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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Aug. 1, 1918)
THURSDAY, AUGUST 1, 191& PLATTSMOUTH feEMI-WEEKLT JOURNAL PAGE TWO. Set Contonts 15 fluid Prachwj ' J jjj lT jrm TTES PER CENT. ;tv ' AVooln:vrrcpara!ioii&r "til T . iv.-,f oiin DKcton ;i;ncr&l.NoTAHCOTXC . -r, rrrmm , t.'.t S'.W - r - ana jivi'-'v,., : rcsul Kx.-i v-ooy of Wrapper. LU HI 10 THEIR FRIENDS IN HONOR TO THE TUEY SISTERS WHO ARE VISITING HERE AT PRESENT. i e i vi'Miiiu' .iJ I!'1' li'in.c -!' Mr. . i.I ir-. i:. Hill. "!' v.cst Main ;!r-. Wnt. Ti;. y. Mrs. K. . ;:!! M. H. Wescott. gave ;m. ;t ;.!! to tho frit, mis uf llic .M- x. Tit' v, Mrs. Alirr Tuey lUir r.if Miss Hazel Ttuy ',vlu are . :. .: t!ii.; at tl;i? tiint1. The ;i! . :r v ; r.'i ' v. hir-h vvtv one who . - pr.-M-;:! ami thre v.tTf .'i ' '.T.i.iy the occasion. T!i- i'v::im; v.i niaiK- itir.-rcstins ? y i- ur.'! r' ion-, ami tlu 'tliiht;::! l:i:K'h: v. a not ono of th I. !Ji I of ti';- v.r'.'s of the 'i : ii.-. l:i H:ii;! Tui'V makes 1' r h :. wit!, her lather. near '. ::v - 1. at v. :i Jf-li Mrs. Harnett v. a - viitin uh.eti slu- canie here fur the ivit with the numerous i. frionI -. I'r.iiVs.-i.r IJarnett is i ' nj erintemleist of one of the Iowa school.-, ami an instructor of much ability and has met with good tuccesd. CAM? CODY. Kili'i-r J;jur:ial: ;i v. a !.; irni'''" a. ml pl'-a-ure 1 x'-it the ria't'-riimil h I'oys at 'ai"j ('(!!.. Suti'Iay. July 21st. I '1. .r'i-- ''H-r:il .M.illerj Jlrown 'iv- .. - a l. ad. y.ty ins I would ar rive on that date, hut the mail ser i; s:- l i.I there that the letter did not reach him until an hour aft'-r my arrival in camji. Kere.eant .Matt Jirousvk was at train .' :i ;;!i!!ip-e of civiliza tion, when I hailed him to l:iy he was "delighted" i.s putting it mildiy. Matt escorted in: to camp and the hond'Htartcrs of Cass Coun ty Machine Hun Company. "e T; to locate the boys and the fir-f one we found was Crank Smith. Crank was busy readings t h" Iaucs of the "Daily Journal." Next Dun Cooney. Dan had jut finished a :hamp.'o to ct thv i;and out of iiis ! air. Next war- Car! Wolilfarth. w ho was Jyin Ureai:;ins of the ice (;:;! ami Muia fountain of Weyrich & "lladraba. Hrowuie was to tli bath houso. the hoys said he had -!'v 'ij? thir litt hike. Iiut hatl not yet removed all the GIVES 1 DF1S.- r.lACII & FilACH, THE DENTISTS H The largest and best equipped dental offices in Omaha. Experts b in charge of all work. Lady attendant. MODERATE PRICES, y Porcelain fillings just like tooth. Instruments carefully sterilized W after using. 3sv-iiL!Ztxs . , ""7i!ieiicuea. a cure guaranteed in every case accepted fcr treetmeat. and no money to be pail until cured. Write for book on Recta I Diseases, with names and testimonials of more tiiaa pronincat people who have been permanently cured. rf, e. !?. TARHY r0 Bee Dullrflns OMAHA, NEBRASKA For Infants and Children. Mothers Know That Genuine Castdria A 1 -w-w-r - Trrl Bears the O Signature of or uver Thirty Years Tut :rNun ecrfifif. f " cit inid. Hrownie has lots of it left. was over to the hospital to see a wounded friend, who fooled too Ions with a bullet intended for the Hermans. The Larson boys were in town. We finally located all of theui and I assure you 1 would fdady make the trip a.uain just to see how pleas ed those boys were to see some one from home. A liner lot of young: men cannot be found than the boys from I'lattstnouth and Cass county. Pome have trained, some have lost, but all are as fine specimens of man hood as you could find. Ail are anxious to po across and do their bit and you can rest assured they will ;;?ve a .mod account of themselves. They are jretting: restless and every day they are kept there is suing to make it worse for the enemy. I had dinner with the 1kvf. Matt Jirousek on one ide and Brownie on the other. The boys are cer tainly well fed. There is one thing they do not pet and that is pastry. If M!ue of the many proud cooks in I'lattsmoutb wants to do something. make a batch of pood cookies and send them to any of the boys and they will them around as they divide up anything that is sent t hem. All of the boys requested nic to remember them to all their friends. Several