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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Aug. 26, 1918)
PLATTSMOUTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL. HOFDAY, AV(imH 26, 1318. LOCALNEWS IV'-m Sa t u rd."i v's 1'i.iily. I-rank Crnuf of Murray was u 1-t;ir.-s vi-it.'d' in this riiy last . liinir. '..!. Hiie-.tou of to was i-H.kiug ii r" i r svnio Lh-Ivies.-; in (lie ,iv this n J'ti'i i;ih;i for u iVw hours. I.t'iuoi! Pans was a visitor in t ;y i u i ; j;,nr:ii' ! r. ra Kocl; Liuf.s : i '1 as l.-,r.k in?: alter s' business ..!' Ill-- O.iV .J.;!:n 1 ....:! i-'for jr.. uoiu near i r ('''. wu-i a 5--M'-r in I Mitts ...,t h iii'.s ii-1 a : i ii; hiking ::l't'-; V. alt -r F" y r.- vas a visitor in :' ri'v t-ii-: ft cnii'f;:i routing lo frer trn ' !.;: -iv.e.- ir v: It.; !' 1 -ft K i:ti !'--. v !':.!... r hi u in i been ::' V.i.'l Lend MTiVc.l ill y :;:. ;. i 1 1. -, and nil! vi'-it .o i":.r over Swndi'.'. h. I l:.-t ,i 'I . !I. ;.j-:.-:!Vvr fr. ;.: v. t -i" . r! i a ' a visiter in this city evening Coming tt I fk aft 'i' !.n ? :i for a !:iir! time. . - ri k .'!;!!!! and I'.tn.ily ircin ia'AKa vmT" l'l ir.i r.i ui.-. vi-itNg '.v L t i relative-, anil ;;iicr s-'pe tra. litis as well. : i . C i. i:iir :.tiu' I.l.-iVil fmr.i array was a vi-iiT i- ;.fft ran :i. where o: l:t;s-::i sourhwojd cf in thl? city he i; looking f tv rs for t !'.' V. .( i ' ! I r ! i f ,r 'V'.e.Vr ff :i-nr Pawn.-- City !" were vi-iiiri'-r in t an c'ty ;; '; i f ti. v, 11 'Ait !i fi-'a ! i '.'. 1 ir 1 1.-1 ay :;'! s 1 1 ro r .'.iti'i.iy. . .. i. . . .. . i : . I ! 1 ..! I .1 . dry t'.::.; i:''M'i: i .-r I;t:?-i- 1 ..c j-.i::"io ; l.. ;; . i .vi r in ti- td l""rC Wi'h T.t Dan' i r ; 'Ir . ' S ! t a T ; :i; 'S. f' :i v's ;y:i:ir , Aiv.-z ;.u r.f'T : i f.i "r in :v. rlii: : n. r : 1 r Ti " a:ul to tr.-rc bar. ,..i-!r f.r s f" V. 3T..1 iff i l i.1. a 1 r i:t t:::s ho v.i '2 ?A ::.::'..; ar-J a ?T. L. 'V2s a p.. .--' '; - i J '7 f.CLOTHCRAFT t, - CLOI MLS .-; 4. 1 J. ' with his family at the hom tif hia father P.yron Ilof! and wifts and was alst hiokins after tonut businoss matters in f lie city. Cm. II. Tronic and Clpir Everett. hcih rrom near Avora. were in the fity thi.4 rarn1ns havins driven up witli their car. and were lookins after i-oiue matters :it the court liou-e and :il.-'" in the city. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Wie?lanl of Draper. South Dakota, with their little child arrived in the city this afl-rno!i nan.l are vi.-itins at tin' lionie of Mrs. Wiesl.i:..:i,;s pii'ts C. 1 1. 1. 1 wis ;ii:.l y.. of this eily. Mrs. V. D. IIiLr:;ins of ManU-y who has !.,(.:. visiiiny, in this city for ih l;at few days the j'uest. of M.-y. II. K. (iiitlinir.u departed this mo riling f r Oir.alia. win-re she w'.l vi it fur v tii:M' 1 "oire r turning to ; r l.rni". Mr. .1. M. She:trd and son J. V. :'.); : r 1 j".. and fister Vera, were in : , iitv this ii'ia-nins from their iii:ee near NVhav.ka. and fr:''i act!!"-' scin-1 lm-ine?s in citv a:vl a!.- lrol.i'!;: ;f!-r s'ome lea'iters tit the court hoii-e. Mrs. Ir:;;.k ltdal recived a let- tr friui her hr.-eaini a u- najs. ... i i . : Miie wiiif.i in a tie a nij. havirs srottezi e.ere tror.T the writer wi n is on the roast f t France, in a little over a week. Frank is cnttd at. an scm itaval station. the cna.: r. J. II. S;a:re :.:td wife with their two chiH.