The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, August 12, 1918, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2
0 MONDAY, AUGUST 13, 10,13- FAOE TWO. rLATTSMOIJTII hEMI-WKr.'KLT JOURNAL. 4 . rt . r ::: i t. 8 2 f 22?i Net C -I i I ii- -.. rV-n-.r itiOaUf AS S i's ho CowvB of j - V. .-It ,.;..i :,v T'.- IVoTV.OUnv; J-1 ,- :" ' i ,1.1 J T.-: .-jr.'' fu S ; -ti v.. " '4 Km I oi :Vrf'.cr. ! no- iT .1 i S - r : ..!." l.-t :. I '.-,(.. kS Matte ; 'tt-.l iiii. r i'i t!ii; ciiy Shis alt r-j 1m rt tin.e. t !' ! I.;i.rvv;iic. wa-; ! :.i ft v t ri; ui to at". .-r m-:.h- lantters. !:'' ('. K. Tc.'; . . V.'i eji !. . . ! s. ;nr i - . ? ! .;;;' ; .n;i i ; hi-.-. :i-rn- :;. i . i t i - - i v. ; s a iii: iiu'i'.s s in ti.;-- y I'r- in iu;.'.r Ne (!iii'i i!p .i(li his rf M :;;irl 'ns ' I'M.! i i ' i 1 1 'a w i i h 1 1 i -i ; :i i . : i w i t re he v. :i l-'i -!!!'-i at th- - I :i 1 1 r :-.i: C A I - rr-r T - - -f. A . -1 : "'!:x '"'f- I !i'ti r at the ,;urt hoi::4 ted iv ;nd e ' !; i f .e ir !.ou:,ilIe v. .s ; drovi- over this mornitii; with his ' : i ' : r M! '.- : 'lis tm n i a , r. hcuu-- limit, -v.; toj w ,:i , w (1)tl va:. a " , , r- ; visitor in this eily morning. J. ! ". at"! !'ai:!!y from K- ek j1Md had : ei-ie business to look after 1 ry it onM " i ty li-; coflt on ami s o liow you hkcit. You can : U r jout t lf in y'af-.s liow it fiis jincl oois, i'A you ifi't Icll iiow it will wear. I liat depends :. tlic i:uc:.ty of tl:c workf uan&li jp, inucli of whicli ci .n't f.Jt'.iw on tlie oninde!' "J'lJ t:r your word for the worktniri"Jnj," i,oys tlie c'jstorurr. "iiut l il do oct'er for y.)ti tlun that! V 11 guarantee you ilis'a.'oiy wear and service from the suit hc cauio it; Giodicraft, and I'll also back that up with the written i;u uantcc of the maktrrs which you'll fitv.l rijlit thr in the inside packet!' $18.50 lo $30.00 POM Several more Manhattan 15 and 16, fetid 1 II To i Infaiits r.nd Children. Mothers Know That Genuine Gastoria Always Bears the Signature of hinv Tears j f'.luiT.s were iii l lie city la:-l i vmini: j tr.nrttinc: smiif but-ino;s with the iity merchants. Grover Will whs in last evening lrc-n his farm home west of Mynard was transacting some business with the merchants. s'.imuel !'.)ili);:ui fro!P. s(utliest uf;ni was a visitor in i'latts i:;outli t!i;s irernit!. where he will vi-it. i.r the iay. M'arles narnard. of near .Xiynartl as : visitor in 1 Mat tnunut h tills looking alier :-ome btisi-:n-s for the mornifir. Mrs. Henry Kaufman from south of the city was a imcnger to Oma ha this morning where she is s;umi(1 inj; the d iv witli frieii'ls. K. S. Tu't one of the rustiin mer i h i t s of Murray was a business visiter in this city hot evening hav ing some matters if business to look after. A. V. N.'V. sh: in of Green wood i l.a'l si'iee bi!.-i:ic"s matters to look fj, 2. Em i CLOTHCRAFT gj Shirts left, sizes 14 t-2, at $l.GO. A-1 i r i I rgl Use For Over PS TiPtf left R M i Ik. - y . CLOTHES well in the ! city. Jacob Iiild from west of Mynard was a visitor in this city last even ing coining in with the family to do tonic trading with the city mer chants. IS. K. HreiohM. M. !.. of Murray was a visitor in this city la -t even ing looking after some business mat ters and returned homo later in the evening. Uert t'okhiestcr of Weeping Water w:.s looking after some busi ness i:i the city today and taking the physical examination before t In local beard. Mrs. John Theirolf came in this morning from her home' near Cedar Creek and is visiting for a short time at the home of her mother Mrs. C. !:. Dasher. Ardie Hehman. Fred Iaud.