rent p'Tnohal messages, which I will deliver in person. As I may not see all of their friends. I take this means of carrying out their wishes. C'dtoving are the names of the b:nr. from IMattstttouth with whom I had the pleasure of visiting. Maiden Drown. Don Cooney. Otto l.Mt?. Frank Smith. J. Matt Jirousek Carl Wolilfarth. Floyd Stone. Clar ence Staats. Uay Larson. Ralph Lar son. WM. HA1UD. CARD OF THANKS. V'e wish to express our thanks tor t he- kindnesses which have been extended during the sickness and at the death of our beloved mother and wife. And for the floral tribute fctven by the shopmen. KIN AC WOOSTKU. AND riULDUKN. For any itching trouble, piles. ! ''' "in, sait rheum, hives, itch, scald I i. .i i. . . . . w-.oi. Herpes, scanies, j Joan's oint ment is highly retain mended. ;oc a box at all stores. ! Have you jmt a lew ,,og:i or a ! truck load to be delivered in South j Omaha? Call the I'lattsuioutb Gar age, and we will do th rest. FL003, PAXTOH BLOCK, OMAHA f 1.1 J-v A la 'J. Use , Wj 1 11111 Fistula-Pay Wheif Cured A mild system of treatment tht cures Piles. Fistula and otter Recta 1 Diseases iu a short time, without a severe sur giral opf ration. No Chloroform. Ether or other general GEIS TRIMMED FOR SPEEDING WAS TOO SWIFT WITH THE FL1VER WHEN HE HAD NO LIGHTS. From -Monday's Dally. C. E. Cady. as such he gave his name, with a companion, was flip ping through this city the other night at a rate which would make a pilot of an aero plane dizzy and, was sighted by the police, who also noted that he had no lights as well. Securing a car Mr. Barclay chased the flyer, and did not over take until Hearing Union, notwith standing the oflicer had r Cadillac eight. When overtaken, the car was not burning lights wither in front or in the rear. He was brought back here and Judge Archer gave hiui $7.00 and costs $9.00, six of which went to pay the car hire for chasing him. The man did not have a license, which was required to purchase and in all got quite a trim ming. HAVE SPENT SOME TIME IN THE WEST From Tuesday's Daily. Superintendent of the city schools, t;. K. DeWolf and wife returned Sunday evening from a trip which encompassed about two weeks, and embraced a number of points in the west, among which was their old time home at Gibbon, where both their parents reside. They spent some time visiting there, being the guests of both her parents and his folks. They were in Denver for a short time and spent quite a while in the mountains surrounding that place. They report having enjoyed the trip greatly and remember with pleasure the goodly places they visited. MOTHER DIED SUNDAY EVENING Fr-m Tuesil;iy'. Daily. Mrs. Joseph Dostal of IJruno who has been at a hospital at Omaha for a long time where she undeiwent an operation many weeks since, and where she has been since receiving treatment died at the hospital late Sunday eveuing. Mrs. Dostal was the mother of Mrs. M. G. Stava. liv ing south of the city. - Mrs. Stava was with her mother to the last. Yes terday the remains were taken to the home at Druno. Mrs. Stava coming home and in company with Mr. Stava departed last evening fur Bruno, where today they attending the funeral of the mother. Mrs. Dostal leaves some nine children of whom Mrs. Stava is one and the ag ed husband. Mr. Dostal. The inter ment was made at Bruno today. VISITS IN EAST BUT HURRIED BACK WEST From Tiie'!a's Daily. George W. Snyder who lias been in the east for the past ten days, where he was visiting in 'Ole Vir giney returned home Jast evening and meets everyone with a smile. While it is pleasant to back, there, and see the country, know for a cer tainty just what they do there, it could not be kept a secret that he was glad to get back to the Irn-Is where the skyes are bluer, and Cie hand grasp of his friends a liiik bit truer, with the sunshine a lit'lo warmer, for he complained of it be ing cold there, insuring the crops a little larger, ?io. a good deal larger, and to know this i.s where he lives. Giad to have you return well sat isfied with this country and your self. LEGAL NOTICE. The State of Nebraska. Cass Coun ty. ;-s. In the County Court. In the Matter of the Kstate oT Gus Splilt Sr.. Deceased. To the Creditors of r.aid estate: You are hereby notified. That I will sit at the County Court Hooin In I'lattstnouth in said County, on August ll'th. 1IMS. and November J 4th. 19 IS, at 9 o'clock a. m. each day to receive and examine all claims against naid Kstate. with a view to their adjustment and allowance. The time limited for the presentation of claims againt-t said Kstate is three months from the 12th day of Aug ust A. D. 1918. and the time limited for payment of debts is one year from raid 12th day of August, 191S. WITNKSS my hand and the seal of said County Court, thU 12th day of July. 1918. (Seal) ALLKN J. BF.KSON. 5-4wks Cxmnty Judge. Heavy, impure blood makes a muddy, pimply complexion, head aches, nausea. indigestian. Thin blood makes you weak, pale ' and sickly. For pure blood, sound di gestion, use Burdock Blood Bitters. $1.25 at all stores. ANOTHER AMERICAN CITIZEN HERE From Tiiexlay' Dally. There is joy in the fourth ward, and all the neighbors and friends of Edgar Steinhauer know of the cause. It is a boy and a good sound Amer ican, with good strong lungs to pro claim Liberty and Freedom through out the land, lie is doing it too and Eddie, is happy as well as mother Steinhuuer. This is natural, and we expected it, but law'se uie, you should sec that smile which Grandpa and Grandma Steinhaucr are wear ing, why you can hear them smile a block away. That's all right too and we are glad to hear them. Shake and to you young man, may your shadow- never grow less. TURNS UP AFTER A YEAR AWAY From Tuesday's Daily. James Edgar Clease, one of the registrants of the first registration, who has been lost for a- year, turn ed up at the court house today to ask about his classification, and tc take the physical examination, for entrance into the service. The lo cal beard will give him the exami nation although he has been turned over to the adjutant general fur ad justment. A. C. RAWLS VISITS HERE. From Tuesday's Daily. Mr. A. C. Raw Is of Oklahoma, where he is engaged in farming ar rived in this city last evening from Milford. where lie was to bury his rife who died at a hospital at Sa bot ha. Kansas, a few days since af ter an operation for Gall stones and whose remains Mr. Kawls took to her former home for interment. Mr. Kawls formerly lived in this city and i.s known by many of our citizens, if a brother of our townsman C. A. Kawls, at whose home he is visiting. DEPARTS FOR VANCOUVER. From Teesilav's Daily. Lat evening Charles Knutson of Louisville who has been endeavoring for some time to pet int; the service, being listed for limited service only as he had a stiff arm. When thj call came for limited service men, for blacksmith helpers he volunteered, and being accepted he was sent last evening by the local board to Van couver. Washington, where he will enter as a blacksmith helper. i.i:; ii mu m i:. TI. Stte i.I N.-I.r.-iskn, (iss County, lu the County Co'irt In tin- mai ler of the est. lie of Nannie ClUsoa. De-!-eas-i!. ii reailiiii;' ami 1 ) ! i 1 1 tie- e. tilici: of VV. .1. Slromnt pniytn that Adminis tration of ail instate ni.iy In- granted to hi. ii as Administrator. ordei-e.I, That Aumist l.'th A. D. I!D. ;:t '. A. M .. ts asii;uel for hnririir saiil pftilion ,-i-n ntl person; interested in sal.l matter may appear st a County Court 1... liel.'l in and for said County, and show rause whv the praer of petitioner should not l.e granted; and notice of tin pend eney of said petition and l!;e hearing thereof l.e iiivcii to ;ill persons inter ested in said matter iy publishing a eopy of this order in t!i I'l.i 1 1 s mo u t h a Semi-weekly newspaper printed in said County, for three suc eessive v eks, prior ' to said dav of bearing. Dated .lulv 1 7 1 ti tviv a i .i.i ".n .i. i:i:i .1-J-".ks. Counts .IikIko. .:- l. Mil hi:. The Slate of Nel.rasUa. Cuss Coiliitv, ss. In the Coiititv Court. In the matter of the estate of Adam . Meisinu'-r. Deefiised. ti reading and liliiiK: the petition or Metta Meisiner. praylny that Ad ministration of .aid Kstate mav be granted to M.-lla Aleislniier as Ad ministratrix. ordered. That August ."th A. . JOIS at ! o'eloek A. M .. is iissip for hearing said petition, when all per sons inlerevt.d in said matter mav ap pear at a County Court to l.e held in and for said .'