The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, June 13, 1918, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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    THUESDAY, JUNE 13, 191 8.
r "
mi BACK. LACE corsets IVJf ?.
The Ladies9 Toggery
FRED P. BUSCH, Manager
506 Main St. Plattsmouth, Neb.
From ;!!. lay's Daily.
Messrs. Aubrey and G-ovor Hop
living near Xehawka, were in
the city this morning, looking after
vjriic l.iatnrs in the city and by in
vitation oi Win. Barclay, chief of po
lice, called on Judge M. Archer and
I-aid a lino, for seeing if they could
i-nki' more than sixty miles per hour
c:: J'.clr motorcycle. The jud?e ap
j l .d a ll::e of five and costs each for
the offense. The boys seemed satis
t.;.i -.vitij the moderateness of the
esses; ruent and paid the bill
iiitinlHv's Daily.
r.'.r:. II. G. McChiskey and little
tor Catherine departed thi af-
rncon for Omaha, where they go to
. Mrs. McC'lusky's sister,
Lthel Hughes, who v?ll in a
;;,rt doptirt for France with
:o -!;;h unit of tha Red Cross, where
; 1
:c will so into active service as a
cd Cross worker. Miss Ethel Hughes
to k in the near luture, ana tne
'.k -as at this time to visit her for
short time before her departure.
A 1-ous.ekoM remedy in America
f;r years Dr. Thomas Eclectic
o:! Fi - ruts, sprains, burns, scalds,
iT-ii-t'f. HOC and GOc. At all drug
Between Plalt&raouth and Gay
Kiser farm home a brand new
Cocdrkh Ford tiro. Finder please
notify Mrs. C. X. Beverage 6-11-tfd
for trcavnrat, ond no money tobepaidcntilcurccL Writofir bonis on Rectal Diseases, with names
end testlraccials of more than 1000 prominent people who bave been permanently cored.
DH. C fi. TAKJ1Y 240 Eeo Bu!!d!ns OMAHA, NEBRASKA
Ors, &1ach & RfSach, The Dentists
n $?? "The largest and
- Docs not me n bcig tiht nor docs it mean
to 3iop improving -nd beautifying your home.
- it mca-'stnat you should invest judicious
ly not extravagancy.
- IVJako it more beautiful and more valuable;
a place free from the demoralizing thoughts
of war and its attendant misery.
Invest in
Decorating of Quality!
ax Diisterlioff,
Murdock, Nebraska
From Tuesdays Daily.
Mrs. C. W. Belville of Southwestern
Minnesota is in the city, the truest of
Mrs. G. F. S. Burton and other girl
hood friends. -Miss Belville was Miss
Eva Sherman, a former Plattsuiouth
girl, a graduate of our High School
and daughter of C. W. Shermon,
founder of the Daily Journal. She
comes here direct from Lake Crystal,
Minnesota, where she attended the
Federation of Women's Clubs and
gave an address for the Red Cross,
on "Paris In Wartime." She and
Mr. Belville were in Paris in 1914
and witnessed the mobilization of the
French army. Their only son Lloyd
S. Belville is now fighting in France
as a member of the U. S. Marine
Corps. Mrs. Belville was associated
with her husband in newspaper work
in Iowa for many years but now re
sides near Tracy, Minnesota on a
large farm. She will be here for two
or three weeks.
... C. W. Shermon so well known to
our older residents is in a fair state
of health and lives in Los Angeles,
Haying Machinery McCormick
and Deering. Mower? and Rakes,
with full line of repairs for ame.
John F. Gorder, Plattsmouth, Neb-
W. E. Hoeencrans returned this
morning from a trip to the western
portion of the state, and reports
everything looking finely out that
way. Mr. Rosencrans departed thi3
morning for Weeping Watpr with
his car, where he is looking after
some business for thu day.
t ula-Pay When Cured
A mild system cf treatment thst cures Piles. Fistula and
oth-r Recta 1 ris.nps in a short time, without a severe sur-
fiical operation. No Chloroform, Ether or other general
anasthrrm nwd. A enre enarnnteed in every case accented
besl equipped rJcnil offices In Omaha.
