n THURSDAY, AUGUST 8. 19 IS- FAGE TWO. PLATTSMOUTfl S EM I-WETLK LT JOURNAL. RECEIVES LETTER D L HOME GUARDS I FRIGE J i &3 13 Famous For Its Marvelous Motor 1 J1U M-,-rm - T -aul-t--n-mK------matmmmm-1mmgmM-tm "' . . i t m ii fc'HANDLER sTxl PLATTSiOUTH i i or xmaiiirs nnn umiaren. It - . I i -: v L " ". V I - - i K i " . i i C I - lt?:h i . ; r. - i- - .- - !: , ' - .1.. rvnit.-i i;rf. nr-r,-i i -" Mothers Knov That Genuine Gastoria Always Bears the iisnature 4)- k J Use 3 ILhJ jn s-or over riiirf Years v. J h r? iv ,1 .i? h Pi l3 ttJH 3 li'-iliS Ki w vow cr-. it vm fill inpy LinMRPQi 1 :; 1 ' - 1"ni I iim t !:- !iai" In-K im- pnukieiit . ami i arc iti;.'hi:i a fim- siio'.vini; n all I i:i .-aii.its v!:vrt' I hey arn calh u up on. I Mr. li t il lu- v as pur (juiti? '2'- , ! ami rdi,'a- Walters i-nlistLvl at " 1Ai. FIRdT SOLD-j f1(, sar!., time coiiii; awav to.ctlu-p. FIT F?0;i 7 LAX T5M0UTH I :. ... .. ' L,.1..., J.- ? L'JSZ HIS LIFZ. .: to Church. Then Af- T!:ry Give Ilor.ors . '.he Cemetery. - I . m s ; A .-un, : .i ,!.;ir;. I ; nrl !.!.. .. I ; ' :i" !! i' .M r.. v. l;cro ii is uprkin;; tin flying iua- ARE GOING TO LIVE IN SOUTH. !.!.( s laily. T. McliDWtll, wUv ami daughter ;-.:--i-d tl-.rru.ua t!iis city tliis , i ' T!i' "i "a ih"ir way t'roiii Dallas. S :';i !i"k. v in ri' tkv Jiavt.' Ix.-rii li;;:: ; r a miniJ''r ( y. ars u;t!iu; ) .'!. ul 'r fury will mako t!-.; ir tn'Mi" ir. ti! fuinrr. Tltv are r;i ', !!!; via a 1'rrd car and say tlii'v arc 'ji'ttiMu :!!:; :r !!ice!v t r r."'.'.a ! !! arri i ... v;--r- lu i'1' Tl-.ry cr.ip!a:n .f the excej- . r'!:iv rt- I '''''.'' w:i:i'r. in i he nor'li and . ;.i-; to !l- lV.lV.Rr--' - ,,kin- a ?,,n,,l-,r v. - .-r.- r. -.' uj'i li-rn j : !:;..;, h.-..;-,t a CARD OF TIIAKXS. I I .,r.i- urann ut at at- iiM! -r;l 1 1 - iliene :.! Tri. !! . v, i ; h :i .t h- V wi.h t; dummI our liartiVIt t'i."'!.F ;r cm" !ifi-hl.( r.-v and friend-. ::..' rv. til- l.'nc'is l.di . i;ra.- 1'onndrv I "ri.il villi n-iii- j i'!id M. V. i'-.'-h'-: v::i ny for I'll- H";n' j t'.: ir neauiiu-.l floral nlf'Tintis and ii nkiri v v.. II in tli--' -;vially do w v.i-h to thank t'ne - ;,: ni:riii iu. :ir.l also Iliue Cuards f-.r tht- Loiior shown ' ' ';,,;,r t'i' h.) ,rs at the mir sen und hrcthir. " f ! i. r ii:- 2;r-.-rii!i of the MICS DOHA 1IKSSK. ' ''iiari-e in their drill- AND FAMILY. ' v ; :.v: vrj . - ' ' v i. ti t A u fM iT, f ;a ? . : Sty's DID YOU EARN THAT MONEY? WELL YOU WORrED FOR IT. DIDN'T YOU? WHY CAN'T YOU PUT SOME LITTLE PIECE OF IT IH THE BANK EACH PAY DAT, SO THAT SOME DAY IT CAN WORK FOR YOU? YOU WON'T ALWAYS DE ADLE TO WORK; EVEN IF YOU ARF WELL. THEN IT WILL BE A FINE FEELING TO HAVE THE MONEY YOU BANKED, WHILE YOU COULD WORK, WHICH IS NOW. BANK IT. WE ADD 31-2 PER CENT INTEREST ON SAVINGS AC COUNTS AND 4 PER CENT ON TIME CERTIFICATES. COME TO OUR BANK. A WELL TRAINED AND PATRIOT IC MILITARY COMPANY ARE TRULY AMERICAN. m armers THE NEW BANK. CPF.N SATURDAY NIGHTS FROM 7:0 TO 0:00 Finm Mi't!ilas l'aily. Y'sterday was a demonstration, at the funeral aud t he -t-peakinp: at the opera