THURSDAY, JULY 18, PLATTSMOUTH 8 EM I-WEITC LT JOURNAL. PAGE TWO. Un iMy-Win i fl nmi .rfii-i-i Ttrt JTicn. iUn EES) ChHdren Cry for Fletcher's The Kind You Have Always Bought, and -which has been in us3 for over thirty years, has borne the signature of - and has been made under his per 4" sonal supervision since its infancy. JsX'-c&4ZZ Allow no one to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and 44 Just-as-good " are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORSA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other narcotic substance. Its rge is its guarantee. For more than thirty years it has been in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Colic and Diarrhoea; allaying Feverishnsss arising therefrom, and by regulating the Stomach and Bcnvels, aids the assimilation of Food; giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS 'Bears the Signature of la Use For Over 30 Years The Kind You Have Always Bought I. t us deliver your hogs in -South m;;ha ilurini; these hot chtys. " We v. ill c:ill : t your farm and deliver I htm safe-y. The riattsmouth Garage. C- C. Schermerhorn departed this afternoon for Vurden, South Dakota, where he will engage In harvest while it lasts and then will assist in the threshing1. lii: s t n i Hi. i! III- WW I '!!! Mil .!'! is :.n;( Kill. I. !;. I'ti' .'Hi Hit I Itl 5 I'' .id i I' ! n:, !!!. I H ow France Has Been Fed "Before the war, a distin guished French Officer, General Maitrot, wrote a series of ar ticles in the 'Echo de Paris' to warn France, that in case of war, the French meat industry would be unable to supply the French army in the field with fresh meat, owing especially to the lack of modern refriger ating plants and of refrigerating transportation, and too, owing to the deficiency in the national herd." "Since the war began the French army has never been short of fresh meat, thanks mainly to the prosperous condi tion of the American meat in dustry, and too, to the American live stock breeders." The foregoing state ment was made by a representative of the Allies now in the United States. Another representative of the Allies said recently: "that the American packers have been of the greatest pos sible assistance to the Allies and 'have, by their efficient co operation, contributed in the utmost degree to the successful jiiuovvuuuii ",u; wU. Hi Swift & Company, U. S. A. LOCAL NEWS From Monday's Daily lien Dill, from southwest of Mur ray, was transacting business in this city last Saturday afternoon. George Reynolds and family from rear Rock Bluffs, were visiting in the city for a few hours last Satur day afternoon. George Nichols of Murray was a visitor in this city last Saturday af ternoon, having some matters to look after at the county seat. M. L. Williams was a visitor in this city this morning from his home at Louisville, and was looking after some business for a few hours. Win. Puis of Murray was a visitor in riattsmouth last Saturday, com ing to look after some business and also to renew his acquaintances for a few hours. Charles V. Reichart, city mar shal of Louisville was a visitor in this city, this morning, coming down in his car to look after some business for a few hours. Kloyd H. McCarthy of Union was a visitor in the city accompanied by Mrs. McCarthy, and were guests at the parents of Mrs. McCarthy, Mr. ond Mrs. Edward Swoboda. K. M. Ruby, one of the loard of directors of one of the schools near Weeping Water was in the city last Saturday looking after some matter in connection with the schools. Wm. Rice from northwest of Murray was a visitor in this city last Saturday, coming to look after some business for a few hours and to do some trading with the mer chants. Mrs. Henry Ofe ami Miss Mable McBride were passengers to Lincoln yesterday morning, where they are spending the day with Edward Ofe. who is taking special training at the State Farm. Frank Harcus arrived last Sunday from the Great Lakes, where he is in training in the navy, and is spend ing a few days with his friends here, and is the guest of his" mother Mrs. A. P. Barnes; Byron Reed has just received a letter from his son Will, who is at Camp Funston. which tells of his impressions of the camp and camp life in general, and tells of his pro motion to the position of military police. Adam Krcager of near Cedar Creek was a visitor in the city this- after noon just returning from a trip in Cedar County, where he has been looking after some land propositions, and was well pleased with the coun try around about llartington, and other portions of that country. A letter from Chester Welsheimer who is at Camp Funston, tells of the results of a recent examination, which finds one of his lung affected, and thus excludes his going over