-vn of CuTley. New Mex ico, arrived in the city this al'ter- fr::i t!;e s -inh and t!e;arteii from Paeifie Junction, Iowa, where he has been visiting for some time and will endeavor to secure a posi tion in the Hurlinnlon shops here, and if he succeeds will make his home here. Ceorse A. P. Hides of Cnllom was ia visitor, in this city this morning:, fenmins down to look after some business, and is only carry ins one cane now. his foot which was mash ed some time since makins some progress towards recovery, thousb it seems flow. Herbert II. Si ubendorfj" and w ife of Omaha, were visitorsn this city tins mornins. drivins down just for the enjoyment of the ride, and while hero visifirs at the home of A. P.. Hass and wife at Oreapolis. Mr. SI uhendor'T, beins a second cousin of Mr. Hass. Mr. Sluben dorff is the marriace license clerk in I lie county clerks office at Omaha. A letter from Leonard Meisinper who is now located at Ft. Leaven worth. I'ansas, where he is in school were ! contplet ins his course- in Radio, for tlu. (the sovernment. fays tliat he is sett ins alons nicely and likes the study well. lie was the only one of the Cays county boys who was rtationed there the remainder who were lakins the study T Radio. sv ins to the school at Sullivan, Ohio. BIG AND LITTLE GALLED TO ONCOMING DRAFT LAW CATCH ES HIGH AND LOWLY. SOMETHING SUGGESTIVE IN THE PRIMARIES CONGRESSMEN NOTTO ESCAPE Members of Legislatures Also in List by Terms of House Amend ment Provision of 18 to 45 Years Still to Stand. loon noon for Fed -.r Crec-;. v i where they ins for foir.e time at the hot::.- r: M rs. Srase's a:in:. M:. c. M-.-r -:-r r.f (V!::r Creek. Mr-. J. V.. Cruhr-r and Mrs. John C.'.r::id'..-!1 (!.:, .rt"d this inornins for I)-; Mo: !.:-. Iowa, s'dns there to is it lit Cuif.p Do.Is with a s n of Mr. (irnl rr v !:o id ia trr.inins t here rit: I v. ;?- U seen to so to an oilier '::r..(:n!::crit :.r furth ?r ' ii:.-tr;:ctio:i 1,' fere ilerartiii-T f..-r France. From Friday's Daily. Thomas Cromwell of North Platte arrived in this city last evenins ami is lookins after some business for a few days. I). C. WVst of Xehawka was a visitor in this city this afternoon, havins stopped here on his way from Omaha to his home. Ceo. W. Wall of Lal'latte was a iK-cn r. ( :i !:'-? of S. K. M;-F.:wain . Creenwood. f -r ;.-?CO"t'.'t et thf a -i-f-r Mro. i: 1 ;.o nns i-.i:;e extreme ill J. Ftkridve c i thr.t place. ; :",-.rni:ir. Y.r?. x: : y i.iv. . bur as arrtv'.l Mrs. Me fir a f..-'.v da vs. t-turned Ft iiries? other r.I: home is i v-'S 1 1 1 is till ain Imii'1 j visitor in this city this afternoon ! e; rains down between trains to look after some business. i James Tisner from near Fnion was a vi-i'er in this city this after noon ocmir.s to transact some busi ness in t!; city and at the county sent. j Vnj. H. I'nls wrs a passensT this r'ornin'-r for Onuih.a. n rains up Murrtiy in his car. and is lookins after sc me bi'riness there for the day. J. F. Clusey has just made , the purchto of a fttrm on the ctiier side of the river, which, is a tine piece ; d ' and one w hich will make a at:e tarni home. Wir.. V.'ol forth of w.- I of Myr.ard w?s t visitor in thi? city t':vs mnrn-iri2- cnn.ili-JT to look lifter some bnsi- 1 . ! f. r the dai I ! .-.Ill .- '.'.'tis t v:.: ' to ! f.y Cedar c;:y h r-ek vi n-Lusi- T ic'ii e p i r.'t t !n ' to r;;arry were i to C -r:;f W:!li-?:i Wooster . I Crrri- Ci.i'.i r.i ;- i'"'!i of .;-..''; t :: ot'.er i".y. Mr--. l.:r.;:.n Palter ;e.rt?d la-t :::: r. f.-r C'-dar Freek. where :-h" :!! vi' it ftsr a few dt'ys at t'a home ' S'i 1 O. ilt flf r:V--rs ar.'l wife. V.'ill c;.:i'-i w.'l Jer o Smith w'-re . t e city ? r. i : ii;r -ti:::s front their .; ii'-t.r !lot ' Pluf;'.