rCATTSMOUTII SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL. paoehvz. r , WAS TAKEN TO HOSPITAL TODAY ENOCH MORGAN'S SONS CO. Lend Him From Thursday's Daily. This morning Mr. and Mrs. Nich olas Opp, of near Nehawka, accom panied by Frank Boedeker of that place and Dr. Oilmore, their physi cian of Murray came to this city ex pecting to take the Burlington train for Omaha, but being a little late continued to Omaha with their car. Mrs- Opp is entering the Wie Me morial llospitalat that place, where she will receive treatment, and will rrobably have to undergo an opera tion for relief for the sickness, which is troubling the lady. AHan BUY Buy SAPOLIO For ECONOMY LIBERTY For1 v PATRIOTISM "Actions' speak louder than, words"- Ac t - D o ri t Ta I k - B uy N o vt) IN DISTRICT COURT TODY. MONDAY, JULY 1, 1918. . g i 1 x , - M I " k f fit r i I J I 3 r i VIRGINIA FORBES BREAKS SHOULDER From Friday's Daily. Eleven year old daughter Miss Vir ginia, of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Forbes while at play fell from a foot "midge across the creek in rro'it of the Forbes home, striking or. her right shoulder, breaking the collar bene, and shoulder, as well as the ur.pcr bone of the arm. The fall which was extremely forceful, re sulted in the severe break, and bruis ing of the tissues, so that it was advised that the patient be taken to a hospital at Omaha, where the in jury is being treated, but by the time they had gotten to the hospit al the shoulder was so badly swollen that the same could not be set until the swelling was reduced. The flash was very black, and the joint distended, so much so that the physi cians will have to treat the injured part before the fracture can be re duced. Mr. and Mrs. Forbes return ed home last evening and say that the injured member will probably be in condition to work Avith by Monday of next week. A silver Many Nebraska People Report in Short Time Powers cf Medicine Conclusively Proven Men and Women, Old and Young, Benefited Alike by "Premier Preparation." One of the most noteworthy features in connection with the introduction cf Tanlac, and the one that stands out more prominently than any other perhaps, is the very large number of well-known men and women from all parts of the slate who have recently reported an astonishing and rapid in crease in weight as a result of its use. When so many well-known people cf unquestioned in tegrity make statement after statement, each corroborating the other, the truth of such statements can no longer be doubt ed. I Thousands have testified that this famous medicine has completely restored them to health and strength, after every other medicine and the most skilled medical treatment had failed. A case in' point is that of Bert improved so rapidly in every way Brown, engineer on the Chicago, ( that he gained ten pounds on two Burlington & Quincy Railroad, who , lives at 420 South 10th street, Lin coln, and who states that for three years his health was so seriously ini- paired that he was almost a nervous ani' physical wreck. Soon after tak- j in;; Tanlac his digestion rapidly im- . proved, his pain disappeared, hij nc.ves became calm and steady and he gained .thirty pounds. Another interesting case is that of . 11. A. Weldy, the well-known man 4 uger of the Emory Hotel in Scotts Muff. Neb., who says that he was suffering from a complete nervous breakdown and was in such a serious condition that he despaired of ever . as thousands cf people all over the regaining his health and strength. United States and Canada have tak but upon taking a few bottles of cn Tanlac with the same and, in Tanlac his health was fully restored many cases, with far greater result?. a!:d ho made a gain of eighteen pounds. Mrs. Arch Allen, 3322 North 65th street. Omaha, who formerly lived in Evansville, Ind., and was once a nurse in a hospital near that city, makr?:t a statement which, coming as it does from one of such wide exper ience in relieving suffering, is of unusual interest. Mrs. Allen says haffey, Nashville, Tenn., who-gained that the became so weak that she forty pounds; or of Mrs. O. C. Cason, couldn't lift her ten months old'Acworth, Ga., who gained thirty- baby, her nervous system was al most a wreck and she was often con fined to her bed for weeks at a time. She states that upon the advice of the oilier nurses' at the hospital she took Tanlac with the result that fche was soon entirely relieved o fall her troubles, became well and strong and increased twelve pounds in weight. N. II. Church of 1117 Davenport street, Omaha, says that he suffered so much from rheumatism, stomach and liver trouble that he fell off thirty-five pounds, and his left arm hurt so bad he could hardly raise it to his head. After taking Tanlac he plate will have to be inserted in order to grow the bone together, which will have to be removed after wards, and will keep the patient at the hospital for some time. RETURNS FROM HOSPITAL. From Thursday's Doily. Yesterday Mrs. August Nolting was at Omaha and found Mr. Nolting getting along finely, and va3 so much improved, that he though j that he was able to return to his home, he consulted with Dr. Davis, and who after examination of his condi tion thoroughly said that he might return, and with Mrs. Nolting he re turned home last evening via the Missouri Pacific and in the evening went to their home west of the