seas. The defect in the operation of the louug may be of such as will exclude him from service at all, but it is supposed that he can be used for f.ome place in this country, where the climatic conditions are favorable. I-Yom Tiles-lay's Iaily. , Carl Hofaker from west of Mynaru was a visitor in this city this morn ing, coming to look after some busi ness here. A. J. Schacfer from west of Mur ray was a visitor in this city today coming to look after some matters of business for a few hours. Wm. Richards for South Bend was a visitor in this city today coming down to look after some business matters at the court house. J. M. Patterson of Union, was a visitor in Plattsmouth last night and was accompanied by his wife and baby, coining up in their car. Will S. Smith, the postmaster at Murray was a visitor in this city last night and was looking after some business, at the ollice of the county clerk. Julius Ramge arrived in Hie city last evening from Iouisville and is now ready to tackle any job just having finished a farm job there yesterday. Wm. V". Spence of near Louisville was a business visitor in this city last evening, coming from bis town with an auto, and was transacting some business at the court house. Adam Meisingei from near Cedar Creek was a business visitor in the city last evening, coming in for a few hour to look after some .mat ters and returning home later in the evening. Joseph Wood from ' southwest of Murray was a visitor in this city this morning, coming to look after some business In the city and also to attend to some business at th 3 court house. Mrs. II. J. Shroeder of Cedar Creek and three children arrived in the city this morning and are visit ing for a short time iU the home of the mother of Mrs. Shroed er, Mrs. J. P. Keil. Ed. Schuhloff was a visitor in Louisville yesterday, looking after the band there and went out with his car, but on his return, he had a blowout, which caused him some trouble in getting home. Herman Bennies and family and little niece Cynthia Betts of Nebras ka City, who is visiting with her uncle, near Avoca, were in the city last evening looking alter some business for a .few hours. Peter C. Slander of Louisville was a business visitor in Plattsmouth last evening, having some business matters at the office of the County Superintendent of Schools, and after having concluded his business here he returned to his home. Adam Meisinger of Cedar Creek motored to this city yesterday after noon for a short visit with friends and to attend to some important business matters. He was a pleasant caller at this office and while here had his subscription extended for another year. Charles Lindsay of near Union was a visitor in this city last even ing, coming to see the local board and having a claim for deferred classification, which after he had considered he concluded he would abandon, as he thought he would just as soon go any as not, and signed a waver. Miss Ola Kafl'enberger who spent Sunday in Lincoln, arrived home last evening. Mrs. Rich, mother of Mr Herman Hough, who has been visit ing in this city for some time at the home of her son. returned to her home last evening, and was taken to J Weeping Water by her son in his car. Fred Lau of near Murdock is just completing a magnificent farm home two miles north and two miles east of. Murdoch. Mr. Lau. has been a hard worker, and with his work and thrift has prospered, and the build ing which he is now just completing will make him a good home, which he and family have merited. Mrs. John Uagoos was taken to the Clarkson hospital at Omaha from her home near South Bend, a few days .since on account of a very se vere attack of appendicitis, and where she underwent an operation and is reported as getting along nicely since, and hoped to be able to return to her home in a short time Earl Cox one of the young men who went to Camp Cody last fall, ar rived here yesterday, called on ac count of the death of his uncle Hen ry Stoll near Weeping Water. Mr Cox says that the boys from this county are all well and were most of them there yet when he came away which was about ten days ago G. II. Olilsen and wife departed last evening for Friend, where they will remain for a short time. Mr. Ohlsen has had supervision of the construction of the T. H. Pollock Garage, which of itself attests to Mr. Ohlsen's ability as a supervisor, While here they have made many friends who are pleased to hold their friendship. Fred Racek and George .Minimi de parted this afternoon for Lidger wood. North Dakota, where they go to engage in the harvesting the wheat crop which is rapidly ripen ing in that country. These two boys are workers and whoever is fortunate enough to get their as sistance will be the gainer as they are good workers