-: a:id were V. F. I'repst just returned heme from a trip to Imperial where, lie was for the past few days lookins over the country and with a view r.f nf.kins a Tvi'i-chasf of some j lands in that portion of the state. Mrs. Thayer Propst who lias been visit ins in this city for same days pnM and south of the city at the home cf her parents W. A. Taylor tnd wife, departed this afternoon for her heme at Ralston. . Adr.ras who lias been vLvlt- w . ri ins ir; Gro'harn and aL-o where he has been workins for seme time pa? returned home last evenins. Washington, Ans. Cham pions of the house military com mittee's plan to direct the war de partment to defer callins of youths of eighteen and nineteen years un til older men have joined the colors under the man-power bill extendins draft ape limits to eighteen and fortv-five years, lost their intial fi.Sht in the house late today and the way was paved for the passage of the bill by the hout-e tomorrow. In the senate disposal of minor amend ments caused leaders to hope .that the measure could be passed there also before the week-end adjourn ment tomorrow. At the close of a d.y of vigorous debate the house re jected 1 i7 to 120. the amendment of liepresentat i ve McKenzie of Illinois, written into the bill by the mili tary committee, directing separate classification and delayed call of jouths from eighteen to twenty. Amendments by Representatives Johnson of Washington and Clack- man of Alabama to fix the draft age minimum at nineteen and twenty one years, respectively, also were de feated. Dramatic Touches In Debate. Dramatic touches were given the debate in the house of Representa tives: Tilson of Connecticut, who, amid cheers, called upon four ma rines in the galleries to stand in evidence that youths of eighteen make excellent soldiers. inis w as after Representative Johnson of Washington had presented a small eighteen-year-old page in a soldier's coat and trench helmet to support his i!aini that eighteen-Vear-olds( are mere children. Representative Olnev of Massachusetts aroused the patriot isnt of the house members during the debate by declaring British and French oflicers conceded that it was the American marines who at Chateau Thierry stopped the German rush in July and sav-?d Paris. Flans for a final vote on the mea sure in the house tonight were lost in the midst of a wrangle over an amendment prohibiting deferred classification of government em- Frnm Friday's Paltr. Since the, primary election there has been a large number of people, of foreign birth who have rushed out their first papers. The sugges tion which is made by the appear ance of the title of the constitu tional amendment to be voted upon, that there is a necessity for one be ing a real citizen before they be al lowed the elective franchise, has stimulated some to -take teps. to in sure relationship. Let us hope that it may go farther than just the se curing of the papers, may they be Americans in spirit and in truth for that is the only class which is desired. WILL BE MILLINER OR SCHOOL TEACHER From Friday's J.iity. A few days since the stork made his appearance at the home of Wm. Keif and family, bringing with him one of the finest little girls imagin able and who has been installed in the home of this good couple, and seems perfectly at home. Roth the parents are happy over the arrival. but there was a desire, that the con tribution from the storkship, would have been an American who could have entered into partnership with the father in the cement business. and alas, the vision of the dream fit Sweat as Hard as You Like! You can't wilt this collar. It's cotton ; it's stiff; but not starch ed. Doesn't have to go to the laundry. No ironing. It's a Challenge Cleanable Collar Just a little water, a rag and soap will clean it. Two minutes' time. When on your neck, no one can tell it from an ordinary cotton collar. Here's the difference: The cotton collar you wear is stiffened with fctarch. Ours is stiffened by a process that makes it impervious to water. Yet it's pliable and comfortable. Costs about 15.00 a year for cotton collars and their laundering. 2.00 worth of our cotton collars will lastayear. Saving 13.00. Isn't it worth considering? escoti's Sons This has only come by the "otio: or nwi, skttm:mi:t in I no I iia ii I y I iinrl I I jihm i uiiiiiv, pany sacrifice unselfishness of the mem- - I bers. who when thev were fiivrl In- sun.