THHESDAY, AUGUST 15, 191S. PLATTSMOUTH SEMI-TVEEKLY JOURNAL. tatb max MANUEY STATE BANK MANLEY, NEB. MURRAY STATE BANK MURRAY, NEB. BANK OF GASS COUNTY PLATTSMOUTH, NEB. BANK OF COMMERCE LOUISVILLE, NEB. FIRST SECURITY BANK CEDAR CREEK, NEB. :o:- :o:- :o:- :o:- CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $13,000 CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $15,000 CAPITAL AND SURPLUS S80.000 CAPITAL A?ID SURPLUS $23,000 CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $10,000 -:o:- :o:- :o:- :o:- :o:- ft OFFICERS FRANK STANDER AUGUST STANDER AUGUST PAUTSCH THOMAS E. PARMELB WM. J. KAU. DIRECTORS CHAS. C. PARMELE, President. FRED NUTZMAN. Vice-President. W. OLEN P.OEDEKER. Chler. OFFICERS CHAS. C. PARMELE JACOB TRITSCH TrIOMAS E. PARMELE R. F. PATTERSON. F. O. EG EN HERO EH OFFICERS THOMAS E. PARMELE, President. CHAS. C. PARMELE. Vice-President. PAUL FITZGERALD, Cashier. RALPH R. LARSON. Asst. Cashier. OFFICERS WILLIAM SCHNEIDER. President. W. H. LOIINES, Vice-President. THOMAS E. PARMELE. Director. Our Facilities Enable Us to Handle Your Business in this County Promptly and Economically and on this Basis We invite Your Patronage. MURD0CK ITEMS u. : if. Miss Emma Bersman was in Ox aha Saturday. Ir. Hornheck Wt Sunday for some where in Texas. .Miss Hrna Williams is visiting rel :iTivs i:i Lincoln this week. Miss Ethel Tower, of Plattsmouth, was a Kuest of Miss Hier Sunday. J:hn Morgan, of Lincoln, was a Siiinlay iruest of William Bourke. Mr. ami Mrs. Jack Hurt, of Oma ha. Fr.cnt Sundav with relatives lur.. .Mis Florence Cole, of Wabash, is; Mr. and Mrs. Et-sack, daughter, and daughter. Miss Wanda and son Marcus, of Springfield, Nebr., mo- Itored over Sunday evening and were calling on relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Goehry and daughter. Miss Katheryn. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Goehry and son Erhart, were Sunday dinner guests at the Harold Tool home. Mrs. Homer Hess received word from her husband last Wednesday stating that he had arrived sefely over seas. Mrs. Hess was formerly Miss Lulu Moomey and is visiting her parents here while her husband is in the service. Mary Isahell Tool. Bryan and Irene McDonald entertained seven teen of their little friends at a circus voting with Mi,s Marguerite Mc-i the home om Mr aml Mrg Mc- I Donald on Monday evening. The Q.,!te a number of our young P- -e ebout the principal streets of I,!- have been attending the chaii-jhe tQwn . the begin-ing of the tawir.a at Alvo. entertainment, after which all kinds Several from here were in att.nd-Jof wee dQne Qn the a nee at the Ringling Bros, circus v,. A,imlel-- o I 11- VIUll.OI.U W - 11 Vlt . UO U UO Iu:iald. at Lincoln Thursday. Miss Dorothy Gorder. of Weeping Water, is visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Tool. Miss Viola Everett returned last Friday evening from her visit with homo folks at Elliott, Iowa. John Amgwert and family, Mrs. L.iia Lett and son. Kenneth, of Coun cil Bluffs, autoed to Lincoln Sunday afternoon. O. E. McDonald and family motor M to Plattsmo'ith Sunday evening where they were calling on relatives and friends. Miss Eva Sorrick. of Lincoln, and Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Fulton, of Red Oak. Iowa, are guests at the Sorrick home. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Hite returned Monday from Oakland and West Point, where they have been with relatives for the past two weeks. W. O. Gillespie and wife. Miss Viola Everett, also Mr. Murfin, of Wabash, left Tuesday via the Ford route for Denver and other' western points. Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Landholm and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Gillespie spent Saturday evening and Sunday at the IMat'e river where they were fishing and boating. 15 pins. Of course everyone had a real good time. Last Tuesday evening about 100 friends and neighbors of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Stock gave them a very pleasant surprise by gathering at their beautiful country home west of torn to spend the evening with them and their family. Mr. and Mrs. Stock were married thirty years ago on Friday, but Mr. Stock was leav ing on Wednesday for Excelsior Springs, Mo., so the surprise was giv en on the date stated above. A very enjos-oble evening was spent by all. Refreshments of ice cream and cake were served and at a late hour the merrymakers departed for their homes wishing them more years of happy wedde life. i:itllTIM. IKDMKTS TO Alt 'I'M I.KS OK I NCOItl'OK ATIO.V UK IIWK OK U KINK'K, OK mitDOCK. XDIIIIiSKA. I. H. A. (Juthmann, Cihlpr of tlie Hank of M unlock, of Murrtock, in the 'ounty of Cass. and the tfte of -hraska. lo hereby certify that at the regular annual meeting of tl Mock howlers of the said bank held on the first lst day of July, 191S. at which meetintr mor than two-thirds of the Capital Stock was represented, a mo tion was made, seconded and unani mously carried, that Articles number Four, Six and Kisht of the Articles of Incorporation of said bank be amended to read as follows: AKTK'I.K Number Four: -The auth- t i - i TO THE PUBLIC! mm - orized mount of capital stock of this corporation shall be twenty five thousand dollars $2.".OoO di vided into two hundred and fifty shares, of one hundred dollars e;tIi, Sl'O.OnO of which shall b paid in." A I ITM "I.K Number Six . "Tlif indebted ness of this corporation shall at no time excee.i the amount of its paid in capital and surplus except for deposits." A IIT1CLK Number Kiaht. -The af fairs of this corporation shall be un der the control and ma nafremen t of a board of directors consisting of not less than three nor more than five shareholders, whose term of office shall be for the period of one year, or until their successors are ejected and i'ialitied. not less than a majority of whom shall tie resi dents of the county in which the bank is located or counties adjacent thereto. it shall be the duty of the board of directors to elect from their number a president and secre tary, and select a vice president and cashier, and they may also select an assistant, cashier and such oil er clerks and assistants as the busi ness of the corporation may require. The term of urt'ice of the officers of this corporation shall be one year, or until their successors are elected and iualiried. The board of direc tors mav adopt such by-laws for the regulation and mana-ement of tiie aifairs and business of the corpor ation as is may deem proper." And I do further state under oath that the paid in capital stock of said auk was jit said meeting by a unani mous vote of all the stock represented increased from $ 1 r.lM0.0 authorized to S.'o.luiO.tM) authorized, of which S.rt.oiut shall be paid in, and that the full amount of said increase vi:, j.",, (inn has been pa id in. II. A. . FT 1 1 M A N N Cashier. State of Nebraska, County of Cass, ss. Subscribed and sworn to before me by II. A. Cut im. i nn. Cashier of tl.c Itank of Mnn'iock. of M unlock. Nebras ka, this ."til ilav of Atisrust. lfl .ii:i:i:v i;. Mdn Notarv Public. si-:ai. My commission expires March lOiO. REPORT OF UNION RED CROSS. The following report of Fuion Lranch American Red Cross is fro:n J-i'y 151 7 to July 2C, 101$: To'itl money received $o4'!l.Sl 'Z -ill Expenditures IT:;-: F-alance in treasury S172."2 Reported From Work Room. HOSPITAL SUPPLIES. Hospital shirts. 