The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, August 22, 1918, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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rLATTSBi ( ) trri i skmi-wrekly journal.
I'll--. T".'!.iy's I:iily.
I.a-d evening near midnight the
telephone at the home cf Judse A.
J. Foeson tingled, and he slept on,
.-n l a second' ringing only caused
the judge t; snore louder. but a
third and fourth ringing, finally
p.r.-.v.-i-.l tie members of the house
hold. When the phone was answer
. ; : was learned that Hiley T.
i r e. of Nebraska City was de
sirous of purchasing a marriage li-
!-:. and a meeting was arranged
when he should arrive at Platts
n.outh thi.s morning. Again near
t:ve o'clock, the judge was routed
ut of a peaceful slumber, to eon
li nil the appointment.
On the train this morning came
Mr. Tyree. and his brother H. II
Tyree. Mrs. Amanda Tyree. mother
of the bride. Miss Ollie Tyson, all
from Nebraska C'ty in their limou
sine, and procured the license, and
the bride which is a chick of a lass.
l..ked f;:lly young enough to be
married, if not old enough. The
i blerly woman who claimed to be
t'ie mother made affidavit that the
- i r i was lier daughter, and was over
t-itcn years of age. and that she
nave her consent for the marriage.
- we moved on a certain farm
: 1 1 t) ars asu thi spring, and
)i a year old at that time. The
li . i.-e was granted after all proofs
in an 1 the big car with the
iN-.ird rolled away towards the
n:!i-f. lookinc for the mints-
T'.m'v arriveil at fh home of
TruscoU who tied the knot to
sat UfVcf ion.
!.-u r
T'-' r.
t h- ;:
'Yii weddins is supposed to b
k-pt a secret so do not say anything
!i ;. ti y ;! about it.
Ti M.M;.!:Iv's TM'TV.
T!'"t: Wallintr and wife have
n- t fi i'!vc! a letter from their son
'I! aWllini; jr.. who arrived in
F. we i. tim. sine" and who
.-:i- : . lie i.. liking France very
w.'.l. bn' that as yet he has not
aw v:tv much of the country and
i- i f r a yt in the rear that he
iv.rr.M' ii'-tr r.T'ytl ifu of the big
:-,n". .it !!. front. relative-.
:)! 1 .cm; friemV; here are pleased
li r i'r:!ii him.
I i-.-ti M..ti.!.iv's I:ii!v.
Y.s it i- a boy and everybody
hajpy. as a clam in hi:;h water.
'!'! s'ork mail" a call at the homo
f .!. V. Hctti. Saturday thank you.
a d lining nicely. John Hatt is
r. i li' u pretty fair, and why not. for
another o:;e hundred per cent
nn-riean has registered to niain
..M! th integrity of the govern
ment of the Fnind States, and even
n . v . is Tying liberty through
out the whole world.
France. July If). I ".US.
I r Mo:l:.-r:
an- a la.-t in France and I
v . !:m I i t surprised at the ap-"ir:Mi-
r tbe eoiiniry here, as it
v.- pror-i e'ti'h better than I had
pr-'-t For instance you would
in ha-' kio.wn there was a war
:!. jniigin.g the people, for
i! ,o n, t seem t be in actual
v.Ti a-; I had eper;teI. The rmo
M'iT'i: thoiigh. tt'ere i no young
ireii r women, the work being done
ty the women and old men while
the o'ing liirts. they fell me, are
in the factories in the cities.
The land here is cultivated with
at care, the farms are small and
they plant it in wheat and grapes
a-, they make a Jt of wine here.
They build all (muses of stone and of them look very pretty with
their mos covered red tile roofs.
The fields are covered with red pop
pies that grow wild everywhere
They use a great many of those tall
Lombard popular trees which look
very nice as they grow- very high.
nl testimonials of more tiaa 1000 prominent people who have been permanently cured.
DR. E. R. TARRY 240 Bee Building OMAHA, NEBRASKA
Drs. fVJach k FVlach, The Dentists
The one thing I notice there is no
birds to speak of, only swallows and
sparrows. Scarcely any song birds.