-ay and Lemuel IJarret. of near I'nion were in this morning, being called to re port for physical examinations be fore the local board. Hmil Walters and Harry Rice with their assistants, departed this morning for Murray, where they are doing some plastering at the hour of Mrs. Joseph Sans of that plate. .1. J. ladtnes and family were in tie city thi morning from Coir home southwest of Mynard. and were transacting some business with the city merchants for a few hours. Kdnard Curtice who has been living near Nehawka. came up la. ( evening and is visiting at Malvern. Iowa, having gone there last even ing to attend the Mills county fair. John. Kill and Stephen iiockwHI of Weeping Water, were in the city this morning, coming for pli!c!l examination, before the local bord being-a part of th last registration. K. C. Colchiuister. drote over teis morning from hi h.nue uoar Kim wood :nd was looking alter joi:i' matters in this city, and wab atleaii ing to some business matters at toe court house. Frederick Wayne Young, and John Gruber were in the rity today from their home near I'nion. and were taking the physical examination be fore the local board, they bei:;g of the recent registration. Herman Kupka and wife and lit n ry Meierjorgen and wife from mar Kin: wood, arrived iti the city this morning, having driven in with Mr Kunka s auto, to look alter somt business at the court house. Joseph Shrader and family from southwest of Murray were in the citv lost evening looking after some business, and doing some trading with the merchants, having driven in with their car and return. -d home later. Henry Snokc who has been in tlx city for the past few days looking after the interests of the county, a one of th" board of county ce:!: ; sioners departed this morning ta the luirlington for his home at Kasle. Karnest Ifutiery who departed f the west with the bunch of !.. few days since, sends hour.-, a card enroute telling of how nice the Kcd Cross, ladies at North Platte, givin tlMt them a feed as well as furnishing m with cards to write to their . friends at homo. j . . (ill. I . ii: . .vi.fiii belli from the other side of Cedar Creek were in the city this morning t!o having been farming together .Mr. Worth coming for physical a- initiation, before the local hoard while Mr. Likewise was in the city lo look alter .some business. .Mrs. Win. .Schneider. Mrs. Waller ! j Schneider. Mrs. Robert Stivers. Mrs. i Mary Schneider; Misses Helen and j Vcrla Schneider of Cedar Creel; and i Miss Kslli'-r N'oyes of Louisville inot ered I'i thi-? ciiy ye terday afternoon for a visit at t!i Red Cro.s Ware house ;iild a short visit Willi llieinle Messrs and Me-djioes L. .!. M;,v- j ('; Id anl Kurl Mayfieh! drove over jlrem their homo at Louisville this morning to wjfh friends and to look ,after soipc busiuevs at I lie co::rt hous-e. Tl)i'v remarked upiui t he gooi! appe;iranee of the corn, when tl.e Jioi winds and excessive hot we iMier u iis f.'I.ep into e ni .irh ra- I'nii 'i'hin .-.ii i vs I at1:.-. A. H. f(-vtt)ii who ha 7. be. p Vi: ii.- 1 '"lg til (his file for s.mni linn, ni.t with relative-.. ietinn"d he! even ing to Cellar Creek. j G. A. R. Hicks of Cullom waj a j visiter iu this city this morning ing down to look after simi" lui:-;i- iie.