The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, June 27, 1918, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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    THURSDAY, JUNE ?7. 191!
plattsmuuth bkmi wkfjklt jouhnax
by eliminating; inferior work and ma
terial. We studied our business and our ex
perience will save you many a dollar
as well as trouble.
by having the best work done.
Have it done right.
We shall be glad to make an appoint
ment with you anytime.
ax Dusterhoff,
Murdock, Nebraska
I in Tut s. lav s lailv.
.Notwithstanding the fact that the if furnishing a train over the
r.nrington was a jar to those who
-re intending to spend the evening
a- the guests of the King Aksarben.
at his don. in Omaha, there were a
large number who sought other
means of transportation, and got
tin re just the same. On the Mis
uri Pacific, many went and crowd
mI tiie capacity considerable jus
Hurt- were over a hundred which
went that way. besides those who
traveled by auto. The car which
the writer went in sUooted cut of
the city, over hill, through dale, and
by the woodland, and flowing river,
jtiid just as. we had left our county.
a m-i.-c like the bursting of a bomb,
;.n.l we h;.d to get out and put on
t new tire, while the rain kept
pelting us liberally, only to ttop,
after we had again gotten in the
While the fa-t Mo. Pacific passed
u-i while at that work, we were
there at the time all were admitted
int the den. The eyercises were
god. the crowds no' alone from
here, but elsewhere were convulsed
with laughter most of the evening.
The initiatory ceremonies v ere well
worth the goiim farther than we did
to see. iie'.ry 11. tiering had made
ample prevision for the welfare and
n: r: of the crowds which
ame from here.
After the ceremonies were over,
r preventatives were arranged on
the Mage, where a f i w addresses
were matte returning thu.H-s for the
ertainment and for the good feel
ini: Jet ween the towns v. hieh the
;-t;:-! u w a . intended and did foster.
.n. mu i-ther speal s II. A. Schneid-
r. ri-vrr ef iMattsnmuth was asked
to make n'i eddress. He compli
i;entr) tiie ma nagemei.t by sayin?
)V;.f thrv -. re putting en a go id
slinv. u;i'; v. ': i adverbs and pro
?ui';m wt-re required to cenvey his
t .. t im-aniTf-T. It! tiie same way h?
expressed Ms eiunion regarding
!ii;-!a. If suf'tante. he aid:
Otv.ih.i is a goo. I tow,-.. and the
J. Tie f Htv fir." ,.f the lies states
i I'jii' ti. Ouiahu i - the g icw.'y
f ;!! the great in rt Invest, but
!'. : - ii:eut is the fiat, way of Oma
1 .i You have a good town lure
.-Mi.l a vision .f greatness, hut while
- ts were trying to keep les Moines
fr, :t stealing your fildiers awav
froti! y t y."u eould not find time to
fMifider the fact that you hid built.
a:d are building a stone wall around
your city shutting out that vrry
country which you want to interest
in yet'r material welfare. As v- nicm
lier of th coinniercial club, ! en
deavored to interest you fu the nat
ter of a free bridge over the Platte
river. Some time since our county,
";;si had appropriated a sum suffi
cient to purchase or build one fourth
of a bridge over the Platte river.
your Poultry and Hen
houses with Semi Re
fined Crude Oil. For
sale by
while the .state stands ready to furn
ish half, but Sarpy county does not
care for any bridge, and if Omaha
desires to profit by such an -"nsti-t
ut ion. and she surely would, she
can furnish the other fourth P.e
niember that when yoi.r Fort Crook,
has. fifteen thousand troops, that we
also have some of them on the Uit'le
Range near our city. We hope to
see a free bridge across that stream
in the near future that the welfare
of both our cit'es may be fostered.
Following this there was a scenic
effect of the destruction of and fall
of Berlin. After which America was
sang while viewing a flag some forty
feet in length. Then came a fted
and the trip home in a cool invigor
ating air.
From Tuesday's Daily.
Whether the new heir which ar
rived last evening at the hone of
W. A. Ose of near Union, will become
a prima tjonna or a distinguished
statesman, as the years roll away, is
not known to us, but that there is
joy in the household because of the
arrival, we are assured mid every
body concerned are in the best of
spirits because of the late arrival.
l-Yf t!! Tuesilav's Iaft.v.
In line with the action taken :y
the State Defense Council, the coun
ty defense council at ito meeting yes
terday morning at Louisville, con
demned in the most positive terms
the actions and attitude of the Non
partisan League, for the things it
had done and stand which they have
taken, as being unpatriotic and
against the best interests of this
country, and their action having a
tendency to weaken the government
in its work and in the persecution
of the war to a successful issue.
