The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, August 26, 1918, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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    MONDAY. AUGUST 26. 1918.
paue fiyx
Rain of Steel Poured Into Fleeing;
Enemy Ranks. Piling Up Dead
and Capturing Prison
ers and Guns.
With the British Armies in
Franco. Aug. 21 British armies
tlii-' evening are vigorously follow
iim up their success of today, which
apparently has been one of the most
disastrous ever experienced by the
(jpniians. The British have taken
tlio'i.:iml.' of prisoners and large
onniititb-s of puns and material.
With the British Armies, in
France. An sr. 2 3. Victorious on a
hattl front of twenty-three miles
-tending from the Cojeul river on
the north, across the Ancre and
Simnic river? almost to I. ikon, the
third and fourth British armies un
.Ur Generals Byng and Rawlinson
at ..iid-al'tcrnoon were vigorously
fi How i:ig up their successes of to
day, which apparently ha been one
'of the most !i-a -troiis days ever ex
perienced by the Herman?. The ene
mv has lost wide stretches of
treunsl. uumerrus towns, thousands
of men riad and large
Muar.tith" of material and suns.
Ii. also again has had heavy casual
ties. Crown Prince Kupprecht 'if Bu
varia. the German cor-.iaander. lias
thrown his men in ! efor? th- ad
vancing l!riti-ii amies in an effort
to itave of.' the int ".'if :1 !. b'lt
t ' l'.av them mowe I down amin iv.d
Fg.iiii !'.v st' Tins of metal which
ponre i :'rom the P.rilih cMrns. One
entire enemy huta'ion was annihi
lated during the fighting.
Tead In Great numbers.
Dead Germans in uri-at i:um!ei
are- n-a'tere.I t very where oer the
iii-.ttletreld. As an example, !'')
enemy dead were observed this
morning on one small piece of
ground over which the battle -a ad
swept .
With all fierce t : r !i 1 1 n -r and
notwithstanding the fact that the
British at many plat-:; have fomht.
over open around agair.m an ene
my protected in "pot. holes" and
strong points o fother kinds, the
Pritish looses everywhere Kern to
have ben extraordinarily light.
This probably is due to the confu
sion the Germans find reigning be
hind their lir.?s. as they are fighting
a loping battle which for them
hourly prows more disastrous.
Crown ! ' Uuppreeh? 'today
l:nl strengthened Ii'm line at many
places, but this instead of stopping
the British, simply meant that the
Germans ft' tiered biirger los-es.
iv.'rinu. ni-.'ht and this ir.or:i-
ing the front upon which the battle
was being fought yesterday was
widened appreciably both to the
north and the iouth. while the
-round in t lie middle between Al
bert and Beaaenurt-Sur-Anere.
which heretofore had been fairly
quiet suddenly was drawn into the
The Smt Fiir is not an amuse-r'.-iit
!.u rprise ; ir i an aaricultur
a! institution with plenty of amuse
ments added to make it attractive
to all.
'-. . . .s '
r1 - ::
FoulffV Wbntod !
A car load of Ihc poultry to be
delivered at poultry car near Bur
lington depot. Plattsruouth, Ilebr.,
on Tuesday-. Sept. 3rd. one day only
for which we will pay in cash :
:Hens 24c
Springs 24c
Ducks 15c
Geese 15c
Old Roosters . 15c
We will be on hand rain or shins
to take care of all poultry offered for
9 f V
The United States Civil Service
Commission has announced an ex
amination for the County of Cass,
Xebr., to be held at Plattsmouth on
Sept. 2 8. II) IS to fill the position of
rural carrier at Mynard and vacan
cies that may later occur on rural
routes from other post oflices in the
above-mentioned county. The ex
amination will be open only to male
citizens who are actually domiciled
in the territory of a post ofhee in
the county and who meet the other
requirements set forth in Form No.
lt77. This form and application
blanks may be obtained from the
ottiees mentioned above or from the
United States Civil Service Commis
sion at Washington. 1). C. Applica
tions should be forwarded to the
Commission at Washington at the
earliest practicable date.
During the continuance of the
present war the Commission will, in
accordance with the request of the
Post Office Department, admit
women to rural carrier examina
tions upon the same conditions as
men. By direction of the Commis
Worn Satiir.liiy's Dai! jr.