74; nightingale-. 3C; lied socks, Co pair; comfort pil lows. 70. SURGICAL DRESSINGS. Compresses. OT.'.j; gauze wipe?, Z?); absorbent pads. SSO; tonipo.s, 700; triangular bandage. 41; T. bandage-, 31; 3 yd. rolls, 3. KNITTED ARTICLES. Sweaters, 139;. socks. 171 pair; wristlets, 40 pair; scarfs, 3."; wash cloths, 8. GET NEWS AWAY FROM K0.2 REPORT OF THE CONDITION of the Bank of Murdock CHARTER NO. 67S Of Murdock, Neb., Incorporated in the State of Nebraska, at the close of business, August 1, 191. From Wednesday's Daily. The following item nppeaied in the Glenwood paper of this eek. which will be self explanatory, oth erwise, to say that the young man's name is Harry Forbes' and the bride was Miss Knlasek. The Journal extends to thee yountr peo ple congratulation, and best v. i--he for their journey through life. It would seem that one could get the news by going away from home: 1 Forbes-Kalasek. Two young people from I'latts mouth, Neb., journeyed to Glenwood on Tuesday, August t. and after se curing the needful credentials at the clerk's office went to the Congrega tional parsonage and were there united in marriage by Rev. Edwin Evans. Glenwocd (la.) Tribune. 5 2i:. ."TO 4!' 1 4! M KESOUKCEf Loans and discounts Overdraft-i Bonds, securities, judgments claims, eu pj U04 Rankinsr house, furniture and fix tures 4 (kX Co Current expenses, taxes and interest paid 7n7 7; Due from nat'l and state banks. Currency Gold coin silver, nickels and cents. Total .tX! ! :;..".. 1 4!J7 M 747 3' s7 71 :.4 LIABILITIES Capital stock paid in ?M.iVH) tO Surplus fund . :;.:eo 10 I'ndivided profits I..V.C Individual deposits subject to check 5j.-.i0r Time ertifieates of de posit. Cashier's checks out stand intr J...0-' oo-s.s."J tepoiiora truaranty rund .; ;hi j- . - ........... -f.i..-. ,1-, STATE OF NEBRASKA 1 CAilntr Af Cnw f SS I. H. A. tiuthmann. Casliier of the alove named bank, do hereby swear thai the above statement is a correct and true copy of the report made to the state Banking Hoard. II. A. Gl'thmaxx. Cashier. Attest. J. E. Gutlimann. director. Henry A. Tool, director. Sulseriled and sworn to Ijeforeme this eth day of Aujrust. ni. r. , ll- V. MclKx.4i.i. Notary Public ISfall My commission expires Muicli ll 1 VJ MEAT fl.ARE-ET Dealers in Fresh and Cured Meats MURDOCK, IMEBBRAKA P We dress our beeves cattle are cheaper, so save money and buy the best steer beef at these prices: 30c SIRLOIN PORTERHOUSE ROUND STEA!( Per Pound 1 A full line of Sausages and Cold Meats of all kinds. GORDON BLOCK., Prop. EMIL SOUKAL WFJTES. From Wednesday's- TVI1?. John Koukal in receipt of a letter frtim his brother Emil who is in France, and who writes about an air battle, givinjr vivid description of it, and telling of his impressions of army life. He thinks the war will be over before another year has gone by, and the boys he home again. Miss Clara Mae Morgan who has been staying at Rock Islat.d for the past two weeks where she is taking treatment for her health with Dr. E. W. Cook, returned home this af ternoon and is feeling much im proved ; ;T CHICHESTER S PILLS TUB VIAMOM BRAND. A Ici-I Am ji 'Ills In Ked t sealed Take m other. Irni?lAl. Akfn JlA.IO.M l:KAM FILLS, ti-t US. yearsknownasBt.balest.Alwsyi RciiiLIe SOLD BY DR.GCISTS EV EFXVOiE r lrar;lft for i 1 m on d It rmn dV na Cold ir.etallicWX With Blufl Rililwm. X7S rfli l- ir tp-t m CASTOR I A For Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Years ai Always bears the Sign a Hire of 0 REPORT OF THE CONDITION OK THE Farmers State Bank of Plattsmouth, Neb. Charter No. 1430, in the State of Ne braska at the close of business August 1, 191$. RESOURCES Loans and diseouns ?I'.C net .".7 overdrafts. 