The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, July 01, 1918, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4
MONDAY. JULY 1, 1918. rtATTSMODTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL. f AGE FOUR. MVIUiraiDAMMnnL H l&ttsmoutb oimm PUELISHED SEHI-WEEKLY AT Kntered at rostoITice, I'lattsmouth, R. A. BATES, Publisher SUBSCRIPTION PRIGE : $1.50 Penalty attached to every failure. :o:- When a man hasn't anything on earth to worry him he goes and gets married. -:o: Plattsmouth will celebrate tnc Foartlu If you don't believe it, come and see. If Youns America does not gel some fireworks for the Fourth there is liable to be a mutiny in" -:o:- Xothing is free any more. You have to pay a war tax cn onjpli; meniary tickets to the theatres now. :o: - One Leavenworth girl has given wrist watches to sixteen so'diers, and another has supplied 'orty with compasses. That's the way to do. :o: Emperor Charles may refuse to ac cept the resignation of his cabinet but it v.-ill be interesting if h Cc'ii figure his way out of accepting his army's retreat. :o: The York Daily New s-Tini-'s is "one of the sprightliest country daily papers in Nebraska, and always till ed with good, wholesome news both local and foreign. :o: Any other population except Ger mans and Austrians would be want ing to know why, if there are no Allied reserves and no Americans in France, Hindenberg isn't in Paris by this time. -:o:- Sereary Baker and General Crowder both say that it too early to raise draft age to 40 years. This news will no doubt relieve some men who have been looking toward France, but not ready to go. -:o: The small boy whose teacher told him to take care of his books and ttudy them now and then through the summer, hasn't looked into them yet, but he means to wait till next month, when he will have more time. -:o:- Kuehlmanu, the German foreign secretary, shows a ray of genius in blaming the war on Russia. Tbe ex czar is far away and it is doubtful if there is anyone iu Russia today who would bother to contradict the oili cial. Perhaps lrs. Adolphus TUiseh stayed in Germany tu long because she was allowed to bear nothing except the statements of the German war office, which issued proclama tions daily that Uncle Sain wouldn't light. -:o:- A man w ho makes $15 a v.etk has been advised by a writer that be can marry and get along, providing he has savtd up a fund. That sounds reasonable. A man who can save a fund out of a 13 a week, salary has nothing to fear from mirria?e or anythir.g else. :o: A man cannot i'u two things at a time. A woman will broil a .steak and see that the coffee does not boil over, and watch the tat that she does not steal the remnant of meat on' the kilchen table, and dress the youngtst boy, and set the tab!.-, and see to the toast, and stir the oat meal, and give the orders to the butcher, and she can do it all at once and not half try. There is rnciv. Catarrh in thi3 section of the country than all other diseases put together, and for years it was sup-pose-i to be incurable. Doctors prescribed local remedies, and by constantly failing to cure with local treatment, pronounced it incurabl.i. Cntarrii is a local disease, greatly influenced by constitutional con ditions and therefore requires constitu tional treatment. Ha!!'. Catarrh Medi cine manufactured by V. J. Cheney & Co., Tcledo, Ohio, U a constitutional remedy, is taken internally . and acts thru tr3 Elood cn tho. ituoous Surfaces of the Syatem. Or.i Hundred Collars re word i offered x'cr nr.y car-a that Hall's C: t3rr" MeJi-ine fills to cure. Send for circulars tes'iiriotdal.v. f J. C1JKNEY CO., Toledo, Oliio. Hoi J by Drills:?! s. oc. HaU3 racily r.!U i-" constipation. PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA Neb., as second-class mail matter PER YEAR IN ADVANCE Some men are like eagles. They fly mighty high, but the fruits cf their labor are never quoted in the 4 market reports. -:o:- Von Kuohlmann's speech probably may be taken as 'i definite cancella tion of that order for d'uner in Paris which dinner has been cold for many a month. -:o: A good way to guess how th Ger mans are feeling over the Austrian retreat is to remember how we felt last year when the Italians wore re treating. -:o: There are abundant indicitious that if Trotzky and I-enine To not pretty soon take a tumble to them selves the outraged Ilissian people will take it to them. -:o:- Kt-number you can buy War Stamps any old time that you feel like it, and also lied Cross buttons. Everything of this kind helps your Uncle Sam in his business. :o: A new war recipe is for rice pie, and it doesn't mean rice flour crust, either. It means rice filling. That kai.