The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, August 01, 1918, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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    5.5 v
TTTtnflt4V AUGUST 1, mg:
PAUE 811
Showing The Different Classes, And
The Number of Each Class
With Letters
Herewith we are Riving the classi
fication of the registrants who reg
istered at the last day June 5th, of
the hundred and twenty who reg
istered, there are seventy-five who
were placed In class one. and who
not counting the letter are nearly
cf the same standing. The names
are arranged in alphabetical order
and with the register number and
order with tho address and classifi
cation which makes all easy to find,
and tells just where they are. Of
the number there are eighteen who
were placed in class two by the lo
cal board, and kept there and two
more who were placed in class 2.
but were changed to class by the
district board, ten who were placed
in class three, and the two from
class two, which were brought to
this class. Four were placed in class
4, and two in class five, while there
were seven which have not revived
any classification as yet. The fol
lowing is the complete list:
- S8-
- yo--117-
- 49-
- 1P.-
- 31-
- 62-
- 70-
- sr-
- ns-
- !f-
- 10-
- 21-
- r7-
- fi-
- 14-
- 2;-
- ..4-
- r.o-
- M-
- S9-
- S0-103-
- 19-
- 4::-
- 2S-
- 29-4.1-
- 94--10S-
- 92-40-10-S2-49
4 -
G0 8
-Hassler, Maynard. Eagle. 1-1.
-Hayward. Lloyd. B., Nehawka, 1-1.
-Heebner, Clarence 11., Nehawka, 1-A.
-Jorgensen. John, Avoca, 1-1.
-Kunz, Ralph C, Elmwood, 3-.I.
-Kunz, Robert Geo.. Elm wood, 2-J.
-Kazmark, Anthony V., Elmwood, 1-J.
-Kupke, Christ. August, Murdock, 1-1.
-Kaufman. John W., Plat turnout h. 3-.I.
-Kennedy, Clyde R-. Murray, 1-A.
-Kehne, Fritz, Plattsmouth. 1-1.
-Lanning. Mcrl V., Eagle, 1-X.
-Lock wood, Monroe J., Plattsmouth
-Lapham, Ralph, Greenwood, 1-1.
-Livingston. John B., Plattsmouth,
-Lindsav. diaries P., Union, 2-B 4-C.
-Lewis. Wm. Glen., Murdock, 2-B 4-C.
-Miller, Peter Hansen, Weeping Water.
-Murphy. Joseph, Weeping Water. 2-C.
-Marshall. Frank T., Plattsmouth, 1-A.
-MitzlalY. Adolph A. II.. Elmwood. 1-1.
-Miller, Denner L Alvo.. 2-C.
-Meierjurgen. Jonas C, Murdock, 1-1.
-Meisinger, Edward Geo.. Mynard, 1-1.
-Mills, James F., Murdock; 3-J.
-McMaken, Ray C, Plattsmouth, 1-A.
W., Weeping Water.
G.. Plattsmouth. 2-J.
Plattsmouth. 1-1.
R., Greenwood, 1-1.
- 1.1-
- 20-
- 12-
- IS
. - 41-46-
- 51-
- S2-
- 96--104--115-
- 16-
- 66-
- 66-
- 7S-
- 92--1
0 fi
ll. !-
- 35-
- 40-
- 42-
- .1.1
- 67-
- S0-
- S7-
- 91-
- 93--102-
- 4-
2-A 2-C
- 61-
- 71-112-
- 9-
- 30-
- 76-
- Sl-
- 11-
- 27-
- .19-
Name Address
-Akoson. Clarence M.. Weeping Water. 2-B 2-J.
-Albin. Pirl. Union. 1-1.
Baker. Samuel J., Weeping Water. 1-1.
Blotzer. John Edward. Plattf mouth. 3-J.
Borden. Ray Wallace. Greenwood. 1-J.
Barriett. John L.. Union. 1-A.
Bornemeier. Alwin Otto. Murdock. 2-C.
