THURSDAY, AUGUST 15. 13.13. 'AOE TWO PLATTSJIOUTII bEMI-WKEKLT JOURNAL ITS A ?v. END 5 !TM u 1 If DID YOU EARN THAT MONEY? WELL YOU WORrED FOR IT DIDN'T YOU? WHY CAN'T YOU PUT SOME LITTLE PIECE OF IT IN THE BANK EACH PAY DAY, SO THAT SOME DAY IT CAN WORK FOR YOU? YOU WON'T ALWAYS BE ABLE TO WORK; EVEN IF YOU ARE WELL. THEN IT WILL BE A FINE FEELING TO HAVE THE MONEY YOU BANKED, WHILE YOU COULD WORK. WHICH-IS NOW. BANK IT. WE ADD 31-2 PER CENT INTEREST ON SAVINGS AC COUNTS AND H PER CENT ON TIME CERTIFICATES. COME TO OUR BANK. li armers State Bank THE NEW BANK. OPF.N SATURDAY NIGHTS FPOM 7:00 TO 9;00 LOCAL NEWS It. .1. l Ilrfiiilol was looking af r .-ui- hiisinoss in this city last . : cor.iin.i? up I'rc-m .Murray in '.ni s tile rurai carrit-r from ".'::., ".as a v it-iti'i iu this city last : 5i.. kin;r after sfouiv business .1 si:' tinu-. !.. W. Tern I'crry from so.Mh of "Ititr.iy was a visitor in this city '.it I'vctiinc and was transacting . ii i lnisinrss with the merchants. l'avid JardiiiK from near Louis i was in the city this morning kokins after some business;-in the and doing some trad'n '.villi ilic merchants. Frank II. Johnson from .near Weeping Water was a visitor in this city tins morning, com in? to visit with his mother, Mrs. J. W. Johnson and to look after some business in the city. tfonie school business brought E. M. Kuby in today from his home this side of Weeping Water, and was looking after some matters about the school district of which he is the t rcasurcr. Mrs. Arthur Dean who wa3 called to Louisville on account of the sick ness of her mother Mrs. Anna Brocko returned home this morning and has to report an improvement on the condition of the mother. Misses Mary and Ellen O'Brien of Weeping Water passed through this city last evening on their way from their home town to Malvern. Iowa, where they will visit at the home of a friend Mrs. Grace Pillsbury. Luther Renard, who has been at Redfield for some time, going there for the purpose of harvesting, was taken sick when he arrived there and has not been able to work even after having gone there for that pur pose. John Richardson w ho has just re turned from Ft. Sill. Oklahoma, where be has been to visit with his son Claude reports the boys all feel ing fine there being four from this city at that place. His son, Claude. Kenneth McCarthy, Wayne Allen and Howard Halya. Mr. Richardson said the weather was very dry there and that they had not had any rain for a long time. The wheat had gotten out of the way all right but the cotton was suffering. Frum Tuesday's Daily. Arthur Will and wife, of Peru, are visiting at the home of W. II. Rainey of this city having driven tip in their car. John Long from near LalMatte was a visitor in this city th'is after noon coming to look after some business for a few hours. Col. Hueston of LalMatte was a business visitor in this city this af ternoon for a short time and return ed to his home on the early after noon train of the Burlington. Superintendent of the Nebraska Lighting company. Mr. Kuykendall was a business visitor for a few hours in Omaha this morning, where he has pome business with the mana ger of the lighting company at Oma ha. Charles Bates of Rock Bluffs was ill the city today and tells he has accepted a position with one of the packing houses at South Omaha and goes there tomorrow afternoon to engage with them where he will work. L. F. Langhorst of Klmwood the chairman of the Cass County Coun cil of Defense, was in the city yes terday afternoon looking after some business matters and also attending to some business for the Council of Defense. Mrs. Arthur Dean received the sad news of her mother Mrs. Anua Brocko, who lives at Louisville as being very sick. Mr. and Mrs. Dean' departed last evening for her moth er's home to render what assistance she could in the care of her parent. James M. Jordan drove in this morning from his home near Cedar Creek ami departed for Lincoln. where he goes after some repairs for his threshing machinery, which he could not get without waiting a number of days, so to