Krem Ttiesil:i y's iMily.
Last evening Ilev. M. A. Shine de
parted for Lincoln, where he goes to
attend the induction into olhce of
the new bishop of this Diocese who
is succeeding Bishop Tihen. who
some time since went to Denver.
Bishop O Hiley, the new man ior
this place, arrived this morning at
nine o'clock, and will be inducted
into ollice with imposing ceremonies
tomorrow. During the intermiu, the
efhee has been held by the Vicker
of the Diocese, whose office carries
with the power and authority to care
for the diocese during fhe time when
there is no Bishop.
!'rem TiiosiIjiv'k Daily.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Charles F.
Guthmann at Boise. Idaho, a baby
boy, Sunday morni lg, June 2'ird, at
o o'clock. There is much rejoicing
in the Gutlunann home over this
new baby. Even little Charles
Francis, Jr., can hardly wait until
he is big enough to play with him,
while Charles, Sr.. is the happiest
man in Boise. There is. also, much
rejoicing at the home of Grandmoth
er Guthnmnn in this city and she
' c-::xifn:-i to become acquainted with
'' new grand mi. Mother and little
ton arc reported as getting along
very nicely.
Kmv- you imt a Taw Ih;jjs or :
rv V to 1-h delivered in South
0':ihi? Call the IMattsniouth Gar
age, and we will do th? rest.
Do not let that dollar rust. Uncle
Sam can use it. Invest it in a Liberty
Ki'oiit Monday's Daily.
Silas C. Patterson cane lo Cass
county during the civil war from
Washington county, PennsyH inia,
and made his home lure- for nearly
u half century. He settled near
South Bend and for many years was
engaged in business in that thriv
ing city. He departed some twelve
years ago to Columbus. Texas,
where he has one son Robert Pat
terson who is engaged in the bank
ing business and made his home
there until last winter, when be
came to this county again and
stepped with his daughter. Mrs.
Harry Long of South ll?nd. at d
about three weeks since he went to
Omaha, where he entered a hospital
and died there at about eight o'clock
L"-t evening.
Mr. Patterson lost his wife about
four years ago, who was buried at
Lincoln Nebr.. and the deceased
will rest beside her. Of the un
ion of Mr. Patterson and wife there
were four children born, they being:
S. M. Patterson of Alma, who is a
state hank examiner. Ilohert Patter
son, cashier of a bank at Columbia.
Texas. Mrs. M. E. O'Brian. wife of
Superintendent of the state tis'ierie.
at Valentine, Nebraska and Mrs.
Harry "Long of South Bend.
Mr. Silas C. Patterson was :i mail
well and favorably known in this
county and portion of the state i:i
the early days, having many friends.
He was a cousin of the' late J. M.
Patterson, and a second cousin of
T. M. Patterson and H. F. Patterson
of this city. Was near seventy-five
years of age when he died
From Tuesday's Daily.
Manager C. S. Johnson who has in
the hollow of his hand, the destinies
of the Red Sox hall team, has ar
ranged for. another of those stirring
contests between the young men of
this city who are famous throughout
the Nation for their out fielding,
and pounding of the pig skin. This
time the game is to be played be
tween the Red Sox and the Union
Outfiitting Company. The Red Sox
are all the time developing a strong
er game, and which the contest w.;k
against them last Sunday thev were
up against the Real Thing in bae
ball. The game for the coming Sun
day promises to be one of real sport.
m:i; i. im iw.mation
TiiV State f Nebraska. Cass county,
ss '.
In County Court.
In tie matter of the Estate of Jo
sephine Ajfnet Kuft'ner, Doeeaseil:
To the -i editors of sahl Instate;
Yon are hereby liotllU.l that I will
sit at the County Court room in IMatts
niouth. in jahl county, on the Mli lav
of July.. I'.HS. and en the Mil ilav of
October. BUN, at 10 o'clock a. in. of
ea-!i Iav to receive ami examine all
claims against said Instate, with ;i view
to tht-jt- adjustment and allowance.
The time limited for the presentation
of claims against said Kttate is three
months from the Mli day of July, A.
I . 1!)1S'. and the time limited for "pay
ment of debts is one vear from raid
Nth day of July.
Witness my hand and the seal of
said County Court, this Hist da v of
May, 1918.
