MONDAY. AUGUST 2tJ. 10iS. PI.ATTSJIOrTn SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL. p. f -1 h ;-- p I MANLEY STATE BANK MAN LEY, NEB. MURRAY STATE BANK MURRAY, NEB. BANK OF GASS COUNTY PLATTSTHOUTH, NEB. rmor onnnonrv par My k. . & L0UI3VILLE, IfEE. CEDAR CREEK, NES. :o:- :o:- :ot- -:o:- CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $13,000 CAPITAL AHD SURPLUS $15,000 CAPITAL AHD SURFLUS SS9.0DD CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $23,000 GUFRMO SURPLUS 810,000 -:o:- -:o:- :o: :o: :: OFFICERS OFFICERS FRANK STANDKR APfiUST STAN HER AUGUST PAUTSCH THOMAS i:. PAllMELB VM. J. HAU. DIRECTORS CHAS. C. PARMELE. President. FRED NUTZMAN. Vice-President. W. I.EN P.OEDEKER. Crabier. IAS. C. PARMELE JACOB TRITSCH K. PARMRLB it. F. PATTERSON. F. G I.CENL'FROEa OFFICERS THOMAS E. PARMELE, President. CHAS. C PARM RLE. Vice-Y'red lent. PA UF FITZGERALD, CnLier. U.iM'H It. L ARSON. A-.'-f. Cbler. OFFICERS WILLIAM SCHNEIDER. President. vV. II. LOITNES. Vice-President THOMAi-'. E. PARMRLE. IMrector. 8 S ft a. C ?! V t Vilk i? s a s m y Promptly asid Economically and on tins Basis Me snvree If our Patronage- 8 Ihz- c-.snr.!te Lkclric : Llehi ar.d l' Po-tt p:.-nt iinis tin- u-.-itf-r ar.l grinds the ft" 1. A n el!':t ha in! :tt chore time. .. .. . . i..' ISY ROSENTHAL. I). LOW Omaha. Nth. T 8 OVER THE COUNTY i t v WEEPING rATER Republican y jl Alex Mitchell died Tuesday even ing stt .":!" at his home live miles southeast of town where he had lived for almost forty years and was highly respected by his neighbors and those that knew him. He .as ninety years old the 12th day cl last January. He has been a very active man although quite feeble for a number of years, but was only confined to his lied two weeks be fore his death. Mr. and Mrs. I. V. Teasrarden and little daughter. Cathryn. and Mrs. J. M. Teagarden returned at 11:15 today from a two months' auto trip to Ohio and Indiana, visit ins their old homes and parents. They report a splendid trip. No tire trouble at all until the last mile they came in on a flat tire. Pretty good record for a trip of 3600 miles. They were glad to get home of course. Mi?s Riene Jameson returned limine from Omaha Sunday evening lUr a couple of weeks visit at home before school $t?.rts. Siie will teach ugain this year at Dundee. At a meet ins? of the Fanners Un ion lit ld lure Mcnday. it was decid- 1 to hold the Farmers Fnion An nual Picnic at Weeping Water again liiis The date for the picnic v. ill bt- sop:. 1 1. Mrs. T. '. Kunkl" of Madrid is vi-itinc her mothr-r Mrs. W. H. Ly nijii and .t!.r relatives here this v--k. She says it is pretty lone-'t-v.f at home since both of the boys ;! re in t lie service. .Mrs. John Johnson of Herman is visiting at the home of her mother, Mrs. Stella Rutlor since last Thurs day Hvcnin'.'. Her ron Clair who !,:il l.-en visiting here returned home Monday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Neis Sogard and family left last week in their auto f.r Clarion. Iowa, for a couple of weeks' visit and outing. Nick Holmes is looking after the eleva tor business, while Mr. Sogard is a way. Mr--. Harris Nich of Raymond, who visited her? a few days last week returned home Saturday even ing, taking her Earl Cole's three little children, who will visit their grandmother a lew days. Mr. Sorenson of Omaha, who had been visiting Mrs. Lars Nelson and others bfre. returned home Monday morning. She was accompanied to Omaha by Mrs. Lars Nelson and Mrs. Adolph Hansen who went to Omaha to have little Paul's tonsils remov ed. Frank Anderson has taken over the stock business purchased of A. I. Ralston. H has hired John Wade to look after the business. His daughter Miss Rosa is home from Omaha and will keep the books for the s'one quarry and also the stoek business as well. Success to the new firm. Rimer