There is a good bit of rain here, bnt
only a little at a time so it does
not get muddy, and the soil is kind
of sandy and it sinks in right away.
I am feeling line and get plenty to
cat so am happy and contented in
every way. I am no where near the
battle front, and don't expect to get
into action for a long time yet. So
don't worry. 1 hope C'ecile is well,
and you are too.
I want you too write and tell me
everything right away, because I
haven't read anything for a long
time. Well good-bye to everybody
and with love to all. I will close
for this time.
Co. D. 116 Field Sig Bn. A. E. V.
From Monday's fatly.
When Jean Itrady brings around
the cigars you may know they are
good ones, and there is always a
reason, for when Mr. Brady visited
the office of the Journal last Sat
urday afternoon, there was a gen
uine smile of satisfaction on his
face. This was not due simply to
the good cigar, but to the fact that
there had come to his home a great
blessing, it being a little sweet fac
ed happy little girl, which gave its
name as Jean Catherine Brady. The
little daughter and its mother are
getting along nicely and are greatly
pleased. The father is so happy
that he does not know whether he
is all right or not but takes for
granted that he is.
Fioi-i Mmiiiii.i's I .iily.
Yes. there is joy in the household
of Carl Sattler and wife, because
that on last Saturday there came to
their home the dearest little bit of
humanity in the shape of a little
dnaghter that ever you saw.
The happy parents are enjoying
the company of the new arrival, and
ire particularly happy on account
thereof. Grandfather Sattler is not
adverse to smiling on that account
either, and demonstrated his satis
faction by the whistling of a long
forcotten tune, and looks like he
was running for office by the pleas
ant way in which he greets his
Fmhii M'ii'1.i"s Pally.
There were in this city yesterday
from Omaha, the following named
persons, coming to attend the me
morial exercises which were held
at the Parruele Theatre in honor of
Kdwyrd C. Kipple. jr.: Mr. and Mr.s.
Louis (Jadway. who is an uncle and
aunt. Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Sands. Mr.
Ashley and llarley Gadway, cousins
of Mr. Kipple. all from Omaha. On
account of the lack of space today
the eulogy of Edward C. Kipple jr..
w;-; necessarily crowded out but will
appear later.
l-V'-m ! it!';'s !;ilv
Win. l'allance received yesterday
morning a message telling of the
death rf the wife of his brother
Frafik I'allance at Benton Harbor,
with a stroke of paralysis. Mrs.
Ballance has visited here many
times in recent years, and lived in
Nebraska and Plattsmouth years
At the time of the great Burling
ton strike Mr. Frank Ballance was
an engineer on the Burlington, but
removed to Benton Harbor, where
they have made their home for a
lumber of years. Mrs. Ballance
who had suf'ered a stroke some time
since, received another recently
which resulted in her death yester
day morning. The funeral will oc
cur at Benton Harbor. tomorrow,
Tuesday afternoon. Win. Ballance
departed this morning for that place
to attend the funeral.
Kosey is going to Chase c-.:uiity
again next Sunday evening.' Get
ready and go along. The trip will
be a pleasant one and you might see
something that will interest yon.
Make your reservations for th trip
right now.
Stationery at the Journal office
-Pay When Cured
- " ' " ' "" iTOLiurm iuai itu im r urs. rtstaia ana
mner Ku I Di'vejMrs in m short time, without a evf re sar
Rical operation. No Cblorotorm. Ethrr or other general
1 he largest and best equipped dental offices in Omaha.
Experts in charge of all work. Lady attendant. Mod
erate Prices. Porcelain Iling3 just like tooth. Instru
ments carefully sterilized after using.
From Tuesday's Daily.
Nephew of Mrs. ('. L. Herder and i
Mrs. Fred Oldenhausen, writes to
his mother regarding his learning
to fly. Orlo Powell tells what it is
like and how he succeeds in his
learning'. Is to have a commission
soon. Here is the letter he writes:
Arcadia, Fla.. July 27. 19 IS.