house, which tells of the tfood discipline, and the training of the Home Cnards. their reality to their captuin, and to the cause of the country which they are representa tives, in the fact that they notwith standing the excessive warm weatk er. that turned out enmasse,. with the exception of two. one heini; out rf the citv while the other had a job of work on hands which con'.' not e nut otl. in trie 'ieai me hoys marched and with that preci sion of step and certainty of action which denotes the well trained sold ier. The Home (luard of the city of Plattsinouth is a Home C'.uard. be cause he has a patriotic sentiment domination his make up. and because he is putting Americanism ahad of other things. Many have said I would like to be a member of th. Home Guards, but I do not hav time to do the drilling, but the or.e who has gone to the service did not have tune either, he had to "ako a living for himself aud family, but b-. was' taken just the aim The Home Ouards here have other thin::-: to do. they work all da. and then drill in the evening when they would much pr tVr to r-st after their hard days work, hut they have so berP'-d private affairs for the services of the country. We wi.h to congrat ula'e tins citv ia that it has ti:j tine com pany of Home Guards which it possesses, and also the Home Guards in the fact of the clever ami efiicieiit olhcers which thev have. EDDIE RIPPLE WRITES INTER ESTINGLY TO HIS PARENTS FROM THE BATTLE FRONT. LEGAL NOTICE. The State of Xebra-kn. Cass Coun ty, .ss. In the County Court. In the Matter of the Kstate of Gus Split t Sr.. Deceased. To the Creditors of said estate: You are hereby mditied. That I will sit at the County Court Koor.i in riattsiiiouth in sai;l County. n August 12th, IjIS, and November 14th. 1 1 S. at 0 o'clock a. m. each day to receive ami examine all chums against said Kstate. with a view to their adjustment and allowance. The time limited for the presentation of claims against said Kstate is three months from the 12th day of Aug ust A. D. 10 IS. and the time limited for payment of debts is one year from aid 12th day of August, 1!)1S. WITXKSS my hand and the seal of said County Court, thus 12k day cf July. If IS. I Seal) AI.I.KX J. DKKSOX. l."i-4wks County Judge. mm it i: or 'ill I ..! -lrlvii. iii:i:im;. Ik I 1 .V.ili.-r ..f t!..- K.-iu.. ..f M.i- ' : ! ! i I-:--;- ; U. 1 . -;4-. : '" ;-'-: i-it. i-.-st--.! ill ;- "rt .5: t !. :ri. II. its ;it l:iv: v.. i .-. i . it. Ii..lifie.) 1i;it ViIli;im I'. I'-.-i -k !i.i ! i-: i,i'titiii in l!.;- . t. iiM-ii-u tl al M;iti!il.i l-Zsviii. eT eo'uoy. ilii-.l i 1. 1 -1 .1 1 . in - " i:nH mi or mil (in- .htv r :. 1 m .!. 1 h.-i:iir :i : 7 I n t 'an-l ; 11 1 : Ml ! ail liiiintv ari tl-.e mvn ' 'f 1 i loll-iu iiiu: !eseri n-al .--1.1 1 l.f .-lev. ii iii in t.i..ik t!o-e.- :: 1 in !ie villau. !" M;miIv. In C;iss -iiii)tv. Vel.i a U., ami l.-avinu; as l.ir an-l itu'.y heirs at law, the following naniol !e sons, low it : Willi. 011 !:. K.i,u. i,i'sl.aii.I. Minn;. '.. i'imhi. a iaiig!iti-r. Il.l.-u ,. Ciinti. a m:; imIi'i.i arh I .