-er is going to have a lot of things to answer for when tire war is over. :o: "Weather to be warmer souther ly winds will make the nights more comfortable," says a headline writ er, whose mind probably will not stand another such wck as the last ono was. :o:- The New York Tribune is said to be running at a financial loss of $200,000 to $500,000 a year. A de ficit like that would put a. serious crimp in the financial resources of omo publishers. :o: Almost any man will find many In teresting things in a newspaper a year old, but hand him one of last Saturday, and he will yell, "What do you mean by loading this -old stuff onto me?" -:o:- You can have a good tiirc? In Plattsmouth on the Glorious Fourth. A line program is being prepared for the occasion. Plenty of good music, good speaking and a genuine good time guaranteed to all who c ime. -:o: Also, it is considerable satisfac tion to the obscure plugger to pick up the paper and read that th(sugar a::d meat rations prescribed by Mr. Hoover "still allow him all (lie lati tude he has been taking since tne war began. :o: Kaiser Charles rose to great elo quence the other day in telling "his" army what great things it was going to do. AYe.l, well, we've heard candi dates tell J:e voters that they were going to elect him to office, too, hut they didn't do it. :o:- Another one of those old fashion ed women who "slapped the kaiser once" is down in Houston, Tex., try ing to attract attention. Put most of us have slapped him three times. now, and will make it four when the next Liberty bond comes alon?. -:o: A well known young man ar.d his sister have bought a new car, shar ing the cost equally. They are shar ing the upkeep about equal'y, too, the young woman agreeing to stand the upkeep of the car if he will keep her white shoes clean and the heels built up. lot- As the order of the Chicago police chief is understood at this distance, chorus girls will wear more clothes merely while on the Etage. He does not attempt to regulate their street attire, which will be as light and airy as that of women not in the profession. GETTING AWAY FROM SECRECY. The tecrecy that was tnrown about American troop movements in ' 4 1... ... I ...... rt .1 1 I - - . 1 1 ff linn 11 betn superseded by definite informa tion. Week by we?k the ch'ef of staff is citing figures to the world. It is a wise change of policy The announcement that nine hundred "thousand men have been sent to France atTords certain in formation to the enemy. But the information is not of a sort to en courage him. It is of a sort to healen our Allies in this timo of stress, to put confidence iiitn their troops, and to strengthen the heart of America. With every fresh announcement Americans breathe a sigh of relief. They feel Uiat the men who have been sent over are getting the backing they should have. The only question has been v. heth er America would have the oppor tunity to get its resources fully in to the war. The weeklv statements j from Washington are the guarantee that its resources are getting, there I in a way to insure the outcome. K. C. Star. :o: A GOOD WAY OUT. A German pastor whose charge is in one of the cities of low?, has adopted an original plan in sattling the language question. In the morn ing he preaches his sermon in Eng lish, all the people being pr?sent. Then he asks those who wish to hear the sermon over again in the Ger man language to remain. Ho says he finds very few who wish to re main. Des Moines Capital. :o: NOTHING IMPORTANT WIIL WAIT The time to do a thing is when that thing must be done. "When a hen wants to set is the time o set her," the old saw used to run. The logic applies with equal force to ev ery other important undertaking. There is really but one hour for any task the hour when it is needing to be performed. We are now being reminded that the wheat harvest "will not wait " Of course it will not. Neither will the war, nor the manufacturing