-. nuring i ne lay. Will Smith of Murray Hi' po-t- master of that city was in tho city J ' nignr, looking jitter some tmsi i liess for a few hours. I A. J. Mox of Kim wood' was a vi-it-i or in this city this morning driving cv-or from his home town to look af ' ter seine business iii h couiily J court. , J. M. Patterson of Union v.a" a visiter in thi city last evening cmiu- ing up to look after some busLiesy j here and to visit for a short time with his folks. . at the court houte us Earl Uerger who has been at Ft. j Riley with the medical reserve corps 1 returned home last evening for a ' short furlough, which he will spend at his heme at Murray. Stanley Maple and Frank Huff man arrived this morning from Weeping Water and will engage with the F.urlingloii. as workmen in the local shops and will make their home here. Thomas Shir w , d ami Frank iiu: I i'i! and ii;u Giy were up from near I'nion this morning, where they are looking after some limine: for tlr day. havi ig driven up with Mr. Ilus- t oil's ear. Mrs. Theodore Paul's of ic:"o:;s t he river v.a a visitor in Om-jha e - terday aitending the and was Mid by Mr. haul's h: U evening here, going fo their home on the ranch the other side of th- Miscnuri. Frank YaMny of Murray and , Tliemas Creinwel! of N'luth Platte. were in the city last evening look- ing after some business, re-ariling ! iM.nie liiiuls, wlii'h they are selling j in the western portion ef t!;e stale, j l.i.r., Cloit.O.r. rwi lllW i If."" jii-ll I ! 'I l! JI'H i ' ' j been visiting in this city for ihejV past few das returned to her home j 1 at Louisville last evening via thej r.urlingten. and was accompanied as far as ()reap:)!i-; 1y St friend. Miss Clara Trilety. P.en Rocker ami wile with II diior.liter Mr . liarnesl all f P.le unlit Id are iiliug at the home of their daughter Mrs. J. F. Ln.g at Murray, and with Mr. ami Mrs. I oiig came to this eily l ei eve a iug to lo lx after sonic bu in':: and to vis.'l with friends as widl. (Jeorge W. Ciow tiover of Svraeo-e v.a; a visitor iu this cit l.u-t even ing looking over tin ground. and grttiiig acquainted with people hev as he eaiidiil.!'.- for the lie'liiiua :in for Represi nt at i ve on ihe republican ticket. contesting .the matter of the nomination with Mr. R. P.. Windham of this city. Mts. A. .1. Hargett win has been snonJinir the summer in the western portion of the stale, at the home of her p.trnts on a farm near Arapa hoe, arrived houu this morning. She tells of rains at Cret:. in copious uuantitie.-. hut the southwestern portions of Ihe slate visited only by light showers, but of much beio-Ht as I bey have regard "d the damage by the excessive heat. Ki-m S.i I n il.i s I'aily. .Mrs. Harvey liarger n; near Ced ar Creek was a visitor iu this city this morning. W:u. Ottcislein was a visitor in this ci'v Jiiis alt'.rnoon from his home near Mynard. M. L. Furlong and Waiter Beyers were visaing in Plattsmout h from their home near old Rock i 'duffs. I. M Patter, tit v. as a visitor in this ciiy la.-t von ing from Fnioii, and relumed heme lasd evening in his car. 1. C. Rlioibn of Murray was a visitor in this i: last evening com ing to look after some business mat ters fur a .hoit lime. IV M. Grave- departed iii alter noen for LaPialte where he is visit ing for a short time with his daugh ter Mrs. Win. Shipley. Karl Rarger ei.ieo up from Murray vest t -relay and departed in the after noon for Ashland where he will visit until over Sunday. Wm. Hit hard,; from Jouth Rend was a visitor 111 this city today look ing after some business; business natters at Ihe court house. Grover Smilh from near Rock Rlulls was a business visitor in Plat I smout It this afternoon, where he has some mailers in the county eea t . Prank Vallery from Murray was transact ing business in Plattsmoulh this afternoon and looking after some, busines.': mailers a the court house. John Pri h from south of Cedar rod whs a business visitor iu this ciiy la.