From Monday's Dally.
Friday afternoon a laige number ;
of parents and friends guthered at i
the home of Miss Olive Gass on West i
Marble St., in attendance at the an
nual Piano recital rendered hy the
pupils of Mis3 Gass. For the occa
sion the cozy rooms of the home of
Miss Gass had been made very at
tractive with American flags ?nd
garden flowers. Each number cf
the program was rendered in a nst
capable manner, and denoted much
practice and careful study on the
part of fcoth instructor and pupil.
The numbers on the program deseiv
ing special mention were E. flat
horn Recreation by Rendles Ttogle
and accompanied by Lawrence Bogle, .
the vocal solo 'The Spring Has Come j
by Mrs. Charles Jelinek, sue Ding ac
companied on the piano by Miss Es
telle Baird and the violin soio
"Ilumoresque" by Mrs. F
well, she being accompanied
piano by Mrs. Christine Coughl- n.
These special numbers on the pro
gram were enthusiastically leceived
by the members of the Class
The following program was given:
E fithorn Recreation
Rendles Bogle
Lawrence Bogle, Accompanist
Kindergarten Songs 1
Margaret Burgess
Bird's Morning SongJ Streobor;
Juanita Owens
March Militaire Greenwald
Lawrence Bogle
Distant Bells Streabog
Florence Schultz
The Swallow Schiller
Blanche Brown
Soldier's March Strealn.g
Nellie Schultz
Robin Red Breast Schiller
Erma Owens
Teddy Bear March Fearis
Gladys Chrisinger.
Humming Bird Schiller
Nita Cook
Vocal solo "The Spring Has Come"
. A dam .5
Mrs. Charles Jelinek.
Miss Estelle Baird, Accompanist
Sound the Bugles Anthony
Herold Fitt
Morning Prayer Streabborr
Fern Fight
Soldier's Song SteinheiLer
Rendles Bogle
Golden Twilight LaFatge
Lillian Kopischka
Ardah Morrison
Edna Boin
Violin Solo, Ilumoresque Dvorak
Mrs. F. D. Caldwell
Mrs. Christine Coughlin, Accompanist
Shower of Stars Wahs
Marie Bogle
Patriotic Medley
Richard Beverage
From Monday's Daily.
The houte, which hns belonged to
Robert Bates and wife, on north Sev
enth street, for some time, and which
occupied an excellent location for a
model home, is to be immediately re
moved for the erection of a modern
bungalow, which will be the home of
Mr. R. A. Bates and wife. The build
ing was built in 1S63, by Henry
Boeck and Chris Motzgar sr., who did
not get the place completed, before
selling the same to George Bocck the
came year.
After he had completed the place,
he sold it on, a contract to a man
from Weeping Water by the name oi"
Altapper. This man while entering
into contract for the place and get
ting possession cf the place did not
make any payment thereon and it
was two years before Mr. Boccl; was
able to get possession again.
The next year 1S6G. George Boccl:
sold the place to Henry Boeck, who
lived in it until 1ST!. In, 1ST" Mr.
Boack again sold the place to James
M. Pattee, who was engaged in th--
music business selling pianos and
organs, and who sold the place to
Ahrani Rupley, from whom Mr. and
Mrs. Bates obtained the plate.
The building. of this placo will add
materially to the portion of the city,
and will make another cf the many
good homes in thismcity which have
been .constructed during the past few
From Monday's Dally.
But a short time since, Margaret
Gaskill brought suit, for divorce
against her husband John M. Ga-iUUl
for divorce, and as he did not ap
pear a decree was given the p'ain-
tiff. Later it came to the notice of ,
the court that the defendant was
then in the service of the United
State3 Army, and did not have no-
tice, nor could have appeared, where- J
upon the plaintiff in the case was
called before tho court and the decree
set aside.
For Uyt-pep-ia, our national ail
ment, use Burdock Blood Bitters.
Recommended for strengthening di
gestion, purifying the blood. At all
drug stores. $1.25 a Lottie.
iljjed Practitioner Pscjes Away
Heme cf Daughter In
This City.