- or . i,inska was iransierreci to anomer snare ci " - labor, and she will probably be a school ma'rm, or a milliner instead. A LETTER FROM FRANCE. h ekin brv,wn r.s a berry and as j Pnves because of their employment. Before a vote could be taken a mo tion to adjourn was carried and the healthy as an American soldier. Mr. Fmiiy Uurton, and two br. in th ' : i : ; - r irc v ' ; a i ' !.!r,'.v from neir Man-:".r- hi the city Iar-t to look after sor-e at the o":ce of the counv c : ry was a v mir. g front turr;.y j a-r: !; '.. . ei :urr;. I transacting some b"in ; ''.r :u the 1'!- home and was with th daughters Misses Hiancbe and Mat ti, of Ihr.ersou. Iowa, arrived in this city this afternoon coming to vi'-it at the l:nm of their daughter Mrs. Raymond Henry who lives west of Murray. Rf G. A. Randall of Union was a visitor in this city last evening having ben looking after some mat ters in Omaha he stopped on his way heme to see some of his friends here and also to look after some business matters. 5 . V" . f r : r 1 1 -1 -. . : , - Vi . i. ! V tliiT.k tb; F'it Mil e tie; i 1 ro Iti. ; i r ir. - c f.i ie I.o ),! .";e-,, l.t i r J.iii-s b r a d ;. at.d evt n TLe .-: ! clot !ii Of '.Vo! Ill's.' l:t ) H rs.' l.oiiu to b.:y only 'i t;i:,r -iit.;. v :. V. fe i.iitkd . 1 : t ci i. ' 'r 't t b i ;.k t in-y (-.; i ,i ;,!.:(! j 1 j T because the patch jxm-'kc o 1 1 1 r ib-c.j.-atior.s b ;ve a rut Th.Vre the ' . ii t li i k irL' jr.'.ririenis we have sci. n in mar.y a Oay. Wbv. yi m -r v. bat tlie t iothcrafi Sluij--; havf H.jolved 1 , ,ks and il' ar..i wcirall there ;;t lT."'1' I'j "f1. ou"i! l"-'in lo l.rdievi' all the more in Clot hcraft. Scintilie TailoririL". . uarante;- with each Cloth craft suit. ' !..'!:'-. j jnpies Welsheimer who has been Jarus I'oiin was a visitor in jn Kan-as for Fonr:e time past re 1 lutt'-in'".-:"; lor th:- past lew days, fimed home a few days since, Iiav at th li-i.-.e of hi; is.ter 3,Irs. W. );(lf.n in tj,e harvest fields dur- . Tayb-r, south of the city departed iniT iis absence, and reports pretty r his home at fajr v.heat crops hut it has been j pretty dry since harvest. ird and wife with their this afternoon Kr.bton. It .-(. . iarv. mornina; frcm their 1.0:1:2 near A-h-lar.d and are visitins at the home of Mrs. Marwaru's parents Win. Hill ner Murray. Albert Anderson and Miss Wolfe and Dan Anderson and Misi Ella Ahnti all i f Nehawka. were in the 1 Mr;;. L. Rustcrholtz, and daugh ters ?.lrs. Patterson and Mrs. Beck ner of Murray motored to this city yesterday afternoon to attend to ;some business matters and visit friends for a f;hort time. They were pleasant callers at this office. Truman Waush son of Mr. and Mr. A. J. WauKh. formerly of this city but now of Lincoln, where Mr. Waurh is conductor on the Rurlin?; ton, is now in France and has been H. Albert and wife were in the ; for four n,onths as a sol(lior in t!:0 heir h near Louisville and were accompan ied bv Mrs. Charles Ault. of that city last evening attending the r.iec-t-inc? of the War Ravings societies at. the High school. ! J. cny I!. is inoinu- iioni i!..-;r nvinc T-pitcrl Rtotoa rmv', rrno,1iiinn,r Forces. W. A. Mitchell of Coatesville, Relmyler county. Mo., who has been place, and were looking after simie business for the day. l'lvood Howell. George Johnson and Flcyd Fosetter all of Omaha, were in the city this morning hav ing driven down from Omaha and were visiting at the homo of Dee Ho-ti.