and very indus trious. Fro. i Wednesday's laiiy. C. N. Hansen who is working near Cedar Creek was a visitor in Platts mouth this morning. Ed. Curtice of Glenwood, who has been working at Nehawka, returned this afternoon to his home. Lloyd Gapcn was a visitor in the city last night from his home near Murray and was looking after some business matters. J. M. Jordan from near Cedar Creek was looking after some busi ness and visiting with friends in Plartsmout h t his morning. E. S. Tutt of Murray was a busi ness visitor in Plattsmouth la-t evening coming up in a car for few hours and returning home in the evening. , William Heii and wife of near Cedar Creek were in the city last evening looking after some business, and doing some trading with the city merchants. . Henry Sanders ?r.. and Henry jr., came in this morning from their home in Cedar Creek and are spend ing the day here looking after some business -and also visiting with friends. Roy Den bam operator at Oreapolis and Wm. Krecklow, the cashier of the Burlington here were passengers to Omaha this morning where they arc looking after some matters for the clay. John Smith of Rock BlufTs was a visitor in the city yesterday looking after some business for a few hours, about M. L. Furious. whom he said was getting along in j good shape. j W. B. Banning of Union, who had been visiting in Omaha yesterday, stopping in this city for a short time on his way home last evening and visited with a number of friends here for a short time. Vic Sherwood and wife who have been visiting here and at Union for the past few days departed this mor ning for their home at Columbus, where Mr. Sherwood is engaged in railroad business with the Union Pa cific. Uncle Eli Eaton of Union who has been in the west for some time, visit ing at the home of Wm. Tillman and wife at Ogallala. for the past two weeks returned home this morning, stopping in this city for a few hours. John Honey arrited here this morning from Mountain Home, Ark., where he has been for the past year, and is on his way to Cedar Creek, where he formerly lived. Mr. Honey says the weather is rather dry there but that the crops are all very good. Mrs. Charles Weber and daughter Miss Ella, who has been visiting with friends here from Highland, 111., departed for Cedar Creek and Louisville, where they will visit with relatives and acquaintances for some time before they return to their home in the east. illtglf i.i:;i. Nont i: In (lie County t'oiirt f the State of Nelirnska, Cass county, ss: I n the mutter of the estate of l!on nctt Cliriswisser. leceasel. To the creditors of said estate: You ill-" hereby notified, that I will sit at t lie County court room in I'latts montli in said county on the L'!Mli !av o' .Inly. 1 ! 1 S. arid on the J'.Hb day of October, litis, to receive and examine all claims against said estate, with a view to their adjustment ami allow ance. The time limited for the icrsen tatiou of claims against said estate is three months from the UIMli day of July. A. 1 ). 1 i 1 S . and the time limited for pavment of debtx is one year from said J'tth day of July, IMS. Witness my hand and the seal of said county court, this 1Mb day of June. 191S. ALLEN J. HKKSOX. t4 wks.) County Judge. i.i-:;i. orui:. In the County court, the States of Nebraska. Cass county, ss: In the matters of the estate of Wil liam A. Brown, deceased. To the creditors of said estate: You are hereby notified, that I will sit at the County court room in l'latts- mouth in said county, on Julyy 'd. litis, and October 2Sd, litis, at 10 o'clock each day to receive and exam ine all claims against said estate, with a view to their adjustment and allow ance. The time limited for the pre sentation of claims against said estate is three months from the 2 I'd day of lulv. A. 1. IMS, and the time limited for payment of debts is one year from said J-Jd day of July, 191S. Witness my hand and the seal of aid County court, this l'Jtli day of June. 191S. ALLKU J. r.EESO.V. County Judge. K. U. YVINIUIAM. Atty. for Estate. (6-214 wks.) War-time Responsibility Yours and Ours National necessity has put a new responsibility en every motorist. Utmost service is demanded the highest use fulness of yourself and your car. Service and economy are your only considera tions. Our responsibility goes hand in hand with yours. As the- largest rubber manufacturer in the world, ilis cur duty to supply you with tires of unfailing reliability and extreme mileage. United States Tires are more than making good in this time of stress. They are setting new mileage records establish ing new standards of continuous service effecting greater economy by reducing tire cost per mile. There is a United States Tire for every car passenger or commer cial