Wormau received new:; Wednesday of the sudden death of his brother Charles at Southard. Okla. l)e;ith resulted from heart trouble. The body will be brought t Weeping Water for burial. Uut 2 C 3fr J 3 E L M WOOD Leader-Echo C. S. Stone was a business visitor to Omaha Wednesday. Mr. Discel is very sick at the home of his daughter. Mrs. W. E. Palmeter. Mrs. J. IX Fentiman left on Thursday of last week for a visit to relatives at Belleville, Kas. Mr. and Mrs. Neihart and Grand ma Hollenbeck spent Sunday at Weeping Water visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Murtey and Mrs. F. Fowler. Mr. and Mrs. O. S. Turner and Mr. and Mrs. James Turner and Grand ma Turner motored to Camp Funs ton. Kas.. Sunday to visit with John Turner. Wm. Rornemeier has been busy the past week or so hauling mater ials to his farm, where he is mak ing some substantial improvements to his residence property. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Humphrey and son. Billy arrived safely at Monango. N. I). Miss Anna Hayes accom panied thern as far as Aberdeen. S. D., stopping over a day. then went on to her home at Culbertson. Mont. Fred Backemeyer and family re turned on Friday of last week from an auto trip to Denver and various other points. They report a fine trip and Fred says that crops in Colorado and many places along the trip were fine. Mr. and Mrs. F. Backemeyer left on Wednesday for Milford. Nebr., to attend the Convention there and then went to St. Francis. Kas., where they will live for the present. Mr. Backemeyer will preach for the Evangelical people there. " Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Deles Dernier and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Langhorst and little daughter, Corrine, left on Tuesday for Manila, Iowa, where they will spend several days visiting with Mr. ami Mrs. Wm. Penterman. They made the trip by auto. A fine new baby girl arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Orville Robertson on Monday, Aug. 19. Both mother and baby are doing nicely. This is their fourth child and they are receiving the hearty will live with her children. Mrs. Brittell is one cf our best elderly ladies and while all are sorry to sec her leave they are glad that ski goes no farther than Lincoln. m UNION Ledger ' V j jj Born, to Mr. and Mrs. John C rub er Sundav night. August ISth a six pound boy. A pair of twin bovs were born to Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hill e;ist of I man. Ihis makes the third pair of twins in the family. Mrs. Vance Harris who had been visiting relatives here the past week returned to her home at Fort D.idge. Iowa, Tuesday. Harry Tipton. Carl Frans and Ar thur and Fred Lindsay left Monday afternoon for an extended trip thru California and other western states. Mr. John Pape and wife and two daughters and Miss Ann Smith of Doan, Iowa, motored to Fnion In-t Monday to visit several days with relatives. Miss Verna Hnrris retnrncj home Monday afternoon after a w??k: visit with Mrs. Alma Dennis of Falls City, and Mrs. Vivian Howe of Howe. Nebraska. Mr. and Mrs. ' O. Douge from Spencer. Nebraska. are visiting relatives and friends here this Tins was their home until a few years ago. They havj many friends here who are glad to see them. Quite a number of people motor ed to Omaha last Sunday for n pic nic af Lake Manawa. They had a big picnic dinner at the nark after which they crossed the lake and tin- afternoon was spent in swimming. A splendid time was reported by all. Joe Banning who has been in the Methodist hospital in Omaha sev eral weeks convalescing after an operation was able to return home last Friday. :Wr. Banning is muck better and will soon be able to at tend to his business affairs again. Mrs. H. M. Frans left ear! Thursday morning for Lincoln where she met her friend