-tter some, ten or eleven miles south of this citj. Mr. and Mrs. Edw. Murray and little son Theron of Union motored to this city yesterday afternoon for a short visit with friends and to at tend to some bur. in ess matters. Mr. Murray was a pleasant Waller at this oll'.ce. Everett Ilubbell cf Brainard ar rived in the city this afternoon visiting at the home of his son Iler- j man Mitchell of near Weeping Wat er was in the city with his son Her man, and departed this morning for his home in the east. - The son Her man Mitchell was over to bring his father to the train. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Warga Cepart ed this morning for Creston, where they will visit only between trains and then go to lies Moines, where they will visit and will go to Camp Dodge tomorrrow, where they will visit with John Skinner, who is a cousin of Mrs. Warga, and who is going away in a few days for the east. amendment with several others of a minor nature went over until tomorrow. I.Irs. Eurris' Letter. Here is a letter that Is certain to prove of interest to people in this vi cinity, as cases of this sort occur in fi?to:ost every neighborhood, and peo ple shouM know what to do in like circumstances: Savannah. Mo., Oct. 12, 1916. "I used a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic and Diarrhoea Remedy about nine years ago and U cured me of flux (dysentery). I had another at tack of the same coiaplalr.t some ihrce or four years ago and a few doses of this remedy cured me. ! have recommended herlain's Colic and. Diarrhoea Remedy to doz ens of people since I first n&ed it.' Prom T nirsdav's Daily. Somewhere in France, Aug.-. 4. Dear Folks: How is everybody getting along at home by this time? I hope you are all well and enjoying yourself as usual. I am as well and as hearty as ever and if it wasn't for the heat I wouldn't complain a hit, although it is very hot during the day time it gets nice and cool at nfght and one has no trouble in getting good sleep. I received two bunches of papers yesterday, the dates ranging from May 2S to June Sth. I was sure c-lr.d to get, them as there was quite a bit of inteersting news in them from about there. I haven't m received a letter from home now for some time and am quite anxious to hear from you folks. Anton Rys and Julius Koubek are both well and as happy as usual, and as anxious to hear frcm their folks as I am from you. I guess it has been some time too since either of them heard from their folks. Well as news is short, will close fcr this time, hoping to hear from ycu all soon, I am as ever. Lovingly, Yotir son and brother, PVT. HARRY AY. WIXSCOT, Dot. nrth Engineers. A. E. F. A. P. P. 7 52. France. ! a bard dnv's wrirl.- to pnrn n nml n-it in the time in drilling, when the inclination would have been to rest at home. The matter of getting in to shape as far as movements is con cerned, is not the thing which has inspired them to the effort, but it is the idea of patriotism, and desire to serve the country which has made the greatest nation on the globe. This is the principle which is maintaining human liberty, and safe guarding civilization. Their loyalty to the principle of freedom, and love for the Home Guard train ing, is commendable and is the thing which is assisting in solving the home problems, as well as stim ulation to greater efforts the boys away from here. ENTER GOVERNMENT SERVICE. Krir TI-.ttr.-Jn v's iJ.-iHy. This morning It. C. Meyers of Louisville was in the city, driving down to bring with him, Claude Ryan, and Wm. Hall who are leav ing for Evansville. Ind.. where they enter the service of the government, as stationary engineers, and will take training for war services. Mr. Meyers who conducts a garage and sell the Liberty car. returned to his home. WILL MAKE KAY WHILE SUN SHINES Patriotic crepe paper it the Journal office.. Catarrh O.nnot Bo Cured c-Uh LOCAL APPLICATIONS, as they cannot reach the a. ut ot Uie disease. Catarrh it v. local litt-ase. s,-r?atly iti-ttuefK't-d bv