-i . Mai.lf Ckhii, a uraiel- la nj-!i l-r anl ilalj'li '.n. a uraiel soti. tvlio ail- i!it-reste tn siii1 H.;.- tly ; , .-.l ; n u ) tie il .( .l.-nl laws i !' si.ile if Nel.ras'ia. and iiaviii4 l"o a letcirninatiori of tl,. time of tl.e ' f Matil.la Cssii k. .Icfciis.-.!. I... naioi s of In r heirs at law an-l the il.-i-. t ..f kin!ii. I li.r.ol . aiel the 'i-'hl f iloo'iit of n:il iiiHiicriv leloa-iiiir to -ai-1 il.'ivilmt in tin- ta(e f N"l ii'skii. ami for a i oiiler l-arri n 'X 'iao.ss :ojaiie.l sai.l estate, ami for sin li ntlo-r Hiol f i v 1 1 1- Di iU'i s as may iie.e.-sa rv Itir a cmicit il isoos i t ion of xaii matter. .aiit matt'T ha.-i l.en s-t f.o- ;i ..'ar- oir sit tin- 1 my 1. ..hi room in I'latls- a.outli. yail lountv on tin- N 1 1 1l.1v nsiift. tills, at the ,mir if nine a. 111.. at v!;ii-h time all t"'r-!(.-. I may anneal ami eon- 1 esi sa ill pi't i 1 i.iii. f. Ha- '..iirl.. ai.i.::. .1. i:i;i:s -. oillltV Jtlilne. Iv L'Tth. 1!IS. lortN m. u:vi.. Attorney for I V: t i t ion or. Tiic following letter was received this morning from Kddie Hippie who is in France with the Ilainbow division which has just now been having very severe fight iig, but was written near six weeks ago: Somewhere in France. June 2."th. Dear Mother and Father: It has been ;uite a time .-inie 1 wrote you. because I have not had a chance, as we were in the trenches, and one thing and another, so I could not write for a while. It has been most a month since I received any mail, of any kind, but I guess 1 will get bits of mail of all kinds in a day or two, and then I will answer your letter right away. Well mother, I am feeling iine and Karl is also. (Karl Murray). We had quite a time and lots of fun uj.' in the trenches this tune, dodging the big shells ami the bullets. It is lots of fun to watch Mme of the boys duck from the shell and in another way it i- not so funny eith er to think of the dunger one is in. but a Yellow can't help but laugh Muni' l lines. Well we ale liaviHi; tine weather, but gets a little cold at ninhi some times but we can't kick at that. I suppo e I'lnt Ismotit h i building no latelv. I gti"ss the sold iers :: th. Ki!i. Kanco think it is fu:i what thev are doin::. but v.h"ii lh"y get into a real battle it won't be so tin. ay for them. Give my best rcgaru-; to all and .'end me a paper once in a while. I will close and will write in a day or so. 1 am your loving svon. Edward, lots of kisses and hugs. I'VT. KD. Ull'I'LK, Co. I. Ins Inf. A. K. F. AT ZACH0RY TAYLOR. KY. I'roia Mom'ay's Piily. are ni reeeipt oi a coium u n ie i -lion from Lctt r I.. Yronian, who is now :fatiop d ;it X'.in'.;) 'achory Tay lor. Ky.. in whie'u he states that be is feeling line. That he is in hopes of getting to France. That if he is still stationed in the V. S.. will come to Piatt. '-mouth for a short visit with friends and will then go to Dener v. lure he v. ill vi it frie'ids a.nd then relurn to the Camp. lie stales that his address is Pvt. I.e-ter K. Yronian. l-de. Co. It P.P.. A . Ii. I ).. Camp Xa.hory Talor, Ky., and would be pleased to hear from friends. Minn: r 1:1:01 roitv. 