Dear Mamma and Sis:
1 suppose you have been wonder
ing' whether the II. M. A. tests got
the best of me cause I had promised
to write Wednesday, but I decided
to wait till I could give you still
better news.
I finished K. M. A. Wednesday
without the least trouble and wont
on cross country Thursday morning'
and finished that yesterday morning
and received word this morning that
I was through with my filying train
ing here and "awaiting commission'
(sweet words to my ears.)
It might be interesting to you
folks to know about the K. M. A.
and cross country so 1 will give you
a brief idea of it.
First day II. M. A. I went up with
an instructor and he graded me on
iny spirals and rights. Then 1 had
to land o times in succession in a
.- foot circle from r.on feet with a
live motor and with a dead motor.
Second day I went up with an in
structor who showed me how ;o do
stunts. Then I climbed out of a
2no foot square field without goinc
outside to an altitude of 500 feet.
Then landed to a mark over a
hurdle. This consists of gliding
down over a rope stretched 10 feet
high, missing it about 5 or 10 foot.
and landinc within a certain dis
The third day I went .up alone
and did niv stunts which were as
follows: Tail Spiup. Vertical Cir
cles. Side Slips. Stalls. Split Circles,
and Loops.
I will explain these to you brief
ly. A tail spin is the most treach
erous thing a plane can get into.
The nose is straight down and the
plane is spinning like a top. The
reason it is so dangerous is because
she falls so fast and you lose about
1000 foot altitude to 2 turns and
believe me. it does not taken long
for her to turn once. I.ut if yot:
have altitude they are all right pro
viding you know how to bring them
out. I might add here that all tluve
stunts have to be done above ::0i0
feet, as any stunt you try a:;d t. il
to finish, the ship will fall into a
tail spin so you want plenty of alti
tude to bring her out.
On a vertical circle you throw the
ship up on her side so that one wing
is .sticking straight up and the other
rtraight down and lt her go
around in a circle ami Oh Hoy! How
she does go.
Side slip do the same thing only
let her slip down instead of 'ving
in a circle.
Stall be going in a straight
line and bring the nose right up and
stand her right on her tail with
nose straight up in the air. In this
position she will stop, hang there in
the air for a moment and then slide
back a ways. Nose drops "you dive
a ways and then pull her out .slow
ly. A split circle is where you
going in one direction, throw
ship up on her back and the
falls then when you pull if out
a re
if is
going in the opposite direction. It
is a very pretty and hair raising
movement tor a spectator but easy
to do. It feels rather funny fo lie
skimming along in air on your
back for a second. All right, you
better open your whiskey flask Sis
and give Mamma a bracer because I
am going to tell you how to do a
loop Nose the ship down with 'h"
engine on and get a speed of about
S.I or aO mils per hour. Then pull
her 'nose in flic air and over she
And say it's more fun than any
thing I ever did. When you are
right at the lop of the loop you
hang there 'a second before she
flops fiver with her wheels sticking
straight up and with your head
straight down SOMK SKNSATION'!
We have to do two of each of
these stunts except a loop. They
tell you to loop if you want to. Well
I wanted to and liked it so well I
did it two or three more times. And
the other stunts I did until I was
tired. (jiiess I did live fir six oF
Well Thursday morning we re-
ported to Cross Country and wore
given a ship and told to Fly 1 o
Sarasota, on the CJulf of Mexico by a
given route. We started about oue-
half hour apart and had a map by
which to follow the course. Flying
at 3000 feet you can see clearly be-
low but due to the haze can't see
very far. It is 63 miles to Sarasota
r.:id 1 made the trip over in 50 min
utes, a rate of a little over a mile a
minute. They - have a very nice
landing field there ;md we landed
land gassed up, kidded the girls who
were out to the field a while and
started back.
In the afternoon we were told to
fly to Avon Park which is about 7i
miles northeast of hero, over near
the Atlantic coa:d. We were tin
first cadets to make this trip and
one of our fellows got lost, the oth-
ers made a bad landing and conse
quently only two of us ti niched the
soh trip successfully.
So yesterday morning wo went
out for our formation work. We fly
100 feet behind and 5 0 f.-rt to on
side of the leader and at .:"(); teet.