necessary for keeping the nation well and active to support the army and navy in the field of action. Few responsibilities will await the doer's convenience or pleasure. He must discharge duty when duty presents itself. So the harvest must be at' ended to. Likewise every other necessary undertaking of these days AH this work must have precedence over ac tivities of less importance to the na tion's good. It is a situation which demands attention not merely seeks it. -:o:- HIS RIGHTS AS KING. Some years ago the king Z Prus sia, who also the emperor of Ger many, brought an action in the state of Missouri to collect a judg ment from the estate of a mp.ii by 0 the nane of Kuepper, part of the estate being located in Missouri. This case finally reached the supreme court of that state, and is reported in the Twenty-second volume of the Missouri reports on pao It. is a settled rule of law that in the mut ters between litigants concerning contracts or obligations made in a different b'ate or country than that in which the litigation arise that the law of the state or county in which the obligation arose co itrol3. For the purpose of pleading the law of Prussia .that governed the king made an affidavit a xoliows: "The plaintiif states that he is the ab solute monarch of the kingdom cf Prussia, and as king thereof s the sole government of that crmtry; that he is unrestrained by any con stitution or law, and that his wiih expressed - in due form, is th only law of that country, and is the only legal power there known to exist as law." This affidavit states the difference between autocracy and democracy The will of the king is the law. tin restrained by any constitution. If the central powers succeed ia. con- quering the. world that is tbe con dition that would prevail in these United States. That is why the American people are engaged in thi3 war. Can it be possible that the Germans who came to this country to get away from a country where the will of one. man is the law, where the people have no rights or privileges save only those that the supreme monarch grants, can now hesitate about where they should stand? The humblest citizen l:i this country has a right to appeal to the law. Not a law granted by tho will of one man, but the law passed by the people themselves. This is the principle for which Americans are now lighting. Fremont Tribune. :o:- THE SOLDIER'S BALLO'i In winning the permission of Sec retaries Baker and Daniels for sold iers and sailors to cast their votes in the November elections, Nebras ka has gained a notable -victory for the service men and for the coun try. The right of men in the .set vice to vote could not be questioned. The only doubt resulted from tho pruc- tical difficulties in the way. The secretaries of war and the navv have ruled, however, that the ballots shall be cast by men in France and Fiose in training carap. at hone, ex cepting only where it cannot be done without serious interference with the military operations. No electors have a greater right to vote than those defending their country with their blood. The votes of no group of citizens may more properly be depended upon to rep resent the best interests of the coun try. These men surely have proved their devotion. Some, it is true, entered the .service through he se lective service draft but the.-e, not one whit less than tuose who vol unteered, have shown themselves willing to throw their whole strength of body and soul into the struggle for democracy. No man ctfu be pre sumed to have more closely at heart the best interests of the nation. Thus the secretaries permission a orce grants a right to them and confers a boon to the country. It may be a matter of congratula tion to Nebraska that Nebraska per sistence, exercised through Gover nor Neville, National Committeeman Mullen and Senator Hitchcock, con vinced the army and navy heads of the justice of their plea after it had once been rejected. World-Herald. -:o:- DON'T WAIT! Take Adavantage of a Plattsmouth Citizen's Experience. When the back begins to ache, Don't wait until backache becomes Ci ronic; 'Till kidney troubles develop; 'Till urinary troubles destroy n if-ht's. re3t. Profit by a Plait smouth citizen's experience. Ben Brooks,' Main :-,t., says: "A biul cold left me with a severe at tack of kidney complaint. I had pain in my back sind hips and at times it extended up Into my should er blades. I was laid up for two weeks. My head ached Tor hours and I was subject, to dizzy spells, dur ing which my" sight blurred. Half a box of Doan's Kidney Pills reliev ed these troubles and after using two boxes, procured from Mdward Rynott'it Co.'s Drug Store, I re gained my health." Statement giv en April 10. 