'liv I i.llllO, nx. IJst il - of r.allant 'Hif;' of etriikn It: t I M.i t I ! i I 1 i !:.!..--. . I .;!-' I : I i '! i i i . -rs ".f sai.l i'.. tat-: V.ni : ' ' . i .1.-. rr.t ii,. .1 I l.a t I will ; at ;,.- (.only 'out 10.011 in l'latts vii. air. i:i ai.' -or., on Ihe "'.Uh ilay iO Ange-t. af'l "j:1! !i i!av of Xmrlilln'l'. V. I .. Il'lv al ii iii.- n'c l"i k a. td., nl . to li--.e an. I examine all :.i-n:. a:.aiu-t ;-:'i. ..stale. Willi a viW i.i II if a ! i ii.- 1 1 m t ami a 1 1 i a 'i i'i-o trim- li.-i.itil ;".. tin- pies en 1 a I ion .it I'aims :'L-.iint .-.ii'l I'slair is three iinriti..-. linn ti,. .'Iii it.iy of August, . I. t:ls. ;ii,, (: tin.- lirmteil for -.iv m. -ill if oe',t-. one ar f I oi'. -.' el -y.: ' .lav l" A uunsl. 1 ! t 'i;i:..-s i. i.v i:an.l ami tin- s;il of -. i l I'onniv '..i il. tiii ".".Hi ihiv of I -:!.. !:!. ai.i.i:x .1. i:i:i:s( N". I'oiinty .imlge. i. ni irr l'li; ll IIS .tilt orii K. 'llo- Si.-tte of N'.-hrnsl. a , I'ji.j,! foiintv, . In th 'iiiiity I'oinl. In I lie mai-t-r or thi ej-tai,. ,, Nannie CHison. ie- OIISI-il. On rewili,, .irl iiun tli- petiiiori f.f . .1. SlreiKiit i.rayln that AUminis tra'ion of ail iCsU.te mav 1m; yranti-il to lion as Aiiminisli alor Ordt-r-d. That Aunust Ulli A. I . IfllS. at i.'eloi k A. M.. is assiKrie.l for hearmu xjii.l petition .when all t.er.son-, fnterentei In kuM itiHtler mav appear at a t:otjfity t.'ourt to, l. ),mI in ami for fcael County, anil show ratise whv ttie jrayer of petitioner slmtilil not lie rantel; ami that tioti c or the ix ncl rncy of mid petition ml the Imarinu thereof be Riven to all penon.s Inter ested In said matter liy pn hi isl, i rig a ropy of this onler In tlif Ma t tmiion t h Journal. a Semi-weekly newsi.ai.er printetl In k:i I'onntv. rnr ii,r.w, eessive weeks, prior "to sai.l lav of liearinw. Dute.l July 17lh 1 H S. .U.l.l'.V .7 It V l.'Ji .V" J2.'-3kf. ' eiiiini-''riiiJ.i. Wall Pp, Vinw, Glasi, Pictnr -rne Prank Gbltaan. To I'aiiline l )!.!l;ani. as A.lm in ist ra - lli of t!.e . -'.-it.- i. ;.-oi:re J. nlillialii, I ' e.-.i.M il : lie i.ar.l Conway Olilham: Cuz;l .1. p.aki r: b.ieiitia Conn. illy: Pauline ii.il:am: l-'jic (H.lhain: John ''ham: Jessie Ii Snvil.-r: Cllismi 4 Ol.lham: James U". nhlliiiiii: Vi-ra Ii. L"'-am: I'ollv tn.lliam: .Marv I.. Craiir. ni all pels, .us i 1, t .-1 i s 1 1 it til the estalt- "f Jaekson I. Mliam. I i.-o nsnl. in- holiiix rnililors ami elnlmanls. Von are In n.-liv notiliei! that on the Mb .lav of May'l:is. plaititill" tiled a t" tit ion in the I'islriil I'otut of Cass ounty, Ni'I'i a ska. luavinir amoiiir olh- r things for an oiil.-r to he entered hy the eoiirt il i reel i n r tlie mlm i n ra ti l of th,. estate of lii-nrp. J. nlillialii, I'e.-easeil. to i-oi:(.v to plaintiff till Northwest loiart.r of the Northwest u.iiter of Section IhMl.v-oii.' C.'. Township eleven (ll f;air-;o lourti-en (III i '.os Count v, Nebraska, upon the Jiavnii'iit of the balance of the por ch. o- price iii ace orila ncc with the con t r;ut entcriil into between the plaintilf ami I he sahl 'leorue J. ("hl ' r.u, liiuiior his lifetime, on the 1.1th nv of .1 ii ua rv, IH!1-.. ami to have the 'It!.