The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, August 12, 1918, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5
MONDAY, AUGUST 12, 1918. PL ATTS MOUTH SEMI-WLEKLY JOUltNAL. PAUE F1V2L A REAL TRACTOR EMONSTRAT ON COUNTY AGENT SNIPES IS GET TING THE PEOPLE INTEREST ED IN MODEKN METHODS. l'roni Tli 'i r-ila y's ;tily. John r. Conler vi this city says he will hne tiS ie it to the county agent L. U. Snipes for the ability and for the execution of the scheme i f having a real tractor demonstra tion. -Mr. Clonkr who was present at the show, says that there were f:ght different types of tractors do inu, work on the Peter Spangler farm r.ear Wee pin a: Water, and that the ; bowing was excellent. There were three tlrni with their tractors from this city at the show. H. L. Propst there with the Sandusky, which 1m- i handling, ami which he demon strated with pood effect, demonstrat ii; all lie claimed for it. T. II. Pelh.rk as there with the Fordson. and with the driver Kay Hitchman. aide to show Ford (Juality, and ti:io:iiy is not ahme initial cast by maintenance. John Corder. with hi '.n.t her Fred 15. Corder of Weep ing Water had two tractors the What' and the 1 1 u Icr both dis tinctive types of motor power units, and with them they were tearing up t!i surface of the earth, not like ! shells in France, hut in a way which injures the seeding of a crop il'.t' will maintain the moisture, a-nl firm a pood growing bed of ci'ker for the seeds. The people are t :. k i r: ir a preai interest in the demon rt rations. Seeing the sipns of the tiiin- a dtpart'ir.- from former method-; of tannine for the man power ir. slippinp away from the farms, vhilo probably the horse power may be remainincr. As an evidence of th- amount of interest which the pe of the county are taking in tin" nrraiiM which the recent invention-; are furnisiiinp for advanced t hods of farming, there was at this dt-mo:ist rat ion yesterday at one time 1,200 nun. and automobiles; coverinp the f;:nn and roadside, be sides the pop!e who came and went' i.v- which would add preatly to the total of the nt teTidance. That we are entering another epoch in this matter of farming in an assured thins. The tractor may be a solution i:i one way of the per- plexirrr problems which the condi tions incident to the world's war never brought to the fore. S. RESKICX KILLED IN ACTION. I"rv?i Fiiday's Iaily. who will remember, a je ih soldier, famed Sam Kesnick. who was with the spiad, which puanUd the Hip Uurlington bridpe over the .Missouri river, duriup the sprin-r of last year, recall him as a mu!! ismii. and will remember he wa ; ahout town many times. The papers it" -terday chronicle his death, ami give his home as Russia. Mr. li'-Miick remained in this city for two or three months. WERE ON THE MARKET. V. r t.niay Will Seybublt and t'harb- l. Spanglt-r shipped cattle .-in! li-; to Omaha, poinp up on the early train, to that place. where they looked after the disposition of the .'-tuck, finding a pond market. Wilt Seyboldt returned last even ing ia here, ami was met by his father J. 15. Seyboldt. while Mr. Spaiiuler returned via the Missouri Pacific. I.KPOHT OF TIIK CONDITION Plattsmouth State Bank of Plattsmouth. Nebraska C!i;irt r No. 7v liitorj-'i at .1 in tlic state of Nebraska, at the dor-1 of basiii's. Ausu.-t lt. IVs. loll". Hl'l lli J-I)lll1 -, j2.TV.-'j4 ' vf I'll nfi - 1.573! lioi .J ' ii i it j'l'I't uitut.-.. claims I.-'i-nT "!' I.ilrf Hoti'1-i Lf.W) 0 l;aiik:n' liin! -.f ii iii' uif- and fixtures l.lta i0 otdr t;it,- "JO.CW 00 (urr nt ( iieiws, taxes and interest t.aid 0."?- '. r:i 1 1 -rjl I-.l li'ifp'tn iia itial and s'a'e lianks. . 4 .!- 2T rini-fiic-y .! i i id -in -.1VZ .Vi silver, nickels and iint l.t'4'J Total... ?J'i.U3 I.I A HIMTIES Cbi-H it . !. paid fn ?.rft.(H0 00 SMTil"i; fund I'U eo I'ikIi v,(! V"H!it-. M.iio ! iMtivj:nal llN-it siil;'i-t to ch k lf,7.'.C7 tn.ti t.r. tifr.iai.iJ -trt ;tii;riir.s of l-i,it - . i:v." " Ti;!ir. t I I 1 I" .IM S Ol !-","'. . 1, .P ". r'fi rlic(s i'itt:inlii!ir 'l.'l V.l i(or' guaranty fund ri.i.lij 17 Tout e4'..U., STATU OK N KRH A. CurvTT ok "ass ' -s I. H. A. Scliut-icJpr. of tlr alxv naniel tauk. do liovliy swear that th- atve statTi-iit Is a i nrii'i't tid I me ijy of lit riwrt mad to tli state Kankiui; loaol. M. A. ch"Kidek. Cahicr ' u - " Neei.l. I 1 rector. Attest . , ? h. Becker. Director. Subscrilvd aui sw.jru to before me this ?th day of August. IU1. K. H. Wixdham. Notary Pu)4!' Seal My coaimiaaiou expires Oct. 1. 