The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, August 01, 1918, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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    v. -
y Dep
Prepared in the Interest of the People of Murray and Surrounding Vicinity Especially for the Journal Readers
If any of the readers of the
Journal know of any social
event or item of interest in
this vicinity, and will mail
same to this office. it will ap
pear under this heading-. We
want all news Items Editor
I a.
2Mlin O 3vT
.Are You
Prosperous ?
Are you riding on a pros
perity wave? If you are, lay
aside some of your pro fits now.
Deposit your surplus cash in
There have been thousands
of new bank accounts opened in
the oast six months. '
Are you one of the new de
positors? See us toaay about your
banking. Well be only too
glad to explain our methods.
Four per cent interest on time deposits.
Our deposits are protected by the State Guaranty Law.
Al'mri Yoimu was visiting 'with
Phnsmnitk tri.-n;!. lar Saturday.
ir. GilmorM was looking after some
ie::Mer- of huir.ess in the county
tvil J;i: t Saturday wninir.
-i.:y!;.:i Risencrans ami wife, of
sit. (int h.. w rt' in attendance at
ih in .Murray last Wednesday
'V nintr.
-Mrs. J- Sans was numbered with
tlii- tick i'r ;i few days last wi-ck.
1 in i;as been gainiiig for the past
1. "v days.
PliiiiT) l'rtd l.ufy. and Joe
JVil ni: 1 families s-per.f the day last
Sunday in .Murray, quests at the
home of Mr. and .Mrs. Fred Hild.
.Mrs. u.a l.awton cam- down from
I.imoin last Saturday evening and
u'.kI Monday she was called to the
home of of Gecre Shrader to accept
a position as nurse.
Mr. and Mrs. C. .M. Minford and
?.'i.-s Ou'.a and Miss Clara Young and
John Farris and family visited at
J-ak Manawa las! Sunday. Needless
to say tliey had a line time.
F.veiyn. K".gv:'.e and Aldrin Moor.i
v.-i!t m .Mary ville, .Mo., last week
wlii-n- ih'-y will t-pend some time
vi-it in:; i' h their
father ;nd mother of
.Mrs. K. S. Tutt was numbered with
the sick for a few days the past
Dr. D. F. Iirendel and W. I.
Wheeler went out to Kearney
Monday evening to attend the Demo
crat State Convention, as dele
gates from Kock li luffs precinct.
Marie and Kster Puis departed on
Wednesday morning of this week
for Coleridge, Neb., where they will
make a few weeks visit with their
grandparents, the parents of Mrs.
W. II. I'nls.
The letter published in these col
umns last week from Ralph Kennedy
should have been reported from
("has. Kennedy. These little errors
will get into th columns of a news
paper in fpite of all that we can do.
Tit is was; an error on the part of the
publisher, and no one else.
Dr. Milmore and Mrs. Cilmore and
daughter and little son, departed on
Tuesday morning for Chase and Per
kins counties, where they have some
land and crop interests to look af
ter. The trip was made via the auto
route, and they expect to be gone
about a week or ten days. The trip
grandparents. ; will be. a very enjoyable one for the
Mrs. Moore. Mitir family. Dr. Ross came down
Ijonu fame home
Saturday and re
vlio has be-n re
at the hospital in
weeks, as
Ml--; iTtrude
fnn: ( .:ah:i list
ports her mother,
fi-iviim t ratni'-nt
that fi'y for the past fnv
improving at this time.
Mrs. (Jeur;-'" Ha:..--en, from near
Xeha v. 1-. a. and who- has been so ill
for tin past' few iMoiiths suffering
and recovering from an attack of
pneumonia, was jn Murray Tuesday
visiting at the Lome of Mr. and Mrs.
Fp"! iiiid. Sh- is still very wealr
ff .fi t f Jr-ng illness, but is gaining
stre-.-gt'i slowly, which is the best
of r.ews to hrT many friends and
rela t i vs.
from I'latts'iiouth Tuesday piorning
to look alter his practice during the
Dr.'s absence.
W. S. Smith has just completed
o.e of the finest garages in Murray,
for his own private use. The little
home for his car is built of concrete
blocks, and has all modern conven
iences of an up-to-date city garage.
Fleet ric lights where they are need
ed, and every other modern conven
ience. He has also made some de
cided improvements about his home
in the way of new porches both in
front and the refr of the house, that
add greatly to the appearance and
comfort of the home.
How uch Oe 1 Pay?
That question may be one which you are tr) ing to
soK e. Maybe you haven't figured what it takes in a year's
buying to feed you and your family. If you will figure
you will find you pay a few hundred dollars, and pay no
attention to how much you pay when you say charge it.
Just a few items below show what a saving can be made
in a cash way:
No. .'; To ma oe. ih'immii.