save time, goes after the repairs. Bert Coleman with his crew of ex pert workmen, composed of C. 1 Richards. Ezra Lynch. Fred Syde botham. nnd (3aston Christensen. de parted this morning for (Jeo. Snyd er's where they jro to build a scale platform, mid containing pens for the use in weighing stock, and the yards of Mr. Snyder. Wm. J. Stohlnian of near Mauley was in this city this morning look ing after some business at the court house, and was also feeling the pulse of the public on the matter of the primary regarding the nomina tion of a commissioner for the Sec ond district. Billy Sfohlman is a rustler and is doing some good work in the line of campaigning. From Monday's 1 ia i I y. Mr. and Mrs. R. K. Foster and children of Fnion were visitors at the L. U. Larson home yesterday. K. S. Tutt. member of the tirin of Hyatt and Tutt of Murray, was- in the city this morning looking after sonic business for the day. O. B. Ashloch of near Union was a visitor in this city for the day, coining to look after some business in the city for the afternoon. Charles Moore who has been work ing on the farm of Ralph J. llaynie during the past summer has moved into the city and will work here for the present. Adam Stoehr drove in from ImV farm home Saturday afternoon to attend to some business matters and visit friends for a short time. He was a pleasant caller at this otlice. Vena Black of Omaha who has been visiting in the city for some days past and at the homo of llero'd Armstrong, who lives south of the city returned to her home this after noon. M. L. Furlong was a visitor , in this city this morning irom his home in Rock Bluffs, and this after noon went to Omaha where he is looking after some business for the afternoon. I). W. Foster and daughters Mrs. Nettie Stanton and Miss Mary Fost erif Fnion motored to this city Sat urday afternoon for a short visit with friends ami t" attend to some business ters. W. H. Crawford was a visitor in this city from his home near Union and was accompanied by Mrs. Craw ford and the family, coming to look after some business here and also to do some business at the court house. James Terryberry from south of Cedar Creek was a visitor in Platts mouth where he was looking after some business matters for a short time and then went to Omaha, where he had some more business to attend to. John Kraeger and son Jacob of near Mynard motored to this city Saturday afternoon for a short visit with friends. While here Mr. Kraeg er, Sr.. took time to call at the Journal ollice and renew his sub scription to the Daily Journal. W. 11. Crawford and wire or JTn ion motored lo this city this morn ing to attend to some business mat ters ami visit friends for a short time. Mr. Crawford was a pleasant crtller at this ollice ami while here subscribed for the Plattsmouth Journal. REPORT OF TIIK CONDITION -or- The Bank of CassCounty of Plattsmouth, Nebraska. Charter No. 62. InrorHiated In the state of Nebraska, at the close of business. August I. llis iss !T4 71 s KKSOITKCKS loans and discounts s'l I vriir:fls l:,iiuU Sci-urillc. JudiMiioiits tt H.7 tt-j nl. I Iifinvo fiirnitiiiv and tlx- ir,-s ' P. Other ri-al estate 1.II Current, expense, taxes and interest Ptd 17.M-: Cash items -'.'" Hue from national and state hanks ...7'-'l Checks and Items of exchange I.tfe1" Currency (iolil coin '1' Silver, nickels ami cents -. I ..;;! to . - rr r?. Cfoilds'sss Cs-y for FJcicfaes s-" P WAWl WLB J to 1 The Kind You Hcvc Always Bought, and which has been in use for over thirty years, has borne the signature of and has been maae unaer am pci sonal supervision since its infancy. Y, SdcU4& Allow no one to deceive you in th"is. All Counterfeits, Imitations and ' Just-as-good " are but Hxperimcnts that trifle with and endanger the neaitn oi Infkntr. and Children Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORS A Csstoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains nsither Opium, Morphine nor other narcotic substance. Its ngs is its guarantee. For more than thirty years it has been in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, "7iud Colic and Diarrhoea; allaying Feverishness arising thrrcfrcm, and by regulating the Stomach and Bowels, aids thj assimilation of Food; giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTOR I A ALWAYS iBears the Signature of y9 i.iAiui.rriKs Capital stork paid in f 00 ."in-Plus fund :.!' 