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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Aug. 26, 1918)
MONDAY, AUGUST' 26, 1918. PAGE TWO. PLATTSMOirTH SEMI-WETJKLY JOURNAL. HOLD VERY INTER- E IIIFIIIFI r . , &0 1 1 Set r.nntnr!13TluiJPrac ft B HI j ! : ir ' f I For Infants and Children. 90 i -" : - 1 :::. ! siniilr. I in IhcIVod $ I N ma i J tin .3 il SJ M id 11 hu-ll Mothers Know That Genuine Gastoria Always Bears the m -: ' . - - 1 - - ' Thci'SDito:l Signature ..-.'.' and Fishncs5 and LOSSOFbLE-' i far-x:!c Sic-naturcof 1 aVcHT , r-vr-vn Company. .'.V!rrVv; jT iror Over Thirty Year cl '.Vrarrcr. VISITS AT M H ir i ' ' f'k afi.-r. The L- !?t L j ,.orn i-eans ami ii. ::. oe:;s:chszn and v; r.o?etcraxs visits at the eayior ho:.:e. 1 . 1 P' Visit Willi Plattsirouth Citizens in the West. l.I vl.. r.- ih v wt-ro lookinz after t -. mattvrs. uii'I after the ' ;-;: V. as i.Vif. t '. C('IlClniK'l t :!- v. t 1 1 1 i take a trip fvtr into ! r.-.'l.. Mr. Sof nnichsen was I ii'-a-'l 'vifh tli' country ;.rir.i.l Imp-rial and all of Chase ;:;. a;il t Ii ink-i the country - i :r u lit ral larminu. Mr. !:-: rr.ti; aii'I -lr. Sot-nnic '.;.-!! s.--ir. el a car a;il dvparteil fur Colo r.i'i. -i:i;r sij'iiiiweT they landed ar uf ('. V. H.iylor and wife :: i: viaa. Colorado. l!-re they ( tin- family of John F. (Jorler :. loving a ?f,od vi-it. They found Mr. Ilaylor and farnilv well satisfied vlih the country and doins well. They have a section of land of their fvn and a lease of another section i of School land, and thus making they have plenty oy nave wneai. are well satisfied i wirh their new home. Mrs. Harry ; uee-e and sen Guy Ilcese also are E. ; thtrc. ai'. are farming and also do- :.(!!. Mr. Soenr.ichsen in de---"rihi::-; the land said that Mr. Tay lor i-ps hi house on an elevation. a valley running up to tue sr an elejiant loca- four towns can , ': -e plainly seen from the house. In the distance when the air is clear. Former i or?" can see the t-now capped rocky j mountains and Pikes Peak is plain ly nestling: just above the horizon Tlx- nlace is ideal. After having re car iiHifj SIGHT F IKES m:X:":zl ESTiNG II THE WAR SAVINGS SOCIETIES OF THIS VICINITY LISTEN TO AN ADDRESS. PATRIOTS LISTEN TO ADDRESS TO BE STATIONED AT OAOTXil K. A. Finlayson Speaks Very Enter tainingly, and Is listened to With Interest. i t: in;l visit t!: two sentlemen : turned to Imperial with the i and takinir the train arrived home , vesterdav morning. John F. Gorder and farnilv who were visit ins; there i with a Chandler car started on their return trip yesterday. Lame Shoulder. This ailment is usualy caused by rheumatism of the muscles. All that is needed is absolute rest and a few applications of Chamberlain's Lini ment. Try it. Mrs. (). I,. York who has been visiting; in Watson. Mo., for the past few days returned home this after noon. us 0 5 A 71 r. 6 m $ OS v IM YOU UP RN THAT MONEY? WELL YOU WORt ED FOR II, IIIDN'T YOU? WHY CAN'T YOU PUT SOME LITTLE PIECE OI IT It! TilL BANK EACH PAY DAY, SO THAT SOME DAY IT rat vor.. for you? YC J WON'T ALWAYS BE ABLE TO WORK; EVEN IF YOU f.P WELL. THEN IT WILL BE A FINE FEELING TO HAVE THE MONEY YOU 3AHKLD, WHILE YOU COULD WORK. WHICH IS NOW. BANK IT. WE ADD 31-2 PER CENT INTEREST ON SAVINGS AC COUNTS AND 4 PER CENT ON TIME CERTIFICATES. COME TO OUR BANK. State Bank :e armers THE NEW BANK. OPIiN SATURDAY NIGHTS FPOM 7:00 TO 9:00 From Thursday's Iaily. Last evening three gentlemen. K. A. Finlayson, II. Green and C. K. Wray all of Omaha, arrived for the meet ing of the war saving society, and were entertained by Mr. C. C. Parmele. before the big meeting. The city band dispersed excellent music before the meeting. in the court of the high school, and as sisted in this advertising the meet ing. To the members of the band is due the thanks of the citizens and of the committee having the matter