my life ten years," so wrote us Mrs. Th. Bjarson on August 12. 19 18, from Spiingviile. Utah. And her senti ments are those cf thousands of other Triner customers. It is a mat ter of fact; Triner's American Elixir of Bitter Wine is the most reliable remedy for all stomach troubles, constipation, indigestion, headaches, nervousness, general weakness, etc. At drug store-. S1.10. Triner's Lini- K.iev-ii5P'iv WhonTiirnrl t-rj- A mild s-.-stem of treatment that cures Piles. Fistula nnA r?l V?flir tv"V Gtb?r Recta lOisee- in B short time, without severe ur Es H xS 2y Rical operation. No Ctlonrform. Ether or other general onasthpfif? inert. A i-ure tfnnranteed i n everr rne arrant erf for treatment, cad no money to he paid until cured. Write for hook on Recta I Diseases, with name nnd testimonials of ir.are tliaa ! JO'J prominent people who tavc been permanently cured. DR. . R. TARRY 240 See Building OMAHA, NEBRASKA QRS. mm & MAC!!, THE DENTISTS w The largest and best equipped dental offices in Omaha. Experts J in charge of all work. Ladv attendant. MUJJKKA TJ FKIUKb. Porcelain fillings just lifce tooth. Instruments carefully sterilized w alter using, tWmMTHlgD FLOOR, PAXT0N BLOCK, OMAHA ment is another remedy which at TERMS OP SALE: All sums cf j ail times tests true and reliable. .$10 and tinder, cash in hand. G:i j Try it for rheumatism. neuralgia, i all sums over $10 a credit of from ; lumbago, sprain1:, swellings, etc. At six to eight months will he given. ; drug stores 3 7, and G.'c. Bv mail ! Unfpf Pit HI SJCSi (OIL pro purchaser giving note with approv- and T.'e. Joseph Trinor Poni ed security, bearing eight per cent 1 pany, inr,C-l CP! S. Ashland Ave.,; interest from date. All property j Chicago. PL , must he settled for before being re- ! j moved from the premises. j .1. M. Roberts departed this morn- . L. F. TEP.RYBEREY, ! ing for Aurora, where he will look Cel. W. H. Y0UIxTr, Auctic:iscr. 7. G. ECEDEKER, Clerk. 1 after some business for the day and j will also visit with friendr.. 1 in n n n w ti Now is the time to look over your Stoves, Range Heaters and Furnaces and see if they need any re pairs. Get them while they are getable. We can get them for all makes. liOpiDlUUda Issfsr