(Seal -j:;-4tw. County JiuU'e.
i.r.;i, mith i:
To I'anline Oldham, as Al in i n is) ia t -or
,f the Instate of Ceorm- .1. olchniu.
Deceased; Kichaid Conway Oldham. .1. Baker: Lacuna Convallv,
I 'si u line Oldham, fav Oldham. John J.
Oldham. Jessie I . Snyder, Kllisnii I..
Oldham. James V. Oldham. Vera II. old
ham, Polly Oldham and Marv I Craijr:
Yon are hereby notified that in l he
-.'-nd day of May. 1 : 1 s . olaintif tib-.l
a petition in th District Court of
Cass county.- Nebraska, praying anion
t her thinas for an roder to be enter
ed by the court directing the admin
istratrix of the estate of dcoie J.
Oldham, deceased, to conyev to plain
tiff Lots one (ll ami two i' ) ami ail
of Lots three ( :; and four ill not
taken by Chicago avenue, hi Block one
hundred sixty-four ( ! i I City of plalts
mouth. Cass county. Nebraska. iioii
tiie payment of the balance or the
luircha.-e ) rb-c in accordance with the
contract entered into between t he
Idaintiff and the slid Ccn-irc J. old
ham, during his life time, on the 10th
lav of September. 1H17.
You arc further notified that there
will he a hearhm; upon said petition
Hiid on the allegations thereof, before
he Judge of tu- District Court of
Cass county. Nebraska, in the District
o ii i i , at l-iattsmouth. Nebraska
he l.'lth day of July. I'JlS. ,,U
which and the allegations ,,r the
lition you will take ilnr. notice
nu'7-Otw.) Attorney.
Durr grcv worse until last evening i
the end came notwithstanding evei-y-
thing had been done that could be !
for his relief and recovery. The
funeral hay been arranged for Thurs
day of this week. . Mrs. Burr, who
was formerly Miss Lena Tillman,
formerly of Union, is atto a niece
of J. F. Clugey and wife of this city.
From Tuesday's Daily. -.
Word vouiing from the hospitr.l
where August Xolting is now con
valescing tells of his makinr- very
rati?t'actnry progress at this time,
end he has the promise of -the pliy
tician in attendance that lie will be
allowed to come home in a short
time. A tew days at most nnlevs
something unforeseen occurs. Mr.
Xolting has been at the hospital and
v.-ill sure he glad to get heme again.
Ft o-e Tuesday's Daily.
While there was apparently a vt y
little breeze stirring last evening in
most places, there was a plenty in
some, for two men had their glasses
blown frcm their facet;, they Veing
Clarence Atkinson and superintend
ent of schools O. !. DeYVolf. The
funny part of it was also that thy
did not know anything of the mat
ter until some one handed the glar
es back to them. But you know that
was Omaha, and last night too for
King Ak-Sar-Ben was out.
From Tuesday's Daily.
F. Ct. Frieke. the local druggist,
recently nominated as an enrolling
agent for the V. S. Shipping Board,
to recruit young men from 21 to 50
for the Merchant Marine, has re
ceived the following official notice
cf his appointment:
I". S. Shipping Board.
Mr. F. (J. Fricke,
Piattsmouth, Xebr.,
Dear Sir: I take pleasure i:i ad
vising you that you have been ap
pointed special enrolling agent of
the recruiting service for the Sea
Training Bureau of the United
States Shipping Board at a salary of
?1 per annum
I desire to take this opportunity
to express to you, on helrilf of the
Board, our appreciation of the pat
riotic spirit in which you have offer
ed your valued services in this work
Very truly yours,
From Tuesday's Daily.
This morning there was tiled 5 a
the district court, :i petition, asking
that an injunction be issued to com
pel the hoard of the school district
number (IG to refrain from building
a .school, which is proposed to con
struct. The hearing will bo on the
petition on June 27th at 10:00 a. in.
The petitioners are Ralph P. Mor
ris and others, all living near Klni
wood. near where the school district
in iuest ion is located.
From Tuesday's Daily.
The hats for the Home Guards
have arrived, and are at the otlice at
the court house, unless they have
been gotten by this time. The boys
with their uniforms and new hats,
and guns now look like and with
the training they have been getting
are turning into real soldiers. They
!ik; the minute men in the davs of
the American Revolution could now
do effective work if called upon to
do so.
Ii'ioiii Tuesday's Daily.
A letter to Frank Marler who liv
ed nca:- Neliawka. tells of the safe
arrival 'of his son Frank in France
was refeived a few days since.