in hand, for their kindness in this regard. At the hour for the meeting the assemblage was called to order by E. II. Wescott who spoke very entertainingly, regarding the meeting and explaining the object of the meeting calling attention to the fact that it was in its inception due to the efforts of the president of the society of school district number 2S. Mr. Monte Streight. In speaking of the accomodations which they had for the meeting last evening Mr. Wescott referred to the new High School which is just now nearing completion, say ing "That we will soon have the best assembly room in the state of Nebraska, in the matter of !lih School property." The meeting was opened by the singing of "Americ;.." Mr. Wescott introduced the speak er of the evening Mr. K. A. Finlay son. who made an elegant address. filled with good advice, dealing with pertinent facts, some of whi'-h uvrc new to the peoole. regarding tin conduct of the War Saving Societi' Amonir other things he said. "Wi must Americanize America," tliut is put out and expel all things which in their tendency are disloyal m spirit and in fact. He said "It does not matter so much who started this war. we are in it and the vital qu tion is who is going to end thu war. I say that America is goin to end it and that we will end it in Berlin." After his address the auuienc sang with a spirit the "Hat tie Hymn of the Republic." He was follows by C. K. Wray, who made hut short address and used his time fo answering knottv problems. and making them thoroughly under stood. The meeting was concluded by the singing of the "Star Spangled Manner. " mm Hon GETS A SEVEN DAY FURLOUGH FOR SHORT VISIT WITH HIS FAMILY. II! M L3 u O UUUVUUUUM REAL ESTATE, V7 II 0 if DEJ Sterling 25 LOANS AND INSURANCE, Nebraska Has Seen Many Experiences, With Real Army Service In France, WAS NEGOTIATING WITH MR. SHARPE "r:n Tli it i m1;i I'aily. J. P. L. Jourguson of South Oma ha, who has been a manufacturer at that place was a business visitor in Plattsmouth this morning, coming to look after the manufacturing of a patented article, which is an in vention of his. and which he is en deavoring to have Mr. Sliarpe of he Western Machine and Foundry Co.. take hold of. Mr. Jourgeson was engaged in the manufacturing br-.d- ness at South Omaha but h?d insul-i- cient capitol and has to desist, and with a small output he was not able to complete with concerns having an abundance of capital. LIKES THE WESTERN COUNTRY Tloirlay"H lni'.y. Walter Bryan who has been visit ing in the city for the past few- days from his home at Weeping W. Va.. and a guest at the home of his brother-in-law. county attornev . G. Cole, departed this afternoon for lfolyoke. Colo.. whre he goes to look over the country, with a view of locating there if things appeal to him. He does no particularly like the conditions at Wheel ins as the weather and climate are not con- dusive to the best of health. Many days he says one has to keep a lamp burning until noon on account of the denseriesa of the fog, which pre vails. Mr. Dryan likes the country out this way on account of its ,lartfeness ami tue possibilities it contains and opportunities which it offers. Come on and brine- vnur friends, we have need of you here. FOR SALE. 4 good milk cows. first class separator. 589. 