We went to Sarasota again thb-
wav and beiieve me that it is real
work came you're o close to tin
leader that vou have to watcli ev
ery move he makes. He has a map
up in the c-cknit in front of him
and lots of times T could see tin
lines on the man. we were so close.
We g"t over Sa-o'Ma. and h
started doing stunt?, we did tin
same thing, only t-pread out a little
then when he started straight agai'i
we ioined him and all landed to-
get her.
the lieutenant in charge was so
pleased with our work on this for
mation that he said we didn't liavt
to flv another as we are supposed to
fly i" formations, so the big light
is over and I soon have a c re
I wi 'i I could tell you more about
this cross country work it is very
int ''resting but I will wait till I see
.My sandhill training nre helped
me here as 1 could pick out h'lid
marks and follow the 'course easily
as it seems that my sense of direc
tion i-' well developed. I don't
know how long I will have to wait
for a commission but most of the
fellows have been getting tiieirs in
about a week so 1 think I ought to
get it about August 1st. OKI.O.
Kroin Minhiys I :'.!.
Wliile Mrs. Charles Holmes who
is a sister of W. J. Ferguson was
in this city to attend the funeral
of her nephew llr-yriond Ferguson
a short time since her own son was
taken with nnpcmlicit is at trour
home at Shenandoah. Iowa. He was
taken immediately to the hospital
!;t Omaha, where an operation was
h;.d. but as the
,he life of the
just eighteen ye
he saved. Mr.
prised of th" d
appendix was burst
ouiig man v. ho v. as
trs of age could no
Ferguson was ap
I'ath of the voung
man this morning. He will go to
Shenandoah to attend the funeral of
his nephew.
The O'd S.ttlers Picnic will be
held at Fniori. n August :".' and
and tht1 usual big time is in More
for every met" her of the- family.
Parties desiring concessions for these
days, will please address L. II. Fp
ton. I). A. Faton or F. W. Young, of
T'nion. who will give them all the
desired information.
A lazy liver leads to chronic dys
pepsia ami const ipnt ion -- weakens
the whole system. Ihian's Kegul.'Ms
C'.Oc per bo act mildly on the
liver and bowels. At all drug stores.
Fast of Itiley Hotel.
Coat os Flock.
Second FI.' or.
r t-.
when the call comes to him for ser
A car load of live poultry, to be. yjco Tinmaa Hoinrich will be
delivered at car near Riirlingtou Jn fow ,i.,vs for Vjsi i,.
Freight depot, at Plattsmouth, Ncbr.,
on Friday, Aug: 23rd, one day only,
for which we will pay in cash :
(Hens 24c
S'lrilT'S 25c
Ducks 15c
. Gccse 14c
Old Cox 15c
' Remember the date we will be on
hand rain cr shine and take care of
all the poultry offered for sale,
Famous For Its Marvelous Motor
A Great Automobile
At Moderate Cost
NKAKLY iifty thousand Chandler owners know how powerful and
responsive, how economical, how dependable and enduring the
Chandler car is.
'"Greatest of all light sixes" never more accurately described the
Chandler than it does today. If you wished to search the whole market
with minute comparisons and tests this would be your answer, too.
In the ownership of a Chandler Six you will possess a really great
automobile great from the standpoint of mechanical excellence and
daily performance under all road conditions, great from the standpoint
of economy in operation and maintenance. Thousands of Chandler
owners tell of gasoline mileage of fifteen to seventeen miles per gallon.
Seven thousand to nine thousand miles per set of tires is the usual
Chandler report. Owners and dealers alike say the service upkeep of the
("handler car is much less than that cf other good cars which they have
owned or sold.
Beautifully designed and finished bodies are mounted on the famous
Chandler chassis.