Thomas lleinrich who has been
here visit inp for a few days depart
ed this afternoon for Ilolyoke, Colo.,
where he has to report on Monday
for service. Mr. lleinri'di while in
the west repistered. and had been
drawn for service, already. While
he has been makinp his home here
until this spring he went to a farm
in the west and he has now been
drawn and had to give up the farm
I'ri. in SiitiM !:iv's ! ;ii;y.
Anteno and James Woostcr wire
passengers lo Omaha, this afternoon
where they went to visit their moth
c Mr. Frank Woster, who is at a
hospital there 'ncoiving treatment,
ar.d v. lu re Mrs. Woostcr underwent
an rernt :--n sen:" weeks since and
had heped to have been aide to re
turn tediy, b".t an infection occur
ring in one of the legs, will be com
pelled to remain for treatment and
perhaps an operation for this affec
Frern Satiifliy's P.i:Iy.
The Plattsmouth Home Guards to
number of nearly forty departed for
Union this everting where they drill
at the Old Settlers Kc-unioii which
is in ;-easim there at this time.
There will be four souaus with their
corporals, making .".2. and in addi
tion three sergeants and two lieu
tenants and Captain C. A. Kawls
will also go. They will put on
some good drills, for they ar well
trained and capable of so drilling
as will demonstrate their et'iciency.
a:d please 'be people who witness
as all muit acknowledge their ex
cellency. Karl St an field who has been
vird'ing at the he me of his parents
at Bellfville, Kan-as. lor some days
past returned home this morning,
having had an excellent time while
Fmni Salnrc'.av's Daily.
Frank It. Gobelman. the paint and
glass man is installing a new plate
glass in the window of Wescott's
Sons clothing store, to replace the
one broken by the detached blade of
the fan which is used to keep the
entrance cool, and th? fiis out of
the store. The blade of the electric
fan broke off and went through the
window some time since. The new
glass arrived this morning and Mr.
Gobelman and a corterie of work
vm ii were unloading it this morn
ing after which they placed in posi
tion and secured it in place.
Miss Kllive Stewart of Dralur.
Minn., arrived in this; city this af
ternoon from Glen wood, la., where
she has been visiting and was ac
companied by her coutin John Stew
art, who has been visiting also at
ftlenwood. Iowa, they stopping here
between trains and departed later
for Greenwood. Neb., where fdie will
visit for some time and returning
to his home there.
Mrs. H. K. Zavgren who has hcen
vifiting in this city at the home of
her ni yt her, Mrs. Mary Heinrich de
parted for her home at Omaha this
Misses Hose and Mary Schelssel
departed this afternoon for Ashland
where they will visit for a week or
so at the home of a sdstor. Mrs. Al
fred Altrup and husband.
Marvin Allen and wife departed
this afternoon for Council Bluffs,
where they will visit for over Sun
day with relatives.
Washington, Aug.
ances reaciied the State department
today that the anti-bolshevik gov
ernments at Omsk and Vladivostok
are in full accord, which, oihcials
.?.id. meant that all Siberia virtual
ly is under one government with a
small portion near Irkutusk con
trolled by bolsheviki forces aided by
former German and Austrian pris
oners. The agreement between the two
governments was considered by offi
cials here one of the most important
developments in the Russian tangle
since the overthrow of the Kerensky
The first ditiiculty the Siberian
governments have to face is the
eradication of the bolshevik red
guards and the Austro-German pris
oners of war now fighting side by
side. They cantrol the trans-Siberian
railroad from Irkut. on Lake
Baikal to Manchuria station about
200 miles from Karimskaya where
the Amur riv?r line branches off to
the north. Troops of the allies aid
ed by the Czecho-Slovan control the
Manckurian line from Vladivostok
to Manchuria station.
The bolsheviki and prisoners on
the l's--uri river are not considered
here as formidable as they have
little to gain een if victorious.
Their hope is to get as far south as
Nikol.-k. about 4tt miles west of
Vladivostok, thus cutting off Vladi
vostok from the Manchurian rail
road, but even if they sneered in
this it will not interfere with the
sending of allied troops westward to
aid the Czeche and Japanese in
ngkt in-r the bolsheviki from Man
churia to Karim-knya, as the road
from Port Arthur will still open
to them.