From Ti!Psl:iy's Pally.
At four thirty this mornkJT the
death angel claimed the spirit cf Dr.
John W. Dean, the father ef Mrs.
J. E. Dougl.13 of this city.
Dr. Dean was born in Kentucky.
February 20th, 1S42, and was pa?t
76 years of age. Ife va a grad
uate of Rush" Medical College of Chi
cago and was a surgeon in the civil
war. He was married to Miss Nancy
Abigail Legg, at Gcsport, Ind., and
after the closing of the civil war,
located at Maryville, Mo., where ho
practiced medicine for over fifty
years. About five years a:;o Mrs.
Dean, wife of the doctor died at ths
h'rrr." nt Miryr.ville, Mo. About s'x
months since he was taken sick while
D Cald- i n Oklahoma, and returned to Mary
lied "on th" i vI"'c wncrc liC sPent livc months in
! a hospital at that place when a
'month a?ro he came to live with his
daughter Mrs. J. E. Douglas here.
The funeral will occur at Maiy
ville from the home of his son Dr.
L. E. Dean. The remains accompan
ied by his daughter and family goinrr
on train two of the Burlington this
Frr'n Toriay'p PaHv.
Yesterday Walter Tower departed
in his little speedster, which he
built, for Kearney, where he goes to
accept a position in the garage of
C. L. Fay. who he formerly worked
villi. Walter who is one of the
best workmen in this line, and will
make good in his new position, which
is an advance of fifteen dollars per
wcekr, for the position which he
has formerly occupied here. Walter
departed about eight o'clock yester
day morning and expected to make
the trip before evening.
From Monday's Tn:iv.
Joseph E. Wiles purchased this
morning a new car for the use of him
self ind wife, this time getting a
Chandler cix, from John F. Gorder
and made the choice of what is
known as the "Disprtch Model",
which he considers the fastest crea
ton cf anything being m:t out this
year. The car is a 'Rubin Kgg Blue
in color, and io sure a pretty car, as
well as one uptodate and well ap
From Tues'lay'? Dally.
J. W. Holmes received a message
from Lincoln, telling of tie death
near Seneca, cf a man named Cary
Ayers, his wife and threa children be
ing killed, while attempting to cross
a railroad in an auto, by being
struck by a train. Two children c?
c?ped. and to these a policy covering
the family was paid tor something
over two thousand dollars. The acci
dent happened at a crossing of t lie
Burlington road. Mr. Holmes is
representing the company here
From Tuesday's Daily.
Byron Arries has just written his
mother of his arrival in France and
had written two letters one the Sth
of May, the other the lSth, and in
which he tells of having ridden for
thirty hours, and the presunmtion
is that as this fight against the Huns
there was carried by the Marines that
Byron was in it, as he is a member
of that division of the army, and the
moving of the body in which he was
in from the landing would have
placed him in the battle naturally.
From Twisdny's Dally.
Mrs. Julius Ncilson was a visitor
at Ft. Omaha this afternoon and tock
witli her a large amount of little
chickens, which she is- furnishing to
her friends Mcsdamos Andrew and
O car Johnson of thai place, the
pract icing being t:n great and the
firing of heavy guns making so
ftrong vibrations that chickens can
not be hatched there.
From Monday's Daily.
The funeral of the late Harry
Lutv. was held yesterday from the
Methodist church in this city, tho en
tire funeral cortege eoming from
Omaha in autos. The services' were
conducted by a minister and sing; rs
from Omaha and the interment made
at Oak Hill cemetery,
V Lawyer. f
r.t rf Riley Hotl
J. Coates Block.
J- fVcond Floor
From Monday's Daily
A beautifil life has gone out to
try the realities of that eternal
world elescribed so graphically in
tho Lock of holy writ. Mae Ellen
Bates Goodman was a beautiful char
acter recognized and acknowledged
as such by all who knew her. There
at'e none who wore a smile more con
stantly than Mae. her ear always
alert to the cry or the distressed,
her hand always open to the needy.