1V21 ON THEIR WAY TO THE COAST. From Friday's Daily. This morning Lloyd Lewis was in the city, looking after some business matters in the city und at the court house, and speaking of his brother Wayne Lewis, who was with the boys at Camp Dodge, had written a card from Chicago, say ing that they were on their way east, lie also said his sister had a letter from her husband, who was now in France, and cooking in the trenches. AUTO STOLEN AT AVOCA. From Thursday's Daily. Harry Stutt who has just been to Colorado, where lie was looking over the country, returned home Tuesday evening and when he awoke the following morning his Hudson car had disappeared. He is short a car, and the officers are looking for not only the car but the man who stole the machine. RETURNS FROM CAJIP FUNSTON. From Thursday's Daily. Mrs. Elwootl U. Chappell. who ha. been at Ft. Riley for the past few days visiting with Mr. Chappell who is in the Medical Reserve corps at that place, returned this morn tug. Mrs. Chappell said the men there would, they thought, stay probably three weeks yet. Speaking of the country over which she traveled. Mrs. Chappell said that portions of Kansas has cornfields as brown as in the fall, while in Ne braska the crops and the country look one hundred per cent better. RECEIVES LETTER FROil SON. From Thursday's Daily. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Hoffman of this city, received a letter yesterday from their son William Hoffman, who is one of the eight boys from this city, who belongs to Co. I. of the 16Sth Inf. of the Rainbow Division. This division has been in France since early last Fall. Will says that he has been wounded and is now in the hospital. This letter xvas dated July 7th and the first one received by the parents for over three mouths. HAVING A GOOD TIME. From Tlmrsd.-iy's Daily We are in receipt of a card from Herman Hough, the mail carrier on route one of this city who is tour ing Iowa, during his vacation. Her man and xvife with their little babe, visited at Trenton. Iowa, his form er home and from there went to Keokuk, where ho has some relatives-. In so doing he stopped at the writer's old home Salem. Iowa, where he stopped to write us a post al, telling of his impressions of the country. He says that county. Hen ry county, in Iowa, reminds him of Cass county, Nebraska. He speaks of pood crops all over Iowa and es pecially the corn, which is showing up fine just now. HOME ON A FURLOUGH. From Friday's Daily. Dr. Caldwell arrived in the city last evening via Omaha from Chi cago, where he has been for a short time coming to that place from Ft. Oglethorpe, (la., where he lias been since departing from here. Dr. Caldwell looking fine and says he likes the service, and the condition which are maintained at the camp are satisfactory. WHEN EVERY MOVE HURTS Lame every morning, achy and stiff all day. worse when it's damp or chilly? Suspect your kidneys ami try the remedy your neighlors use. O. 1 1. Tower, carpenter. Vine St., IMattsmout h. says: "I suffered from a dull pain in the small of my back. It pot to bad, I had to get on my knees and straighten gradually af ter I pot down. The kidney secre tions xvere much retarded in pas sage, too. I was told I had stone in my bladder and the medicine I took only gave me temporary relief. Af ter taking one box of Doan's Kid ney Tills. I noticed that the trouble was beginning to disappear and in a short time my health improved in every way." (Statement given Ap ril 10. 1912.) On February 22. 10 IB Mr. Tower said: "I gladly recommend Doau's Kidney Pills. I am still k strong believer in this old. reliable kidney medicine." Trice hOc. at all dealers. Dou't simply ask for a kidney remedy get Doan's Kidney Pills the same that Mr. Tower had. Foster-Milburn Co.. Mfgrs., Buffalo. N. Y. BACK FROM OKLAHOMA. From Friday's Dally. John R. Polin, who has been liv iug in Oklahoma for some time past, but who lived here some ten years, ago, arrived in the city yesterday afternoon, and is visiting at the home of his sister, Mrs. W. A. Tay lor for a short time. Mr. Polin was here some years ago, but went from here to South Omaha, where he liv ed for two years before going to the south. lie has been engaged in the restaurant business, at Okla-) noma City for some time past, but the highness of the price has caused him to forsake the business. and just at this time he Is open for something else. BURIED THIS AFTERNOON. From Thursday's Daily. As we go to press the funeral of little Raymond Ferguson is being held from the home of his parents below the Uurlington bridge some distance. Raymond who was not quite a year of age, died