No. 'J ' " " " .
No. 1 " " " .
Feas, " " .
IT l-L'c
I' J l-2e
'." 17 l- Je
1 led Kidney IJeaua. per can
Hominy. " "
I'umpkin. i4 "
Kraut. "
lo-t Toast ie-., package
K rumbles.
Kiiin-.. l.ri o Sf-ii!--
Iiet ii(ie I'rabtrry ofi"ee, per ound.
1 tio Codec, per pound
Fii.k JSal inon. ta II, per can
Fed " '
Get out your pencil and figure the year s buying. You
make big interest paying as you go.
. IV
... 2.'e
IT 1-Je
I lie
1 ."e
Hiatt .
Gussie Fullen is driving a new
Dort car this week.
Chas. Moore's little girl has been
sick for the past few days.
W. G. Boedeker and Fd. Shoe
maker were Plattsmouth visitors last
Monday evening.
John Yarley was looking' after
matters of business in the county
seat Monday of this week.
Lee Nickels was looking after a
few matters of business in the coun
ty seat Tuesday afternoon.
The little baby of Mr.
Dave Eaton, down near Union, has
been sick for the past few days.
Uncle Ben Beckman. who has been
numbered with the sick for the past
two weeks, is improving slowly.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Walter
Meade, a baby boy, on July 27th.
Both mother and little one are doing
The lttle baby of Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Katon, near Union, has been
numbered with the sick for the past
few days.
Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Hiatt and lit
tle daughter, Alice Louise, and Mrs.
Mose Hiatt took dinner Tuesday at
the home of Dr. and Mrs. Jake Bren
dle. Mr. and Mrs. George Shrader are
the proud and happy parents of a
new baby boy this week, the little
one arriving at the Shrader home on
July 29th.
Fred Hild has been driving a line
new Hudson car this week that he
purchased through the agency of L.
H. Puis in Murray. The new car is
of the Speedster type and is a beauty
in every way.
G. M. Minford and family. John
Farris and family and Nick Fried
rich and family went up to Lake
Manawa last Sunday, where they
spent the day in a most joyous ont
ng on the beautiful lake.
There was a fine new baby boy
irrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Carl Nickels on July 2Sth. The lit
tle fellow is about the finest in the
land, and we will wager that we can
:an prove this by his dad.
The Puis Murray garage is sport
ing a fine new gasoline pump and
measure installed this week. It is of
the newest type, and designed for
perfect measure, and makes the oil
much easier to handle for the dealer.
L. D. Hiatt is in receipt of a card
from Lloyd Gapen and family, who
ire now located at Cheyenne, and
taking in the great annual races at
that place. Lloyd says they have
been having a great time, and a very
fine trip on the way out.
Frank Vallery returned home from
Perkins county Monday evening,
where he hns been for the past few
weeks looking after his small grain
crop-. He reports everything in the
we:it as looking pretty fine, and the
wheat crop as turning out pretty
fair in quantity and good in quality.
Mr.:. George Thorna came down
from Plattsmouth Tuesday morning
for a few days visit at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Todd, south of
Murray. She will also go to Union
for a few days isit with Miss Jessie
Todd before returning to her home.
The hay and stock barn on the
Abe Becker farm southeast of Mur
ray burned to the ground last week
during the storm. The place is now
rented to Mr. Fxeline, who had the
barn well filled with" old hay. but
none of his stock was in the baru
at the time of the fire. It is suppos
ed that the fire was started from
lightning during the storm.
While in Murray Tuesday we had
the pleasure of looking over the fine
new home of Mrs. Jos. Sans that is
now under fhe course of construct
ion. This is. or soon will be, one of
the finest homes in Murray. It is
large and roomy In every particular.
The beautiful large porch In the
front gives an appearance that is in
deed very beautiful Young & Scot ton
the Murray contractors and builders
and doing the work, and when com
pleted will be an excellent piece of
Mrs. L. Rusterholtz and Mrs. Ger
tie Beckner delightfully entertained
a number of guests at dinner at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Will Patter
son, in honor of the Patterson ninth
wedding anniversary. The guests
arrived laden with baskets and a
gorgeous dinner was served. Those
present were: Mr. and Mrs. Alex.!
Patterson and children. Dale. Pati-j
line and Lora; Mrs. Minda Spencer;
Mrs. Henry Christensen; Mr. and
Mrs. Ed. Boedeker; Mr. and iMrs. T.
Tilson. and son Dorr; Mrs. Soren
sen; Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Schoeman;
Mr. and Mrs. Will Patterson; Mrs.
Ii. Rusterholtz; Mrs. Gertie Beck
ner, and Stephen Merrill Beckner.
There will be services at Lewiston
Sunday afternoon at I!:30.