Frank departed last fall for Camp
Fum:tc!i. .-nd has boon in treining
for a long time and by this time is
a hardened soldier. Fnnk while not
lar.'rn in s-tiiliir' is of the stuff of
I which soldiers are and will make an
excellent fighting unit for Uncle
From Tuesday's Dally. v
Lust evening hi Nebraska City,
George Burr, formerly of Uuiyn, this
"iinfy, but wlia ha? Ian making his
home at Ogallala, for tome
past, died at Nebraska City.
Purr. i-r j, hric'. mason,
ad come to .'?brask:i City a few
"eeka since. nv was working with
H father who is a contractor, hav
ing the contract for construction of
a school building there. Wbout a
week ago, he was taken sick, and
Mrs. Burr and' their two children
came to assist in nursing him. Mr.
'late of
111 the County court of I lie
.Vehraska. Cass couiit.. :-s:
In the matter oT the estate of Ben
nett Chriswisser. deceased.
To the creditors of said estate:
You ar hereby tiotifiod. that f will
sit at the Connie court loom in I'latts
inonth in said countv on the l'!Hh day
of Jo -, 1 ! 1 k. and on the 1'Olh day of
October. BUS. to receive and examine
all claims against said estate, with a.
view to their adjustment and allovv
utiie. Ti e ll-iio limited for the persen
tntio'i of claims aiiainst said estate i
l.ree months from the 2'Jtb day of
July. A. D. BOX. and the time limited
r,,- e:,- ent of debts is one year from
said J'Jth tlay of July, IMS.
Witness my hand and the seal of
said countv court, this lStli day of
June, BUS.
(1 wks.i County Judge.
Eczema spreads rapidly; itching
almost drives you maJ. For quick
relief, Doan's Ointment is well recom
mended. 60c at all stores.
From Tuesday's Dai'y.
Instructions have been receive 1
from the powers along the line fur
ther up the line telling that twenty
five per cent of the number ef t he
registrants, will be sent out each day
for four days, until all have been
sent. The questionnaires are very
similar to those which have been
used heretofore and will be handled
in much the same way. The getting
out of the question blanks in this j
county is a question which will have
to be gotten after or the lists will
have to be reclassified for all the
available men will have been used,
until after the harvest work has
been done and the number of farm
ers w hich are passed over on account
of the harvest shall have been re
leased, and there be returned the
available men in class one without
any specific ruling on the matter,
the board has concluded that seven
days from the time the first one is
sent out, until it shall have to be
t''i om Tuesday's Dally.
Let everybody pa&s Ibis word
along, and hasten the time that all
may know that all males over sixteen
years must register on next Satur
day. If you are as old as the nil's,
you still have to register, the gov
ernment wants to know where you
are and what you are doing. They
may find some place for you to woik.
You are of service in tnese times and
the government wants to know what
you can do, and what you are doing.
From Tuesday's Daily.
E. A. l)u Bois who has been for
nearly a year past at Minneapolis,
where he has been engaged in the
barber business arrived in the city
last evening, accompanied by Mrs. Du
Bois. Earnest has been drafted in
the quota which on tomorrow goes
to Camp Funston, to enter training
for military service. Mrs. Du Bois
will remain here lor h short time,
and will return to Omaha, where
she hits relatives and will also per
haps go to Minneapolis a portion of
the summer.
From Tuesday's Daily.
Friends in this city have received
the information that Dr. Eaton, of
Kansas City, the husband of Miss
Clara Smith, formerly of this city,
is a prisoner in a Hun prison. He
was captured during one of the early
spring drives during April and is
now held at Karlsruhe, Germany.
Mrs. Eaton has a large circle of
friends in this city, who will be
sorry to learn of her husband's capture.
Ci om Tuesday's Daily.
Xicholas Klaurens to
Chlora Allen, block 10.
Klaurens add to the vil
lage of Xehawka W. I.$ 1 1 :J.OO
Luke McGarth to F. M.
Welsheime.r lot It!, block
48, city. W. I $1.00
Fred Gundy to V. M. Wei- i
sheimer, lot 7, block J),
city. V. D. $235.00
J. P. Falter to Isaac Wiles
XW'i 1S-11-12 W. D. $27,750.00
.:; i, notk i:.
In the County court, the States of
Nebraska. Cass county, ss:
In the matters of the estate of Wil
liam A. Hrown. deceased.