yesterday morning at his father's home about nine o'clock, of summer complaint. The interment is being made in the Horn ing cemetery. Rev. James Kephart the uncle of the baby's mother, con ducted the ceremonies. W. H. Bushman was a passenger to Omaha this afternoon where he is looking after some business for a short time. James Panos was a visitor in Omaha this afternoon, and was ac companied by Mrs. Panos, they spending the day with friends there. FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER. I hereby announce myself as a candidate for the office of County Commissioner, second commissioner district, subject to the will of the voters at the coining primaries on August" 20th. Your support w ill be appreciated. WM. STOHLMAN. FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER. I hereby announce myself a candi date for commissioner in "the Second district subject to the Primary to be held on August 20, 1J1S. It will be impossible to see each and every one personally. I therefore, solicit your support at the Primary and I promise you if I am nominated and elected to render an impartial conservative and economical admin istration, that each ward and pre cinct shall have a just and- equitble distribution of improvements as far as it lies in my power to give. Respectfully, C. F. HARRIS. FOR THE LEGISLATURE I am a candidate for the lower house of t'tc legislature (eighth dis trict, comprising of Cass and Otoe counties! on the republican tiiut, subject to the will of the voter-? at the primary, August 20. I shall ap preciate your support at the polls. CFORCK K. CROWNOVKR, Syracuse, Neb. FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER. To the Republican voter., of Cass r county. I, C. F. Maytuld. have filed ! for nomination for county commis sioner subject to the decision of the voters of the second Commissioner District, at the primary which is held August 20th. Should I be elected it will bo my aim at all times to conserve the in terests of the whole county. I solicit the support of all who believe in the best for the whole people. C. K. MAYITF.LD. If Louisville, Neb. FORMER MAYOR OF LINCOLN Ciiar it-. . v 4 i T " the u:.r par.i.-ites. fAs t 1 v of W y-f vx f " 1 He wuiil'1 endeavor ( prurnuie f?'fi!'V s,t x a". Jt unity :i:..n!r the people and to eo t'oT'v iVC - s '-" J ordinate their einns t mere; fc'-fcJi '-i i ir-tfrft, 3 f.K.d prodtKtion :.nd to snpport He believes the iroverpor shouifl act us leader in irotiitins the general welfare of the ix-ople if I he stale. His record as majer of l,iin-iln in (liMioyiii; uionopoiy cenlrol and reducing the cost of living is a guarantee that he will carry out his campaign pledges. If You Favor His Program Help Nominate Hin in the DeniG&raiiG Primaries. Hugml 20, ISIS SPENT TWENTY YEARS If! ALASKA A. W. Mayer who is the husband of the sister of Mrs. Lafayette Oil more, of this city and who has been visiting here and at points in Iowa, having been at Anita, Iowa, on last Sunday where the weather was so warm left for Seattle a few days since after ha' :ng visited at Mr. Gilmore's fir a short time. Mr. Mayer and family, have mad-. their home in Nome, Alaska, for the past twenty years and left there July 4th, ami in doing m. had to travel thru sixty miles of ice flow to get out in to open sea. Mr. Mayer tells of the extreme cold existing at and near Nome, where he says that the ground is frozen ilear down, and only thaws to the depth of about tiirce feet on top per ear. The min ers take advantage of this and keep the thawed ground wathed away as fast as it thaws, ami thus get down into the earth very easily. Some days nt Nome the son never sets as it is above the 215 degree. Mr. Mayer and family will not re turn to the north, but will Uxk for something to do in the states. W. D. WHEELER HAS RUNAWAY From Frid .iy's D-ii'. Tun ev i si"ce v 1 1 i I ". I). he; ler was ret urn i to his hone ntar Hock IJluifs. the t. which he wa- driving beemn ing t'rU- hi ik d ran away and overturned the .'.:;;ii! which Mr. "Wheel"?- was riding in and bruised him Ir.iily. He had Dr. 15. F. Premull. who gave medi cal assistance, and he is getting along nicely thuii-h :-oiu"v.iia t s-ore ami stiff from his experience. VV4 t .-j-.,-.-r--.v.-.-- .