Jno. Hendricks was trailing his
car to the garage last Sunday morn
ing. The Murray Chapter of the Red
Cross are taking their vacation dur
ing August.
Mrs. Frank Moore, who has been
visiting her mother in Kansas, re
turned home Monday.
Mrs. George Park and family and
Mrs. Mary Wiley visited friends in
Plattsmouth last Saturday.
K. R. Nickles went to Savannah,
Mo., Tuesday, where he will take
treatment for a cancer on the nose.
A. D. Crunk and family and Miss
Etta Nickels spent Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. E. R. Queen, near Platts
mouth. Harry Creamer and family were
calling on Plattsmouth merchants
last Saturday.
W. F. Moor,' and C). E. McDonald
and Mr. Patterson, of Kansas, left
Saturday morning for Kansas, via
the auto route.
Ezra Albin had the misfortune to
get his car badly marred up last
Sunday at Lewiston, by having an
other car run into his in getting to
the roadway. His car was pretty
badly torn up.
There was a large crowd in attend
ance at the dance given at Puis &
Gansemer hall on last Wednesday
evening, and a most enjoyable time
was had by all. The famous colored
orchestra were up to their best, and
furnished their usual amount of good
music. Remember there will be an
other one given on the night of Au
gust 7th. and you have a special in--
vitation to be present.
George Wiley and Otto Welzmul
ler returned from Camp Dodge Wed
nesday morning, having failed to
pass the physical examination. The
boys report having a fine trip nd
enjoyed their stay in camp. At
Crcston. Iowa, where the train stop
ped for several hours they were giv
en an auto ride over the city. The
other boys from h'Te have passed
the examination in good shape and
are all doing well.
Captain Rawls, of Plattsmouth,
had charge of the Home Guards on
Tuesday evening. Owing to the
j number that were busy threshing.
but three squads were present. By
next week the threshing wdll be fin
ished and a full attendance is ex
pected. Captain Rawls was well
pleased with the progress of the
company and expects to be with us
every two weeks in the future. The
rifles were issued last weelc and a
part of the uniforms have been or
dered. The following have contri
buted to tlm equipment fund since
last week :
Fred Condon $10.00
Mrs. Baxter 1.00
Dr. B. F. Brendel 2.00
B. A. McElwaiu 100
T. B. Smith 1.00
Dr. J. B. Jackson 1.00
Anyone wishing to help may see
W. II. Smith, 1st Sargent.
Dr. and Mrs. Jackson will leave
next Monday for Colorado where they
will visit relatives and friends, and
will also spend sometime in Estes
Park. They will be away about
four weeks. During their absence
there will be no preaching service at
the United Presbyterian church, but
Sabbath School will meet at the us
ual hour each Sabbath. Unless an
nouncement is made to the contrary
preaching may be expected the sec
ond Sabbath of September.
There will be another social dance
given in Murray, at the Puis &
Ganeemer hall, on next Wednesday
evening. Aug. 7th. The music will
be furnished by the Dandusdenes
Colored Orchestra, of Omaha. There
is another grand good dance time in
store for you on this date, so be sure
and attend.
Harriet A. Root passed away after
a lo::t; illness, at her home, 2910
Vine street, Lincoln, Nebraska, on
Jt:ly 21. JiHS.
She was born (X'toi 1840. in
Si. Joe., Indiana. She moved with
her family in early life to Newago,
Michigan, where she was later mar
ried to Root, September .27,
IK Gil. To this union was born four
children; Martha M.. Charles Frank
lin; .Mary C. and Minnie I., all but
Martha M. Fa ugh t. still survive her.
She united with the Christian church
early in life and has remained a
faithful member through all of her
life. In the year 18G1 she atid her
husband moved from the home in
Michigan to Nebraska, establish
ing a home at Murray, Nebraska,
where 1 hey lived until 1107 when
they came to the home in Lincoln.
210 Vine street, from which earth
ly home both she and her faithful
Christian husband have moved into
the eternal home. She lived in Ne
braska forty-nine years. She was a
faithful wife and mother and a
friend ever true to those whoever
came within the circle of her friend
ship. Since living in Lincoln she
and her family have been well be
loved fellow-workers in the East Lin
coln church, where two of her child
ren and several of her grandchild
ren are faithful members.
The funeral of Mrs. Root was held
at the East Side Christian church,
Lincoln. Tuesday, July 23d at, 4:00
p. m. The services were conducted
by the pastor, J. W. Hilton, assisted
by W. P. Aylsworth, of Bethany.
The songs were sung by Mrs. Edna
Hilton Stone, with violin obligatto
by Chas. W. Huyck. A number of
the mutes, friends of the deceased,
sang "Nearer My God to Thee" in
the mute language, which was very
impressive. The sermon was inter
preted to them by Miss Krocker, of
College View. The floral offerings
were beautiful.