- to s.iiil I. in. I oiiieteil as against the ilee;pta ii t All persons interesteil In ti .state of Jackson C Ohlham, leceris. .1, i ml ml i n creditors ami la. ma n I 'i'oii aie furl!, it t.oti!hil there will tie a lie(iiinr upon said petition at the I'istrict Court lloom III the Court House, at I'latt.si 1 1. 1 1 Cass County, N'ebraska. on the :rii day if Sepleniler MUX. at tie hour or ten o'clock A. M. lo all of which, and tli" allegations of the petition, v,m Mill take due notice. C. A. KAWI.S. I'J.'A.NK J. 1,1 bid K. A.tlorioy. Plaintiff. JjJ-iiuks i S's "1 65 V fgk X$zr f 0, Wfj New CKanciler DispatcK T'lIOUSA.'DS of men and women thoughout America have declared tlic Chandler Dispatch Car is the most beatiful new model that the motor cur industry has produced this year. As many as could get their orders filled have purchased the Chandler Dispatch. You may see this car now from coast to coast. And you cannot mis take it, for there is no other car of the new four-passener type vi(h such graceful lines suggestive of speed and sen ice, no other with such beauty of finish. No illustration can do more than give a hint of the beauty of the Chandler Dispatch. High hood and radiator, low body lines and a strik ing finish in electric blue, 32-inch wheels and top of special design combine to distinguish, in appearance, this car among all others. And the famous Chandler motor, now in its sixth year of production without radical changes but with constant refinement throughout that period, distinguishes this and all other Chandler models in a vital mechanical way. Come Choose Your Chandler Now SIX SPLENDID BODY TYPES Scx cti- ."ti.ssi tigi r Inuring Car. $1 795 Four-Pcissvtifzcr Rnudster. 57V. Four-Passenger Dispatch Car, S1S7S; Five White Wire Wheels. SI IO F-xtra Convertible Sedan. $24J5 Convertible Cotipc. S2395 Limousine. S30V5 A II price j f v. b. Cleveland JOHN F. CORDER Plattsmouth, Nebraska CHANDLER MOTOR CAR COMPANY, CLEVELAND, OHIO JJ I . ,1. . -cs-oi s in title have had ai'te.i!. pell, exclusive ami adverse possess i :i of said leal e-tate for iinoo than c n -n rs last pa.t. Vou are iciji'ii.'d to answer .iid pc ition on or h fore the lt'.th iliiv of M-plcin tier, 1!UV I'aled this :;ist dav of Juiv. l: I V n a i : i ; v c. tiii. Plain till". '.y 1 . O. lVVi:i:. His Attorney. l.ct;i. mii h i:. Notice to t.oi, Kcsi.lcul I 'efeu.la n t s, their unknown heirs, devisees, legatees, personal t epi fscn t a t i vev and all other ,n rsons interesteil in their estate. To l.avid Stotler. if livlnvr, if deceas ed, his unknown heirs, devisees, ''.alecs, personal rt present a t i es arid all other person.--- interested in his cs-l.il.-: C-eortri SinMcr. N.