When the allied troops reach
Karimfkaya. it is pointed out here,
they will tut off the bolsheviki along
the Amur river branch of the rail
road from their comrades between
Karimskaya and Irkutsk.
A. W. Becker and daughter Mae.
who have been viitlng west of this
city for the past few days at the
home of his daughter, Mrs. T H.
Fe?iiings. and husband departed for
their home at Ashland. Mr. llc.i
nings and wife bringing them in in
their car.
Mrs. A. W. Smith departed this
morning for Omaha, where she goe-T
to visit with her daughter. Mrs.
Mait Borof". who is at a hospital at
Omaha, where she is convalescing
ui'tr"- an operation, under which she
went about a week ago. Mrs. Bor
off is making very satisfactory pro-trre-s
towards recovery.
Joseph Campbell was a visitor in
this city for the day looking after
some business with the merchants.
Mrs. J. S. Benscouter and daugh
ter Miss Boat h i were passengers to
Omaha this morning where they
were spending the day with friends.
Miss Delia Maskron of Omaha wm
a visitor in the city this morning
coming to consult with the county
superintendent of schools Miss Alpha
Miss Ruth House worth of Bon
Angeles arrived in Plattsmouth to
day and will visit with friends her"
and will bp the guest of Mis Ber
nice Nov. ell while in the city.
Mrs. F. li. Dawkenbcrry and
littl" child who has boon visiting
in the west for some weeks past,
where she was the guest of rela
tive?, at Seattle, returned home las!
Harry Krugtr and family who
hai'e been visiting at the home of
friends at Gretna, for the past few
weeks returned home last evening
after having had an excellent time
while away.
Mrs. Beta Babcock and children
and Mrs. Flora Babcock, all of Par
son:;, Kans., arrived here this morn
ing for a visit at the homo of their
brother of Mrs. Rett a Babcock. W.
T. Milburn of this city.
Mrs. R. II. Sprecher and her moth
er Mrs. B. V. Delaney of Blair, who
has been visiting with her daugh
ter in this city departed this after
noon for Blair, where Mrs. Sprecher
will visit with her mother for some
I.adlrt! Auk yor IroKf-it fof-4'hl-riitn-tera
j 1 1 is in urn mr. l .old metallic
I'p. sraiei .ta liiue Ri boii.
T?) s Fx!
.4- .
Both Chorus and Music Accompany
the Pantomime of the Actor
on the Stage.
The actors sons of the sons of gen
erations of actors passing on as a
legacy of great rr5"e to the right to
act in these strange "No" plays of ,
old Japan entered and made their ex
its by way of the bridge. At their
approach. Gertrude Emerson writes in
Asia, unseen hands lifted and held
back a curtain of persimmon and iris
colored silk that hung at the door of ,
the dressing room. Their costumes j
had wide skirtlike trousers and all the'
fires and conflagrations of an autumn i
wood or a mountain forest burned in !
the color of the brocades. Sometimes !
they had the streaming white hair of
ghosts. . They stamped with their
white stockinged feet on the polished
floor, which gave out a muffled echo.
With their flowing sleeves they hid
their faces, turning and swaying in
rhythmic dances. AVith their fans they
wrote the meaning of their dances in
the air the climbing of a mountain
path to a forsaken shrine, a gift of
water to a weary pilgrim, the picking
of herbs, the flight of a bird across
the sky, the falling of flowers or of
tears. The chorus sang in suppress
ed tones, holding" the'r breath inter
minably, explaining, now 1h action,
now the thoughts passing through the
mind of the actor. The musicians beat
on their drums mid above all other
sounds wailed the ante, thin and trem
ulous, piercingly sad, like a lost soul
tormented of demons.
Writer Impressed by Accumulation of
Subject Matter of Every Descrip
tion in Print.
Perhaps the most valuable instru
ment for perpetuation is the printing
press, writes Bruce Cunimings in Sci
ence Progress. N sooner N tui even i
over than it is reported in the daily
press, and the newspaper preserved
in the British museum for all time.
Within the sacred rotunda of th?
