The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, July 11, 1918, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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From Wf dn'Jy's Dally.
F.d. Meisinger from northwest of
Mynard was u business visitor In
IMattsmouth today.
Schuyler Ilaekenberg from north
west of Myuarri was a visitor in the
ciiy this morning looking after some
business for a fow hours.
Chris Murray and Harry Spook
wre in the city this morning from
their homo north west of Murray,
having driven in with their car.
A. J. Englekemeir from near Weop-ir-g
Water was a visitor in this city
last evening and was looking after
some business with the merchants.
Charles McReynolds of near Mur
ray war. a business visitor in their
city last evening and was looking
alter some matters at the court
W. A. Scott of Murray was in the
city this morning for a few hours
and was accompanied by Frank and
Hick Marsh, they coming along to
s e the town.
Mrs. Kred Reiner of Omaha, ar
rived in this city this afternoon.
oming to visit at the home of her
parents Mr. and Mrs. C. If. Tarns,
who live west of the city.
Xels Anderson and James I. Blake
both from Xehawka, drove up this
r.iorning in their car. and were look
ing after some business in the city
and also at the court house.
Herman Beck, from southwest of
Murrav with his family were in the
city this morning, where they are
looking after forae business, and do
ing some trading in the city.
John Leddy of South Bend was a
business visitor in this city for the
day. coming down this morning on
the train to look after some matters
in the city and also at the court
Harry Wripht of Weeping Water
and Fred Taylor of near Union were
in the city last evening, driving in
from their respective homes to look
after some matters regarding their
call to service.
Luther Rennard departed this af
ternoon for Redfield. South Dakota,
where he will visit for a while and
work in the harvest fields, for a
time and probably remain there if he
should like the country.
John Crunz of Omaha was a
visitor in this city yesterday in the
interest of the Nebraska Methodist
Hospital, for which he was soliciting
aid. and after having canvassed the
city hp departed last evening for
W. II. Meisinger from near Cedar
Creek, has just recently purchased a
j new four passenger Fieo touring car
while John Crish has purchased a
new six cylinder Reo. they both be
itiK purchased from the Atnick
agency of this city.
- Mrs. C. A. Miller jr., and wife,
ui.'li their little baby, who have
been in the c-itv' for the past few-
days attending the funeral of Mr
Miller's mother Mrs. Henry Mv. Mil
ler, departed for their home this
morning at nrunswicic.
Mrs. A. E. Smith, residing south
of this citv. accompanied her son
George in the car. to this city yes
terday afternoon for a short visit
witli friends. She was a pleasant
caller at this office and while here
had her subscription extended for
another year.
The papers over the state are tell
ing of si family at North Platte.
hrre four of the sons are in the
service, while this looks good. Cass
county and a little town at that has
a family, at Eagle, where four sons
are now in the service and anotner
is to go in the near future.
R. Kettkehut. C. A. Morrison and
Will Troop and son Robert, all from
near NVhawka. were visitors in
IMattsmouth this morning, driving
from their home in the car of Mr.
Kettlehut. and going on to Omaha
alter a short stay here where they
are looking after some business.
County superintendent of the
county schools, is busy just now ar
ranging for the county institute
which is to be held in this city dur
ing the last week in August. Looks
like some one else should get busy
and advertise Plattsmouth since she
now has six thousand people or more
according to the school census, which
has just been completed.
and Charles Williams all of Green
wood, were In the city today coming
to attend the funeral of Mrs. Henry
M. Miller, which was held this after
noon. -
Roy Wood of Union was in the
city last evening coming to look af
ter some matters before the local
board, and after having transacted
the business in hand departed for
his home.
Earl Chase who has been work
ing in Saunders county arrived in
the city this morning, stopping for
a short visit with his relatives John
H. Cotner and family on his way
home to Union.
C. A. Gaskin, of Napoleon. South
Dakota, who has been visiting in the
city with his father, Mr. J. H. Gas
kin, who resides at the Masonic
Home, departed this morning for his
home in the north.