00 Cixliviiled profits S.'.:s! e I ncli vliliini lexsits svMectto cheek .'.'r.4lo M Time certificates of dcimsit .s.n.' I'-1 Cashier's checks outst andinc I ue to nat ioiial and state banks IV. Hit ttv Hills payable 4i.m CO heiHisitors' jruaranty f und ".114 4i' Total fTDS.tsW 4." !T TE OK NKIMtASK A. Coi vr y of Cass t I. II. I . ratterson. Cashier of the atiove nametl hank ilo hereby s'.e;ir t h:it the :ibovi- statement is a correct :iml I rue copv of the leiKrt maile t o the ft ate Hankimr Ifciard. K. I-'. Pattehsox. Cashier. Cns. . 1'AitMRi.E. hinrUT Tiiiimas K. I'ai:mri.r. iiri-"tor Sulis'i-ited ami sworn lo In-fore me this 0th day of August. I'.1!'... AxxrC. II asm. Kit. Notary Public. My commission expires Sept. "J".'. I'.J3. . ,i Kosey is proitipj to Chaso ccuiity aK'iin next Sunday evening. Get ready and po along. The trip will be a pleasant one and you might see something that will interest you. Make your reservations for tbr trip right now. i In Use For Over 30 Years The Kind You Have Always Bought ''.x.&r : WILL VISIT IN THE WEST. Last evening James DellesDenicr wife and their daughter Miss Elva departed for the west, they going first to Denver, where they will visit. Later they will go to Pueblo, and visit at that place for some time. They will go to the San Louis Valley, and ppend some time with friends and will loolc over the country, which is reported as being a fine place, and where they have some fine irrigation propositions working. OLD SETTLERS PICNIC. One way to relieve habitual con stipation is to take regularly a mild laxative. Doan's Hegulets are rec ommended for this purpose. COc a box at all drug stores. The Old Settlers Picnic will bo held at Union, on August 2:5 and 24, and the usual big time is in store for every member of the family. Parties desiring concessions for these day.Sj will please address L. K. Up ton, I). A. Eaton or F. W. Vuiing, of Union, who will give them all t lie desired information. We are off for Chase county again cn next Sunday evening. Vc would like to have you go with us. See Rosencrans about the trip todav. you will enjoy it. You are not compell ed to buy land, but Rosey would like to show you Chase "countv. Stationery at the Journal office. - y V v .'--j -r vv vv v vv tf vv vv vv v vv vv : vv : vv vv vv vv vv vv vv r t w V V VVVt V V V vvvvtt Si n 3 DAYS-AUGUST 15th, 16th and 17th Begini ling Thursday, August 15th and Continuing Thru Friday and Saturday I iair Men's Tan or Black, Button or BlucJicr Ox ford?, Hi toe or Englist lats, leather or fibre soles. Sucli makes as Ralston and J. B. Smith; sizes 6 to 8 splendid values at $2.49 ass' Growing Girls, Bnhy Doll I'uri'.pi with straps patent cr dull leathers; low heels. Sizes 2y2 lo 7. $3.50 values at S 1 oFil we will have a Clearance Sale of Men's, Women's and Children's Oxford and Pumps. Supply your self now with , Oxfords, for August is really right in the middle of Summer, according to the calendar. We are going to make short work of this sale, so we have cut the prices deep. Remember that all shoes are costing more than ever before, and that shoes at cut prices means something these days. Just glance at these prices and be good to your feet, save some money on Oxfords and buy thrift stamps. 20 OFF all Women's White Canvas Shoes, Oxfords and Pumps in patent, leather, kid; white or brown; Hi or low heels this season's oxfords. A money sav ing proposition, surely! -K 3m All sales are cash and final no exchange or refund! 20 OFF on all Misses and Children's Strap Pumps. Note the regular price, deduct one-fifth, pay the balance, and the shoes are yours. us ft vv ft vv vv I I VV vv vv vv vv ft tv vv ft ft ft 'VT VV vv vv VT vv ft vv f 1 1 t 1 vv -J o S v y -- . . A. A. 1 ... i. f ." . . .. v . vv