British museum reading room may b?
perused th' novels of Charles tJarvieo.
as well sis the great Chinese encyclo
pedia of the Emperor Kiang-hi in O.0L.V
In books our knowledge to oat i -rounded
up and displayed; yo.i may
read a boo!: on a lump of con!, a gr:..-.
blade, a ser.worm. on hair combs, cm
pets, ships, sticks, sealing wax. c t1
bages, kin.s, cosnrnifs, Kant. A or.
thick volume inde d was puh'idtei
last year uj on th thorax of n iii l 1
cricket. It would require a l-arnei
man to catalogue tin literature that
d'-als with such comparatively irivi; !
subjects as the history of th Punch- t show, or the history of play
ing cards.
At the present rapid rate of aci-umu
lation the time must come when lh:
British museum, thousands of ye;ir
henee, will occupy an area as lave-- a
London; ar.d the Encyclopedia Britar.
nica be housed in a building as big a
th Crystal palace; an aecnmulatio i
of learning to make Aristotle auJ
Scaliger turn pule.
Airplane Needs Strong Wood.
A modern airplane propeller is on';
of the strongest ami most perfect
products of man's handicraft.
Some airphme engines run rt ETC
revolutions i minute and can be gare '
up to 2"X). An engine of this powci
would use a nine-foot-six-ineh propel
ler and the speed of the blauf ad
would be in the neighborhood of OCC
miles an hour.
Revolving at this terrific rate, tlu
slightest imperfection in the won'?
from which the propellers are made
would tend to disrupt them and causv
them to fly to pieces.
For this reason onVy the best an-'
hardest wood from the heart of th
tree is used for propeller blades. It
ta.kos 2,000 feet of timber in the rougi.
to furnish 200 feet of wood good
enough for propellers.
Black walnut is the very best kin,!
of wood for propeller blades, for, be
sides being iuunenseiy tough, it doe:;
not splinter when hit by a projectile
Xext in the order named, come malmg
any, white oak, ash, maple, birch ane
No Alimony From Soldiers.
The supreme court of New York
sttite has no power to enforce sin or
der for alimony against a soldier in
the United States army, declared Jus
tice Asplnall in the supreme court in
Brooklyn in the rase of Mrs. Florence
Merriman against Rapley P. Merriman.
a private. It is the first decision of
its hind here. Justice Aspinnll gi've
the opinion In acting upon the request
of Mrs. Morriman's attorney, who de
manded Merriman bo forced to pay
$10 on the first business day of each
month. "It is obvious Uit the defend
ant could not comply with a direction
that he pay $40 on the first business
day of each month.' said the justice,
"when ?40 is more lhan Ihe rat1 of
pay of his grade, and the time of pay
ment of a soldier is necessarily very
irregular." New York Evening Sun.
No Rerpite.
"Hooray:" shouted the boy in th?
brown sweater. "Otir teacher is goins
to France and be a Bed Cross nurs?."
"What good is that to us?" objected
the boy In the scout suit. "They'll
only get some other teacher to take
her place."
Nell What would you
such htn'r as mice?
IV" I .'..u't kt;o-v v
give to
cive? Boston Lver.ii
The following was gleaned from
the results of the recent primary,
which was held this week. The
Prohibition party cast 4 votes, while (
the Non-partisan ticket has 1838.
On the Democratic ticket not before
reported have the following:
. Democratic Ticket.
State Senator James P. Baker
722; Representative, L. G. Todd
72C, John Murty 677; County Clerk
Frank J. Liebershal, 086, Recorder,
A. J. Snyder 737; Treasurer, M.
Tritsch. 69G; Sheriff. Wm. Barclay,
6S2; Surveyor, Fred Patterson, 30,
A. B. Smith 20; County Attorney,
A. (I. Cole, 35; Commissioner 2nd
district, Wm. .7. Stohlman. 224;
Third District, Edward Doran, 111,
J. II. Foreman 1G4.
Republican Ticket.
County Attorney, A. G. Cole, 872;
State Senator, A. F. Sturm, S75;
Representative, II. K. Frantz, 854;
County Clerk, Geo. R. Sayles, S90;
Recorder Edna M. Shannon, S4G;
Treasurer, Joseph J. Johnson, 8 44;
Sheriff C. D. Quinton. 8S2; Com
missioner second district, C. F.
Harris 150; C. G. Mayfield 12S;
Third district, Henry Miller 3S9;
Surveyor, Fred Patterson 26.