Choose Your Chandler Now
Stft'tt-Ptisscnacr Touring Car. 7 79. Four-Passenger Rttadstcr, S17'
Four-Passenger Dispatch Car, SI 875
Convertible Sedan, S2 l'J5 Convertible Coupe, S239S Limousine, 5.IOV.5
A If prices f. j. b. Ctci'clarul
ha 1 1 p rnn nr''1 ih" ,"i":c, 'mrt' ws ,,,,,r
I ill I I 1 rilM ll ! I P' i 1 co,n",'MI lor these times sim
UnLLU I Ull SIS L. 1 1 I 1 o hooze has been out. S. F. Ai
I-'ifi.t Moro'-iy' I'.tiiy.
There are two call'; mil . ne for
nine men to p;o fo Camp I'um-lon
between the L'th and ihe l"Sth of
this month which is for nine men.
and two fo ji'o to Camp Dod.ue,
whieh is a eali for 'wo men. only,
and are for limited service. The
list of those which are to o to Camp
Funstou are made up and includes
one man extra who has neon trans
ferrer! from Archarmle. Alaska, Am
brose Smith, who formerly worked
for (Jrovet' Will west of Mynard.
The following is the list of the next.
en 1 1 :
William II. Wirlh. Cedar Creek.
Will S. Schleuler. Murdoek.
lames Spenee. Louisville.
Claude FeKoy Hutchinson, Plalls-
lmiiil h .
Arthur Kaymotid Hohhs. Murray
Wni. I-M ward Ileise. IWurdook.
Fames! Fliss Osborne, KImwood.
Fames! 1 Mefford. Greenwood,
Floyd Kichardon. Flat tsniout h
Ambrose Smith, Alaska.
l'"''-otn Monthly's t):illy
Mrs. Mary Heinrich. who has
been at Holyoke, Colorado, where
her son Tom is and where he was
Farming, returned home yesterday
morning. She reports that, her son
will .soon go to the service, and has
just had a sale whereby he dispos
ed of bis implement and stock on
the ranch and is winding up his
affairs there in order to be ready-
for ,M, ,,,,
Feel laneuid, weak run
Headache? Slomnch "off?"
remedv is I'urdock Flood
down ?
A good
Ask your druggist. Price. $1.25.
12 H. P. Gasoline or Kerosene
Engine. Inquire of Ralph Beverage.
Murray, Neb. S-17-2tW
Is U -s
N U Li E.
a fs ava c??
Plattsmouth, Nebraska
From Monthly's I;iily.
There was a it.
to jrrlnu
drews who dropped down from Oma
h: last Saturday evening to spend
Sunday with Plattsmouth friends,
pot into the toils, and was retained
lone rnoueh to execute a bond for
the payment of thirteen dollars, ten
and costs, for beine intoxicated. Al
vin F. Jones, formerly night police
man was fined five dollars and costs
making eieht, for fight ine. lie had
arrested Fred Warner some time
since for alleged speeding. and
there existed a feeling between
them, which culminated in their
getting together, to the detriment
of .Mr. Jones pocket, to the amount
of eight dollars for the tine and
cost?. Kay Smith and Mrs. James
Yeliek. had some words, about the
children quarreling which resulted
in Smith being arraigned for
abusive language, and was fined one
dollar and costs, which he paid.
Now is the lime to join the War
Stamp Limit Club. See Chas. C
Parmcle for particulars.
From Monday's laily.
Arthur A. Alexander d'p.irtetl
this morning for Seward, and other
points in Seward county where he
will look after some business mat
ters regarding the sale of the ca li
ners which thcyhnve on the market.
They have a number of men work
ing for them in that portion of th"
country and it is in regard to the
business he does. He will after
having attended to the business
there return via an auto which he
will drive hack from there.
Wanted- Married man. not larre
family, to work on farm, good v;m
es, and a house Furnished. Call It.
J. Ilaynie, phone Xo. .'57 1L. Hi-tf
tvant ad will brine what you wan
For Infants and Children
In Use For Over 30 Years
Always bears
Morris Packing Go.
Tlie Bed Sox
Red Sox Ball Park
Here's Where Friendsliip Ceases"
a game a piece now and the Red Sox
"Rearin To Go," to make 'em like it
Sunday, at the Red Sox Ball Park
You can look for a good game as
both teams wen by a big score, and
now it had ought to be pretty even.
3:00 SHARP