The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, July 29, 1918, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5
MONDAY, JULY 29, 1918. rLATTSMOUTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOUKNAL. PAGE rivi. LOCAL NEWS I'lOia Saturday's Daily. Mrs-. Harvey Harder from near (Vdar Creek was a visitor in the city today. t'on Binder from southwest of Mynard was looking after some business in the city this morning. 1). C. Khoden of Murray was a isitor in this city this morning, umin' to look i.fter some matters in the city. Mr. Charles Ba'es of Kock 1.1 luffs v as a visitor in the city this after !. o!i looking after seme business for a short time. W. Olson to. lay purchased the delivery wagon of K. A. Wurl and will deliver the groceries of Mr. Wurl with his other duties, hut will have help for the many jobs which lie is conducting. Mrs. K. H. Newell and little son. :i-;-onipanied by Howard Mullis her brother who lias been visiting at k-r home near South IJend. arrived in the city this morning and will i-it lure for over Sunday. Mrs. W. I. Cline. and Miss Clara isir-iizht and Master Jason Streight. i f South Bend, who have been visit in ; at the home of Will J. Streight in this city for a short time past '.parted I;.st evening for their in-me. Mrs. Art Dean and three children J.r.-t evtnir.g d parted for Louisville where they are visiting with friends fr a few das the guests while tfi re of Virgil Dalzene who :.: a brother if Mrs. Dean and Mrs. Anna Bronko. A. F. Moure 1h was formerly the operator at Oreat.oHs. for the Bur lirgton. hut who va transferred at Lis reque-t to the Burlington shops h re. has upon urgent request auain r'iurned tie telegraphing and is working r. his same trick at Orea polls. John M. Leyda. attorney for the ...tal- of the a; Mrs. Martha Ks- -uk. formerly of near Manley. tiled a petition f'r t!ie determination of 'Heirship. i.i fhe matter of the es tate and the appointment of an ad ministraior for the settling up of the estate. I'd ward Mcl' v."h has been wi-rhiiJg t..r time near St. Joe. in the stone o-mrries. a portion of ike tii;:e for the Newell and Stew art quarry, and with other institu tions tiir arrived here yesterday ov-.A departed fori Cedar Creek his r.rnier heme. This morning Fred W. Kbinger wii'e with t;:eir little son Will. iio having !. n vL-iting lu re for m m t i :ne ja. t . a::d by Mrs. Farl Blish. visiting here at the i:ioihr. Mrs. Cii. p. parted ia Mr. Kb.inger's car for Camp Dodgf. and also will go to Minneapolis and pens of Minnesota where they will spend some time taking ati outing, before returning. Williain Siohlrnan of near Man by. the democratic candidate for r ;!-ii;:i--r-in:er of the second commis sioner district, for this county, was in the city ye-frday and was look ing after some matters in the city. Mr. Stohlman rt-ports things look ing I'nie since th recn rains, and all the farmers busy. Mr. Stohlruan Is w'I a'Miaintetl over his portion of the county especially, and over the whole very v. ell. and is in a position to make a valuable man for the taxpayers in the ofhco of county commissioner. accompanied who is also home of her Weidnian. de- Frm Friday's Pally. Farl and Troy Wiles from near Weeping Water v.ere in the city last evening looking after some business lor .'. short time. L Ais Crabtree the harness mak er of Mynard was a visitor iu this city thij morning, toming to look aftr some business. I'e'cr Autos was a passenger to Omaha this morning, where he is locking after the matter of joining the navy as a carpenter. Win. Wohlforth from west of My nard was a visitor in Plat tinouth this mrni'is. ccniing to look after some business in the city. Miss Pearl Sutton of LaPIatte was a visitor in IMattsmoutk this morning and returned to her home on the early afternoon train. V. F. Cillespie of Mynard was a visitor in Omaha yesterday and on his return stepped at this place to look alter some business for a short time. Fred Fhinger and wife were visit ors with friends at Kirn wood today, driving over i-i their car, before starting on their trip to T?ie north -a,t. Misses I'll 1 1 It Stand'-r. Anna Hayes :"id Phoebp Spruce, of Louisville, ar rived in the city this morning to take the examination at the office of the county superintendent, for teachers certificates. Miss Lillian Kyles of Green wood, on- of the teachers from the west end of the county, arrived this mor ning and is taking the teachers ex