Perhaps her greatest happiness was
in making others happy. She was a
woman of exceptional even temper,
thereby having a strong hold on the
true idea of life. She will not be
misred only by her husband, children
and friends, but by all whose good
fortune it was to know her.
When the death messenger came
M?.e was yet a young woman. She
by no means had lived out her days
cf usefulness. Her taking was un
timely, but disease and accident are
no respecter of age. We knew Mae
when she was but a girl, we saw her
develop into a beautiful maiden, we
saw her grow into womanhood and
frcm her girlhood to the time of her
taking she was numbered among our
dearest friends, for we knew her real
worth. She always manifested her
faith in Christ by her works, she
was therefore an honor to the church
cf which she was a member and a
blessing to humanity. She has left
;v ttrong and lasting impression on
;?e life and character of the three
beautiful and promising children she
left behind. Sister Goodman was
barn in Plattsmouth Nov. 25, 18S0
and in November 1S94 was born into
the kingdom of grace. She was mar
ried to B. F. Goodman Oct. 2.r,, 18U9.
This proving a most happy union,
tlie two souls became as one and
there was no time during their jour
ney together that the fires of love
war. not constantly looming upon
the altar of their hearts.
Three beautiful children came in
to their -ives to bless and cheer
them, two sons and a daughter.
A few weeks before the departure
of Sister Goodman, she met with au
accident from which she received an
injury tlhat was not considered ser
ious but later developed a case of
blood poisoning and after ten days of
excrutiating suffering passed to her
reward June 5, 191S. Beside her
husband and children her mother and
a sister survive her. The funeral
was held June 7 at the Christian
church in Plattsmouth. Rev. Hafgett
the pastor conducting the service. A
large number were present to pay
their tribute to the lovely life thar
had gone out and to show their sym
pathy for the bereaved.
Elmwood, Nebr
From Monday's Daily.
Last Saturday evening while Frank
S. Sheldon was riding in from near
Murrav in an auto which was pass
ing, he had a severe experience in
the line cf getting a knowledge of
the roughness of the roads. While
passing over some rough roads, some
distance south of Oscar GaDens place,
he was thrown against the bows of
the top of the car, cutting a. gash
over his nose and cheek which was
near three inches in length. Frank
says he is thankful that it was not
worse, for the roads are awful, and
something should be done with them.
Tri tlie Distikt Court of ("ass county.
Doe. V, I'as'v -"'. Xn. US IS.
In re application of Kdwanl J. T.
Connolv to vest and transfer the real
estate of the Methodist Episcopal
itn-.rili of Mvnanl. Nebraska in and to
the Nebraska Annual e'onfeience of
the Methodist Kpiseopal church in the
I'nitcd States of America:
A petition liavins been filed in the
above entitled cause ly l-,owari j. i.
t'onnely askii!'-j II. at a trustee be ap
pointed and directed to trafisfer the
followiiifr described real estate situat
ed in t'ass county. Nebraska, to-wit?
Lots Twentv !) anil Twenty-one
('1 in Loire's 1st Addition to Mynard,
Nebraska, from the Methodist. Episco
pal church of Myuurd, Nebraska, to the
Nebraska Annual Conference of tlie
Methodist Kpiseopal church in tlie
United States of America, upon tlie
irround that said Methodist Kpisopal
church of Mynard. Nebraska, has ceas
ed to exist and has ceased to maintain
its organization, and therefore tlie said
Nebraska Annual Conference has the
right to have said real estate trans
fered to and vested in it. it is ordered
'v tlie Court that said petition be
heard on tlie 'th day of June, 191$,
at 10 o'clock a. m. and all persons in
terested in said real estate or in said
Methodist Kpiseopal church at Mynard,
Nebraska, are hereby directed to ap
pear and make objections thereto, if
any they have, and if they do not an
oee.r and make such objections at said
time such trustees at such time may
be appointed and ordered to transfer
si' id real estate as proposed in said
petition. It is further ordered that a
copy of this notice lie published in
The I'k'.ttsmotith Journal for three
weeks prior to said time, and a. copy
of this notice be posted in three prom
inent public places within tlie County
of Cass, Nebraska, for three weeks
prior to said time
jj-otw. Judye of Distrcit Court.