The 'remains were laid away
side the husband, James Root,
Wyuha cemetery.
'"Gentle mother, loving mother,
Sainted mother, kind and true.
Resting now in peace with Jesus.
Loving hearts remember you."
Ail Exliibit From the County Also
United Presbyterian Church.
We are in receipt of a bulletin
frcm the Nebraska State Board of
Agriculture requesting that farmers
of the county plan to make exhibits
of their best products at the Ne
braska State Fair which opens at
Lincoln, September 1. and that work
be undertaken by some county org
anizations in assembling products lor
a county collective exhibit of farm
A campaign is being conducted, it
is stated, to secure for the State
Fair the finest agricultural exhibits
that the state can produce. The
Fair this year is to be made a pow
erful stimulus to increased food pro
duction. The best that Nebraska
can raise and in bigger variety than
ever before, is the order. Such ex
hibits will afford farmers a better
means of study of these food pro
ducts, they will be the means of in
teresting more people and in de
veloping a heightened enthusiasm
in this most necessary work. Ne
braska, for years, has had a farm
products exhibit unequalled by any
fair in the country, but the plan is
to this year outdo all former exhib
its. Live stock exhibits will be given
the same encouragement as the farm
products. Each year shows im
provement over the preceding year
in this department and the coming
year, it is proposed shall show a
great increase in size. Let all
breeders of high class stock write
to the Nebraska State Fair, if they
have not already done so, and se
cure a premium list of the Fair and
entry blanks. Full information will
be given upon request.
Harvey Coleman departed last
Saturday afternoon for his home at
Greenwood, where he spent over
Sunday with the people there.
Mrs. E. A. Lorenz and children
who have been visiting for some
time past at Wahoo, with friends
and relatives arrived home this
Charles Stone and family were
visitors in Plattsmouth yesterday,
the guests of Mrs. Stone's mother,
Mrs. M. B. Allison of this city, and
returned to their home at Elmwood
last evening.
17. Pi. VQIKJG
Always Ready for Sale
Dates far or near.
10:00 a. in.. Sabbath School.
11:00 a. m.. Sermon by the Pastor.
8:00 p. m., Sermon by the Pastor. 'Telephone 1511 Murray Exchange
that the harvest is nearly over and with a bumper corn
crop assured, we would like to call your attention to
our full line of Corn Elevators, Corn Binders and
Pickers. If you are in the market for any of these im
plements it will pay you to see us, and get your order
in early as the supply is limited and it may be hard to
get delivery later on. If you will let us know your
needs we can make you some very attractive prices
and insure prompt delivery.
We are agents for the Heider, Mogul, J. I. Case
and Waterloo Boy Tractors. If you buy a tractor let
us figure with you we can save you money.
Hardware and implement Co.,
A. P. Johnson and wife of near
Avoca, arrived in the city this af
ternoon, and Mrs. Rochel Campbell.
Mrs. C. S. Armegast, and Mrs. John
S. Hall accompanied them home
where they will visit for some three
weeks. Miss Ruby Kimmell who
has been visiting here will accom
pany them.
Wall Pap-, Vaults, Glaua, Pictox
framing. Frank Goblifln.
TVla protecting
it eontoa liable
over tke vamp
wtre a Shoe first
tarts to crack
The good points about this
.A . .4. work shoe are broucht out
ajurdy bud! -KOYIS-KORMAJI
by the illustration. 1 nis
work Shoe work shoe is made of select
WEARS quality red elk. The freak
last is a good fitting shape;
is bound to give comfort.
If you wish to save work
shoe money here's sure the
The price is
and it's worth every cent.
Butter fat 46c cash 48c in trade.
Puis & Gansemer,
Farm Light
HERE is the farm
lighting and
power plant
you have been wait
ing for. It is the
perfected plant
a single unit
that runs with
out vi
bration or
noise ana
balance d
e 1 ectric
AlaXM E3crifl ITnlt roawlnr unoa loa4
without apaeliU foaadatlaa.
LJ 4
All the Light All the Power You Need
Come and see it. Compare it, in every way, with
all others. Make us prove to you where it is better,
and more complete in fact, the plant you want.
Porfoci Light on the Farm!
There is no need at this day and age of the world for
the farmer not being up-to-date with all modern conven
iences about his farm home. If you were buying an auto
mobile, you would make sure to buy one with the best
lighting system. Why not apply the same forethought
to your home. The Alamo will give you everything that is
desired in the lighting of your home and all outbuildings.
See yourself comfortably seated about your home this win
ter with all the advantages of one of these plants on your
farm. Let me talk to you right now today.
L. H. Pols Garage,