Little Corene Turner, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Luther Turner depart
ed this morning to visit at home of
her grand parents Feree Turner and
wife and Glen wood, Iowa.
Omar Yardley and wife with their
little one were in the city this mor
ning from their home near Louis
ville and were looking after some
business in the city, as well as a
visitor with friends.
County attorney A. G. Cole and
brother-in-law Walter Bryan who
have been vifiting for the past day
or so at Holyake, Colo., and looking
after some lands there returned this
morning from the west.
R. II. Gibson of Fairfield arriv
d in the city this morning and is
visiting with his daughter in thiJ
city for a short time. Mr. Gibson
is an engineer running out of Fair
field, on the Burlington.
Mrs. Stine Gains Twenty Pounds
Taking Tanlac And Troubles
"I've gained twenty pounds . on
four bottles of Tanlac and I think
it's the grandest medicine on earth,"
declared Mrs. Bertha Stine, of
Springfield, Neb., a few days ago.
"I suffered from stomach trouble,
and asthma for a year." she contin
ued, "and I can hardly begin to de
scribe the agony I went through
with. I had no appetite at all and
what I did force myself to eat would
sour on my stomach and cause gas
to form that pressed around my
heart until I could hardly breathe.
Sometimes it was so bad I would
faint away, and I have lain uncon
scious from one of these spells for
as long as an hour and a half. I
suffered with pains from the back
of my neck all the way down my
spinal column, and ni3r head ached
almost constantly. My nerves were
on edge, and I could hardly sleep
at night; would just roll and toss
and then doze off a little toward
morning, only to wake up feeling
all tired out and not fit for a thing.
I I got worse as time went on, and
lost, fifteen pounds in a few weeks.
Oh, I tell you I was miserable, and
just didn't know what to do as
nothing seemed to help me.
"Finally some one urged me to
trj- Tanlac, and I began to improve
right away. Tanlac and Tanlac
Tablets soon completely restored
my health, and T found I'd gained
twenty pounds since I began the
treatment. Now I am eating any
thing I want; meats, vegetables, in
fact everything and it all tastes so
good, and doesn't hurt me a bit.
All the aches and pains are gone. I
don't have any more' fainting spells
and my nerves are in fine shape. I
go to sleep at night early and when
I wake up next morning I'm re
freshed and full of energy. I just
can't say enough in praise of Tan
lac. It's the best medicine I ever
heard of and I'm glad of this chance
to tell what it did for me."
Tanlac is sold in Plattsmouth by
F. G. Fricke & Co., in Alvo by Alvo
Drug Co., in Avoca by O. E. Copes,
in South Bend by E. Sturzeneggcr,
jin Greenwood by E. F. Smith, in
j Weeping Water by Meier Drug Co.,
and in Elmwood by L. A. Tyson.
Thursday, August 29ih
"American League for Bohemian
Independence." '
The proceeds will be equally divided between the
the American Red Cross and the Czecho-SIovak Army.
Admission Cents, 50c; Ladies, Free;
Supper, 25c.
niriT n r
UAN. U. t. flUflli
Portland. Ore.. Aug. 22. C. E.
Adams, of Omaha, was elected today
commander-in-chief of the Grand
Army of the Republic for the coming
year. The new head of the organi
zation served in the civil war in the
Fifth Wisconsin battery. Fourteenth
army corps, under the commands of
Gen. Gecrge H. Thomas and General
The election of Mr. Adams was
made unanimous.
J. G. Chambers, of Tort land, Ore.,
was chosen senior vice commander-in-chief.
Other officers elected today were:
Charles II. llaber, of Virginia, vice
commander-in-chief: C. M. Ferren, of
Vermont, surgeon general; and Phil
ip A. Nordall, of Boston, Mass, chap
lain in chief.
The newly elected commander-in-chief
announced the following ap
pointments of his staff: A. JI.
Trimble, Lincoln, Neb., adjutant
general: Col. D. It. Stowits, of Buf
falo, N. Y., quartermaster, and G.
D. Kellogg, of Newcastle, Cal., pa
triotic instructor
Entertainment features were a pa
geant with band concert, exhibition
drills, folk dances and athletice, held
tonight at the municipal playground
and a .reception by the Daughters of
v'eterans to the national president,
Miss Anna Dunham.