1912.) On February 22, 1910 Mr. P. rook 3 said: "I couldn't speak too higrly of Doan's, for it was this old, reliable medicine that fixed me up in fine shape when I was down with lum bago. I haven't had an attack since." Price GOc, at all dealers. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy get Doan's Kidney Pil's the same that Mr. Brooks bad. Foster-Milburn Co., Mfgrs., Buffalo, N. Y. Are you looking after those needs and keeping them down as you ought to. SINFEGT your Poultry and Hen houses with Semi Re fined Crude Oil. For sale by IV. T. RICHARDSON 4 I wtpiw mm : mi mmiMmMm " illiiiliUill"'" I "State Units Now Within Sound of Enemy A cablegram from France, publication of which was recently authorized, contains the following information: v. ' Part of the National Guard has arrived in France and is undergoing intensive training behind first line trenches within the sound of the This Brings the War Hosne to YOU In a short time these gallant young men, whose parents, brothers and sisters, wives and sweethearts are ycur own neighbors, will be IN the front line trenches, under the murderous fire of enemy artillery, and going "over th. top" to meet the sweeping hail of the machine guns ?nd the bayonets of tTio Huns. If these soldier boys YOUR soldier toys v.;e'c thiee miles avay instead of three thousand, you would bend every energy, e? h?.uz: eviy resource, make every sacrifice, to make sure that they ver.e d clctho., rmrd pvA -qu'pped as no soldiers ever were before. Is your duty any less imperative, any kis s-2crr-l, bt cause it is your neighbor's boy who is defending your ccuntry3 ?. nC i zvi Lio:r.c frrm German f rightfulness oa the other side of the ocean? Is it not a splendid privilege v.z v. :!i is a duty to diy yourself luxuries, to save food, save clothing, above a!! tc save rr.or.?y, fcr cur soldiersS U. S Thrift. Stamps Save Lives and There is one thing 5-011 can d?, every day, to help the Government provide the guns, ammunition, food, clothing end ether supplies which our soldiers and sailors MUST HAVE to vin the war, win it-qvickly, and come safely home again. Go today to any br.nk, any po!5toftlce, or pny store where you see the W. Ss S. S(Wa5 Savings Stamps) sign displayed. . For 25 cents you will receive a U. S. Tht if tv Stamp and a card to paste if Ott TH card has spaces for 16 stamps, costing you $4. When it U full, exchange it with a few; cents additional in cash for a War Savings Stamp, for which the. .Gpvcxnm$n$ .will pay $5 January 1, 1923. These Var Savings Stamps are as safe as U. S. Bonds. 5!fiey are lEe safesl investment in the world because they are backed by the entire resources of the country and the profit you make on them amounts to four per cent interest, compounded auzrl tcrly, if held till January" 1, 1923. - - Buy a U. S. Thrift Stamp with every quarter you can possibly save" Every Stamp helps to stamp out autocracy. Every stamp saves priceless American Blocclt Every stamp is a blow for Liberty. Every stamp will help bring peace to the world-a permit nent peace, grounded in justics and righteousness. - - A2. SAVINGS ISSUED BY THR UNITED STATES GOVXKH.'.iNT Western Mackine Works. C. G. Fricke. Plattsmouth Garage, Jess F. Warga. Philip Thierclf. E. G. Dovey & Sor Pollock Auto Co. E. J. Ptichc. John W. Crabill. F. G. Fricke & Eestor & Swatek. C. E. Hartford. L. E. Egenberger. "5 War 5J Every Stamp Helps to Bring Those Soldiers and Sailors Home Again Alive and Victorious THIS SPACE CONTRIBUTED Avard & IvIcLear Fetzer Shoe Co. Cass County Monument . A. Stanfield. .''irst National Eank. Kerens Bros. . Peters & Parker. D. B. Ebersols. Kroehler Bros. C. E. Wcscott's Sons. Farmer's State Bank. H. II. Soennichsen. Weyrich & Hadraba Training 99 guns at the front. BY Waterman A. G. Bach & Co. jay W. Morgan. ank of Cass. County. C-?, Variety Store. Hatt & Son. S. Chase. Fred Wajjncr. Bervice Garage. fMcElwain. - 1 1 1 i