Mr:-. Georgia Kimsey and together the left for Denver, Colorado. where they will visit friends. Thpy in tend to take advantage of this op portunity to visit some of the fdace: of interest for which the 'slate i noted. EAGLE Beacon V coin last Friday, khc i- reported a; retting along very nicely and is ex pect t-d to be out soi.n. Rains have been quite genorous during the past week, tho nir.o of i belli have been heavy. There seems 'o be betur corn in this immediate vicinity than elsewhere over th" state, but there is no deriving the fact that it has Ik en hurt to . cnie extent even here. Fred Muenchau. sr.. wife and daughter, and .-on Will left lai Saturday via auto for an outing. When last heard fr. m they were at Rrickson. Neb., ;.nd still going. They expect to go iiiio South Da kota and will prorabiy be gr. r.e a couple of weeks or more. i; U " i i": and v.-nu; V, d: ni; Wi: M: :n goji: sticcv-ss. Rayman has g:ne to to be near her hu.-;i,and iay in the camp as i.e remain there Mrs. Ray::. an Mae Steele of ml J ml i N E I-I A W K A . ew.- .in mviiri.nci Mrs V Camp lb. !:;. ;.g ii s not expect to ;;.y w-e':s more, .s ! rmerlv Mi.--- ;Uvilb Mr. and Mrs. Walter Blake r.g hter. .Mi-s Vivian and Mr. s. Robert McCartv iefr h.-t day for Custer c.-.imy to v i -it a days with. Mr. and .Mrs. An ! O enkop at their ranch hon; Oronto. They made the trip in Mt-cnrty car. a j i he mends cf Rev. jun I former Lutheran pastor at j p'ac-e. r.ow at Nortonvi!!". Ivans: wi'i be sorry to learn th.-.r he is V-1 ing his sight, but there is some h o . hdd out f(r him if he underg's t op--rriion on his eyeo wiiicb. lie 1: decided to do. and tho operation v. take place in September. i- ri- -ar t be t bis Avora J j Auau.-t, 14, A vocal AJ'rl Alvo 1-17 j Ej'-'lu f.H ! Murdoch .4o August if". Alvo '..". 1 Aug. 11, c:,a::es sold on (.jilts i Mrs. l.a!::,!.ear 1 ').''(. Au'. J 7. Chances hi on i iiiiMts (Mrs. Lamphear .i .- ; Aug. 1 7. Needles soi i at j lie 1 ( "i-oss K';'im- .-..., ; At:?.;. 1 C. Money from mem- berships !';."' ; i S -1 0 4 " .o". j mot. 7 i j Balance in band .'C74be4l IT'e-rv EeiriCnded As Follows: i HON. GEORG EW LEIDI6H DEAD PE03in:EKT 2JEEKASKAN AND IUBL1C gPIKITED KAN E!E3 AFT EE. J.IOI7TIIS OF ILLNLLS. After v.taty months of .-uiTering fr.;a siome.' li tronbbj. durin,' v. hicli time be gradually tri iv v. eakt-r, 1 1 . ii . Ceor e.- ". Lcidi'h, die 1 at bis he me at Xel ni. ka City, c r:: r I :i- teenth -.tree! and c.mtiel av.aue i .1 1 : i v i, -r I Jui V I'o.- ii . I ':: i da:irv. ,;;!; , Jo ;,ot:i for Re t! i a o i his ion loci; T! recover 1 eior. The Nehawka Schools will start j Monfiay Septeinl.'er the tth. Rlizabetb and Mary ChapiH-ll have been spending a part of their, vacation at the Frauel heme near Rlmwood. 1 j Tviiss Ida Bell Dov.r.ev. teacher in the Nehawka Schools last year. ; father and l-iother drov il..v.-i fr Lincoln Sandriy to call on fi it !:: Prof .and Mrs. J. W. S-over c 'on. returned to Nebawi Mrs. Georce Myers ;) a-etl to receive the -.f the birth of a V.:: :he home of her rou, was very mm news rece:: e littlo o!i Hc-nrv' n :ee and lta re 'i"eie-j;i(j;- Bat h robe pat t n. Jt:!y Po,t:sr out qt'.toa . urs.-;a rv ba the ii l; on , itvl::i Bra :C!l C1 : , :uney. arrived Tues- The 1 Augrst 1?-. 191 S and Henry, is crudest man in Cheyenne coun The Cor.rie:- jrdn his L'ul f rier.ds in e:;t ing congra'- lay, after spending the tion in Fremont, where th qr. took a cour. of t; a: past ten weeks. Mr. and Mrs. A. V. St a son Ralph, left the latter last week overland for a hi-t Ft or.l va e IT',: n i i: rm i part n out no particulars liave been received J congratulations of their many as to wheti it will arrive, so no defi nite funeral announcement can be made. friends. On Tuesday afternoon Alexander Mitchell, died at tne home of his Mrs. G. C. Trimble is at Fremont for an indefinite visit with rein- j tives and friends. Will Latrom and wife motored to Omaha last Saturday on business, returning Monday. Mrs. Mamie Hudson moved her household goods to her new home in Lincoln the first of the week. Charles P. Snyder is enjoying c visit from his father. William Sny der, who came last Saturday from Candler. Fla., for an indefinite visit. Art Trumble. always progressive and right up to date, is arranging to install a refrigerator plant In his meat market. There is nothing too good for some of us, and Art is in that class. 