- , -5 CSf IS 1 I F?l ir JUDGE OF THE SUPREME COURT CANDIDATE FCS RE-ELEGTIOM Eient years Assistant Attorney General. Ten years Judge of Supreme Court. i Clark Perkins, the well known pub-, lisher, in speak iig of Judge Rose,1 pays: "He has weighed every ques tion on its merits, formed his con clusions fairly and expressed them courageously in his written opinions An analysis of his record will show that it compares favorably with that of any judge In ihf lard." Threp fudges of the Supreme Court to be ejected. Each voter may vote for three. Frimarias &uz, 20- Election Kov. 5 Candldafs for Governor Opposes Profiteering ploii-m t"n-.v rrviriK loyalty ?" Prfwideut N ils.n in winning tl-e wa r. HebIiv Npi'r;i:-ha iirc.?lp ac iiyal t" tlip 'li"ie. lie tvotiM very pionintl.v and .e1e-iuatey juini-h any'i ? v t n i irli t. Ik; fotir d. lit- wo'ild fai'lit'illy e;irrj-nut tli earnest neueal f t'roid-nt '.Viisj-.n. under date if July -Z. tatl jovvr-nor-i to t:ike the mitative in ire Teutintriiiol) rule. lie has hied for fnriTin T lu-canse t he Mate t."iver:imeiit. i-j not he I pi lis I'rosjitent W il.on piesetit jnohtf er ip?. lie has a s:eeif.n- letrilntivc ir- irram t.,i pn-tt ft t lit; farmer, t he nsuriier inereasH all :it act i it it's. - J les W. Bryan ' 1 if ?v1 7 wv v" an t efts. , i s:x. VWS' 'i.i: s G i CANDIDATE FOR Representatiue to Congress First District of Nebraska Platform: Americanism Motto: A Public Office is a Public Trust. FUK RE-ELECTION TO SUPREME COURT ! T.. . - v- v - - "- Judge Charles B. Letton His Experience is a Valuable Asset His Record Shows His Fitness FRANK L PETERSON DEMOCRATIC CANDIDATE FOR CONGRESS Porn in and a resident of NrbraFka all my life. Thirty piglit years of ago. Lived seventeen years in this con pres?ional district. Educated in the public schools of Nebraska. Grad uated from the College of literature Science and Arts and the College of Law in the University of Nebraska, earning my expenses through both. Was iiiot rur.-tcr in debating at Lincoln High School in 1907-1908. Practiced law in Lincoln since 1910. Now Coun ty Attorney for Lancaster County, hav ing been elected on the Democratic ticket by a majority of 2383. Caused a crn:p!e'e check to he made of the ofHcf 5 of Lancaster County, whereby a deficiency of over seven thousand dollars hni; thu far been discovered. In complete accord with President Wi'aon and his policies from the bcir.r.ii.g and will etatul by him to the fii1 in hi.i evciy effort lo win thf var Will oyij-erafe wib him in curLins t!" t-oijishiir .;.s i f tb ;ioUi;er. F0H STATE REPEESEIiTATTVE. I have filed for nomination on Democratic Ticket for Representa tive subject to the will of the voters at the Primaries, August 20. I am your friend. JOHN MURTEY. VA'f ' l ::' I''"?-W ; f 5--Xjhr i - V FOB UNITED STATES SEFJATOF) l VP v.'WW"- v.v :y... - : v--;?: : "-'' " : .,.t'-j: - T2 VWJ S&U 'tf .- -7..'-i- ' FORL'iZR V. P Oandidate for Sepubiiean omiRalion If ;v .iryy irra BR an I ifi! 1 ror uniisa:Qfaii Was four times elected Con?res?nfin in Ucurth Di.-vift .jh i rr . j majority each succeeding election. In ran ne.ailv tu tl'oi.,a:i j.i j his ticket. Only Republican Congressman from Ncbriska in its rftv nr.-- vrrr? of tory, who ettalned membership cn Way? and Means CoTimitteo. th i-.-t important Committen of the House r.f Uepresentif ivfr, nd the one hai:r; Jurisdiction to prepare acd prespnt ta'r'.T. rev.--r'! ,-,ri-I bor.J hills." Is a graduate of an Agriculture Coi1"Ke., r-ddes on : n 1 conduct a Hrr farm. IIa3 made a thorough study of thi izrinil:ural interests of .Vehraiki &nd the Northwest. Is recognized on the Moor of Uiu House a3 an authority on, agricultural subjects. Has conducted a persistent fight asfsfni't the disf rfmin.if io?i in demrtcra'f tariff and other legislation in favor of romf,rn ?;ericilurnl prolurts. a n.t agrainst those of the north. Has opro?d pi ire fixing and market control leffislation for northern rroducts -vhila in ro wise interfering with those of the south. v Framed and force! through Congress measure. for the control aad tho eradication of hog cholera. Under the working of thij legislation the. depart ment of agriculture estimates hog production Increased twenty per c?it and a decrease of lo63 of nearly fifty per cent. This was pronounced ?y trn eminent 'authority as one of the best measures of food preparedness Congress enacted 'prior;, to the War. Presented a bill and furnished argument before Committee and the Houfi ;for a similar measure for the eradication of tuberculosis in live stock which pa'ssed the recent Congress. Has always advocated and voted for a large Navy and an adqu.-)t Army. -Ha3 supported every completed War measure for the successful prosecution of the War. Is active In both Committee aad tie House and is recogaized as one of ths ablest debators ia. Ccmcresa. I! . . " ' ..ww"-f1 ,- -.! GOVERNOR ' ... - s Senator I My a V