-ttie Stotler. Waiter St.. tit r. Illld Wayaul, Clarence Wavant. Mary 1'ope ami Joseiii Pope. Veil ami each of on are hci-eliy noti lied that (.'ari'v 1.. Stotler. as plain tiff, on the PUh .lay of July tiled his petition in the I istrtt t Court of ("as Countv, Nebraska, wherein vou and earn of yon are defendants: t he d'.iect ami prayer of which petition is for the partition of The Kast thirty-live f"r. acres of the Northeast (Quarter of the South east t.Miarter of Section nineteen ( P. ) Town-diip ten i 1 ii i Huns1' fourteen i 111 Kast '.th P. M. Cass County, Ne braska. ami the ad.iustinvr of the claim of plaintiff for improvements by him placed upon said premise. Yon and each of v ou are 1 m l her not i lied tt'.i are reosiired to answer aid petition on or bclore Monday the iTtrd day of September. 1 I CAKKY I. ST(iTl,i:i:. C. A. CAWI.S. Plaint ill. A 1 1 orney. DIED IN CALIFORNIA. KEEP OUT OF SUMMER TROUBLES! From Monday s Pally. Mr. T. Frank Johnson for many years a resident of Piat tmouth. Neb., parsed away suddenly at :i A. M. Sunday. July 2Sth at his home at 1,".25 7th St., Santa Monico, Calif. Mr. Johnson retired as usual about 10 o'clock Saturday night and his wife calling to him at : A. M. found he had passed away and ap parently had been dead several hours. Mr. Johnson had been a resident of Santa Monica, for eight years, was a builder and known to a host of friends as a good earnest, honest and lovable gentleman. He was a native of Ohio and has ono brother J. Fin ley Johnson in !.os Angeles. Calif., and one sister, Mrs. Hattie Corhin in Xelsonville, Ohio. He leaves a faithful wife to mourn his sudden death. The funeral was hclU at 2 1 Tuesday, July 30th. M., to show cause, if any there be, why the prayer of the petitioner should not be granted, and that no tice of the pendency of said petition and the hearing thereof be given to all persons interested in said matter by publishing a copy of this order in the Plattsmouth Journal, a semi weekly newspaper printed in said county, for one week prior to said day of hearing. In Witness Whereof, I have here unto set my hand and the Seal of said Court, this nth day of August A. D. 191S. ALLEN J. BKKSOX, (Seal) County Judge. 13y Florence White, Clerk. EDD PARRI0TT IMPROVING. M. LEGAL NOTICE. t. mit:ci:. .100:1 1 oini. 1 nil" I 0M11, r-usie uintrs- 'ev. .Ian -f. W. Kiiurslay, Catena O'lr-.'i-:cr, Wn. A. Cnylizcr, Victor Thom as, I'iaria Tho;aav, Xelhi Kast mai, John K.tstman. Sylvia Hoofer, ni! I.invii !,(" llocfer, defendants, 'ill take notice that on the :ilst dav of July. IMlv, Harry :. Todd plain tiff, herein, tiled his petition in the Jis trict court of Cass county, Nebraska, .nvnlnsf. said defendants nitd others, the object ami pi aver oT which ttre to oiil-t lie title in the plaintiff to the smilhwi'st (.Hunter. S W 1-1) of the Joiitlieasl (Quarter (S!0 l-t of See loti Tiirtv run. Township Ten (P). ?ane- !'nirteen (III. ifi Cass Count v '.!. aska. n thi- yrou nds that said r.-ej of land was eri'on eous I v limit 'il from a deed thereon by Ievl ( ;. Tuiiil, sr., lo h.s wire. I rtia Todd, of date of July .'tli, 1 90.. and recorded in book 4.". nn ire 12. and al- tiO for the reason that plaintiff and hts Through the hot summer days it is a great task to keep out of stom ach troubles. Hut if you will keep your bowels open and disinfected by the help of Triner's American Elixir of Hitter Wine, you will feel comfortable and will not suffer harm even in very hot weather. Triner's American Elixir cleans the bowel.