31-." Ho nils. Securities, judgment s, claim-., etc.. Kcveitue Stamp 7 PO Other assets. I,i!ierfy Honds anal I'. S. t'ertificats 'f (ndetitedness . jii 400 pp ihitikimf house, furniture and lix- tures 11 S:K Tt! f'urtent exieiis. taxes and inter est paid : '.U7 '.-' I)u frum National an;l State l.anks ?t"4 'urrem-v. ... . . : ."-' ' tiold coin h Silver, nickels and cents IHT 1". t;s 4.P !." Mr. Dunn, of the Grand Island ilusiness Collepe. informs us that ' eon.'Iitions are greatly stimulat i:?."1, t! utter. dance. The govern-in--:. t 15 making frequent demands th.ey hurry the preparaticn of 'l;e..- students to meet t lie increased t'.'.'!;iv!)u:; for competent oMice and . win. rcial help. The college is haviag I'.o ummer vacation this year b:t i concentrating every efi'ort to help joung men an-! women through training to engage at the f.arlioft possible minute in some hranch of ofTioe work that !? so nec-e;-c-ary to tlf commercial and eco on:ie welfare of the nation. Mr. i .i.n s--ays: "No vacation for me this y-ar. I can serve my country host by 1 eeping our school open while (ori '--tent help is so much in de mand. After victory, and we've nac' tcl litrlin. well, then it's time Jo think about re.-t. but not now. It'i i.r.r duty to t?ke enre of t'.ie large number of splendid young people v.-ho are daily entering c;:r College and volunteering for this very im portant rart of patriotic service." Cirand Island Daily Independent. the sickness of their son Otis at their home in Ashland, and which told of hi.s being in a serious condition. Mr. Young departed this afternoon on the first train for Ashland, hast ening to his bedside. Nebraska's War Governor ALFALFA SEEIX Il'-rleaned native tested alfalfa need 9!).S per cent pure $11.50 to bu. Timothy $4. To, Fall Rye "2.ri. Seamless 70c returnable. We Iave bought alfalfa from the same rai-eis for 15 years and know its pure and have state test. Sample? ni.illo.l. Johnson Eros. Nebr. City. Rand--icNally -war maps Tor sale at the Journal office. A OEEATES AMERICA AFTEH THE WAR RF-POI1T OF T1IF CONDITION of The First Security Bank OF CEDAR CREEK Charter No. 1295 in the State of Nebraska at the close of business Auprust 1st, litis. r After the Avar we will see a great er America than we have -breamed of. Hardship will make us better, rtuf if "we are to carry our share of the- rMicnal burden, we need health r.'.id vigor. Good stomach Is the bais f lealth. Yoti must keep the bowel'-: elo.11,, elimination must be perfectly p.tive. Triner's American Elixir of'ci "Wine cleans the stomach ?nl re :n forces the whole digestive sy.s tern. If you suffer from indigestion, constipation, flatulence, headaches, i.egrim, nervousness, take Trine-'s jxt..'. rican Elixir. Price $1.10. At :ru:; stores. Triner's Liniment tives quick help in strains, sprain:', swellings, lumbago, neuralgia, sore muscle1, etc. After long walk a foot-l ath and then Triner's . Lini ment will make you feel comfort able. Price C5 and G"c, at drug stores. Py mail 45 and 75c. Joseph Triner Company, Mfg. Chemists. l.rjO-1343 S. Ashland Ave.. Chicago, III. RESOURCES j Loans and disc unts fO.'..-.".? 44 Overdriiits Jo 7 Itonds. -.ecur;! :es. judtnents, claims. etc 1.100 PO house, furniture and Ji- tur.-s 1 000 00 Current expen-es. taxes and inter est paid ",4s 13 Iue from National and State l.aiiUs 3..VO 13 Chei-ks and item of ex change.. s 00 ("urreiic 2,r.-- uO lld coin I.'tt CO .