Atiriii: uv ui:ti;
Stult of Nebraska, Cass county, ss:
In. County Court.
In' the matter of Hie Kstate of Fran
cis S. White, Deceased:
To all persons Interested in suid Es
tate: Creditors and heirs take notice th;it
A. V. White has tiled his petition al-les-ins
that Frai'.eis S. White died in
testate in said coimty on tlie 7th day
of January, 1911, a resident and
inhabitant of said county and owner
of th.e o'Wwiner described real estate.
m mi
5Che Kind You Have Always Bought, and v.-'aizh has teen '
in use for over thirty years, has beme tha signature of
rfV-2- sonal
K SCCtCU'Zij Allow
All Counterfeits, Imitations and Just-as-good " are but
Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health cf
Infants and Children Experience against Experiment.
Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric,
Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains
neither Opium, Morphine nor other narcotic substcinw. Its
age is its guarantee. For more than thirty years it has
been in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency,
Wind Colic and Diarrhoea; allaying Fcverishness arising
therefrom, and by regulating the Stomach and Bowels, aidi
the assimilation of Food; giving healthy and natural sleep
The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend.
) Bears the
Ifl Use For Over SO Years
The Kind You Have Always Bought
to-wit: 1-ots 1, l and IS in Illock 111,
and the N 1 ' of Lots 11 and 12 in
F.loek 11. aH in the City of l'latts
mouth. Cass county, Nebraska, and
leavlns as his sole and only heirs at
law, the following persons, to-wit:
Diana Kdfrerton White, widow: W.
J. White, now deceased; Kosa A. Leon
nd: Francis K. White; A. C. White;
Florence White lied fern, now deceased,
-hihlren of siiid deceased: Anna It.
White, widow of John II. White, a de
ceased son; Charlotte White, Janet
White. Kstlier White, children or the.
aid John 11. White, deceased; and
prayintf for a decree, barring claims
ind determining heirship of said de
feased as above named to be tlie sole
and only heirs at law of said deceas
ed, and that tlie hearing be had on
the 2Hh day of June. IMS, at 0 oVlork
a. in. of said day. at the Comity Court,
in I'lattsmouth. in said county.
Dated at 1 'lat tsmou t h, Nebraska, this
27 til day of Jlav, l'Ux.
(Seal )-j:J-3tw. County Jude.
I.K; VI, lM'llt.If'ATlOX
The State of Nebraska, Cass county,
ss :
In County Court.
In the matter of the Ksiate of Jo
sephine Agnes Ituffner, Deceased:
To the creditors of said Kstate:
You are hereby notified that I will
sit at the County Court room in 1'Iatts
mouth. in said countv, on the Nth day
of Julv, litis, and on the Sth day of
October, 1P1S. at 10 o'clock a. m. of
each day to receive and examine a'l
claims ayainst said Kstate. with a view
to their adjustment anil allowance.
The time limited for tlie presentation
of claims aprainst said Kstate is three
months from the Sth day of July, A.
D. 191S. and tho time limited for pay
ment of debts is one year from said
Sth day of July, 1918.
Witness my hand and the seal of
said County Court, this 31st day of
May. ISIS.
(Seal) -j3-l tw. County jmlgc.
To Pauline Oldham, as Administrat
or of tlie Kstate of tieorgre J. Oldham,
Deceased: Kichaid Conway Oldham,
Cuzza J. l-laker: Iaeuna Connallv,
Pauline Oldham. Fay Oldham, John J.
Oldham, Jessie D. Snyder, Kllison L.
Oldham. James Yv". Oldham. Vera H. Old
ham. Polly Oldham and Mary L. Craif?:
You are hereby notified that on the
22nd day of May, mis. plaintiff tiled
a petition in tlie District Court of
Cass county. Nebraska, prayins anion?
other things for an roder to be enter
ed by the court directing: the admin
istratrix of the estate of Georpre J.