'rip to Colorado. ; rincipally for the benefit of Ralph, who is recovering from a long si eg.? of illness. W. H. Armstrong of N-bra-ka City, who is employed by R. M. Pollard as cooper, has moved bis household belongings to Nehawka . ..... occupying a part ot the htebens building o?i Rim Street. Way back in the Nineties the farmer sold ten bushels of corn to pay his sunseri ot ion to tne .ncvs. The same farmer may now ell one bushel of corn, pay his subscription '.o the News and still have enough monev left to take in the picture how. Don't howl, fellows, don't j howl. The Misses Gladys West and Rm na St. John returned la?t Saturday rem a thrcf weeks outing r:t Ma sonic Park. Colo. T!: mountain air md the- bubbling brooks which they enjoyed while there, gave them that refreshed appearance that is net un common to those returning from a trip there. Work on the new building, fcr Chalmer is being pushed rapidly this week. Jas. Miller and lienrv Gruber are doing the work, assisted by Wm. Obernolte. Tie foundation is of solid concrete, and lhe walls are cement blocks. Wbo-i finished. Mr. Switzer will have a lice place of business. y :; nea r day. i i'C 1 tv. !-ii l u:-.;:ons. j Mr. and Mrs. .T-ini Krai daughter Mariraret are here a- t Mci;rl:ind. Cab. to vi-i? ; s- I ':c:r. of their . ister-in-!aw. t Kraft in ti e country snath Mr. and Mrs. Da i - Cantpl .1 i .) n d dn,brr. Gbid vs. r f Cr ( i j '.ere i iso over un.:a- gttcis i Kraft s heme. Mr. Ca her si'ter. From here . Ya;m Mr.-.. L : Red iitaphear Crcsi Ware Central and from the tT.bell the I'esh- Auna to-,-;; a nd '.ye re Mrs. bi in.c California relatives will to to lf-r to visit their daughter. A. I.aMor.t Wood a:id Mi--s Tyo were ir.arritd on Jttiv 11 Haldrege. on the- way to Max, Neb., ti visit the bride's parents. Tho marriage is not a 'zr'-at surprse to their freind.s r it had been expect ed for some time, but the date had Kiitl th at ,.T::'y 1! 4 . ; A. R. i : Aug.- 1, clean in Rooms ' A ttg. 7, Clean imv i h'-iu-e windows : Aug. I). Bill from : Divisien Aug. !). Merctirr dic R. A. j Stanfiebl Book Store Aug. 1. Adam- Kxnr'? ! Au.g. 12, Carpenter Work I in Warehettso ! A'tr. 1". Nebraska Ligbt i in or Co.. ulv H2, Wells Parr-o Rx- iress ' iir. James I. ?es ce Son yarn as rn-r contract 1 4. Carpenter Work in arcboise : 1.1 j -( ofge . L. :,l ; gh V,a stnng c!u.ra tej-s of X : h is i uf i .ictice ; - r gi o- l hro-.iaiiou: t sttite. v, a- a u iv e :. n.ber j c r:. ; i" !,-;rt y, 1 vvays t : i in t heir tbdi l erat i';r.s i br-r f f t lie le:rislat tin i.OO f. was a friend and c v stafe k-gislatui e in li a t :.r:;ti.g. Rop- n aba.ed approat io.- i. t lie . braska ! v a Mr. I a id i : ii i t 1 e ; 1 1 : . : - bin a pa : t es a met'i r four ter-.i . the ;,n 1 f.;t : :i 1 1 M. ; Co! i been b if,!' !!oi;ai! Ba' a l.T. ." . -1 u iiis sjc (''!. e Mr. I.ehiieh. 1 i : o i b t h i - I friend, '.ant-i v r mtuh j have liked to. j lb- was i Laura M?Co no: old be -.Veil t 1 'e ' W t:bl rri'- 1 t..o fr ! T. i AU.: 1-7:' to Mi s rem winch on! m .,7.;0 i ?'.( re n c-i' c-ielit children bttrn, of ; v. io en tbro Mitts are dead, th" Mir- 5.ftS viving being. Aaron of Nebraska City. Mrs. Be:vie MM "arhmd of S - -.Hllattle. War-li., Baric; I.eidigh v . !, ; : ! i:i t'e.e s.":rt-taiv of ftat' u at i 1 f-. 