city. Mr. Nolting has been at the hospital for a long time, and it is with plea sure that he finds he is able to return to his home. It is also a pleasure of his friends to know he is able to re ft turn. Show your Patriotism Thursday evening, July 4th. Ivy coming to the Red Cross Pvemjnt Dance. Astonishing Gains in Weight bottles. Ira W. Polsley, a fireman on the Union Pacific Railroad, and who lives at 2033 Elm street, Omaha, says ne was so rundown and worn mit -with indigestion and other roubles that he could not work lonjr without feeling exhausted. A few bottles of Tanlac fully restored his j strength and energy, he gained ten pounds and now weighs more than he did before his troubles began. The foregoing statements are from well-known citizens of Nebraska, and while astonishing in Their im port, they are not really remarkable, Take, for instance, the case of Mrs. Viola Ives, 315 Cross street. Little Rock, Auk., who gained forty pounds; or that of Mrs. Don J. 1'erry of 370 Quince street. Salt Lake City, Utah? who gained .twenty-eight pounds; or that of Mrs. G. W. Wil liams, of Gadsden, Ala., who gained forty-eight pounds; that of O. II. Ma- five pounds; or Mrs. A. M. Richards of 803 Thirteenth street, Denver, Col., who gained eighteen pounds; Mrs. Mamie O'NejJ. of 261 Welton street, Denver, Col., who gained eighteen pounds; John McNamee of 419 Church street, Salt Lake City, who gained sixteen pounds, and thousands of others to numerous to mention. . Tanlac is sold in Plattsmouth by F. G. Fricke & Co., in Alvo by Alvo Drug Co., in Avoca by O. E. Copes, in South Bend by E. Stursenegger, in Greenwood by E. F. Smith, in Weep ing Water by Meier Drug Co., and in Elmwbod by L. A. Tyson. From Thursday's Daily. This is the busy day in the dis trict court. The matter of the Dovey state, is having a hearing before Judge E. E. Good of Wahoo. ?.ho is here, and 'at the same time Judje Begley is hearing a case, known as Morris and others vs. School Board" District Number Thirty-Six. in which there has been a restraining order sued out to prevent the ?joard from building a new school house The matter is being thrashed out today. GOOD CHEER FOR THE SOLDIERS. From Thursday's Daily. The Campfire girls of Union and vicinity under the direction of their Guardian, Miss Zola Fraus, made a house to house canvas for book to send to the soldiers, wh;h res' .h1 in a collection of 20 1 excellent books. Miss Frans and her sister brought them to the Plattsmouth Public Li brary to be prepared for shipm- nt. The Toka Campfire girls a i 1 : oif Guardian, Mrs. Earl Stant' '. l. v ill ass'st the librarian in prcpa: :ng them for circulation in the cnj or cantonment to which the S.:il'" Di rector designates for theni'tj bo ?c.-?t. Books sent out to the different camps and cantonments froT lil rc-r-ies throughout the United yiTc3 i re pocketed and carded ready for the shelves, thus saving the Government much expense. The Campfire girls are helping: in this work as one of their bits in win ning the war. C. F. HARRIS FILES FOR COMMISSIONER From Friday's Daily. Crede F. Harris from near Union Avas in "the city yesterday looking after some business in the city and at the court house, among other things he filed "for county commis sioner, for the second district. This makes two tilings for this olficc among the Republicans, and there may be more to folow. Mr. Harris like Mr. Mayfield is a representative citizen, and shoul dit be. that one of them were elected, the county's busi ness would be cared for. Still there will be other filings and until they are completed the people are reserv ing their decision as the fitness of the candidates, to whom they will support for the position. MRS. HARRY WALKER DIES7 From Friday's Dally. Last evening John liobscheit jr., who lives near Murray, was in the city for a short time on his way from Omaha, where he was called yester day on account of the sicknecs of Mrs. Harry Walker, who was taken to th6 St- Joseph hospital, where she died last evening at (:30. Mrs. Walker and Mrs. John liobscheit are sisters, their names having been Sherwood and their former home having been near Union. The re mains of Mrs. Walker are being tak en to the home of her parents near Union, this afternoon, via the Mis souri Pacific, and the funeral will be held at Union. FIRST TIME IN FOUR YEARS. From Friday's Daily. While Will P. Sitzniau, who lives at Weeping Water, had lived in Plattsmouth most rill his life, and until a few years since was a printer in this city, was able to. stay away from this city for four years while living only a few miles away, just in Weeping Water. Last Sunday he and his family came over in their car, and spent the day with relatives and friends, being the guests of Frank S. Sitzman and faintly, and returned homo in the evening. Life must have many debiands on one's time when we cannot find a day off for a visit when the friends are not but a short distance away. BARTUNG SEEDS. Disc the stubble fields -and sow forage crops. Cane $2.90 per bushel. White Cane extra e.irly $3 !u. Kafir S5.40 per 100 lbs. Liberty Millet $2.80 bu. Buckwheat ?C.5U bu. Cow Peas $3.50 bu. EDWARD BARTLLN3 SEED CO. , Nebraska City, Nebr. Flags at the Journal Office. EN feel the crating this a day of earnest thought and de termination that our fight may soon terminate in the glory of democracy for all mankind. Evervone of us, voumi and old can