amination at the office of the coun ty superintendent. Roy L. Upton, of Union was a visitor in this city last evening and accompanied by his father G. S. Up ton and G. Manier, coming to look after some business for a few hours, and driving up in their Dodge car. Yesterday Joseph Sedlak jr., was in Omaha and joined the navy, as a carpenter, and as he was not of the aie of twenty-one his father Thomas Sedlak. went with him this morning to sign the waver that he might enlist. Miss Ethel Tower who has been working near Murdock and Mr. Earnest Bcrnemeier came over this morning and is visiting at the home for the day. and was accompanied by Walter, and Misses Ellen and Delnia Bornemeier. who are spend ing the day here. G. A. B. 'Hicks of Cullom was a business visitor in the city this morning coming on the early train, and still compelled to use his crutches to get around, thought his foot is showing some improvement, since the accident whicli crushed it some weeks since. Clifford Scliaen'er who has been making his home at Sioux City, la., for some time past, was here for a few days visiting at the home of her parents C. L. Schaeffer and wife of this city, and departed yesterday for his home, where he also departed for Camp Pike. Arkansas, where he is joining the service of the United States. From stay's Daily. Lemon Dates from Old Kock Fluffs was a visitor in the city last even ing doing some trading with the city merchants. Harry Long from near South Bend was a visitor in the city today com ing down in his auto to look after some business here. Jacob Tritsch from west of My nard. was a visitor in this city last evening coming to look after some business matters here. J. J. Ixdines from near Old Eight Mile Grove poslottice was a visitor in this city last evening looking after some business. Watson Long was a visitor in the city lat evening coming to look af ter some business here, from his farm west of Mynard. Dan Lynn of Union, was a visitor in this city this morning, coming to look after some business for th2 day at the court house. Alfred Nickels living east of Murray was a visitor in Plattsmouth yesterday evening looking after some trading and other business. Solomon Baldwin from near Un ion was a visitor in the city today coming to look after some business for a few hours with the city mer chants. Edward McCulhch from near Kock Finns was a visitor in the city iiist evening doing some trading and looking after some business matters in the city. Fred Oldhenhausen jr.. from near Cedar Creek was a visitor in the city l.-u.t evening coming to look after some biu-iness matters and to do some trading with the merchants. Wm. Betts was a visitor in this city for a short time this morning, being on his way to Omaha, where he is shipping some stock for sale cn the market today. Mrs. Margaret Sitzman of Cedar Creek was a visitor in this city for the past few days a guest of friends here, and yesterday departed for her home via the Schuyler train. August K reck low and family from near Mauley were in the city last evening, coming to look after some business in the county seat and other matters in the city, returning home iu their car in the evening. The place to which Lelloy Clem ent is to be sent, has been changed frcni Vancouver, Wash., to Camp Forest near Lytic. Ga. It is not as yet known just when or on what route he will go to the place. This is the only one which this county has secured from the amount which the state called for. Mr. Cecil Barnes who was one of the operator at Oreapolis. has re signed his position there for the pur pose of enlisting in the navy as a Kadio operator, but was not able to pass the examination on account" of his eyesight, anil there accepted a position with the Illinois Central, at Rockwell City, Iowa. ALLIES CONTINUE 10 PRESS AROUND THE GERM All ARMIES! ALLIES PROGRESSING EVERY WHERE EXCEPT NEAR SOIS SONS. WHERE NEW FOE ARMY IS PLACED. The Joy of Living. To enjoy life we must have good healt h. No one can reasonably hope to get much real pleasure out of life when his bowels are clogged a good share of the time and the poisons that should be expelled are absorbed into the system, producing headache and indigestion. A few doses of Chamberlain's Tablets will move the bowels, strengthen the digestion and give you a chance to realize the real joy of living. Try it. Franco-American Push North of Chateau-Thierry Turns Into a Fierce Battle for Possession