Oldham, deceased, to convey to plain-
tiff L,ots
of Lots
taken by
one (1) and two (2) and all
three ) and four (4) not
Chicago avenue, in Block one
hundred sixty.
four (161) City of Platts-
mouth, Cass
county, Nebraska, upon
tiie payment of Die balance of the
purchase price in accordance with the
contract entered into between the
plaintiff and the said Oeorsc J. Old
ham, during bis life time, on the 10th
day of September, 1117.
Y'ou are further notified that there
will be a hearing upon said petition.
and on the allegations thereof, before
The Truck You Have Been Looking for
The Denby Truck
The Truck for the all-purpose man. One of the best
on the market and sold at prices that are right.
Just Look Over a Few of the Best Points found in a Truck and
call me for a Demonstration and I will Show You the Rest.
Detailed Specifications for One Ton:
Capacity, 2,000 pounds. Body
allowance 900 lbs; total ca
pacity, 2,900 lbs.
Wheelbase, 124 inches.
Road Clearance, 12 inches.
Also Two Ton and
L. L. WADE, Local Dealer Plattsmouth, Nebraska
Call Phone No. 3120.
fas' FIstchsr?s
ASA t-.M A 9 a-N vtr-r;
has been made tinder his per-
supervision since its,
no one to deceive you in this.
Signature of
fA M V ,
jthe Judre of the District Court of
.Cass county. Nebraska, in tlie District
J Court, at I'laltsmouth, Nebraska, on
i tlie 10th dav of Juiv, litis. all of
which and the allegations of the pe
tition vou will take due not lee.
m27-Gtw.) Attorney.
mi'V OF OTICi: TO ( ItKIM'l OH
The State of Nebraska, Cass coun
ty, ss:
In the
In the
To the
County Court.
matter of the estate of John
Deceased :
creditors of said Kstate:
You are hereby notified that I will
sit itt the County Court rim in
1 'la ttsmou t h in said county, on tho
2oth day of June, lMls, an. I the J'ith
day of September, FtlS. at In o'clock
a. m., on each day, to receive and ex
amine all ('aims asainst said Kstate
with a view to their adjustment and
allowance. The time limited for pre
sentation of claims against said es
tate is three months from the 2."itli day
of June. A. I k. litis, and the time lim
ited for payment of debts is one year
from uid 20th day of June, litis.
Witness my Land and tlm seal of
said County Court this 21st day of
May, i:US.
(Sean-zn2"-4tw. County Jude.
LKfiAl, oricn
To Pauline Oldham, as Administrat
rix of the Kstate of George J. ! Iham,
Deceased: Itiohard Conway Oldham,
Cuzza. J. Dak r, Iacu:ia. Conn. illy. I'aul
ine Oldham. Fay Oldham. John J. Old
ham. Jessie D. Snviier. Kllison U. Old
ham, James W. Oldham. Vera 11. Old
ham, Polly Oldham. Mary I. Cral-f. and
all persons interested in the estate of
Jackson G. Oldham. Deceased, includ
ing creditors and claimants:
You are herebv notified that o"n tho
4th day of May. l'.HS. plaintiff tiled a
petition in the District Court of Cass
county, Nebraska, praying among oth
er tilings for an order to be entered
by the court directing the adminis
tratrix of tlie estate of George J. Old
ham, deceased, to convey to plaintiff
the Northwest Quarter of the North
west Quarter of Section thirty-one Gil)
Township eleven (11). Kange fourteen
(14). Cass county, Nebraska, upon the
payment of the balance of the purchase
price in accordance with the contract
entered info between tlie plaintiff and
the said George J. Oldham, during his
life time on tlie 10th day of January,
Y'ou are further notified there will
be a hearing noon said petition, and
on the allegations thereof, before the
Judge of tiie District Court of Cass
county. Nebraska, in the District Court
room at Plattsmouth. Nebraska, on the
22nd day of 'June. 101S. all of which
and the allegations of the petition you
will take due notice.
Do not let that dollar rust. Uncle
Sam can use it. Invest it in a Liberty
;j J
Brake Horsepower, as governor
speed (1300 r. p. in.) 25.
Frame, Pressed steel, 4 deep
by 4 wide and 3-16 thick.
Speed, 16 miles per hour.
Three Ton Trucks!
Motor Co.