-iiver. nickels and cents... o-9 13 ti.rK.' 2i RECEIVES WORD OF SON'S SICKNESS Total. LIABILITIES :;;i :;r C:itital stvk paid in $ 'ndirided urotiis Inilividual deios;ts stil- ject to check Time certificates of de- iMsits ... . Cashi-r's -he-ks out- y standintr 0 t'40 Of Due to National and State l.anks -i' 1"4 ';--40 211 7s reiMsitor's guaranty fur.d '' Cti m $115 X.) lis sS vm -U Total f--7 ;3 1: Let Young who is employed with the liurlington working in the bridge crew for the Burlington, with foreman Conrad Sole, received word this morning from Mrs. Young of Total. 47.306 10 LIABILITIES Capital st.x-k paid in Slrt.OrtO 00 I'ndivided profit :.:JI2 ;'s IndivjtluaU letisits sub ject to check $! ... Timecertitlcateof deposit 1.,:K5." li t'itshier'scl.eckso;;tst ami- i 472 S7 33.02 41 Sayings account ,7t ii7 Oepvsitor's jruaranty fund 3"4 44 Total ?47.3o7 10 State or Nebraska . . fount y of ass. f I. .los. F. Han. t'aslder of t lie above named bank do hereby swe.irthat the aluve statement is a correct and 1 rue copy of t be r'iH-rt made to the State Latikiiit: Loard. Jos. F: Uav. Cashier. Attest: W11.1.1AM Son e 1 per. Director. W. II. Uihnes, lire-tor. Sub-criiM-d and sworn to lefore roe this 10th day of August. ivis. I'al i. Fitzoerai.d. Notary 1 "ublic. Gov. Keith Neville Democratic Candidate j for Re-election Every pledge made to the people has been fully and faithfully re deemed. Prohibition has been energetically and fearlessly enforced. There have been more than 4,800 prosecutions for violations of the liquor law and fines have been assessed aggregating $100,000. The affairs of the state have been con ducted in a careful and business like manner. The levy for the General Fund which was 4 110 mills, in 1915, 3 410 mills in 1916, 3 8 10, mills in 1917, has been reduced to 3 mills in 1918. The acts and policies of Nebraska's War Governor have been dictated by three considera tions: To uphold the President, to support the Government, to sustain our boys who are fighting over there. His re-nomination and re-election will insure t'ie most effective co operation between State and Nation in the prosecution of the war. Rev. B. R. Truscott of Sioux City, who has been visiting here for some time past at the home of his parents Rev. and Mrs. T. A. Truscott, de parted this afternoon for their home. 1 US) . Fistula-Pay When Cured A mud system of treatment that cores Piles. Fistula and other Recta I Diseases in a short time, without a severe sur gical operation. No Chloroform, Ether or other genersl fnr ,,, . . -uasineuc usea. a cure guarantee. in every case accepted tor treatment, and no money to be paid unti 1 cured. Write for book on Recta 1 Diseases, with nsmes -uu Lcjumuuiaia 01 more ia luuu prominent people wbo nave been permanently cured. DZZ. E. R. TARRY 240 Bee Building OMAHA, NEBRASKA 123 Poultry Wanted! A car load cf live poultry, to be delivered at car near Burlington Freight depot, at Plattsmouth, Nebr., on Friday, Aug. 23id, one day only, for which we will pay in cash : Kens 2c! state or NKP.!5ASK.v. i Springs 23c C ounty of Cas. 1 I.T. M. Patter-; . son. President of the alxve natned bank lo , JJUC.S . lOC lieref.v sw-ar tliat t lie :itove tatf ment is a p oric. i . i correct :m 1 truei-Ofiy or t he report riiat;e to- -"-vv- trie State Bankir.g Board. Old COX 15c T M Pirrruinv lifl...,t I V1" UV .Attest: ' Remember the date we will be on I "sJhi&r hand rain or shine and take care cf j SyijsonlvMj ami sworn to Ik fore me;an the poultry Offered for Sale. JOUi day of Ani.t.M0lH. . J m li. A. Iio.sciav.-raiis, notary l-uuilO. . w. Xj. X-J-iXiXX. g.:. v.; cr I I I vt v W IT II -t... AVI - I I A4 wV'-'-- I Morris Packing Co. -vs- The Bed Sox Hed Sox BallPark The Morris Packing Co., have been scheduled to play the next two Sun days, Aug. 10 & 17. They beat the Red Sox here before, but the boys are going to get revenge Sunday, as they are working hard to get in the best of shape. Come one, come all. 3:00 SHARP