The delegates to the G. A. R. con
vention placed themselves on record
as favoring a war for unconditional
surrender of the foe, and even more
vigorous proscution of the war than
Other resolutions adopted con
denied a motion picture film dealing
with the. reconctruction in the south
after the civil war on the fcr'mid
that it "does gross injustice to
prominent and patriotic men of re
construction time; is insulting to
colored citizens and tends to glorify
mob low;" criticised the reported
burial of deceased enemy aliens in
the Union cemetery at Chattanooga,
Tenn., and demanded that the pro
posal for the scrapping of Admiral
Farragut's flagship Hartford be with
drawn and the vessel preserved.
Ray Patton and wife arrived in
the city from Omaha, where they
are making their home and are
visiting at the home of Mr. Patton's
parents and also at the home of
JIartin Nelson for over Sunday.
Andrew Harwich, the furniture
merchant next to the court house,
was a passenger this morning .to
Omaha, going on the early Missouri
Pacific . train, where he transacted
some business with the wholesale
house and returned on the Burling
ton during the morning;
Mrs. Lilliam Baker of Omaha ar
rived in the city for a visit of over
Sunday with her friends.
Mrs. S. A. Barker and daughter
were in the city this morning doing
some shopping and visiting with
Joseph Dostel of Bruna, who has
been visiting in this city at the
home. of his daughter Mrs. Martin
Stava and husband for some days
departed this afternoon for his
. C. Peterson anJd wife departed
this morning for Omaha, where they
will look after some business for a
few hours.
a nil nan
Jliss Alice Lister who is working
at Omaha arrived in this city this
afternoon for a visit of over Sun
day with her parents.
Roy Burdick of Omaha was a
visitor in this city for a few hours
this morning and was looking after
some business matters.
Dr. E. 1). Cummins and family
were visiting in this city for a few
hours last evening and drove down
in their car, returning later in tho
Albert Egenberger who is baking
in Omaha came down this afternoon
for a short visit with relatives and
friends and will return to his work
Edward Mcllush who is a dis
patcher for the Missouri Pacific lo
cated at Falls City, was a visitor in
this city today and a guest at the
home of Thomas Walling.
T. F. Rhoeten who is employed
on the farm of John F. Wehrbein
was a visitor in Council Bluffs, for
over Sunday, where he has some
business matters to look after and
also to visit with relatives.
The undersigned will sell at Pub
lic Auction at his home, one mile
south of Murray, Neb., commencing
at 2:00 o'clock sharp, on
The following described property
One Sorrel JIare, eleven years old,
weight 1300.
One Bay Mare, nine years old,
weight 1250.
One Bay Mare, seven years old,
weight 1200.
One Bay Gelding, three years old,
weight 1300.
One Bay Mare, sr-.coth mouth,
weight 1000.
One Sorrel Gelding, two years old.
One Bay Yearling.
Two Suckling Colts.
Two Jlilk Cows, one fresh soon.
Three Yearling Calves.
One St. Joe Wakling Lister.
One Buggy.
One Jlanure Spreader.
One JlcCormick Binder.
One John Deere Gang Plow.
One John Deere Walking Plow.
One Deere Riding Cultivator.
One Jenny Lind Walking Culti
vator. One Deere Planter.
One John Deere Disc.
One 2 h. p. Rock Island Gas Eng
ine. One Hoosier Press Drill.
One King Press Drill.
One Acme Mower.
One Wagon.
One Rack and Wagon.
One 3-Section Harrow.
One set 1 V inch Harness.
One set 1 inch Harness.
One 38-lh. Saddle.
One set Single Harness.
Two Incubators, one nearly new.
One Hoover for Small Chicks.
Two Tons Alfalfa Hay.
Ton and a half Oat Strawy baled.
One Twin Tub Power Washer.
One Churn, two Cream Cans.
One New Garage Door Track.
One Heater.
One Tank Heater.
One DeLaval Separator with Pow
er Attachment..
TERMS OF SALE; All sums of
$10 and under, cash in hand. On
all sums over $10 a credit of from
six to eight months will be given,
purchaser giving note with approv
ed security, bearing eight per cent
interest from date. All property
must be settled for before being re
moved from the premises.
Col. W. R. YOUNG, Auctioneer.
W. G. B0EDEKER. Clerk.