.unit v. and show cause why the prayer of petitioner should not he to-anted: and that notice of the n.-nden. y ,,f said petition nnd the hcar Invr thereof be Rivcri to all persons in-t'-ieste.l in said matter t.v tuhli--hinc a copy of this- order in the Flat tsmou t Ii Journal, a sem i - week I v newspaper printed in said I'mnilv, Tor three suc cessive weeks, prior to said day of liearinjr. Dated this !Uli dav of .Tutv. 1fls ALLF.N .1. KKKSti.V. County Jtidjj;e. oim : r m:itiM;. I !l I he 'ollljl Court of Cass Cotiutv. . l a ' In ti"- .Matter of the Kstate of Ma li Ida Kssiek. Deceased: I'o ;.? pvt'sotis in teres led in said es tate. Creditors and Heirs at law: You are herby notified that William '. Kssh-k has filed bin petition in this ourt. elle-irtu- that Matilda Kssiek. 'ale of said county, died intestate, in wild count-.-, on or about the 'Jd day of et.ieinl,ei, !!i::. .;,iu u resident 'arid in. ahilant of said caurity and the own r .f lie f.ill.ivvin;,- described real es t i' ' e : lt ee( n Mil in block three CD tn the villuue of Mauley, in Cass county. Nebraska, a'id leaving as tier sole ti n'd heirs a t law, the following named persons, towit: William . Ks-iel-, husband, Minnie L. Coon, a daughter. Helen L. Coon, a srandda lighter. Ma hie Coon, a Kraud- laiiKht'-r and Italph Coori, a tfrand- en. who ere Interested In said nrtm- erty according to the decedent laws of I he state of .Nebraska, and praying for a oetcirn i na tion of the time of the death of said MatiNU. Kssiek, deceased. the iiam-s or her heirs at law and the decree of kinship thereof, and the riuht of descent of the real property bei.ri'4inu- to said decedent r, the state if NebrStska. and for ai order barrl'itr claims asain-t said estate, ami for uch other and further orders as mav be necessary for a correct disposition of said matter. S'a id matter lias been set for a bear- !nc at the cuuiitv court room Jn I'latts moutb. said county on the 1'Sth dav of Auuust. ISMS, at the hour of nine o'clock a. in., ut which time all per sons Interested may appear and con test snid petition. Bv the Court. 'ALbKN .T. BKKSO.V. County Judge. Dated. July 27th. 191R. i j JOHN M. LEYDA, 1 Attorney for Petitioner. IT Supplying The Kird of Transportation Yovi Need ABOUT one-half the capacity of the Chandler Motor Car Jl. Company plant is devoted to work which will help win the war on the battlefields of France. The other half is still devoted to the production of necessary transportation facilities for the men and women who are doing things here at home to the production of the famous Chandler Six. For certainty of motor car service, which can come only from mechanical excellence, you cannot choose with greater assurance than to choose the Chandler. Choose the Chandler for its marvelous motor, now in its sixth year without radical changes but with constant refine ment throughout that period. Choose it for its power and life and endurance and for the economy of its operation and maintenance. Let us show you how the Chandler checks with high-priced cars, not with cars that sell at prices similar to Chandler prices. Let us show you how the Chandler performs with high-priced cars. Come Choose Your Chandler Now SIX SPLENDID BODY TYPES .'i'lOTi.'jMrflivr Touritur Car. S1795 Four-Passenger Roadster. Si79S Convertible Sedan. CHANDLER MOTOR CAR COMPANY, DIES AT ATLANTA, GEORGIA. Kimii Monday's Daily. Last evening a message came tell ing of the death of August Hes,se, wlin has been sick at that place for some time and before at Greenville, S. C. with leakage of the heart sup erinduced by severe rheumatism. August Hesse, one of the tine young men of this city, went to Kelly Field, the aviation training school, leaving here Jan. 22nd, and after having been there was sent to Green ville, S. C, he was taken sick on Feb. 5th. just four days after he was years of age. lie continued to grow worse and while having the care which it was possible to afford at the hospital did not show any recovery. His relatives went to him and when he was not so ill as for merly. returned and a short time since went again to Atlanta, Ga w here he had been removed to. Aug ust has been sick practically since his enlistment. The message tell ing of his death, paid that he had passed away at the hospital during vesterdav morning. The remains will be shipped to this place for burial. As yet no arrangements have been made for the funeral or burial, but will be upon the arrival when a notice of them will be published in this paper. 