- without griping and keeps them clan, it is also very palatable and does not hurt the most sensitive stomach. Vou will not suffer from constipation, indigestion, headaches. nervousness, depression, etc. and will enjoy the summer season in comfort and gaiety. Trice $1.10." At drug stores. Triner's Liniment is very popular, because its action is speedy and certain. It is the best remedy for rheumatism, neuralgia, lumbago, sprains, ' swellings, sore muscles an dtlred feet. Price '.Tc and G5c nt drug stores. Hy mall 45c and 73c. Joseph Triner Com pany, 133-1334 S. Ashland Ave., Chicago, 111. N'ever can tell when you'll mash a ringer or suffer a cut. bruise, burn or scald. Ue prepared. Thousands rely on Dr. Thomas' Eclectic Oil. Your druggist sells it. COc and 60c. lu the County Court of Cass Coun ty. Nebraska. State of Nebraska, Cass County, ss. To all persons interested in the estate of Calvin II. Parmele, de ceased : On Heading the Petition of Charles C. Parmele, Samuel II. Atwood and Thomas E. Parmele praying a final settlement and allowance of their accouut filed, in this Court on the 5th day of August 19 IS, and for finding of heirship and only heirs at law. It is hereby ordered that you and all persons interested in said mat ter may. and do, appear at t li : County. Court to be held in an-l for said County, on the 12th day of i Chas Fetzer, of Louisville, was in the city Saturday afternoon and eve ning visiting with his brother, Jos. Fetzer. of The Fetzer Shoe Co. Frank Moore, from east of Murray, was in the city for a few hours last Friday afternoon, and was a pleas ant caller at. the Journal office. He informed us that he was going down to Peru Saturday for a visit with his old friend, Ed Parriotf, who has been so ill for the past few weeks. On Saturday evening from Mrs. Will Kainey, Mr. Parriott's sister, we learn that Mr. Parriott has been improv ing during the past few days, and is reported as feeling almost as well as usual, which will be good news to his many Plattsmouth and Cass county friends. W. A. ROBERTSON, Lawyer. .r. East of Uiley Hotel. -, Coates Block, Second Floor. Vugust A. D. 191S, at 10 o'clock A. ! DrsZ Mach & IVJach, The Dentists 0 B Bi2v1 1 larSest ana Desl equipped dental offices in Omaha xVSMR Experts in charge of all work. Lady attendant. Mod ffS rMWA crate Prices. Porcelain filling ;.. l.b- t . - - - o- j luuui. instru ments carefully sterilized alter using. r. . .1 .an us- ur THM0 FLOOR, PAXTOM BLOCK, CHAHA o)n0 ssr Fistula-Pay When' Cured p II I nLl VC? A mild ttem of treatment that curt Pii.. T . 3 U U NSSrSy fiical operation. Nn r.hlo,fJ i-.Vw,lllout a 8evere anr. for treatment, and no money to be paid o? I &-itEZ& j .ep" and testimonlaU of mote than 1000 prominent people who u4?2JrMe "itharaeS DR. E. R. TARRY 240 Bee Bulldln- SIS S. ?i ' i I . V. 1 I i X V i-