Brown. William Lloyd. Elmwood. 1-X.
Brunner. George Dick. Avoca. 1-1.
Buttery Elwood M.. Plattsmouth. 1-X.
Bintner. Leo Albert. Plattsmouh. 2-C.
Becker. Earl Philip. Plattsmouth. 1-1.
Bockelman. Adolph L.. Murdock. 1-A.
Bills. John Curtis. Weeping Water. 1-1.
Canaday, Claude Henry. Weeping Water.
-Clements. Lerov D.. Elmwood. 1-A.
ChaDman. Albert. M.. Wabash.
Cole. Jess James. Plattsmouth.
Chidester, Paul. Elmwood. 1-1.
Carr, Marvin A.. Eagle. 3-J.
Christensen. Louis A.. Weeping Water, 1-A.
-Dixon. Woodie A.. Xehawka, 2-A 2-C.
Bowler. Oscar Emerson, Weeping Water. 2-C
Day. .Seward P., Weeping Water. 3-J.
-Bankleff. John H.. Jr.. Avoca. 2-C.
Domingo, Frank J., Weeping Water, 1-A.
Diekmann. William F., Eagle. 1-A.
Denham. Raymond D.. Plattsmouth, 2-D.
DelesDernier, Lloyd. Elmwood. .1-G.
Droege, Carl J., Plattsmouth. 1-A.
-Dowd. Edward Jos.. Greenwood.
Elliott. John B.. Elmwood. 1-1.
Ebersole. David K.. Plattsmouth.
Everett. John Wm., Union, 1-1.
ar... Carl I!rvan. Union. 2-C.
KYadv .Tolin Kftwin. Pla t tsmoilt ll.
Fitzpatrick. Arthur K.. Weeping Water.
-I-leiscuman, Henry A.. Llinvcod. l-l.
Farmer. Harrv T.. South Beini. 2-C.
F'ulirer. Calvin A.. Weeping Water,
Fahrlander. Edwin H., Union, 1-1.
Gruber. John. Union.
Green. Silas A.. Louisville, 2-X 2-C.
Galloway, Ernest R.. Union. 2-X 2-C.
Gordon.- Leighton. Greenwood, l-I.
Hite. Lewis F.. ilurdock, 1-A.
Hull. Arthur. F., Union. 4-A.
Helms. Clay, Greenwool. 1-A.
Hutchinson, Vern B., Plattsmouth, l-I.
-McDonald. George
-Xolting. Frederick
-Noble, Everett J.,
-Newsham, George
-Onfer, John, Alvo,
-Peterson. Oscar. Cedar Creek, 2-J.
-Parker, Noah Wm., Louisville. 1-1.
-Philpot, Llody E.. Weeping Water, 1-A.
-Pohlmann, William, Omaha, 1-A.
-Pullen, Gussie, Murray. 4-A 2-C.
Rutledge. Glenn Alvin. Union. 1-A.
-Roman, Henry R., Plattsmouth, 1-A.
72 .12 Rover. Pearl. W.. Elmwood. 3-J.
27 69 Rockwell. Stephen T.. Weeping Water.
17 72 Hummel, John Wm., Plattsmouth, 2-C.
53 S3 Ruhmann, Ardon H., Union, l-I.
S7 103 Reichart, Marion R., Louisville. 1-A.
69 7 Schleifert. Elmer II. E.. Wabash. 5-G.
100 22 Stander, Paul George, Greenwood l-I
74 24 Smith. Ernest. Plattsmouth, 1-A.
.11 2.1 Stubbs. Orville Everet, Greenwood, 2-C.
SO 36 Schleifert. Arnold E. W.. Manley, 4-C.
4 6 39 Sabatka. Walter T.. Plattsmouth. 1-A.
105- 4 7 Sheard. John Wm.. Nehawka,
21 63 Shrader. George A., Nehawka. 4-A 2-J.
12' 97 Stewart, Vernan, Greenwood. 1-A.