1 Lincol::: Cant. Oliver G. Leidiu'i is in u:e ;tr:.,v ana .vies iat" 1 ''."10 ? n o o . 7 1 ot ! reside has b rn j;;ibiic. in Omaha, where en employe! fcr Tl, the gi will oom time f ?1 Wlw-Ve l.o T-i:s ;i r't'. rn:y:--i Their many friends :n this vicinity join us in extending best wishs. IvIONTIILY REPORT OF THE PLATTSI'ICUTH RED CROSf. Julv 21. Babince on baud July 1 : . ?' f? 7 f f . 0 S Don aliens TJuring the Iccntli. Mrs. Krnesf Porter 1.0.) Misses J-leisel 2.00 Mrs. Lair l.tto Mr. MeDiniel 1.00 Donation to box in Red I Cross Room D.2e Market goods sold left from Fair Minnie C.uthman 4.00 Paid at Red Cross Rooms.- .".".. Paid et Red Cro.-s Rooms G..".r Material Sold to County fcr Qr.ot.. The Nebraska State Fair with.i'Ut a competitor in !t hibit and with the :i:h!rO ment th, is year t.f a mo barn in whi?h t!i" Fair, this should out -do i si a mis hog ex- encoe re g - SKe.fjOO to s.liow trie it-.tere.-t ing tself. in..-' ex: who is at survives b home. t late Tho mother hn -band. The State Fair has 1 een a h"ioci light toward which Nel raskr. ae- i cnlture has steered in rounding the shoals .of adversity. o' I and familv Omah a. : i d i over Sundav. v War then arrived in tho city tnd-iv visiting with ir;re!ifs for C ASTORIA Fcr Infants and Children tn Use For Over 30 Years Always bear v . r- '3t-'-!niir n I y z Mnnlev LOUISVILLE Courier Ray Smith one of our farmers , son Alex, fivemiles east of Elm north of town thinks he will have wood. He was also the father of some corn even if it doesn't rain any Mrs. Bart Hopkins. He is an old j Mrs. Herman Olhschlager was more, and from the looks cf an ear resident of this community and well brought home from the hospital at. lie brought in the other day it shows known to all. Funeral services will Lincoln, where she underwent an up pretty well for a dry year. The be held Friday, Aug. 23 and burial J operation for appendicitis last. Tues- car is ful!y matured and is pa.t dry in the Weeping Water cemetery. j day, and is getting along As nicely wpatlier now. hut there is lots of Mrs. J. D. Brittell has rented her : as could be expected. corn in me couniv inai wouiun i r.-rcperty in uie ease pan oi town mi expected, the county that wouldn't property in the east part of town to 1 Mrs. Herman Swanson of Union mr-ke much if it would rain for a the new- superintendent of our . who was formerly Mis Sarah Ren month. While there is lots of very schools and will leave the last of ner. underwent an operation for ap gcc.d corn, it is very spotted. the week for Lincoln, where, fehe ' pendicitis and. gall stones at Lin- Mrs. C. E. Wood and two children will arrive home this week from a visit with relatives in Colorado and western Nebraska. A fine little son arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles "J. Pankonin on Monday, August 1 fb 191S. The many friends join with the Courier in extending congrat il lations. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Petersen, of York, arrived last week for a vi :! with Mr. Petersen's father and oth er relatives. Fred has given "up the i cagie Nehawka Nehawka Nehawka Wabash M unlock July '2C. Greenwood Murdork South Bend Fnion July 2f. Fairviev- Fair view- " Fairview Fairview August "1, Murdock Greenwood Wabash Fairview August. C, Weeping Wnter Murray Sevth Bend Avoca Avoca 4.G1 SC.C2 107. r,o 40.00 4M9 ri.50 CIS 5.74 4.10 0.09 4.19 T..74 11. 7f. 24.43 9. no o . r.'i r,.74 2.35 9.93 t... , fti??' -7- l V-V 'J- - - v '""il - :.'i e '''i !;' i .iri I PU' '' M-. 'fi -'At-y t 0-..7! T T v m p- tc" . ,'. :. i . o ;. bt' - .4 r . ' 1 jail a i Af .5i r ;- r'. ' J e; - je. ,.! t. riy. .VSV at Tlie Emerson-Branaham Co., 11 and Jackson Street, CF OMAHA, vill demonstrate their Tractor and Plow on Aho ft m 1 mi 23 m mile pest and Yz mils south of Myn: FROM 1 P. M. TO G P. M.- rd. i