coiLt.!i.i!i':n:il t onoitions, and in order to cir it yoj ratift ia!e an internal rem-.'uy JI-ill's Camrrh Medi cini U taken internally I'-nd acta thru ilv biciod or. tho mucous surfaced of the sv.steir.. IIhII's Otarrn Medicine was prescribed by one of the '-t-st physicians n litis courilry for yeara. It is com-uosc-i! of soir.e of the bst tonics known, "romhined with some of the lest blood puri.'lers. The renC't combination of the Infirfliirt.i in Hail's Catarrh I.Ifdi ei:i 13 vit produces such wonderful results in catarrhal coaditions. Sen-1 for testimonial.!, free. J. CUKNKV ii CO., Jrops.. Toledo. O. All lrtisij.'s, . Hall's i'a.tiilv I til. tr "orsMpatlon DR. H. C. LEOPOLD OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN Special Attention lo niii of Women i ACUTE OlSKASKS TKEATJ'JU Lyes Tested and Glasses Fitted iSight Calls Answered After Hoars and Sundays by Appointment. 4:30 a. ni. to 12:00 1:30 P. m. to 5:30 To ""Ifoh Plattsmouth, Neb. From Thursday's Daily. Mr. Charles Will of near Peru, who has been visiting in this city for a short time at the home of his sister Mrs. F. W. Elliott, departed this morning for Omaha, going via Pacific Junction and Council Bluffs, and from there he will go to Wood lake, in the northwest portion of the state, where he will visit for some time with a friend, and will also engage in making hay during the season. LESTER VR0MAN WRITES HOME. From Thursday's Daily. Lester Vroman writes very inter estingly frcm Camp Taylor, Ky., to his friends here and tells of his ex perience in helping get lumber out of the way of a fire, and getting his clothing afire, when the hose was turned on him to extinguish the flames, he was knocked down by the force cf the water. He says that he likes the. place very well and will soon take an examination for over seas duty. PLATTSMOUTH HOME GUARDS. From Friday's Daily. Last evening the .Plattsmouth Home Guards put a good hard sea- ton of drilling, and which is per fecting them in their drilling, and making of the company, which was originally not the concrete unit it now is a well drilled military com- AR INSTALLING TWO TORRID ZONES From Saturday's Pnily. Jess F. Warga is installing two of the pipeless furnaces, which he is handling the Torrid Zone, one in the city goes to Fred Ranige sr., while the other goes to F. II. Rang'; in the country. While the weather is warm is the time to prepare for the cold weather which is on the way. as the Father of the country said "In times of peace prepare for war." COUNTY TEACHERS INSTITUTE. From Saturday's D.tilv. The county institute for the teachers of this county will l e held next week, and preparations have been made for a successful meeting. Miss Alpha Peterson, the county superintendent has everything in readiness and a good program will be had every day of the meeting. Some very capable talent will he had for the opening day of the eour:-e. as County, ss. To t)!',n interestr-d in t lie estate of .Mary i Welch, leea-til; lit; I .-a1 itr-' t'o- petition ,f I'harle l.n id iui t -iiiiti for a linal settlement aii-l a I io ;t n- of Lis account lilcd in this court 0:1 the :Mt!i day of Aiiku'. 1!. and fcr linal settlement of said estate and iliscliinii'' id the executor. It is herel.y ordered that yon and all r.-:oiis interested in said matter may. arid do. ajijic-nr at the County Court he held jn and for said eouii tv. o': i he ;th day of September, A. 1., liil. at 1 o'clock A. M., to show cause, if any there he, why tho prayer of th" et i i ioro-f should not he granted, and that notice (I the l.eudciicv of said jetiiieii and the healing thereof be rien t ail persons interested in said matter by pu 1.1 is ii i a copy of this ord'-r in the 1'la ttsmoutli Journal, a - ' mi-weekly n vs p.i per printed in said county for one week prior to said day f l;eariii:r. In witness whereof, T l ave hereunto -et n iv hand and the seal of said court this i 1 1 1 !.tv of .m-ust, A. I .. 