2 calves and 1 Call phone No. 8-23-3tdltw From Friday's Daily. Yesterday afternoon Otto Wurl, who has been in France for a num ber ol months with his regiment. and where he was in a number of battles and has seen extensive train ing as well as intensive training also, arrived in this city for a short furlough with his family. After the manv schools to which he has been sent were completed and the examination had been passed, he was told to make up his baggy tor a trip to the I niteu States, anu awav he came. He was told that he would be stationed at Camp Dix, N. J.. but he only summed that he is to lie a special instructor. As we saw him step off the train here .in his arrival trom the east. we thought if is an example of the fine phvsique. of the firm young sitkletea of the abounding health, of the in- dominable courage, of the sunny ih position, and of the true Americr.n- ism. and thp absolute truei'.es of purpose, of all the Americans, and we take this as an example of the American army, the question of the reason of the success of our armies abroad is eloquently told. We tee in the millions of the Americans, is they go about doing the business of this great n.Tion in that f:'.r away land, the ready solution of this war prohhm. We are assured that this ch.s;; of Americans and American spirit and moral, will put an end to this butchery of the laches ere the year shall have waned. IS BUILDING A SILO. Wc have sold numbers of Cass county, Sanders county, Johnson county, Pawnee counnty, Riehardson county and Iowa people land in Southeastern Nebraska. When you buy land in Otoe county, Nemaha county, Gage county, $75 and up per acre, you are getting something that wil! make you a bank account instead of failures. Wc have some choice 40, 80, 120, 160, 240, 320 and 640 acre tracts of land, with very reasonable prices and good terms. Wc have the iargest and best land list in South eastern Nebraska. It will pay you to sec us for a home or investment. T7 STERLING, NEBRASKA i.i:;i. rsTiri: lr.. ; Thursday's Pnilv Yesterday S. F. Wixson living near Old Rock Bluffs wrs in the city for a short time returning from Lincoln, where he went to purchase .loi n Tixi.l. Tilli ToM, Suie Kings !. . V. Kinsrslay, Catena Coii 1: :i ;. Y.'n. -. 1 iz-r, Victor Tliom as. Iiiia Thomas, Zclla Kast m:n. .lolui K.t.-ueiH p. Sylvia Hoeir, a id Lawrence Hoefer, defendants, will take norico that n the Slst 'ay of July. 1 ! 1 S . Harry C. Todd plain tiff, heroin, filed his petition in the Iis tii -t rniirl of Cass county. Nebraska, c ua i n--t sail lcViilantx ami others. Ihe o.,-ct an! iiiaycr of which are to I'.iit t t!'.- title ii tin- plaintiff to the S-cit ha c.-t iiiiai lcr, iSW 1-1) of the Soiit , ast quarter (SIC 1-1 of Sec tion Thirty ("oi, Townxlnp leu tl"! !:a rtu e nu t tcil frotti a 4leeit t hereon by L,vl C Toihl. sr., ti tils wife. Byilia ToU1. of lat of July 26tli. 190D. anl recorded In Imnk 47. page 12". and al- i 1 1 t ei-ii ( 4 I in Cass Coantv ka, on the grounds that said if l.-iMil was erroneously omit- a shredder for use in cutting ensilage so for the reason that plaintiff and his predecessors in ime nave nao aciu.-n fo.- a new silo which he is building. He will have the machine o:i the street next Saturday on its arrival fr; :M Lincoln, and will demor.str:it: its capacity for shredding fodder. He will building a large silo, aiid will have the lower portion ertended I r:y J. u. HWYKi: into he ground as deep as he can go without striking water, and cc ment the portion untler the ground He is also going to dig a well on his farm as lie is getting a little short of water. open, exclusive ami adverse possess ion of said real estate for more than ten vears last past. You are ri 'iuireil to answer said pe tition on or before tiie lt'i day of September. i:IV Dated this l.-t dav of July. 1918. HARRY C. TOIM. Plaintiff. 1 1 is Attorney. i.i:c i, .MiTicn. To Pauline Oldham, as Administra trix of the estate ol" Oeorse J. Oldham, Deceased: Richard Conway Oldham: Cnzza J. ISaker: I.aeuna Connally: Pauline Oldham: Fay Oldham: John J. Oldham: ,lcsii 1 . Snyder: Kllfson I Oldham: .lames Oidham: Vera 1 1. Oldham: Polly Oldham: Mary 1. Crait. and sill persons interested In the estate of Jackson O. Oldham. Deceased, in cluding creditors and claimants. You are hereby notified that on the Jth dav of May 191S. plaintiff tiled a petition in the District Court of Cass County. Nebraska, praying amonir oth er