of Forest in This Region. London. July 26. On all sides of the German salient the allies are re ported today to be continuing to make progress, except on the heights behind Soissons. The German re sistance to the Freuch pressure has been very determined in this latter sector. The advances reported else where are for the most part slight. On the other side of the salient just to the west of Ilheims the al lies lost the town of Mery and Hill 204 to a German counter-attack but retained Yrigny and tire greater part of the line thereabouts looking toward Fismes. The allies in this sector hold Marfaux. Bouilly, St. Euphraise and Courton wood. Between the ()urei and Chateau Thierry the Franco-American line now shows an advance beyond the line of a week ago of from six to eight miles. Bathing' Suits for Men, Women and Children! Patriotic crepe paper decorations at the Journal ofice. Americans Push Ahead. With the American Army on the Aisne-Marne Front. July lm;. The Franco-American push north of Chateau Thierry has resolved itself J into a battle for the woods, which J abound in this region. The Ger-j mans are fighting a rear guard ac- I tion with their artillery and ma- chine guns, retiring gradually be-! fore the allied forces. The Ger- ! many infantry is not in evidence. The indications early today were j that the enemy was making prep- I arations for a further withdrawal.! He has been struggling to hold the ! northern half of the forest of Fere f and of the forest of Kis. but the! allies pre making progress in the I. work cf ousting him from the re mainder of these woods. The allied troops moved up their ' heaviest guns early in the day and j were throwing shells into the Ger- ! man lines as far as Saponay, j.i'i j miles northwest of Oulchy-Le-Cha-teau) and beyond Fere-En-Tarde- j nois (-2 miles southeast of Saponay. The districts to the south were also being peppered by allied shells. The Germans have been ting much "sneeze" ga, hut ineffective ly. The poplar and oak forests of Fere and Ris are filled with under brush and the allied forces are hav ing a stiff job to get through them but are continuing the push night and day. The German machine gunners and artillery are desperate ly contending for every inch of ground before giving it up. Tins morning the battle in (he woods was still in progress. lj "C 7 How to Spend Your Back Pay Of course you are seeking advice on this perplexing problem, and no doubt there are plenty of people willing to help you out, however, here is a suggestion we think will pass muster: 1st. Buy War Saving Stamps. 2nd. Buy clothing, and buy now. Both of these will make you money. With the 1st you will be doing your country a good turn. With the 2nd you will be doing your self a mighty good turn. We cannot impress this upon you too strongly. We do not know where you could invest $50 to earn greater dividends than in clothing pur chased now. Our big stock at Peace Time prices has enabled many a man to provide against the evil day of poor qualities and high prices it will do the same for you if you act now. Such values as we offer now at $18, $21 and $25 will soon be out of reach. twco One more chance to buy plain blue bib overalls at SI. 85. Wescott s Sonus "EVERYBODY'S STORE' Liberie, with a new army com manded by General vo:i Eben which has been placed between the armies of General von Hutier and General von Bochn. REV. TEUSCOTT HOME AGAIN. LOOKING FOR FARM TO RENT. Flora Thursday's 1'aily. O. V. Virgin who has been living near Dunbar for some time past was in the city this morning looking af ter business, and on his way up stopped at Murray and brought hit mother to the city. Mr. Virgin who is farming down th&t way. and the next year from whim lie has been renting is going to farm the land himself and this puis .Mr. Virgin out of a farm. His mission up this way is to rent a farm for the coming ye a r. From Saturday's Daily. Ilev. T. A. Truscott who has been at Camp Hodge for the past two weeks working at the camp there, returned home last evening, and will again take up his work here. He seems very enthusiastic regard ing the largeness of the work there, and the scope of the training move ment which the cantonments handle. He will speak about it tomorrow at the regular church services. the building when completed in its arrangements will be an elegant place to do business. IS OUT OF HOSPITAL AGAIN. CALLED EAST BY DEATH OF COUSIN RAISE HIS SALARY. Germans Reinforce Lines. Fan's. July 215.