and every condition of LEGAL NOTICE. Mm- mm til PL' I : .' m The nearest United States Sales and Service Depot will cheerfully aid you in fitting the right tire to your needs, United States Tires arc Good Tires Mm Mil VSiZ&SJ The State of Nebraska. Cass Coun ty, ss. In the County Court. In the Matter of the Estate of Cus Splitt Sr.. Deceased. To the Creditors of said estate: You are hereby notified. That I will sit at the County Court Uooni in riattsmouth in said County, on August 12th. 191S. and November 14th. 191S. at 9 o'clock a. in. each day to receive and examine all claims against said Estate, with a view to their adjustment ami allowance. The time limited for the presentation of claims against said Estate is three months from the 12th day of Aug ust A. I). 191S, and the time limited for payment of debts is one year from aid 12th day of August, 191S. WITNESS my hand and the seal of said County Court, this 12th clay of July. 1918. (Seal) ALLEN J. HEESON. 15-4 wks County Judge. ix Tin: rorxTY coi irr or tiii: colxtv OK m:iiumv. In the matter of the estate of taia!i A. LonK. deceased. Now on this HUli day or .lulv litis. this cause came on for hearing upon the petition of Alva t;. Luns, alle?4in.i? anions oilier things that arah A. Ijotik. departed this life at Murray, Cass County, Nebraska, on the 23 rd clay of June litis, ownin? real estate which was the homestead of said de ceased, of the value of not more than $2000.00, ami that the same was whollv exempt from attachment, execution or other mesne process, ami not liable for the payment of debt of said deceased. Also jjivinj; the names of the heirs of said deceased, as Alva OJ. I,onir. Anna l. Miller. Minnie M. Stokes, and Addit; J. Stokes, all of whom are of full are. and askinir that administration of said estate be dispensed with In accordance with the provisions of in statute." of Nebraska, and it appearing to tho court that a hearing vipon said peti tion should be !;ad: IT IS C l:i i;i:i:i that all persons in terested in said estate nppear before the Coii'tty Court of Cass County. Nebraska, at tin office of the County' Jnde, in 1 Mat t smou t !i, Cass Cmiiitv, Nebraska, at ten oVIoek A. .!.. mi the 1 1 1 day of Auiriist li'ls. to slmiv cause, if any. whv the praxer of peti tion should not bo granted. it is FfirriiKi: t r.ii:i:i:i tiat this oiiler be published in the I'latts mouth Journal, for three successive weeks prior to the date nf said hear ing. in witnkss wii i:nr:oc i have hereunto sot me hand this 10th day of July tills. Jtv the Court. ALLEN J. liKKS. )N. (Seal) ;j wks County Judge. If you want to help tiii the wur buy a Liberty Bond and do it today. m:c; i, xotici:. To If. 1. Hathaway. C.eorge W. Fair field. John S. Towiisend. Kobert J. I.ackev. Nic holas lOmrle. A. K. Alexan der and to their unknown heirs, de vises, lecatees and personal represen tatives and to tJeorso II. Hird, defend ants: You and ear!: of you will take notice that on the 2illi day of June, 1!11S. Hermia K. Windham filed her petition in the liistrict com t of Cass county. Nebraska, acainst you and each of you. the object and prayer of wlilili ls that she may oe aujuagea owner in fee Simple of Lot 1 in Blk. 11. Duke's addition l I'latlsmoul li, Nebraska, and Lot 1 in Block 1 and Lot S In Ulock , in Townsencr.s addition to I'latts moutb. Neb., freed from all claims of an estate or interest therein of any of tho defendants, and all persons ciatm- nar bv. tlirousrlt or under them, and that you and each of you be perpetual- v en joined from claiming any right title, or interest or right or possession Hie title and rights of this plaintiff. her heirs or assigns, and from interfer ing with the neacable enjoyment of said lofs bv the plalntitr: and tor sucn other and further relief as equity may eo ui re. Yon and eacli of you ate required to nnswer to- said petition on or before Mnnilav, the 2Bth day of August. 191S, as to any interest you may claim therein or vonr defaults will be enter ed therein and the allegations or said petition taken as true. It. B. Windham, Attyv 7-1-4 wks, wkly. WHEN YOU GET AS v;.yw.:'7..vV', t ilf PUT niVSF ijfOF TIN OUR ANK WHERE it is ABSOLUTELY SAFE Rand-McNally war maps lor sale it th8 Journal office. W. A. ROBERTSON, . Lawyer. ALL OF THAT PAY BELONGS TO YOU -PUT IT IN THF BANK OR IT WILL SOON BELONG TO SOMEONE ELSE. ARE YOU ALWAYS GOING TO BE A "HORSE IN A TREAD MILL," WORKING FOR MONEY THAT OTHERS GET? THE MONEY YOU WASTE. IF IT WFRP put tki mm WOULD SERVE YOU OR KEEP YOU MIGHTY WELL SOME DAY. 51rttU n UHNK MCCOUNT NOW. WE PAY 3 1-2 PER CENT ON SAVINGS ACCOUNTS. COME TO OUR BANK. MiJr East of Riley Hotel Coatea Block, Second Floor. 'rn"I"rvv vy FariTiers State Bank THE NEW BANK. OPEN SATURDAY NIGHTS FROM 7:00 TO 9:00