thinjrs for an order to be entered be the court directing1 the administra trix of the estate of Ceorjte J. Oldham, deceased, to convey to plaintiff the Korthwest Quarter of the Northwest Fremont for the summer, returned Quarter of Section thirty-one CJ1 Ii- i . r t...A 1 1 V I . v a r o- t ORPHANAGE CHILDREN HERE AGAIN Kioto Th nrsda v lnilv. Mrs. Mable S. Smith who is the matron of the Katern Star Orpiian- aue. and who lias the children at a few days since, and has gotten straightened rround at the Orphan age here again. The children and Mrs. Smith art; glad to ?et back to Plattsmouth and the home here as it affords better freedom and a more comfortable place than the one at Frt mont. ii:m:it ! iicviiim; ov i'i-vi rrnw I'Olt UM'IIIVniDVT t MUIIMSTII titllt I'lie Stale of Nebraska, Cass Coun ty, ss. ' In I until) Court. In the Matter of the Estate of Wil liam K. Fox.- deceased: On reading and liliiix the p:-iiti)ii of ii. Dovey tr Son. praymu' that -d- in i n i t ra t ion of said eslate may tie ranted to John McNurlin, as Adminis trator. Mileied. that Seplembir 1ilh. A. I. V.ns. al ! o'.l.nk A. M.. Is assigned for bearing said pot it ion, when all per- o?is i n 1 ores t d in said mailer may i'.;i,ar at a ncnlv ( mirt to bo held In lint for said ('oiiutv, aid show cause why the iiraicc of petitioner should H Cass County. Nebraska, upon the navmeiit of the balance of the pur chase price in accordance with the contract entered into between the olaintiiT and the said Oeorce .1. Old ham. (iiii'iiiK bis lifetime, on the loth lav of Jamiarv. 101S, ami to have the title to said land ouieted as auain-t the defendant. AH persons interested in the estate " Jackson C. OldJiam i!ec-as.t. incliioiiiK i-ieuuuis mm cla i ma n t s. Yoo are further not lied tnere will be a bearing upon said petition at tlie . . . ... i a.. , I l . ' . . . w t I MMrH I l.l'UI I liui-im JO me i House, at Plattsmouth Cass County Nebraska, on the ;!rd day of September 11S. at the hour of ten o clock A. Al to all of which, and the allegations of the petition, you will t.ike duo notice, C A. HAWKS. 1 KAN hi J. LlbblK. Attorney. ciaintin, Jl'2-6wks five thousand dollars 2'.f)00 di vid d into two hundred and fifty shares, of one hundred dollars each. $). nun of which shall bo paid in." APTICI.K Number Six "The indebted ness of this corporation shall at no time exreed the amount of its paid in capital and surplus except for ileposfts." APTICM-. Number Kisfht. "The af fairs of this corporation shall be un der the control and management of a board of directors consisting of not less than three nor more tban iive shareholders, whose term of office shall be for the period of one year, or until their successors are elected ami qualified, not less than a majority of whom shall be resi dents of the county in which the bank is located or counties adjacent I hereto. It shall be the duty of the board of directors to elect from their number a president and secre tary, and select a vice president and cashier, and they may also select an assistant caslikw and such other clerks and assistants as the busi ness of the corporation may require. The term of office of the officers of this corporation shall be one year, or until their successors are elected and qualified. The board of direc tors may adopt such by-laws for the regulation and management of the affairs and business of the corpor ation as is may deem proper." And I do further state under oath that the paid in capital stock of said bank was at said meet in cr by a unani mous vote of all the stock represented ' increased from $15,000.00 authorized to $J5,000.00 authorized, of which $20.00U shall be paid in, and that the full amount of said increase viz, $.,0n0 has been paid in. JI. A. GCTHMANX Cashier. State of Nebraska, . County of Cass. ss. Subscribed and sworn to before me by H. A. (jiillimann. Cashier of the Hank of Murdock, of Murdock. Xebras ka. this 5th dav of Auerust. 