Messrs. Carey and Lauren Stottler
from near Union, were in the city
this morning looking after some
business and filed some claims in
the matter of the estate of their
father Win. Stottler, which is in
court for settlement at this lime.
Rev. I). A. Youtzy. pastor of the
Christian church ut Elmwood and
wife came over this morning called
to preach the funeral of the late
Mrs. Hehry M. Miller. Rev. and Mrs.
Youtzy will remain over until to
morrow for a visit with their many
friends here.
A car load of
Cherokee Kansas
Frr.irj TrtVsunv'-s J:li?y.
Cl'arlcs Mayboe departed this
morning for Hastings, where he ex
pects to assist in harvesting.
Miss Fern Warthen who has boon
visiting in Wahoo, for some weeks
past returned home this morning.
James Reynolds of near Union was
a visitor in Plattsmouth early this
morning looking after some business
at the court house.
County Agent R. L. Snipes of
Weeping Water was a visitor in the
city this morning, having some busi
ness matters at the court house.
Wendell Heil was a business visit
or in the city this afternoon from
his home near Cedar Creek, and was
looking after some business here.
George' S. Smith, of near Rock
Bluffs was in the city this morning
cn his way to Omaha, where he goes
to look after some business for the
Alfred, Frank and Mont Stewart,
ai'ii'Tf "
Value is the lest
For clothes, as for everything else, you pay more
nowadays. And when you pay more you cannot afford
to get less for the money. This is the big thing nowa
days value.
haven't moved an inch from their old quality standards.
We claim our she
e r
e claim our showmc ot suits Ironi
$20.00 to $37. SO
to be values. Come in -we Iiave more to offer.
f M$m -A
l fee i
. Cnpyniht JS1S
Tk Boom U Kiippnhim
Frank Sheldon of Nehawka,
accompanied by his wife and daugh
ter and Morris Pollard were visitors
in Plattsmouth this morning, com
ing to look after some business at
the office of the county judge. They
came up with their car. and later
returned to their homes.
Two sons of Louis Foltz, formerly
from near Weeping Water, but now
having large farms near South Oma
ha were visiting in this city and
looking after some, business in
Plattsmouth this morning. They ex
pect to make a trip to the west in
a short time, going to California,
and other points in the xrest.
Joseph Reynolds son of B. J.
Reynolds of this city and Mrs.
Reynolds are visiting in this city
frcm Marfa, Texas, where Mr. Reyn
olds is located with the army, on the
Mexican border, and is with a com
pany of cavalry. They will visit
here for a few days and will also
visit at other points before return
ing to their post at Marfa.
Fred Clak of Union had some
business in Omaha and drove up
there in his car this morning,' bring
ing Glen Rutledge along with him
to this city, where he dropped him
off, and picked him up on his return
home. Glen while he was in the
city called at this office, paying us
a pleasant call. He also went to the
office and enlisted as a telephone
man for the special call f5r engineer
ing call.
From Monday's Daily.
Justus Lime and wife departed
last Saturday afternoon for Cedar
Creole. whre they vifited for over
D. A. Young of near Murray was
a business visitor in this city , this
morning coining up on the early
morning train.
Charles Good cf neai Murrav was
a visitor in Plattsmouth this morn
ing coming up early this morning,
to look after some business.
Attorney C. L. Graces of Union,
was a visitor in Plattsmouth thin
morning, coming to look after some
business at the court house.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Heil jr from
near Cedar Creek, weie in the city
last Saturday evening and called up
on the Journal leaving an advance
on their dally.
Charles Vallery and wife of South
St. Joseph, Mo., are visiting in th!s
city with relatives, being the guests
of Henry Eikenberry and Mrs. Mar
garet Vallery.
The will of Charles J. Gable, for
merly living near Lou'sville, was
last Saturday admitted to probate.
and two sons Henry and Abber Gable
appointed as executors.
Uncle John Renner who has been
visiting at Louisville for a number
of days past, where he was the
guest of his daughter Mrs. A. S.
Green, returned home this morning.