91 110 Slireve. James E.. Elmwood, 1-A.
S5 lie Steward, Wm. Edward, Weeping Water, 1-A.
119 118 Sheldon. Geo. L., jr.. Nehawka. 1-A.
4S- 119 Sturm. Ralph M., Big Wells. Texas,
CI 120 Scott. Morton G., Wahoo. Neb., 1-A.
L4 32 Tyson. Roland W.. Elmwood. 1-A.
SS 79 Terryberry, Jesse E.. Cedar Creek, l-I.
45 114 Taylor, Joseph A., Wabash. 1-A.
71 1 Wendt, Leonard A., Louisville. l-I.
115 5 Ward. William O.. Weeping Water, l-I.
42 .14 Weisheidt. Fred George. Elmwood, 4-C.
30 .16 Winkler. Edward P., Elmwood, l-I.
52 5S Warthen. Percy A.. Plattsmouth, 1-A.
107 60 Wunderlich. Lester F., Nehawka, 2-C.
15 65 Whiteman. Glen Leslie, Nehawka. l-I.
4 74 Wilson. David B.. Plattsmouth 2-B 3-J.
103 95 Weber. John Francis. Plattsmouth, 1-A.
103 75 Wall, William V., Elmwood. l-I.
54 4 4 Young, Frederick W., Union, l-I.
From Wednesda j-'s Daily.
Samuel Gilmore is doing his
threshing today at the farm home
south of this city.
Mrs. George Wegener, of near Mur
ray, was a visitor in the city this
morning, looking after some trading
in the city.
Ben Dill from southwest of Mur
ray was a visitor in this city last
evening looking after some business
for a short time.
Chas. Hennings, from near Cedar
Creek, was a visitor in the city this
morning coming to look after some
business for the day.
W. O. Gillespie and wife, of Mur
dock, were in the city this morning
looking alter some business matters.
James Newton Gunn says:
" War is now the normal
business of the world"
We are obliged to
readjust ourselves to
the new conditions. The
things we used to con
sider necessary we now glad-
ly give up in order to win the war. One thing we
have always been able to get is all wool clothing, and
this is one thing we must make up our mind to go
without in the very near future. We are not going
to complain we're going to wear substitutes with
the same grace that we now "eat substitutes," how
ever thegre is one way to postpone this time and that
is by buying an all wool suit now before they are all
gone. Every day lessens your chance to get these
suits, as many thrifty buyers are in the market just
now. You will avoid disappointment by prompt ac
tion. Make your selection today.
1 - Irk IdPflift
a -1 m it
C. E. Wescott's Sons
driving from their home in Murdoc':
ia their-car and returning this afte--ncon.
Clarence Sutton of LaPlatte was
a business visitor in this city to
day coming to transact some mat
ters with the city merchants.
Carl Christensen from near Weep
ing Water was a visitor in this city
ljst evening having some business
to look after at the court house.
L. C. W. Murray of Weeping
Water was a visitor in this city this
afternoon coming to visit with
friends and to look after fome busi
ness. Jesse Pell and family from near
Union were in the city yesterday af
ternoon coming up in their car to do
some shopping with the Plattsmouth
W. F. Pickering was a visitor in
the city from near Union last even
ing looking after some business in
the cit5' and also attending to some
matters at the court house.
Paul Rover and Anthony Kens
mark, both of Elmwood, were in the
city yesterday coming to look after
some matters touching their regis
tration with the local board.
Ii. F. Collister was in the city
last evening from his home in Weep
ing Water coming to look after soms
business in the city and to see to
some matters at the court house.
E. B. Taylor was a business vis
itor in the city this morning from
near Weeping Water, and returned
home with one of the Fordson Trac
tors and Oliver Gang Plows, bought
through the T. II. Pollock agency,
of this city.
T. L. Davis, the hustling realtor,
of Weeping Water, was in Platts
mouth for a few hours today, and
while here called upon the Journal
man, leaving the price of the paper
to be sent to his address for one
year, for which he has our thanks.