1918. JKRRY K. McHI'OH Notary Public. (SKA I.) My commission expires' March To Pauline Oldhar.i, as Administra trix of the estate of Ceorro J. Oldham, Deceased: Richard Conway Oldham: Cuzza J. Raker: Lacuna Connallv: Pauline Oldham: Fav Oldham: John J. Oldham: Jessie . Snvdcr: Kllison 1 Oldham: James W. Oldham: Vera H. Oldham: Polly Oldham and Mary L. Crais: You are hereby notified that on tho 22nd day of May ltMS, plaintiff tiled a petition in the District Court of Cas.i County. Nebraska, praying anions oth er things for an order to be entered by the ccurt directing the adm nistra trix of the estate of Ooorpre .1. oldl.ain, deceased, to eonvev to plaintiff Rots one (1) and two (2) and all of Rots three (3) and four ft) not taken bv Chicago Avenue, in Block One Hundred Sixty-four 1H4 City or Plattsmouth, Cass County, Nebraska, upon the pay ment of the balance of the purchase price in accordance with the contract entered into between the plaintiff and the said Coortre J. Oldham, ourii tr his life time on the 10th dav of September 1917. You are further notified that there will be a hearinsr upon said petition at the District Court Koor.i In the Court House, at Plattsmouth. Cass Oountv, Nebraska, on the onl dav of September 1918. at the hour of ten o'clock A. M. to all of which and the allegations of the petition, yon will take due noti-.. JOHN II. llALLSTFiO.U. C. A. I:AYVI.S. Plaintiff. Attorney. J22-6 wks. LEGAL XOTICE, 1920 AOTICi: TO C'RKDITOH.. m:ci. notici: The Slate of Nebraska. Oass County, ss In the f'nuniv cmin In the Matter of Kstate of Adam AW Mcisitiurer. Deceased To the Crcd i tors of Said Kstate: You are Hercbv Notllied. That I will vit at the County Court Koom in nor. be grunted, and that nolice of i he I J 'la Itsuiout ii in said County, on the 9th i. nb ii. - of -aid petition and the I day of September, inn anu on me nun lie:. rim- Mi-rcif I iirin to nil iiersons I ibi v of December. 191S. at 10 orlOOK i.i. ..I ii. ,, , l.i- i. ol. U i. I A. Al or eaeii iav to receive ami e o- ,.r '.!,:., ,, i,,. iu-.iio. I limine nil claims airainst said Kstate, .....!. i .. ....,i ..,..-1,1., ...-- nil i :i view in I neir aunisimeiiL .iu Ol'Otll ill!l I Mill, il Pi IIII - vrivi,, IH f ....... - - . .1.1 ,niv for 1 1 , r ee I ul 1 0 Wil n ee. i lie lime iimiieo iui ioe 1 1 1 . . . . . . . . I , i..., tt fla iroa si 17-51 i nst 1 1, w , .-, f.-r. i . 1 - orior Irt rill I :iv of I i i-.ruuni"u " - hea rinr 1 late.l Sea 1. 1 August 1llh. PUS. . 1,1. ION .1. 11KKSON' County Jude. Ry Florence White, Clerk said Kstate is 3 months trom the 'Jin oay of September A. I . 19IX. and the time iimili for navmeiit ot deois is one Year from said 9th day of September 191". . , witness mv lianil anu i no seat ui vniil I'mintv Court, this nth nay oi August 191K. ALLIEN J. HIOKSON. i s,.a 1 1 t niinty j nnKi' ' . , t I . . , I I, liy i lorence ilia, ucm CIHt'HI. AMKVIIMKATS TO .R. TICI. IM HHi'iiii i riim ' r llK OK HI HIMlCh, III' lltilDIKK, Mill It A SKA. Mini i; in i:i:iuoiis In tl.- State of Nebraska, I'ass totui- ty, ss. In I he l ininly I 'oiirl. In the Matter of the Kstate of Nannie Oibson. deceased. To the Creditor. of Said Kstate: You are hereby notilied that 1 will it at the Count v" Court room in Platts- ii, i.. ..,.....,- mi !.. i:tli iiiv i.wuiii "i rain iniiii,', ii .... j . .f Septemtor. l!is. ami on the 10th I. II. A. outnmann. yi.-ii m . dav of December. 191H. at 9:00 o clock I Pank f MuroocK. oi .niiruu.., in oio m .... .i.... i..,..u .v. ii' ir I'ass. ami ine mi'i i i e nmii.- nil cl.iims asralnsr salil en ale. I nrasiui. oo iikicuj vv .. ....... ... l...i.- ..,1 ini T.ic.i f I 'ii ;i r :itir;n:il meeilllir to lei; .- . u . - 11.11 1VI. III. II t.-.J'.,.V .I ..... . , . nllowance. The time limited lor t le I 'oldei ol tlie nun nan it m -io on presentation of claims i.i,'ai.i-t --aid lirst tlstl uay or juiy. mis, ai -" . . . . , I . . 