-t evening having sumo busi ness to tramact and later returned to his home. W. 1'. Young and wife from near Murray were passengers to Omaha i hi:-, morning- where they are both looking after some b'isinv:-.s and vhilitig with friend:.. ( harks Meiiey iields and James H-l!esl)"nier 'fn.m near Murray were looking alter some business in Plattsmoulh last evening having Iriven up in Mr. DellesDenier's car. Theodore R. Farmer, departed this morning for Ogallala, where be gnoa to visit for over Sunday and to re turn with the family who have been visiting there for the past two weeks, at the home oT Mrs. Farmer's folks. J. R. c. Gregory a prominent far mer from sooth of Cedar Civek was a v hut or in PlatRunouth this morn ing coming to look after :o'.ne busi ness in Ihe cite and also some mat ters at the court house. Ira Bates of Cedar Creek who 'ins been at. the hospital at Omaha for some weeks, is home again and so 'l . quuK Q 4jmt jL S Y 7r? its i a ' . . n T j j ; 5 I I T1 we will put on sale all of our Summer Dress Goods, consisting of Voiles, Crepes, Organdies, Silk Mixtures, Striped Linens, etc. Also White and Colored Skirt ings. A beautiful line of Waistings, Embroidered Swisses, Embroidered Mulls and Figured and Siriped Voiles. We will also offer at this sale Embroidered Flouncings in 27, 36 and 40 inches wide and a great reduction to close. ! p ' ... A line of Foulard priced $1.69 the yard in Voiles, Organdies, Georgettes and Crepe d' Chine at a big reduction. A special offering in Scrim and Lace Curtains. Some in odd pairs at way below value to close out. Also a line of While Scrim Curtains, lace trimmed, worth up lo $2.00 the pair special at $1.59. PARASOLS! Children's and Ladies Fancy Parasols to close out at a great bargain. 3 ES .tf - w tgr much improved that he was able to come to this city this morning lo look after some business matters. Perry Youngriug. of Yuma. Colo., v. ho has been visiting in this city for some time past the guest at the home of C. it. Frans morning i'o'- his home iu the west, where he is engaged iu farming. Mark White was a visitor in this city this afternoon, and was looking alter some business and was meeting his friend Kdvvard Horan. who is a candidate for nomination of com missioner of tho third district and whose home is in Kaglo. Kdvvard Horan who is candidate from the third district and whose home is in Kagle. was a visitor in this oily this afternoon and was ac companied by his son H rold Doran. .Mr. Horan is a man well iialilied for the position for which lie aspir ed, and is making a good clean can vass for the nomination. (Jeorge Slander anil family depart - ed this noon for Louisville, where they went to attend the funeral of tin mother of Mr. Goo. Slander, who died last Thursday. Mrs. Kli.a Stand er, whose funeral will occur at the Methodist church at L-ouisville this afternoon. The burial being at the cemetery just east of the city. K. R. Chapman, of near Fnioi: who is one. of the members of the school board of one of the rural dis- liiets. vva a business visitor in this eily this morning, having some mat ters to look after at the otlice of the county superintendent ot schools. While, in the city Mr. Chapman, re membered that he was iu need of Ihe Journal and arranged to have (he paper come to his address at I'n ion. J. C. York was down town yes terday with a basket of tomatoes from his war garden, from which he realized a nickle per pound or one dollar and fifty cents per basket. This is the result of his working nights, after having gone home from hi work at the Rurlingtou. and with the added hours. Mr. York lu3 the appearance of being slightly over trained, and should realize tin prices which he is receiving for his produce. MITH K TO rllCIHTHIIS. rim st:ili of NVbrask?. County of Cass. ss. In the Matter of the Kstate of Marg:r ' et Muinm, deceased: In 'on iil foiirl. To the Creditors of said feeeased: Von are hereby notified that 1 will GASTORIA For Infants and Children In Use ForOvcrSO Years Always bears the Signature of naay2 SILKS! Silks, 36 inches wide, worth up all the late patterns. Shirt Vaists! DEYSL PLATTS MOUTH, NEBRASKA - n -m - - - - . w i .