--The Germans have reinforced their right flunk of the Soissons-Kheims pocket, says La Fri'in Tl.iirs.'ii s Iaily. The members and congregation of the Presbyterian thurch held a 'most important business inciting at the church last Sunday morning at 11 o'clock. It was at this time that thf pastor was granted a vacation dur ing a portion of the month of July and August. Also, as an apprecia tion of his good work, it was decid ed to increase the pastor - v. H. G. McClusky's salary, of which he is most deserving. For Sale- Ten acres. will taVe other property as part payment. Five room cottage, part payment on oth er property. Bulance monthly. It. H. Windham. 7-25-"td2tw Rep.d the Journal Ads It Pays l-'i'i'm Friday's Daily. Last evening Miss Marie E. Kauf man, departed on the evening Bur lington train for Kaukauna. Wis., where she is called by the death of her cousin, Mrs. Bloom. Mrs. Bloom was the daughter of the sister of Miss Kaufman's mother. Miss Kauf man will remain in the east for some time and visit while she is there. BUILDING APPROACH ING READINESS From Thursday's Daily. The building where the Nebraska Lighting Company was formerly lo cated is rapidly assuming shape for the new business which is. soon to be installed there. Mr. George Weidmau will engage in tire work, and carry automobile supplies, which W. W. Wasley will also oc cupy a portion of the room for the showing and selling of his line of cars, the Chevroulet. This location will make them a good stand, and From Thursday's Daily. Wm. Hild of Brady, who was for some time in the hospital at Omaha on account of receiving an injury by a horse some weeks since, but who has been out for the past week or so, and stopping at his sister's Mrs. L. A. Meisinger. was a passeng er to Omaha this morning where he went to consult with the hospital physicians regarding his injury. DESIRED TO ENLIST FOR SPECIAL SERVICE DR. S. P. CRESAP IN THE CITY. From Thursday's Daily. Dr. S. I. Cresap. of Nebraska City, the Democratic candidate for nomi nation for congress for the first dis trict of Nebraska, was in the city today, meeting his many friends and making many more by his open and frank manner of treating all sub jects. Dr. Cresap first is one hund red per cent American, and this is what is appealing to the people at this time. Dr. Cresap is in full ac cord with the ideas and practices of the administration in this world's war for humanity and civilization. Dr. Cresap of our sister city on the south is a frank manly man, unafraid to express his convictions on any measure or to take a stand for the right, irrespective of public opinion or popular favor. Max Duda and wife were passeng ers to Omaha this afternoon where they are spending the afternoon with friends. From Thursday's Daily. Harry O'Brien and father It. I . O'Brien and D. E. Dugan. all living near Manley were in the city yes terday coming over in a car to see about some business at the office of the local board. Mr. Harry O'Brien, desiring to enlist in special training for auto instruction for the IT. S. army. The date for the enlistment being past he could not avail him self of the proposition. After at tending to the other matters they returned to their home out in the county. TRADED FOR ANOTHER TEAM. From Saturday's Daily. Just as the wheels of the press begins to purr, for today's issue we are inforaied that the Omaha asso ciation have pulled the Sample-Hart ball team off the contract here and made an Omaha date for them. Mr. Johnson, the manager of the Red Sox got busy and just by accident hooked up with the Nelson Morris Pacing team, which is a good team, and probably will give the Red Sox a harder tussle than would have been given by the Sample-Hart team. Chamberlain's Tablets. These tablets are intended espe cially for stomach troubles, bilious ness and constipation. If you have any troubles of this sort, give them a trial and realize for yourself what a first-class medicine will do for you. They only cost a quarter. Si Wi f - A tew 3C 75 Wash Skirts JUST RECEIVED AND ON SALE WHILE THEY LAST AT $1 and $1.75 louses : Georgettes, $6.00, $7.00 and $7.50 values, on sale Ci We are now showing Fall and Winter Suits and Coats! Dresses ! Newest styles in Ginghams and Organdies, $ 1 0.00 an$ CjJ CJ J EZ $12.00 values, on sale at $4.50 and pJm M J W 11 o p Tog gory Mail Orders Promptly Filled! FRED P. BUSCH, Manager DC DC DC DC DO