To the creditors of said estate:
Ynu hip hereby notified, that I will
sit at the County court room in IMatts
niouth in said county, on Julyy -'2l
litis, and October LMd. litis. at i 0
o'clock each day to receive ami exam
ine all claims against said estate, with
a view to their adjustment uiul allow
ance. The time limited- for the pre
sentation of claims against said estate
is three months from the L'2d day of
July, A. D. litis, and the time limited
for' payment of debts Is one year from
sahl -Jl'd day of July, 1!1S.
Witness my hand and the seal of
said County court, this l'Jth day of
June, lit IN.
Countv Judye.
Atty. for Kstate.
((;-'! 4 wks.)
Let us deliver your hogs in South
Omaha during these hot days. We
will call : t ' your' farm and deliver
them safe y. The Pluftsmouth Garage.
I.Bllral Aakynnr Ipuclt for-.
4'lil-rhea-tera IMamond Brand
Ilia in Krd and Oold mctallicN
botes, jelled with Blue Ribbon.
1.La ut W,. Ilnv tif W1nm
Irn rl-t- Askfnf CMl.ClfE8.TEH
Q yi yearsk!ionasBest,Safest,AluasnKelir.l.le
-r SOLD BY OwUQGiSTS tvm nritRE
If I
" 1
I dm$&-i J Ww&fi J ssr j
v- vi 19 w .am? l
'Usco '
ajv n n
We bet ore
1 ', ;'l !;lJi
Why is it that United Spates Tires
are setting new records for mileage
and serviceability ?
Why is it that the sales of these
tires are constantly mounting by
leaps and bounds ?
The answer is found in the fac
tories where United States Tires arc
Standards of construction for
these tires are higher than ever be
fore known in the tire industry.
Makers of tire fabrics tell us that
the standards we have given them
for United States Tire fabrics are
higher than any previously known.
Likewise through every process
of construction from crude rubber
to finished tires we have set new
and higher standards everywhere.
These standards work out on your
car in the practical economy de
manded by war-times.
United States Tires will raise any
car to higher efficiency.
There is a type to suit every con
dition of service.
The nearest United States Sales
and Service Depot dealer will cheer
fully aid in selecting right tires for
your requirements.
United States Tires
are Good Tires
mil whwt
THE LONG GARAGE Elm wood, Nebraska.
S. G. SMITH Plattsmouth, Nebraska.
We Know United States Tires ara Good Tires.
x Thats Why We Sell Them.
From .lonl:iy"s l;iil.
last evening Joe Sedlok jr.. was
getting over the ground a little fast
er than that Officer Jones thought
was within the pale of the law and
he was asked to come to the office
of the police judge, and adjust the
matter, and as he did not do so Mr.
Jones had to g"o and remind him of
the matter this morning. The costs
all over was five dollars, which was
added to the city's finances and the
matter was settled.
Your stock can he delivered in
South Omaha in fine s'uipc these hot
days with an auto truck. Call the
Plattsmouth Garage for particulars.
Stationery at the Journal office.
The New Tourist Rales
Illustrations of round-trip Summer Tourist fares generally in effect
to Mountainto Mountain resorts from Central ami Kastcrn Ne washa.
Exact rates from any particular town will he furnished on application to
the undersigned.
To Colorado Resorts:
Illustrative Summer Tourist fares would he to Denver. Colo
rado Springs, Pike's Teak region .--7-7- ,""T ".' !',!
Ilocky Mountain National-Estes Park, Colo., (including antes) oJ.OO
To the Black Hills Region:
To Hot Springs, S. D ' $rj!'i'
Deadwood and Lead -0.00
To Big Horn Mountains :
To Sheridan-Ranchcsfer locality $:;::.!")
Thermopolis Hot Springs, Owl Creek Mountains, via Denver 11.40
To California:
To San Francisco and Los Angeles, direct routes 72.G0
To Yellowstone Park:
All-expense tour, including rail, autoiuohile I'ark tour and
, hotels, via Cody, Gardiner and Yellowstone $'J.4()
Same tour for permanent camps S7.40
Tourist fare' to Cody or Gardiner 4 1.40
To Glacier National Park :
Three Parks On One Ticket:
Uurlington tours to Yellowstojie or Glacier include also the route
via Denver and Central Wyoming-Hillings uiaine line, with Hocky
Mountain National-Estes I'ark alongside, reached
via Loveland, Colo.
R. W. CLEMENT, Local Ticket Agent
L. W. WAKELEY, General Tassengcr Agent
1C04 Farnan; Street Omaha, Nebraska
3 r -