1. 1 ;;.!, oTicn. To Pauline tddhalii. as A! in i n ist ra ti is of the estate of UeorKe J. Oldham, Deceased: Kichard Conway Oldham: CiiK.a J. Maker: Ijucuna Connally: Fauline Oldham: Fay Oldham: .tolm .;. Oldhain: Jessie D. Snyder: Kllisoii Ij Oldham: .lames V. Oldham: Vera. II. Oldham: Folly Oldham: Mary K Crait?, and all persons interested In the estate of Jackson O. Oldham. Deceased, In cluding creditors and claimants. You are hereby notified that on tin tth day of May 19US, plaintiff tiled a petition in the District Court of Cass County. Nebraska, praying ainoriK oth er tbitiKs for an order to be entered bv the court directing the administra trix of the estate of OeorRe J. Oldham deceased, to convey to plaintiff tin Northwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section thirty-one CM Township eleven (II) Ilange fourteen (14 1 Cass County, Nebraska, upon the payment of the balance of the pur chase price lu accordance with the contract entered Into between the plaintiff and the said ficorgc .1. CXld liiim. durintr his lifetime, on the lath day of January, 1!M8, and to have the title to said land quieted as against the defendant. All persons interested iu the estute of Jackson . Oldham, deceased. including creditors and claimants. You are further notified there will be a hearitikf upon said petition at the District tluiirt Jl(iam " In 'tlie tiiiirt House, at I'lattsmoutb Oish' County. Nebraska, on the rd day of September 11M8, at the hour of ten o'clock A. M. to all of which, and the allegations of the petition, you will i-ke du notice. C. A. KAWLS. Kit ANK J. JJILLJK. A .... Plulnf IIV Attorney -6wks Rand-McNally war xnapi for Bale at the Journal office. Four-Passenger Dispatch Car, $1S75 $2495 Convertible Coupe. S2395 U prices f. o. It. Cleveland Plattsmouth, Nebraska HAD ANOTHER STROKE. From Monda's Daily. Mrs. Farriott and son Vernon, were called to Peru this morning to attend the bedside of Ed. Farriott, who has suffered another stroke of paralysis. This is the third stroke and it is feared that he cannot re cover. He is well known here. Mrs. Farriott was bore attending the bed side of her daughter, Mrs. Long. Nebraska City News. The above from the Nebraska City News tells of the third stroke of Ed. Farriott, we'll known here and a brother of G rover Farriott and also of Mrs. W. II. Raiitey. Mr. Farriott is an excellent man. and. has been a hard worker, but has been nearly ns a SUIE FRIEND DID YOU EARN THAT MONEY? WELL YOU WORHED FOR IT, DIDN'T YOU? WHY CAN'T YOU PUT SOME LITTLE PIECE OF IT IN THE BANK EACH PAY DAY, SO THAT SOME DAY IT CAN WORK FOR YOU? YOU WON'T ALWAYS BE ABLE TO WORK; EVEN IF YOU ARE WELL. THEN IT WILL BE A FINE FEELING TO HAVE THE MONEY YOU BANKED, WHILE YOU COULD WORK, WHICH IS NOW. BANK IT. ,WE ADD SI-2 PER CENT INTEREST ON SAVINGS AC COUNTS AND H PER CENT ON TIME CERTIFICATES. COME TO OUR BANK. Farmers State IBank THE NEW BANK. OPEN SATURDAY NIGHTS FROM 7:00 TO 9:00 mmm si;: S1795 1 1 Limousine, S3WJ5 CLEVELAND, OHIO III 4 helpless for some time on account of the former strokes. lie will be remembered by many people hero and a royal good fellow. mii it i: to 'Hi':ori'oi. Mate of Nebraska. (' '. . In the .Matter of the Kstate of Gallant 1 la kes. deceased: To the Creditors of said Kstate: Y'ui are hereby notified that I will sit at the County Court room in Platts mouth. in said county, on the ?!tli day of August, and I'lnh day of November. A. D.. I'.'IS. at nine o'clock a. m., of each day. to receive and examine all claims atainst said estate, with ;t view to th'ir adjustment and allowance. The time limited for the presentation of claims auainst said estate is three months, from the L'!'lh day of Auiriisf. A. D.. I1D. and the time limited for pa . nieiit of debts is one year from said JVth day of August, t'.'ls. Witness mv hand and the seal of said County Court, this C.'.th day of July, luis. ALLKN .1. I'.KKSON. County Judire. M'. (Mm