1!'1V AI.I.KN J. r.KLSO.V. (Seal i County Judjre. !:.- Florence White, clerk. ARE VISITING WITH FRIENDS. Cornelius DeJung and wife de parted this morning for Des Moines from where they will visit with his brother Albert DeJung, who went from here to Camp Dodge, as a member of the quota from this county to that place. They were joined by Mr. DeJung's parents Fred DeJung and wife cf Clay Center, who also went to see their son ere he had to depart for a concentration camp farther east. Twice Proven IV 'I Ml. I1ISTHK T ( Ol iit or c coi via. m:iiusk In the Matter of the Inn rd iansh !p of Alines ll.ivir, Mary Havir and l'c- cil ie . liavir. Minors. Cnlrr to Slimv 'miwe. This cause came on for hearing upon 'he petition of Mary I. llelolilavy. as 'oardian of the estate of Amies Havir, Mary liavir. and Ceeilie JIavir, minors, il;iinir for a license to sell the un divided l-'i interest of each of said iiinors in and lj the following de scrhed re. 1 estate, to-vv:t: Ix)ts 1, I, and 1 In Hloek '., find Lots 1, 11, and 12 in Block 10. all in Duke's ad dition to th city of IMattsmouth, Cas county. N-liaska, for the support n:l maintenance and education of said minors, there not being; sufficient per sonal projerty to furnish support at.d maintenance and exjens' of education for said minors. It is therefore ordered that all per sons interested in said estate may ap pear before me at the liistrict Court room in tie said city of I'lattsmout h. Cass co'it.ty. Nebraska, on the i'"rd lay of Se tember, at 10 o'clock . M . to show cause why a license should not be granted to said miard ian to .-' !! so much or all of the above described rea' estate as shall be nec essary for th support, maintenance and exter e of education of said min ors a ip1. for their best interests. This order shall b published in the J'latts mouth Semi-Weekly Journal for a per iod of tour weeks successively before the date of heat-ills'. Pat -d this l':!rd dav of Atifrust. 1319. jamks T. i:i;i;i.i:v. .Tudg-e of the District Court. S-i'C-lw Edgar Seagraves of Woodbine, Iowa, arrived in the city this morn ing for a visit with relatives here. Mr. Seagraves says the dry weather has seriously injured the crops in his vicinity. A meeting of the far mers in Cass township his county, arriving at a conclusion that the corn would not yield more than five bushels per acre: E. A. Brann ar.d family from near Fairbury were in this city at noon today on their way to Carroll, Iowa, where they are going in their automobile to visit for a while at the home of F. A. Brann who is a brother of Mr. K. A. Brann. tutes when you can ci If you suffer backache, sleepless nights, tired, dull days and distress ing urinary disorders, don't experi- j jUy pQur and Substt- mony. It's Plattsmouth evidence loubly proven. Mrs. F. S. Brinkman, Eleventh & Pearl Sts., says: "For several years I had been bothered by my kidneys. My back often pained me severely. Headaches and dizziness were com mon and my sight becameaffected so badly I couldn't read. I was al so trouble by my kidneys acting irregularly. I got Doan's Kidney Pills from Edward Rynott & Co.'s Drug Store and they benefitted me greatly in a short time." (State ment given April 10, 1912.) On February 22. 1916 Mrs. Brink- man said: "I still consider Doan s Kidney Pills a fine kidney medicine. I glady confirm my former endorsement." Price 60c, at all dealers. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy get Doan's Kidney Pills the same that Mrs. Brinkman had. Foster Milburn Co., Mfgrs., Buffalo, N. Y. PURITAN, VICTORY AND RYE you will save money and time try it! FOR SALE BY HATT & SON 13 1 i V Vi 1