Allen Land from southwest of
Mynard was a visitor in this city
for a short time this morning, com
ing to look after some business ard
do some trading with the merchants.
Harvey Coleman, who conducts
the tire repair shop on North Fifth
was a passenger to hisy horr at
Greenwood, where he visitei for
over Sunday returning home this
Ceorge Hansen and family n" near
Nehawka were visitins in th'? city
yesterday for a few nours, coming
up in their car, and were the guests
at the home of Wm. Hunter and
Mrs. Beunita Porter of Mynard,
who is employed at Omaha arrived
home last Saturday evening and
spent the Sunday with hr paients
at our coal yards in
returning to her home this nv ning
via the Missouri Pacific.
A. S. Green and wife with their
little boy who have been visiting in
this city for the past three d-jys, re
turned last Saturday to Iheir home
at Louisville, Mrs. Green's father
'Dad Ren-ier accompanying them.
Wm. Sherra of Rock Bluffs, who
has been iut in Clay county near
Deweese, where he was assisting
John Marquette in harvest'n:; his
wheat, returned home lst Saturday
saying that the crop was car-d for
and it Was a fair crop.
Mrs. II. B. O'Brien and daughter
Laura of Ixnip City, the former a
niece of J. S. Benscoter, living north
of this city, who have been visiting
in the city, the guests of her uncle
and his family departed this morn
ing for their home.
Warren Barnard of Meadow Just
across the Platte river from Louis
ville, was in the city this morning
on his way to Omaha, where he is
going for medical treatment at one
of the hospitals, which may also
end in the necessity of an operation.
Henry Sanders of Cedar Cre2.c has
purchased the property of M. E.
Manspeaker in the second ward, and
will make this their home in the
future, but just now. They have
Miss Gladys, of North Platte, who
have been visiting in the city for
some days past the guests of their
friends Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mnmrn of
this city, departed this morning for
their home in the western portion
of the state.
Jeff Salsberg of Mynard was a
visitor in the city last Saturday, and
says his hand is getting along some
better now, but is pretty soe yet.
Jeff received u wound by holding a
stick near the fly wheel of a gas
engine, which thrust a splinter in
the hand and became infected.
Miss Myrtle Pariott who wa- the
teacher at the Cedar Creek school,
lm. who has been visiting in the
city at the home of her uncle drov
er Pariott, departed last Saturday for
Cedar Creek, where she visited for
over Sunday, returning this morn
ing she wil go to her home in Peru.
Mrs. Sam Neill received a letter
from her son Glen who ha just
returned from the fifth trip across
the Atlantic, and was to have a ?even
clay furlough, beginning the fifteenth j
of July, but thought it no use to try
to come home as he would on'v get
here in time to return the following
In cultivating physical as well as
moral courage you must not neg
lect to take care of your stomach.
A constipated body means loss of
energy, lassitude, weariness and de
pression produced by the poisonous
substances generated in the intes
tines. The first is to clean the
stomach, and Triner's American
Elixir of Bitter Wine is the best
remedy for this purpose. You will
not be bothered with indigestion.
headaches, nervousness, etc., if you
will take Triner's American Elixir.
At drue stores. $1.10. Rheuma
tism, neuralgia, or lumbago will not
spoil your summer days if you have
Triner's Liniment at hand. It is ex
cellent also for sprains, strains,
swellings, sore muscles, etc. Price,
35 and 65 cents at drug stores. By
mail, 4 5 and 75 cents. Joseph Trin
er Company, Mfg. Chemists, 1333
1343 S. Ashland ave., Chicago, 111.
Globe or purple top strap leaved
turnip seed oz. 10c, lb. $1.50, post
paid. Alfalfa 99.9 per cent pure
$10.00 Bu., Beans pk. $2.25, Sweet
secured a nice piece of property and corn pek. $2.75. Johnson Bros. Neb.
which will make them an elegant city.
Mrs. F. H. Bowell and daughter Journal Want-Adi Pay!
i''' II
A real investment
on which you realize
full value in mileage
and Fisk Service,
with an initial price
that is attractive.