help, and indeed every man Our store will be closed all TAZKAN OF THE APES' 'A STivOY OF AFRICAN AD VEUTURE NOTABLE FOR, ITS GREAT IMAGINATION Darwin was right, all right. But he never graded the dogrivs of le sent. Fdgar Rice Burroughs made some attempt at grading in his "Tar zan of the Apes." which is now in motion picture form at the Broad way theater. Ho runs the .gamut this way drunken sailors, brutal ship officers, slave traders and final ly aristocrats. The apes really rank highest. Even the boy brought up by the apes rank head and shoulder;; above his aristocrat relative. There are no class lines, no national lines, no mutual exploitation among our ancestors. "Tarzan of the Apes" is bully ad venture. Wild beasts roam through the scenes; a kindly elephant takes the wild man upon his back; in short, mix Stevenson's 'Treasure Is land" with Captain Baker's African stories and the happy combination is struck. The joy of the film lies in its kindly wild life rather than its t . ; i.S iji. .'ii 1 "tn , I 11 n ' 1 ' 1 if I i 1" 1 ni . 1 1, 1 n . ' - "i I 11T iji 11.11 iiii' - 1 tU" ,- .. Vr -'--'vt - 1 h mi ' i 11 if . j. .... . ,1 The Year's Absolute Sensation - TWICE Matinee 3:00 Tarzan's Fight with the Lion Tarzan's Raid on the Cannibals Tarzan's Conxbat with Giant The Fisht Between Ape and The Elephant Raid on Natives ! A Hundred Apes in the Jungles The Tiger's Attack on His Prey duty of conse 4th of July as Your clothes requirements can be adequately met by this store which has prepared far in advance to meet present conditions. We feel we can be of real service to you at this time. day on the 4th. C. E. Wescott's Sons "EVERYBODY'S STORE" civilized brutality. And in putting Burroughs story into the film the National Film corporation has shown good sense of showmanship. "Tar zan of the Apes" is better than most films which have been concocted for the screen, and credit must be given ScoU Sidney, who staged it, and Isi dor Bernstein, who edited it. Na ti'ral beauties, imagination and clean, free spirit make the film a de light. The film follows the magazine ttory-with enough faithfulness to satisfy readers of the Burroughs story. To those who missed the serial the film will be refreshing en tertainment. Tarzan, as readers of the story will remember, is the son of Lord Greystoke, who went to Africa on a secret mission for the British govern ment. Africa in 1S97 was torn by European ravishers, atrocities in the ; Belgian Congo, Jameson's raid on the Eoers, slave trading, with its con comitant brutalities by the Arabs. The sailors mutiny, slay their bru tal oilicers in fair fight and then maroon Lord Greystoke and his wife. DAILY Eveningl7:30 of the From the original story by Edgar Rice Burroughs, with Elmo Lincoln, Enid Mark y and 1,000 others. Produced in the wildest jungles of Brazil at a cost of $300,000. Staged with wild lions, tigers, elephants, baboons, apes, cannibals, etc. Gem Theatre July 4th and 5th Admission 1 1 and 28c V tSPThis most wonderful production has shown most everywhere for 50c. Baboon Gorilla who hopes for the safety of the Stars and Stripes is helping. As clothing merchants and as Americans we say to you, do not buy more clothes than you need, bu.t do not fail to buy what you need NOW, to protect your self against higher prices and poorer qualities. A boy is born in the jungle; the mother dies and the baby is carried off by a mother ape, who has just lost her young. The film traces the growth of the boy half ape, half human till his twentieth year. A counter melody is being played in England, where Lord Greystoke's brother' assumes the title after hav ing married a barmaid. Their child is a petted brat. News is brought to Hiem by a sailor, Binns, that the l?eir to the Greystoke estate is alive in Africa. The barmaid aristocrat has Binns incarcerated as a lunatic for ten years, but a vengeful maid servant finally helps him escape. He tells his story to a scientist, a finger print expert, and the Greystoke so licitor, with the result that a party is made up to seek out Tarzan in his jungle home. Some of the finest bits of action ever portrayed on the screen are found in "Tarzan." The fight be tween sailors and officers aboard the vessel is an exciting bit of action. Tarzan's struggle with a liou, as well as his fight with a native negro, are excellent pictures of action. All roads leads to the big tent Although there are hundreds of natives and dozen of apes in the pic ture, the program only gives the names of a few of the players. Elmo Lincoln is beautiful in his massive strength as its grown Tarzan, but Gordon Griffith, who plays Tarzan at the age of 10, is entitled to equal honors. Griffith plajs with charm ing ape-like wistfulnes. True Board man and Kathlee Kirkman play Tar zan's father and mother; George French is Binn's; Thomas Jeffer son is the scientist; Enid Markey plays his daughter, the girl with whom the caveman Tarzan falls in love; Bessie Toner is the barmaid aristocrat; Colin Kenny plays both her husband and his own father, and Jack Wilson appears as the brutal eea captain. Unfortunately, the program does not state who the ac tors are that play the finger-print expert, .the solicitor, tho aristocrat brat, the negro warrior, or . the vengeful serving maid, all good play ers and deserving of appreciation. "Tarzan of the Apes" will be shown at the Gem July 4th and 5th. sari1