-it :il !!. .iii!l- 'nrl !'. in in Plaits- j l: r;ue ! !.i u l; Ii I r. .M;ih!e I'.wm. a triaml nioiitli. in saiil eoinly. on Ilie lirst ilay !aiml:i.-r anl Kaloli .mn,' a uraml- r September. 1 : 1 S. ami on the I'd uayjsoii. who are interested in'saiil pmp 1 ( nil er, PUS, at nine o'clock a. m , lerty aecurdiu to II,,- jiercih nt laws of of each day to receive and examine all j Ihe state of Nebraska, and pi a i n g fr claims awiinst said estl. with a view ii dolertn inn t ion of tlie time of Hie to their udjnst ment and allowance. tO-a tli of said Malilila Kssick. de-eased. The lime limited fur the presentation ! I li names of In r luiis at l;iv ;m.l thi ol" auainst said estate is thrci mun'.lis li'eiii llic first dav f tSetitom- departetl this:'er. a. I .. i:n ami ihe time limited mm iii- iu.eiii ir iiems is si iiionii.s from said lirst day of September. R'IS. Witness my hand and the seal of said 1'oiinty Court, this ::ist la' of .Julv, miv ai.m:x ,j. mkkson. I'oiinty .Indue. Mini i: of iii:kim;. Ill the 4'ollIllV I'olllt of I'asS I'lilllltj rlirMKkx. In th.- Mailer of the Kstale of Ma tilda Kssiek. Oeeeased: To all persons interested in said es tate, Vr. -niters and Heirs at law: Von arc herliv notified that "William I:. i:ssir has tiled his petition In this onit. al!ev:iriK" that Matilda KsSj, k. late of said cotmty. died intestate, in said eonnty, on or jiliont the I'd day o" Seeiein li.r. I'll::, liein a resident ami inhabitant of said enmity acl the own er of the following described real es tate: Lot eleven fill i ft l.loelc three I".'!) ill the village of Mauley, in I'ass comity. Nebraska, and leavinur as her sole and olllv I.IMI'S : I 1:1 W Ilie ft il 1 o vv 1 ii nfiliO'.l J persons, towit: . William ii. l-.ssick, husband. Minnie 1. Coon, ti daughter, Helen I.. Coon, a kam pipit fSrSl ITS A DID YOU EARN THAT MONEY? WELL YOU W0RH ED FOR IT. DIDN'T YOU? WHY CAN'T YOU PUT SOME LITTLE PI F?? OUT IN THE BANK EACH PAY DAY, SO THAT SOME DAY ?x CAN WORK FOR YOU? DAY IT YOU WON'T ALWAYS BE ABLE TO WORK, EVEN IF vnn ARE WELL. THEN IT WILL BE A FINE FEELING TO HAVE JSr MONEY YOU BANKED, WHILE YOU COULD W0R W , , NOW. BANK IT. nunn' WHICH IS WE ADD 3 1-2 PER CENT INTEREST ON SAVIUP COUNTS AND H PER CENT ON TIME CERTIFICATES. COME TO OUR BANK. Farmers State Bank THE NEW BANK. OPEN SATURDAY NIGHTS FPOM 7t00 TO 9:00 lo $2.00 a yard; special Icgrce ol kinship thereof, and the ri.uiit uf il. scent of the real property bin u i n :r to said ill- lent in t he stnt of Nebii.ska. and for ai order barring claims against said estate, an I for s'.nh other and further orders as may be necessary for a uriict disposition f sa id "ma t ter. Said matter has been set for a oitr at the county court i oom in Piatt month, said comity on the jsth dav of August. IViS. at the hour of nine o i- a. :n . at vvliieh tune all per sons interested may appear and con test said petition. l!v the Court. ai.lkx .i. i;i:i;si i.v. County Judye. Haled. .Tut v 27th, 191S. JOHN M. i.i:vie. Attorney for Petitioner. W 9 v m .-. W. A. EOBEFwTSON, I Lawyer. : I- East of Riley Hotel. , Coat os Block, I Second Floor. tVo.'JI.',!-- tVf.i.'J !- 1 i ti: i mm r -i 7 .),.jf7 i- ' '.-if.