1 . . . . . I nii.t lilrdi.- r r f M tt stall, is four no. nt Ms ir.eii tue J 't n I no-ei i n uioii- ui.iu iw.--iini.i-. " " lav of Auu-ust. A. D.. P.US. rind ti.e I Capital Sto U was rciiresenieij. u mo i;...u l inLtLi.l r..i. iii.viiii.iii ii ilr.l.'s 1:4 tion was maue. seeouoeo jtiiu inini" from l"tb dav- of An- mous v carrieu. mat ari.rirs nuiooei ... - J I... ... T 1. I 1. I. r-t I r I . . O Tust. 1SIIS. I f our, MX ano i,is"i n -.i.,., i..,...i ....I i I... w!il r.f k.-i .1 I t.r Ineornoratioti or saiu ijhiir. uc ,.. . I . T .. 1 "i , il.,,-- r-i F A I I 'it.lAnilpll TO TCHO 21 S I011UV. .v. :u i nil i, .!.!.- t . . . ' ' ' . - . . , ' 1 r , t- r r . T TT" V . . rvi t. .-in T "Tll fa lltn VULiiiiN J. J i I'j ii, J.N . OriZtSU It 111 IJ U II I. ui Couatv judee. ' this corporation ehall be twenty- TIio Slate of Nebraska. County of Cass, ss. In the Matter of the Kstate of Margar et Mumm. deceased: In (iiunty Court. To the Creditors of said Deceased: You are hereby notified that I will sit at the County Court room in Flatts mouth, in said county, on the first day of September, 1918, and on the 2d day December, 191S. at nine o'clock a. m.. of each day to receive and examine all claims aurainst said estate, with a view to their adjustment and allowance. The time limited for the presentation of claims asrainst said estate is three months from the first day of Septem ber. A. D.. 191S, and the time limited for the payment of debts is six months from said 'first day of September, 191N. Witness my hand and the seal of said County Court, this ..1st day of July, 19IS. ALLEN J. BEESON, County Judge. Piano Instruction. On September 4th, Miss Olive Class will begin the fall term of her class in music. Telephone 292. Notice to r.or. Resident Defendants, their unknown heirs, devisees, legatees, personal representatives and all other persons interested in their estate. To David Stotler, if livincr, if deceas ed, his unknown heirs. devisees, lesratees. nersonnl re n roc or. t o jail other persons interested in his 'es tate: ueorjrc Stotler, Nettie Stotler Walter Stotler, Klla Wayant. Clarence Wayant, Mary Pope and Joseph Rope. You ana eaen of you are hereby noti-' fied that Carey I. Stotler, as plain tiff, on the 10th day ol Julv 191S tile ! his petition in the District Court cr Cass County, Nebraska, wherein you and each of you are defendants- "thi object and prayer of which petition is for the partition of The Kast thirty-five C,r acres of the Northeast Quarter of the South east Quarter of Section nineteen iii Township ten fl0 U.inpe fourteen (14) Kast 6th 1. M. Cass Count v Nebraska. and the adjusting of tho plaintiff for improvements placed upon said premise.-. lou ana eacli of you are further notified you said petition on or before Monday the oru uay oi nepieni tier, 1! CAKKV T. STiiTri.... C. A. RA WKS, fin .'i'irr AO.. ."-.iv..-.. A want ad will bring what you wan. !- W. A. ROBERTSON, f Lawyer. .J. claim .f by him East of Riley Hotel. Coates Block, J, Second Floor. A i i i NORTHEASTERN COLORADO SOUTHWESTERN NEBRASKA a wonderful wheat country, and a bi- SUe. cess with Heau, Sugrac Uects and Potatoes Corn, Alfalfa and native grasses enrich the dairy or live-stock men. ranches mean mure than a yrazin- place for cattle. Corn, Oats, liye, Uarley and A I fair t are grown toliuUh for "topping" the market uuexcclled deeded irri-ated lands, also irri gated homesteads under Government dit.-i. ruyearsto pay warer-rigiu, no lutvresl. Ten thousaiul free t;-o WYOMING HAS '.eads. Take some of this excelleut land and keen vtiui- , in . i. t ...... , ; 1 '"'" '"fieucof tutti. a I mm ecro home O-w. f iag them over to a landlord. Let us help J)M, lH..lU. L. W. WAKELEY, General Passenger Aent Omaha, Nebraska 1,004 Farnam Street 11 ) v - A-, it : ?