C. G. Bailey and son Earl, from
near Elmwood, were in the city to
day coming over to take one of the
Fordson Tractors home with them,
with an Oliver gang plow attachment
with which they expect to do a great
portion of their breaking of ground
in the future.
Harry Williams, of Elmwood, and
Wm. Stubenerger and son Harry,
from south of Elmwood, near Una
dilla. were in the city this morning
looking after some matters of busi
ness, coming in the see when the
"booze cars" in the hands of the
county authorities are to be disposed
of, with a view of buying one of
The Bennett brothers departed
this afternoon for Clarks, South Da
kota, where they will engage in the
harvesting of the crops up that way.
The harvesting has just begun in
that section and will continue there
and a little north util winter comes,
and the threshing will last until af
ter the snow flies. (
J. W. Pitman and E. R. Galloway,
both from near Union, were in the
O r A ' 5V ' 1 ' t
; 3 J I
J crpn rp n crp n n
F ii i n - li iin i inini mm m i -'.f.U f
Demonstrations everywhere are convincing the farmers that
Demonstrations everywhere are convincing the farmers that
the Fordson Tractor is the practical Tractor for the average
farmer. We have just delivered seven in Cass county.
If you have not already seen The Fordson at work, go and see
your neighbor's and be convinced.
Delivered price for Fordson and Plows $1065.00.
Orders will be filled in the order in which they are received
by us. Telephone orders in, at our expense. Don't delay.
Tel. No. 1 Plattsmouth, Neb.
city yesterday coming to look after
some business in the city and hav
ing some matters with the county
attorney. Mr. Pitman said that he
had crosser the Missouri river at
this place, the 29th of May 1S59.
and had a half barrel of pork, a
wife and one child and two dollars
and had fifty cents left. He had to
pay $2 per bushel fo r corn, and
while everything did not look
the brightest, but he went to work,
and stayed in Nebraska City for
some time and went to farming, and
he said that he would not now take
$100,000.00 for his holdings in this
county. This looks like doing
pretty well.
From Tuesday's Dally.
John Yardley from southwest of
Old Rock Bluffs was looking after
some business in the city last even
ing. Mrs. Robert Jordan who has been
visiting in Plattsmouth for a short
time returned last evening to her
home at Cedar Creek.
Mrs. Arthur Dean and children
who have been visiting in Louis
ville for the past three or four days
returned home this morning.
Frank Schlistemeier from near
Nehawka was a visitor in the city
last night and was transacting some
business here with the merchants.
Charles Creamer of south of RocTc
Bluffs was a visitor in Plattsmouth
last evening, having some matters
to look after with the city merchants.
Mr. Kenneth Warren of LaPlatte
was a visitor in this city this morn
ing looking after some business for
the day and returned home this
M. L. Furlong was a visitor in
the city this afternoon from his
home at Rock Bluffs, and was look
ing after some business for a short
Miss Ethel Sutton of LaPlatte
was a visitor in this city this morn
ing for a few hours looking after
some shopping at the business
house here.
Wm. Atkinson and wife with
their son were in this morning from
near Elmwood, and were looking af
ter some business matters in the
county seat.
Solomon Long who has been mak
ing his home with his son John Long
near LaPlatte came in last evening
and is visiting with friends here for
a short time.
Mrs. R. H. Newell and little son
who have been visiting in this city i
with both the parents families, since
last week, departed for her home at
South Beud last evening.
Glen Boedeker of the Murray
State bank was in the city last even
ing and was looking after some busi
ness for a few hours here, having
driven up in his car last evening.
Wm. Teegarden and wife with
other members of the family were
in the city this morning from near
Louisville and were transacting
some business at the court house.
Hiram Sheldon departed this af
ternoon for Verdon, S. D., where he
goes to engage in harvest, and will
remain for the threshing which
will immediately follow the gather
ing of the grain.