From Monday's Dally.
Friends in the city have re -eived
announcements of the marriage of
Miss Alliston Grant Johnston and
Mr. Robert M. Fry, on Tuesday,
June 25th, at Portland, Ore. They
will be at home to their friends, at
Sheridan. Ore., after July 20th Mr.
Fry has charge of the Manual
Training departed of the Sheridan
schools. Miss Johnston taught in
the High .School in tins city for two
years, and was very popular among
her pupils and friends. While resid
ing in this city, ehe was, alsr, very
prominent in church circles. She
has a large circle of rriends. vhose
best wishes will ever attend her.
Do not let that dollar rust. Uncle
Sam can use !t. Invest It in a Liberty
Treasurer's Semi-annual
From January 1st, 1918, to June 30th, 1918
Jan. 1. 1913
Other Funds
to Count y
General Fund
Other Funds
State General Fund
State School Fund
State Redemption Fund
State University Fund
State University Special Fund
State University Activities Fund
State Normal Fund
State Aid Bridge Fund
State Institution Improvement Fund
State Aid Road Fund
State Motor Fees Fund
State Hail Insurance Fund
State School Land Principal Fund
State School Land Interest Fund
State School Land Lease Fund
$ 3
038.231 $22 189.57
15.30 18.41
County General Fund j 39 696.95
County Bridge Fund 4 62G.53
County Emergency Bridge Fund
County Soldiers Relief Fund
County Road First Com. District
County Road Second Com. District
County Road Third Com. District
County Road Drag Fund
County District Road Fund
County District School Fund
County District School Bond Fund
County Free High School Fund
County Teachers School Fund
City of Plattsmouth Fund
City of Weeping Water Fund
Village of Louisville Fund
Village of Greenwood Fund
Village of South Bend Fund
Village of Elmwood Fund
Village of Eagle Fund
Village of Union Fund
Village of Avoca Fund
Village of Murdock Fund 1
Village of Alvo Fund
Individual Redemption Fund
Couaty Motor Vehicle Fund
Inheritance Tax Fund
Permanent Road Fund
Advertising Fund
Jail Fund
Special Fund
Fines and Licenses Fund
Miscellaneous Fund
Interest on Deposits Fund
Plattsmouth Precinct Fund
Louisville Precinct Fund
South Bend Precinct Fund
Fee Accounts Fund
Totals I
2 219.87
5 728.541
267.37 2 735.28
280.86 3 033.81
804.20 2 781.51
3 943.90
430.69 4.40
486.37 39.21
5 560.50
680.41 1 851.50
181.36 2 123.17
1 375.78
1 231.50
3 913.35
31 632.31
23 267.70
5 728.54
2 892.03
2 892.03
2 892.03
5 746.02
10 998.25
83 455.79
8 246.18
17 280.72
' 43.85
8 650.60
157 708.01 33 978.89(270 558.98
2 219.87
3 943.90
2 123.17
1 851.50
27 845.67
24 2S2.02 945.78
15.48 18.23
9.63 9.78
6 18S.58 658.74
' 4 906.77 341.54
4 800.45 353.43
5 162.19 483.75
1 290.05 91.55
2 939.77 299.71
4 021.87 519.08
938.35 21.70
21.50 101.00
i58.97 3653
166.37 4.95
24 848.81 48 700.32
15 377.63 18 245.14
53954 20341
722.83 13 171.85
57.84 14 148.86
57.84 15 419.90
1 139.32
7 95L34 Tff 48200
82 151.38 35 269.49
4 255.96 17 565t17
5 560.501
7 693.02J 877.12
20 158.14 3 427.11
2 038.20 , 180.83
2 218.03 553.29
657.68 389.02
.71 57.74
964.54 89.13
762.30 335.44
709.23 62.10
1 127.55 39.40
552.13 120.42
361.64 63.77
1 520.21 107.13
2 000.00
238 365.15
2 112.40
1 925.10
193 815.19
No Outstanding Warrants
M. TRITSCH, County Treasurer