Herman Hough, the rural carrier
for the route running south of this
city, is taking his vacation, and will
be relieved by Jesse P. Perry, during
the fifteen days which Mr. Hough is
entitled to be off.
S. P. St. John of Nehawka, the
affable miller of that thriving vil
lage was a business visitor in this
city last evening bringing a truck
load of feed and flour to this city for
the store of A. G. Bach.
Col. Huston of LaPlatte was a
visitor in this city this afternoon
coming over on the noon train and
returning on the early afternoon
train after having looked after some
business matters in the city.
Glen Boedeker of Murray was a
visitor in this city last evening, hav
ing business matters to look after
with a number of people and after
having concluded which he return
ed with his car to his home.
R. M. Wiles from south of the
city was in town this morning and
while here thought that it would
make it better keeping house to have
the Journal make their home a visit
regularly, and so made arrangements
to do that.
Mrs. J. L. Thompson who has been
so sick at the home at Oreapolis, is
reported as being slightly improved.
Her son Ray Thompson who is em
ployed on the farm of Mr. Gensemeir
northwest of Murray was up to visit
his mother yesterday.
In county court today on petition
of the heirs of the estate of Mrs.
Helena Meyers, deceased, there was
appointed Wm. J. Lau of Manley,
administrator of the estate. C. E.
Tefft, appears for the estate, which
is from near Weeping Water. Many
of the heirs of the estate were in
the city, and attending the allowing
of the estate to probate.
There will be a great competitive
tractor demonstration, given at the
Feter Spangler farm, one mile east
and one mile north of Weeping water,
on next Wednesday, August 7th..
The big show will start at the Spang
ler place promptly at 2:00 o'clock,
and will continue all the afternoon
and will be the greatest sight and
lessons of experience in the tractor
line ever given in this county, and it
may be some time before the farmers
will witness its equal again. There
will be many tractors on the ground
to demonstrate their greatest fea
tures and their wonderful advant
ages to the farmer of today. There
will be the G. M. C, Waterloo, Mo
line, Huber, International, Avery, J.
I. Case and the Fordson, making a
total of eight tractors on the ground.
This demonstration is given under
direction of County Agent Snipes,
and there will be the best tractor
men and demonstrators in the busi
ness on the ground at this meeting,
and will sure be an interesting and
instructive gathering for the farm
ers of Cass county. You are cordial
ly invited to bring all you friends
and come.
.Tol'n Todd TilM Toili, Susie Klnsrs-
lizer, Wm. A. CoKTlizer, Victor Thom
as. Jiana Thomas, lla lOast
m an. John Kastman. Sylvia IloefVr,
ap'l Lawienre Hoefer, defendants,
will take notice that on the 31st
day of July, Harry G. Todd plain
tiff, herein, filed his petition in the dis
trict court of Cass county, Nebraska
against said defendants and others'
the oli.iect am! prayer of which ate to
rjuiet the title in the plaintiff, to the
Southwest Quarter, (SV 1-4) of the
Southeast Quarter (SIC J-4) of Sec
tion Thirty (30), Township Ten (loi
Kanj?e Fourteen (14), Jn Cass Count v
Nebraska, on the grounds that said
tract of land was erroneously omit
ted from a deed thereon liy Levi
Cr. Todd, sr., to his wife Lvdia
Todd, of date of July 26th, 1905. and
recorded in book 45. papre 127. and al
so for the reason that plaintiff and his
predecessors in titl hve had not..-i
open, exclusive and adverse possess
ion of said real estate for more than
ten years last past.
You are rennlreH t n n ..-
tftfnn rr i... I ..... . . .....
u, uciuie ine let 1 (lav
September. 191R. '
Dated this 31st dav of Julv. I9is
Hy D. O. mVYRB. His Attorney.
Will Hild and -ife who have
been here for some tim raCf
ins with friends and relatives, and
having been at a hosnitni o o
lia, receiving treatment for an in
jury wuicn ne received some time
since by a horse, departed this
morning for their home near Brady